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    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

    Alt Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Tertiary Magic- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lacnites
    Position : None
    Posts : 626
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 393,270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hazardous Arsenal
    Second Skill: Droids of Draovis
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 5th April 2024, 2:41 pm

    On top of a mountain. Who puts a guild hall on the very top of a damn mountain?! It should have been a crime to even think of the very idea. It was discrimination against those who were too... well whatever was a much better description than lazy because the latest visitor to make the trip was most certainly not lazy. Not in her mind anyway and she was not about to waste too much time thinking of how to defend herself against herself. That was the worst thing. As she walked her way up the mountain path that led to Silver Wolf there was the quick realization that she had no one to complain to but herself. Unless weird wolves that acted as guides counted as listeners. Not that she could do much talking to them while in the middle of a snowstorm! An eternal snowstorm from what she had been told. Again. Who actually wanted to make the trip to Silver Wolf's guild hall?

    If not for the fear and warnings of possible consequences of bypassing the long official route she most certainly would have found a shortcut. If only she were much more suicidal. It was an unfortunate circumstance but she needed to be a good girl. The blonde couldn't go around accidentally being hostile or pissing people off, and she wasn't about to risk being a frozen carcass lost somewhere in that hellscape of snow, rock, and weird magic. Playing by the rules was the safest bet. It wasn't all bad at least. The spirit wolves had some kind of aura that provided a bit of warmth from the hazardous cold and they also didn't attack or let her get lost. She was labeled as a non-threat! So, yay, and all of that. How many people were less fortunate than herself was a bit of a disturbing thought that crossed her mind but one she quickly pushed away. Aliarey was perfectly content with being the selfish woman that she was by hoping that things kept going in her favor.

    There was one main hope though that possibly wouldn't make the whole journey a complete waste of time. Silver Wolf was supposedly known for its knowledge of magic and artifacts and whatever other stuff was listed in the guild brochures. She wasn't clued in on all the details, having barely paid attention over the years, and was only half listening to given information before heading out. How far did that knowledge go? Did anyone in the guild know anything about magical technology from space? Not some gimmicky doodad but something a bit more advanced? Like high-powered droids? That was a bit unclear. That was why she was there. To find out if there was anyone within that guild that had any sort of expertise in that area. Not by choice, of course. She was graciously volunteered for that task by her adoptive brother and father. What a couple of sweethearts they were for knowing exactly how to cure her overwhelming habit of doing nothing until she ran out of jewels. A cure she didn't even have to ask for!

    Regardless of why she was there in the first place, she had made it. The final step past a storm-preventing barrier made it possible for her to finally clearly see the destination. An eyebrow raised as the result of a mixed fusion of mild surprise and confusion. Truthfully, she wasn't exactly sure what she expected the guild hall to look like. Something big and... castley? Was that even a word? Well, whatever. The place was smaller than she expected either way.

    After taking a moment to stare at the scenery, the blonde that was so not properly dressed for the weather outside the barrier made her way to the building and right through the doors. A quick look around made her admit to herself that the place wasn't so bad. It seemed cozy and was lively enough from what she could see. She half expected the guild to be quiet and boring. Cold even. Like a dull and dark library full of scholars who'd use shushing as the ultimate weapon. Very surprising that it was the opposite in a way. The hostile librarians were probably elsewhere. That was her new theory.

    "Hey!" Aliarey said loudly to get the attention of pretty much anyone and everyone who could help her. It went against her plan to respectfully and patiently deal with whoever was supposed to be handling random guests and job listings, but, with her, plans didn't generally have a long life before being changed on a whim. "Does anyone around here know anything about things like this?"

    As she spoke she pointed to her side where a bright white light appeared and grew beside her. It was magic for sure, but nothing malicious or hostile. Very little power seemed to come from it at all and for good reason. The light quickly faded, leaving behind a huge hunk of metal in the shape of a humanoid-like thing. Droid, robot, lacbot, off-brand cartoon character model, whatever anyone wanted to call it. That's what it was. One that was very much quite still and inactive. At least until it fell over backward and through the very door that led back outside.

    Aliarey facepalmed in annoyed embarrassment. "Oh freaking hell, Trey. Seriously?" That was it. The next time she saw her brother she was shooting him. There was no excuse for the droid not being able to stand on its own! There wasn't even the slightest bit of power coming from it. She knew they needed help figuring out how to get them at full running power but good god was zero power bad. After years of experimenting with them! It wouldn't even surprise her if he had removed what was working just so she could look like an idiot who brought a huge piece of non-working junk to the guild professionals.

