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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 5th June 2023, 5:21 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was focused on his work, trying not to think about most of the disturbing facts that had come to his attention in the past week.

    Mercury’s reveal of her time with Maker had shaken a lot of foundations. His words, earnest and pained, seemed to rattle most if not all of the people that had once been committed to eliminating him entirely. Blade, who had spent his entire life preparing for a final engagement with his brother, seemed less inclined to jump to violence any longer. And Mercury, whom was always excited to undermine those that were cruel and contemptuous, wasn’t sure if she could pick a side when it came to a conclusive conflict.

    Vandrad didn’t blame her; he would be blind if he didn’t see the comparisons between the Terran and the Xocili. But that, in addition to his own feelings, simply wouldn’t allow him to be swayed. He’d taken the time to consider if he was being too harsh; if perhaps it was better to simply attempt to reason with Maker. But what he felt inside wouldn’t allow even a moment of serious consideration against his conclusion. Was it blind rage and a thirst for revenge after the threat against his family? Perhaps but he believed himself right in wanting to hold the Terran responsible, especially when his deception had nearly cost him the family he grew up with and his father. Whether he was alone on that island of belief, that remained to be seen.

    “Letter for you, Vandrad,” one of the fairies chirped up as he soared into his office and dropped off the parchment. His brow furrowed in confusion. Who sent letters anymore? Most of his information was passed through magical technology or the Xocili technology. Hell, he’d been attempting to redo the job board in Fairy Tail to something more modern rather than a posting board fit with paper. He picked up the letter, lacking any trace of marking save for his name written in really fancy lettering. There was no magic emanating off of it but still, he tossed it onto his scanning device to get a proper reading of it, just in case. Nothing of concern came up, save for some strange readings on the dust particles on it but they weren’t harmful.

    He tore open the top and pulled out the parchment, a simple folded piece of paper. And he began to read;

    To Vandrad du Wolff,

    We have not been properly introduced, despite of my malicious attacks on you and yours. I have operated out of the shadows, working in tandem with the Dread Masters for my own benefit and that unfortunately brought me into conflict with you and your family. Despite the stance and words that I spoke to your mother, the former duchess, I wished to firstly offer my sincerest apologies for my actions. They were unjust and unwarranted save for selfish benefit and there are no material objects that I could ever offer, nor words of earnest regret that will ever make up for my actions.

    But in spite of all that, I wish to meet with you. I understand that you are, more than likely, sworn to violence against me but I had hoped we might converse before any further battles may cause unneeded destruction and death. I believe that we may be able to strike an accord and, if you’re willing, be capable of burying the actions taken between one another and moving forward with our individual lives. There is a quadrant of the Silent Glaciers that is far beyond the scope of civilization. I will be there waiting, by myself, at fourteen hundred hours. The coordinates are posted at the bottom of this letter. I hope to see you there.

    Kindly yours,


    Vandrad’s hand tightened on the parchment, crumpling the sides of the paper. So Maker wished to meet, did he? The future king’s eyes narrowed in a glare as he reread the letter. It was almost certainly a trap… but he highly doubted that Maker would be alone. Even if he planned on preparing some kind of trap, Mercury would be ready to dismantle it. As Vandrad saw it, this was an opportunity to catch Maker unaware and surprise him for once. Though he should have called in for backup, he was short on time.

    "Send a message to the New Rhaegar alliance members. Maker has asked for a meeting. I’m sending my tracking information to Patricia to pass on. I will attempt to take him in, alive.” he spoke to his automated assistant, the computer generating his words and filing them before sending them out.

    With that, he shoveled all of the work he had been doing into his desk and set off for his lab. Words of diplomacy sounded pretty but Vandrad wasn’t going without being prepared for war.

    Patricia should have been paying attention to the communicator she had. But she was distracted.

    “Maker made some interesting notes and hypotheses about how Energy Monarch can be altered through a pressure applied to ethernano. Luckily Vandrad has supplied me with plenty of data regarding his usage of Energy Monarch that I can manifest it in lab through my devices,” Patricia was going on, her recording device taking in every note and word she said.

    Before her was a material manifestation of Energy Monarch, held in a singularity field of magic. It appeared as a glowing orb of magic, sparkling slightly as its energy levels wavered back and forth. Several screens displaying readings hovered just above it in front of Patricia as she read the analysis. “Holding steady. Now if mine and Maker’s calculations are correct, I can apply a bit of force in this region to create slight mutations. Applying pressure now.”

    She pressed a button and a small laser beam struck the center of the glowing manifestation. It bubbled slightly from the impact but otherwise remained calm. Patricia watched it carefully, taking in the sight but… found her thoughts drifting elsewhere. She, too, had been thinking about Maker’s intentions and the story he had woven for Mercury. And she had also been surprised at how sympathetic she felt towards him. It was surprising because, for the longest time, Maker was someone she had focused most if not all her anger towards. He’d used her, taken advantage of her brilliance and mind for his own benefits and had threatened to destroy her should she step out of line. But Scourge had also been cruel, if only because of the standards he had to take part in per the unwritten guidelines of the Dread Masters.

    And now she felt…pity for Maker. It felt wrong. In fact, she was surprised at how angry it made her in the moment. She should have been feeling better; after all, she had finally gotten laid for the first time in years and it had been a marathon session. Turns out she was, at the very least, bisexual. Not quite a surprise to her, after having spent time coming to grips with it. That should have relaxed her but instead she felt even more unease and frankly, a bit warm.

    Warm? She blinked as she came back to reality and realized, much to her surprise, that she had been holding the button down for the laser the entire time. And the manifestation had been severely warped, growing out of shape and out of control within the confinement field. Its calm blue glow had mutated into an angry green, pulsing with distorted energy. She pulled her finger off the button and the laser died out but that didn’t keep the manifestation from growing rapidly out of shape. “Oh dear…” she was able to say, in utter shock, before the containment field shattered and she was swallowed up in an explosive green light

    No doubt some things would be changing that day. But, if Maker had calculated correctly, it would be for the better.

    He strode through the living ship until he came upon the lab that Mercury now worked in. They had moved all of her equipment and amenities over to the ship rather than the dreary bunker, having set her up in the same lab he worked in and her personal items in what had become a conjoined bedroom. He knew she would already know he was coming but that didn’t stop him from coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “I know you have some things you need to finish up but I was hoping you would join me for a meeting. It’s rather important and, with any luck, it’ll change things moving forward.”

    He gently encouraged her to turn around to him, taking her hands in his. “I gave some real thought to our talk when we first arrived here, about my path and what changes I could make to it. After some deep consideration, I believe… you were right. I can’t make up for what wrongs I have done but I can attempt to make amends to some of the people I’ve hurt. Namely Vandrad and his kin. I have sent him an invitation to join me in a meeting place far away from civilization, so as to not attract any unwanted attention. And, just to be safe, it’ll prevent any other innocents from getting hurt should Vandrad feel… compelled to violence. I hope he’ll consider conversation first and I’m hoping by you being there as well, that will encourage that feeling as well. With any luck, we’ll be able to reach a place where we can parlay and move forward on a better path.”

    He gave her a genuinely warm if not sad smile. “You know him better than I do. What do you believe our chances are of being able to entreaty peace?”

    Words: 1638 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th June 2023, 10:29 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury, or rather her clone, was indeed aware that Maker was approaching. Their relationship, if one could call it that, had taken a somewhat unexpected turn since their last heart to heart. While Mercury had certainly always expected that she’d wind up sleeping with Maker at some point, she hadn’t expected it to happen the way that it had. He had been very “boyfriend” with her ever since, moving her in to the ship and setting her up inside his own bedroom where they’d spent every night together since. While things had certainly become more complicated for her recently, she was still committed to her current deception and in support of Vandrad and Blade’s desires when it came to Maker, playing her cards to do what she could to get Maker in a place where he could be confronted.

    Apparently, Maker had taken that upon himself, however. He sidled up behind her where she was working, wrapping his arms around her stomach and earning a little purr of delight from her. He acknowledged that she had things she was working on, but said that he had an important meeting that he wanted her to join him for. “Oh, I get to actually go outside for real, do I?” While things had certainly been more pleasant between them, she was well aware that she was still essentially trapped with him, if in a more preferred setting than what the bunk house had offered, so she still gave similar teases from time to time.

    He turned her around to face him, Mercury giving him a curious look as he took her hands in his and informed her that he’d been giving their discussion some thought, in regard to the path he currently walked. In doing so he had apparently concluded that she was right. While he couldn’t make up for the things he’d done, he could at least try to make as many reparations as he could, beginning with Vandrad and the du Wolffs. As such, he’d taken the initiative to reach out to Vandrad with an invitation to parlay, the admittance of which drew a genuinely surprised look from the Xocili. Maker had picked a place far away from where there could be any collateral damage, should Vandrad choose a more violent path, but his hope was that he would be open to conversation and burying the hatchet, especially if Mercury was there.

    When he asked for her feedback, she didn’t respond right away, giving it some thought. She and Vandrad had discussed long ago that Maker would likely try to use her in some way against him, though this perhaps wasn’t quite what they had envisioned at the time. She wouldn’t need to contact Vandrad to let him know, as they had done more than enough preparation in advance for how they would handle certain things if they came up. Thankfully, it was easy enough to give Maker an honest answer. “Well… He’ll certainly show up, though I’m sure he’ll suspect it’s a trap. I doubt he’ll believe anything you have to say… but for all his anger, he’s not an unreasonable person. I imagine he’ll at least give you a chance to speak.”

    “But if I’m being honest, I don’t know how much it will help. He is stubborn. There are very few things that he really cares about, but his family is at the top of that list. You tried and nearly succeeded in killing all of them, not to mention you were responsible for robbing him of his magic, which he took extremely personally. I think he could be convinced not to kill you on sight, but… knowing him, he won’t believe you’ve had a change of heart unless you agree to submit to justice. No matter what he will expect you to answer for what you’ve done, and I don’t think the knowledge that you brought me back to life will change his stance on that, especially since I have effectively been a prisoner ever since.” It wasn’t a cruel comment. If anything, she said it rather gently, not wanting to be mean or accusatory toward him, but also needing to be up front with the truth about her situation thus far.

    With a soft sigh, she gave his hands a little squeeze and continued. “Another reason I think it will be hard to sway him is because I’m sure he’s not the only one who shares his sentiments. Even if he could be convinced to forgive you or let things go for his own sake, he could not and would not do so on behalf of others in his family that probably also want to hold you responsible. He would not take that from them. Best case scenario… he’d probably expect you to come with him willingly and hold some kind of trail. I’m not sure where they’d hold you. I don’t know where they’ve been hiding since your attack on Bellum. Normally I’d say he’d probably hand you over to Seri and Mythal, but considering they suspect that members of the Council are in league with the Dread Masters I’m not sure they’d want to keep you anywhere where someone else might be able to get to you.”

    “I can say though that if you accepted that kind of deal, the du Wolffs would treat you fairly. They may not be friendly with you… but they would give you an honest chance to speak for yourself. It would all just depend on how you conduct yourself in this meeting with Vandrad and what you choose to do. If you scorn whatever options he offers you now… you probably won’t be given any in the future.” This was a now or never moment, one that Mercury wasn’t sure how well Maker had thought out. She did believe that he wanted to try and make amends, but she wasn’t sure that he was wholly prepared just yet to go along with the expectations Vandrad would have of him. Mercury had hoped to have a little more time to try talking him around and preparing him for that… but it was too late now. The dominos had already been hit. All she could do now was wait to see how they would fall.

    WORDS: 1045 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th June 2023, 1:59 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    It was a now or never moment, that much Maker knew. But before he followed through with anything, though he highly doubted he would be allowed to back down, he wanted to get Mercury’s honest opinion of what awaited him. He wanted her utmost attention as he turned her about and took her hands in his, explaining what his thoughts had turned to and how he should expect Vandrad to treat him. Mercury was silent at first, thinking over her answer, which was understandable, all things considered. As she began, she told him that she knew that Vandrad would show up. Trap or not, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to confront the Terran face to face and probably wouldn’t be too receptive to what Maker had to say but would, more than likely, be willing to hear what he had to say.

    But as she saw it, she didn’t think it would make much headway. Vandrad was famously stubborn and when it came to his family, nothing sat at a higher priority and Maker had made an attempt on most if not all of their lives. Adding in the fact that he had provided the means for Vandrad to have his magic robbed and it was putting Maker in front of a live and loaded barrel, ready to fire on the slightest hint of something being off. In fact, Mercury believed that Vandrad wouldn’t accept anything less than surrender; Maker putting a halt to whatever plans he had and allowing himself to be held accountable for his actions. And even bringing back Mercury to life wouldn’t stem any kind of demand, especially since he’d kept the Xocili under his control since then.

