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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 20th December 2022, 8:46 am

    Saint Olga would be in her chariot  being brought to the city of Talonia.  A city where guildless mages came to call safe haven I'm find work. However this is also a denizen for crime And dark mages too high as they complained in easily enough. So the people here police themselves well enough so there is no real danger on the streets that I was given home it's just for nature of the city. Though she really didn't know the city too well she didn't frequent it quite often. However what brought here here today was more surprising than anything the city could offer. The Guild Mitress herself, Medeia the Warlord of Lust, Had invited her to spend New Years Eve with her.  She felt honored that she was leaving remembered as she only had spent a short time in the Guild Compared to other members however, should be a fool to deny the invitation. So the skeletons would carry her chariot through the meeting point hoping that she wasn't running too late. Eventually however the chariot would you set down gently.    Two skeletons would go and flank each other to the door and open it as she walked out. She saw Medeia Waiting for her and gave a smile straightening out the dress that she bought for for the occasion.  She stood it incidental chariot before walking giving a warm but always respectful smile.

    Guild Mistress Medeia, It's wonderful to see it and you look lovely.  Thank you for the honor of spending New Years Eve with someone as amazing as your self, I will treasure the moments and experiences we share tonight.

    She said it in a very genuine way, she did mean it she was very happy to be here as she was more likely to be steady this time alone but if it was any other occasion however she e.gace a small curtsy as she spoke before straightening out.  Her eyes would look her over before stopping at her eyes

    However I am very curious to see what I have plans for the evening as I don't know The area quite well so I'll be counting on you to start the evening out.

    She said it in a respectful tone as she slowly walked up standing next to the warlord now Waiting to head off and begin their evening. Before they would leave she would give a small telepathic message to her was to guard her chariot before walking off into Talonia with Medeia.  To say she was internally nervous was an understatement, she remained calm and collected for the most part but having such a flower at her side was going to draw lots of attention,  she didn't mind attention but she was use to the gazes she often got but somehow with Medeia it felt different.  I didn't natter though as she turned her gaze to her and walked to there first stop while listening to her.

    WC: 495

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 20th December 2022, 9:45 am

    The Warlord had only been there for a few minutes when the chariot arrived and a smile soon crossed Medeia’s features as she watched Saint Olga disembark, delighted that the newest member of the guild had agreed to meet up with her. It had been quite some time since she had seriously spent some time with another member of the guild on a one to one basis, something that she had come to miss. There was a time where she was close with so many members of the guild, calling them all her friends and in some cases, more than that. Yet, due to one reason or another, they had vanished into the darkness, never to be seen again. Each time it occurred left a wound within the soul of the dark mage and she had almost resolved herself to the idea that those happy early days had passed. Her encounters with the lovely black haired woman, however, had opened her heart to the possibility once more though and Medeia adored the company of the necromancer. She was a lovely woman, one that the Warlord became fond of rather quickly, as it tended to be with her.

    “I am so glad that you could come.” Medeia replied with a smile. “I was hoping you would and am looking forward to spending the evening with you. Your dress is lovely, my dear, it looks perfect on you.” It was difficult for the Warlord not to simply stare at her beautiful guild mate and she was unable to fully, her gaze briefly looking Olga over nonetheless. She just could not help herself, it was natural as breathing to the dark haired Guild Mistress. After a moment or two, she added in a soft tone. “There is no need to curtsy in my presence tonight, alright? We are just two friends having a girls night out, looking for fun wherever we may find it.”

    When Olga approached the witch and stood beside her, Medeia gently took her guild mates hand in hers, before leading them off in the direction of the festival. There were a great many people around and the witch did indeed feel the eyes of others on her but to her annoyance, they appeared to be coming from men rather than other women. On another day, she would have blasted them into oblivion but that was not her aim for the day and instead she focused on Olga instead, her eyes containing the slightest hint of desire but it was not an intimidating gaze, simply a sign that she adored her guild mate. “You do not have to be nervous around me. I am not up to anything nefarious nor testing you in some way. Just relax.” Her hand remained in Olga’s, a warm and gentle touch that would hopefully ease any nerves that the necromancer might have.

