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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 22nd October 2021, 8:54 am

    Magic Sensory200
    Passive Buffs: 150% Melee Damage, 675% Strength

    Nine Magic Tattoos

    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Combat Arts, Mako Warrior Combat Arts

    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kismet sat at the foot of her rustic four poster bed, which was draped in various outfits. The bed itself was a jumbled mess, with pillows piled on top of one other in a crumpled heap. The blanket was draped off the bed's foot, dangling over the edge and resting on the polished wooden floor beneath.

    She couldn't count the number of times she'd sat there, her clothes dangling limply over her slim but toned figure, softly kissing her latest lover goodbye before watching them walk away, counting Jewels she had stolen from them while they were passed out. It was a win win for her. She got her needs taken care of while also satisfying her hunger for more money. Her beautiful smile had turned into a crooked and twisted lip. Today was the day she'd meeting a guildie or two, or more.

    Getting dressed she emerged from her place into a lurid courtyard of old marble walls covered in snow and ice. She already had her tattoo so the cold didn't bother her despite not being all that dressed. She was currently in the city being looked down on by the guild hall. She hadn't gotten permission to move in yet so was renting out a place for the moment. In exchange for protect of course.

    Today was Kismet's relaxation day from training, so she decided to use her guild tattoo to teleport up to the castle rather than climbing. She'd find herself making her way to the main area upon entering. Because there weren't many others up yet, she helped herself to a few very large cups of ale till she was nice and cozy and partly naked sitting on a couch.

    She began to think while she lay on the couch. In a world that doesn't evolve, how do you create progress? You alter it. But every now and then, she'd find herself daydreaming about what her life might be like in an ideal world, one where development was not determined by the laws set by the people's leaders. She knew she was a fighter, her father knew it, and everyone knew it. She despised regulations, was overconfident, and despised the status quo. I'm a wizard by trade now, and I'll be one till the day I die, she thought to herself.

    It's who she was, and no one, not even the royals, can change that. Kismet had an epiphany regarding her family. She has three siblings and was not an only child. Her mother became pregnant three times by chance and regarded her children as objects and tools. They had to get up at a specific hour, do chores, and labor for the family, and they didn't get to keep a jewel. She kept a close eye on everyone. Kismet was most likely instilled with her disdain for rules by her. She fled when she was of age and had to learn to survive on the streets, fight, and utilize her looks to her advantage in order to establish a position in the world. She now had magic, a guild, and a ray of hope.

    Oh, the magic. Magic blood had blessed Kismet. The family was descended from witches. Magic was not uncommon, and those who possessed it possessed evident abilities. Either element-wielders, who could summon flames from the air or ice from creation magic, or seers, who were given visions of the future or faraway regions. Kismet, of course, would never be able to spew fire from her fingertips, summon armor or weapons, control a dragon with her thoughts, because she no longer had access to her magic. She learnt how to protect herself with chi-based techniques after training with Zangan, a wandering martial artist. To feed her style, she was able to turn all of her magical stores into this new energy. While most wizards would think that was stupid, it was nonetheless a type of magic known as combat arts. She liked it since it was more fluid and allowed her to cast her spells more quickly. She didn't have to be concerned about the build-up or the spelling symbols. She merely used her abilities.

    Rolling over, she'd take another gulp from her mug and wait for someone to come in so she could introduce herself and meet her guildies.

    WC: 719 | TWC: 719

    Last edited by Kismet Clover on 27th October 2021, 6:57 am; edited 1 time in total

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 24th October 2021, 12:55 pm

    Blue eyes stared into the ceiling of their room, it was still dark outside from what he could tell and by the evident red dots on the clock that said 4:00. Quite early and for some reason he woke up and couldn't sleep, throwing the sheets to the side he put the lights on before sighing, his room was a mess, weapon parts, tech, and even mags were either on the floor or on some other weird places. It was too much of a hassle to clean up so he just pushed a few things off his desk and set down, there was a little drone, half deconstructed. Picking up his tools he set off to construct it back up, with some additional upgrades. It was his time for relaxation, some time that he didn't spend fighting for his life, unlike the past weeks.

