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    Embers in the sand [EVENT]


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 22nd July 2021, 10:46 pm

    Today was the day! It had to be! Nymara hadn't seen a day like this since she joined. The sun was shining to its fullest, the sky was cloudless and accompanying a light breeze that was just cool enough to get rid of the irritating heat. Well, for most people anyways. Nymara couldn't help herself really, but that was just the way things went. Unfortunate for the young dragon slayer, her powers were still too loose and untapped that even when she wasn't in combat they had a passive consequence in certain situations. She had to watch her emotions in some cases, as a feeling too intense might cause sparks of heat in the air around her. Such actions have resulted in fires before, though those days are not something the redhead enjoys thinking about. Despite it all though, the new dawn called to Nymara, and she felt in a particular playful mood. What better way to blow off some steam than going to the beach! Nymara had heard that the nearby town of Hargeon was having some sort of festival. Nymara hadn't heard of this event beforehand, but it seemed to spark her interest a ton. There were all sorts of little events and activities happening in between the large influx of beach goers and swimmers. One of the most exciting things to Nymara though was the prospect of unique and delicious food! It had been no secret that Nym was fond of her meals, and if it weren't for her constant exertion and exercise she'd probably not be as in good shape as she was! Of course this all sounded great, though there was one factor that Nym considered crucial. She did not want to go alone. After all, what's the fun in these things if you're not with someone you like? Strangers didn't really seem to hold the same appeal to the dragon slayer. Of course the only question was who would join Nymara on her beach excursion.

    "AhA! I knew I'd find you eventually... Wow, there's a lot of books in here." An energetic voice called from the main entrance to Fairy Tail's library. Nymara strolled in with a fanged grin and a rather unusual attire. In contrast to her usual white trench coat and black vest, Nym seemed to be fully clothed in beach gear! Complete with a black flamed bikini and large sunglasses. Instead of her usual tied hairstyle, Nymara had let it all down on this occasion. It was obvious she was about to ask Akemi something great! Because of course, that was the person Nymara had chosen for this adventure. After all, Akemi was the one she knew the most out of the Fairy Tail crew so far, and she admired the mysterious woman greatly! If her sheer power and strength with magic wasn't enough to gain Nymara's respect, than her willingness to train and teach Nym would certainly do the trick! "I heard there's some fun to be had by the water! I'm about to head out there myself, wanna join me?" She asked with a hopeful tone. Nymara honestly had no idea if the twilight dragon would accept her offer, but she had to believe. Of course Nymara wasn't about to try and coerce the raven haired maiden either if it turned out to not be in line with her current interests. Akemi was certainly strong enough to scare Nym into trying to stay on her good side. Though why wouldn't going to the beach be fun? Nymara could admit she knew next to nothing about Akemi thus far, but even still she figured the twilight dragon had to have fun at some point, right? The dragon slayer refused to believe that that wasn't true.

    "I've been wanting to practice my water resilience anyways!" She slipped in, hoping her attempt to veil the activity with the prospect of training would be enough to tip Akemi's choice, though it probably do little in the end to sway Akemi's decision.

    Nymara's Outfit:


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 23rd July 2021, 12:38 pm

    Akemi wasn't bothered by extreme temperatures, but that didn't mean she didn't find some temperatures more pleasant than others. For instance, the pleasant, constant temperature of the library was a lot more to her tastes than waves of warmth that were washing over the land outside. Because books and scrolls didn't react well to a constantly changing atmosphere the library had some enchantments laid upon it that would ensure that the temperatures and air humidity stayed roughly the same regardless of what happened to the weather. For Akemi this also meant that she could continue her research as usual even as other people were forced to take drastic measures to avoid overheating.

    However, that changed quickly as she noticed an increase in the temperature around her. She frowned, briefly glancing up from the book she was reading. Had something messed up the enchantments? No, those were still functioning. In which case... the enchantments regulated the atmosphere to prevent outside forces messing things up, but if someone who produced a lot of heat entered the library... Akemi's eyes went back to her book as she memorized which page she was on. She doubted she'd get back to reading any time soon.

    Her suspicions were confirmed as Nymara came into sight. The black-haired assassin didn't immediately look away from her book, making sure she'd remember where she was even the next day before her golden eyes sought out her apprentice. "That is the purpose of a library. To collect knowledge in the form of books and scrolls." She inspected Nymara's outfit, raising an eyebrow as her eyes went up and down the redhead's body. The beach attire was unusual, but it didn't take long before Nymara explained what her purpose here was. "You want to go to the beach?" Akemi sounded... a tad surprised by the invitation.

    She remained silent for a while after, listening to Nymara's excuse for why it would be a good idea to go. Eventually she closed her book. "If you want to tell a lie, you need to make it more convincing." She sighed and put the book away. "That said, I might as well take a break." Motioning for Nymara to follow she stepped into a nearby shadow, which turned darker until Akemi's form disappeared. Should the fire slayer follow she'd find herself standing in front of Akemi's room, with the assassin already opening the door. "Give me a moment to change and we can go."

    A short change and trip to Hargeon later, and the two of them were stepping onto the beach of Hargeon. It was already quite busy, with many people having gathered to enjoy the many festivities set up either by the town or by independent entrepreneurs. If possible the weather had become even more sunny than before, although that might also be Nymara's presence driving up the heat even further. In fact, it was enough that even if people didn't know exactly where it was coming from they were subconsciously keeping some distance from the fire slayer.