    Briefly glancing at the closest activities to them, Medeia’s eyes would fall upon a dancing area where numerous couples were having fun with their significant others. Tilting her head for a moment, she would then turn to Olga. “How about a dance? It has been a while since I last did so but I am sure that I remember how.” She asked with a chuckle, her purple orbs on her guild mate.

    (550 Words)
    (1045 TWC)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 20th December 2022, 10:31 am

    You found yourself giving a bit of a smile at the reassurance and the compliment that Medeia have her thinking on it She calmed down but she didn't quiet for the moment and stoic.  Hearing that you didn't need to be nervous about her maid for calm down considerably however she and her annoyance to all the men staring.  She just gave her hand a small squeeze.  She didn't hate men like she did, however If they were bothering her friend then they bothered her.   However then Media pointed and suggested a dance.

    That sounds lovely.

    Saint Olga said as she looked to the dance floor he gave a soft and warm smile nodding her head. She Would look into her eyes as she made the comment chuckling to herself as it had been a moment since she danced as well.  As she lead Media to the dance floor her nerves easing everso gradually.  As she got onto the dance floor she devoted to the only guy she really do well and you've got it on of her hands and then got the other one around her waist pulling her in a little pleasant hoping she would match the movement as she started to lead them in a dance.  She hoped that she didn't mind her being the one to make her do the dance she wanted however something in her head told her as there bodies were pulled so close together she didn't think Medeia would care at all.

    Forgive me Media, I don't mean to be nervous around you.  This may be hard to believe but I don't have many living friends, I haven't had what you call a girls night out In a very long time so, This is a new experience for me...l

    She left that haing in the air for me as you do I'm thinking about what she had just said she didn't want to bring down the mood and she was happy and actually having a good time doing this with her.  Medeia... Perhaps she was one she could let in.  She took a breath before continuing.

    However I'm very eager too,get use to the idea, especially if it is with you Media. Also not that you need my permission to do this but please Just call me Olga when we are alone, since you respect me enough to do away with formality in private ill extend the courtesy to you.

    She said this last part with a genuine smile, as one of her usual things that get on her nerves and people don't use her title. However she found herself strangely at least in Private not wanting her to use her phone. She wanted someone she could just be herself around not necessarily always have to be a saintly person.

    She would then quiet again and just enjoy dancing until Medeia stopped, she was having such a good time.   However she knew the warlord would want to do more then dance.   So she would just continue this until she stopped and lead them to there next activity happy for just be with her

    WC: 523

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 20th December 2022, 11:11 am

    Considering how nervous Olga was, Medeia was rather surprised when her guild mate took the lead in the dance but she did not mind all that much and quite happily allowed her to do so. The Warlord was just a little rusty at first but soon enough, she was moving in perfect time with her partner, her footwork matching Olga’s to the second. It was rather fun and a smile broke across the face of the Guild Mistress as the two made their way across the dancing area. Her guild mate was a lovely dancer although it would be a lie to say that Medeia was not tempted to pull her in closer and steal a kiss from her. It was an incredibly hard temptation to fight off but she respected the dark haired woman enough to not take advantage in such a way. To have Olga’s arm around her waist was a lovely feeling and to be able to have her own around her partner’s felt even better.

    She sympathised with her guild mate’s struggles when it came to finding friends and replied as they danced. “I confess that there are only a select few who I would call a friend as well. It is only natural of course, given my titles and role in the world but it would be nice if I could find a few more. I hope that over time, I will be able to call you one of my closest.” Her words were genuine and there would not be the slightest hint of a lie or deception. Loneliness had been a companion of Medeia’s for so long and perhaps deep down, that was why she was so eager to associate herself with the women that she met. An angel lived for an incredibly long time and to spend all those years alone was rather painful. Yes, her maid Armina helped her ease the pain but it was still there nonetheless.

    When the music finally stopped, Medeia was rather disappointed, having quite enjoyed being so close to her gorgeous guild mate. She would have happily danced with Olga all night and would not have uttered a single word of complaint. Yet, there was a great deal to see and do or at least she hoped so, with the Warlord wanting them both to experience as much of the festival as she could in the time that they had together. “You are a wonderful dancer, Olga, I have not been led like that for a long time. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

    Her smile became more of a flirty smirk at that point, unable to help herself from adding. “I hope that is not the last time that I feel your body against mine.” Her guild mate had well and truly caught her eye, an occurrence that more often than not seemed to scare people, which was honestly not what Medeia wanted. Oh no, she always wanted those who captivated her to come towards her, not away.