    Job after the job had landed him in Crocus the capital of Fiore and every time it was an assassination of some type of government figure, be it a politician or spoke person, for now, he hasn't gotten a military official, but for the time being, he would like to keep it like that. He wanted to keep the Rune Knights as far as possible for now. He flipped a desk light and magnifier just above the drone while taking a soldering iron connecting the electronics together, the drone lighting up as everything got connected together. He needed more things like this, something to get information for him before he entered a building.

    There was a time that he didn't have to rely on such things,  everything was scouted beforehand by someone else and he alongside three other squad members was sent in to clear everything out. Sigh, it was for real easier, but fighting was boring, they were rarely targets with magic and they weren't that good if they had one. Unlike the jobs, he's been doing here, where every guard that was more than a grunt had one and even the grunts had some. Putting the tools back on the side and moving away from the magnifying glass and light, he took one last chip and slid it into the drone, connecting it to a remote with a screen that would be connected to the camera.

    Taking the drone with himself and jacket that was handed on the side of his bed, he exited the building and went outside. Taking in the rising sun, he wondered how much time had passed when he started fixing up his new little toy. Throwing it into the snow he fired it up, testing its mobility in the snow, and went out for a walk the drone rolling in front of him as he tested it out leaving small tracks in the snow as it went about. Nevertheless, he was happy the drone was holding up nicely and the snow wasn't making any problems.

    He returned to the castle there was no point in staying out anymore as everything was working, a small test was enough to check everything out for the current moment, upgrades would come in the future. Upon entering he noted that the servants had woken up and were going about their daily duties, with one blond maid walking up to him. "Welcome back. Can I help you with anything?" She asked.

    "Yea, um, can I get some sweets and that black tea that Nadaline makes?" The maid nodded. "Great, I'll be in the main hall." He said and they parted ways. He still played around with his little drone letting it row in front of him. Not looking where he was going, his attention fully brought to the small screen.

    This led to the unfortunate circumstance of him bumping into a couch almost falling over. Why the unfortunate circumstance? Well, there was someone laying on the couch. "Whoops." He pulled himself back and looked down at the brown-haired girl. "Um, hi, sorry bout that." Moving to the side he picked up his little drone, both the drone and the controller glowed in a faint blue light as they disappeared into his requip space. God, he loved it, how he didn't have to carry almost anything.

    The young mage went across from the girl he almost fell on top, sitting down on a sofa. "I haven't seen you around before. It's nice to meet you, my name's Killua." He said with a small smile. The blond maid from before came into the room, setting down a tray with sweets and a cup to what he presumed was the black tea that he requested. The maid bowed before she left the building.

    He picked up one of the sweets before looking back at the new girl in front of him. "Soo, hows.. it going?" He awkwardly asked, he really wasn't used to meeting people like this. "And do you want one?" Pointing at the sweets, he picked one up munched on it with bliss.

    WC: 828


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 27th October 2021, 6:53 am

    Magic Sensory200
    Passive Buffs: 150% Melee Damage, 675% Strength

    Nine Magic Tattoos

    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Combat Arts, Mako Warrior Combat Arts

    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Sitting up and fixing what little clothing she had on at the moment she'd observe the young man infront of her. He was certainly younger than her but he had a look in his eyes that suggested he wasn't one to be messed with. It was the same look that men who thought she'd be an easy mark when she was growing up often missed. "Oh great, another powerhouse." she thought to herself. Still, she was happy to know the guild had such people in it. Less risk of the pesky royal knights coming after them.

    Placing her mug of beer down she'd reach forward and grab some sweets. "Why thank you. I'm Kismet. Kismet Clover. I just joined the guild recently so I haven't really met many yet. I'm glad I've finally met another. I was beginning to think that I wouldn't meet a soul other than staff before I head to go do my rounds. I've been tasked with patrolling the castle exterior walls." Kismet would get an idea. Maybe if she invited this guy with her it wouldn't be so boring and given he seemed more powerful than he looked that he'd help her wipe up anything they may come across. She'd think no to herself. If he was a senior member he'd most likely have her still do all the work and just observe unless he was needed. Was still worth an ask. "Do you think you'd like to join me? There is some time to relax before I have to go."