    "More than your water resilience you should practice keeping your magic from leaking out." Akemi had put on an outfit which was, all things considered, remarkably similar to Nymara's: the main difference was that she had a jacket instead of Nymara's long white coat, a slightly different design to her bikini, and an overall darker colour scheme which contrasted with the assassin's pale skin. With the two of them dressed in a manner so alike it would probably look like they'd coordinated on purpose, even though Akemi was pretty sure she'd bought her own swimsuit before she'd even met Nymara. Regardless, it wasn't entirely false that the two of them had come here together, so it wasn't anything more than a funny coincidence.

    "That said, what did you have in mind when you were talking about fun? I can see quite a few events set up, but fun doesn't say a lot which one you were thinking of." Akemi shielded her eyes with one hand against the radiant sun as she scouted the beach with her eyes. There was beach volleyball, surfing contests, an eating competition... It looked like Hargeon was pulling all the stops to ensure that any residents and tourists would enjoy themselves today.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 712
    PWC: 712
    TWC: 1,380/4,000



    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 27th July 2021, 9:51 pm

    Nymara knew better than to hope too much on her desired response, but that didn't stop the fire dragon slayer from giving it a shot. After all, what was the worse that could happen? Akemi would say no? A regrettable but not serious outcome. However, much to the redhead's surprise Akemi didn't shoot her idea down, and even seemed to like the idea to some degree. "Great! I'm ready to move when you are." Nymara said through a fanged smile. She quickly followed Akemi as she motioned her to follow, not seeing any reason to object. She stared with a wide stare as the twilight dragon faded from the physical plain and melded into the shadows casted on the wall. Despite already knowing that Akemi possessed abilities like this, it would never not amaze the young fire dragon.

    Once Akemi had finished getting into her beach wear the duo set off to Hargeon! Nymara had passed through the port town a few times. She knew very little about it other than that it was a fairly busy fishing and trading settlement, and now one of Fiore's most popular summer destinations. Nym was relieved that Akemi agreed to join her, and even more so even embrace the fun. She did dress in a rather fancy looking swimsuit after all, Nymara admired it quite a bit. The twilight dragon made a comment about the heat Nymara was oblivious to making, to which Nymara looked around with her arms crossed at the other beach goers. "Hehehe, you may be right." She responded curtly after noticing the same signs that Akemi had. Nymara often forgot herself and her powers, it was good that the much more experienced dragon was here to remind her.

    When Akemi asked Nymara what they should do now that they had gotten here, the girl peered over the beach curiously for a moment. That's when she the roaring waves rising several meters into the air, and the people attempting to ride them. Her face lit up instantly and Nym spun around, gripping Akemi's hand in excitement. "Ohoho! Looks like there's a surfing competition going on over there. I'd love to try it out!" She said with her usual energy. Without waiting for much of a response from Akemi, Nym had already made her way to the sign up station. "Yeah, we'd both like to join! Nymara and Akemi of Fairy Tail!" Nymara eagerly told the two staff members sitting behind the table. "Uhh.. Well alright, we'll write down your names. Contest is about to start though, so I'd get out there!" One of the men said as signed Nym and Akemi up for the competition. "HAha! Cmon! Let's win this thing!" Nymara yelled, grabbing a surfboard and running down the beach towards the water. She had never surfed before... But how hard could it be?

    1144/2000 Words


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 27th July 2021, 9:52 pm

    Rolling for surf contest!


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 27th July 2021, 9:52 pm

    The member 'Nymara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Die_02_42159_sm

    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 29th July 2021, 7:03 am

    Advance roll.


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 29th July 2021, 7:03 am

    The member 'Akeya' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Die_06_42164_sm

    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 31st July 2021, 6:35 am

    "I'd certainly hope so." Akemi commented when Nymara acknowledged the point that maybe she should put some more effort into containing her temperature. However, before that line of conversation had any opportunity to develop further Nymara had seen something that interested her: the large waves forming off of the coast, with quite a lot of people trying to ride them and quite a lot of them failing as well. Akemi watched the surfers go at it before the redhead unexpectedly grabbed her hand. The assassin blinked before she was pulled along, for a moment considering halting Nymara before sighing and letting herself get guided by her more enthusiastic apprentice. [color=#850505]"Sure, sure, just calm down a little."[/post] Nymara's heat would only increase if she got too excited, after all.

    After Nymara got the two of them signed up the disguised dragoness snapped her fingers, her jacket being consumed by her own shadow as she had no need of it during the contest. Walking over towards where the organizers had set out a line of surfboards for those who didn't bring one with them she grabbed one of a dark blue colour with a red stripe running diagonally across it. Attaching the cord to her ankle she quickly followed Nymara into the water, making her way towards where the waves should be forming in but a minute.

    Standing on top of her surfboard Akemi looked around with folded arms. Some of the other people out here looked like they knew what they were doing, but others were just as new to this as she herself was. The only reason she was standing on the plank as if it was natural was because she had plenty of training and skill in keeping her balance in precarious circumstances, so even if the surfboard specifically was foreign to her she knew how to not fall off. All in all, while she might not win against the professionals at least she should perform adequately.

