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    Nice weather we having eh?

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 15th May 2021, 1:16 pm

    Job info:

    954 words

    This is where any notes or fancy quotes/song lyrics can go! If you don't need it, simply delete the text within this space. It will scroll if needed.

    In Fiore there lies a city by the name of Talonia, it is a city that is known for it's wizards who aren't tied to any guild known in the country. The term commonly used for these wizards is "Guildless" yet Julius isn't a fan of this term, it makes it seem like wizards are to depended on guilds to have status yet there are enough wizards who managed to make a name for themselves without the need of a guild to carry them. Julius thinks the term "mercenaries" is a more fitting term for these people for a while Julius was known for this as well after his departure from Black Sails, he started out here in Talonia and made it somewhat his base of operations yet he would only stay for a day or two before he would travel for his next job he tried not get himself attached to a place to much because he was afraid yet another place he held dear to him would chance for the worst. Julius was sitting in the train flipping though this month's issue of sorcerer' magazine a magazine made for wizards across the country who managed to make a name for themselves. This month's issue featured one of Julius' guild mates from Fairy Tail, Leonard. Despite being a guildmember from Fairy Tail, Julius hardly knew anything regarding the guy since Julius only recently re-joined Fairy Tail and he still had the habit of not sticking around for that long. Oi Julius, are we there yet? Julius sighed and closed the magazine and placed it back in the rack. You know dear, I was just enjoying the peace and quiet of not having a parrot squawking in my ear asking dumb questions... As long this train hasn't stopped yet we are not there yet! Understood? Squable wanted to response but decided against it now annoying the pirate even more. Julius looked out of the window and could see the city in the distance Talonia... Sure has been a while...

    Final Fantasy XIX ~ Crimson Sunrise:

    Walking out of the train station Julius had already a few wizards asking if he had a job for them. One thing's for certain this city could really work on their hospitality... Anyway back to the matter at hand! I hope I can find my way around here... Julius looked around.  Oh come on Julius mate, it's not our first time being gone for a while you always say that and in the end we always find our way back to the bar. Squable landed on Julius' shoulder. Ah well... I guess you're right. On their way to the bar Julius and Squable passed a lot of merchants who wanted some work and some shady stores from which Julius wanted nothing to do with. Along the way Julius started to use his hand as a fan. Say is it me Squable or is hotter here then we're used to? Sqable was using his wing as a fan as well. No you're right Julius this isn't usual... Looking around Julius noticed that a lot of people were struggling with the rising heat. If I knew we were going to have desert temperatures I'd would've worn something more lighter then this pirate attire... What felt like a eternity of walking around in circles in the heat, Julius finally managed to find the bar. Ugh finally after this while ordeal I really need a drink... And a shower. Julius pushed open door of the bar and it was crowded with people, not a rare sight to be seen in this bar. It was considered a gathering place for the "guildless" wizards and is even considered a starting place for any aspiring wizard not wanting to be affiliated to a guild.

    Ace attorney spirit of justice ~ Turnabout sisters (2016):

    Julius looked around the bar and noticed a familiar face behind the counter. Can I please have a cold and refreshing drink, my dear? This heat is killing me. A blond haired woman behind the counter turned her gaze towards Julius and she gave him a warm smile. Julius dear! It has been a while! A ice cold drink coming right up! You showed up at the perfect time I was about to have my break! The woman behind the bar is Alisha, she was a barmaid in Black Sails one for being excellent at handling drinks and for having "two distinct features" Julius had left Black Sails without saying a word and eventually met with Alisha again on one of his jobs. She was working at a bar which had such bad working conditions that he brought her back to Talonia and persuaded the owner to give her a job. She's also the one who had told everything that went on behind the scenes at Black Sails when Julius left. Thank you dear, so how are you and "the twins" doing? Alisha giggled. We are doing great, thanks for asking! How are things at Fairy Tail? Julius told Alisha everything that has had happened since his return to Fairy Tail. I'm glad to hear you've found your place back at Fairy Tail! Alisha handed Julius his drink and they both went to sit at a table. So what is it with this scorching heat all of a sudden? I know I've been gone for a while but I can't remember the weather being this hot. Alisha sighed This has ben a problem for a couple of days unfortunately one minute it's scorching hot and the next it's raining like there is no tomorrow... like look outside... Julius took his attention to the window Alisha was pointing at and was surprised by the amounts of rain coming down from the sky. What in the... How is this happening?