    In reality, this would be her second encounter with a guildie. She had just returned from a mission with Medeia and had been promoted to B Rank. She'd gone through some experiments since that mission that had altered her physiology slightly, but nothing that was visible physically in the current situation. This was supposed to be her vacation time to recover, but when she returned to the guild hall, she was tasked with duties to complete. She wasn't bothered because everyone had to do it at some point. She was going to at least follow the rules because there were so few of them.

    To be honest, she was ecstatic to show off again for someone. As difficult as it was to believe, she had grown immensely stronger while with Medeia. With all of her magical tattoos and a second combat art under her belt, she was able to strike with the force of a dragon.

    WC: 412 | TWC: 1959


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 28th October 2021, 5:38 am

    Kil observed as the black-haired girl sat up on the couch. Certainly, she was older than him, well most people in guilds were older than him, or at least that's what he presumed, he didn't have any confirmed run-ins with other members of guilds or knew their age. Maybe for the legal guilds, it was like this, it was something he would find out sooner or later. Now wasn't the day to think about anything specific, just relax and maybe have a little fun with something if anything came up, if not he would eat sweets all day and be holed up in his room for the rest of day tinkering away, boring.

    "Killua Keener." He felt like he needed to introduce himself properly and not when he almost fell on her. "Pleasure to meet you as well. I haven't met many members myself, only the Queen and Riana, a fellow member that I recently met and did a job together." Taking the steaming cup of black tea, he held it both hands, feeling the warmth of the cup and steam flow freely to his face, before taking a sip. "Truth be told, I haven't been much around the castle, as I've been taking some jobs and today I decided to relax a bit." Leaning back into the sofa, he found a comfortable spot that also didn't require him to move much to get the sweets from the table, even taking a few in the process, munching on them, this was pure bliss for the white-haired mage.

    He considered her offer to join her on the patrol on the wall, not that he thought anyone would be dumb enough to come here, well, unless it was a small army of Rune Knights attempting to capture them, but he doubted they would instigate something like that. "I'll come, it's not like I have anything better to do, we can go when you're ready." He said, taking a few more of the sweets and quickly munching on them. "Say since you said that we have more time, what magic do you use? You look like the up-and-close personal type if you don't mind me asking. Am just interested, still getting used to seeing magic thrown around on every job by everyone" He was genuinely interested, the more mages he met the more he got interested in magic and its capabilities, there weren't many mages in Bosco, well compared to the population the percentage wasn't that big and most of the time it was magic users vs people with high tech, the only difference is that Kil also had tech on his side making the match up a bit unfair, but that was their job. Nothing was fair and everything went, no questions asked.

    He munched on a few more of the sweets as he waited for Kismet, a little disappointed that they were almost finished, and there was no one around for him to ask for more as he had no idea where to get them from.

    WC: 505
    TWC: 2464


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 28th October 2021, 7:01 am

    What dangers lurk outside the castle walls? What dares get too close to Erring's Rising?

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by NPC 28th October 2021, 7:01 am

    The member 'Kismet Clover' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) OdAaNwh New Girl (Kismet & Killua) R2fEWNz New Girl (Kismet & Killua) OdAaNwh
    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 28th October 2021, 7:46 am

    Magic Sensory200
    Passive Buffs: 150% Melee Damage, 675% Strength

    Nine Magic Tattoos

    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Combat Arts, Mako Warrior Combat Arts

    Damage Taken:N/A
    SP Used:90
    Other Notes:N/A

    Delighted to hear that he was interested in joining her she thought to herself how this might not be as boring of a errand as she expected. While he sat and sipped his coffee she'd stand up and show her tone sleek body that wasn't properly dressed and reach to the side in a bag that had some proper clothing in it. She kept one by just in case and would get into something more appropriate for protroling.

    Sitting back down she'd finish her drink and nibble more on the food that had been presented for her. "I'm not sure you can even call it magic. I mean it's classified as magic but it's called a combat art. Instead of using mana I use the bodies energy. I use my fighting spirit, chakra, chi, ki, etc. It goes by many names. It's a form of magical energy you could say but at the sametime not."

    In all her life training she never had to explain the source of her power before. She felt she fumbled it spectacularly. To her it made complete sense because it had been instilled into her over years of training. "To more precisely answer your question. The name of my combat arts is Zangan Style. I also use a combat art named Mako Warrior. They both have various applications but the gist is, I get up to something and I punch and / or kick with that energy I mentioned enhancing it."

