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    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 30th June 2023, 2:58 pm

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    Odhran was certainly intent on watching the waterfall. It had been some time that he spent in a self-imposed exile in the Celestial Spirit Realm, but now he was ready to bequeath the world with his presence once more. And to think, Talonia was just so kind as to provide a feast for his arrival! He was, after all, the most important man, and the pomp and ceremony that was needed for his return was... well, despite this celebration, the pomp was lackluster. No red carpets?! No trumpets?!

    "This is simply unacceptable!" he huffed, snapping a finger.

    As he snapped, rolling out from under the leg of his pants came a red carpet, complete with confetti. Flaring out his hand, four keys splayed out of his hand. "Now then, it is time for the entrance of the king of all the world to be made!" Swiping his hand down, the keys all came free, Emperor, Jin-Ho, Amittai, and Atsuai taking steps out of the Celestial Spirit Realm.

    "Damn," Amittai muttered under his breath, stretching out his bony hands. "Been a long time since we've shown back up in Earthland..."

    Jin-Ho shrugged. "I personally found it amusing to visit alternate realms. Though I did also enjoy getting some time to rest around in the Celestial Spirit Realm."

    "Enough chatter!" Odhran shouted as eyes started to stare at him, the white-haired former guild leader not realizing they were mostly from confusion. He raised his hand, a super-powered megaphone manifesting within in. "People of Talona!" he grandiosely said, his mispronunciation of the town being able to be heard throughout the whole city. "I thank you for the wonderful feast to mark my return! Please, please, hold all of your applause! I am honored by the thought, but one at a time. But, of course, what sort of king of the world would I be if I were not willing to assist in my own grand entrance back into the realm of mortals! Emperor, hit my music!"

    He gave a knowing look over to Emperor, who gave another nod in response, raising his hands, as if to conduct music, only for the music itself to emanate from his hands, the song entirely not fitting the new rockstar appearance Odhran took on. Regardless of the lack of fit, Odhran continued to march through, giving thank yous and having confetti burst out of the air as he did, marching towards the stalls of food that were prepared for his arrival, even as his entourage of Celestial Spirits followed suit after him.

    WC: 0425 | TWC: 0425

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) XBivwWT

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Guest 1st July 2023, 5:16 am

    There was one couple who were certainly not amused by the absolute farce that they were watching and the looks of utter disdain that crossed both of their faces could not have made it any clearer. Today had supposed to have been a chance for Medeia to reacclimatise her beloved maid to the world after she had been forced to regenerate, having been defeated by that blonde beauty Leona. It was always such a painful process and Armina had been an absolute pain to deal with ever since. So much so that Medeia had been forced to keep her locked away from the rest of the castle in order to prevent any issues. Of course, the witch had made the most of the situation and the two had spent a great deal of time together in her lavish quarters, during Armina’s recovery.

    What her maid did not need was some stupid fool strutting around as though he owned the place and already the purple haired woman was already itching to grab her axe and smash it over the head of the white haired imbecile. He was acting exactly how the male angels of their sect behaved and that was more than enough to drive her mad. Any hope of a nice and relaxing day out with her Mistress had been completely annexed from her mind and she was certainly eager for a fight after her most recent loss. In fact, she actually went to stand up, her right hand moving to pluck her weapon from its position on her back.

    Only to find Medeia’s hand reaching out and pulling the maid back on to the chair firmly. The Warlord was by no means pleased with the situation either but was not quite as swift into getting into direct combat as her blood loving maid. “The plan for today was for us to have a relaxing meal, not pick a fight with every moron who we come across. Besides, you are not yet fit enough to engage in combat.”

    “I am fit enough and I will prove it to you by beating up this male and his cohorts.”
    Armina replied in a huff. “Let me teach him a lesson, Mistress, I promise that I will not let you down.”

    “The last time you promised me that, Leona beat you a pulp.” The angel gently answered. “You need to stop overextending yourself, Armina, there are some opponents who you cannot match. I know you do it in order to allow me to access my full power but it is unnecessary.”

