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    Musings of a retired Mage

    Phantom King
    Phantom King

    The Lightning Deity

    Regular VIP Status- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Quake Magic
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Musings of a retired Mage Empty Musings of a retired Mage

    Post by Phantom King 18th July 2022, 5:04 pm

    Another day meant another dollar and that meant that it was time for Ryujin to choose a new job to make some kind of money for himself. He found some listings of request from multiple people and while most sounded exciting he wasn't all too much up for another top rowdy today. "How bout this one?" He spoke to himself as he gazed upon the details of the job which was simply listing to an old man tell his story from his day as a wandering Mage. It wasn't something too crazy and found it might have been interesting in hearing the story of another wandering Mage. After grabbing a quick snack for the journey to the destination of the retired mage which luckily wasn't too far from where he was.

    The walk to his destination wasn't as bad as he thought it would have been and soon enough he was face to face with the house that was linked to he address on the job description. It was a rather old looking but not worn down looking place with bright yellows and oranges as its colors. "Can I help you?" Said the voice of an elder man from the porch of the house, it looked like he had probably been waiting for someone. "I am here on request to listen to the tales of a former wandering mage" said Ryujin in the kindest tone he could, after all he had run into many of elder men lately and they had given him no reason to be rude. The elder man's face lit up with joy once Ryujin had spoken on why he was here and suggested the young man come join him on the porch so that they could begin with his tales. Ryujin wasn't able to sit in the old chair next to the man before his stories began.

    The stories started off a little boring and slow at first but as the man continued Ryujin was slowly becoming intrigued with the journey of the man. It seemed that he had a rough start, similar to Ryujin himself and had made his way Into the spotlight of the magic council for some deeds that he had done. However after battling legal mages, being betray by those dark mages he called his own and epic adventures in between his whole life changed. Ryujin was super invested at this point and couldn't help but smile as the old man seemed to get happier seeing that Ryujin was actually listening and hearing his story. Maybe there was a reason he had taken this job even if he didn't know what it was at the moment. Before they both knew it the sun had made its way down and the moon was now in the sky a testament to the great tale of the former mage named Kyoto. Even thought he didn't want it to end Ryujin eventually let Kyoto know that he had to go but would come back one day to listen to more of his stories and might even bring a pen and book next time so that he could write them down and share it with others. A heartwarming goodbye happened as the old man gave Ryujin a surprise hug before he made his way into his home for the night.


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:38 am