    As for Nymara... well, from what Akemi could see the fiery redhead also was taking rather naturally to the sport. Granted, it was somewhat unfair to compare either of them to the average person, given that their nature as users of dragon magic granted them supernatural physical ability.

    The first wave came for the fire dragon slayer, with Akemi watching how her apprentice fared. Feeling the water move beneath her she prepared for her own wave, sliding her feet over the plank into a better position to remain balanced, only to blink as she foresaw something rather... annoying.

    Instead of the relatively big but manageable wave that Nymara got, Akemi and several of the surfers in her vicinity were suddenly hit with a surge of water which shot upwards as if it was trying to pierce the heavens. While Akemi didn't immediately lose her balance her ability to remain upright was rendered moot when the wave actually threw her and her surfboard into the air. Down below the wave was breaking apart, but Akemi doubted she'd be able to get back into the competition even if she managed to nail her landing.

    Not feeling like wasting her time she just let herself fall back into the water, although she did change her fall into a dive, her shadow latching onto the surfboard leashed to her ankle so it would smoothly enter the water with her. Once underwater Akemi remained submerged for a good couple of seconds, arms folded and one eyebrow twitching. Before that wave had risen up she'd felt someone channel their magic into the water. She was pretty sure that messing with other competitors was against the rules, and even if it wasn't she'd actually been trying to enjoy the opportunity so she didn't appreciate the interruption. Given that she had no prior experience with surfing it was unlikely that she was the primary target: after all, she was bringing her observable aura down to something similar to Nymara's level, an adequate magic user but not someone to be particularly frightened of. Most likely she'd been close to a known expert surfer.

    Tracing the magic back to the caster she reached out with one hand. The shadows cast by the sunlight refracting on the surface of the water condensed into a claw, which grabbed the caster's surfboard and pulled it under. With that over and done with Akemi swum back to the coast, creating some more underwater shadow claws to pull along anyone who'd received a nasty fall from the enchanted water surge. Once on the coast she planted her surfboard back and checked whether all the other victims had safely returned to dry land before folding her arms and watching Nymara finish the competition, her expression decidedly annoyed.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 789
    PWC: 1,501
    TWC: 2,644/4,000



    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 7th August 2021, 3:13 pm

    The excitement of trying out something as new as this was enough to make Nymara's blood pump! Suffice to say the young dragon slayer had a habit of getting excited too quickly and sometimes she let it get the best of her. Though it wouldn't seem like this time would be one of those cases! Akemi seemed hesitant at first, though it didn't take long for Nym to convince her to try the surfing contest with her. Of course Nymara would have had little issue doing it herself, but knowing that Akemi would also participate excited her. After all, surfing had little to do with magic, right? It was pure physical power and balance. Nymara knew she had one of those things herself, and she was curious to see just how her mentor would fair in these turbulent waves!

    "AHAh! Gotta be quicker than that!" Nymara yelled with glee as her surf board raced across the water just passed two of her competitors. Feeling the rushing water beneath the board as Nymara tried to maintain a balanced posture was a bit difficult, but thanks to the relatively perfect wave Nymara caught it made her look like a natural! This would only be emphasized when she had the devilish idea to increase her speed with her own magic! "Look out folks, time we turn up the heat!" Nymara called out with a laugh, outspreading both her arms as flames appeared out of the air and swirled around them! With one quick arm motion, Nymara shot the flames out directly behind her, sending her surfboard blasting forwards with unexpected momentum! Her laugh could be heard above the rushing water just as her board jetted past the wave's edge and into the air!

    What followed was a beautiful display of fire and water high within the air! The flames from Nymara's boost followed her into the air just as her board spun through the air with Nymara on it, the trail of water wide and surrounding the board encased with fire like some sort of art installation that only lasted a few seconds as gravity brought Nymara downwards again and she flipped her board to land directly onto the water, elegantly riding her way back to the shore. "And there you have it folks! Nymara of Fairy Tail takes the gold!" A voice from a loudspeaker called out near the judges booth that were observing the different surfers! Hopping off her board Nymara turned to the ocean with a fanged grin, excited to see her mentor's reaction. When Nymara returned to the beach however all she was as Akemi soaked and annoyed. At first Nymara was slightly put off by this unexpected reaction, but then her mind went back to the competition and she remembered something strange had happened. At the time Nymara had been too focused her own surfing to pay much mind to it, but she had felt the presence of magic before her flames, and she did hear several other contestants get wiped out. "Wait, did you get knocked out by another wizard!" Was all Nymara said at first, trying to put the pieces together. Nymara didn't want to assume that Akemi failed because of skill, and she wasn't brave enough to voice that possibility either.

    After their interaction played out Nymara would notice something else, a volleyball court nearby. Another fun beach sport that the dragon slayer had never tried, but looked like fun! "Well, let's make up for that experience with this!" She said cheerfully, nodding at the court where players were constantly jumping, diving, and hitting the ball.

    1746/2000 Words.


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 7th August 2021, 3:13 pm

    The member 'Nymara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Die_04_42161_sm

    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 8th August 2021, 7:17 am

    Volleyball Performance Roll.