    Kismet would continue the conversation with her new acquaintance. "What about you. What magic do you use?" She had a guess as to at least one type of his magic that he used when he showed up but that didn't mean he didn't have other types of magics. Maybe he had something interesting, or maybe she had just made a fool of herself and he also used combat arts and therefor fumbled through her explanation for now reason. That thought both made her want to laugh and bury her face into a pillow to scream.

    As she asked her question she would stand up and extend an arm so that Killua could escort her like a gentleman outside if he wished. The man seemed to be pretty laid back so it might go either way how he reacted. Whether she took her arm or not she'd walk with him outside to patrol the outer walls. From what she understood no one was dumb enough to actually attack the guild hall but cold weather beasts and magical beasts would sometimes stray to close out of hungry or not knowing better.

    As she walked with Killua talking about their magics and whatever else he had to ask the conversation would be cut by the roars of three creatures. Jumping out of the snow ahead of them on the path stood three ape-like creatures that possessed a monochromatic color scheme, with their fur colored white and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored black. The lower half of their bodies were a darker shade of black and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm, which were composed of black tufts of fur. Upon quick inspection they possessed distinctive facial features, elongated chins, prolonged ears, and pointed heads that resemble a single horn on top of their head. Gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands attached to their muscular torsos. In comparison to their upper body, they possessed a pair of smaller-scaled legs that feature a long tail connected to the bottom of their torsos.

    "Mountain Vulcans. I know you're my senior but mind if I take these on since there is only three?" If there was no objection Kismet would started to walk forward in the snow towards the Vulcans. Thanks to her guild tattoo the wind and cold weren't effecting her so she was able to wear her favorite battle attire that didn't offer much in the way of restriction.

    As she approached it would seem two the Vulcans were large and strong while a third seemed to be malnourished. All there were hungry and would charge Kismet thinking her a easy mark. As the first one got in she'd block it's fist with hers and stop it in its tracks. Bringing her toes together she'd pivot herself. The key to this technique is how the user moves their feet, now that she stepped forward with the right foot she was able to put all her weight on it and leave the left foot free, allowing her to pivot away to the other side of the opponent. She'd leave her upper body in place until the very last moment, and by pivoting away, she easily avoided it's next swing. Now behind the vulcan thanks to her stepping method she'd perform her technique Meteodrive. Picking up the Vulcan in a vertical suplex position she'd then slam it to the ground causing a wave of force that bursted out smashing the other two Vulcans. The force of the move was more than enough to kill all three and end the skirmish before it even really got started.

    Combat Actions:

    WC: 857 | TWC: 3321 | @Killua


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 29th October 2021, 11:49 am

    The young white-haired mage continued to nibble on the sweets as the woman opposite of him began to explain her magic. "Cooool." He chirped, he was quite interested in the combat style she explained to him and the energy expended to use it, it was something separate of magic, something that he thought he would only read about in this world of magic, and yet someone that practiced these styles was in front of him. He wanted to see them in action for himself, to see this other power that was fueling her, and maybe steal a thing or two as he needed to improve his close-quarter combat quite a bit. "You gotta show me at some point, I want to see it in action for myself, even against me." There was a second part to his last request, he wanted to see it used on him so he wouldn't be surprised when someone actually used it on him, even it wasn't going to be the same style.

    He was brought out of his thoughts as the brown-haired girl stood up, and extended her arm towards him while asking about his own magic. Kil wrapped his own arm around hers as they began to walk towards the walls. He had done this many times, albeit it was always of the necessity of the job to please nobles in small events like this, at least they were matched in height, unlike many times where it looked plain awkward for the young mage. "I use two magics currently." Holding up two fingers in the process with his free arm. "One is requip, you may have seen it back in the main hall, which is actually my second magic. And my primary magic." Between his two fingers, strands of black lightning began to move around. "Is Thunder God Slayin magic.  It's pretty versatile, and provides great speed, obviously." The slayer magic had gotten him out of so many situations and helped him out even before entering buildings.