    He continued to listen quietly as she continued, explaining that it wasn’t just him that most likely wanted him to pay. His family would be just as incensed against him and Vandrad wouldn’t stand in the way of them wanting to enact their own form of justice. In the best situation, should all things go the right way, Vandrad would expect him to go with him without restraint or rebellion and hold some kind of official trial for his actions. She had no clue where they would take him; the Rune Knights were out, as Serilda and Mythal weren’t entirely certain the Dread Masters weren’t connected to the Magic Council. But if he were to agree to the terms, he would be treated fairly; perhaps not with any warmth but he wouldn’t find himself with a knife in his back without the consensus of the entire family. It would all come down to how he portrayed himself during the meeting and what choices he made. But if he turned down any offers, she believed none would come later down the road.

    “I see…” he said softly, his gaze dropping down slightly. He pondered her words carefully, replaying them in his head before he let out a small sigh. “Then perhaps it is time I stand trial for my misdeeds. I imagine Vandrad’s anger will be out in full force when we meet, given everything I’ll have to admit to and reveal. But maybe it’s best that I put any plans I had on hold. I have done a great many misdeeds, especially to people of this planet. I should be held accountable for that, not just take responsibility for that.” He squeezed her hands and leaned in to rest his forehead against hers. “Thank you, Mercury, for everything. I know your time here has been equal to internment and I wish there was something I could do to make up for that time but…” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote. He held it up so that they both could see it and with a flick of a switch, all of his controlling programming would deactivate within her. “From this moment on, I want you to be truly free. Even if that means you’ll vaporize me here and now.”

    Counting that she didn’t do exactly that, he would crush the remote in his hand, so that it couldn’t be reactivated and placed the wreckage back in his pocket. Then he reached up to cup her cheek. “Well… best to get this over with sooner rather than later. The meeting will be within the hour. If there’s anything you wish to grab and take with you from your room, I’d suggest grabbing it now. I… don’t imagine you or I will be returning here anytime soon,” he said, looking about the laboratory briefly before giving her hand another squeeze and stepping back.

    It was truly amazing how quickly an hour could go on by. Soon enough, Maker was programming his own teleportation device. He checked a status report on a tablet once more before he activated the teleporter, taking a moment to look about the area before they were whisked off to the frigid cold of the Silent Glaciers.

    As it turns out, they were not the first ones there. As they materialized in the snowy wasteland, Vandrad stood several yards from them, already facing their direction. His gaze widened slightly at the sight of Mercury before it settled into its stern glare he was known for, his dark eyes sliding over to Maker.

    “Hello Vandrad,” Maker greeted the future king pleasantly enough, bowing his head courteously. “It is nice to finally meet you, face to face. As I imagine…” he said, turning his gaze to look at Mercury briefly and then turned back to Vandrad.

    “We have much to discuss.”

    Words: 926/2564 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th June 2023, 5:28 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury stated her piece as accurately as she could, and it was pretty much exactly what he could expect. He took a moment to think about her words before sighing and admitting that perhaps he should do as Vadrad demanded, if it came to that. He was sure that Vandrad would greet him with the brunt of his anger, particularly with everything Maker would have to admit to, but for now he would plan to put everything on hold pending the results of the meeting. He claimed that he intended on letting himself be held accountable, squeezing her hands and resting his forehead against her own, thank her for everything. He understood that he hadn’t exactly been the most accommodating toward her freedoms, something he couldn’t change but he could at least change it for moving forward.

    The Xocili watched with a curious frown as he withdrew the remote, the one that he’d flashed her on the day she’d awakened, and activated one of the buttons. While she didn’t feel anything, being a clone and all, she was at least able to register that his intent was to shut off the programming that he believed he had installed within her. Maker claimed that he wanted her to be free, even if it meant that she’d kill him right then and there… which she did not. Instead, after a moment of thought toward the change, she smirked at him. “Well, that would just be a waste, wouldn’t it?”

    He crushed the remote and shoved the broken pieces back in his pocket before cupping her cheek. It was time to head out, as far as he was concerned. He’d given Vandrad instructions to meet him within the hour and suggested she grab anything now that she wished to have on her, as he figured that she wouldn’t be coming back. For now, Mercury elected to do so, not that she exactly had a lot of personal effects outside of clothing, most of which she wasn’t attached enough to to pack. However, she made sure to show a hesitance in her actions when he thought she wasn’t paying attention to him, like she would occasionally get distracted from her task with deeper thoughts.

    Finally, it was time to leave. Maker activated his own teleportation device, depositing them somewhere in the silent glaciers. Mercury knew that Vandrad was there even before she laid eyes on him, the former prince electing to arrive early to catch Maker off guard. He looked genuinely surprised to see her, putting on a believable show for Maker’s benefit before turning his cold gaze toward the Terran. Maker greeted him with a respectful bow and a pleasantry or two that she was certain Vandrad didn’t care one whit about before indicating Mercury.

    Mercury gave Vandrad a small, somewhat sad smile, one that was genuine about seeing him after supposedly so much time but also understood that this was likely a lot for him to take in. “Hi, Vandrad.” She looked him over briefly, her smile widening just a touch at the sight of the familiar jacket, the one he’d worn on their first mission together. “Well… this certainly brings back memories.” She had a small knapsack over her shoulder that was filled with the few items she had elected to throw in it. However, she did not immediately move toward the future king, acting by all accounts as if he expected all of this to be part of an elaborate trap, which Mercury herself wasn’t entirely sure if it was or not just yet. She hoped it wasn’t but… for now, she would simply hang back and let the men set the tone.

    WORDS: 613/1658 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th June 2023, 6:08 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was remarkably quiet for a man that was looking upon the woman he claimed to love. Considering he’d lost her, believing her dead, it was assumed he would be… more emotional? Perhaps demanding answers right away. But instead he fixed his gaze on Maker, only briefly looking back at Mercury as she greeted him and remarked about his outfit bringing back memories. The Terran opened with pleasantries and opened the floor to questions, understanding that there would be much to talk about.

    Yet Vandrad remained silent. The cold wind grabbed at his jacket, swelling against the fabric and causing it to flap in the moving air. His arms crossed over his chest, his dark glare remained solely focused on Maker as the Terran waited, patiently, for the future king to make some kind of remark. Agonizingly slow moving seconds ticked by as silence clung to the air between them. It was Maker that finally shifted slightly, clearing his throat. “I’m sure you’re curious about how Mercury is here and alive. When the Dread Masters attacked her, I had them bring her remains to me so that I could revive her. I, unfortunately, had put in safeties to assure she didn’t try and kill me upon returning to life, safeties that I had kept in place for far too long. I’ve only just removed them, in hopes that we could speak on the matter without any further issue.”

    "So you resurrected my fiance for your own purposes, messed with her mind so that she couldn’t rebel against you and now, for your own safety, have removed those commands in hopes of…placating me?” Vandrad finally spoke, his tone sharp and assertive in his belief. His head tilted slightly up. "Unfortunately, Maker, I’m all out of party confetti to throw at your overwhelming motion of charity. Would my everlasting gratitude suffice?” Despite what would usually be playful, mocking words, the severity in which Vandrad delivered them was clear and obvious of his stance; he was not impressed and he was certainly not pleased.

    “I… understand that you’re upset and you have every right to be. That is why I wished to fully free Mercury so that, if she wanted to, she could return with you. No harm, no foul.”

    "No harm, no foul? Would you feel the same way if I thrust a blade into your sternum and cut off your power? Or if I hunted down your family and attempted to murder them in their own home?” Vandrad sneered at the Terran. "You come here with your pretty words and your pretty ideals that seemed to be lacking over the last few years. What, did you grow a spine in that hiding place of yours? Or are the remaining Dread Masters finally catching up to you and you’re hoping to find some pity from me in hopes that I’ll protect you?”

    “Nothing of the sort,” Maker interjected, his tone soft and considerate to Mercury. “Mercury has opened my eyes to a lot of things but none more prominent than righting the wrongs I’ve committed in the best way possible. I have hurt you, Vandrad, and your family and there is nothing I can do to make up for that. But I understand you are a man of principle and of dignity. I do not believe you wish to kill me here and now when I can be brought before a tribunal of your choosing. That way, you can hang the grievances on my head and mete out the judgment you rightfully deserve. I offer to surrender, here and now, without any terms. Simply a hope that you will use your profound wisdom to allow me a chance to offer my condolences to your family, for the pain that I’ve caused.” And, as if to prove his consideration, Maker fully bowed to Vandrad, a sign of fealty and shame often associated with Midi.

    Vandrad continued to stare at Maker, bent over before him. He barely even blinked as he played the words over in his head, pondering their meaning and frankly the meaning of all of the showmanship. There was also the fact that he sounded so… smug with his words. "No,” he replied.

    Maker lifted his head. “No?”

    "No,” Vandrad repeated. "You wanted a war. Do you think I didn’t hear of your brazen words spoken to my mother and uncle, right before you nearly allowed them to be killed? I won’t accept any kind of surrender. The only grace I’ll give you is the opportunity to go hide in whatever hole you crawled out of again and wait for me to find you.” Finally he turned his gaze to Mercury. "Mercury… Come with me. If you are truly free of his control, I ask that you come with me now. You don’t need to be with him any more. You can come home.”

    “Of course,” Maker said softly, his tone somber and thoughtful to Mercury. “Please, Mercury. You are more than welcome to go with him. I refuse to hold you prisoner any longer than I already have. I promised you full freedom and I won’t go against that promise.”

    "Shut your damn mouth,” Vandrad snapped at Maker without looking at the Terran. "Mercury… I’m here. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long but I’m here now. And I want you to come home with me.”

    Words: 896/3460 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th June 2023, 7:49 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    There were several long agonizing seconds of silence as Vandrad said nothing at all, not even to ask any questions about Mercury’s sudden resurgence. Eventually Maker was forced to speak if he wanted to get anything out of the encounter, explaining that he had revived Mercury after the Dread Master had killed her. He had put safety measures in place, installing them into her to protect himself in case she woke up violent, but that he had only just removed them in an effort to show his sincerity in the current parlay.

    And that was where Vandrad stopped him, finally finding his voice and reiterating Maker’s claims with the tone of a man unimpressed by Maker’s actions. The future king’s words were biting, sarcastic without even a hint of humor, entirely unmoved by the display much the way that Mercury had warned he would be. Maker attempted to follow suite, understanding Vandrad’s emotional state and admitting he had every right to be upset with him, stating that was the reason he had elected to free Mercury and allow her to return to him, hoping that would be enough to stay the Rhaegarian’s hand for the time being.

    Vandrad wasted no time spitting the platitude back in his face, questioning if Maker would feel the same way if he had been at the receiving end of the same treatment he and his family had received from Maker in the past. As far as he could tell, Maker had nothing but pretty words to offer, words that meant little after all this time of not coming forward before, mocking the Terran and his supposed change of heart, wondering if this was some ill attempt to shift allegiances if the Dread Masters were finally catching up to the man.

    Maker insisted that wasn’t the case, assuring him that Mercury held the credit in turning him. He admitted to his wrong doings and submitted himself to be taken in to stand a trial of Vandrad’s choosing with no other terms except for the hopes of being given a chance to offer his apologies to the rest of his family as well, for whatever it was worth. He even took the time to bow fully to the man, a Midian custom that was meant to convey shame and fealty.

    Mercury took that moment while Maker wasn’t looking at her to flick her gaze toward her fiance, watching him carefully for any sign of what he might do. There was a long pause as he considered the man, which was promising…

    Only for Vandrad to simply but sternly decline. Maker looked up at him, surely surprised by the turn as much as Mercury was – though Mercury likely had different reasons. She listened to Vandrad’s speech, but at the same time her mind was running a number of calculations. She knew Vandrad. He was tough when it came to forgiveness and holding his grudges, but he wasn’t unreasonable. And moreso, this was a decision he made after some thought, not in the heat of anger. He’d seen something, noticed something that Mercury hadn’t. She was sure of it. But what was it? Had he caught on to some kind of deception that she had been blinded to? He had to have.

    And the truly sad part was, Mercury was not surprised by that. She was saddened by it, disappointed even… she’d truly hoped he had been sincere. But in this particular situation, Mercury trusted Vandrad more than she trusted herself, and had even said as much to him after she’d returned from her personal time with Maker. If he was making this choice, then it had to be for a reason.

    It also meant that she would need to get deeper in her own deception. She hadn’t fully earned Maker’s trust yet… but the time was quickly coming upon her where she would have opportunity to do so. Vandrad said the only mercy he would show Maker was the chance to run and hide again until Vandrad hunted him down once more. Turning toward Mercury, he asked her to come home with him, saying that if she was truly free then she didn’t need to stay with him any longer, her brilliant fiance giving her the perfect avenue to seal the deal as best as she could ever hope to. Maker attempted to encourage her to listen, only for Vandrad to swiftly come down on him for speaking when he hadn’t been invited to. The former prince apologized to the clone for taking so long to find her, but he was there now and he wanted her to come home with him.

