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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 21st May 2022, 1:10 am

    “And lastly, your posture Lady Nymara. Do I really need to keep reminding you that when speaking to clients and other members of society you should show them the utmost respect?”
    “You clearly haven’t met many members of society friend, most people don’t deserve any!” The familiar banter between Lucky and Nymara echoed through the busy afternoon streets of Magnolia town, the home of their guild. As always the dragonslayer wore her usual long white coat, opening in the front to reveal a small black vest and a red pendant around her neck. Lucky was hard to miss as well, as a cat wearing knight armor could still be considered odd, even in a place like this. Still, the duo were largely ignored by the crowds as they meandered their way between the buildings, heading in the general direction of the guildhall. The two had just finished a rather simple job a few towns over, clearing out some giant spiders that nested in the village crypts. Thankfully the locals had carried out a tradition for cremating their dead, but still considered the space where they stored their urns sacred. How irritating. Normally fighting in an enclosed space was Nymara’s forte, but she knew better now than to just go in fists blazing if she could help it. Lucky had reminded the fire slayer of the age of the old crypts, and she knew her usual fighting style would upset a lot of people when the tomb exploded. Though thanks to her recent training with Akemi, Nymara found herself slowly gaining more control over her fire. At least when it mattered anyways. Still prone to setting random things ablaze through intense emotion, Nym had at least begun to learn how to limit herself when fighting in a confined space. Her mentor’s lessons paid off, for the most part. Nymara and Lucky had exited the crypt with nothing but a few scrapes and a lot of roasted spiders. Much to Lucky’s dismay, Nymara seemed to find the cooked arachnids delicious.  

    Lucky sighed. “Well at any rate, we’ve made it back. I would recommend seeing a healer at the guild, perhaps even Lady Akemi. That venom has to be infecting you.” The feline said with concerned look, lifting his faceplate up to reveal his orange furred face. Nymara only responded with an arched eyebrow, before looking down at her waist to see the light cut across her abdomen. “Has that been there the whole time? I thought I was just feelin’ a little happy.” Nymara said with a slight laugh, knowing the effects of the spider queen’s poison were likely different on her body. That would explain the odd sense of euphoria she had the whole trip back. Too bad it wasn’t just from the satisfaction of completing a job. Had to be spider poison. “Heheh.. Uhh well, of course! I’ll see who’s around when we get back to the gui-” Nymara’s voice trailed off slightly as her ruby gaze wandered to a nearby lamppost, her eyes spotting a rather brightly coloured poster plastered to the metal pole. Lucky simply shook his head when he noticed the girl get distracted, knowing it was impossible to tell if he was making any progress in getting through to her. The girl had selective hearing no doubt, and the exceed found it less amusing every time. “Ohoho! This looks like it could be fun!” Nymara chirped, swiftly ripping the paper from the post to get a closer look. “Races.. Easter egg hunt.. OOoo! A feast! Lucky we gotta go to this thing!” She said with a bright smile, turning to face the cat who stared at her with crossed arms. “Ready for more fun so soon? Should you not rest, my lady?” He asked, entirely seriously. Though he had already figured out what her answer would be when he noticed the dragonslayer’s pupils were as wide as dinner plates. “And most people would be dead within 5 minutes…” He mumbled, musing about the poison. “I’m gonna go see what Akemi’s doin, probably something boring! She’ll love to come with us!” Nym continued excitedly, turning she began walking back towards the guildhall once more. “Somehow I suspect your definitions of that word may vary.” Lucky said with a low sigh before extending his wings and following behind the girl.

    Nymara knew exactly where to look for her shadowy mentor, much to the dismay of the other patrons of the library. Unsurprisingly due to Akemi’s studious nature Nymara often found her perusing through the guild’s vast collection. Naturally the firebrand thought it only normal to begin her search here for her friend there. “I got GREAT news!” were the words that shattered the silence within the arcanium as Nymara threw open one of the doors, her usual wide smile across her face. Clutched in her hand was one of the Spring Festival posters, and evidently it was for one in Magnolia. Nymara got a few dark looks from some of the other wizards in the library as she interrupted their studies, though like always their judgment evaded Nymara’s notice. A few were quite used to her antics by now, though that didn’t always make it less annoying. Lucky followed her through, still looking somewhat concerned but for now he kept silent.

    883 Words | PWC: 883/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 22nd May 2022, 12:26 pm

    It was a pretty standard day for Akemi. She had no jobs or other duties on the agenda, which meant she could spend her time as she wished. While she could have gone out of her way to find some task to work on, she'd decided to spend the day studying as she usually did when no other activity presented itself, barring the times that she decided to train instead. Well, not that it was much different: one improved the body, the other improved the mind. In the end, all that mattered was that she spent her time productively, making herself a little better than yesterday, in a never-ending path towards becoming an existence capable of handling any obstacles in her path and eliminating any threats that might reveal themselves.

    Of course, just because she didn't have anything scheduled didn't mean that nothing could pop up. Her sharp ears, along with her magic senses, announced the arrival of her lively apprentice long before the red-haired troublemaker slammed open the doors of the library and shouted as if it was imperative that everyone heard what she had to say. Apparently, she did have something that she considered great news, but Akemi knew Nymara well enough that she was quite certain that it was she who was meant to learn of it. All the other people in the library were mere collateral damage in the fire slayer's exuberance.

    Well, even if Akemi had wanted to keep reading, Nymara wasn't going to make that easy. The raven-haired assassin sighed as she put her book away, then disappeared as if she'd fallen straight down into her own shadow, which was actually not an inaccurate description of her method of locomotion. Nymara standing in the doorway of the library meant that her shadow was behind her, allowing Akemi to show up right behind the fire slayer and place a hand on her shoulder. "I believe I've said it before, but you should try to be quiet in the library." Her voice was calm, but she hoped that Nymara would understand that she wasn't joking. She could handle Nymara's cheerful personality, but she didn't want the fire slayer to get too excited in the library and potentially ignite something. And the best way to do that was for Nymara to make it a habit to calm down when near or inside the library.

    Removing her hand she folded her arms as she waited for Nymara to turn around. "Now, what news do you have that's so important?" Her golden eyes left her apprentice's face to instead focus on the flyer that the firebrand was holding onto. Something about a festival... and a strange smell? Akemi's nose twitched as her brow furrowed. There was something off about Nymara's scent. It wasn't alcohol or food either: it smelled organic, but also had a bitterness to it that raised alarms in her head. "...Did you drink anything strange before coming here?" She returned her focus to Nymara herself, leaving the festival that the redhead was most likely talking about alone for now. If Nymara had somehow managed to get herself drugged that took priority.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 526
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    TWC: 1,409/4,000



    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 30th May 2022, 1:25 am

    As per usual Nymara's entrance didn't go unnoticed, though despite the fire slayer's intentions she may have felt she went a little overboard when the sight of her mentor vanished before her eyes. Lucky was the first to react, witnessing the dragoness ascend from his companion's shadow directly beside him caused a sudden curious look to wash over his face. Nymara on the other hand only felt a cold chill and a light sense of dread when she pieced together where her mentor must've disappeared to. The calming voice didn't fool the dragon slayer  as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up while Akemi's hand clasped her shoulder, and Nymara's happy expression had all but faded to a nervous smile. No matter how many times she did it, Nymara was never going to get used to Akemi's shadow teleportation. Despite the amount of time the two had known each other now, the firebrand was still taken by surprise by the move every single time. Knowing full well of its uses, Nymara second checks her own shadows every time she does something her raven haired mentor may not approve of.  Though much of Akemi's success with such an ability was probably due to the fact that the twilight dragon was an extremely skilled and experienced assassin, which encouraged growth in such areas. Though even still one would think Nymara's fire wouldn't freeze every time her mentor used that trick against her, and they'd be wrong every time. "Ehhhhehhh... yes I think I remember so- mething about that now.." Nymara responded through a anxious smile, swallowing nervously as she slowly turned to face her mentor.

    Akemi had been right of course, as always. In times of rushing excitement, (that is sometimes enhanced by arachnid poison) it was easy for Nymara to forget that Akemi's "office" was often shared among the other members of the guild to be used as a library? That is at least what Nymara thought the gist of it was anyways, she never paid much mind to it until Akemi's warnings. Nymara only regretted she hadn't remembered that sooner, otherwise she could have spared herself this nerve-racking experience. "You would think that was common sense." Lucky said with a head shake, though Nymara was quite used to his jabs by now.

