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    a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms Empty a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms

    Post by anastasia 19th March 2022, 8:44 pm

    a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms Db3y65f-da3ee213-5b46-47ac-b218-5ce43900e95c.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzFkOTA1OWRlLWZmYzQtNDQ3OS05ZmNmLTAzOTcyYTUzYWI3MlwvZGIzeTY1Zi1kYTNlZTIxMy01YjQ2LTQ3YWMtYjIxOC01Y2U0MzkwMGU5NWMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms 0wxtDe9

    Allowing the crimson-colored supercomputer that sat within her grasp to spin as she would utilize it to steer, the upcoming captain of the Pomegranate would giggle as she would hear the crackle of the sound barrier push behind the ship she would command. It was the first time that she had found herself finally able to use her ship to its fullest extent- having finished its final developments days prior to her embarkment into the seas, including adding the finishing flash of pomegranate-shaped stickers to its sides which would shine a red-tinted magenta, the excitement that would coarse through her veins as she would blast through the skies upon her plush seat in the captain's quarters would feel utterly exquisite to the young girl. "This is fucking insane," the girl would squeal in excitement as she would cause the flying vehicle to twirl through the storm that painted the skies grey, fluttering in a clockwise motion as it would begin to spin away from the clouds that wished to cloak it in darkness. Realizing her successes in the architectural and coding feats that came with the development of the smallest, most petite ship did not help Vesta when it came to fueling her newfound ego- some would call it insanity when others would call it a manic episode, but to the ruby-red haired hacker and cryptocurrency princess, it felt nothing but absolutely right. Ever since she made the commitment to herself to become the "hottest, most confident bad-bitch version of herself and be that for the rest of her lifetime," she had found that life was able to grant successes much more willingly than it did when she hid behind a false facade of innocence. She had embraced the fact that she was an absolute wild child; it was the way she had to be in this cruel and twisted world, and though carrying out sociopathic murder missions had been her style ever since she was in her early adolescence, she did not plan on stopping any time soon.

    Her bright garnet optics would flicker in resonance with the giant hologram screens that would scatter across the room, as they typically did when excitement would form in her stomach whilst utilizing her modified lacrimatech. Upon the biggest screen, which would appear transparent and crimson alongside the rest of its smaller fragments, would show the seabound horizon that would stretch as far as the eye could see- she was now traveling at least 500 miles per hour, and though the Pomegranate was capable of going so quick that it would break the barrier of sound, there was still some time that the girl needed to compose and filter her thoughts. Upon daybreak, Vesta had accordingly and viciously planned to carry out an attack on a highly classified upcoming cryptocurrency mining facility all on her own. Known to be the production site of the cryptocurrency known to the world as "ethereum," there were quite a few reasons that she had decided that leveling the facility hidden within the depths and destroying all traces of mankind that inhabited its inner sanctums would be the best decision when it came to her financial successes and assets- in fact, sprawled upon one of the fractals of crimson holotech would show just that, and though it was an opinionated and biased list bashing the existence of the mining facility, it seemed to help seal the deal within her mind. "The contender will die today, alongside all of his men," she would confidently speak to the hexbug that was curled up within her lap, its red eyes looking up at her as she would grin, "I can't say that I don't blame him for falling for my tricks. It's pretty hard being one of the smartest sixteen-year-olds in Ishgar! Now bugby, let's go through this list one more time."