    Mercury didn’t move right away, her gaze flicking with uncertainty to Maker as if to wonder if he would truly let her walk or not, the Xocili seemingly struggling with something that both men were likely to interpret in their own ways: Vandrad that she was still hesitant on Maker’s sincerity, and Maker that she was second guessing her desire to return to Vandrad. After a moment, she slowly walked over to Vandrad, looking at him very much like she had not seen him in a very, very long time. Despite what she had said during her outburst weeks back, in the talks that came ever since Maker would know that Mercury truly didn’t despise Vandrad, and even respected him in her own way. Though she had talked more highly and more affectionately of the rest of his family. She knew that at the end of the day he wouldn’t buy that she was completely disinterested in her fiance; there had to be some gray area.

    Assuming Vandrad wouldn’t stop her, she’d finally reach out to pull him into a tight hug, holding him for several long seconds before pulling back. Looking him in the eyes, she’d gently cup his cheek, giving the two of them a moment to share a wordless understanding with one another that Maker wouldn’t be able to see while she faced away from him. Finally, she spoke. “You have nothing to apologize for, Vandrad. All you ever did was love me when no one else ever had… when most of the time I did not deserve it. I’m the one who needs to apologize… and I truly am sorry.”

    The tone shifted with those words as Mercury reached up and gave him a soft, emotional kiss on the cheek. When she pulled back her gaze lingered on him for another beat. “I appreciate everything you and your family ever did for me. I don’t wish them any harm. I love them – and you – in my own way… but this, us… we were never going to last. I simply never had that kind of freedom, and I never will, not while the Nazru are still out there. You can’t help me with them… but Maker can, and already has been. So I’m sorry… but I will not be returning with you.”

    She stepped back and returned to Maker’s side. There was no defiance or cruelty in her expression, nor really any sense of enjoyment or happiness about it, but she had supposedly made her choice… and for better or worse, she was sticking with it.

    WORDS: 1207/2865 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th June 2023, 2:01 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    It was an opportunity that couldn’t be created on its own. Maker and Mercury had each said it; there was no word or material object that either one of them could comprehend or provide that would simply create a union of trust between them. They had bonded on several layers but the process to absolutely faith in one another was going to be a slow process -- unless something helped to kickstart it. Vandrad hadn’t really considered that option when he had flown to the Silent Glaciers. In fact, he was convinced that he would be able to kill the Terran once and for all and bring an end to the scheming on both sides. No doubt it would have created some issues, at least in terms of locating the ship and Knowhere but he had full confidence in his allies, believing they would find a way without having to keep Maker alive.

    And that wasn’t completely off the table. But the opportunity to guarantee insurance, should the meeting go south and beyond his control, was something he knew he could take. Maker looked smug, confident in his place and feeling quite full of himself with Mercury by his side. It was a stark contrast to the version of Maker that Mercury had shown them all; a man who spoke assuredly but with a look of somber pensiveness. There was none of that in the Terran before him now; it was quite the opposite. And the fact that he was talking about being willing to give himself up while wearing that smugness unnerved Vandrad. There was forethought, pre-planning for the offer, despite what he probably would have told Mercury. The pieces weren’t fitting together and the puzzle they thought they were working on had some holes in it that didn’t make sense.

    So Vandrad declined his offer to surrender, swiftly and assuredly. The only kind of reprieve he would grant Maker would be the opportunity to run away in that moment, back to his hiding place, until the future king eventually found him. And then he turned his attention to Mercury, asking her to come to him and return home with him, right then and there. She could be rid of her chains to Maker, returned to where she was wanted and cared for. Maker tried to interject, to double down on his earlier statements but sounding like a man that knew Mercury wouldn’t return. And Vandrad cut him off, doing his best to keep the moment, the connection, between the two of them.

    So it fell on the Xocili, whose eyes flicked between Maker and Vandrad. She was wrestling with her own inner turmoil, unsure if Maker was seriously considering letting her leave. Of course, to Maker, it looked like she wasn’t completely sold on returning to Vandrad and the life she had before, a life that she had accepted was only temporary and was merely a fantasy in the oppressive world the Nazru had her in. But finally she made her decision, walking the short distance between them to Vandrad, her eyes wavering with emotion over a reunion that had long been coming. She embraced him and he returned it, pulling her close and holding her there until he felt her begin to pull away slightly. Their eyes met, her hand touching his cheek and a soft smile, rarely seen on the future king’s face, crossed his lips. It spoke volumes outwardly but even more internally. They understood, together, what had to be done and it was time to deliver on the opportunity they had been given.

    Mercury insisted he didn’t need to apologize, stating that he had loved her when she wasn’t worthy of it and that she should be the one apologizing. His brow furrowed slightly as she kissed his cheek and continued, thanking him and his family for all the care they had provided her… but stating that they couldn’t go back to what they were. She didn’t have that kind of freedom and wouldn’t have it until the Nazru had been dealt with; a task that he couldn’t accomplish but Maker could. She apologized once more and stated plainly that she wasn’t going back with him before stepping back and joining Maker again.

    "Mercury… what?” he asked, taking a step towards her and half-reaching out for her, even as she fell in line with the Terran once more.

    “Are you sure?” Maker asked her quietly, his tone sympathetic to her. Once she acknowledged that she was, he would gently reach out and put a hand on her shoulder. “I am truly sorry, Vandrad. But I will do my best to rid the universe of the Nazru and guarantee her and any of her people that remain alive’s safety.”

    "You shut your damn mouth,” Vandrad hissed at him. "You claim to free her but she would never, never turn her back on me. It would mean…” he paused, his eyes widening softly as he stared. "That I made a fool of myself…”

    “I do not wish to make this pain any worse, Vandrad. But unfortunately there is more that I must get off my chest, as it were, to truly do right by you. You may recall the unfortunate incident where you were dealt a near-mortal blow that also damaged your magical core. Within that blade was a transference module of my own design that trapped a portion of your magical core in stasis for me to study. I was curious how your Energy Monarch worked and wished to test it and see if I could replicate it. Unfortunately my tests through a generated version didn’t fulfill my desire so I took it into the next level of trials. I mixed together your DNA with that of some I had stored and used it to create a clone, imbued with Energy Monarch. Some alterations to the genome allowed me to age the being up to that of an adulthood.” Maker sighed softly to Mercury. “I had once created a homunculus, utilizing similar but not all together the same methods. I was amazed to discover that I had created a living, breathing human. So I protected him; educated him and helped him grow. But he is derived from your genes; it isn’t right for me to keep him. He should be with you, the one that provided his DNA.”

    Maker reached over and pressed a button on his bracelet. The same teleportation system activated and created an area of particles right beside Maker. A glowing form stood in place before it took on more defined features. A man, standing over six feet tall, looked around in confusion. He was large and bulky, with several scars on his chest and arms, lacking any kind of shirt. He had a pair of ripped purple pants that resembled the same fabric that Vandrad had for his own unitard. He also had some kind of fur wrapped around his waist and what looked like a collar around his neck. He grumbled a bit as he looked around before his eyes fell on Vandrad, his eyes becoming large.

    “Raici,” Maker said, placing a hand on the young man’s back. “I’d like you to meet Vandrad.”

    Raici let out a growl, perhaps not the sound most people would expect upon a first meeting. That growl grew as Raici’s body quivered, overcome with a fury that made the air thick. He bared his teeth as his pale yellow eyes throbbed within his gaze. The only warning any of them got before he moved was the ground cracking beneath his feet and then he was off, flying through the air at breakneck speed at the future king, who was still trying to process everything he had just heard and witnessed. “Raici!” Maker called out, sounding concerned and downright terrified to Mercury, as he tried, hopelessly to stop the younger man.

    But Raici’s voice slammed into Vandrad’s arms as he brought them over his chest. But the man’s strength proved superior to the future king’s expectations and he was sent soaring away, with Raici in quick pursuit.

    “No… what is he doing?!” Maker asked almost in a whimper, seemingly distraught. But beneath the facade, hidden behind the deceit, the Terran was smirking, grinning, bordering on the edge of laughing.

    Words: 1383/4843 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 7th June 2023, 5:27 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    For the last several years Mercury had teased Vandrad when it came to his acting skills. Both of them knew he wasn’t the best actor, if only because he never cared enough to try, always a man that was up front about his thoughts and didn’t see any point or honor in pretending to be something else. However, he was more than rising to the occasion now, pulling her close and holding her like he earnestly hadn’t done so in nearly a year and a half, even giving her a rare smile as they looked at one another… only for all of his happiness to come crashing back down as she explained that she was going to stay with Maker.

    He looked utterly flummoxed, even as Maker asked her if she was sure. “Yes,” was her simple response. The Terran put a hand on her shoulder in comfort before turning back to Vandrad and offering his apologies, assuring him that he would do his best to address the Nazru and help Mercury achieve her freedom. Unsurprisingly, Vandrad once more told him to shut up, brooking no quarter to his enemy as he explained that if Mercury were truly free from his control that she would never betray him, because if she did it would mean that he was at fault for not seeing the truth of her feelings – or lack thereof – sooner.

    For her part, Mercury said nothing to encourage him otherwise, acting for all intents and purposes as though this meeting were over. Yet Maker carried on, admitting that he had other things he needed to get off his chest before they departed, explaining about how he’d used the incident with destroying Vandrad’s magical core to also steal a strain of his power enough to study it. He was able to create a fabricated duplicate of the magic but it wasn’t quite the same, and in his quest to experiment with the energy he had used some of Vandrad’s DNA to create a clone. Even Mercury was giving him a frown at that point, genuinely surprised by the admission, her mind running like mad trying to figure out what – or who – he was talking about.

    For the briefest of moments she had a silent panic wondering if it had been Blade, and that Maker was aware of both of their scheming this entire time. It would explain why the two men looked so similar. But as Maker would soon come to reveal, that was not the case. He claimed that since the individual shared Vandrad’s genetic sequencing, it was best that it remain with Vandrad, using his teleporter to bring the man there.

    And boy was the man huge. Mercury couldn’t help herself, blinking up at the overly muscled man that was looking around in confusion. The size of his body put even Gren to shame, and as the clone’s eyes fell upon Vandrad himself they went wide, almost in recognition. Which was certainly… odd. Suspicious, even. And it didn’t take long for Mercury to draw the obvious conclusion: this had been planned. Whoever this guy was, Maker had always intended on using him against Vandrad.

    Addressing him as Raici, Maker introduced the former prince, and Mercury theory solidified as the clone’s first instinct was to growl in anger. Fury, even. With little more warning than the ground cracking beneath his feet, Raici launched himself at Vandrad despite Maker’s supposed protests, catching the Rhaegarian fully off guard as he slammed into him, sending him flying. It took every ounce of self control Mercury had not to act, despite the fact that Maker likely wouldn’t think that very suspicious, given the pretense they had for being there. However, she decided to hang back and follow the Terran’s lead. “Oh, great. That’s going to be a big help,” was her dry remark.

    She sighed and rubbed her temples. “What’s the plan here? I’ve made my choice and all, but I wasn’t exactly looking to get Vandrad killed today. And you better believe once he’s done with that thing that he’s coming for us – both of us.” She sounded more annoyed than concerned for Vandrad’s safety. In fact, she sounded more concerned for their own safety once Vandrad’s wrath turned back on them.

    WORDS: 716/3581 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th June 2023, 7:13 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    This bastard had done what?

    Vandrad could hardly believe the words he was hearing. He’d expected a lot of things from Maker but this was beyond insanity. He had taken some of his genetic magical material and applied his mad science to create a clone? All for the sake of testing Energy Monarch? And now that clone was a living, breathing adult and before his very eyes, the Terran brought forth the massive monstrosity. He looked beyond confused, his head moving on a swivel like he’d never seen the world before. But then his gaze settled on the future king and something seemed to snap. Vandrad could feel it; the bubbling rage beneath the surface, tempered but not unleashed. That didn’t occur until Maker said his name, a clear and obvious trigger word. Then it all came rushing out and Raici came rushing at him, like a wild animal. He barely had time to put up his arms and block the first strike before he was soaring backwards and the man was suddenly in pursuit.

    "Son of a bitch,” Vandrad growled as his magic took hold of him, allowing him to control his flight. Remarkably, Raici seemed to sense the shift and leapt off the ground and… began to fly as well. A few more heavy strikes came flying in at Vandrad, who diverted each wild swing. If there was one thing that cleared Vandrad’s mind of confusion, it was battle, even against his clone. "Are you just some brain dead drone, following his orders?” he demanded as he reached down with one hand and tore the jacket from his body, letting it get taken by the wind.