    When Akemi's attention soon turned to the purpose of this meeting, Nymara found her excitement again and she grew a wide smile. Holding up the flyer once more the firebrand began to speak: "OH This!" She beamed, before realizing she had spoken a little to loudly. "Oh, right, sorry.." She would say in a much softer tone, trying her best not to test Akemi's patience. "Me and Lucky found this in town. There's supposed to be a festival happening right now!" Nymara continued, her usual smile quickly returning once more. Nymara had known that Akemi was quite busy, even when she wasn't training the fire slayer, so she wasn't sure if the twilight dragon would take her up on the offer. Though she had spared the time for Nymara's useless activities before, so what was the harm in trying?

    The lingering scent of Nymara's past job seemed to reach Akemi's senses, not to Lucky's surprise. Though Nymara found herself admittedly halted in her speech as she was describing the different activities when Akemi interjected with her question. "Drink anything strange? Uh.. I had some cider on the way back from my job?"
    "Lady Nymara got struck by a rather large and venomous arachnid on our last excursion. She insisted she felt 'fine'." Lucky said with a disappointed tone. Nymara only turned to look down at him. "Who's side are you on, anyways?" She questioned. "Though I often question why I bother, I am always on yours." He said truthfully. By this point Lucky knew how Nymara liked to dance around the truth when it came to retelling important events. He vowed to help the young slayer after all, and that included areas beyond just battle. He wasn't about to let her avoid Akemi's valid concern, even if Nymara seemed presently fine, if not a little more excitable than usual, if that was even possible.

    700 Words | PWC: 1583/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 30th May 2022, 1:48 pm

    Well, it seemed like Nymara had realized her mistake, at least for now. It was hardly the first time that the firebrand's enthusiasm had caused her to be louder and more disruptive than she should be, and no matter what Akemi did it was unlikely to be the last time. Well, there were things Akemi could do to make sure Nymara would no longer disrupt the atmosphere in the library, but given that she wanted Nymara to be attracted to herself she didn't consider them viable options. That, and the guild would probably complain as well if they heard of her going around doing that sort of thing to guild members. Fairy Tail might be an independent guild, but you were supposed to at least be protective of everyone who was part of the guild.

    "Do your best to remember faster next time, or I'll have to think of a way to make sure you remember." She tilted her head slightly. "Of course, that might not have to be too unpleasant, but it'd be a waste of both our times." She let the words linger in the air for as long as it took Nymara to remember why she'd come to the library. It was amusing to watch the redhead switch topics so quickly, although Akemi's eyes narrowed for a moment as Nymara's volume shot up again before she remembered the warning she'd been given literal seconds ago. The assassin took the flyer and read through it even as she waited for Nymara and Lucky to explain what was up with that strange scent that clung to the fire slayer. A festival to celebrate the coming of spring... Well, that was indeed the kind of thing that the mortal races liked to celebrate. Winter had passed and all those who had survived those harsh and cold months could now look forward to warm and comfortable weather.

    Her attention was pulled away from the flyer when Lucky explained that Nymara had been bitten by a spider before arriving here. "What?" She was actually a bit stunned that Nymara would just shrug something like that off. Dragon magic users had an enhanced constitution, sure, but there were plenty of creatures out there whose chemical weapons could still bring them down. For this spider's venom to be shrugged off it either must rely more on its size or Nymara was very lucky. Either way, Akemi would rather not leave this up to chance. "We can go to the festival, but not before we've detoxified you. Come on." Since healing wasn't Akemi's strong suit they'd have to visit one of the guild members whose talents were suitable for the task. The raven-haired mentor motioned for her red-haired apprentice to follow as they left the library behind, which thankfully also meant that everyone else who remained there would no longer have to put up with Nymara's lively attitude. Soon peace would return to the halls of study, even as Nymara got her little problem taken care of regardless of whether she agreed with the decision or not.

    "And I've told you before that if you try to lie to me I'll find out. Thank you Lucky for sparing me the trouble." Akemi looked at Nymara over her shoulder. "Someone as straightforward and honest as you shouldn't try to distort the truth. It doesn't suit you."

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 559
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 5th June 2022, 9:33 pm

    Nymara knew better than to test her mentor's words, so any warning from her was almost instantly taken under advisement. Though of course Akemi's warnings along with many other things were not immune to the firebrand's terrible memory. Though as the twilight dragon had just demonstrated, it wasn't very hard to remind Nymara when she was getting a little too excited. Instantly appearing behind the girl was more than enough to give her some pause when she would otherwise continue being a nuisance to the other patrons of the library. "O- Of Course! I'll uh.. I'll write it on my arm to remember better..." The fire dragon stuttered slightly in response to her mentor's words. It was no secret that Nymara took her threats seriously, so her immediate responses were sometimes nonsensical and driven by fear. Akemi's veiled threat was followed by a curious comment that made Nymara drop her nervousness for a moment and think a little, though she couldn't quite tell what Akemi was getting at. Of course she didn't think about it too long though, as her mentor had already directed her attention to the flyer once more. Thinking about it got the girl even more excited, as events like these were often filled with all sorts of different activities! And from what she had gathered, this one even had food! One of Nymara's favourite things! However she was letting the excitement get to her, as it didn't take long for the cat to ruin her mood.

    "Okay 'struck' is a little harsh! I just got a little cut is all, and I feel great!" Nymara responded in defense, shooting her exceed a glare. "That is why we show concern. You've been feeling 'great' for the past five hours. Even after a rather long train ride." Lucky responded. Nymara's stomach began to feel queasy at the mention of the train, though she quickly shook the sensation. "A little spider venom ain't gonna ruin my mood, cmon! I totally got the bastard back for it too!" Nymara said with a fanged smile, sounding rather proud of herself. Though Akemi and Lucky's faces were both telling her they didn't find it as amusing. What took Nymara out of nowhere however was Akemi's acceptance of her invitation, which caused her eyes to light up! Though it came with a catch. "Aight, you got a deal!" Nymara said. Getting herself checked for deadly toxins was definitely worth getting Akemi out of this dark library on such a beautiful day. Nymara understood it was likely by choice but still, she must've gotten bored sometimes! At least this festival provided an excuse to get out.

    Lucky and Nymara walked with Akemi out of the library, during which she made some more comments about Nymara's habits. Technically the girl hadn't lied, as she did have some delicious cider after the job! However she figured the twilight dragon wouldn't be interested in hearing that excuse, and Nymara wasn't eager to test it either. Nymara stayed quiet while she spoke, feeling a bit ashamed as Akemi finished. Akemi had a point, and Nymara knew it. Though it was much easier said than done. Why would Nymara even distort the truth over such a thing anyways? A fair question, though one with a more complicated answer than you'd expect. "I just didn't wanna worry anyone." She answered, somewhat truthfully. Not something Nymara would say openly, though she felt it was needed here. The firebrand never liked admitting she needed help most times, so when people began to worry they feel like they need to step in. Maybe it was just her pride. "Well like it or not Lady Nymara, your friends will always be concerned. I did after all swear an oath to your protection! Even if this venom seems to be mostly harmless, it wouldn't hurt to get an expert's opinion on the matter." Lucky would respond with a nod.

    "And after that we can head down to the festival. What should we do first?"

    670 Words | PWC: 2253/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 6th June 2022, 8:59 am

    "The reason some creatures rely on toxins is that even a small cut can be very dangerous if the venom is strong enough." Akemi pointed out as Nymara tried to dismiss the danger of having been poisoned. "The fact that you're not showing any symptoms is a good sign, but some toxins work slowly only to kill you quickly afterward. It might be a good idea to learn how to use your fire to purify your own body so you can deal with poison on your own, although that's a rather complicated technique." Fire's primary trait was that it burned, and while usually that meant it was destructive a clever pyromancer could learn how to use fire to burn away harmful substances and thus protect themselves and others. Akemi doubted that Nymara would ever become an accomplished healer, but igniting herself to incinerate anything which didn't belong inside of her body should be within her capabilities. And for once her wildfire might actually be beneficial.