    “I am not sure what other activities they have going on so how about we browse for a bit and see what we can find? Unless you would like another dance, which I am certainly up for.”
    Happy to leave the next move up to her partner for the night, Medeia would await Olga’s decision, a smile still on her face.

    (568 Words)
    (2136 TWC)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 20th December 2022, 11:41 am

    Saint Olga ended the dance and just smiled at her, she was indeed lovely company, though she did notice her flirty smirk and comments giving a small smile chuckling abit. Olga wasn't going to lie, Medeias body in combination with her as a person was already a winning combination. She was so attractive and wouldn't mind that however, she wasn't one to just have a one night stand. Should it mean something she would consider it...however the night should be finished first.

    I would love nothing more then to dance the night away with you however, there is much of the festival I want to see with you. If we find nothing appealing we know where the dance floor is.

    She said, though this time she didn't grab her hand. Remembering the gawking eyes she wanted her to not even pay mind to the men and woman of the fetival. So she wrapped her arm in hers pulling her close walking with her close to her side. With her own flirty look and tone mixed is a mischievous chuckle she smiled.

    This will have to do for now~

    She would now be walking with her through the festival all nervousness gone. She was just enjoying her company as she walked with her looking at all the diffrent stalls and events. Nothing Jumped out at her however she did stop and get a bit of festival food something that can eat and walk and talk with. She didn't finally spot a sign that stated there was some fireworks. That would be something that would interest her the colorful displays Lighting up the sky was always something.

    Why don't we start making our way to the fireworks shows we can find a good seat away from the on lookers.

    She said once again slightly taking the lead in charge as she turned them towards the event So they could go find a good spot to watch the show. Why was they passed many other events in attractions there were none that even compared the house he felt just walking with her. Finally She spoke up with you up at her friend.

    Medeia, If you don't mind that I'd like to learn more about you, Anything used to share I would love to hear about, Anything at all, I would just like to learn about you.

    She said with genuine interests. It was rare for her to get close to someone else interacting with someone who's in troubled. She's not respectful of course people not wanting to come across on anyone's bad side due to her mannerisms. She never felt it was okay To be the 1st one being read in the conversation. However this went more beyond her overall Respectful nature this was more of a genuine interest as she took a bite of her food on a stick she looked up at her Which genuine interesting.

    WC: 486
    TWC: 2,622

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 20th December 2022, 12:52 pm

    The Warlord could not help but notice the ease that Olga now seemed to possess in her presence. It was a wonderful result and Medeia could not have been more pleased. That was what she had wanted all along and it would take quite a lot to wipe the smile off of the witch’s face for the rest of the night. She could even feel the lack of tension in Olga’s arm as she hooked Medeia’s with her own and pulled her in close. It was rather nice to see the necromancer taking control of the situation again and the angel once more made no effort to change that. To tell the truth, she found that to be a rather attractive trait in those that she met and she wished that a few more ladies would try and take the lead, so to speak. It was so rare to see these days and it was quite the refreshing change.

    She followed along quite happily as Olga led them through the various assortment of activities and games, curious to see if anything would capture the necromancer’s attention. Medeia honestly did not mind what they did, simply enjoying the time she was spending with her beautiful guild mate. She found the whole concept of new year rather odd and simply believed that it was just an excuse that humans made to have a celebration. For a being such as herself, a year seemed to pass in a blink of an eye and she had lived for so many that it was hard to keep track. Still, she had come to accept that these human festivals were important to those who celebrated them and also had to admit that the ones she had attended had always been fun.

    Agreeing with Olga’s plan, Medeia would nod her head. “That sounds wonderful, my dear, let us find a lovely spot where we can watch without any hassle.” Or people to watch whatever they might happen to be doing at the time.

    Happy to walk in silence at that point, the angel would walk beside her friend, her gaze rarely leaving the face of the beautiful woman beside her. It was clear in her expression and body language that she desired Olga although she was adamantly attempting to hold back her more aggressive urges. She had never been one to hide her emotions when it came to someone she liked but for the sake of not ruining the moment, she reigned those emotions in.