    Raici just growled in response and continued to lunge at him with savage swipes and punches. "This will barely be a warm up!” Vandrad roared as he dodged one swing, tilting backwards and then thrusting his feet up, smashing both legs into the clone’s face and sending him skyward. His aura of magic wrapped around him as he shot after, now intent on turning the battle around.

    Meanwhile, next to Mercury, Maker watched in abject horror. The Xocili demanded to know what the next step was. She knew she had made a choice but she wasn’t looking to get Vandrad killed and she was not looking forward to when he finished off Raici and came for them. “I don’t know if he can,” Maker said softly, his tone sullen to her ears. “Raici’s Energy Monarch is a mutation of the original. It was intrinsically linked to his emotions, specifically his rage. The angrier he gets or the more he panics, the more powerful he becomes. I called it… Energy Beast. Vandrad would have to finish him off quickly to keep him from becoming out of control. The boy was so… passive around me. I don’t understand why he’s reacting this way.” After a moment of silence, he turned to Mercury. “We must find a way to pacify him. He’s just confused.”

    But it seemed things had progressed far too quickly for that to be considered. A shockwave detonated just over their heads and slammed into them with heavy winds. Above, Vandrad had activated his Crimson Empowerment and was currently pressing his fist into Raici’s, both of them unable to budge the other. "This is getting annoying!” Vandrad roared as he suddenly pulled his arm back, causing Raici to move forward off balance. That was the opening Vandrad needed to snake his hand in and punch it hard into his clone’s chest, empowering it with additional magic. Raici screamed in a mixture of anger and pain as he exploded off of the future king’s fist, surging down towards the icy ground and slamming into it, causing sheets of white to erupt upwards.

    Vandrad’s hand opened up as he funneled destructive magic into his palm, creating an orb of swirling color. Below he heard a voice calling out to him, his eyes slightly moving to see Maker. “Please, Vandrad! I know we can fix this. Please do not destroy him before we have a chance to help him!”

    The future king glared at Maker and then at Mercury before settling his gaze on Raici. The eruption of snow and ice had settled and the clone was caught in a crater of his own making. His body was shaking slightly as he struggled to get to his feet. "What a waste,” Vandrad said dismissively before he released the devastating attack. The small orb expanded quickly as it rushed down to the clone, who could only stare up at it in horror. A terrified yell escaped his mouth as he fell back, holding up his hands in defeat and panic.

    And that should have been the end of it. The attack hit a solid surface… and then stopped. No, it didn’t just stop. It began to shrink, the flow of the magic inside being suctioned into the center, as if caught in a vacuum. Vandrad’s brow rose in confusion as he watched his magic attack melt away and, behind it, the figure of a woman. Her hand was up and holding the attack as it flowed into her palm before disappearing altogether. The woman had long, black hair that swung behind her, falling practically to the back of her knees. Her skin was quite pale, almost as white as the snow she stood on. Glowing green eyes stared up at Vandrad, with a devilish smirk on her face. Her outfit looked like an altered lab coat, painted green and black with a utility belt around her waist and leather studded gloves on her hands. “Hey there, handsome,” she called up to the future king. “We do love when you get feisty.”

    Vandrad had no answer for her. Who the hell was this woman? She turned away from him and walked over to the still frozen Raici, leaning down to look at him. “Take a load off, stud,” she said, pressing her finger to his forehead. Magical energy, tinted green, flowed into the clone’s head and his eyes rolled up into his head as he fell back unconscious. Then, finally, she set her eyes on Maker and Mercury, still smirking. “Well, well, well… if it isn’t our old piece of shit boss,” she remarked as she sauntered towards the pair.

    Maker studied her, his face hardened. “Who are you?”

    “What, don’t recognize us?” the woman asked as she slid her hands over the side of her chest, down her stomach and over her hips. “I guess it’s because I was always hidden away. The anger, the hatred that wanted nothing more than to wring your cocky little neck and watch you squirm.” Her hands flexed and her muscles stretched as she said the remark. A sickly green glow overwhelmed each hand, billowing off of them like emerald flames. Vandrad slowly floated down to the ground, landing just off to her side as he watched her approach Maker and Mercury. “For so long we watched and waited, being the good doctor, following orders, waiting until we had a chance to find someone to get at you. All the while wishing we had this power back so we could show you what we could do. We thought we’d lost our chance but then, we pushed our luck just a bit too much. Played around just a bit too rough. We should have died; but turns out, you putting Energy Monarch in us before must have left something inside. Instead of dying, we were reborn.”

    “Patricia Reeves…” Maker said slowly.

    "What?” Vandrad snapped, his gaze flicking between Maker and ‘Patricia’. "It… can’t be. You don’t look…”

    She turned her head just enough to look at Vandrad and blow him a teasing kiss. “I did say ‘reborn’, baby. Though not entirely; little Patty is in here too, taking a rest. But once we saw your message about Maker, we had to come and take our shot.”

    “Mercury, I believe it’s in our best interest to leave,” Maker said, taking a small step backwards.

    “Oh no, we don’t think so. Mercury is coming back with us or really do whatever she wants. But you, Maker… you’re going to die, here and now.” More of the sickly energy began to blow off of her hands as she got closer.

    “Doctor Reeves, this is highly unlike you…” Maker tried to placate the woman.

    “We told you, Patty’s sleeping.” With a surge of magical power, the woman was wrapped in emerald power -- a magical power that was all too familiar to the three gathered there. “Call us Ego.” Then she thrust her hand towards Maker, a bright burst of magic rushing towards him. He quickly activated the teleportation device in his hand and whisked him and Mercury back to the ship.

    He let out a deep breath, one that he had apparently been holding. As he collected himself, he looked at Mercury. “Are you okay?” Yet she wouldn’t be the one that either of them should be worried about. He winced as pain made him dizzy and nauseous and as he turned to look at the source, he found his left arm had been scorched. “Ah… damnit…” he grimaced as he fell to a knee, cradling the injured arm. “That… shouldn’t be possible.”

    Words: 1548/6391 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 8th June 2023, 5:59 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was doing her best to watch the fight from where she stood beside Maker, zooming her gaze in as far as it would go and doing her best to maintain her calm. She wasn’t sure what was really happening, but she was starting to see the cracks. She didn’t need to hear the tone of Maker’s voice to recognize that Vandrad’s name had been a trigger, and that this Raici clone had almost certainly been conditioned to attack Vandrad on sight. Somehow, someway, Vandrad had seen the clarity of the situation that Mercury had been unable to, and while she wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, she did now understand – well and truly – that he had been deceiving her.

    Good. That made things much easier.

    She asked what the plan was, seeing as how they were going to become the next targets if they didn’t act quickly, and Maker claimed that he didn’t know if Vandrad could beat the clone. The strange man’s version of Energy Monarch was a mutation of sorts that was triggered by his anger and fear, something Maker had chosen to refer to as Energy Beast. Vandrad’s only hope was to finish the clone off quickly before he got too out of control. That, or they would have to find a way to pacify him, which seemed unlikely.

    It was about that time that Vandrad charged up an extra powerful attack. Mercury’s eyes widened a touch. “Well, that’s not good for us,” she informed Maker, knowing full well that the attack was going to be big enough to swallow all three of Vandrad’s opponent’s whole. Mercury accepted that she was just going to have to put on a good show of fighting Vandrad, which shouldn’t be that hard as the couple were well versed in fighting each other. Mercy, or at least a fabricated copy of the original, appeared in her hand and she was crouching down to ready herself for leaping into the air… when her sensors caught the approach of someone else moving in quickly.

    Instinctively, she moved to take a step in front of Maker, only to find that the individual had instead gone to the focal point of Vandrad’s attack and… siphoned the energy. A confoundingly sexy woman came into view as the energy shrunk, having been absorbed into her palm. Mercury frowned in confusion. “Who the hell..?” Why was this woman acting like she knew Vandrad so well? Mercury would almost certainly know of anyone in his life of this caliber. But as the mysterious woman turned to address Maker, a bit of her scent finally wafted in Mercury’s direction.

    “No way…” The Xocili’s jaw had dropped… and then the biggest, most excited of grins slowly tugged back her lips. She said nothing, far too stunned and frankly aroused to interject herself in the conversation that was going back and forth between Patricia, Vandrad and Maker. At least, up until Maker suggested it was time to leave. “...Can we take her with us?” she asked, her eyes still roaming over the woman. No matter what part she was playing, Mercury was still Mercury, so at this point she doubted the reaction she was giving would surprise anyone. Though at the very least, she managed not to add anything else when the doctor insinuated that Mercury would ‘do whatever she wanted’, her mind coming up with several different ideas.

    At least, up until the woman was preparing an attack. “Ah, crap.” Mercury solidified her stance and erected a large shield of light in front of her to block her and Maker both from the incoming energy. Only a split second later did she find herself once again safely on the ship with just her and Maker. “Yeah.. Yeah I’m fine, I just… What in the hell just happened?” she asked more to herself than anything, and clearly talking about the entire clusterfuck of the last two minutes.

    Then her attention was pulled away by her catching sight of Maker in her peripheral vision as he winced, unsteady on his feet. Her gaze snapped to him, emerald eyes going wide. “Maker..!” She rushed forward and caught him as he fell to a knee, very much the concerned partner. His arm was absolutely fucked up, having been completely scorched by some of Patty’s – Ego’s? – magic that had gotten past her shielding. “Sit down. Don’t move!”

    Leaping back up to her feet, she raced over to where she knew a number of medical supplies were kept, grabbing everything she’d need to treat a burn before running back over to the Terran. She set everything down on the floor before conjuring a pair of scissors, cutting the fabric of his top at the shoulder. “Do your best to breathe regularly. This is gonna hurt.” Carefully, she started peeling the torn sleeve off a little bit at a time, doing her best not to cause him further injury in the process. “Lights of Aetheria, it’s a fucking Energy Monarch bargain sale,” she muttered, clearly still trying to process everything that had happened even as she worked. Unfortunately, she would need to get the burned clothing off before it adhered fully to his skin. Only then could she start cleaning the wound and getting him on a road to recovery.

    Meanwhile, back in Silver Wolf, the real Mercury was in a full panic as she sprinted up to her room. Hold him off as long as you can, she messaged Vandrad, knowing the text would get through to him via his scanner. I’ll be there as soon. Maker had completely hidden Raici from her, which was no surprise. He hadn’t fully trusted her yet, and at this point the only thing she could hope was that she’d done enough to earn his trust for the future. But at the moment, she wasn’t sure if Maker had any means of observing the remainder of the fight, so she had to play her cards carefully.

    WORDS: 1000/4581 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 9th June 2023, 1:17 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    “This… shouldn’t be possible…”

    Maker was still in denial, even as the pain of the burn began to take effect. His brow got moist with sweat as the fever set in, his vision getting blurry. His body was pulling all the moisture from the rest of his body to fight off the burn. Luckily Mercury was there to keep him from completely falling over. His arm looked awful, the skin malformed and blistering. He took a few breaths to steady himself, even as the Xocili told him to sit down and stop moving, which he managed to partially do. But even sitting up was becoming difficult, the world spinning a bit. This wasn’t just some regular burn from magic, there was something else going on. He fell back down onto his back, cradling the injured arm as he stared up at the ceiling. Mercury returned with a medical kit, racing over to him and swiftly cutting off the shoulder of his clothing to reveal the rest of his arm.

    She told him to breathe and warned him of the pain. He nodded softly and lowered his other hand to the ground, stabilizing it against the smooth ground. As she began to pull the sleeve from the burn, his body jerked once and completely tensed up, his back arching as he groaned in agony. His fingers dug into the metal floor as she did her best to get as much of the fabric off quickly. “Mercury…” he wheezed between gritted teeth. “There is something wrong.” He could feel it; something beyond the burn was sapping his strength. He reached up with his hand and grabbed her shoulder. “You need to cut it off.”

    He didn’t allow for even a moment of confusion. “The entire arm. Right below the bicep. Please; cut it and cauterize it immediately.” In spite of everything, there was a need in his eyes that she may have never seen before. He was pleading with her, both in voice and look, even as he nodded once more to assure her of his decision. It was the only thing that could be done and he knew it in his soul.

    Back at the Silent Glaciers, Vandrad could only stare at the spot where Mercury and Maker had just been. Rippling, undulating green flames had completely melted the snow in the spot, now burning long dead dirt. Patricia -- Ego -- had altered her trajectory at just the last minute to curl around Mercury’s shield and catch Maker’s arm, that much he had seen right before they disappeared. And though all of that had definitely helped cement her as someone he could rely on, there were now a lot more questions.