    The dark claw assassin frowned as her apprentice admitted that she wanted to avoid causing concern. "As your mentor, it's my responsibility to look out for your well-being. Beyond that, you've also made attempts to save face before. You may deceive others if you want, but I'm keeping a close eye on you so there's no point in trying." She was a little bit surprised that Nymara would care about whether other people were worried or not, rather than that she just didn't want to appear weak and unreliable. Although maybe it was both: people could be very complicated.

    Nevertheless, they visited an expert who quickly confirmed that Nymara wasn't in any real danger. The venom she'd been exposed to was meant to simultaneously cause feelings of euphoria to prevent the prey from struggling while also relaxing their muscles until their heart stopped beating. Fortunately, Nymara's draconic fortitude and energetic nature had prevented most of that, leaving the fire dragon mage only experiencing the euphoria to a mild degree. Given that Nymara herself seemed to be enjoying the experience the healer decided against detoxifying her, leaving Akemi rolling her eyes but unwilling to press the issue. If someone who was knowledgeable about toxins thought it was fine to let nature run its course they might as well let it happen. At least it'd mean that Nymara would be enjoying the festivities even more than she otherwise would.

    With that over and done with they could turn toward the festivities that kept most of Magnolia Town busy today. While individuals like Akemi were busy with their own things most of the citizens had already finished setting up the stalls and the events that would take place so everyone could celebrate the departure of winter and the arrival of good weather and warmth.

    Akemi would also finally get around to answering Lucky's question about what they should do first. She hadn't really been thinking much about the specific events they'd partake in as long as she was busy making sure that Nymara wasn't secretly dying from arachnid venom, but she'd already read through the flyer and thought about their options. "I don't have much interest in dressing up or dancing around, but there's a couple of festivities that might be interesting."

    "In the park, they're organizing two hunts: one for easter eggs, another for a four-leaf clover. We can do either or both, although the egg hunt is probably easier. The third option is painting eggs, but I don't know if either of you has any talent for that kind of thing. I prefer carving myself." Carving pumpkins during All Hallows' Eve was one of the more enjoyable parts of the holiday, but you couldn't really carve an egg, hard-boiled or not.

    "And yes, I know there's also a feast, but we're keeping that for last. If only so that other people have enough time to eat their fill before you clean up what's left." Akemi finished speaking with a dry tone. She knew that even Nymara wouldn't actually finish an entire banquet meant to feed dozens of people alone, but her redheaded apprentice could stand occasionally being reminded of her gluttonous habits.

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    WC: 697
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Posts : 162
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 14th June 2022, 12:29 pm

    Rolling for Egg Hunt


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by NPC 14th June 2022, 12:29 pm

    The member 'Nymara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Die_01_42158_sm

    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 14th June 2022, 1:43 pm

    Unfortunately for Nymara her much more knowledgeable mentor was not so willing to drop the subject of the poison without more assurances from a professional. Lucky hadn’t been exactly helpful either, taking part in inciting this action. Though Nymara figured Akemi would have found out one way or another. The twilight dragon had a knack for finding truths that wanted to stay hidden, and Nymara knew this firsthand. Lucky’s intervention was helpful, though likely not entirely necessary. Still, the firebrand should have considered herself fortunate that Akemi had interest. Her previous mentor had a different method for teaching Nymara how to deal with the consequences of her actions. Effective at times, though nonetheless a strain to deal with. When Akemi brought up the point of her fire possibly having the potential to cure her own poison, that brought some life back to her eyes! She noted that the skill was not an easy one to possess, but Nymara didn’t seem to care! “Oh really? You think I can become invincible to poison by just heating up? That’s awesome!” She exclaimed, Lucky sighing as Nymara seemed to jump to conclusions. Though when he noticed the air become a bit stuffy he had to speak up. “I would not recommend trying it here, my lady. I doubt you have the technique to perform such a spell.” He said with his arms behind his back as they walked. Understanding that the exceed was likely right, Nymara brought the temperature down to normal as her excitement calmed. “Y-Yeah, maybe not yet..”

    Akemi was right about Nymara’s tendency to twist unfortunate events to avoid blame, and her pointing out just made the girl sigh in agreement. Sooner or later the red-head was going to need to take Akemi’s words to heart and understand she was telling the truth. With the amount of debts and people she’s made angry over the past few years due to her destructive nature just made lying a natural response to accusations. That was going to change if she wanted to succeed in a guild, especially under Akemi’s mentorship.

    Soon enough the three would see a healer and they confirmed the effects of the poison. Luckily it seemed to be mostly harmless, as Nymara’s enhanced constitution was a bit more than what that poison was meant to handle. The healer even said that the effects that made her feel happy were harmless and could stay, despite Akemi’s apparent disapproval! How awesome was that. And just before they began the festival too! Things were shaping up in Nymara’s eyes. Now all that was left was to head down to where the fun was at! Nymara would turn to Akemi and Lucky when the twilight dragon mentioned the different activities they could do, and when she mentioned the feast the firebrand almost salivated! She had almost forgotten about the feast in all this poison business, and now that she had started to think about food again, she couldn’t stop! The girl felt a sudden wave of hunger as she envisioned the different festival foods, though her daydreaming was cut short by the harshness of Akemi’s next decree. “L- Last!? B- But all the good stuff will be gone by then.” She whined, though Nymara figured getting Akemi to change her mind was useless, and she wasn’t about to try and sneak away from her either. “I say I could probably beat most of the competitors in the egg hunt.” Lucky would chime in, glancing over at a nearby field where people were searching for their own eggs. “My wings will give me great sight after all.”
    “Oh is THAT a challenge?” Nymara darted her attention to the armoured cat. With an arched eyebrow Lucky would turn and face the dragonslayer. “It might be. What say you, my ladies?” He would respond with a mischievous smile. Nymara grinned in return. “Ain’t no way I’m lettin a cat collect more eggs than me, you’re on!” Now feeling pumped up she would turn to Akemi. “You’ll come too, yeah? We gotta show 'em who's boss!” Nymara laughed as she turned towards the egg hunting contest.

    Interestingly enough the contest was taking place in what looked like a massive hedge maze! Nymara stared up at the tall intricately cut bushes in awe for a moment, only to realise they were about to begin! The rules had been explained fairly simply. Scattered throughout the hedge maze were dozens of eggs! Participants have one hour to scour the maze and collect as many eggs as possible and whoever has the most by the end wins! Grabbing her basket Nymara would take her place at the starting line next to Lucky and Akemi. It was an amusing sight, watching the exceed awkwardly hold a basket meant for much larger human hands. By the expression on his face he was clearly waiting for the game to begin just so he could extend his wings and carry it beneath him. It wouldn’t take long however as all the participants got prepared. Soon enough the starting whistle blew and everyone raced forwards! The maze funnelled all the participants into one main path before splitting off in seven different directions! Lucky had already taken to the skies, his ability to fly mitigating the difficulty of navigating the maze. When she reached the crossroads she nodded to Akemi before sprinting off on a random path, along with everyone else.

    Nymara’s adventure in the hunt started off a bit slow, the girl coming across a few random eggs here and there, though she got discouraged everytime another person ran by with twice as many! Cursing herself Nymara would begin to move faster, utilising her nose to sniff out the distinct scent of paint on the eggs. Soon enough her efforts would bear fruit, the girl turning a corner to see a bright egg sitting at the edge of the path! “Yes, another one!” She exclaimed, running towards it. Though something soon happened that stopped Nymara in her tracks! The very leaves and branches that made up the walls of the hedge maze were moving at a rapid pace over the path, directly in between Nymara and the egg! “Wh- HEY! This place is magical?!” She’d yell angrily as her only effective route to her prize was cut off. Growling with irritation Nymara turned around and tried to find another way towards the egg, though the sound of someone nearby caught her attention. They had very quick feet, and an odd earthy scent. Her eyes sharpening, Nymara focused. “Eh? Who’s that?” She asked, though was met with silence in the empty hedge path. Deciding to ignore it the girl kept going, only to soon discover another clear path to the same egg! Smiling, she sprinted for it but the same branch barrier appeared again! Just like before Nymara slowed to a stop as the path ahead was blocked by some sort of magic. Now she was really pissed! Something was DELIBERATELY stopping her from getting more eggs, and it made her fume. “HEY! WHAT IS THIS FUNNY?! THIS AIN’T FAIR!” She yelled out to seemingly no one, though her cries didn’t go unheard.