    Unable to think of a good answer to that, Armina would pout and fold her arms across her ample chest although she could not help herself from shouting at the parade. “No one gives a damn about you or your minions. They are just staring because they are stunned by your stupidity. The only king that you are is the King Of Fools!”

    There was a murmur of laughter that rippled around the place after that, with a few of the children beginning to make up rhymes and shouting at the so-called king.
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 3rd July 2023, 9:52 am

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    Odhran basked in the supposed cheers of the crowd, more than happy to take in the full feeling of the people's noise at his arrival. They were all so excited! Jin-Ho, Amittai, and Atsuai went silent at the fact that it was a mocking cheer for their summoner, knowing that he was foolish enough to believe it was genuine. Odhran looked around, scanning the loud crowd, and hearing out of the corner of his ear the declaration of the King of Fools. He quickly spotted who said that, giving a point and saying, "See! Someone knows that I'm a king! Though I'm from Seven, not Fools. I don't even think Fools is a real country!" He gave a laugh before a familiar scent came over him. He took a few steps towards them, his voice becoming less grandiose as he hushed down. "I suppose you are ne'er-do-wells, aren't you? I can smell the power of the wind on you. You've also fought against that damnable wizard saint, eh?" He gave a hearty laugh, offering a hand. "And it sounds like you lost! Er, smells like. Don't worry, little girl, it happens to the best of us. Though I didn't lose, I merely gave a tactical retreat from the situation because I had other business to attend to." He gave a smile when he noticed the other woman nearby. "Wait a minute! I recognize you! You're the warlord Medeia!" He quickly walked over to her as his spirits finally figured they ought to see him. "Ah, I must admit I am somewhat jealous of you! I mean, being a Warlord is the greatest feat any evildoer can have! I've worked with another one before, and I even tried my best to be put down in as a Warlord, but apparently the Council didn't think I was worthy enough, or at the very least they just figured that I was just too good for the position of Warlord. After all, I am the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm!" He flared out his arm, a key between each of the many fingers he now suddenly had. "Though my good friend Scorpio is resting - he got into a big old fight with the King - I am still the master of a Zodiac; say hi Jin-Ho!"

    The bull-man gave a brief nod. "I apologize for his behavior."

    "...as well as eight other Spirits that defy those that are bound by the stars, and also another like... twenty or something other Spirits? I lose count at times! Regardless, I know you quite well! I mean, you've been on the cover of Baddies Monthly!" he looked to the one that called him the King of Fools. "You I don't think I've seen before. Maybe the name will be familiar, but regardless."

    Atsuai took a few steps towards the Warlord. "My, my, it seems you have quite the fanbase amongst Oddy's group. I'm Atsuai, the Spirit of Love. And I must say, some of your... methods are very, very intriguing to me! Though I am not always the biggest fan of the 'falling in love with captor' method, it has its place."

    Amittai gave a low, breathy chuckle. "Damn, shoulda figure you cats would get on well. The boss can be a bit... let's just say eccentric at times, but I've seen more than my fair share of fights alongside 'em. And I figure I'd be remiss to introduce myself as well. Amittai, one of the most fear-inducing lads out there. Hell, I had an upper hand on that Jarnefeldt cat, though not by much. I'd be delighted to talk about our fights against her, if you were willing."

    Atsuai frowned at the skeletal mobster. "Oh please, my... research on Lady Medeia has me all but certain she'd not be into you, even if you still did have skin."

    "Do I look like the type to be interested in that way?"

    Odhran gave another laugh. "Wonderful! It seems we'll get along swimmingly! Now come, we must bask in our celebrations and discuss the depths of evilry that we can come up with! I could smell that they had chicken tacos at one of the stalls!"