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 8th August 2021, 7:17 am

    The member 'Akeya' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Die_03_42160_sm

    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 8th August 2021, 7:49 am

    Unlike Akemi herself, Nymara seemed to encounter no troubles during the competition. In fact, she went so far as to make it look easy, even using her fire magic to boost her performance and earn the awe and attention of all the spectators. The fact that her fire caused some of the other surfers to also be knocked out as they tried to avoid being hit by the steam formed of the interplay of fire and water seemed to largely be forgotten in the face of the redhead's display. And fair was fair, it was quite the sight: if Akemi wasn't busy being annoyed at the water mage who had disrupted her own attempts at being part of the competition she might also have voiced her approval when Nymara returned to the shore and was declared the winner. Instead she just sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

    "Yes, it seems like one of the surfers close to me is well known, and another participant decided to use magic to ensure he'd be knocked out of the running. Me and several others got caught up in it." She glanced over towards where the cheater in question arrived at the beach, as soaked as Akemi was and then some. "At least I managed to make sure he didn't get anything out of it, but it still meant I got little out of this competition." Even if she was mostly here because Nymara had asked her to come along she still didn't appreciate being sabotaged like that.

    Fortunately, Nymara already had an idea of what they could do next. Something for Akemi to focus on instead of continuing to be annoyed at the surfing competition. "Volleyball?" Beach volleyball, to be exact. A perfect opportunity for people to show off their sun-tanned bodies while trying to get a ball over a net repeatedly. The assassin tilted her head, then shrugged. "Sure, why not." At least if anybody tried to ruin the game with magic this time she'd have the chance to disrupt the attempt before it actually ruined the game.

    Shuffling into the court once the previous team had left Akemi beckoned for Nymara to come in as well, squaring off against another team of two. The opposition was a man and a woman, both looking like they'd been on the beach all day already. They also looked pretty fit and confident, so Akemi wondered if they were experienced players or just lived an active life in general.

    Once the match started it soon became apparent that regardless of where they got their confidence from, it was warranted. Akemi might have high physical prowess, but the opposing team was no slouch either and apparently had quite a bit more experience playing volleyball. With two dragon slayers on their side Akemi and Nymara weren't going to lose easily, but they'd have to put their back into this if they wanted to ensure their victory. "This is more about skill than speed. Don't get careless!" The raven-haired woman said to her red-haired companion during a brief break.

    Still, Akemi wasn't planning on losing. Even if the other team had more experience, her speed meant that she could always be there to block the ball. The bigger problem was scoring a point themselves, as the other team had a solid defence as well. "Heads up!" Bouncing the ball towards Nymara Akemi hoped that her apprentice would be able to score a point with it. They didn't have a lot of time left, and so far it looked like they were heading for a draw.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 599
    PWC: 2,100
    TWC: 3,844/4,000



    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 10th August 2021, 3:42 am

    Nymara continued to enjoy the day more and more as it continued, bringing forth no shortage of entertaining events! Much to the young dragon slayer's initial surprise, Akemi seemed rather forthcoming and accepting of Nymara's suggestions, despite how the last one ended for her. Of course Akemi was quick to remedy the situation to some degree almost instantly, Nyamra was careful not to forget how easily she got her revenge using her shadow magic. Neither of their spirits had yet to be dampened it seemed, so the redhead was determined to ride out this day for all it was worth! "Heh! Let's hope they're fast enough!" Nymara chuckled as Akemi agreed to her suggestion of volleyball.

    The rules seemed simple enough for the dragon slayer. Don't let the ball touch the ground on your side of the net while also trying to score hits against your opponents. She took one good look at their foes before getting ready for anything. Despite her rather oblivious attitude, Nymara did have other smarts. For example she was especially skilled at using her enhanced dragon senses to sniff out abnormalities. Her eyes sharpened slightly when she realized these two were experienced. Perhaps not magic users, but they certainly knew the sport!

    "Ngh! You guys ar-Gh! Tough!"Nymara grunted as she pushed her agility and speed to their limits, narrowly blocking the seemingly endless amount of shots coming her way! Once the ref announced the start of the match, Nymara and Akemi gave it their all, but their foes proved to be no pushovers! Diving, sliding, jumping, they did it all! Despite the intense challenge Nymara was obviously experiencing her smile never failed to leave her face! She was having the most fun fighting for her team's survival! Nym was also very impressed with Akemi's skill as well! If Nymara was going to be perfectly honest with herself, she wasn't sure what she expected from Akemi when it came to Volleyball. With all that mystery, it leaves one guessing on her range of expertise. Nonetheless Akemi more than pulled her weight, making up for any mistakes Nymara made as she pushed herself to block and counter!

    Soon the game appeared to be heading to a stalemate. Both sides refused to give up until a clear winner was crowned however, and Nymara heeded her mentor's advice. When Akemi threw the ball upwards and served it to Nymara she knew in her blood this was it! "Don't worry!" Nymara yelled as she leaped upwards, the air heating up intensely as she ascended! "You can count on me!" She laughed with hard punch to the ball! What followed was an unexpected spark and then a boom! The ball was sent flaming downwards passed the net and straight into the sand between their two opponents! A huge wave of sand erupted around the small impact crater, covering everyone momentarily in the stony dust.