    word count: 954/10000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 20th May 2021, 12:12 am

    The sweat from the sweltering heat was causing his clothes to stick to his body as Tor raced through the back alleys of Talonia. Dressed in his Spec Ops combat uniform, Tor was covered in a tight fitting outfit from head to toe, only his eyes visible. The bottom half of his face was covered by a scarf wrapped around his neck, leaving him to breathe heavily through the damp fabric. Beads of sweat was rolling down his forehead and temple, the Rune Knight having to sweep them away with the back of his gloved hand every so often.

    ‘Was it always this hot in Talonia?’

    Even as his thoughts wandered for a bit, his eyes were still fixed on the perpetrator in front of him. The man in front of him was known as the Masked Fox, a thief that had hit quite a number of rich targets. So far, the known number of cases related to him was seven but there could be more. The man was highly elusive and the previous attempts at trying to apprehend him had failed owing to how slippery the man was. Tor had been arranged to join the Talonia task force because of his speed-related spells.

    Which led to this so-close-yet-so-far chase in the alleys of Talonia. Tor loathed to admit it but even at full speed, he was barely catching up to the Masked Fox who would every once in awhile turn around to look at the Rune Knight. Tor could imagine the smug smile behind the kitsune mask that the man was wearing, stoking further the anger and frustration that he was already experiencing from not being able to close in on his target. But that emotion didn’t stick too long.

    ‘Heh, enjoy that while it lasts,’ Tor sneered mentally as shadows began to course around his entire body in a snake-like fashion before explosively expanding outwards around Tor and then disappearing just as abruptly, the Rune Knight vanishing from air as well. The Masked Fox turned around just a second after Tor’s disappearance as he kicked off the roof to fly through the air and land on another, and his expression brightened behind his mask.

    “Heh, that kid’s still got decades to go before he can catch up with me,” the Masked Fox scoffed, a hint of arrogance in his voice as he spoke to himself.

    “The only decades you are going to experience is behind bars,” Tor snarled as he appeared in the air to the left side of the Masked Fox, unhesitatingly swinging out his right arm into the man’s chest.

    “Oof!” was the only thing that came out of the Masked Fox’s mouth as he didn’t evade the strike in time, his own forward momentum adding to the severity of the force to knock him back and out of the air. Tor was slowly falling as well, but a dark purple and black aura rose from his shoulder blades to form translucent draconic wings within moments to arrest his fall. He was about to dive and sweep the Masked Fox out of his free fall, capturing him in the process when the thief who was falling with his back facing downwards suddenly waved at Tor before a portal large enough to fit him appeared beneath him and swallowed him whole before vanishing. Just like that.

    “Damn it!!” Tor roared as he broke out of his dive when he was within a reasonable height from the ground and released his wings, letting him drop back to the ground. He had expended so much effort for naught, causing his anger to brew up within him again.

    And as if to mock him for his failure, the previously blazing weather turned around on its head and heavy downpour of rain just happened out of nowhere. Everywhere else on the street, people were shouting and shrieking in surprise, running away to seek shelter from the sudden change of weather while Tor just stood at the entrance of an alley, staring dumbfoundedly as he got soaked.

    “What’s wrong with this town?” Tor spoke out in exasperation, rain water getting into his mouth. With a sigh, Tor looked around the area and saw a bar at the corner of the street and just trudged over in his wet clothes, not even bothering to speed up his pace while everyone else around him were running around like headless chickens.

    However, he was polite enough to not step into the establishment in wet clothes. Beneath the small bit of shelter in front of the bar that provided some shelter from the rain, lightning ran along Tor’s body, using the heat from the lightning to vaporize the water on him. It resulted in a comical scene, with white steam rising up from his body.

    Tor walked over to the bar counter and called to the girl tending the bar. She was speaking to someone else at the moment, a man dressed like a pirate.

    ‘What would I know about fashion?’ Tor thought to himself before wanting to judge the man based on his clothes.

    “Hi Miss, I would like a whisky please. On the rocks. Something to warm up,” Tor called out, after lightly tapping on the bar counter. When the girl nodded to acknowledge his order, the Rune Knight took out his iLac and dialed a certain person’s number.