    WC: 0700 | TWC: 1125

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) XBivwWT

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Guest 3rd July 2023, 11:25 am

    He spoke an awful lot and the vast majority of it went straight over Armina’s head. It was all just complete gibberish besides his particular comments about her defeat to Leona. The maid did not need to hear that and she once again went for her axe, planning to bury each and every one of his little entourage. Clearly, he was a coward who hit behind his minions and the purple haired woman had zero admiration for that. She was a warrior, through and through, apparently the opposite of whatever he was supposed to be. There was something odd about his companions though, as they did not all appear quite human and she did ponder about that for a moment, before he finally got around to explaining the situation. They were spirits, creatures that he had no doubt made deals with in order to help him out. Considering how stupid he was, the offer must have been huge because why else would anyone with any self respect agree to serve him? “It is true that I lost to Leona but do not say the same about my Mistress. She fought Leona to a standstill and almost destroyed Hargeon in the process. Do not insult her.”

    Medeia, unlike her maid, had managed to listen to every word and while she too believed him to be a fool, his ability to control so many allies was something that she actually thought was impressive in its own way. She knew enough about summoning magic to understand its workings and knew that a contract between summon and summoner was usually based on an agreement rather than servitude. He must have had something in order to attract them, unless it came down to a simple case of blind sympathy, which she doubted. Maybe he actually had some magical power? His aura was decent enough although not even in the same class as her own. Still, he was not a complete weakling. “Leona may have survived the battle but she will never be the same again. I broke through her defences and hurt her both in body and soul. All of her fears came to the surface and I exploited them to the maximum. I stripped everything from her and even dangled her upside down in front of the people of that town for my own amusement. Not much in the way of brains but she was a rather stout foe.”

    Her eyes would briefly turn to the lovely spirit who had complimented her and directed her next words to her. “You would be absolutely right in your assessment. I have no interest in the male gender in that way. I would be more than happy to show you some of my techniques though if you are intrigued enough.” She was a delightful spirit and in a way, similar to Medeia, a being of love, just on a different side of the spectrum.

    It was then that she turned back to Odhran himself. “The council has no idea what a dark mage is, so I would not concern myself too much about what they think. I did not request my title, it was given to me because I had done enough damage to warrant it. Too often had I flown into a town, had my way with it and then left without comeuppance frightened them. I confess I rather like mine though, as lust is my favourite sin.”

    Armina grunted at this point and introduced herself. “I am Armina, my Mistresses guard and maid.” She still looked well and truly annoyed, her eyes blazing with irritation.

    Medeia, however, did not seem to share that feeling for now and gently placed a hand on her maid’s shoulder. “I have told you already, have I not? I feel like giving him a chance but should he push his luck then we will deal with it. Am I understood?”

    Armina started to argue.

    “Am I understood?” There was a slight firmness to the witch’s tone this time.

    “Understood.” The purple haired woman huffed.

    With that out of the way, the dark mage would nod and add, her gaze returning to the other mage. “Very well. We will give you a chance to impress us.”
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 11th July 2023, 8:25 am

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    Odhran’s brow furrowed at the verbage of the two women. “Impress you?” he asked, glaring. “Very well, I am more than capable of that.” He used a finger to beckon Amittai over.

    “What’cha need, boss?” The skeletal spirit said, absently flipping a coin.

    “You say you fought Leona by using and exploiting her fears. It just so happens that dear sweet Amittai here-“

    “Please, boss, that’s a bit embarrassing to say in front of these lovely cats.”

    “Aha! But it is true! A-anyways, as I was saying, I too am a master of exploiting and abusing fears thanks to Amittai here. Mind showing?”

    The skeletal mobster ceased flipping his coin, it dissipating into a small black flame. He glared at the women Odhran wished to eventually call a fellow Warlord, a soft black mist emanating from him. After a few moments, he stopped. “Figures a warlord like yourself’d be too strong to get paralyzed by fears.” He then turned his gaze to the guard, a glint appearing in the husks of eyes as the mist spilled forth. “Jackpot…”

    Odhran gazed on the scene like a proud father, waiting until Amittai was finished. “As you can see, I have my own ways around things. And I get this question a lot, as a God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, ‘Aren’t you just using your minions’ power?’ And to that I say first of all they aren’t my minions, they are my valued allies and second of all, and second of all I am more than capable myself of fighting and taking matters into my own hands. Warlord, if you would do me the honors of being on guard. It wouldn’t be particularly impressive if I sneak attacked someone unprepared. Fear not, I mean no real harm. You can take a hit, can’t you?”