    Finally the silence was broken again as Olga asked about her, resulting in the Warlord remaining silent for just a few moments longer as she thought about what to say. Her past was not something that she was frightened of speaking about and she eventually answered. “I was born in Desierto and spent my early life there. It was not a great life and money was rather tight but as I grew up and found my first lacrima, my life quickly improved. I used it to help me discover the mysteries of my country and I was soon hired to explore the dusty old tombs that lay within the desert wastes. I have always loved books and history, so it was the perfect job for me but during one expedition, I came across something or should I say someone that I had not expected.”

    Pausing a second, she would then continue on. “One day I found myself exploring what turned out to be a specially created prison, buried deep within the Earth until I managed to find it. Inside I found a bound angel, who had been cast out and left to rot forever by her kin. I was dumbfounded and was left with a choice, leave her there or remove her bindings and set her free. I chose the latter and the moment I did…we made love, right there in the prison. In doing so, we became fused together and I now share her history as she does mine. Where once there had been two beings, now there was only one.”

    A chuckle escaped her at that point. “That was the true start of my life.”

    (695 Words)
    (3317 TWC)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    Cosmic Coins : 55
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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 20th December 2022, 2:29 pm

    Saint Olga Listened with the white infascination. Due to being a semi immortal Herself she didn't enjoy history and watching how things progressed to get to this point. To her the greatest How will she ever possess pain from her studying and learning about things. It did surprise you for a moment to find out she was a history of butt smile genuinely hearing about it another thing they could have in common. He didn't interrupt her story at once won't be hear the whole thing. It was like something out of a storybook that 1 might lead him about demons and angels. And it made her ever more curious about her path however this problem is the time you can make a recall that remember she alsoked her reef history and that's what she got and she enjoyed it. She locked eyes with her once more as if no one else existed.

    That was a wonderful and fascinating story, and believe me when I say I have many questions for you rather than name more private settings... However since you are so kind As to tell me your past I'll tell you A little bit about mine.

    She calls for a moment thinking about how to start her sorry Where the oldest members you can go Paul even once it was hardd without her book , but she didn't carry that with her too valuable however she didn't start what she could remember and with explaining about how it worked.

    I don't remember where I grew up, I don't remember what my parents looked like only about the names were Coco and Lorenzo. And I can't tell you much about my childhood. You see I I gained immortality Threw my necromancy. It is a spell called Surrogate Host. The spell allows me To potentially live forever as long as I have a skeleton In storage that I have brought back from my necromancy. Every year On the anniversary of the spell it is body will die and turn to dust and in twenty-four hours my soul, memories, flesh, everything Will be formed at that skeleton I have saved. The only downside is it takes one of my oldest memories I have as payment for the spell. In my eyes a fair bargain. However it's let me live in several decades now and it shows no signs of stopping. I have stayed this age and looked like this for two hundred years now

    She paused for a moment thinking hard for a week moment trying to recall something but nothing came to mind what she gave a smile at her Companion not wanting her to worry at all.

    I did manage to find a trick to this one and then I recently done. If I can write down a memory an event in a tome, I can recall the event order me for a short time with perfect clarity until the next year's eve. That trip where my next body lies houses hundreds Of books with written down memories, moments, discoveries anything i can think I want to remember it's all there Volumes of my life and it's still growing.

    She smiled once more as if this was a normal occurrence. She gave her a smile pulling my auto closer Taking in everything about the moment they were sharing now. The look The tone the feeling everything. When she gave her reassuring look.

    I'll be writing down everything that happens tonight in great detail. While it will be a long, long time before I forget this night, I don't want it going anywhere ever.

    She said giving it time to sink into the warlord, It was odd but this was one of her closest guarded secrets she had. She wasn't immortal if something would happen to that body or her undead army she wouldn't be coming back. She had a rather large stockpile though so She wasn't in jeopardy however should a strong enough mage or a group of the I'm coming to a silent cemetery and destroy her undead Horde, it could be trouble. However she wanted to stop thinking about this at the moment and then she gave a smile up to her companion looking around for any event to do on her way to the fireworks. She saw one smiling a at Mediea looking into her eyes.