    “I lost him. He’s got teleportation spells as well.”

    “What do you mean if I know where he is? He opened a portal in mid-air. He could be anywhere by now.”

    “How am I supposed to comb this entire town in this weather?!”

    “No! YOU call me when you have more leads to go on!”

    Tor pressed down on the “end call” button fiercely, but not enough to break the iLac. He wasn’t too keen on spending another month’s paycheck on a new device. Setting it down on the table just as his drink arrived, Tor took a sip from his glass and then look at the guy in the pirate attire. He had heard the man’s question as he sat down at the bar, an exact mirror to what he was wondering in his mind.

    “Caught off guard by the crazy weather too, huh?” Tor called out to him.

    [1045 words]
    [Total WC: 1999 / 10000]


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 5th June 2021, 1:22 pm

    651 words

    This is where any notes or fancy quotes/song lyrics can go! If you don't need it, simply delete the text within this space. It will scroll if needed.

    Bayonetta ~ The gates of hell:

    Alisha sighed. Well when the weird weather phenomenon started to happen people started to report sightings of elemental monsters appearing and leaving the town, someone actually followed one of the monsters back to someone ancient looking temple that goes deep into the earth. Julius listened with great interest to Alisha's story. But wait a second... if the temple is so ancient then why is everything going haywire now? Alisha shrugged I dunno, the way some scholars described it, it may have to do with the earthquake that happened prior to all the events. Alisha started to clean some drinking glasses. So you have the cause and tracked down the source... How come no one has tried to stop it? Alisha looked a bit down upon hearing that question. A group already went down into the temple to put a stop to this all but they haven't reported back yet... And no one else has tried it cause you know how this town is Julius, no one actually cares... Alisha had a point, this town is known for mercenaries who either start their business here or just passes by once they get cold feet. Julius would've known cause he was for a while like that as well. So what are we going to do Julius?

    When Squable asked that question the doors of the boor swung open, Julius noticed this and turned around to see who entered. A guy wearing a white shirt, black leather jacket, jeans and sneakers stood in the door opening with smoke coming of his body. Julius blinked a couple of times in surprise. A shirt with a leather jacket, jeans and sneakers? How original... Yet I'm not the one to judge regarding fashion choices. Yet why the smoke? And why isn't he drenched to the bone? Julius thought to himself. The guy walked over towards Julius and Alisha and took a seat beside him and ordered a drink. Coming right up sir! Alisha started to prepare the drink and the man brought out his phone and started to argue with someone on the phone. Julius became a bit annoyed cause the whole bar could listen in on their conversation with how loud they were. Seemed like that whatever he was doing the weather got in the way. The guy forcefully hung up and tucked his phone away and asked Julius of the weather got to him too. Yeah, but at least I was inside when the rain started, and unless something is done it won't stop either... Julius thought for a second and turned to he guy. Say dear, you free now? Cause if so how about you and me bring a end to these crazy weather shenanigans!? That is if you like ancient temple no one has set foot in for years? Wait Julius! You're not going into that temple right? Alisha sounded worried. Relax dear, this ain't my first rodeo and probably won't be my last! And what friend would I be if I leave my friend in the dirt. Alisha smiled. Alisha handed Julius a map with directions to the temple.

    Julius got up from his chair and walked to the door and swung the doors open to be greeted by a wall of snow. ...Alright now this just getting ridiculous. Great how are we supposed to get out now? Squable started to panic a bit. Relax dear, cause if you remember... Julius directed himself to the wall of snow and made a simple hand motion and created a set of stairs. Snow is made out of water and I can command it! Julius directed himself back to the guy who was sitting beside him. Your choice dear you can sit here and drink the day away or, you and me can have some fun in a temple. You better hurry up cause I hate waiting we'll formerly introduce ourselves along the way!


    Words: 651
    Word Count: 2650/10000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 5th June 2021, 1:23 pm

    Forgot to role knjabdjabj



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc

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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by NPC 5th June 2021, 1:23 pm

    The member 'Julius Seas' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nice weather we having eh? OdAaNwh
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    Third Skill:

    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 18th June 2021, 1:50 am

    “Unless something is done?” Tor’s interested immediately rocketed when he heard those words. He had only arrived here today and he had already gotten into a clash with the Masked Fox, so he wasn’t clear about Talonia’s climate. He thought that it might have been normal in this part of Fiore to go between blazing hot spells and torrential rain in the snap of a finger. It wasn’t that unusual, considering what he had seen before.

