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    ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦


    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦

    Post by Sogisa 26th March 2022, 11:34 pm

    Name: Tawa Sogisa
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Birthday: 8/30
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Special Characteristics:
    Implanted Magic Stone, it looks like a solid rectangle crystal that is black and red in color. This object that had been forcefully attached to his body long ago by a women that he didn't know at the time and to this day can't fully recall what she had looked like. From the stone comes some kind of liquid that seems to look and feel like blood. The liquid finds its own way to soak into his body all by its self and seemed to alter his appearance. Tho he has tried to remove it himself/help from others to remove it and has come to no luck at all with it, so it just sits attached to the center of his chest.


    Tawa Sogisa is a well built man, who spends a lot of his free time exercising and working out to keep his body in tip top shape no matter what anyone else says. For the most part he is a well minded and carefree kind of person but once a woman shows up he just snaps into this kind of bitchy attitude and an extremely unfriendly aura takes over. This hostility was all caused by a mysterious woman from his past that had attached some kind of magic stone to his chance for some reason and then quickly vanished into thin air. Somehow it seems that either the stone itself had caused him to forget her appearance. Pretty much just gave him a permanent dislike and unreally nature towards any/all women for the rest of his days or until he does find the one that caused this all to happen to him and make her answer for all that she did.

    The one thing that Sogisa enjoys most of all is learning, studying, and practicing in all kinds of close combat types of arts and styles. From ancient to modern versions of those kinds of combat but three kinds that stood out the most were those of hand to hand, using fire in any way, and a single hand mace. When it comes to him fighting during any kind of conflict, Sogisa would one hundred percent be the first one into melee with the enemy and would refuse to leave till either he or the opponent would fall (faint, unconscious, and/or death). As a leader he would seem like a brave and noble fighter as he would encourage and fight alongside the other front line fighters. Tho to the back line or to whoever would be the lead/shot caller, he would be labeled as a madman/nuisance but at least at the end he would neither stop or let up till one of them (himself or the enemy) falls till his very last breath. Now if for any reason the enemy was a woman Sogisa would be the perfect one to send after them as he has an extreme hatred towards them and would fly into a rage. It's both a good and bad thing: Good, if they wanted to find out more about the women's capabilities, sending him in would most likely force their hand. Bad, it's not just enemy women that would have a problem with him, but those fighting alongside him.

    Fighting anyone and anything in melee range.
    Spicy food is much preferred over any other kind.
    Taking some time every few days to relax by going out and fishing.

    Extreme amount of distrusted of any/all women.
    Those that try to take whatever is his.
    Destruction or removal of ancient martial/combat art texts that are in text on paper, carved into stone, or left in magical means as in the knowledge in that can be mental within pocket dimensions/hidden zones.

    Removal of the magic stone that has been implanted into his for many years now.
    Creation of his own martial/combat art style to both fully master and teach to others that are willing to learn.
    Obtain immortal life or that of reincarnation with all his knowledge of past lives.

    That the magic stone itself is what is truly tricking him into hating all woman and that the whole issue could have been a man or any other kind of being doing all along.
    Death before he can complete his very own style of martial/combat arts.
    Being banished to a confined space of nothingness that restricts any and all kinds of movement. So that for the rest of his days alive that he could never practice martial/combat arts or go fishing ever again.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6 ft 2.5 in & 190.5 cm
    Weight: 220 lbs & 99.79 kg


    Hair Color: Black with a single streak of white that hangs over the front of face
    Eye Color: Crimson red
    Skin Tone: Light

    How he looks!:


    Hair Color: Blonde with light shades of blue/green/purple/pink blended one after another as highlights
    Eye Color: Golden orange
    Skin Tone: Fair

    How he looks!:

    Guild: Abyssal Fleet
    Tattoo: Inner forearm, left.
    Tattoo Color: Purple, shade of the color is named "Pomp and Power".

    Faction Chapter:


    Character § Magic § Bank

    ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦ Taric_card_1920x1080

    Completed Re: ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦

    Post by Guest 27th March 2022, 4:33 am


    ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦ QlhAT3Z

    Completed Re: ♦ Tawa Sogisa ♦

    Post by Guest 2nd November 2022, 8:25 am


    Archived due to inactivity.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:08 pm