    Why don't we go watch that first, we have a bit of time before the fireworks.

    It was a performance that was being put on by a group of celestial wizards. The performance was about how the constellations Would growth throughout the year and then be be born once again at beginning of every New Year. Figuring she would be OK with it she started pulling her to find a good seat for the performance It will be a combination of both dancing and celestial spirit magic. She smiled finding a seat sitting next to her close but reapectfully.

    WC: 833

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 21st December 2022, 7:33 am

    Olga’s story was intriguing and Medeia listened aptly as her guild mate spoke. It was not exactly a happy one or at least the Warlord did not think of it as such. To basically reform on a yearly basis was not a pleasant thought and given her own habit of regenerating whenever she fell in battle, the angel could not understand how difficult and painful that sensation must be. Yet, she had to admire that manner in which Olga took it all in her stride, seeing the positives of the situation and making the most of each day. What struck Medeia most was the realisation that perhaps her new friend just might be able to match her in terms of lifespan. Outliving one’s friends and close ones was a natural part of immortality, an inescapable fact that the dark haired woman had eventually come to accept. She knew that those she spent time with would no doubt turn to dust, leaving her alone once more but in the end, Medeia had decided, as Olga had, to simply make the most of things.

    She did not say anything for quite some time, digesting what Olga had said and musing to herself about how similar their tales were in some ways although Medeia found it amusing that her immortality had come from the stars, while Olga’s had come from beneath the Earth. They were opposites in that regard but the witch had long been a fan of the saying that opposites attract. It had certainly been that way for her during her life and she had long stopped being surprised by it. There had been a time where she had thought that perhaps she would have a child with a woman who resided within the pits of Hell. Quite the blasphemous act in the eyes of her family or would have been if they were not all dead. Unfortunately, Medeia had discovered that she was unable to conceive and soon enough, her girlfriend had vanished without a trace, as so many others had done. Yet, being the polygamous woman that she was, the pain had not been quite as horrendous as it might have been. She had taken comfort in being with others.

    Not wanting to spend too long dwelling on the unhappy tale that Olga had spoken of, Medeia kept her answer rather brief for her but her tone of voice was gentle and reassuring. “When it is time for you to regenerate and reform again, I expect you to let me know. I wish to be there when it happens and I promise that I will help in any way that I can to make it go as smoothly as possible. I understand the confusion and pain that can come from such an event, as something similar happens to me if I take too much damage. I disappear in a flash of light and reform somewhere else. You do not have to go through your own torment alone any more.”

    When Olga spoke of making a note of their night together, Medeia added with a soft chuckle. “As will I. My diary entry for tonight is going to be all about you, my dear.”

    Happy to go along with Olga’s idea, the witch would follow her guild mate, still arm in arm with her towards the performance area. She did not watch many shows, magic or otherwise but she had to admit that the performers were rather skilled. The story of how the constellations made the world go around was certainly intriguing and even the angel took some pleasure in watching the spectacle. Normally, her eyes would naturally be drawn to the beautiful dancers but she had already seen a far more gorgeous one tonight. The woman sitting beside her and Medeia’s eyes more than once drifted towards Olga. “I bet you could out dance them without even breaking a sweat.” She complimented her companion with a smile. Her fondness for the necromancer was growing by the moment and it had been quite some time since she had felt like this towards anyone.

    (683 Words)
    (4833 TWC)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    Posts : 73
    Cosmic Coins : 55
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    Experience : 27,299

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 21st December 2022, 1:32 pm

    Saint Olga enjoyed the acrobatic nature combine with the show. The story they were telling were shrewdly breath taking and one that should be remembered though she couldn't help but stiffen a small chuckle at the comment. Though it was quite as not to disrup the show. The though of her being as acrobatic as that on stage infornt of people.  She looked up at her partner giving a smile looking into her purple eyes.

    I don't know  about all that, but perhaps I'll try one day.  I'll give anything a try once."