    "What are you--” Vandrad started to snap as the former scientist approached him. But before he could really get in any kind of word, she was on top of him, her mouth on his, her hands around his neck and almost pulling him off balance as she kissed him. If he needed any further clarification that it was, in fact, Patricia kissing him, he had it. He was unlikely to forget the second woman -- third? -- that he had kissed. Worst part was that he almost got caught up in it.

    She groaned against his lips before finally parting, chuckling. “Damn it’s been too long since we did that,” she said, running a finger over Vandrad’s chestplate. “There’s a couple of other things we think we can do as well.”

    "Patricia, what the hell is going on? How did you become… this?” Vandrad asked, almost breathlessly.

    The not-so-good doctor laughed again. “C’mon, Vandaddy, didn’t you hear anything we said?”

    "I did,” he said, ignoring her use of Mercury’s nickname for him. "But that doesn’t explain a thing.”

    “Little Patty was doing some experiments and was daydreaming about all the anger she had, plus the rigorous fucking her and Mercury did in her lab…”


    Ego put a finger on his lips, silencing him. “Still talking, baby. Anyways, she got a little lost in her thoughts and pushed the experiment just a bit too far. She detonated her laboratory version of your girthy magic which, as we said, should have killed her. The protective magical fielding around the lab would protect everyone else but little Patty should have been ash. Instead, her body absorbed the energy and brought to life, us,” she said, popping a hip and putting her hand on it. “If only all experiments came out as good looking as us, right?” She turned her gaze over to the crater, where Raici still was. “Though your clone came out fine. He looks more like Grenny-poo than you do, at least in height and width.” Her glowing green eyes snapped back to Vandrad with a playful glint. “Think he’s the same in other places too?”

    "How did you know about that? You weren’t here for that part.”

    “Fluctuations in the ethernano; imprints left from the conversation you were having. It was absorbed into the air and was still fresh so we can… access it,” Ego said with a shrug.

    "That…” Vandrad could only stare. He’d expected a lot out of the day, even after getting Maker’s letter. He’d thought they’d found an angle to work and then they could run with it without incident. But between Raici and this Ego version of Patricia, he just didn’t know what to say or do.

    Ego giggled and walked up, patting his cheek… and then his outer thigh. “Don’t worry, plenty of time for twenty questions later. Right now, it’s best that we make sure this mountain of a man remains unconscious so we can bring him back. I’m sure Patty is going to have a lot of questions. But before we give her back control, there’s a little fantasy we’re hoping to live out.” Ego purred at him, once more getting right up close and personal.

    But before she could make any other further suggestions or comments, Vandrad’s analysis device chirped with a message from Mercury. She told him to hold him off as long as he can and that she would be there soon. As he stared at the message, he felt… something. A flare of emotion that seemed to die out. But just as quickly, it came surging back and boiled over and with it, a rising in concentrated magical power.

    The crater exploded as Raici rose up, waves of energy rushing off of him as he stared, wild-eyed at the ground. His hair, once passively resting on his head, had stiffened and began to glow as, improbably, the clone’s body began to grow. His muscles expanded as his height rose, enlarging his entire form as a green glow of magic surrounded him. Flashes of emerald light coalesced around Raici until he roared, unleashing the concentration of it outwards, blowing Vandrad and Ego back and forcing them to slam their heels in the ground to keep from being fully blown away.

    “So he called this Energy Beast, huh?” Ego yelled above the roar of magical energy, grinning. “It’s pretty damn impressive. Too bad Maker won’t be around much longer to see how this little party ends.” Vandrad swiveled his head around to look at her, even as he covered his face with his arms to block it from the intense winds. She grinned wider at him. “See, we got a special type too; Little Patty would probably give it some lofty name like ‘Energy Dredger’. But we like the appeal behind Saffron’s style of naming things, so we went with Energy Sapper. And it’s going to drain his life away from him.”

    “Now,” she said as the flames erupted from her hands again and overwhelmed her form. “How ‘bout I suck your clone dry so he goes to sleep like a good boy?”

    Vandrad groaned and sneered but he didn’t -- or rather couldn’t -- remark. If her magic followed in line with what she had titled it, it may be their only shot. Raici had finished his abnormal Empowerment change, now standing at a clean nine feet tall, with emerald, spiked hair and cold, white eyes. His head dropped to look at the two of them, a growl rumbling out from his throat even as Vandrad activated his Cobalt Empowerment. And then, with yet another mighty roar, he released a torrent of magical energy from his mouth at the two, officially beginning the next round of their fight.

    Words: 1405/7796 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th June 2023, 4:28 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Something was very wrong with Maker.

    Granted that was true almost all the time, mentally, but physically speaking there was something really unsettling happening before her eyes. He was breaking out in a fever and starting to grow pale as all the moisture was rising to his skin in a desperate attempt to cool him down. He looked like he was half on the verge of becoming delirious, and his arm was starting to bubble and blister. He didn’t argue with her when she started instructing him, bracing himself for the pain of having his jacket peeled off his arm like a second layer of flesh as a let out an agonizing groan.

    Mercury was working as quickly as she could – or rather, as quickly as she cared to in order to be convincing in her efforts; he could stand a little bit of pain as far as she was concerned – but he pulled his attention to her as her name came wheezing from his mouth. Despite herself, she didn’t make any jokes or sarcastic comments about knowing something was wrong, and instead just listened to hear what he had to say. Which was apparently, that she needed to cut his arm off. She only hesitated long enough for him to instruct her that it needed to be the entire infected area just below his bicep, and to cauterize it…

    And then she got to work without argument. Even if she cared about Maker in any authentic sense, she wouldn’t have waffled on something like this. If he said it needed to go, it needed to go, and she certainly wasn’t squeamish about doing the work. In quick succession, Mercury waved her arm to conjure a metal can filled with oil and a flat metal paddle, then snapped her fingers as a bolt of lightning jumped from her fingertips and lit the oil in the can ablaze. She took the paddle and rested it on top of the open face of the can so the flames consumed it. While that was quickly heating up, she ripped off her shirt and swiftly folded it up until it was decently thick. “Bite,” she told him, holding the garment up to his mouth and giving him something to protect his teeth as he would inevitably clench his jaw beyond the kind of pressure it normally could withstand.

    Then, with another wave, she summoned a large cleaver of sorts that was surgically sharp. Putting on a glove from the medical kit, as she didn’t want to risk touching whatever the hell Ego had done to the man’s arm, Mercury pulled his arm to stretch it out against the flat ground, giving her plenty of room and holding it in place with all her strength in case he flinched. “Three, two,” she didn’t give him the full count before the weapon was swinging down, swiftly and cleaning severing the limb just above the point of contamination. Mercury pushed the amputation out of the way, dropping the cleaver and grabbing the paddle from the flames, which was now red hot and ready to go. Lifting up what was left of the arm, she held him by the bicep and pressed the flat end of the paddle against the wound. The scent of burning flesh roiled in her nostrils, smoke rising from the place where metal met skin, but she made sure to hold it in place plenty long enough for a full cauterization.

    When that was done, she dumped the paddle to the side as well. Flicking her wrist, she summoned a syringe that was filled with an oil based solution. Without so much as asking permission, she jammed it into his bicep and depressed the back, flooding his system with a healing solution that would, at the very least, fight off any start to an infection and provide some decent numbing of the area. “Breathe,” she reminded him, knowing that often times great pain caused a person to forget to do just that.

    “Did I get it all off?” she asked him, certain that he would at least be able to tell if something was still killing him, even through the pain. Assuming she had done everything right, Mercury would finally breathe a soft sigh of relief. Then, she materialized a magical gurney beneath him, the platform lifting him gently up off the ground and away from the hazardous bio-waste on the ground. Giving him a moment to collect himself, she went back over to where there were a bunch of lab supplied and grabbed a sealed sanitation box, bringing it back over and breaking the seal so she could pick up his arm and put it inside, certain they would both want to study it later.

    After she quickly cleaned up all the contaminated fluids on the ground and tossed them in a safe hazard bin, Mercury then returned to Maker. Picking up the medical kit, she found a cold compress and cracked it, the pouch instantly becoming very cold to the touch. “You okay..?” she asked him quietly, setting the compress onto his forehead and pulling out all the supplies she’d need to clean and dress the wound.

    Mercury – the real one – was fiddling with a teleporter device in her room. She wasn’t certain at this point if Maker had means of observing the fight, and she had to take every precaution to make sure he would not suspect her identity if he could. Not only did that mean activating her Merciala disguise, it also meant transporting herself through means that weren’t indicative of her usual abilities, using a teleporter that was different from her normal translocation ray. Slapping in the coordinates, she opened a portal and tossed herself through it…

    Only to find that Raici had just unleashed a massive blast of energy from his mouth in the direction of Vandrad and Patty. The clone was ebbing with an emerald colored energy, almost looking like he had reached some kind of empowerment of his own. No time to think about it. Taking the time while he was distracted with his own attack, Mercury conjured up her lacrima bow. The specialty weapon came to life as it charged up a shot, the Silver Wolf ace pulling back the energy strings and aiming a careful shot. When she released, several dozen bolts of bright blue lasers streaked through the air, each of them spraying out from the bow before turning to home in on the large, muscular man, and exploding violently with whatever surface – or person, if Raici wasn’t quick enough to evade them – they came into contact with.

    WORDS: 1111/5692 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 9th June 2023, 6:05 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    Luckily for Maker, it seemed Mercury understood what he was saying and didn’t even pause to double check. He’d made a statement and she saw no reason not to believe it. Her hand moved and she had produced a can of oil with a paddle as well. With a snap of her fingers, she lit the liquid inside and began the heating process as she lay the paddle on top. She tore her shirt off and folded it into a thick, touch piece of material. Seemingly not unfamiliar with what was coming, Maker opened his mouth swiftly and bit down on the cloth, setting it between his teeth. Then she materialized a cleaver, the instrument for the extraction and put on a glove to protect her own skin from whatever was on him. Her limb was extended and planted and with little more than a two count, the blade came down and instantly and cleaned severed his from his body.

    He let out a yell of pain against the material in his mouth, gritting down tight. His entire world had turned red and white from agony and it only got worse when the paddle was shoved against his stump, searing the open wound. He, somehow, managed to keep himself from writhing in pain, seething against the material in his mouth with ragged, furious hisses of air. He felt another sharp pinch and groaned once more before the solution went to work, starting to numb the pain down from a vibrant scream into a dull roar. He was breathing softly though his nostrils as he stared at the ceiling, hearing her tell him to breathe as he finally let the fabric fall from his mouth. She asked him if she had gotten it all and he gave a small nod. Though it was hard to tell through the pain and feverish pressure in his head, he didn’t feel the same sensation as before. He barely felt the gurney she had created as he blinked his eyes a few times to focus.

    He came back to reality a moment later when he felt the cold compress against his forehead, blearily looking up at her. “Yes…I… think so…” he said softly. He reached out with his free hand and cupped her cheek softly. “You… saved me,” he whispered, his tone almost in absolute wonder. It was a very real moment that no level of deception would really mimic; a raw, unbridled appreciation for her efforts. It was unfortunate that it needed to be interrupted by two of Maker’s clones approaching; one with a syringe and another with a bracelet-looking trinket.

    “Just a moment,” one of the clones said as it carefully slid the ring up over Maker’s stump and secured it right at the amputation border. He pressed a button on it on the end of it and magical particles began to form in the hollow space where Maker’s limb used to be. He grunted softly as a creation of light took the form of his arm and then fragmented, giving way to actual flesh beneath. As the fractals of light faded into the air just before them, it revealed an entirely new arm, looking exactly the same as the last. The second clone waited until the light had faded and then put the needle in his bicep above the new arm, depressing it until the liquid inside was empty.

    Then the clones left as Maker looked down at the arm and then, miraculously, lifted it. He flexed it a few times, squeezing his hand open and closed before he let it drop. “Not the first time… I’ve had to cut an arm off and replace it,” he explained through slow, panting breaths. After a moment, he reached over with the new clone arm and placed his hand on her’s. “Thank you. I’ve no idea what Patricia or Ego, as she is calling herself, used on me, but I could feel it breaking down my body. It was like she had turned my own blood vessels against themselves… or…” Already his mind was starting to churn, despite having just been through an amputation and a magical reattachment. “She… said something about pushing too much and the Energy Monarch that I had grafted onto her saving her. It sounds like she was… able to manifest a new branch of Energy Monarch. Perhaps she… weaponized my body against itself by altering the ethernano that runs through my veins…”

    He wasn’t far off but he wouldn’t be getting an answer anytime soon, nor from Patricia herself. Currently Ego, the self-manifested version of herself on Silent Glaciers, was just about to launch herself at Raici when a portal appeared behind him. Out came the disguised version of Mercury, Merciala. And she came ready to go; her bow was already out and dozens of lasers erupted from the end of it, slamming into Raici’s back. He stumbled forward a step and then slowly turned to face her, his blank eyes widening and a growl coming out from his mouth once more. And then he had moved, thrown himself at Mercury so fast that it was like he had teleported instantaneously. The nine foot titan was already on top of her, his hands coming down towards her, when Vandrad appeared in front of her, throwing his arms out to catch the coming hands. Raici’s mitts came to a stop but continued to push against the future king’s hands, trying to overwhelm him in strength. And by the look of it, Vandrad was just barely hanging on.