    Floating nearby and carrying a rather heavy basket was the armoured exceed. A smirk had been glued to his face since the start of the game, as he knew he would have little trouble finding eggs with his abilities. As a result he was struggling to keep the weight of his basket aloft! However as Lucky continued to scan the maze from above he heard the familiar shouts of his friend and got curious enough to see what was causing Nymara so much distress. Flying over to get a closer look he could see the firebrand from above, but also the paths that were hidden from her view. “I see you’re doing just as well as I expected.” He called down to her sarcastically, which prompted Nymara to temporarily snap out of her shouting to look up and face the exceed. “Hey! Why don’t you give me a lift with those wings of yours!” She yelled, though Lucky simply chuckled and shook his head. “That’s not how the game works.” Before Nymara could respond though, she caught a whiff of that person’s scent again! “Hol’ up! Where is that comin from!?” She said aloud, turning around and running back down the path. Curious Lucky decided to follow, floating silently above as he watched Nymara race through the maze, trying to follow her own nose. “We’re close to that smell! Just throug-'' her words were cut short by yet a third mass of branches and trees extending over her route! Already used to this, Nymara simply yelled in rage and sped up, hoping to make it through before the tangle of plant matter cut her off again. Lucky was surprised by this sudden change in the plants, not noticing anything like this anywhere else in the maze. While Nymara was now tearing through the closing path by force, Lucky flew a bit higher to get a better view, and when he did he spotted the source of the problems! Just beyond the hedge wall that was now forming in front of Nymara and around the corner was a person extending their hand and using magic! A green magic seal was formed across their palms and they appeared to be controlling the very hedges of the maze itself! Upon closer inspection Lucky noticed this man was also a participant of the competition, judging by the sheer amount of eggs filling his basket. With magic like that, Lucky could understand how traversing the maze may be simple for him, though he also seemed intent on slowing down the other contest goers.

    “Lady Nymara, there is another wizard just ahead that appears to be controlling these ‘roadblocks’ you have been experiencing.” Lucky would say as he returned to Nymara, who was presently entangled in the bushes as she attempted to push through. Though when she heard another wizard was doing this she stopped struggling. “WHAT?! SOMEONE IS DOIN THIS TO ME ON PURPOSE?!” Lucky should have kept that information to himself. As soon as Nymara learned that someone was using their magic on her all bets were off! Sure enough the bushes around her body would begin to ignite and soon a massive orange flame would eat away the entire blocked path! The man controlling the maze grew wide eyed when he noticed the fire and quickly picked up his basket and began to run! “Oh, and now he appears to be trying to retreat.”
    “LIKE HELL!” Nymara echoed, sprinting forwards in a streak of hot fire! Moving incredibly quickly through the maze, Nymara used her fire to provide the needed boost! It seemed now she cared little for burning half the hedges, as the saboteur was nearly in her grasp! Turning to see his pursuer turn the corner and make eye contact with him was enough to terrify the man, quickly extending a hand to form another swift blockage! Though it mattered little now, as Nymara charged up a flaming fist to completely obliterate the barrier in one punch! The force of the blast caused the man behind to go flying backwards, only being stopped by the impact of the hedge wall behind him.

    His smoking body slid to the ground, and he was for all purposes knocked out of the competition! Nymara stood on the other side of the path, shaking the fire out from her hands as she walked towards him. He was a bit roughed up, but otherwise fine. He might wake up in an hour or two feeling terrible, but it would pass. Satisfied that she didn’t severely hurt the cheater Nymara sighed and put her hands on her hips. “Well, you have apprehended the wall shifter and burned down some of the maze in the process. Oh, and you seemingly have no eggs to show for it.” Lucky would say as he descended. Nymara’s eyes widened when she realised he was right! During that entire chase she had forgotten about her basket and left it behind! She almost cursed herself when the redhead noticed something colourful catch her eye. Next to the knocked out plant wizard was his basket of eggs! Though admittedly most had spilled out over the grass from where he had been thrown. “This guy don’t look like he’ll need these.” She said with a sly smirk. And he had quite a few indeed, nearly as much as Lucky! Easy when you can change the walls of a maze in any way you want.

    2104 Words | PWC: 4357/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 17th June 2022, 12:08 pm

    Rolling for Egg Hunt.


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by NPC 17th June 2022, 12:08 pm

    The member 'Akeya' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 17th June 2022, 6:10 pm

    Akemi raised an eyebrow as Nymara protested against the declaration that the feast would be kept for last. "I'm sure they'll have provided enough food that even if we wait until it's dark out there'll still be plenty for you to eat. As for whether it's good or not, it's supposed to be a feast, so you should be able to find something to your liking even if we take our time getting to it." She furrowed her brow. "Unlike what would happen if you started eating right away." Nymara's appetite could be considered inhuman, and she was quite certain that if the redhead was allowed to start eating right away she wouldn't leave enough feast for everyone else. It wasn't like Nymara was inconsiderate, but Akemi couldn't trust her to remember to leave enough for everyone else.

    Fortunately, Lucky managed to get the fire slayer to instead focus on the competition of hunting eggs. While Nymara wasn't exactly a very complicated or enigmatic person, Akemi still had to give credit to the exceed for being able to pull her strings so smoothly. It certainly did make it easier to deal with Nymara's vices as Lucky would help smoothen things over or distract her with something else. "If we liberally used our magic for this hunt it'd make things too easy unless they have enough magical participants that they can put us all against each other." She rubbed her chin as she considered this. Even if other magic users were present, allowing the usage of magic would still give a hefty advantage to certain individuals. She looked from Lucky to Nymara, then shrugged. "All right, I'll join in." She wasn't planning to take it too seriously, but it would be interesting to see how Nymara would make up for the fact that Lucky could use his wings to quickly move around and collect eggs.

    Grabbing a basket she went to stand at the starting line together with her two companions, the assassin looking rather relaxed compared to the redhead and the armoured exceed, both of which were clearly ready to jump at the signal to start collecting eggs in this heated competition with one another. When said signal came Akemi would go along with Nymara but split off from her at the first crossroad with a nod. Once she was alone Akemi began to walk at a lazy pace, making her way through the maze while looking around for any eggs. There weren't many obstacles in her way, but at the same time, there seemed to be little to no eggs along the road she'd chosen either. She wondered if the idea was that the more difficult paths would also reward you with more eggs, in which case Nymara was probably having a blast.

    As she wandered around without meeting any success in her search for eggs Akemi kept track of the magic presences inside the maze. It didn't seem like the maze itself had any magic inherent to it, but there were several individuals with magical capabilities partaking in the egg hunt. Nymara's presence was easy to spot and follow, as Akemi was very familiar with that fiery aura and it stood out amidst the much more modest and restrained auras, but some of the other people had fairly impressive auras as well. One of them was even... Akemi narrowed her eyes as she paid closer attention. Yes, someone was definitely using their magic to mess with the maze. The nature of their magic matched that of those who could manipulate plant life, and the magic spread out from the person into their surroundings and caused shifts in the green walls that formed the maze all of them resided in.

    At first, Akemi assumed that this person was simply making it easier for themselves to collect more eggs, but she then noticed that the magic the plant mage was using seemed to be concentrating on the part of the maze that surrounded Nymara's fiery aura, moving and shifting the walls there. A rather strange move, given that Nymara wasn't the only competitor and the plant mage could most likely ensure their victory much more efficiently by just collecting as many eggs as possible, but the assassin figured that Nymara tended to stand out. However, this did remind her of that time a water mage made her fall off her surfboard while she and Nymara were at the beach. It wasn't like it mattered much, but it still got on Akemi's nerves when people messed around like this. She knew that some would argue that it was better to use trickery in trivial competitions like these, where the outcome wasn't very important, but Akemi felt the opposite: when the outcome mattered it made sense to use whatever tactics were available to you. It was when you started resorting to cheap shots during competitions which were merely meant to be entertaining that you revealed yourself to be petty.