    "That still technically counted as a point, right?" Nymara looked at Akemi with a nervous smile. Her hand still smoked slightly, but Nym was sure to shake it out as soon as she noticed. Obviously her excitement got the better of her, and some of her magic slipped out. Still, the rules never explicitly said anything against using magic!

    Shortly after the match Nymara's nose would pick up something delicious smelling! She angled her head slightly towards the shoreline and sniffed the air, only to see a large group of people cooking freshly caught fish! The redhead almost instantly felt her stomach grumble and she turned to face her raven haired friend. "Hey, you hungry? Let's go reel in some sea monsters!" Nym suggested, hoping she could make up for the scene she had just caused.

    2366/2000 Words


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 10th August 2021, 3:42 am

    The member 'Nymara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 10th August 2021, 8:41 am

    Fishing Roll.


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 10th August 2021, 8:41 am

    The member 'Akeya' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Twilight Dragon

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 10th August 2021, 9:22 am

    For Akemi speed wasn't an issue, but the opposition kept catching balls she figured would have passed their defences and then launched attacks which were trickier than they appeared. It was a good example of the virtues of skill and experience, even if neither she nor Nymara was giving any ground just yet. On the plus side, this was also a good workout in its own way, and she imagined that for onlookers it was quite an exciting match. Not only were the two teams evenly matched, but all participants were quite good-looking as well. Akemi and Nymara went without saying, a passionate redhead and her cool raven-haired partner, but their adversaries consisted of a toned male and female human, each with a nice tan and healthy figures.

    After all, part of going to the beach was to show off your own body and admire the figures of others.

    The assassin frowned as she felt the air quickly heat up. Nymara was getting so into the match that she was forgetting to regulate her magic. Akemi would have said something, but before she could the fire slayer had already launched the ball with such force that it made a crater when it slammed into the ground on the other side of the net, a geyser of sand thrown up. Akemi formed her own shadow into a shield, not wanting to end up with a mouth full of sand. Once everything had settled her shadow returned back to where it belonged, and Akemi turned towards Nymara with folded arms.

    "...It's not explicitly against the rules, but I did tell you to try and keep your magic under control." She rolled her eyes. "Regardless, I guess that brought an end to the match. Let's leave so they can repair the field and let others play." She began to walk towards the water, only to be halted by Nymara talking to her about fishing up sea monsters.

    "If there were actual sea monsters they wouldn't allow so many civilians at the beach." Her golden eyes followed Nymara's words towards where people appeared to be busy fishing. A rather strange activity for a beach party: such a magnitude of people playing in the water would surely scare away all but the most fearless of fish. "But there's no harm in trying. Just try not to evaporate the ocean."

    Reaching the edge of the water she looked back towards Nymara. "If we want to catch the big ones we'll have to move further away from the crowd, and further onto the water. I want you to stay close to me." With that she walked onto the water, apparently ignoring the fact that she shouldn't be able to stand on top of it. Just underneath the surface Akemi was collecting the shadows caused by the sunlight refracting on the waves and forming them into a plateau that she and Nymara could stand on.

    Walking all the way out until they were a fair distance removed from everybody else Akemi concentrated. "I'll look forward to seeing what you can fish up." With that she reached out with one hand. By using her enhanced senses she could get a good idea of where the fish were, and she was locating the biggest one. Once she was certain that she'd located the biggest one in their vicinity she clenched her fist and made a sharp, upwards movement. From the water arose a black claw, a large striped bass held in its talons. Pulling the claw in Akemi held the striped bass up, watching it struggle in futility. "Any luck on your end so far?"

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 11th August 2021, 7:42 pm

    Nymara was relieved that her temporary loss in control over her magic did little to anger Akemi. Of course she was far from approving of the fire dragon slayer's actions, but it still made Nym feel more secure knowing that she wasn't about to get slapped at the back of her head with her scary shadow magic. Even better for the duo however was the fact that Nymara's actions had not constituted a loss on their part, since no official rules were broken in Nymara and Akemi's final match point! She took the small victory with pleasure, but would not forget her mentor's warning stare as a result of her actions. Deep down Nymara knew Akemi was right, even if the fire dragon slayer didn't seem like it. "Ehehe... I guess you're right. That sounds like a wonderful idea though! Let's do that!" She said with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of her neck at the same time.

    When the two arrived at the dock in which the fishing competition was being held Nymara was prepared to go fetch a pair of fishing rods for the two of them when Akemi surprised the redhead yet again! Using her advanced and skillful placement of magic, the twilight dragon was able to create an almost solid surface across the waves for the two of them to traverse! Nymara loved the way Akemi was thinking, as using a rod to catch her underwater fish seemed a little boring in Nym's opinion anyways! "Ahah! I had no idea your magic could do this!" Nym said with excitement as she followed Akemi across the surface of shadows. Eagerly watching her feet and observing the water beneath them. Akemi was certainly right in her earlier assessment of the situation, but Nym had no idea just how useful she could be!

    Watching her raven haired friend effortlessly pull out a massive fish with her shadow magic made Nymara hyped to catch her own! At this point in time Nymara had pretty much accepted that her mentor was always going to surprise her, but Nym hoped she could return the favour as well! "Oho, I'll show you a fish!" She responded with a firey tone to Akemi's comment. Not taking any moment to think about it, the redhead quickly leaped off the edge of Akemi's platform of darkness, creating a massive splash as she dived beneath the waves with almost perfect technique! Nym did not swim regularly, but her dragon slayer physique made her a natural at descending beneath the water.