    Before they could continue their conversation further, a few Mountain Vulcans had jumped on the wall. A disappointed look was present on Kil's face as he looked at their adversaries, one of them being quite malnourished compared to the other two, while neither of the two larger and bulkier ones was a threat to the young mage, the malnourished one was even a smaller threat and he for sure knew it wasn't a threat to Kismet as well, however, he didn't actually know how good she was, he had the awful problem of distinguishing how strong a mage really was.

    "Alright." He respected her decision on wanting to take these baboons alone and leaned against the wall and carefully observed the fight, of course, he was going to help her if it was needed. This was a perfect opportunity for him to observe Kismet's fighting style and the combat arts that she mentioned. The monsters quickly charged towards the lone girl, Kil put a foot forward before he stopped himself from joining the three on one skirmish that was about to begin, she wanted to take care of them, so he would let her without intervening, unless it was absolutely needed.

    It was the right decision, as she quickly outmaneuvered the hulking beasts with a beautiful display of movement, then came the thing Kil waited to see, as she had suplexed one of the beasts a wave of force was pushed out. The white-haired mage was both happy and disappointed. Disappointed that one move was enough to end the life of the three beasts meaning that he wouldn't get to see any more moves and happy that she had strength in her.

    "That was quite something, I'm impressed by these combat arts." Applauding his fellow guild member.  "I'm a little disappointed, I really wanted to see more of them. I guess it would be some other time, unless if you're interested in a training session?" A simple offer, that could benefit both of them, she could try the limits of her techniques and he would get to see them and the best part is that if something happens they were already in the castle so it would be fine.

    WC: 703
    TWC: 4024
    @Kismet Clover


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 29th October 2021, 4:57 pm

    Magic Sensory200
    Passive Buffs: 150% Melee Damage, 675% Strength

    Nine Magic Tattoos

    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Combat Arts, Mako Warrior Combat Arts

    Damage Taken:N/A
    SP Used:120
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kismet was overjoyed to learn that her superior had approved of the attack, but she could see why he was dissatisfied as well. They Vuclans were severely lacking as someone who enjoyed a good brawl. Biting her pointer fingers knuckle in thinking, she'd place one hand on her extended hip as he considered his offer. It was exciting to spar with someone definitely higher in rank than her, but how much stronger was he? She couldn't know, and the black lightning appeared to be a threat. It would, at the very least, allow her to discover more about whatever god slayer magic was, as well as requip. She was at least somewhat familiar with the latter but had never seen anything more than things like swords and armor materialized.

    When she flexed her body suddenly, the blood from the Vulcans on her skin would splatter away and create a little current of wind around Kismet. In a spar like this, a display of strength can occasionally provide an advantage. She wanted to demonstrate her strength without utilizing a martial technique and thought that would be the greatest way to do so. "I accept your offer Killua. I look forward to duel, a spar. Since you are my senior and more experienced I"ll not pull any punches. It's okay if you don't either. I can take it."

    Kismet had many such spars with Zangan who taught her Zangan Style. In all duels he'd have her perform a Rei. When fighters bow to each other in any martial arts, it shows a sign of respect and acknowledgment. Waiting for Killua to bow or give his signal she'd go on the offense. Rushing in with careful strides she'd start by jumping above the opponent. As she did she'd perform the attack with one leg held up straight above her head and remaining pivot leg straight down. While she maintained this aerial stance, she would then rotate her body with a graceful cerelity, imitating a drill to inflict damage against her opponents her leg should she make contact with him. Assuming the kick would miss she meant it to be more of a feint anyways. In martial arts, world feints and counters were important. As she landed she'd crouch and do a spinning sweep to see if she could catch him off guard or not.

    It would seem the slayer was too fast for Kismet. Killua would move back and dodge her attack and then avoid her sweep as he proved that he was considerable faster than he was. Not be discouraged, she did have ways to deal with those that were just plan faster than or that had magic to aid them in such maneuvers. Blocking any kicks or punches with her reflexive body she'd jump back a little with her powerful legs before using her combat art Quickstep. It was one of the few arts she knew that allowed for near instant movement. With quickstep Kismet could travel to any point within the range of the technique in the blink of an eye. Over all it made for a very quick and efficient mode of running or leaping, and it i fights where quick actions were required.