    Still, Nymara could handle it, especially now that Lucky had joined the redhead once more and could help her figure out what was gone. Rather than getting involved immediately, Akemi would take her time navigating the maze towards where the plant mage was messing around. She was getting close when Nymara's presence rose sharply and a wave of heat washed over the maze, signaling that the fire slayer had become aware that she was being toyed with and didn't appreciate it. Akemi expected nothing less, and thus would merely stand to the side and watch as Nymara tackled the plant mage through the maze in a blazing fireball, making a mess of the entire competition and destroying more than a few eggs in the process.

    "I'd judge you for going overboard, but it seems you managed to avoid killing the man." Akemi commented as she joined Nymara, looking at the unconscious plant mage. "That said, I don't think the organizers will be happy with you destroying the maze." Indeed, the redhead's rampage had done quite a lot of damage to the hedges, and several other competitors had also arrived to spectate the confrontation between Nymara and the plant mage. The ravenhaired assassin looked around, then shrugged and picked the plant mage up. "I think you've gathered enough eggs to win the competition, but we need to get this one to a healer. Also, I don't think we should join the clover hunt." The organizers might overlook Nymara damaging the maze because she was being targeted by a mage who used the maze against her, but they'd probably be happier if they didn't have to worry about another incident in the park with the firebrand.

    Akemi would lead them out of the maze, where they'd have to wait for the winner of the egg hunt competition to be declared. As expected, the organizers weren't entirely happy, but they accepted the explanation that the plant mage had been engaging in foul play. Akemi herself still had only a handful of eggs in her basket, which netted her the second lowest score, the lowest being the plant mage. Nymara, with her bounty, ended up having gathered the most, although the looks they were given by the rest of the competitors convinced Akemi to quickly nudge her apprentice into following her as they departed from the egg hunt competition.

    "It's a bit early, perhaps, but shall we join the feast?"

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 27th June 2022, 3:07 pm

    Though the smoke and flame had settled, Nymara as usual failed to notice the very familiar presence of her mentor sneaking up on her before it was far too late! With the plant wizard taken care of it seemed like now was the perfect time for Akemi to make herself known, which of course caused Nymara's spine to tense up when she heard the voice of the twilight dragon behind her! Nymara was about to sweat bullets as she mentally prepared for Akemi's scolding, but it seemed she was just relieved that the man hadn't been killed. "AH! O- Oh! Hi Akemi.." Nym started, the confidence she had been feeling earlier for taking out the magic user had begun to fade, though Nymara was happy Akemi wasn't currently in a sour mood. "Indeed. It would appear this maze may be temporarily shut until the ash and cinders have all been swept away." Lucky retorted, still floating in the air above the two dragons holding his egg basket. "Eh?" Nymara looked back and saw the trail of destruction she had left while chasing after the cheater. "Oh. That's some damage I suppose.." She trailed off a bit while nervously scratching the back of her head. Thankfully this hadn't been a serious situation, though this was still the exact type of scenario that Akemi had been trying to teach Nymara how to have better control of her flames in. A twinge of guilt was certainly felt every time Nymara flew off the handle and went berserk, as every time it felt like she was ignoring her mentor's teachings. Even so, Akemi did not seem upset or angry with the firebrand, if a little annoyed. "You raise an excellent point, Lady Akemi. The event organizers may find your 'competitive spirit' a bit too hot for their clover hunt." Lucky nodded in agreement with Akemi's suggestion. Nymara finished picking up the last egg from the plant wizard's basket before turning back to them. "Well, at least this guy won't be messing with the clovers now either!" She said with a triumphant tone, looking at the unconscious man.

    As the competition came to a close the situation was quickly explained to the event organizers and after some deliberation they seemed to reluctantly give Nymara the position of first place. Nymara was ecstatic that she had won, though her victory seemed to be very circumstantial. A fact that was evidently not lost on everyone, as both Akemi and Lucky had noticed some of the glum looks the other egg hunters were giving the fire slayer. "Sucks that you couldn't find that many. Maybe the event will come back next year!" Nymara said to Akemi after the event had finished, doing her best to try and cheer the twilight dragon up from her bad luck in the competition. Not that Akemi needed to be reassured over some egg contest, but Nymara was still willing to try! Though when Akemi signaled her to follow and began to speak about the feast the red-head's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? A- Already? Yeah! Let's do it!" She said with renewed vigor! Lucky would silently roll his eyes at the girl's excitement over food but refrained from speaking further.

    The feast could be smelled from several streets away, at least for a dragonslayer. Something that had been itching in the back of Nymara's mind ever since they had arrived at the festival, though she had been trying her best to ignore it until now. Nymara truly had no idea what event could possibly justify a gathering of food in such a huge manner, but frankly she didn't care! Sure enough her nose would lead her straight around the corner of a building and into a long narrow street. The street itself was filled with long tables that were overflowing with different kinds of food! Surrounding the tables were dozens of people of all ages mingling around the feast. Spring themed decor also strategically lined the row of buildings on either side, doing their best to add to the festival's aesthetic. "Ah. Much larger than I was expecting." Lucky said truthfully, taking a moment to look at the event. Truthfully the exceed wasn't sure what he had expected, but it certainly wasn't something of this size. This festival must have been a big deal. Then again he did remember seeing something about a famous chef being involved? Maybe it had something to do with that, though he couldn't say for certain. Nymara on the other hand was nearly salivating just looking at the mountains of different food covering the tables. She had no idea what to try first! "Let's not waste any time!" She finally said before gravitating towards the closest table.

    If heaven existed, Nymara may have found it. As expected the girl didn't hesitate to start grabbing something of everything and putting it on her own plate. Perhaps being forced to smell all this delicious food for so long before trying it made her even more hungry, though it was hard to determine if the dragonslayer was never NOT in the mood to eat. Judging by her expression as she continued to chomp down her meal, one could be forgiven for thinking this is what she lived for. "The chicken is amazing Akemi!" Nymara chirped between mouthfuls. "A little raw though... NOT A PROBLEM!" She said with a slightly evil sounding laugh. Holding up a chicken leg right above her mouth, a small jet of flame quickly erupted between her fangs and within a few seconds the the leg was charred to ash. Lucky had noted by now that Nymara had also found out the feast was serving free alcohol, so suffice to say she may not have been in a balanced headspace currently. Nymara titled her head slightly as the now burnt chicken leg fell to the ground as a small pile of ash before laughing again. "hic Hahah! Now it's a little too cooked!" She said, finding herself hilarious while Lucky sighed and looked at his own modest plate of fish. "I suppose if there was ever a time and a place for this behaviour it would be here." Lucky would mumble. He'd then turn to the twilight dragon just as Nymara picked up a fresh tankard and began chugging it in one go. "Is the food to your liking? They seem to have something for everyone."

    1071 Words | PWC: 5428/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 30th June 2022, 11:43 am

    Akemi still found it amusing just how intimidated Nymara appeared to be by the assassin's mere existence. She knew that she wasn't the most approachable of people, and when push came to shove she was probably one of the most powerful entities on the continent, but it wasn't like she was constantly threatening Nymara.

    ...Okay, it wasn't like she was constantly threatening Nymara with anything too horrendous. She did need to keep the firebrand in line so she didn't start doing things like setting everything on fire between her and her target because it was faster than taking a detour.

    "Some damage she says." Akemi replied dryly as Nymara commented on the trail of destruction she had wrought after she'd lost her cool and charged the plant mage right through the walls of the maze. "I think the organizers would consider than an understatement. However, it's not really important." Nobody had been seriously harmed, after all: even the cheat who'd tried to keep Nymara from claiming first place had at worst been slightly scorched, and healing magic meant that people could recover from such injuries with little difficulty.

    "Whether the organizers find stopping cheaters as important as keeping their park in one piece is a matter for debate, but not one we'll be partaking in today." From Akemi's perspective it was much better to just take what had happened and leave, rather than sticking around and risk the situation getting worse. She wasn't too interested in the clover hunt anyway, and Nymara had already earned her win for the day by gathering more eggs than everyone else. Which was still an impressive feat, given that it wasn't like the other participants had been disrupted like she had. Even if part of it was just her stealing the plant mage's eggs after knocking him out. She didn't have the heart to tell Nymara that part of the reason she hadn't gotten any eggs was because she'd intentionally picked the least eventful part of the maze to wander around in.