    Before the response came, he rushed her quickly, his arms morphed into jagged, bony blades that struck at her throat. Regardless of her response to the attack, another skeletal manifestation appeared behind him, firing out a large, blue laser while slamming its fists down on her.

    WC: 0348 | TWC: 1473

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Last edited by Odhran Aegisbane on 11th August 2023, 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total


    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) XBivwWT

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Guest 11th July 2023, 9:53 am

    There was something peculiar going on for sure and Armina seemed to briefly freeze with fright, unable to lift a finger, her eyes wide. The darkest moments of her past were all coming back to her. Every defeat, every moment of humiliation at the hands of her damned brethren, every second that she was apart from Medeia. A wave of agony overcame her, as the bombardment of horrible thoughts struck her psyche, breaking through her already weak mental defences. The maid could not have spoken if she had wanted to and for that short period of time, she was completely and utterly helpless, a prisoner in her own mind. Such a cage was not easy to forge and as the guard tried desperately to fight against the oncoming tide, she realised just how strong the spirit was. Again, her mouth had got her into trouble and she mentally cursed herself whenever she could break free for a moment.

    Medeia, however, remained relatively unfazed, although saying that the spirit’s ability did nothing would be a lie. She had felt a slight sense of unease but such was her immense amount of self control, it was easy enough for her to force it back. Control was the witch’s game and while she was somewhat impressed by the abilities of the spirit, that admiration did nothing to half the immense amount of silent anger that began to pulse through the woman’s body. The so-called King had made the same error that dozens other mages had made before. He had attacked Armina and her response to that could only be by inflicting as much pain as possible on the fool. The purple haired guard was both Medeia’s closest ally, as well as a source of strength, allowing the witch to fully harness her powers of anger.

    Soon enough, he would finish his latest diatribe and attack, seeming to abandon reason with the most basic of attacks. His speed did not appear to be all that impressive and so Medeia simply raised her hand, creating a flaming shield before her that would take the brunt of his strike. Such a manoeuvre was as simple as breathing and her movements were graceful, seeming without any trace of desperation. Such basic tactics would not harm her and as his skeleton followed up with a combination attack, Medeia would point her other hand towards it and unleash a powerful torrent of sand in its direction. Against a normal foe, it was capable of ripping to the bone but given what the target was, that appeared to be redundant.

    As she fought the opponents, she would simply state to her paralysed maid. “Wake up, Armina, you are not so weak as to fall from such a technique.”

    The warlord spoke in a tone that carried just a touch of the rage that was starting to build and her words seemed to spark the guard back to life, leaving her rather red in the face, embarrassed by what had just happened.

    (501 Words)
    (521 + 706 + 501 = 1728 TWC)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 11th August 2023, 11:22 am

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    Odhran flew backwards from the blast of sand, crashing entirely through a building, leaving the poor homeowners panicking and demanding reparation pay, which was obviously declined. Odhran instead merely rolled out a red carpet to make his return. "Ah! Fantastic! This is exactly what I was hoping to see from someone of your caliber! Someone who can even fight against a god! It's really impressive, if you think about it. I mean, I'm someone blessed by the very heavens, and you were able to swat me away like I was nothing!" he brushed some extra sand off of his clothing. "I'm so glad I signed up for 'Dark Wizards Monthly!' I mean, I wouldn't know half of the extent of the power you two have! I mean, I knew all about Medeia, the Warlord of Lust herself! But just to see that power in action, it's incredible!" He looked over at the other one beside Medeia. "Oh, and you were alright too I guess Andy. You managed to snap out of things rather quickly-like. Regardless..." He flared his arms out, his voice raising. "Behold, people of Talonia! You are looking at two of the greatest specimens that this world, nay, this entire plane of existence, has ever seen! And I mean, folks, when you are in the presence of someone like myself, then how can you possibly be discontent!? So please, everyone, applaud my greatness!" As he raised his arms in triumph, Amittai faded back to the Celestial Spirit Realm as Superbia took his place.