    What followed was several moments of silence before Akemi would notice the water start to boil slightly in her immediate vicinity. Then came the faint sounds of a rumbling explosion from somewhere under the waves! Flashing lights came after from the depths below, and soon a massive geyser of water shot up towards the sky!

    "AAAAAAAANUUGHHH!" A familiar voice cried amidst the water vapor, before the shadow of a massive fish, similar in size to the bass Akemi caught was thrown up from the torrent and landed directly near Akemi's feet. The fish was smoking, and seemed almost completely cooked. "Aaha! How's that! I just caught us dinner." Nymara cried from the mist before walking out of it in view of Akemi. Both her arms were smoking intensely and she had a bright blaze within her eyes as she gave her mentor her usual fanged grin. "What's next, Limbo?" She asked, half jokingly as Nym turned to see the group of onlookers from the beach. All were astounded with the size of Akemi and Nymara's catch, so the dragon slayer was confident they were leaving with the gold.

    2979/2000 Words.

    Last edited by Nymara on 11th August 2021, 7:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by NPC 11th August 2021, 7:42 pm

    The member 'Nymara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 12th August 2021, 10:36 am

    For a moment Akemi thought that her apprentice would stay on the platform with her and fish from there. Even if they were out on the water without distractions the fire slayer would still be able to use her skills to fish without having to enter the ocean. If necessary the raven-haired assassin could even go and retrieve a rod for her companion. It certainly would be interesting to see how the fiery redhead would handle an activity which required patiently waiting for a fish to bite.

    Instead Nymara almost immediately jumped into the water once it was her turn to try and catch something. Akemi opened her mouth to comment, but before she could get anything out the other woman was already submerged. At least it looked like she knew how to swim and dive, Akemi sitting down on the platform with her own catch flopping about in the air, held in place by her shadow claw. She wondered how long it would take Nymara to catch a big fish if she was going all out with her magic usage.

    She could feel the water quickly heating up underneath her long before the geyser erupted, the dark claw user watching with a somewhat blank expression as the sea first boiled, then exploded with an accompaniment of Nymara's voice. A particularly large fish, equal to Akemi's own catch, landed on the shadow plateau which she had constructed. Unlike her own catch, which was alive if, in dire straits, this one was completely and undoubtedly dead. In fact, Akemi was pretty sure the best word to describe it would be 'cooked'. Which was impressive, given that Nymara had achieved this within relatively little time.

    "...I think we'll have to check whether this competition is catch and release only." She commented a bit dryly as Nymara seemed to be expecting some sort of praise. After all, if the fish were meant to be returned to the water after being caught the fire user's approach had made that rather difficult. "But you did catch a big one, so good job on that." She gave a little smirk as she said that before standing up. "Let's return to the beach and see what the judges have to say."

    "Hmmm... Well, I've been going along with your ideas from the start, so we might as well participate in the limbo competition as well." Akemi shrugged. "That said, if I see you using magic of any sort while going under that bar we're immediately returning to the guild for another lesson in controlling your magic." Looking at Nymara she frowned. "Using dragon magic means that it's a part of you, more so than most other types of magic used by humans, but you're just letting it flare up at every opportunity. If you can pass the limbo contest without using magic we can stay a bit longer to enjoy the weather." She imagined that Nymara would want to stick around until the evening, since the weather was really nice.

    Reaching the coast luckily it turned out that killing the fish didn't disqualify them, so once again they managed to get away with it. Which meant that Nymara was now three for three on winning every competition she'd been part of. If she kept going like that other people on the beach might not want to participate in any further events.

    "Since you have to finish that fish I'll go first." Akemi had thrown her own fish back into the ocean, but Nymara would have to eat what she'd grilled. Waiting for her turn to come around Akemi stretched a little bit, looking decidedly unbothered by the challenge ahead. If there was anything which should come easily to her, it should be flexibility and balance. Which was the core of limbo, so she highly doubted anyone could beat her if they weren't using magic to float above the ground or something.

    Once it was her turn Akemi stepped forward, placing the bar as low as the setup would allow. Since this was an official event they had two poles to rest the bar on. With onlookers clapping and egging her on, some of them expecting her to fail and others wanting to watch her succeed, Akemi took a breath before dropping herself so low that if she went any lower her head would be brushing against the sand. The posture might be a bit obscene, and more than one onlooker seemed to suddenly have different priorities, but the raven-haired woman didn't care as she skillfully made her way underneath the bar.

    There was a moment of uncertainty as she realized that the bar was so low that her breasts might actually get in the way. Adjusting her balance and curving her back allowed her to just pass it, her hair dragging along the ground behind her. Only when she'd no longer have to worry about her hair touching the bar or something did she straighten up, hand going through her hair to make sure no sand was caught in it as she ignored the cheers and walked back towards her apprentice. "Your turn. I'll be watching you closely, so don't mess up."