    After appearing suddenly behind Killua she'd unleash another combat art called Beat Rush, which allowed her to do a enhanced physical barrage of punches, jabs and strikes in hopes one would find it connecting to his body.

    Combat Actions:

    WC: 572 | TWC: 4596 | @Killua


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 31st October 2021, 4:30 pm

    Killua was quite happy with how things were turning out, he would get a chance to fight her and maybe get a feel for what these combat arts were, he still wondered if he would let her land a hit intentionally to get a feel for what these moves were, that is if she didn't surprise him with something and get a hit on her own on him. Well that was certainly possible but the fight would tell, until then it was just speculation on what she could actually do, the monkeys were barely anything of a challenge.

    He would opt out of using his requip spells for this fight he would much rather prefer not to have to tend to bullet wounds if they managed to connect, even though he had his little canister of nanite healing drones, they just didn't have a place in a friendly spar, between two members. He expected her to not pull any punches, though he couldn't say for himself. "Well, we'll see if it will go both ways, I wanna get a feel for the fight first." He said with a grin, taking his jacket off as he prepared for the battle leaving him with a simple T-shirt and combat pants on.

    As Kismet bowed, he did the same, it was an act of respect for both participants and to signal the start of the fight. The fight started rapidly with Kismet leading on, jumping over him, Kil, in turn, spun around to meet her head-on, quickly ducking under the kick, he could feel the force of the attack, even if it didn't even get close to him and yet it felt like the kick vibrated in the air. Followed by a small jump to avoid the sweep, he threw his own punches as he landed on the ground at her that was being blocked by her before she jumped away.

    Kil waited patiently for her next move, it looked like she much more preferred to be on the offensive. Within a blink of an eye, she was behind him and Kil could only grin at the display of movement as he felt the power brimming behind him. He turned around just in time as he watched the punches begin to rain in. It was at this moment that he decided to take one of the punches, what a grave mistake, a thin layer of lightning layered over his skin, just as the punch connected right into his guard. The next moment he found himself sliding backward and he fell to one knee, scraping it into the ground to stop himself, gritting in pain, that attack had so much power behind it that it felt like if it wasn't for the lightning armor he would be flung into a wall, unconscious.

    "Wow, that was... quite impressive and it hurt like being hit by a fucking train, maybe harder than that, a magically boosted train." He regained his composure, getting up the process. "I got to feel what was the combat arts, so let's kick it up." An aura of black lightning began to crackle around the white-haired mage. This time he would be the one to take the offensive, quickly dashing in towards the brown-haired girl with his full speed. He would attempt to deliver a powerful spinning kick. Whether it connected or not, Kil did not care, instead, he would move behind her, lightning would gather at the tip of his fingers, resembling a spear, and would attempt to pierce her with said lightning, albeit he lower the power a bit so the attack would mainly provide more of a shock factor rather than pierce her skin and damage her more than needed.

    WC: 579
    Spells used: Lightning shield 0/300 durability, Thunder God's Speartip 195 DMG. 260% Spellpower.
    @Kismet Clover


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 4th November 2021, 6:18 am

    Magic Sensory200
    Passive Buffs: 150% Melee Damage, 675% Strength

    Nine Magic Tattoos

    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Combat Arts, Mako Warrior Combat Arts

    Damage Taken:195
    SP Used:120
    Other Notes:N/A

    At first Kismet was ready to strike a victory pose but her glee was quickly turned into dismay as her new agile friend was able to activate a shield spell in time for her combat art to be blocked. He was likely not to fall for that move again so her one chance to gain a edge was gone. Even with the shield it seemed she had dealt quite a blow, sending him sliding back. However, before she could press any sort of advantage he would rush at her with a spinning kick with speed she couldn't hope to match. She'd be forced to put herself in a defensive stance and block the attack. That was when she felt it. It started off like a stinging pain and then quickly grew to unbearable pain as she was shocked by lightning from behind. "But how....did...you get behind me."