    Akemi stared as Nymara immediately ran towards the feast, clearly forgetting all about what had just happened to instead focus on what might be one of the most important aspects of life for her: food. With a sigh the raven-haired assassin followed at a much more leisurely pace. "I'd suggest that she has a black hole in her stomach, but in that case she wouldn't be a fire dragon but a space dragon. Or maybe a gravity dragon." She commented to Lucky, as Nymara was too lost in her own world to listen to what her mentor had to say.

    That said, when they arrived at the feast Akemi also chose to partake, even if she wasn't nearly as exuberant and passionate as Nymara was. Rather than just grabbing anything and everything, the assassin would choose a variety of fruits and vegetables, with a small amount of meat to add to the taste. She didn't actually have to eat much to function, and since this festival was about celebrating the return of vibrant green nature she might as well eat plant stuff. That, and with how enthusiastically Nymara was devouring any scrap of meat she came across, she wouldn't have to worry about the redhead trying to take anything Akemi herself was also desiring.

    "The food is quite good, yes. They wouldn't want to disappoint people when this is one of the biggest festivals of the year. Although I'm hoping they didn't make a mistake making the alcohol so freely available when Fairy Tail is stationed in this city." While Nymara might be one of the worst cases, Fairy Tail was known for housing members who could become rather problematic.

    "I know you're enjoying yourself, but if you go overboard and disrupt the festival any further I'm going to be quite cross." Akemi warned Nymara. "I'm willing to overlook what happened at the maze because that man was deliberately cheating to get in your way, but nobody is going to be happy if you start a fire at the feast."

    Akemi also ate at a slower pace than Nymara, enjoying the taste of the food on her plate rather than just shoveling everything inside. For the moment there wasn't much else to do than to enjoy the meal, so she looked around and listened to all the other people present at the feast. Most of them were quite jovial and cheerful, as the festival had everyone in a good mood. There were some rumours about what had happened at the egg gathering contest, however, and Akemi noticed that most people were keeping a distance from the redhead who clearly was willing to use her flames when she felt like it.

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 8th July 2022, 3:05 pm

    Nymara had no idea why they didn't do more festivals like this in Magnolia! Aside from the fun activities (barring the occasional cheater) the feast alone was enough to draw in droves of people, far beyond just herself. Though it became apparent her appetite could still rival just as many of them! It was true that Akemi's comment went over the firebrand's head, though Lucky couldn't help himself but chuckle. "Well, if such a beast exists we may as well found it." He responded, watching the girl ignore the lines that were forming to help herself. "Yet it can destroy a building and basic manners as well." He would say again, this time in a more tired tone as the exceed walked up to direct Nymara's attention to her own oblivious actions. It was entirely too easy for Nymara to get distracted at a time like this, which wasn't completely unfair. Putting aside the alcohol that was being offered to everyone so freely, the prospect of free food occupied the attention of many. Of course there were some with much more restraint, like her mentor and the armored cat. Something Akemi was about to make abundantly clear to the young fire slayer.

    "Ah yes, it makes me wonder who was behind this all, to put up with a guild that has the reputation that it does." Lucky agreed with Akemi's statement. It was fair, considering it wasn't exactly a secret that Fairy Tail was known for being a bit unpredictable with its members. Something that was on full display with Nymara's little firework show, causing the few people sitting near her to edge away in discomfort.

    Nymara shoved another mouthful of food in just before Akemi made her opinions known, causing the slayer to tense up slightly mid swallow. Reminding Nymara that Akemi's memory was long, she nervously forced the lump in her throat downwards before speaking. "Ehe.. Oh sorry! W- Won't happen again!" She said a little desperately, hoping to spare herself from the twilight dragon's wrath. She raised a good point though. With so much free food around there was no sense in getting kicked out over her habits, or worse, make Akemi angry. "It would be a shame if events like this were pushed away from our humble town due to the poor behaviour of its residents." Lucky would jab at Nymara without making eye contact, though his smile wasn't hidden. Narrowing her eyes slightly the red-head shrugged. "Well we live in a forest near the city, not in town itself." She would say with a slight hiccup, the nonexistent logic in her statement clearly lost on her. "I wonder if the organizers would make the same distinction."the exceed would retort back with an eyeroll. Nym opened her mouth to say something though her gaze was diverted by a passing plate of steak being carried by a staff member, taking her full attention with them as well.

    As the feast progressed Nymara showed little signs of slowing down, though her heated outbursts were decidingly lower than before. Thankfully by this point those that couldn't put up with her had already moved along, so it seemed as though she bothered nobody on her side of the table. At least, none of the patrons. The event staff staring at her increasing mountain of empty mugs and dishes were starting to question the festival's admittance policies. "Maybe I should *hic* run my own festival!" Nymara would say in a drunken tone after finishing another mug. Lucky arched an eyebrow at this statement, though the drunk red-head didn't give him any time to respond. "A- And we could have feasts like this ALL the time!" She continued with a bright, fanged, grin. "H- How hard could it be? I'll call it the *hic* ffffffIRE FESTIVAL!" Nymara roared in triumph with slurred speech, raising her glass to the sky before realizing it was empty and dropping it on the table. "B- but we'll need more booze than this!"

    667 Words | PWC: 6095/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 9th July 2022, 4:13 pm

    Akemi shook her head in response to Lucky. "While Nymara may be capable of devouring absurd amounts of food when she wants to, realistically speaking it can still get much worse. There exist creatures whose stomach actually functions as an alternate dimension, which means that there's no known limit to how much they can consume at once." With magic loose in the world one should never underestimate the madness that one might encounter out in the wilds. The civilized races might make sure that the worst of it didn't get close to their settlements, but if one traveled the world they wouldn't be sheltered from abominations which defied all logic and caused nightmares. Hmmm... Akemi furrowed her brow as she thought back to Leila, who had been traveling the world for several years now. She hoped that the edenchild was doing all right.

    Lucky, being the more sensible of the duo that consisted of him and Nymara (ignoring his ideas of knighthood), asked the reasonable question why Magnolia would accept the antics of Fairy Tail if they could be so disruptive and destructive. Akemi finished drinking her own mug (non-alcoholic, as she had no intention of getting drunk) before setting it down and answering the question. "Fairy Tail is one of the longest-standing guilds, and is known for its competent members. While the destructive habits can be an issue, having the guild be established in Magnolia means that they'll protect the town against any more malicious forces." Her thoughts went back to when Magnolia had been attacked because it housed Fairy Tail, and the assassin shrugged.

    "It's not a perfect system, and not everyone is happy with it, but the majority of the population accepts that it's easier to let Fairy Tail be part of Magnolia than getting rid of them. Our capricious nature also means that it's not certain we'd leave even if we were told to, so that's also something to consider." While Akemi described herself as belonging to Fairy Tail, she didn't really feel like she was part of the guild when it came to politics. Her attitude was too different, and she had no real attachment to this human settlement.

    She gave Nymara a long look, to make sure that her apprentice understood the sincerity of the warning, then nodded once the firebrand acknowledged the threat. Although she couldn't keep herself from rolling her eyes when Nymara tried to deflect Lucky's argument that these kind of festivals required the participants to behave.

    As long as Nymara wasn't going overboard Akemi wasn't going to interfere, so the rest of the feast consisted of the assassin eating a decent amount of food while watching the fire slayer eat as much as a dozen people. While the feast was large enough that it wasn't quite a concern yet, Akemi could tell that the organizers were getting nervous, as Nymara showed no sign of slowing down.

    It was when Nymara began to theorize about holding her own festival that Akemi decided to put a stop to it. "I think you've eaten your fair share and then some." She wouldn't tolerate any argument, and if Nymara tried to protest she'd receive another stare before Akemi stood up. "Let's walk around for a while." She wasn't going to bring Nymara back to the guild until the firebrand had cooled off a bit.

    She beckoned for Nymara to follow before she began to explain the issues with Nymara's "plans". "Holding a festival requires a lot of funding, so you can't just hold one because you feel like it. Furthermore, if you were to eat this much on a regular basis it would affect your figure even if you're a dragon slayer. As it stands you've already eaten more than you should, and we should hope that the organizers won't be more restrictive next year."