    “Are you saying that, something is causing this weird weather? And it can be stopped?” Tor asked again after taking another sip from his whisky glass and setting it down on the coaster gently.

    The response from the guy in the pirate garb, complete with a talking parrot on his shoulder, was definitely not one he expected.

    ‘Did he just invite me to investigate and stop this bad weather?’

    ‘I don’t even know his name?’

    The girl tending the bar was abnormally nervous at the pirate’s sudden decision. She called out his name, or what Tor assumed was his name, worried about what he was going to do. But his reassurance came very quickly, and with that the girl had quickly provided Julius with what he needed. A map on how to get to the ancient temple that Julius had spoken of, that was the root of this whole weather problem.

    The man got off his chair after inspecting the map and opened the bar doors grandly. The first obstacle towards his quest was already there in the form of a wall of snow, blocking the way out.

    ‘What in…’ Tor wasn’t even able to fully form his thoughts at the sight. He could accept the weather alternating between blazing hot sun and heavy rain, but snowfall out of nowhere?

    ‘Ah, it won’t hurt to go anyway. The last time I went into an ancient temple, I got my lightning magic anyway.’

    Tor stood up from seat without a word, held up his glass to his mouth and took it all in one large gulp and wiped his mouth with the back of his right hand before putting the glass back on the counter, missing the coaster and causing the glass to clatter slightly on the counter’s polished top. The girl behind the counter had a mixture of surprise and amusement on her face when she witnessed Tor’s act of bravado in response to Julius’s call.

    “Ohh, you’re a mage too, huh? Even better then. Or you will be dead weight,” Tor spoke with a chuckle as he watched the pirate create a set of stairs in the snow itself that led out of the bar.

    “If we are showcasing our abilities, then it’s only right that I reciprocate,” Tor replied again with a smirk as he snapped his fingers and disappeared in a burst of lightning. The finger snap was nothing but flourish, the Rune Knight showing off for the fun of it. He reappeared outside the bar, standing above a thick layer of snow that had almost drowned the whole street.

    The Rune Knight spun around slowly, taking in everything around him. A frown appeared on his face, and wings of lightning appeared from his back. He rose up into the air and took a look at Talonia from the higher altitude and his expression turned into one of horror instead. Originally wanting to just join in for the sake of fun and adventure, what Tor saw changed how he felt about going to the ancient temple.

    It was no longer a want, it was a need.

    Tor gently descended and looked at Julius.

    “This is bad, extremely bad. The weather’s not only going crazy. It’s going crazy differently in different parts of the town,” Tor spoke up urgently as he pointed all over the place. “It’s snowing here, there’s a downpour there and the sun is burning over at the other side.”

    ‘Wait, I forgot to introduce myself!’

    “Ahem, my name is Toril Fulgur. You can call me Tor. I’m with the Rune Knights.”

    [673 words]
    [Total WC: 3323 / 10000]


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 10th July 2021, 1:05 pm

    682 words

    This is where any notes or fancy quotes/song lyrics can go! If you don't need it, simply delete the text within this space. It will scroll if needed.

    Julius raised a brow on the man's inquiry about Julius being a mage or else he'd be dead weight. We'll see who is more of a dead weight at the end of the journey, dear. Julius just gave a cocky answer to avoid further conflict. Before Julius knew it the man snapped his fingers and dissolved into a burst of lightning, he sure grabbed the attention of the bar as everyone had took cover.

    Wondering where the man had go Julius took the stairs he had created and found the man standing atop a thick layer of snow that covered the whole street. Seems like you made a flashy impression in there... I take it you use lightning magic. Julius was somewhat intrigued since this is the first time he met someone that uses lightning magic. Before the man responded to Julius' question the man started to spin around and wings made of lighting had appeared and he flew into the air. Hmm seems our friend really likes to show off... Ah well to each their own I guess. He seems like a good guy to me! You have a point, he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me... Just a bit cocky. Julius looked around the street and noticed a arm sticking out of the snow without giving a second thought Julius rushed the spot. Oh no are they alright...
    Only one way to find out! Julius made some hand motions and the snow raised the person up from underneath. It was a man who felt extremely cold. Hey, you okay? Julius had a worried expression on his face but remained calm since panicking wouldn't get him anyway. I-I-I am E-Extreml-l-y cold... The man shivered to no end. Listen there is a bar over there at those stairs, go inside there and talk to a blond haired bartender tell her Julius sent you and she'll help you, okay? The man nodded and shivered while he made his way into the bar. That was close... It was though it was good you were here! Julius smiled for a second, but it struck to him that more people could be in the same situation like that man but it was impossible to help them all and get rid of this weather.