    "Someone that can make it work and not do that would be great."

    (Word Count: 1004)


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 690
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Re: Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th April 2024, 2:19 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It had started off as a day like any other. Mercury was down in the labs, where she was typically found, tinkering away with various artifacts that had been brought in by other members of the guild. Even after all this time, she was surprised by how much she’d missed doing tedious, monotonous day work like this. She had spent so long in hiding, with most of the world presuming she was dead, that it still felt weird sometimes to be able to just walk around in public without wearing a disguise. And while she had still kept up with her duties as much as possible during that time, she’d been more focused on hunting Maker than logging hours in the labs.

    But now Maker was dead, and life had more or less returned to normal. Seberg was still slinking around in the dark somewhere, and now he was an even greater threat than he was before… but they had no way of tracking him down, which meant that they had nothing to do but sit and wait for him to make his next move. Mercury hated waiting on something like that without taking any affirmative action, but unfortunately she wasn’t in a position to do anything about it. All she could do was hope that Saffron and Cedric stayed vigilant enough to be prepared for surprise attacks.

    Things weren’t totally quiet just because life had called down a bit, of course. Xavier had turned himself in for his crimes, which had been unexpected by most people who knew him. Vandrad had ironically been the least surprised, despite being the target of nearly all of Xavier’s actions. Normally his cooperation would have at least earned him some respect or leniency, but in truth it meant nothing to her. She was still furious with him for what he’d done to Saffron, and while Mercury’s temper was slow to build, once she had a grudge against someone it was nearly impossible for her to let go of it. Aside from the rather concerning bits of information he’d revealed, she’d been stone faced through nearly his entire trial.

    But now he was jailed indefinitely, and she had more important things to do, such as getting back into the nitty gritty of tech work with Silver Wolf. She was busy running a diagnostic on a magitech item that one of the hunters had brought in recently when another member of the guild hurried down into the lab. “Hey, Merc! You got a sec? I think you’re gonna want to come see this.”

    Mercury glanced up at the man. “Everything okay, Ro?”

    “Yeah, we just have a visitor upstairs. She just got here a couple minutes ago and started shouting for help with some big old droid she’s got. It’s not like anything we’ve ever seen.”

    “That so?” She raised a brow at him curiously. “You thinking it's extraterrestrial?”

    He nodded. “That’s our best guess. Figured we’d get our residential alien expert to take a look at it.”

    Ro grinned at her, and she returned the expression with a smirk of her own. “Alright, I’ll be up in a moment.”

    Meanwhile, back in the entry foyer for the guild, Aliarey would have gotten a few perplexed and bewildered looks in response to her grand entrance… but one look at her defunct machine would have been more than enough to distract the vast majority of the members present. A few helping hands would come forward to help pull the robot fully into the room so it was no longer blocking the door or letting all the warm air out. It wouldn’t take more than a minute or two of inspecting the exterior of it for them to determine that the matter was far outside their own skill set, before one of them – a young man – ran off to go fetch someone else that he thought might be able to help.

    A few moments later, Mercury would enter from one of the back hallways, her gaze scanning the room briefly until she located the guest in question and approached. She was a few inches shorter than Aliarey, with light purple hair cropped to her chin, with bright green eyes that seemed to have a permanent glimmer of mischief about them. Her outfit was mostly black with a green jacket and accessories. There was an obvious and telling bulge at her abdomen that betrayed she was several months into a pregnancy, not quite ready to burst but perhaps only two or three months away. Perched on her shoulder was a large crow, who watched Aliarey and her robot with beady-eyed wariness.

    “Hi there.” She offered the woman a smile and a handshake. “I’m Mercury, Ace for Silver Wolf. I hear you caused quite a stir.” Her smile sank into a playful smirk, clearly not bothered by the reports of all the ruckus.

