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    Silence the Town Crier


    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Silence the Town Crier  Empty Silence the Town Crier

    Post by Nadarr 10th March 2022, 9:36 am

    Odilia would be in Cedar given a job today to eliminate a town crier that was making everyone in the town Restless. Luckily for her she wouldn't have to do a lot of leg work this time as The Guild would have given all the pertinent information about the town crier as he was a public figure information on him wasn't hard to find a trust it was people were very unhappy with it. Apparently he would be home every day at the crack of dawn yelling about the news to people who weren't even really awake yet to hear it. The problem with this was due to the people in the town having a grudge against him the city had appointed him several guards to keep him safe while was in this appointment position. Apparently I'm more than one occasion the public had decided to try to do this thing's down to scare and intimidate him into submission. Which now I'm at her job is even harder than it had to be. With that in mind she decided to Scout the house out during the day while he was gone. It was a modest home true stories with guards guarding the front and back entrance he wondered if they would leave their posts later if it was just guarding it while he wasn't home that would be ideal however she didn't see any other entrances that was easily visible or give her any better access point into the home. Higher buildings around it though so she could probably use that. With a bit of a plan in mind she decided she had to do this at night no point in trying to assassinate him during the day if it would have worked you probably have to get to sleep early if you was waking up so early too do his job meaning she had her window and opening to get in the house how should we get in she doesn't know yet but she would figure it out as she went.

    It would be late at night as Odilia would be approaching the home of the town criers would still be asleep not ready to wake up yet for his job. Two guards were stationed outside his house as being made a lot of enemies in the city with a job would be a lot harder because of it. She really didn't want to alert every guard in the city that she was going in to deal with however a direct approach is now impossible. With this in mind she would take a deep breath start to scale building so he can get on top of his group hoping to find a way inside. Just drove off he found a window leading into an attic of the man's home. She would look through the window and make sure no one was there is before turning into a swarm of butterflies. On the other side Silent Night. You would begin to creep towards the stairs in the Attic not wanting to make too much noise to alert anyone that she was inside the house. As she went down the stairs and slowly open the door there was a long hallway with five floors. He had no idea what film he was in however the tryst meant you would have to check so she's slowly and quietly walked on the hallway. She really hope no one else was here her Target was the town crier she didn't want to have to kill anyone else that she didn't have to she didn't consider herself a murder. She did this because she had to nothing more nothing less. She took a deep breath before listening in to each door eventually hearing snoring on one side loud heavy snoring. She would open the door to find him sleeping blissfully. She gave a deep sigh and slowly walked over to his bed drawing her blade looking down at him. Tell he was a heavy sleeper and he was completely defense will strike through trusting his guard outside to keep him safe She would put the blade to his neck looking down at him ready to kill him without a moment letting him die in his sleep so he wouldn't feel a thing. However she turned her head looking over seeing a family photo of him and two little girls probably one of the rooms that she did not check it. She took a deep breath pulling her blade away.

    This caused her little strife as her job was to kill this man but he had a family which was one of her big was is she hated to tear apart a family like this those two girls with wake up finding their father dead. She took a deep breath though shaking a little bit. The real question she ad to ask herself was what did she buy you more building a family or saving her family. Unfortunately that wasn't even a question in her mind was made up and her resolve with clear. She had already walked down the path of Darkness joining this killed you have to walk down it more and make our decision then this one. That now in her mind she would slowly maze her blade to his neck again and make it quick and painless for the man assassinated him in his sleep. The job was done now and she looked down ask him cleaning her blade shaking her head before seizing it I'm walking out of the room. By no means was he proud of what you just did however she would do what she always did and hide it behind a smile. Unfortunately this was the wife she had chosen to lead willing to do anything to protect the ones he cared about even if that meant for murdering and destroying a family. Her heart went out to the kids helping them a easy life. She would give one last look at the house before leaving to go home.


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 7:00 pm