    Upon enlarging the list as she would set the Pomegranate to slow to a much more mundane speed, being about forty miles an hour, she would raise a cigarette to her mouth and use a small handheld torch to light the end. The first bullet on the list would be titled "rivalry," and would detail a long series of similarities in code and concept as the cryptocurrency that she had developed two years prior, being the bloodcoin- in addition to being advertised in a ruby red color that was exactly three hex dots over on the hex grid from her original color that she had chosen for her own assets, the new crypto known to be ethereum would bear a sigil of a whirlpool, which would strike the girl to resemble the swirled blood-clot that represented her own creation. "These cunts need to realize that when you steal from people, those people are going to catch on," she would speak to her hexbug as her cheeks would begin to feel as though they were sprouting red rose bushes, hot to the touch in anger, "they weren't even sneaky about it! The way that they developed their code and laid it out into the network.. it's literally a direct mirror image of my crypto, those fucks!" It was true that there were a certain level of similarities when it came to the way that the code was developed and laid out on the lacrimanet, alongside the design and advertisements that came with the promotion of the new level of currency- though, there was a certain way that cryptocurrency had to be developed in order to be successful, something that almost every type of crypto had in common with each other. However, the similarity in the logos and design was something that irked Vesta like no other- it was a direct copy, which would ultimately cause the two to be compared to one another, mistaken for one another, and most importantly, a rise in one's success and a fall in another's. She wouldn't let her finances tank in her investments.

    The second bullet would be labeled "seize and desist", encompassing one of her goals and an elaborate plan to not only absolutely body the facility with her nukes, but to plunder the riches of her rival in the process- though it would be extremely difficult to do, especially in front of the target and his allies, Vesta did not believe that it would be impossible to hack into the main unit and host of the servers that supported ethereum and its assets. While she would need to be quick with her actions, by utilizing the golden electro that could consume her body and turn her into the true avatar of the golden kitsune, she would be capable of initiating a cyberdive into the mainframe- if she was lucky enough to bypass what she would suspect of being three firewalls, the amount of cybersecurity more advanced tech-users would wield when it came to blocking out nasty viruses from their software, there would be quite the chance that she would be able to swiftly delve into the stored transfers and marks on the blockchain to claim all of the assets of ethereum for herself. In doing so, not only would she be able to cause the servers to potentially shut down on their own outside of the brute force she would be accompanied with, but she would be able to quickly cash out on all of the stolen investments and cause the mere existence of the rival cryptocurrency to fade into nothingness. Even the thought of wiping the stolen tech from existence made Vesta smile; she wanted her form of crypto to be the strongest and most successful out there, and eliminating the most fierce upcoming competition would be the wisest decision for the ultimate investor. Though her siblings were set for life due to her actions, adding to her lump sum of cash was quite addicting for the cigarette-addicted teenager. She knew that her views on the scenario and what she had planned were brutal, but according to the ruby-red pirate, she felt it was just.

    While she was practically ranting to herself at this point, the final bullet that was listed on the small ultraviolet crimson list that spanned to her left side regarded the energy usage the transfers of Ethereum utilized in comparison to the transfers of her own cryptocurrency, being that of the bloodcoin. In all honesty, Vesta found it ultimately pathetic that the developer of Ethereum felt it was necessary to build their mining facility and warehouse of electronic production on top of an organic energy reactor deep within the ocean- similar to being that of an oil rig, the production of Ethereum and the power that was used to power its servers was being powered entirely by burning oil and fossil fuels. "Fucking freaks," she would speak to herself in disgust of their practice, "there are so many better ways for them to fuel their software and they use oil? That is the opposite of being environmentally friendly, and I really hate people with no regard to the status of the world. People are working themselves to death in these dangerous facilities that could catch fire and blow up organically at any moment, and that is so bad bugby! The world is changing, and though magic can heal its wounds to a certain degree, destroying the world and using that much energy for a new way to invest is so fucking dumb man, what the fuck." Unlike the unbound and utterly excessive energy that would be produced within the ocean for this software, Vesta's crypto facilities operated with an entirely different structure than the one she was headed for, being that she utilized solar power and energy stores to operate even outside the normal daylight hours when the sun was at its brightest. This allowed Vesta to not only be strategic and wise when it came to the placement of her facilities, being even in the most eccentric of places but also allowed her to be able to operate entirely with artificial intelligence manning her machines rather than with genuine labor. It would allow her to function successfully and prosperously while being entirely on her own, even thousands of miles away from her home bases, and would not have to pollute miles of ocean water for the sake of making money. It made her feel like mother nature was on her good side; while contradictory, as nukes were her favorite form of explosion, she was able to sleep peacefully knowing that she was not causing marine life to radioactively morph into strange eldritch horrors. At least, as long as she did not use her nukes too close to the surface of the water.