    She spoke in a matter of fact tone as she watched the US show play out. It was odd. She really was enjoying your performance everything about it was wonderful and practiced perfectly, just the kind of thing for this event however. She could constently feel Medeias gaze, though she didn't hate it. Why is she may not have as much boldness as it showed her feelings like she did, internally it made her happy. And well perhaps while Medeia was gazing at her Olga's thoughts were hardly on the show. As the show backed up and the performance came to its close people sorry to get up in the evening and with that she would stand up and offer your name pulling her up slowly.

    Thank you for indulging my desire for the performance now why don't we head out to find that spot Medeia.

    As always her tone had the respectful air about it however there was a bit more to it this time, there was a genuine mark just to go find somewhere to be alone in Fairfield for a while. A genuine want to not be around so many people and just sit with her even if it was waiting for the show to start. She loved companionship and company of others more than anything being alone is a scary thought for her. She doesn't have ache desire to not be around people or guildmates or anything like that, she just wanted her right now. As they left the stage area where the dance took place she once again looped her arm into her apartments and walked as if they were truly a couple. As she walked she looked up at Mediea.

    So Medeia, tell me something.  Why did you choose the path you did, Forgive me a better old question but as an immortal being you could have chosen any path, what made you choose the path of The Warlord of Lust.  Please be honest a know nothing you say would shake me, I just want to know more about you.

    Nothing she said here was decetful. It came from an earnest decider to just learn what about her. It would have been easy just to walk in silence and find them a smart cozy up to her and wait. However her mind was facing with questions about her, It wasn't often you've got one on one time with a leader of a guild but also someone she genuinely found she cared about right now. Though she spoke up.  She wanted to let her know why she chose past she did so it didn't seem like she was constently prying, in her eyes she was trying to respect her

    Though since I keep ambushing you with these heavy questions but me answered first. This may seem silly But I am on a quest to guide Souls to there next life. Most mages that are killed most bandits that are killed most evil doers are killed don't get moaned or put to rest. They are praised for being dead. And most have unfinished business. So I make it a point to prioritize those with when finished business like them, so they Can be put to us to move on to their next life.  I help them find piece and in return there next life is under me in my home.  I will guide any and all into there next life whether it is the kindess person or the most wicked evil doer.  Death cares not what side you were on so I shall guide all and help anyone with unfinished business find piece no matter who you are.  That's why I joined Errings Rising so I can do my goal with no resriants and can thoughtly do my job as a Saint chosen by her undead followers.

    She would have paused and left that hang for a moment not realizing she just wanted to a better moment off. She can't to the blue doubt when she was talking about herself in her saintly duties. A bad habit but not one she chose or wanted to break in any means though it may have backfired a will open now as for once on the normally stoic and respectful woman's face a hint of red peered through as she spoke again.

    My Apologies how rude of me, I asked you a question and then ended up monologed about my life again. If you don't wish to answer my initial statement do not feel the need to.

    She said a bit embarrassed as she started to walk them off the path. Close the best spot to be not on the beat path nearby where Everyone else was going to watch. She would find them a nice spot in an open area of horse. And even a student I'm sure there's so many of our things that we need to make are good spot where they could watch. Her embarrassment was slowly died down as she watched her companion waiting for her response I just want with her through the woods now eager to hear her talk again.

    WC: 952
    TWC: 5,785

    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 21st December 2022, 2:31 pm

    The Warlord would have answered Olga’s question but before she was able to, her guild mate decided to speak again about her own background. Medeia did not mind and listened keenly, her gaze again rarely leaving the beautiful black haired woman. She was curious about the necromancer anyway and sooner or later, the angel would have probably asked anyway. It was quite fascinating to hear about how Olga desired to help aid those who had sinned in life, wishing to help send them on to the after life when they had earned the privilege. It was not all that different to the job of the angel, or at least for the ancient soul that resided within Medeia. Now that they had bonded, the Guild Mistress could remember everything that had happened to Priya, the name of the fallen creature. There had been a time where Priya had ferried the dead from the living realm to the after life, having been given the task of deciding who deserved to live among the heavens and who did not. Those who had lived well would live among the stars, while those who did not were sent to the pits of Hell.