    Killua's speed was teaching Kismet a valuable lesson. No matter how strong you are, if you can't win with brute strength or a trump card, you're likely to lose if you just can't hit the person. Despite that revaluation, she wasn't one to give up. She'd try one last attempt to catch him off-guard. While his hand was pointed at her back and he was still close she'd feint falling forward and twisting her body as she crossed one arm from one side of her body to the other and placed her hand under her other arm she was reaching towards so that her palm was facing him. She'd release her fighting spirit, her chi or chakra into 5 small balls of energy that would shoot at him, hopefully from the blind spot she was attempting to create.  She didn't use the move often since it was a slower move but her Chi Trap did pack quite a wallop. It was also her last chance to possibly catch Killua off guard. He knew about her quickstep now and her strength. She was likely not to ever get a chance again to hit him unless he allowed it on purpose.

    Gritting her teeth and fighting through the pain of his attack "Sure, we can kick it up a notch. If you think you're ready for me!" Even Kismet had to admire her gaull sometimes. She was the epitome of stubborn and always thought she could take on anyone, no matter how powerful they were. If this was a real fight she'd already be dead.

    Should Killua dodge the attack she'd roll forward and take another defensive stance while she used what little stamina she had left to activate her Mantra combat art. It was a simple art that healed the body and increased her bodies natural healing factor to a level that bordered on regeneration.

    I wonder what I'm going to do next. I have another move in me at best and I can't use any of my advanced arts I know or I'll pass out from the strain....

    Combat Actions:

    WC: 495 | TWC: 5670 | @Killua


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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 6th November 2021, 6:19 pm

    "You know, I was military in the past, speed was everything to me. If you can't hit your opponent how can you win? I've trained quite a bit and invested a lot into having enough speed to outmaneuver most, while still upping my magical power so that my magic can leave devastating effects. It's normal that you couldn't track me, I'm almost going in full speed, and you have a lot to grow, but you do pack quite the punch and if you are able to land a clean hit, you'll knock out most of your enemies." The young dark mage was quite impressed, with one hit, it took the full brunt of his lightning shield and he still took more damage than he intended to, his suit of armor would also buckle under the pressure of the technique if he thought about it.

    Kil quickly had to act, as he noticed the five orbs that were now rapidly approaching him, her little faint had slightly worked as he had fumbled forward a bit with, quickly jumping back with a backflip, lightning trailing behind him from the movement, he landed on his arms before he pushed himself for another flip, to increase the distance and dodge most of the orbs, one of them passing quite close to his arm. If they had the same punch to them he dreaded being hit by one, as he could be taken out quickly. Maybe he would need to up his speed a bit more, he still had more to pump out, but to use a sacred art in a spar like this which was mostly for her now to improve than him, was something he would refrain from using for the time being.

    "That was close, I'll give you that, if I wasn't paying attention that had quite the high chance of hitting me." He congratulated her, at the current moment she could go toe to toe with most but would most likely fail if they outmatched her by pure speed and she couldn't land a hit.

    "So, let's try something else, instead of upping it more." He sweatdropped at her remark that she could pump out more if he could handle it, at the current moment, he would do his absolute best to dodge every single punch and combat ability that she could throw at him, he didn't want to lay unconscious for a few hours cause of a friendly spar. "We can train your reaction speed, I'll go a bit slower but still fast enough to cause an issue in a real fight, seeing as this is your weakness at the moment. It's all to training your eyes, you may not be able to track them fully but at least you would be able to try and predict to either defend or attempt to counter."

    The lightning aura around him subdued slightly to match a slower pace. He dashed again, aiming a few punches that intentionally would not connect, he wanted to test her reaction in defending, he would then go to the side and do the same, every punch would stop before it would hit her, should she not dodge or block them, a slight tingle in electricity would be the only thing she would feel due to the close proximity.

    WC: 551
    TWC: 6221
    @Kismet Clover


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
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    Posts : 62
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    Experience : 6,011

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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 17th November 2021, 8:57 am

    While Kismet's speed was only average for her present rank, she did have a good response time in close quarter combats. Because of her considerable martial arts experience, she understood how to observe the shoulders and forecast how the body would move. She'd block his initial attack by raising her right arm in a L posture and moving it away while doing the same with the other arm, or she'd just side step her body to avoid it. She would not respond in any way, instead focusing solely on defense. It was the portion of her training with Master Zangan that she despised the most, but he forced her do it every day since she was a child, and it was entrenched in her. She'd much prefer be striking or kicking someone.