    "Took you… long enough,” he grunted at Mercury. From right over Raici’s head came Ego, flipping over him and then slamming her fist into his face. He growled and lost his focus, his muscles loosening on his arms and giving Vandrad a chance to truly brace himself. He spun around, arm already cocked, and slammed his fist into Raici’s stomach, sending him flying away from them.

    “Heya good lookin’,” Ego remarked as she landed next to the disguised Mercury, giving her a shit eating grin. She leaned in to kiss the woman on the cheek. “Think you can pluck our string like that later?” she asked, nodding to the string on the bow.

    "Can we focus?!” Vandrad demanded to know, keeping his eyes on his recovering clone.

    “Hey, Iwecan fight and run game at the same time. We learned from the best,” she said, flashing a wink at Mercury before she turned. “Should be easy enough; you two keep him distracted while we siphon off his energy. We just want to calm him down enough so that we can get through Maker’s programming.”


    “Oh yeah, we can see it all over him. But we’re pretty sure we can shut it off. He just can’t be… this tall piece of man meat. Is that like your Empowerment?”

    "Enough questions! Merciala, let’s go!” Vandrad roared, his own aura flaring to life as he rushed towards Raici, who was already recovering and starting to move towards them once more.

    Vandrad acted as the tank; reinforcing his defensive magic to take the hits from his clone while the disguised Mercury peppered him with attacks from her bow. Keeping him between the two required a coordination that few teams could accomplish but was easier than breathing to the engaged couple. And all throughout the fight, Ego found her moments to land punches and hits with her hands, absorbing the raging ethernano from Raici. She even would take moments when one or the other wasn’t actively being targeted to supply them some of the magical energy she had stolen, though she found less than appropriate ways to touch them to transfer it.

    It took the greater part of an hour of fighting before Raici had completely lost his Empowerment form and, honestly, looked drunk. He stumbled around when he tried to go at them, falling over himself and nearly falling over trying to get to his feet. "That took forever. You couldn’t have done that any faster?” Vandrad asked through panting breaths, having been drained down to his golden Empowerment, despite all of the replenishments he had gotten.

    “Hey, two hours ago, we were nothing but a voice in Patty’s id. We know what we can do but we aren’t experts in how to use it yet,” Ego replied with a shrug. Raici charged once more, trying to grab at Vandrad. He easily countered the attempt, tossing the clone up in the air for Mercury to blast with her bow one last time. And then he hit the ground hard, creating yet another crater in the ice and snow. Ego walked over to him, staring down as he heaved for breath. “Now… sleep, doggy,” she replied as she leaned down and flicked his forehead, draining the last bits of combative energy from him. He groaned and then went limp, his head sagging to the side as he passed out.

    “Good boy,” she cooed before she turned back to the other two. “So? Let’s get him back to base so we can get to work on one another. Oh and I guess fix this guy too,” she remarked with a cocky smirk.

    Words: 1533/9329 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th June 2023, 7:42 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He started coming around after she put the cold pack on his forehead, helping him break through the fever, looking up at her wearily and confirming that he was fine as far as he could tell. She was working on arranging everything so that she could dress the wound when she was stopped by the feel of his hand on her cheek. The Xocili paused, turning to look at him as he commented that she’d saved him, looking for all the world like he really was shocked and touched. At this point Mercury could no longer confirm what was real and what wasn’t – not that she had been able to very well before now – but.. Something told her that he was, for once, being well and truly genuine with her.

    “Of course I did,” she told him gently, one of her hands coming up to hold the back of his while he cupped her cheek. A soft but playful smirk tugged on her lips. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Lest you forget that I’ll be stranded here if you die.” Mercury couldn’t help but tease him at least a little bit, if only to help get him over the trauma he was likely feeling. It was certainly a tender moment, one that was interrupted by a couple of his clones entering the room.

    One of them asked Mercury to wait a moment. She stepped aside to give it room, picking up her shirt and unfolding it so she could slip it back on, though she didn’t bother doing it back up, the garment draping over her in loose modesty. She merely watched, holding his other hand as the first clone slid a ring over the amputation, pressing a button that triggered a magical three dimensional printer of sorts, crafting a new arm for her even as she looked on. When it finished, the second clone inserted another needle into him, delivering another shot of an unknown substance before both clones left as quickly as they had come.

    The Terran had his new arm for barely more than a few seconds before he was already lifting and maneuvering it. He was still coming down a bit from the adrenaline rush, even as he explained that it wasn’t the first time he’d had to sever a limb, which Mercury could only assume he was referencing his fight with Hosrius. Maker added his cloned arm on top of her other hand, thanking her. Like her, he wasn’t sure what the new version of Patricia had done, but he had been able to feel its degenerative effects on his body, like it had turned his own blood against him. Or perhaps, as he theorized a moment later, that she had used her new branch of Energy Monarch to weaponize the ethernano of his body against himself.

    “I suppose we’ll find out soon enough,” she told him, nodding to where his prior arm was contained. “We’ll take some samples, see what we can find out. But… we’ll do that later.” Turning back to him, she pressed the back of the palm of her free hand against his cheek, feeling that his fever was finally coming down despite the fact that she could already tell that just from scanning him with her radars. “Right now, you need to rest. Okay..?” Leaning down, she kissed him gently on the cheek, and then on the lips, letting it linger without letting it get impassioned. Then, she guided him to the bedroom, the floating gurney following beside her where she could help him get into bed more easily.

    In the Glaciers, however, the fight was still going. Mercury showed up and loosed a powerful blast of laser arrows at Raici, the bolts embedding in his back and exploding upon impact, causing him to stumble. The massive clone turned slowly to look at her with a growl as Mercury reloaded her weapon and readied herself, only to be caught off guard as the hulking man moved so quickly that he practically materialized right in front of her. She was already using her magic to reinforce her body with protection when Vandrad also appeared, raising his arms and catching Raici’s downward strike, the two men locked in a grapple.

    The future king grumbled about how long it had taken her to get there. “Hey, not my fault that I got the message mid shit,” she explained, keeping up her ruse for the time being. She looked up to watch Ego flipping over Raici, allowing a well rehearsed look of bewilderment on her face. “Who’s the acrobat?” Presuming one of them provided the answer, she’d look all surprised and then all sorts of pleased as Ego sidled over to her, kissing her on the cheek and wondering if she could pluck Ego later like she was plucking that bow. Mercury grinned and was about to give a flirty quip back when Vandrad cut them off like the typical party pooper he was, demanding that they focus.

    A game plan was hatched that involved her and Vandrad acting as distractions while Ego used her abilities to drain and overwrite Maker’s programming on the clone, and then they were off, both warrior working in almost perfect tandem with one another and giving Ego plenty of opportunities to sneak in a few quick strikes to drain the clone down. Despite the effort, it still took most of an hour to whittle him low enough to render him so weak that he almost couldn’t stand. Mercury was catching her breath even as Vandrad complained about how long the fight had taken, Ego reminding him that she’d only had her new powers for roughly two hours.

    As Ego gave the clone a final flick to render him unconscious, Mercury scanned him carefully. Then, she shed the disguise entirely. “He’s clean. Nothing on or in him that would allow Maker to observe or track us. It should be safe to take him to the island.” Reaching into her magic, she bound Raici up with some metal cords, pinning his arms to his torso and also allowing her to lift and carry him magically. Then, she pulled out her translocator and opened a portal to the island.

    Patty’s lab was an absolute disaster. Mercury whistled as they went inside, nearly all the contents of the facility burned to ash. “Boy, it’s a good thing we warded the fuck out of this place,” the Xocili commented. Using her magic, she conjured up a few work stations and some basic tools and lab equipment that she could make with her magic, laying the unconscious clone down on one of the larger tables. With a deep sigh, she rubbed her forehead like she was getting a headache. “I had no idea about him. Maker didn’t even so much as hint about this guy’s existence.”

    After a moment, she moved over to Vandrad and leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face against his chest. “I’m sorry I had to say all those things. You know I’d never choose him over you, right..?” she asked him quietly, her rational mind knowing that he understood everything was a ruse, but feeling more than a little vulnerable after everything that had happened. Assuming he’d reassure her in some way, she lifted her head to look up at him. “You noticed something, when he was talking to you. I can only assume that you caught him in a lie or something. What was it?”

    WORDS: 1258/6950 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 10th June 2023, 7:07 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    Maker wasn’t sure if he actually knew what love felt like. He’d never experienced it from his family; his brothers had scorned and hated him as far back as he could remember. And his parents had seen him as a means to be rich and famous. There had hardly been a single person in the entire universe that would have stretched their neck out for him; but Mercury had done just that. He’d truly given her freedom, allowing her to return to Vandrad if she truly wanted to. Had it been a ploy? Well, that still seemed up for debate. Whatever it was, she had not only chosen to stay beside him but in a situation where his life was threatened, one where she could have simply chosen not to react and risked him passing, she had done what she could to save his life. He was… amazed and there was no deceitful ability strong enough for him to try and hide that. She gently reassured him before giving him the smallest of teases, stating that not only could he get rid of her that easily but that if he died, she’d be trapped there. “I appreciate your pitying me in my moment of need but we both know you’d be perfectly capable of finding a way out. If there’s one thing I believe, it’s that you can rise to any challenge put in front of you.”

    And that was the cold, hard truth as he saw it. Perhaps with certain precautions and steps, he could find a way to outwit and outdo her. But it was his hope that he wouldn’t have to do that at all. His clones arrived to transfer his cloned arm to him, a process that was uncomfortable but not nearly as bad as losing his arm. He wondered aloud about what the self-named Ego had done to him, theorizing that perhaps she had created a new version of Energy Monarch that allowed her to manipulate other factors that the other branches didn’t have. Mercury remarked that they would most likely be figuring out soon, as she gestured to his severed arm. They would be able to take samples and test their findings but that was a process for later. She checked his fever, which was starting to fade and insisted that he rest. He nodded softly, warming at her kiss on his cheek and on his mouth. As she led him to the bedroom, he reached out and took her hand.

    “Mercury,” he said softly. “I am sorry for what happened. Though it may be hard to believe, I never wanted to pit you against Vandrad like that. Nor did I expect Raici to act so aggressively like that. I fear this meeting may have caused even more trouble rather than resolved any.” But of course, he knew it would. Underneath the facade, things had gone more or less on the path he had hoped. Patricia’s arrival had been completely unexpected, along with her new power base, but in the end, she may have provided more beneficial factors than negative. And his bond with Mercury felt further solidified, having passed two terrible trials in a short timespan.

    As the battle had finally come to an end in the Glaciers, Mercury took a moment to look over the clone as he fell completely into unconsciousness. Clearly she felt positive about what she found as she let her disguise disappear and stated that there wasn’t any tracking device or power connecting him to Maker. Pulling from her magic, she bound him in some thick metal cords, keeping his arms in place and lift him with ease. Then she was able to pull out her translocator and open a portal to New Rhaegar.

    The sight of Patricia’s lab -- or what was left of it -- was something else. Everything had practically been vaporized and what hadn’t was so deeply scorched that it was probably just made of ash. “Oh yeah, real ground zero feel,” Ego commented as she stepped through. Mercury continued to put her magic to work, creating a few pieces of equipment and furniture for them to use. Once Raici had been deposited on one of the tables, Ego went over and pressed her fingers against his forehead, her magic igniting and flowing into his temples. As Mercury sighed about not knowing anything about the clone, Ego scoffed. “We’re not surprised. He’s a squirrely little fucker. Probably keeping most of his best cards close to his chest.”

    Vandrad was looking around the lab when Mercury came over to him and hugged him. He glanced down at her as she spoke into his chest, apologizing for her words and asking if he knew that he would never get overlooked for Maker. Normally he would have made a scathing, dismissive remark at even the presumption that it was an option. But he could tell that she was feeling a bit vulnerable, her emotions a vibrant wave of concern. He sighed softly and wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "You needn’t worry, Mercury. I was right there with you. I know you’d never choose him over me.” With his reassurance given, she lifted her head and pointed out that he had noticed something when he was talking. She figured he had caught him in a lie. Vandrad’s brow furrowed slightly. "No, he was just unbearably smug and cocky. He spoke like he already knew that you would be turning your back on me. And he definitely had built up this… clone of mine to be triggered to my name. Everything about his tone showcased the kind of man he was; there was no hint of the softness that we saw in your recordings.”