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 27th July 2022, 1:10 pm

    The twilight dragon shared a shred of past experiences or at least something she had been knowledgeable about to the exceed when they spoke about the existence of creatures more voracious than Nymara. "I must say I have never encountered such creatures myself, though from what I've heard of this land there seems to be little that would surprise me." Lucky would continue, though he wasn't entirely sure if he believed in those words. After all, he had been in Earthland for a relatively short period. There was no telling what sort of things he had left to encounter. While traveling with Nymara, he figured he might have much more to see. It was interesting that Akemi knew about these things, though it probably shouldn't have come to the exceed's surprise given what he knew about the twilight dragon. Despite the fact she kept most of her personal history and experiences to herself Lucky knew she was still a bookworm. If all the time she spent within the guild's library wasn't enough to convince him, the conversations he's had with her in the past would. However Lucky wasn't always sure how much of her knowledge came from personal experience or from something she had learned in her studies, mostly due to the twilight drake's fairly secretive and reclusive nature. Not that it mattered much to him either way, as Akemi had already proven many times by now how invaluable her intuition could be.

    As Akemi continued to explain more about the pros and cons of having an established guild within your city, though this case seemed to be specific to Fairy Tail. The exceed hadn't come across many other guilds yet, though he understood that most of them had fairly different reputations and personalities from one another, so it was understandable if some guilds found an easier time establishing themselves in a populated area. From what he had seen of his guild so far though made him feel inclined to agree with Akemi. She was after all a veteran member of Fairy Tail, at least compared to both him and Nymara. He wasn't aware of how long she had been a part of the guild, though he figured it was certainly a respectable amount of time. "It could be useful to have an order of skilled mages housed in your town during times of strife. And with Fairy Tail's history, it would seem most people have accepted that fact." He would speak, based on the limited knowledge he had gathered so far. Since being accepted into the guild Lucky had done some of his research as well. He didn't think it appropriate for a member to be completely oblivious to their own guild's past. Of course, the same couldn't exactly be said for his more energetic companion, who'd rather eat or fight than listen to his attempts at educating her. He was thankful she had met someone like Akemi, who seemed much more successful when it came to getting the firebrand's attention. "Although I certainly understand why some residents may have their reservations about a nearby guild." He would trail off slightly, looking at Nymara continue to devour the feast.

    It seemed like Nymara's drunken proposition is what finally made Akemi's tolerance for her apprentice's behavior vanish, and the twilight dragon was dictating her next move before Lucky could even respond to the redhead's outlandish ideas. Inside he breathed a sigh of relief as Nymara's expression grew shocked for a moment. "B- But I was just getting to the salted pork-." She cut herself short after seeing Akemi's intense stare, and even in her stupor, she had learned not to challenge the twilight dragon's orders. "*hic* Aha- w- well yeah a walk sounds g- good." Nymara responded somewhat awkwardly, though it seemed she had little time to say anything else as Akemi had already begun leading her away. Lucky promptly followed, finishing his food some time ago and he was eager to hear what Akemi had to say. As they walked Nymara groggily listened to her mentor shoot holes in her amazing idea, though it was unclear how much of it she was getting. The smell of the feast was still fresh in her senses, and it saddened her as it slowly faded the farther away they walked. Though when Akemi was finally finished speaking her attention soon shifted back to her. She met the twilight dragon's gaze with her own and let the silence hang for a few moments before breaking into a wide grin! "Doing this next year is an even better idea! *hic* We totally should!" She would say with a laugh, clearly only hearing the last few things her mentor had said. Though that seemed sufficient enough to distract the fire dragon from her original "ideas".

    "Hey! This was *hic* a lot of fun!" Nymara would finally say, walking closer to Akemi before unexpectedly reaching her arms around her for a hug! The scent of beer was still strong on the girl, which was probably very apparent to one with senses like Akemi. "Thanks for doing this with me." Nymara would say with a genuine tone before letting her mentor go, holding a somewhat endearing smile across her face despite her drunken state.

    882 Words | PWC: 6977/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 8th August 2022, 3:58 am

    "You won't find them anywhere near civilized areas: humans are fragile, so they wouldn't build their homes close to creatures that break reality like that." Or rather, humans couldn't build their homes close to such creatures. Akemi wouldn't say it out loud, but how humans lived their lives was a lot more reliant on the world around them than many liked to think. People tended to get upset about that because it interfered with their illusion of independence and freedom.

    "Although creatures with a dimensional storage for a stomach are hardly the biggest threat humans might have to face: most of the time the problem comes from other abilities possessed by those creatures. For example, there's a giant worm-like creature that swims through the ground like it's water by consuming all the rocks and dirt in its path. Aside from creating wastelands by destabilizing the ground it can surface and devour everything above ground as well." She made a sinuous movement with her hand to indicate the worm's movements. "It reacts to tremors caused by creatures above ground, so the only way to avoid being targeted by it is to not touch the ground at all."

    It was pleasant to have someone to talk to who paid more attention than Nymara. The firebrand could listen when the topic was interesting to her, but her straightforward and energetic nature meant she wasn't as thoughtful as Lucky. Akemi nodded in response to the cat's observations. "When comparing the benefits of having Fairy Tail housed in Magnolia to the problems that would arise if we left, not to mention making us leave in the first place, most people can accept that putting up with our more destructive and problematic members is better." She thought back to Blue Pegasus. "And other cities with different guilds have it even better. In the past there have been guilds whose members were effectively celebrities. From what I've observed Ace of Spades is quite happy to be considered the home of Sabertooth, even if the actual guild hall isn't inside the city anymore."

    It looked like Nymara understood that playtime was over, or at least that Akemi wasn't going to tolerate her continued feasting any further. The organizers were visibly relieved as the three of them departed, which made Akemi frown. She should have put a stop to Nymara's feasting earlier, but she'd hoped that the redhead could control herself without requiring her direct interference. She hoped that this wouldn't affect next year's festivities: while she didn't care for such things herself, she acknowledged that most people needed these opportunities for their mental well-being.

    Unfortunately, she wasn't going to get the issues with Nymara's actions and ideas through the firebrand's skull. Usually, she could make Nymara listen if she needed to, but usually, Nymara wasn't this intoxicated. The raven-haired assassin shook her head as her apprentice clearly only caught the part about there being another festival next year. "We'll see." She replied noncommittally.

    If Nymara were paying attention she might note that Akemi blinked even before the redhead began to move, even though the assassin didn't make any move to evade the hug. Instead, she just wrinkled her nose as the strong scent of alcohol and booze washed over her and raised one hand to pat her apprentice on the shoulder before gently pushing her away. She was about to comment on the girl's drunken state, but seeing that smile made her hesitate before sighing.

    "I really shouldn't spoil you, but..." She raised her bandaged arm even as dark smoke seeped out from between the wrappings and formed a dark claw, from which Akemi pulled out a piece of the salted pork that Nymara had been lusting after before she'd been pulled away from the feast. "Here." Akemi handed Nymara the piece which, while not big, at least would allow Nymara to enjoy the taste. "You've already eaten enough, so make sure to savour this."

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 27th August 2022, 12:45 pm

    The feast had continued whilst Akemi began to go into more detail regarding the different kinds of creatures that helped shape the land these people lived in. Noting that humans in general were weaker creatures who would rarely settle close to any type of reality-shifting monster. A small fact Lucky could admit he was thankful for, as the idea of a black hole devouring monster attacking the city seemed less than ideal for him. No doubt the guild could handle something like that, though he wasn’t sure he could say the same for the rest of the town’s populace. Nonetheless, the point had been made and Lucky gave the twilight dragon a knowing nod. “Hehe, a problem I can certainly see humans struggling with. Without wings, they could be at the ground worm’s mercy.” The exceed would say with a light chuckle, slightly referencing his own abilities. “Of course despite that, they seemed to have found some success.” He would continue with admiration in his tone. It was inspiring that despite the drawbacks humans faced in a world stacked against them they still became one of the most numerous and accomplished species on the planet. Magic of course probably helped play a large role in that factor, but it was a tool that seemed to be shared equally among many of the denizens of this realm. The same unfortunately couldn’t be said for his home.