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 14th August 2021, 12:56 pm

    "Uh oh, did I screw this up?" Nymara said in response to Akemi's comment about the rules of the contest. A moment ago she seemed so proud and cocky, but it soon became obvious that it was only because the dragon slayer forgot to plan ahead before rushing in with her idea. Normally that type of attitude would get most killed, yet the redhead had always found a way to survive. She had always been very focused in the middle of battle. Nymara had no idea why, nor even the clue that it existed, but it seemed almost like a sense. She poured all of her tactical and strategic planning while in kill or be killed scenarios. Using her environment and focusing on weak points to gain the upper hand, and pulling off creative and unexpected combos to outwit and outplay her foes. Unfortunately the same could not be said for every other time.

    When her mentor approved of Nymara's catch she breathed an internal sigh of relief, knowing she was safe from Akemi's anger, at least for now. Despite how many times Nym almost messed up, the twilight dragon seemed fairly patient with her. At least, compared to her previous teacher. Vulcanis had a very different way of making Nymara learn. He believed in "Learning on the job.", which resulted in many a wildfire and spontaneous volcanic eruptions Nymara had to survive through. Suffice to say, the fire dragon slayer was certainly not used to Akemi's ways yet. Of course this also meant Nymara was smart enough to take Akemi's warning seriously when the pair reached the limbo game.

    "Hehheh... Got it! No magic! Though I'm not sure how fire magic would... Oh god now I'm getting ideas." Nymara said, shaking her head slightly, trying to remove her thoughts of magical application to this challenge. Old habits tend to die hard, seeing as Vulcanis always tried to teach Nymara to use any advantage she could to get ahead with her magic. Though cheating in a beach game was far different than being in the middle of a high stakes battle. She was confident she could keep control.

    "Oh yeah, go ahead!" Nymara said as she leaned against a nearby rock that jutted out of the sand, munching on her recent catch. She was interested in seeing how Akemi fared in a game like this, though Nymara wasn't worried that she'd do poorly at all. After everything that Nymara had seen the twilight dragon accomplish, she was confident in her abilities when it came to simple flexibility and endurance tests. The crowd cheered her on as Akemi unsurprisingly went for the lowest that the bar could go. It was clear she had many fans, and Nym seemed to be one of them, shouting and cheering with the rest of them while Akemi showed off her skills. Up to this point in the day nobody had seen anyone perform the limbo quite as well as her, and she did so without magic! There was a slight moment of hesitation in Akemi's progress however, and when Nymara realized why she silently looked down at her own chest with concern.

    The victory roar of the gathering let out as she cleared the pole and everyone was clapping! Akemi seemed unmoved however as she walked back over to Nym. "Aha! That was great!" She stated before turning to face the pole. "You're absolutely right, let's do it!" She said with confidence. Nymara stepped out into the open space around the limbo pole and dropped her white beach coat in the sand, before shaking out her hair slightly. "Aight, let's go!" Nymara also picked the lowest the bar could go, shadowing her mentor's actions. With a confident smirk the redhead arched her back and began to slowly clear the obstacle. Unlike Akemi, she relished the supportive chanting from the gatherers, and it only seemed to boost her confidence!

    After dealing with a similar problem that her mentor faced, Nymara arched her head over to flash a winning fanged smile at her fans, but in the process she angled her neck in such a way that the innocuous amulet around her neck got caught on the pole! Unfortunately Nymara didn't notice until it was too late. "aCK!" The dragon slayer feeling her neck get violently jerked by the object only to result in her to lose her balance completely! "Aah!" With a hard thud Nymara fell straight onto her back, as the amulet around her neck broke off its hook on the pole, taking it down with her.

    The cheering and chanting stopped as everyone went quiet for a moment. Than came the laughter. Nymara lied on her back, staring up at the hot sun. She blinked for a few times before turning to face everyone. "That's why you don't wear jewelry during this game lady!" Some unknown called out from the crowd with a laugh. The dragon slayer's brow furrowed slightly and she turned down to look at the object around her neck. Grunting furiously she periodically tried to rip it off with all her might, but it never budged. After a few tries she sighed and stopped, before getting back to her feet. "Well... *ahem* sorry about that. I ruined our perfect record." She said with an annoyed tone as she brushed the sand off her body.

    3873/2000 Words


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 19th August 2021, 9:52 am

    Akemi didn't have much doubt that Nymara would be able to clear this challenge even without magic: even if the fire slayer was more firepower-oriented than the assassin she was still a physical powerhouse, which included the agility, dexterity, and endurance needed to win at a simple game such as limbo. Giving a simple nod in answer to Nymara's confidence she folded her arms as she watched the redhead get ready for her turn.

    There were a couple of whistles when Nymara dropped her coat and shook her hair loose, but most people were simply cheering her on and clapping their hands. After Akemi had cleared the lowest bar they were curious how this beauty would fare, especially because she seemed to have some connection to the raven-haired one. As they cheered her on they saw her pass the lowest bar much the same way that Akemi had, right up until the last part where her necklace tripped her up.

    Akemi had been watching with interest, paying attention to the way Nymara moved when speed wasn't a high priority, when the necklace got caught on the bar and her apprentice ended up flat on her back. The dark claw mage blinked, somewhat surprised that the necklace managed to get hooked in such a manner that it could actually drag the bar down with it before slipping loose. Nymara, for her part, didn't appear to have been seriously injured, although Akemi could imagine that she wasn't happy with this outcome.