    “Oh you do not worry about that, my dear, I adore hearing you talk about yourself.” The witch replied with a smile. “Your quest is certainly one that I can respect and I confess that it is one that I have experienced myself. The holy being that I became one with also used to ferry the dead from realm to realm although it was not one that she enjoyed after doing it for centuries. There are only so many insults and pleas for one’s soul that even an angel can tolerate, which hardened her after a while. She became far more judgemental over time and towards the end, her heart becoming cold and empty. I do not blame her though, as humans can be rather pathetic sometimes. Rather than face the reaper, so to speak, they will do anything to avoid it.”

    Now that she had a moment to speak about her own history a little more, Medeia took the opportunity to do so. “When I joined with Priya, the angel who I am now one with, becoming a Warlord of Fiore was not something that I had any interest in being. She wanted revenge against her fellow angels for casting her out from her home and that was what fuelled us to begin with. Her hatred was so overwhelmingly powerful that I could not help but share her dream and so we spent every waking moment training to satiate it. I joined Erring Rising not because I wanted to help the guild but because I desired allies to aid us in our fight. In the end, it was simply myself and my beloved maid who took the fight to my family and when all was said and done, there were dozens of dead angels that lay upon this world. I wiped the entire sect out and in doing so, achieved what Priya and I so deeply wanted.”

    Pausing for a moment to let her words sink in, she would then continue. “In doing so, we became one completely and from that moment on, I never heard her voice in my head again. I have been the dominant personality since then, yet as I said before, I possess all of her memories and powers. I remember every moment of passion, hatred and loneliness that she has felt in her long life. It was only after the annihilation of the sect that I began to focus more upon this world and started to think more about the here and now. I began to get involved with the inner workings of Errings Rising and rose through the ranks. I started to form relationships with others, both friendly and antagonistic, which helped me appreciate just how unique the mages of this world are. I still despise normal humans and have little time for them but when I come across a captivating mage, I just had to say hello to them, regardless of where it might lead.”

    Another pause briefly followed. “That was when my reputation began to grow across the land. I became a twisted, depraved and romance obsessed trickster who would steal the hearts of any beautiful woman that I met in the hearts of the Fiorian people. If the lady I desired could not be captured through words or magically, then I would force them to submit to me, laying waste to everything around me. Over time, my power reached such a level that a special title was created for me, one that I did not choose but certainly have enjoyed. The Warlord Of Lust was not a role that I chose but I believe that it was one that I was born to play. Countries will fall, governments will fall apart but I will always be here, on the lookout for another beauty to call my own.”

    A smile crossed her face as she looked out at the beautiful scenery before them, pleased with her lot in life and comfortable with revealing so much to her guild mate. There was a time where she would have been guarded about doing so but she had come to realise that her story could be a source of inspiration. She had not revealed the whole story, of course, as she did not want to bore Olga to tears.

    Realising this fact, a laugh escaped her lips. “Forgive me for prattling on for so long. I hope that I have not made you feel drowsy.”

    (939 Words)
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    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Saint Olga 21st December 2022, 5:56 pm

    As they walked she listened attentively so holding her arm as she found the perfect spot on top of my hilltop.  She stopped and stood there for a moment looking at her as she talked. Saint Olga looked at her as she finished and apologized for speaking for so long.   Hoping she didn't make her drowsy.  When in fact it was quite the opposite.  Her story was captivating and Olga loved listening to it. It was if she was listening to a history of a gossiple it was amazing.  She could tell there was more to as well. But a tale for another time.  She smiled at her as they reached a hill top. She slowly sat her down as she spoke.

    Do not apologize for telling me that, And I appreciate you doing so. Not a moment of that story could have made me drowsy to any capacity and I can see you have had a rough path you faced, and for what it matters I am glad your path lead you here, so we could share this moment.  Should you ever need any assistance with anything, where it be the guild, angels or anything please call me and I will be there to lend my aid.

    She meant to a one hundred percent to as she sat down looking at her.  She wanted to be more part of her story, whether it be helping out with her problems or just being there as a friend's  threw time she could tell Though their stories were different they were quite similar in different aspects. It was truly an incredible pale. From her small beginning to meeting an angel, to becoming one and then taking control to the her rise in power in Errings Rising.
    She knew she wanted to support her new friend, just as she promised to do for her. It felt so special and hoped it did for her as well. She let it sit there for a moment before she smiled before breaking her gaze decided to be a little sly her self looking up as she could tell they were going to start soon. This was probably one of the best nights she's had in a long time with another person. She glanced one more time as she lookiled up at the night sky with her As the first firework whistled into the air about the light in its sky Saint Olga timed it turning Medeias head and Kissed her on her lips right as it went off.  She held it there till it fizzled pulling back cupping the Warlords  cheek.