    Then, Mercury turned her attention to the machine itself. There was a pause… and then a slight tug on her brows as they furrowed in curiosity. She stepped closer to the construct, bending over it as much as she could without toppling over, her head tilted to one side in interest and recognition. “Is this a Droavis android? How the heck did you manage to get your hands on one of these babies? I haven’t seen one in years…”

    WORDS: 895 | @Aliarey Casady
    Serilda Sinclair


    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

    Alt Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Tertiary Magic- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lacnites
    Position : None
    Posts : 626
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 393,270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hazardous Arsenal
    Second Skill: Droids of Draovis
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Re: Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 13th April 2024, 10:46 am

    Haha! Her entrance had worked! The droid falling over was an embarrassing detail but one that was easily forgotten. No one was bothered by it at all. There were looks, yes, but some of the members that were present came on over to inspect and move the inactive heavy junk out of the way from the door. Okay, maybe she wouldn't shoot her brother after all. The incident might have just worked out in her favor.

    Hand on hip, Aliarey stood there silently as she watched the curious group poke around the droid's exterior. They weren't taking it apart like a mad scientist harvesting parts so she didn't see any reason to fuss or interrupt them. The blonde could be patient for a couple of minutes, and it turned out that that short period was all that was needed for them all to conclude they were just as braindead about the droid as Trey and the old man were. She'd give them credit though. Two minutes to figure that out instead of years just made the member base of Silver Wolf leagues ahead in that sciency research smart stuff in comparison.

    One of the group ran off to fetch someone who possibly knew more than they did. Sweet. There was still a shot to get the whole task over and done with at the first stop. A good thing too because Aliarey had zero clue on where the second stop for help was supposed to be. Aside from the technologically advanced planet of Mirai there wasn't any other place she could think of, and she was not about to go back there even if the Wakusei portal hadn't been shut down a while ago for mysterious reasons she didn't care to look into. "Yay for progress. I'll just stand around here then," she thought aloud to herself, dreading the possibility of waiting for hours.

    Shockingly, the wait wasn't overly long even for someone as impatient as herself. It gave her just enough time to take out her iLac and send text message updates to her brother. Well, updates, name-calling, and threats for his great crime of ensuring she humiliated herself within the first ten seconds of entering the guild hall. Before she could even think of something else to pass the time she was greeted by a woman that didn't quite fit her cliched view of treasure hunter or researcher. For more reasons than one. That is until she had introduced herself as an Ace of Silver Wolf. Aliarey felt all sense of comfort drain away from her body instantly. 'Aw, crap,' she thought nervously. Even with a pregnancy an Ace of any guild was sure to be one tough cookie. Dealing with a normal member was one thing, but an Ace? Holy damn was she going to have to try even harder to not be a disrespectful ass if she wanted to avoid a hospital visit or worse. The creepy crow wasn't helping change her mind either.

    "Yeeaahh, completely unintentional. I thought that thing worked a little bit more than not at all." Aliarey took the offered handshake and figured she might as well introduce herself as well. "I'm Aliarey. No fancy titles. Just an average guildless mage extraordinaire." And there it was. Already she had blurted out what could have been taken as a smart-ass introduction, and she knew it the moment the words left her lips. She died a little inside and had to resist all alarms in her body that told her to flee the encounter.

    Aliarey decided to remain quiet and just watch as Mercury looked over the droid. It would not have been surprising if she knew nothing just like the others that looked at it moments before. Something was mentioned though that made it clear the Silver Wolf Ace was far from being as clueless as everyone else in the room. "Draovis? ... Uh.... One second." The confused expression would be hard not to notice if her reply was not enough on its own to confirm that she had absolutely no clue what the woman was talking about. Aliarey was many things but a talented actress was not one of them. There was little she could do to pretend her way through the conversation when some random description was tossed in there.

    It only took a few moments for Aliarey to swipe her way around the screen of her iLac, scrolling through some basic information that had been saved to it earlier. Most of it was nonsense but at the bottom were some tidbits about the droids. Her face lit up upon finding the term "Draovis", and that dumb frown of stupidity transformed into a triumphant smile within that same dimwitted category. "There it is! Draovis! The world where this thing was built. Got it."  How was such crucial information so alien to her? That was easy enough to answer as anyone unfortunate enough to know her in everyday life was very aware of. Aliarey didn't pay attention to details at all. She only cared about how to use something and not about the basic foundations of what made something what it was. The actual homeworld of the droids wasn't the sort of information that was typically needed when using them to cause a bit of destruction and chaos on a job. That was where the fun was at.