    "You heard the man, it's time for you all to bow!" Superbia announced, shards of dark magic flowing around her before darting out, each one landing in small explosions around the town, casually hitting some of the townsfolk who still were out and about to investigate the spectacle Odhran caused, killing them slowly and painfully.

    Odhran took a quick glance at the small chaos Superbia caused and shrugged. "I'll take groveling in pain as well. Good enough for me." He sighed. "Shame this is a big town. Some village out in the boonies? I'd have no qualms with executing the lot of them - I'm sure you feel the same, Medeia - but with a town like this..." he mused for a moment. "...there's proper infrastructure here. A temple could be made in my honor, you know?" He stretched his hands out, taking a view of the landscape as if to take a picture. "A waterfall-side temple sounds fantastic, oh, and with the waterfall flowing through the middle of it? What do you think, Arlo? I don't want to leave a companion of a Warlord out, it's like leaving my own Spiritual companions out of a decision or a conversation, you know? It's just weird and rude!"

    WC: 0462 | TWC: 1935

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) XBivwWT

    Return of the...King? (Sommarsun) Empty Re: Return of the...King? (Sommarsun)

    Post by Guest 20th August 2023, 1:38 pm

    It did not take a degree in body language to notice just how enraged the purple haired maid was. She felt completely humiliated for falling so easily under the spell of the spirit and the fact that Odhran would refer to her as a male only angered her further. Armina could have hacked his head off, right then and there, with the temptation growing by the moment. Her hands reached for her massive axe again although rather than actually attack, she just held it tightly, channeling her rage into the grip. Someone was going to get a pounding today, sooner rather than later. Even on her best day, Armina was temperamental when it came to certain topics and given her regeneration sickness, it only made things worse. She was almost uncontrollable, at times, with Medeia having spent the past who knew how many days keeping the busty maid under lock and key. The purple haired maid had been an absolute pain to deal with and she knew it but she also knew that her mistress would forgive her for it. The bond they shared was too deep to be broken so easily.

    Medeia simply placed a hand on Armina’s axe, covering both of her maid’s, a reassuring yet commanding gesture at the same time, before whispering into the guard’s here. “Can you not see that he is out of his mind? His brains have been addled and he does not have the slightest clue as to what he is saying. He is no threat to us and if anything, it is his spirits which are the threat. Pay attention to them and keep on guard but try to control your temper, my dear, for I will not warn you again. Attack when I say and at no other time, otherwise I will wrap you up right now and display your beautiful body for all these people to see. This is your last warning. I know that he is grating but for now, control yourself.”

    Armina blushed darkly, knowing full well that her mistress meant every word she said and after a few moments, returned her axe to her back.

    The witch would then return her gaze to him, noting that he had recovered from her attack rather well, despite how far he had been launched. He might have been a fool but he seemed to have some stamina at least. His suggestion was actually one that Medeia could agree with and as she followed his eyes to look at their surroundings, she could somewhat see what meant. It was a lovely place and was actually one that she frequented regularly. There were many delightful mages who passed through here and more than once had the Warlord dropped down and carried one off.

    “It would be a shame to destroy such a place and I am certain that it could prove useful. A temple sounds rather intriguing although I confess that I have little tolerance for places of worship. I despise holiness and will gladly destroy every religious building that exists in this world. There are few gods worthy of worship and those foolish enough to believe in them need to be taught otherwise.” There was a noticeable touch of distaste in her voice, for her relationship with the divine was rather complicated to say the least.

    Armina would pipe up that point and utter in an amused tone. “Mistress would have had her way with that Bellum priestess if the fight with them had continued.”

    (585 Words)
    (2313 TWC)

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:23 pm