    Meanwhile their knew friend got back from his tour in the sky and told them about the shenanigans going around in town. Hmmm Well that is very problematic seems like we really don't have time to sit back and relax... The man Julius had asked to tag along introduced himself as Toril Fulgur a Rune Knight. Well in that case I'll call you Tor then. The name is Julius Seas and this feathered friend is called Squable we're from Fairy Tail. It's a pleasure to make you acquaintance! Nice to meet you mate! Yes now with- Watch out! Julius shoved Tor asside and blocked the water attack by sending it away with a hand motion.

    Nier Automata ~ Bipolar Nightmare:

    Julius looked into the direction of the attack and two mermaids made out of water and two blobs made from moss and earth. One of the mermaids send a torrent of water towards Julius but he redirected it to the other mermaid but she didn't seemed to bothered by it. Damn it, seems my magic is not going to do anything to them seems like I should direct my attention to their little friends. The earth elemental send a barrage of rocks towards Julius and he dodged them with grace while the rocks created holes in the snow floor the were standing on. Julius held his hands in a spherical motion and build pressure in the sphere of water that he created. Compressed water cannon! Julius released the orb and a torrent of water was send towards one of the earth elements and was launched away from the battle. That thing will be back though just busy creating some more breathing room. Julius looked towards Tor. When you're done making snow angels could you take care of those mermaids? Your magic seems more effective against them.


    Words: 682
    Word count: 4,005/10,000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Compressed water cannon:
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Posts : 122
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Danny 21st September 2021, 9:57 am

    Nice weather we having eh? 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    This would be the first time that Danny would be visiting Talonia. He heard that there was weird weather going on there and wanted to go check it out. Maybe this would be beneficial to Silver Wolf? He wasn’t too sure if he was honest. But he heard there were also some elemental creatures that were involved with the whole shebang too. And quite frankly, if he was to keep his son safe, these would have to go. It may not be close to where the guild resided at, but anywhere in Fiore was too close to his liking anymore when it came to his kid. His twin would say the same too.

    He was wearing a grey button up shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of grey sneakers as he approached the problem city… only to find that part of it was currently enduring snow? His current attire wasn’t suitable for this at all… A blond was standing next to him and he snorted as he stuck his hands in the pockets of his black sleeveless hoodie vest, while he bore a tan long sleeve shirt, and also had on a pair of black jeans as well.

    “Well you seem like you’ll be having fun with this.” The blond snorted as he shrugged his shoulders.

    “Who says you’re not helping me?” The pink haired guy chuckled before the blond just let up a smirk to him.

    “Bye~!” The blond disappeared from the physical view of others and started walking backwards to get away from the pinket.

    “Armi!” The pink haired guy was about to say more when he noticed a mermaid coming after him? “Oh hell!” He panics a bit and quickly books it away. “Arminius! Come on! You know you’re the only one who can help me! please?!” He cries out before he falls face first in the snow. His thin shirt was suddenly the worst idea he could possibly ever have. He was shivering to the point his teeth chattered loudly and he didn’t hear the mermaid coming up to him, or more the water from her. Arminius took over the pink haired mans eyes, making his purple orbs turn red as he turned slightly with Arminius’ nagging.

    “Move your ass, Danny.” The blond growls, causing Danny to quickly scramble to his feet as he notices another fighting the elementalists with water and a partner nearby. “Don’t be a horndog…”

    Too late. “Hey there! Need some help, cuties?” He chuckles and slightly winks to the pirate as he nearly trips again, but Arminius’ help causes him to keep some of his composure by not tripping too badly in the snow. He was still pretty cold though. He wished ghosts were a little warmer, but this snow was far colder than the ghosts he was aware of.

    || Words: 474 || Thread Total: 2760* || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Julius Seas
    Enemies: ???
    * Updated WC between Danny and Julius
    Also, Arminius isn't visible or able to be heard just yet


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 7th October 2021, 10:59 am

    329 words

    This is where any notes or fancy quotes/song lyrics can go! If you don't need it, simply delete the text within this space. It will scroll if needed.