    “Yeah we figured your name was an activation code as well but we’re not seeing anything. Maybe it’s something else? Something we didn’t consider…” Ego pondered as she pulled her hands from Raici’s head. Then as she stood and thought, her body gave a small jerk. “Ah shit…” she was able to get out before suddenly, her body was overwhelmed in light. The burst of illumination was blinding, with Vandrad covering Mercury’s eyes as he, too, turned his eyes away. When the light finally settled and they were able to look back, Ego was gone.

    In her place was another woman who looked completely different. Gone was the pale skin and black hair and instead, a woman with white-gray hair stood in front of them. She had rounded red glasses on her face and it seemed the rest of her outfit had changed too; a jacket hung off her shoulders, a tight fitting vest over her torso and a skin-tight bottom that looked like a leotard. She blinked and reached up to adjust her glasses. “Oh my. It seems Ego thought too far outside her potential range and journeyed into my territory. Naughty girl.”

    "Who in the hell are you?” Vandrad demanded, looking the woman up and down.

    “A simple question, Vandrad, with a very simple answer. But first; it seems my alter was onto something. Mercury, darling, would you please bring up that information regarding Blood Markers again? The one you used to seduce and eventually bed our dear Doctor Reeves?” Once Mercury had created the tablet with the information again, the new woman looked it over, her eyes scanning it quickly. “Ah, it seems Patricia was too busy being overwhelmed with your sultry voice to actually listen to the information. Maker was experimenting on Rhaegarians to see what their Blood Markers were; that means he possessed a manner to isolate and categorize them prior to their arrival on Earthland.” the woman chuckled. “It seems there are more things in common with the Rhaegarians and the Terrans than we previously thought. It’s my belief that Maker possesses his own Blood Marker and he is using it to portray himself one way to the likes of Mercury. In fact…” she tapped her chin. “It was strange how quickly everyone was willing to believe that perhaps Maker was telling the truth, when we reviewed the footage Mercury provided. Ample evidence to be concerned about, of course, but still worth scrutinizing. Even Patricia seemed situationally confused to what her memory possessed and what had actually happened. But Vandrad never wavered…”

    As she pondered, she went over and picked up a syringe and poked it into Raici’s arm, withdrawing a decent amount of blood before pulling it out. She quickly picked up a slide and deposited a blot of blood on it, covering it with a cover. “Mercury, could you whip up a centrifuge for me and a processing computer? Actually, a moment.” She snapped and magical energy flowed out of her hand, white particles that swirled down onto the table and began to take shape. Within seconds, she had created a centrifuge and a computer out of magic herself. Once she had done so, she inserted the slide and activated the machine, causing it to whir around. “Perhaps it’s something that can affect others? Be passed on like an infection? Hard to prove without… well, proof! More to think about later; back to your original question, I don’t have a name, per se. Ego would have been more apt for me rather than her, as she is based far more in the id. Perhaps something simple, easy, accurate; Professor. Yes, I shall be called Professor.”

    "How many… people are inside Patricia?” Vandrad asked.

    “Oh, just her. But you see, Patricia’s mind was a bit flustered when she was experimenting with the physical manifestation of Ethernano Manipulation earlier. She was reflecting on her time with Mercury, her negative feelings towards Maker and the sheer expanding landscape of Ethernano Manipulation. She overestimated her ability to test your magic safely and, in doing so, resulted in a catastrophic explosion. It’s true we should have been killed; but it seems that the grafting of Ethernano Manipulation left a magical well inside; a vacancy, if you will. As it sat on the same wavelength as your own magic, it instead infused me with a new version of Ethernano Manipulation; well, two actually. Ego’s ‘Energy Sapper’ and me own, what shall I call it? Energy Architect seems appropriate, all things considered.” She turned to face the two. “But the conflagration also create two personalities outside of Patricia’s own, based on her psychic apparatus in the moment of magical merging. Don’t worry; we only last for a short while and I’m sure, in time, Patricia will be able to activate and deactivate us at will while still remaining conscious. But as this is the first time for each instance, in addition to the exhaustion that comes from the unfortunate destruction of the lab, she is resting.” She smiled.

    “Any questions?”

    Words: 1803 / 11,132 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 11th June 2023, 7:35 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Ego wasn’t all that surprised to hear that Mercury hadn’t known of the clone before the attack. Maker was, indeed, a squirrely bastard and likely had several other items of importance that he’d been holding back from Mercury, which she could only hope might change now. She was well aware of the interaction that had taken place back on Maker’s ship, and her clone saving Maker’s life. As frustrating as it was to have Ego come in and very nearly undo months worth of Mercury’s best espionage work, the woman had presented a second opportunity not long after the first for Mercury to endear herself to Maker all the more.

    But the truth was… it was hard. Being a spy always was. Even for someone like her that had been doing things like this all of her life, she’d never had to keep up a ruse this long before, nor take a stance against someone that she loved to act as though she didn’t. And while Mercury liked to think herself plenty strong, even she could only keep up for so long without needing a little grounding. So she approached Vandrad, ignoring their third party for the moment, to hold him close and ask for reassurance in the guise of giving him reassurance. He sighed and pulled her against him, giving her a kiss on the head as he assured her she didn’t need to worry. He’d been there with her and knew without a doubt that she would never truly betray him.

    She looked up and asked him what it was that made him feel like Maker was being deceitful, and her own brows furrowed at his look of confusion. Her expression only deepened when he told he that Maker had been unbearably smug and cocky, speaking like he’d already known Mercury would choose him. That, and he had clearly conditioned the clone to be triggered by Vandrad’s name. However, everything together was more than enough evidence to confirm the type of person that Maker was, seeing no hint of the way he’d spoken to Mercury. “Wait.. What? Were we even a part of the same conversation?” she asked. While the question itself might have normally seemed like she was accusing him of not paying attention, her tone conveyed it was everything but that. She was asking a serious question, as her recollection of the interaction had shown a completely different side of Maker.

    Ego chimed in, speaking up that she’d also assumed Vandrad’s name was a trigger, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could pinpoint with her magic that would confirm that. It had to be something else, and while she was starting to give it some thought she was interrupted by a small jerk to her body. “Pa– er.. Ego..?” Mercury frowned from where she was still holding Vandrad… and then the woman was caught up in an explosion of light. The Xocili instinctively turned her face back into Vandrad’s chest, even as he shifted to block the light from her and turned his own head away as well.

    When they could see again, Mercury was expecting to see Patty back to her normal self, but instead there was a brand new face present, one that was equally as hot as the other two. Mercury’s eyes went wide, more in surprise than anything else, as the new alter of Patricia commented that Ego had strayed too far out of her territory and into the newcomer’s own. Vandrad demanded to know who the hell she was. It was apparently a simple question with a simple answer, but first she wanted to finish Ego’s prior train of thought. “Oh uh.. sure.”

    With a wave, Mercury conjured up a tablet with the information on Blood Markers that she’d taken from Maker. Giving the white haired woman a moment to scan the details, she surmised that Patty had gotten far too caught up in the alluring way Mercury had been reading the information to actually truly pay attention to it. Maker had been experimenting on Rhaegarians to determine the nature of the Blood Markers, which meant he knew what Blood Markers were before the Rhaegarians had come to Earthland… the obvious conclusion to which was that Terrans also possessed Blood Markers like Rhaegarians did, and Maker was likely using his to allow himself to be perceived a certain way by Mercury, and others.

    In fact, she also surmised that the effects had to be contagious, considering how quickly everyone at the meeting came to believe in the recording that Mercury had shown everyone. The only one who had never shaken his stance was Vandrad.

    Mercury should have been angry or upset over the realization that Maker had been able to deceive her so thoroughly, but instead she looked… relieved. She relaxed a little in Vandrad’s hold, as a slight sense of ease washed over her. If Maker was using a Blood Marker of some kind, it was no wonder he was able to so easily pull the wool over her eyes. Granted, a large part of her had never truly fallen for the act, leaving room for reasonable suspicion that he was lying to her… but it had been so convincing, enough so that her foundation had been shaken. But now, now she could move forward in peace once more, knowing that Maker was still as dangerous and deranged as ever.

    Her attention was brought back to the third iteration of Patty’s psyche, who asked Mercury to make her a centrifuge and computer, only to cut off her own request before Mercury could respond, and summoned what she needed herself. The Xocili raised a brow but otherwise remained silent as she watched the woman analyze the blood she’d drawn from Raici, vocalizing her train of thought briefly before turning things back around to Vandrad’s original question. She felt that Ego would have been better suited a name for herself, seeing as how the last fraction of Patty’s mind was more Id driven than anything else, but seeing as how the name was already taken she elected to simply go with the title of Professor.

    Vandrad asked how many of the alters were inside of Patricia, to which Professor assured them it was just herself and Ego. She explained that Patty’s mind had been a bit scattered during the accident, reflecting on both her hatred of Maker and her recent memories of Mercury, along with the scope of Ethernano itself. As a result, she’d failed to be focused enough to perform her experiments safely and the result had been quite literally catastrophic. She should have been killed, but instead the lingering remnants of Energy Monarch that had once been grafted to her had left a void that sucked in the energy, and created two new branches on top of it – one for each alter: Ego’s Energy Sapper, and Professor’s Energy Architect.

    But part of the byproduct was that Patricia’s personality had been split into three parts: The doctor they knew, as well as Ego and Professor, though she assured them the changes would likely be temporary and after a while Patricia would likely learn how to change at will. This being the first appearance of both alters, however, meant that there were still a few cogs that needed to be worked out as Patty was resting.

    Professor opened the floor to any questions they may have, and there was a long pause of silence before Mercury finally spoke up. “Sooo… are you saying I’m responsible for this? Cause I’m okay with that.” Mercury had quite literally fucked Patricia into a whole new woman – two, technically – and if there was any surety about the Xocili, it was that she was never, ever going to let that go. There was a small but cheeky and self satisfied grin on her face

    “I can’t say I have any questions at the moment, at least not about any of that. It’s crazy, but I’ve seen crazier things during my time here on Earthland. That Energy Sapper ability is something else, though. It would have killed Maker, had I not intervened with my clone.” She sighed, giving Vandrad one more squeeze of a hug before finally detaching herself from him. “Unfortunately, while killing him is the end goal, there’s no telling what kind of operations and failsafes he has in place that get triggered by his death. He’s definitely the type. That, and if we have any hope of saving the rest of the Terrans within Knowhere, or learning more about these… Ancient Ones that seem to keep popping up in conversation... I need to keep him alive a bit longer.”

    “I had to amputate his arm to stop the spread of whatever magical infection Ego had cursed him with, and unfortunately that means that he’ll now have a sample of something to test. On the plus side, I think I’ve well and truly earned his trust now. Between supposedly betraying Vandrad, and saving his life, he almost didn’t even know what to say to me. He launched right back into apologizing and feigning that he hadn’t ever meant for Vandrad to be attacked… but between his delirious state from the fever Ego put him in and the trauma of nearly dying, I have no doubt that his gratitude and surprise in that small moment was authentic. With any luck, I’ll be able to start getting a lot more useful information out of him from here on out. So for now, the only question that remains is: What do we do with him.”

    She nodded toward Raici’s unconscious form. “If he wakes up and starts raging again, we’re going to have a real problem on our hands. How confident are you that you can fix whatever Maker did to make him bug out around Vandrad? I don’t know where else we’d put him if you can’t, but we can’t risk him becoming a danger to everyone on this island. They’ve all been through enough danger for several lifetimes...”

    WORDS: 1676/8626 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 11th June 2023, 4:56 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre RJtajUnz_o

    "We were both in the same place. And I don’t believe there was any kind of delay or illusion at play. Patty, or, Ego would have commented on it and I believe I would have sensed it,” Vandrad explained, now as confused as Mercury. Was she saying that she hadn’t heard or seen any of that? It had been as clear as day and it was unlike his fiance to miss such holier-than-thou attitudes and not have something to say about it.

    It seemed Professor, who had overtaken Ego abruptly, had a lot to say and pretty much talked at a mile a minute. She was unafraid to just speak her mind as the thoughts came in, placing statements and questions on a scale of importance and apparently who she was hadn’t been the most compelling. Instead she was more focused on Maker and Raici, focusing her attention there until she finally took the time to answer Vandrad’s queries, after she had come to a suitable conclusion about the former and begun testing the latter. Once she had finished her explanation to how she and Ego existed and took measures to assure that Patricia wasn’t going anywhere, she opened the floor to questions. And Mercury, of course, started with the one that was the most pressing to her; had she been the one responsible for the creation of the alter egos? She needed to know for her own pride, grinning at the woman.