    “Oh I’ve already heard some of the stories.” Lucky would say with a smile as Akemi mentioned how some of the guilds in Fiore had a much better standing with the people than others. Some guilds that had been so successful their members soon became well-known celebrities. He even saw some trading cards regarding some of the kingdom’s many guilds and their members in a shop once, though none of the faces were quite familiar to him. Even to a newcomer like him though, Lucky had still heard the odd tale or two about some of the more popular guilds and their wizards. Some were older stories but still seemed to stand the test of time, contributing to their legendary status. “I just hope the rest of us can live up to the people’s expectations and gain reputations of our own.” Lucky would continue, though his smile faded when he caught sight of Nymara again and he was reminded of reality. “The right kind of reputation at least.” He’d say with a hopeless sigh as the mess the firebrand was currently making only seemed to grow larger. “Have you interacted with many of these other guilds, Lady Akemi?” Lucky would question, attempting to distract himself from Nymara’s actions at least for the moment. Though the exceed was still genuinely curious. He was quite intrigued by what the other guilds of this world could hold and getting Akemi’s opinion on the matter was as good as he could have asked for. He already highly respected the twilight dragon, so he would trust her judgment on what the many other guilds of this world were like.

    Despite the amount of alcohol currently assaulting Nymara’s liver, the young dragon slayer seemed more alert than ever when Akemi’s attitude seemed to change. Her eyes widened slightly as the twilight dragon raised her arm and shadow magic began to spill out of the bandages. Before long her magic was on full display in the form of a massive claw! Though what caught the girl’s attention was the slight scent of meat and then…

    An expression of pure, unfettered, joy washed over Nymara’s face while her eyes made contact with the delicious slab of food that her mentor was freely offering her! Clearly forgetting about the massive feast she was just at, one could guess Nymara hadn’t eaten in days with how happy she seemed with this gift. “YES! AWESOME!” She cheered with triumph as the girl quickly grabbed it from Akemi’s hands and sunk her fangs deep into the tissue of the salted pork. Nearly tearing it to shreds as she savored the taste! Lucky had watched the whole scene unfold from the side, quietly shaking his head at Nymara’s reaction to Akemi’s generous spirit though he probably shouldn’t have expected any less from her. “When we get back to the guild I can buy you some drinks!” Nymara would continue to say while chewing, clearly trying to find some way to show her gratitude. “Drinks of cool water, I’d imagine.” Lucky would say, trying to show concern for Nymara’s future plans on getting even more wasted. Not that he or Akemi planned on letting her anyways.

    769 Words | 7746/2000


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Akeya 2nd September 2022, 10:03 am

    It looked like Lucky had understood the point that Akemi was trying to make. The raven-haired assassin nodded back towards the exceed. "There are methods to deal with these creatures, but it's much easier for humans to avoid areas where such dangerous lifeforms exist. And even if individual humans can't handle such challenges, by finding safer areas to build up their numbers and resources they've managed to slowly conquer regions which otherwise would have been too dangerous." Of course, it wasn't like that was strategy: it just happened to be how civilization had developed. Safer areas grew first, and then as resources became more abundant they'd expand.

    Lucky's anticipation towards building a reputation wasn't surprising given his personality, but Akemi herself had little interest in such things. "As long as they don't bother me they can think whatever they like." She shrugged. "People are fickle, and angling for their approval is a never-ending exercise. Better to make sure you don't mess up too badly and focus on more productive tasks. Individuals who are too focused on earning the favour of the crowd tend to suffer unpleasant ends." That wasn't a universal rule, but it happened often enough that Akemi considered it a good argument against being a crowd pleaser. Of course, it did help that she was apathetic by nature.

    "I've investigated the other guilds to have a better idea of the competition, but I haven't been personally involved with any of them." Akemi had been part of two guilds before Fairy Tail, but both of those guilds were now gone. She wasn't responsible for the fall of either guild, but she'd still rather not draw too much attention to her own past. An assassin relied heavily on being enigmatic and not drawing any attention to themselves, and Akemi had even more reason to keep her past and true self hidden than most.

    Most assassins weren't dragons with enough power that the government might consider them an existential hazard, after all.

    Nymara's reaction to the meat was both excessive and entertaining, although Akemi only vocalised a sigh as her apprentice tore into the food like a starved animal despite having been consuming more than her fair share of the feast minutes before. "Well, it counts as a way of savouring it..." She shook her head, then looked at Lucky as the cat knight pointed out that they weren't planning to let Nymara get any more drunk than she already was. "If she keeps going like this I'm dragging her back to the barrel to see if another dose of cold water helps." She trusted the medic's assessment that the spider venom Nymara had been injected with before the festival wasn't a serious threat to her health, but it certainly had caused the firebrand to be even more exuberant than usual now that the venom had been mixed with generous amounts of alcohol.

    Looking up at the sky she figured that they might as well head back to the guild hall for now. Nymara had already eaten more than enough, and there weren't any other activities that Akemi was really interested in. But since they were here on Nymara's request she'd take the long way back, wandering through the streets of Magnolia and giving the redhead plenty of opportunities to enjoy the celebrations. "If you want to pay me back you'd be better off putting more effort into practising self-control." There was another reward that shot through her head as she glanced at Nymara, but she shook her head as she dismissed the thought. "Since today is a festival you can hold onto that gratitude for tomorrow."

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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] Empty Re: A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival]

    Post by Nymara 17th October 2022, 4:16 pm

    Well the day could've gone a lot worse! Not hard to determine from her current expression, Nymara wasn't finding any issues with how their time had played out. Lucky could also confidently say something similar, as despite his usual lack of care towards party games and festivities the exceed found he enjoyed himself more than he thought he would. He couldn't speak on behalf of the twilight dragon, though Lucky hoped Akemi found some entertainment in their escapades. As usual, she was hard to read, so nobody could ever be sure what she was thinking unless stated directly. "Not a bad idea. I hear it always helps cool the nerves." Lucky would say with a slight chuckle at the twilight dragon's suggestion, prompting Nymara to give them both a sideways glance as she finished off the last of the food Akemi had given her. "Eheh.. I think I've had enough cooling for one day." Nymara would say with a nervous smile, shuddering as her memory raced back a few hours prior when Akemi forced her to dunk her head in water before they joined the festival. "A - At least as far as dumping my head into the water goes... A glass of water doesn't sound too bad actually!" She'd say through a light chuckle, knowing well Akemi was fully willing and able to back up her threats. The last thing she wanted was to ruin such a fun time by ending it soaking!

    Putting her hands behind her head as they walked, Nymara stewed in her jumbled mind while following her two companions. To nobody's surprise, Akemi didn't seem too keen on Nymara's idea for a reward, however, the twilight dragon offered up her own way Nymara could make up for her mentor's generosity. This statement elicited a fanged grin from the young firebrand, staring at her mentor with joy. "Of course! I can do that! Easy!" She would say in a cheerful tone. "Of course, Lady Akemi also speaks beyond just your magic." The exceed would remark, looking back at the dragon slayer. "You should reign in your love of that vile drink. At least a tad. I would hate to see your potential stifled by such a pitiful foe." A small grin flashed across his face as they continued onwards. Nymara only responded with a flash of intense thinking, though the expression didn't last for very long.

    Eventually, the trio would make their way back to the guildhall. By this time the early evening sun had cast a golden glow across the city, and much of the festival was wrapping up for the night. "Y'know? I wonder if there's a festival for every season!" Nymara would muse aloud. "Many cultures often mark the changing of the seasons as a time to celebrate, though I am unaware of which specifics would be nearby." The exceed would say. "Well, we should find all of them! That would be fun." She'd chuckle. Outstretching her arms and giving out a loud yawn Nymara looked over at her mentor, prompting her to smile once more. "Today was fun, right?" She'd ask, though with a more genuine tone. Nymara knew Akemi was willing to put up with her behavior and lust for entertainment, though she just hoped the twilight dragon found some joy in it as well. Nymara could never tell what Akemi was thinking for certain unless she made it scarily obvious. "I only ask because you look so broody!" Nymara laughed, stepping closer to get better eye contact. "You should smile more! Happiness is a good look on you!" Nymara would continue beaming. It was unclear how much of this was influenced from her drunken mind, though that didn't seem to matter. Nymara was often more truthful when under the influence.

    631 Words | PWC: 8377


    A Spring In My Step [Spring Festival] 2ohu3XJ

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