    Of course, when she was to arrive to the scene of the mining site deep within the ocean, which resided at quite a strange and random set of coordinates completely off the map, everything that she would tell the developer and contender would be lies- she would be taking on one of the previous aliases that she had operated under, which happened to fall into the category of a neutral character. Despite the fact that the detectives within Fiore happened to piece the pieces of the puzzle together when it came to Vesta and a few of her aliases she had operated under, such as Esper, The Crim Prince, and Ruby Sorcierre, there were still a few aliases she had kept up her sleeve in preparation for moments like these. She no longer felt shame for having her true name linked to being that of a murderer for hire and a member of the Abyssal Fleet, as it was something that pushed her to become this extremely confident, bad bitch version of herself.. but there was absolutely no way that she could pass a simple background check while operating under her true name, and thus, she would be operating under the name "cYbE-5" upon the golden sunrise. While there was not much that would come up when the contender's men would conduct research on the visitors of their highly-classified base, such as cYbE-5, it would become apparent to them that this facade of identity would be a hefty investor in all things cryptocurrency, a separate entity from the criminal that would keep their entire identity a secret entirely. Known to be reputable in the cryptocurrency scene, this is what had sparked the contender to unknowingly invite Vesta to his hideout and development center within the ocean. He wished for success in his cryptocurrency, just as Vesta did- he considered cYbE-5 a big step in the right direction, as he felt she would be able to assist in financing Ethereum based on the already existing investments she already had in "her name".

    While she had not taken on this alias and identity in months, the cyberdiver was excited to feel the warmth of her void cloak once more- she had plans up her sleeve, and though they were dark, they were just as exciting. Tapping one of her fingers on the edge of her lacrimatech supercomputer, Vesta would swipe it and cause a strand of red ultraviolet to form in the air, which she would tap in synchronicity a total of five times- having programmed this strand of ultraviolet to correspond with one of the hidden storages within the Pomegranate, upon strumming the strand the final time, it would appear as if a black mannequin would manifest beside her chair, which would emanate a black shimmer. "We should be arriving in ten minutes or so, just on time," she would speak to herself, rising from her cross-legged sit to stand in front of the mannequin, "those washing machines in Crocus really do the job, it doesn't look like this cloak was soaked in blood at all- and it smells like cherries!" Slipping the cloak onto her shoulders and buttoning it all the way down to cover the ornate red dress that she had on underneath, she would smile as she would feel the warmth across her skin, raising the hood to drape over her crimson locks. Somehow, putting on the cloak of her past made her feel even more confident than she did prior- she knew that her plan would work, she could feel it deep within her heart. The potential of lacrimatech in combination with the magic she had possessed within her soul was something that nobody could uniquely grasp except Vesta; the contender would not be able to realize what would be happening until it would be too late, at least, that is what the girl had hoped.

    Hitting the butt of her cigarette, she would aggressively throw the empty butt toward one of the walls of her ship and would spark another, her face still visible under the ultimately black cloak of hers. "We're getting closer, bugby," she would excitedly speak to her hexbug as it would begin to chirp in simulated joy, its eyes sighting the load of.. things that sat in the corner, "we better gather all of the nukes, i'm sure they can all fit in this pocket dimension of the cloak!" HALFWAAAAY WIP 2515/5000

    arrival -- should hit 3,000

    beginning of tour

    switch into the fox and RUN AROUND THAT HO PLANTING NUKES

    listening whilst running with an earpiece

    reacquaintance with the body and cyberdive

    loot & chaos

    escape and press the red button while flying away


    a thousand nukes and a vengeance | c rank solo freeforms 8qhOnIb

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:17 pm