    Nier Automata ~ Bipolar Nightmare:

    Damn these mermaids! Doesn't matter what I throw at them they don't seem to bothered by it! Julius yelled out angrily. This is starting a lot like tennis! Squable started to laugh. How about you fight them then? And where did Tor disappear to? Julius looked around but to Tor wasn't anywhere to be seen. Damn this all stupid Rune Knights, when you need them they suddenly are nowhere near. Julius began to curse anything in sight to let out his rage but it didn't matter to the mermaids cause they won't stop attacking. It seemed like the residents of Talonia weren't going to help either and just bother with themselves. Ugh this blizzard isn't going to help either, can't the blazing sun come back and evaporate these damned mermaids? *ack* Julius wasn't paying attention and one of the mermaids had hit him in the back luckily water magic wasn't that effective against him either. Isn't there anyone that can help damn it?!

    And like it was a gift from the heavens itself someone called out to Julius. Julius turned around a noticed a individual with pink hair. Did he just called me a cutie? Julius asked himself and looked visibly confused and turned his head towards Squable who was also confused. Hey don't look at me. And usually you are the one calling out to people in a weird way. Julius was shocked. I-I most certainly do not! Julius was slightly blushing from embarrassment and Squable started to chuckle. Julius looked towards the pink haired guy and noticed a mermaid readying a attack. Look out! Julius called out to him as the mermaid casted her spell in the pink haired guy's direction. Julius sprinted towards him and redirected the spell back to the mermaid in time. Listen to me dear, when you're done goofing around you better start fighting them cause they are immune to my magic, okay? Julius turned to his new partner while looking visibly exhausted.


    Words: 329
    Total Word count: 3089/10.000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Posts : 122
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Danny 18th December 2021, 9:55 pm

    Nice weather we having eh? 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    Danny was nervously scratching his cheek as he was scolded for ‘goofing off’ and shook his head, his eyes still red as he quickly got up off of the ground. “Apologies. I was a bit distracted.” He felt his hands get colder as Arminius was taking them over and saw how pale his twin was against his own skin. The tips of his fingers were turning an inky black with it crawling up the length of his arm as if they were dipped in a bucket of ink. He always felt a bit concerned when Arminius started to possess his body a bit. Now he had a concern on if Arminius made his hands like that on purpose or not? Maybe one day he’ll find out. But right now he needed to know if these black fingers of his would hold up against the water elementals.

    He quickly darted to the side before he got himself close to one of the elementals, he was quick on his feet as he darted from side to side with his hands slightly behind him before he came up on the water elemental and punched a hand out towards them. As his fist touched a bit of the water, the place that he touched began turning black. The black started seeming to suck in the water towards it. That gave the elemental mermaid quite the shocked expression.

    Danny let up ‘Ha ha!’ as he did that. Of course he was proud of himself for starting that. It wasn’t that effective though unfortunately, so another punch or two would need to be done. Big doubt that the elemental would let him land another hit so easily. The currently red eyed man tried his hardest to not glance at the pirate, grinning to himself as he was feeling good about what he had just done. He quickly darted towards the elemental again, seeming like he was moving as if he was playing on a basketball court without a ball. That movement was slightly erratic enough that he managed to land another blow on the mermaid and had her seeming like she was shrieking from the blacking water. “Hey cutie, want to leave the water girls to me~?” He calls out. “I’m Danny, by the way, from Silver Wolf!”

    || Words: 382 || Thread Total: 3471 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Julius Seas
    Enemies: x2 earth elementals, x2 water elementals


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Julius Seas 27th February 2022, 1:39 pm

    4056 words


    Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker ~ On Blade's Edge:

    The pink haired guy apologized to Julius for goofing off. It's okay just take care of those mermaids. Julius was panting heavily from exhaustion. This whole time he had been dodging attacks and using magic to try and defeat them but the mermaids brushed off his attacks like it was nothing. Are you alright Julius? You look quite beaten up. Squable flew to Julius and landed on his shoulder. Julius had only enough strength to stand and maybe dish out a spell or two. I'm fine, my personal wellbeing isn't of importance. Right now we need to defeat these two and possible a entire army of elemental sprites. The thought of fighting them almost made Julius fall to his knees, to think they hadn't even left the street of where the bar is. Squable could you go and fact check what Tor said is true? That the whole city is experiencing different weather? Squable nodded and flew away.