    The handheld device was lowered so she could once again give the Ace her full attention and answer the second question. Sort of. Not really. "So, it's kind of a long story, but you sound like you know something about it. I'll skip over how weird and surprising that is and go straight to asking if you know how to fix it." After a second Aliarey quickly corrected herself. "Them. I have more than one. Eight. Maybe ten." She shrugged with zero shame over her lack of even that amount of simple information. "I forgot how many over the years."

    (Word Count: 996
    Aliarey Total: 2000
    Thread Total: 2895)


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 690
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Re: Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 16th April 2024, 6:55 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “Guildless mage extraordinaire, huh?” Despite the questioning way in which Aliarey’s introduction was repeated, she didn’t seem to be in doubt of the claim so much as intrigued by it. She certainly wasn’t put off by the humor, that was for sure. “That’s got a nice ring to it. Have to disagree with the ‘average’ part, though.” Mercury gave the slightly taller woman a brief once over, her smirk deepening a hair. The blonde really was quite attractive. Typically, Mercury did at least try to be professional with guests of the guild, if only because she was in a leadership role and had to set an example… but it was difficult for her to keep her flirtations in check even at the best of times.

    But she didn’t linger on the subject, her attention already turning toward the defunct droid and, upon further inspection, realizing that it was an incredibly rare piece that she never thought she’d find in a place like Earthland. Aliarey seemed perplexed by the question about the machine’s origins. Mercury watched with a bemused expression as the woman pulled out her iLac and did a search, presumably to verify the Ace’s words. Her amusement spread into a small grin when the woman found what she was looking for. Apparently, she’d never really researched what planet the androids were from, though it was worth noting that she was aware they were alien at least, since the blonde didn’t seem very surprised about them coming from another world.

    Mercury didn’t get much of an answer by way of the ‘weird and surprising’ story that explained how the androids had come into Aliarey’s possession. But, she did have more than one of them, enough that she hadn’t been able to keep track of them. The Ace raised a curious brow. “That many? Impressive.” And she did sound a little impressed. Since the blonde didn’t seem too interested in divulging the “how”, Mercury steered into the task at hand, her gaze returning to the still form on the ground. “I won’t really know if I can fix it until I can figure out what’s wrong with it. I’ll have to take a deeper look at it for that, and that will be easier down in the labs. If that’s okay with you, you can feel free to join me. Typically we don’t let non-members into the labs but I think this merits an exception.”

    This tech was rare and valuable. If Mercury was in Aliarey’s shoes, she wouldn’t be comfortable with letting some stranger walk off with her prized property, so she wasn’t about to expect the blonde to let the droids out of her sight. Presuming no objection was voiced, Mercury would use her magic to conjure a metal sheet beneath the robot almost like a gurney, the sheet lifting up the machine to float in the air around hip level. “This way, then.”

    She led the way through the back door from which she’d come, into a hallway and then down a set of stairs, the makeshift gurney hovering beside them the entire way. At the bottom of the stairs, a door opened up into a spacious laboratory where there were a dozen or more individual stations filled with all sorts of scientific tools and machinery used for studying and crafting items  both magical and mundane. A few of the stations had members of the guild working at them, several of whom glanced up curiously at the two women and the robot, but they soon put their heads back down to their work. As Mercury drew up to a vacant station in one corner, the crow on her shoulder lept up to pick a perch on top of a nearby cabinet where it started to preen its feathers.

    “Alright, let’s do a preliminary diagnostic,” she suggested. Keeping the machine on the gurney – since it was far too big to rest on the actual station – Mercury conjured a device into existence that appeared to be a scanning gun of some kind. Adjusting a couple of the settings on it, she pointed it toward the android and a thin line of bright blue light emitted from the tip in a cone-like shape. She scanned the light slowly across the entire body of it from head to toe.

    “So, I take it you don’t know much about this thing except that it’s alien and very advanced?” Mercury figured she may as well engage in a little small talk while waiting for the diagnostic to run. She’d give Aliarey a chance to confirm before continuing. “Well, Draovins were a really fascinating people with a knack for non-magical technology. Not the most advanced in the universe, but definitely a contender. These androids were a staple of theirs, and if I remember correctly they named them after various gods that Draovins worshiped. This particular model was called YXLOS.”

    “Are you having any similar issues with your other units?”