    Sure enough, even as Akemi walked forward she saw Nymara try to rip off her necklace in frustration. The more curious part was that the cord apparently was resistant enough to not snap despite the redhead clearly putting quite some force behind her tugging. "Given what happened at the surfing competition I don't think we had a perfect record anyway." Akemi calmly commented as Nymara seemed rather downfallen at the idea of their winning streak having come to an end.

    "More importantly, you didn't use your magic even when you got angry. The element of fire has a strong association with heightened emotions, especially anger and frustration, so that's a good sign. And it also means I don't have to carry out my threat." She gave Nymara a light smile as she motioned for the fire slayer to follow her while she walked away from the limbo competition. "It seems we've already taken part in most of the activities set up by the officials, but if there's anything else you want to do while we're here you've won yourself the time for it."

    "Before that, though, I do have a question. Hold still." Motioning for Nymara to stand in place Akemi turned around and leaned closer. Carefully taking hold of the necklace that had just now interfered with Nymara's attempt at the limbo competition she studied it carefully, in particular the cord which managed to resist Nymara's strength. "You seemed to be pulling pretty hard at this just now, but it didn't break. Did Vulcanis give it to you?"

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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Nymara 6th September 2021, 11:44 pm

    Thankfully Akemi seemed pretty understanding, despite what appeared to be an obvious oversight on Nymara's part. The mysterious voice from the crowd would be right in most circumstances, unfortunately for Nym's case however, there was an exception. When the twilight dragon noted how Nymara had complete control of her magic during her defeat that caused her to tilt her head slightly. "Huh... You're right. I didn't even realize!" She said, thinking for a moment before breaking out into another large grin. It seemed all feelings of shame from her loss had vanished almost instantly, and Nymara was back to her usual bright and cheery self. Of course when Akemi continued to make mention of her previous threat, Nymara chuckled a bit out of nervousness.

    Stretching out her arms, Nymara yawned and took a look at the beach around them as the crowd was starting to disperse. Akemi asked her if she wanted to do anything else while they were here, though it seemed like the pair had already participated in most of the major activities being hosted on the beach. "Hmmm, not sure. Oh! Though I heard Hargeon has this really good noodle place, we should check it out on our way back!" Nym thought aloud for a moment before turning to face her mentor.

    Nymara's attitude took a noticeable change when the twilight dragon took more notice to the strange object around her neck. "Huh?" She asked, sounding confused for a moment until Akemi took hold of it to observe for herself. The amulet itself seemed rather ordinary and unremarkable. It consisted of a simple red diamond shaped gem, half surrounded by golden metal teeth. "O- Oh this? No actually..." Nymara started in response to Akemi's question. "Vulcanis told me it was around my neck when he found me. Through some sort of unknown magic it's been stuck around my neck for my entire life." She said with a half sigh. It was clear by now that this amulet was little more than a minor inconvenience to Nymara, as she didn't seem to give it much thought. There was a magical presence in the amulet, but it was extremely faint... Almost as if purposely hidden.


    Embers in the sand [EVENT] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Empty Re: Embers in the sand [EVENT]

    Post by Akeya 8th September 2021, 2:21 pm

    Akemi frowned as she studied the amulet further while Nymara explained the origins. If she'd already had it before Vulcanis found her, and there was an enchantment to prevent it being taken off... That was rather suspicious. The design in itself wasn't very remarkable, other than that the metal which held the gem in place had been shaped into teeth. But that on its own was not enough for the assassin to figure out its origins: teeth and fangs played a prominent role in many cultures, and were often used for decorations when someone wished to evoke a wilder or more natural aesthetic.

    As for the magic that made it impossible to take it off... Akemi could tell that there was magic in the amulet, but it was so weak that it was difficult to determine its exact nature. The dark claw mage might be good at detecting and analyzing magic, but even someone with good eyes might have difficulty making out details if the image is too faint or too small. Given the mysterious origins of this amulet Akemi wondered if the one who enchanted the amulet had made it so obscure on purpose...

    After several seconds Akemi would shrug and let go of the amulet. She wasn't going to figure out its mysteries just standing there glaring at it. Furthermore, since she didn't know its true nature she wanted to be cautious with it. The magic inside was too weak for it to be a bomb or anything, and it didn't seem to be influencing Nymara either. By all accounts it should be safe to let it be, and postpone further study until they were back at the guild and didn't have more pressing matters to deal with. Especially since, if Nymara had it since she was found by her foster parent, it was unlikely that it would suddenly awaken and do horrible things within the next couple of days.

    "An unusual thing, then. Well, anyway, if you know of a good noodle place you'll have to lead the way." She glanced towards the city. "It's been a while since I last came here, and they've been busy building and expanding since then." It wasn't like the attack on Hargeon was the last time she'd been here, but ever since then the city had been rebuilding rather ferociously, in some ways becoming even bigger than before the assault.

    "Of course, since you are the one who dragged me here, custom would demand that you pay for the meal." The assassin fell silent for several seconds before continuing. "However, given that you're the apprentice I'll take care of the bill. Just don't abuse the opportunity and go overboard."

    Current Appearance:



    Embers in the sand [EVENT] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:09 pm