    Happy New Year Medeia, I hope this next treats you well and I get to be an even greater part of your life and story.

    She said letting that linger letting this romance novel of a moment last as she looked into her eyes. Should she want to reciprocate the feelings and go further Saint Olga would deny her tonight. Perhaps the Warlord of Lust Medeia Really did Cast a spell on her, or maybe this was one of her talents was knowing how to talk to people. Or maybe with something more pure. Though it was obvious that she had captivated Olga.  She in one night had made her feel so special then she had felt in a very long time. Saint Olga could tell that this would be more than just a one night stand that it would mean something, something more then a fling.  Whether she just sat there and watched fireworks with her or did more with her new friend Medeia, she was happy so long as she was with her during the new year.

    WC: 615
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    New Years between A Warlord and A Saint Empty Re: New Years between A Warlord and A Saint

    Post by Guest 22nd December 2022, 5:50 am

    It was sweet of Olga to offer her assistance and Medeia was certain that soon enough, she would need her guild mates help, whether it be guild business or something more personal. There was always another job to complete or land to conquer and although the witch had become so strong, she still enjoyed company on such missions, knowing that those who she spent time with would no doubt become stronger by doing so. Medeia was no longer just a vengeful angel any more, she was a Guild Mistress of Errings Rising and as far as she knew, the most powerful dark mage in Fiore. She was the benchmark for all others to reach and she did hope that one day, someone might just be able to match her. Humans liked to say that it was lonely at the top and the Warlord had come to believe that it was a fair statement.

    She had not expected her companion to be quite so forward with her approach and to suddenly find herself locking lips with Olga took the Warlord slightly by surprise, enough that the firework in the background barely registered with her. All her attention was focused upon the kiss and her pulse started to race. It was a magical few moments and unfortunately ended far too soon, much to the angel’s disappointment. It did, however, give her an inkling that perhaps the affection that she felt for Olga was mutual. Such a pleasant thought and although Medeia had no idea as to just where things might go between them, she had learned during her time in Fiore to simply go with the flow, so to speak. Whether it be a temporary kind of deal or something more long term, the Warlord would do her utmost to make the most of the time they spent in each other’s company.

    When they finally broke apart, a chuckle escaped Medeia’s lips. “It takes a lot of nerve to steal a kiss from me, my dear, you are fortunate that I feel the same way.” Olga’s action had only captivated the Warlord more and she admired the necromancer's desire to take what she wanted from others. It was an important trait for any dark mage, to be able to go forward without fear and not let anyone stand in your way. Not all members of Errings Rising had that drive and it was nice to see that Olga had it in spades.

    The Warlord, however, would not let her guild mate get away without a receipt though and Medeia gently grasped Olga’s arm and pulled her back in, capturing her lips with a kiss of her own. A kiss that was charged with desire and passion but there was love there too. She was not overly forceful but hopefully it would be a smooch that both she and Olga would remember for quite some time. The dark haired woman adored the necromancer and there was just something about her that drew the witch towards her. It had been that way ever since they had met in the guild hall. Medeia knew what it was, having felt it before more than once in her long life. It was only natural for a being such as herself. She was not just the Warlord Of Lust, she was an angel of it too. Priya had been cast out due to her more lusty traits and Medeia had come to adopt them too. Medeia desired nothing more than to be with the most beautiful women on the Earth and Olga was most certainly one of them.

    Eventually, the witch pulled away, finally replying to Olga’s holiday wishes, resting her head against her guild mate’s shoulder sweetly. “Happy New Year to you too, my dear, I hope that together, we will forge a new path for us both and see everything that this world has to offer. By the time we are done, you will have so many souls at your beck and call that you will not know what to do with them. I promise you that.”

    That said, she would happily lean against her guild mate, watching the fireworks before them as they danced and pirouetted across the sky. The last year had been a great one for the witch and she had no doubt that this one would be even more successful.

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