    WORDS: 826/1721 | @Aliarey Casady
    Serilda Sinclair


    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

    Alt Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Tertiary Magic- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lacnites
    Position : None
    Posts : 626
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 393,270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hazardous Arsenal
    Second Skill: Droids of Draovis
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Re: Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 5th May 2024, 1:12 am

    Was there a limit to how much luck someone was granted in a lifetime? Aliarey always joked about using her year's allowance up whenever something went her way but currently, she felt about ten years worth of luck was being used up in those short few moments. The mild flirtation went over her head as most things that required a little bit of observation generally did. In her mind, Mercury just really thought she was so amazingly awesome enough that she was now above the average mark. Maybe it was because she had an alien droid or maybe it was because she recognized her from that Rising Star section of the world's most popular magazine a couple of times. She wasn't going to disagree no matter what the reason was. She was still alive, had not seemed to anger the Ace of a powerful guild, found someone who knew a little something about her defective droids and didn't poke her too hard for information, and there was the little ego boost for the day. On top of that, she was being allowed into the Silver Wolf labs as a non-member. Maybe all of that was twenty years worth of luck instead of ten.

    "Yeah, I guess that's fair." The blonde was a bit disappointed that there was no instant fix-the-thing button that Mercury could push to get the job done right then and there, but she supposed she was a reasonable person to a degree. No one would know what was wrong with a random weird giant robot just by staring at it for a few seconds unless it came with an unplugged power cord, which was very much not the case as far as she was aware. It still sucked though.

    Aliarey made no objections to the plan and followed along silently without much concern about anything other than the paranoid thoughts of seeing something she shouldn't in the secret member-exclusive lab. The result of a mixture of past experiences and knowing too many stories with the same setup perhaps, but she so far liked and trusted Mercury enough that it was assumed nothing drastic would happen to either the droid or herself. Then again she could just be a gullible idiot. Either way, it was a bit too late to nope out of there if she wanted some results and working droids that she could actually use for once.

    Once they had reached the lab Aliarey's blue eyes widened curiously. Labs weren't normally the thing that made her feel like a kid in a candy store unless there were weapons all lined up. That didn't mean the urge to poke and touch the various tools and items at all the stations wasn't there, however. She was the type of girl who would go down a toy aisle pressing all of the buttons even if she was disinterested in the product. Those pretty little stations filled with things quite unknown to her? Well, those were a part of the toy factory. Ignoring her childish instinct proved difficult. Impossible actually. As they passed by an unguarded station she quickly got closer and poked one of the unused tools. Nothing happened and she still had no idea what it was and what it was used for but it satisfied her. For now. Maybe she could find a button to push later. Back to innocently following.

    Once it was clear they would be stopping, Aliarey hopped backward to take a seat on an empty space of the station. There was no telling how long it would take so she figured she might as well get comfortable, and a real chair was over somewhere that would take effort to retrieve. She watched as Mercury began to run a diagnostic with a scan gun that had been conjured from nothing. That combined with the conjuration of the metal gurney got her wondering if the Ace was some sort of requip mage as well or some kind of metal manipulator. That or Silver Wolf just had some really useful gadgets that could be called on very easily. Those thoughts would be interrupted by another question sent her way. She didn't mind it. The inquiry was valid and was not a push into answering the one she had so cleverly avoided earlier.

    "Yep!" Aliarey answered, quite proudly. "I know zilch about these things except for, well, what you just said. I'm just the user. Summoner. Conjurer. Pretend master. Guinea Pig. Whatever you want to call it. My brother and old man know way more about the scientific details. Except for the obvious, I guess." The obvious fact being that the droid was still lying on a gurney and not being used to cause a little bit of mild mayhem during mage work.

    The small amount of information Mercury chose to give next made Aliarey a teensy bit nervous. Although short and very basic it was still way too much information for someone on Earthland to know. At least in that short span and without a complete diagnostic. Even if it was Silver Wolf. Shit. Was Mercury someone who had connections with Mirai before the Wakusei Portal there closed?

    "Heh, uh, yeah, for the most part," she answered with a short laugh in an attempt to hide the growing anxiety but failing completely. Her hands tightly gripped the edge of the station. Jeez, was she going to have to flee the place? Was that even logically possible? With the Ace right there, the other members, being so deep in the building's insides, and that goddamn mountain with its storms and spirit wolves and vast spaces to get lost in. That's a no. A hard no. She was one trapped mage and that realization was all it took for her to again question how much luck remained in her lifetime.