    "About that; when did you and Patricia find time to… hook up?” Vandrad asked, looking down at her.

    “To answer your question, Mercury, partially. Patricia’s day dreaming about the afternoon slash evening you spent together was a primary origin point for Ego’s creation, as she comes from Patricia’s anger and lust. I believe I was created as a result, as a balancing counter to that, the opposing side of the coin if you will. If it were Ego alone, then there would be an imbalance to what makes Patricia, Patricia. So now that I’ve reviewed the information myself, I believe yes, you are the driving factor behind our creation.” Professor gave a firm nod.

    Vandrad groaned. "She is never going to let this go, you know that, right? Why didn’t you just… lie to her?”

    “Well, given Mercury’s unique biology, she would have been able to ascertain that I was lying. And besides, I am ill-equipped to lie’ that’s more Ego’s territory and even she would prefer to tell the truth, if only to really ‘twist the knife’ as the phrase goes.” Professor shrugged as she leaned down to look at the processing computer. Mercury continued, stating that she didn’t have any questions at the moment. But she had been surprised at how lethal Ego’s attack had been, stating that it would have killed Maker if she hadn’t saved him with her clone. “That is not surprising. Her attack was meant to alter the ethernano within the body, sapping it of its natural state and making it corrosive. Ego essentially turned his own magical essence into acid in his own body,” Professor informed them as she began typing in commands for further analysis.

    Mercury continued, saying that while his death was the goal, they had to be sure that Maker hadn’t put any initiatives in place in case of his untimely death, which seemed like something he would do. Plus killing him would cut off their ability to access the ship and Knowhere to help save the remaining Terrans, or to get any more knowledge on the Ancient Ones that were popping up more in conversation. She’d been forced to amputate Maker’s arm to stop the spread of Ego’s attack, which meant that he had a sample of her new power. But as a benefit of everything, she believed she had fully earned his trust. Choosing Maker over Vandrad had been one thing but saving his life when there was no real reason to would have solidified his faith in her and it seemed she had seen a genuine response from him in her favor. “While I highly doubt Ego was thinking about any of that, I’m glad it worked out in our favor then. And even if he manages to study the remnants of her magical attack, that is only a small portion of what her Energy Sapper can do.”

    Mercury did have one real question though; what was the plan when it came to the clone, as she nodded to him and stated that if he started to get enraged again, it could be catastrophic. She wanted to know how confident Professor was in fixing whatever Maker had done to prevent him from losing his mind -- the last thing they needed was a raging machine of destruction unleashing hell on their island, considering all the trauma that most of the people living there had gone through. “Oh I’m one hundred percent certain I can undo whatever has been done to him and I’ll explain why,” Professor stated as she typed in a few more lines of command to slow the centrifuge and process the results. “Firstly, I’m not just Patricia’s rational processing center; I’m actually a heightened frame of mind than Patricia is. Please do not mistake my comment as bragging; it’s just a statement of fact. That means I can process and provide conclusions beyond what Patricia may have, depending on what factors I have to work with, plus I possess the means to construct equipment on the fly to analyze and provide conclusive data. Secondly, Patricia has made remarkable advancements thanks to the insight and help provided by both the Xocili and Rhaegarian people. The Rhaegarians already possessed a means of identifying Blood Markers but the Xocili were able to upgrade it into the modern age. A simple blood analysis will break down not just his genealogical map but his magical potential and his Blood Marker. Thirdly, and this is no insult to either one of you, I am not distracted with fantasies of sexual excursions. If I even allow a moment of it, I would revert to Ego.”

    She leaned in to look at the screen before looking back up to Mercury. “Unfortunately, my dear, that means you and I will never have the chance to ‘hook up’. You’d wind up with Patricia or Ego, I’m afraid. A shame; I’m quite sure I could provide quite a few interesting alterations to the positions you and Patricia tried.” How she was able to comment so bluntly like that and not change flabbergasted Vandrad. She turned her gaze back to the screen, her eyes widening a bit as she adjusted her glasses. “Oh my… well this is interesting.”

    "What’s it say?”

    “Well his magical potential is far greater than any other readings I’ve gotten. It seems Maker’s naming of this branch as Energy Beast was quite on point. It seems as his emotions grow more out of control, so does his magic. His potential is… limitless, based on how angry or scared he gets. Quite extraordinary and dangerous. But the more alarming factor is his genetic composition; he isn’t entirely your clone. It seems Maker spoke truly when he said he had mixed in some additional genetic material and it seemed it was of Patricia.”

    "Patricia!? How did Maker get that?” Vandrad asked, earnestly surprised.

    “If I were to wager a guess, it was most likely when he was preparing her for the Ethernano Manipulation grafting in the first place. He had to run a few preliminary tests and scans to produce a viable grafting sample and I believe he took some samples under the guise of using them for the tests. Quite like Maker to offer one path only to be creating another for his own benefit. It seemed your genetic material wasn’t quite enough to create a proper clone so he mixed in Patricia’s.”

    "Does that make him like… our… child?” Vandrad asked with a bit of hesitation. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer or the complications that would arise from such a truth. He was sure Mercury and his family would understand; it had been done without his knowledge. But that wouldn’t make it easier.

    “I’d say it’s more akin to a sibling than a progeny. He’s a genetic connection between you and Patricia without actually properly combining, as usual conception would cause. It’s definitely unusual but he is functioning at a fully adult level if these readings are correct. Ah, here we are…” she said, trailing a finger over the screen. “I see… though I lack a name for it, I do see what Maker’s Blood Marker effects. It seems it affects one’s perception based on the user’s will. Not only can he alter a person’s perspicacity for what’s happening in front of him but it can alter things they look at based on what he wants. And it can spread; that explains a lot.”[/color] Professor hummed gently as she looked at the screen. “Luckily, it seems to work akin to this world’s Charm magic. Once a person is aware that they are being deceived, the deception fails. That shouldn’t be too hard to fix. But it might be better if I do it when Vandrad is not here, just to be safe.”

    The future king nodded. "Agreed. We aren’t putting the lives on this island in danger. I’ll let my family know what’s going on; Mercury, you should inform the rest of the alliance what we’ve discovered.” Vandrad turned and walked over to Professor, putting a hand on her arm. "And… Thanks, Professor. I know it’s been an exhausting day but this has really helped.”

    Professor stiffened slightly as she looked down at Vandrad’s hand on her forearm. In another flash that wasn’t as bright that time, she was replaced by Ego, who practically threw herself on Vandrad, kissing him once more. “Mmm no problem, handsome. Maybe you and Mercury can give us a proper thanks later?” she asked once she had pried her mouth off of him with a cheeky grin.

    "Really? That quickly?” Vandrad asked, carefully pushing Ego off of him.

    “What can we say? Either one of you touching us would have made us change,” Ego said, turning to look at Mercury and flashing her a wink. “Alright you two, skedaddle. The mommies need to work,” she reached down to smack Vandrad’s ass and would do the same once Mercury walked by as well.

    Words: 1742 / 12,874 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre Empty Re: Optimus Error Est Ille Non Potes Videre

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 11th June 2023, 6:45 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was quite pleased with herself, as she usually was in these situations, giving the former prince quite the grin when he asked when she’d had a chance to hook up with Patricia. “It was only a few days ago. I brought her some of the data I’d taken from Maker regarding Energy Monarch, cause I figured if anyone would be able to make use of it, it would be her. It wasn’t really my intention to seduce her, but she kept making comments and getting flustered with herself. So naturally, I kept teasing her until she broke.”

    It wasn’t anything Vandrad was unused to by this point, as quite a few people had found themselves in precarious situations with her in the past due to her pushing them too far one way or another; himself included. Professor spoke up to reiterate Patricia’s mind set from mere hours ago while working on her experimenting, and it all became a very roundabout way to confirm that yes, Mercury was more or less at fault for the change. Mercury’s fiance groaned, already knowing that his future bride was going to take the information and ride off into the sunset with it, the man wishing that Professor had just lied. Professor reminded him that was pointless given Mercury’s ability to detect most falsehoods. That, and she wasn’t predisposed to lying as Ego was, though Ego wasn’t exactly prone to them herself unless absolutely necessary.

    After Mercury caught them up on what she’d done to save Maker’s life, Professor confirmed that Ego’s ability had essentially turned Maker’s magical essence against him. While she didn’t think that Ego’s attack was meant to provide another opportunity to earn Maker’s trust, she was glad that something beneficial had come from it. Thankfully, there were lots of things that Energy Sapper was capable of, so studying the damage on the Terran’s former arm would likely only yield so much information, meaning that it should be relatively safe to let Maker tinker with it.

    With all that established, it left only the matter of Raici to be addressed. Professor was certain that she could undo the programming, explaining that she was a heightened version of Patricia’s intelligence that could reach higher planes of scientific discovery than the doctor would normally be able to reach. Between that, and Patricia’s own scientific enhancements between what the Rhaegarians and Xocili had to teach her, she would be able to break down his genealogy, magical potential, and Blood Marker all with just a simple blood sample. Plus, she would not be distracted by external factors that might otherwise belay Ego and Patricia. Any such distractions would simply cause her to revert to one of the others, meaning in short that Mercury would never be able to sleep with this particular face.

    “Nooooo…!” Mercury complained, more just being dramatic than anything else, though she was genuinely disappointed by the news. It seemed Professor was as well, as she felt there were several alterations she could have made to some of the positions she and Patricia had used that would heighten their effectiveness. “Well, I’m certainly not going to not try. It’s just a challenge at this point.”

    The talk about sex was cut off by Professor, who read the results from the blood testing with a wide gaze. At Vandrad’s prompting, she explained that Raici’s magical potential was far greater than anyone could have predicted. Essentially, it was limitless, bound only by the intensity of his anger and fear. But what had truly struck her was his genetic composition. He wasn’t entirely crafted with Vandrad’s genes alone. Another unknowing donor had contributed: Patricia.

    The world halted for the briefest of moments for Mercury. She was listening to the conversation as Professor explained how Maker had likely gotten ahold of Patty’s genes, but she didn’t particularly care about that at the moment. Her mind had already jumped to the same question that Vandrad would ask only a moment later: Did that make Raici offspring to Vandrad and Patricia? An anger steadily began to bubble inside of her, but not just any kind of anger. There was a tinge of something that she rarely experienced: jealousy. While Mercury had never really said as much to Vandrad outright, she wanted children with him. And while she doubted she would ever be upset with Vandrad ever wound up having a child with another woman through a wayward dalliance, a selfish part of her wanted his first child to be her child. And for a few charged seconds, it seemed that Maker had taken that away from her…

    However, after Vandrad himself asked the question, Professor confirmed that it wasn’t quite like that. It was less of a child and more of a sibling, based on the way the genes had been mixed; they shared traits between both individuals, but more in the way that siblings might as opposed to one born of a coupling. The knowledge did settle Mercury’s ruffled feathers a bit, though there was still a simmering annoyance toward Maker that likely wasn’t going to go away any time soon.

    She did her best to bury it and pay attention to the rest of the information Professor had to offer, confirming that Maker’s Blood Marker did indeed allow him to alter the perception of people interacting with him, and that it could spread second hand. However, it seemed to act like charm magic: once the target was aware of it, it would no longer work, something that Mercury would be all too eager to test once Maker had woken from his rest. “That’s a relief, at least. Not that I’m thrilled about being tricked, but I doubt there was a whole lot I could do to protect myself against something like that. Cause through that whole interaction, I never saw any part of him that was smug or condescending. He still looked genuine and complicit, and seemed truly upset about Raici attacking Vandrad. But if it works the way you say it does, then I should have a much easier time navigating his intentions through my clone.”

    Professor wanted to work on fixing Raici’s programing, but suggested it would be best done without Vandrad in the room just in case. Thankfully, the future king seemed to agree. He advised that he would notify his family, asking Mercury to do the same with the alliance. “On it.” The Xocili was already at work forming a group message in her head to send out to everyone with the update, even as Vandrad approached Professor and thanked her.

    Unfortunately for him, the act of touching her arm immediately caused Ego to return, if with a much less intense light, the woman throwing herself at Vandrad and giving him another passionate kiss. Mercury was immediately distracted from her message. “I meannnn why wait?” she asked, even as Vandrad respectfully put some distance between himself and the alter, questioning how quickly she had returned. Ego insisted a touch from either one of them likely would have done the trick… but as much as she likely would want to, it was best that the couple scram so that they could get to work on Raici. Mercury was all too happy to return the ass slap on her way out.

    “She’s my new favorite,” the Xocili proclaimed as they left the lab.

    WORDS: 1229/9855 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:27 pm