    Julius turned his attention to his new nameless friend and noticed his hands were covered in some sort of black substance. You alright? Did you dipped your hands in some oil? Julius looked around confused but all he could see was the white sheet of snow covering the streets spotting any oil would've been quite easy. Julius turned his attention back to the boy and noticed his whole arm was now covered in it. Before Julius even had the chance of asking what it was, the boy made his way to the nearest mermaid at a unusual high speed. The boy punched the mermaid and Julius could see a black mark on the mermaid. Whatever that goop is, it most certainly left a spot on the mermaid. Julius thought to himself. A couple of more punches were needed and though the mermaid wasn't completely out of commission the shrieks it let out most certainly seemed it was in a world of pain. The nameless boy asked if he should take care of the mermaids and called Julius a "cutie" while also introducing himself as Danny from the Silver Wolf guild, which was the first time he ever met someone from that guild. A pleasure to meet you Danny, the name is Julius Seas and I'm from Fairy Tail. If you could take on those mermaids then that would be lovely, my dear. Julius decided to play along for the non-chalant flirting for now.

    Julius turned around and noticed that the earth sprites from earlier still had some fight left in them. Oh for the love of god... Who knew elementals could be so persistent fine then if you want to dance then let's tango shall we? Having recovered a bit from his fight against the mermaids, Julius was able to move around again. Julius jumped and started to spin around encasing himself in water before propelling himself towards one of the elementals like a torpedo. Julius hit one of them with full force but it wasn't enough yet to completely destroy it. Julius landed gracefully on the ground. Fine then, some more water then to sate your thirst. Julius started to wring his hands at quick speed warming them up and aimed them towards the earth elementals. Scorching waters! A torrent of scalding hot water made it's way towards them, the attack connected and Julius could see the steam on the elementals from the attack one of them which was now crumbling down. Alright one down one more to go! How are things on your end Danny?


    Words: 585
    Aqua Torpedo:
    Scorhing waters:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Nice weather we having eh? X9tEBuc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Nice weather we having eh? Empty Re: Nice weather we having eh?

    Post by Danny 7th May 2022, 6:15 pm

    Nice weather we having eh? 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    ‘Your companion is asking about my hands.’

    ‘Yeah I know. But they're on me and I'm trying to bust these water maids.'

    'I'm surprised you're not trying to flirt with them.'

    "UM HELLO! THEY'RE TRYING TO HURT ME, CONNARD?!" The sudden outburst aloud got the pink haired man to freeze for a brief second, enough to be blasted with a shot of water from the mermaid elemental. "Goooood it's so coooold!" Danny quickly brings himself up again and throws more punches with Armi's help, and his basketball moves.

    As soon as the one water elemental was gone, he turned back to his partner briefly. How to explain you see ghosts and get possessed daily by them? "Uhh it is the… comment dit-on… magic that controls me?"

    'You idiot… it is take over magic…'

    "Ah! Take over magic! Excuses!" He was quickly darting another water torpedo at him and hissed a 'thank you Armi' under his breath before he was quickly going after the elemental himself. Though he was feeling giddy that Julius, as the man introduced himself, called him, 'my dear'. Finally, someone who could appreciate talk like that with just meeting them for the first time.

    He focused on the second mermaid elemental isn't once again as Julius focused on his one earth one. He was about halfway through when Julius asked the ghost magnet how things were for him. "Uhh… well, almost there?" He laughs just as he lands a fist to the mermaid's face with the help of his twin controlling his arm. That last punch got the mermaid good, and he nodded slowly in approval. "Tout bon!" He holds a thumb up and looks to the second elementalist. "Care for some help?" He looks to his hands to be sure that Arminius wasn't ditching him again.

    || Words: 300 || Thread Total: 4356 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Julius Seas
    Enemies: x1 earth elemental
    comment dit-on… - how do you say…
    Excuses! - Apologies!
    Tout bon! - All good!


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 2:00 am