    "Back to what you just said about the droids. How do you know all that? Even I know that's not something anyone on this planet should know right away."

    (Word Count: 1001
    Aliarey Total: 3001
    Thread Total: 4722)


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 690
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault) Empty Re: Space Bot Education (Mercury Arseneault)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 17th May 2024, 4:29 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    If Mercury noticed Aliarey’s struggle to keep her hands to herself while they walked through the lab, she didn’t show it or say anything about it. She highly doubted the blonde would have tried anything truly dumb or risky… though if she did, Mercury honestly would have probably been more impressed or amused than upset. So instead she focused on getting the droid situation at one of the lab tables while her guest found a clear surface to perch on nearby.

    The Ace chuckled at Aliarey’s claim to ignorance, tickled by the animated demeanor with which the woman presented herself. Though, that demeanor changed slightly as Mercury provided quite a bit of information about the droid. Mercury was very well trained in reading people, but even someone that didn’t have a past as a spy and assassin likely would have caught the slight nervousness in Aliarey’s laughter. She could only assume she was questioning how Mercury knew so much, which was understandable. And a bit humorous to the Ace, who was known to be a bit of a tease and a troll when the opportunity presented itself.

    But much to her surprise, rather than keeping her thoughts to herself the blonde elected to just ask about it. Mercury’s emerald eyes flicked to the woman on the counter in brief consideration… before her smile deepened into a cheeky grin, clearly pleased that her guest had been bold enough to ask. “Well, it’s probably because I’m not from this planet, myself.”

    Having scanned the robot from head to toe, she turned the gun off and dismissed it, replacing it with a tablet-like data pad that appeared in her hand as quickly as the scanner had disappeared. As the tablet continued to compute the data it had collected from the machine, Mercury continued. “My people come from a planet called Xocil, which was destroyed a couple decades ago during an invasion – before I was born. I spent most of my life traveling the galaxy up until I came to Earthland a few years ago. I never got to visit Draovis, but I was exposed to a lot of their tech and researched them quite a bit. Always wanted to study one of their androids, so this is kind of a bucket list item for me. I suppose you could say I’m a bit of an android myself, though the Xocili evolved naturally as a bio-synthetic species; we weren’t manufactured or anything.”

    Holding up her free hand, a new item materialized into it: an oversized pistol. Did she know that summoning a weapon was likely to make the nervous woman a little more fidgety? Absolutely. That was half the fun. But, she wasn’t trying to threaten the woman or make her anxious. Instead, after a beat to see how Aliarey would react, she instead offered the weapon to her handle first. “A little piece of my own design. I call her Mercy,” Mercury told her. It was a large weapon, but surprisingly light. Its material was certainly metal but not like any metals Aliarey would have been exposed to on Earthland, and there were grooves and mechanisms along its barrel that suggested it was capable of unfurling into a sword, though she would find herself unable to trigger the transformation if she tried.

    Around that time, her tablet beeped to indicate it was done running the diagnostic. Mercury tapped on the screen and began studying the data. “Oh, hmm… interesting. The problem seems to be coming from somewhere in the chest piece. There’s a part that looks like it’s malfunctioning, but since I’ve never handled a Draovis android before, I can’t really tell what’s wrong with it just from the scans. I’m gonna have to dissect it.”

    Looking up at the woman, she gave Aliarey a chance to protest the suggestion. Presuming that the blonde didn’t have an issue with it, Mercury would get to work on removing the chest piece. Despite the alien technology, she didn’t have too many problems. While Earthland didn’t have the type of tools needed for something like this, she could easily study how a part was attached to the rest of the chassis and use her magic to simply create a tool that was the perfect size and shape for what she needed.

    It only took her a few minutes to find what she was looking for. Tilting her head curiously, she reached in a pulled out what appeared to be a crystal orb of some kind. It had clearly seen better days, as a number of cracks and fissures ran through it. She held the blue gem up carefully for Aliarey to see. “Well… I believe I found your problem. If I’m not mistaken, this is micaochite. Draovins used these as a fuel source and energy conductor for most of their technology, very similar to Earthland lacrimas. Looks like this one has reached the end of its lifespan. Not much more than a very exotic paperweight, now.”

    WORDS: 831/2552 | @Aliarey Casady
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:34 pm