    It was obvious to her that the better she did, the faster Killua would start to utilize and ramp up on his blows, to the point where she was missing her blocks and nearly getting struck. It was forcing her to stop acting only on instinct and instead rely on her natural quickness. It was starting to set in that she needed to improve on her speed or she'd be having big problems in the future...but how? Most martial styles she had been taught focused on enhancing strength or durability, and even purification, rather than speed or agility. She'd have to either study and develop something on her own or be taught. Then it occurred to her that she had another alternative, although it was hazardous. If she couldn't enhance her own speed, she needed to figure out how to better control those who did. Shaking her head, she understood that even that posed a risk since if they were really fast, they could even avoid those. It wouldn't be much different than Kill avoiding her quick step or chi tap. No, she'd need to do both; increase her speed, or the speed of her moves and lock them down.

    "Well I do have one idea outside of increasing my reaction speed and times through training. If I can get in close enough or if I know someone is fast and will get in on me I can always let out a battle cry. When laced with my chi my battle cry will stun someone. Like now, you're close but as I yelled you might jump back out of range. It would serve to possibly protect me from a fatal attack but doesn't actually stun you if you move out of the way. I need to not only have that option but the option of increasing my speed through combat arts. I need to learn some new moves and you have made that pretty clear. I thank you for that."

    She wasn't used to thanking anyone but she didn't mind in this case. The younger man was acting as a teacher and she had respect for people like that. It irked her that he was more powerful than her however and now she was determined to pass him up one day, or get strong enough to do a rematch and win at the very least.

    Since Kill was the type to seem to want to take things head on and experience them, she figured he'd want to at least see her battle cry. Missing yet another blow from Kill she'd step in real fast and suck in a lot of air. Raising her head up a little she'd let out a loud cry of fierce passion that send waves of sonic ripples out in the area emmenating all around her. Those in the region that could hear and feel the combat art would be imparted with a unnatural, unexplainable fear, immobilizing them for a time. Even after they were no longer stunned they'd still feel the effects rebreate every little while freezing them in place again with that unnatural fear.

    Kismet was glad she did this even though it exhausted nearly all of the rest of her stamina to do it. She knew warning him of the technique was not the most logical thing but it served two purposes she wagered. The first was to prove to herself that she was right and that it might be too easy to dodge. The other was that Kill might be too curious for his own good and take the attack full on just to experience it. If he was the type to do that then while he was stunned she'd bring her foot up with a swift powerful kick to his head and stop it with pinpoint accuracy and control by flexing her leg right before impact sending a wave of wind on him, but not actually striking. Given that they were no longer fighting in that manner she didn't want to overstep their agreement, or rish wrath for a sneaky attack when training. The guild had very very few rules and she wasn't about to accidentally break one of them.

    WC: 831
    TWC: 7452


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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 25th November 2021, 5:50 pm

    With Kil upping the speed of his attacks, it got harder and harder for Kismet to dodge or block his attacks, as he stopped them just before they would actually land, there was no point in striking anymore, it was just training at this point, the spar ended, when she couldn't keep track of him, she had the strength to punch her way through a lot of things. He wanted to laugh a little he never thought he would be on the other side, teaching someone how to fight. Well, it wasn't like teaching from the start since she did have professional training on her side in martial arts from someone, it was mostly how to deal with a certain type and to be precise, just showing her that she had to find some way to deal with such opponents, it wasn't like he could give her many pointers on how she could do it. It was never his style to teach and it never happened that he would need to show someone how to do something, they just could.

    As Kismet shook her head, Kil stopped, the lightning around him flowing in a constant hymn, as he waited to see what would happen next, would she attack now that he was staying still. There were a hundred different things racing through his mind, for sure he didn't want to take another hit from her, even though he was faster. It was certain that he wouldn't be standing up for some time after another hit like the first one. Though to his surprise, the fighter began to throw out an idea on how to counter faster opponents than her.

    "Well that could work, to an unprepared opponent or you could also bait with it, without actually applying any effect and just make them do something that could expose them for a counter-attack. Interesting."

    And from the looks of things, he would be her little test subject that she would try it on. In turn, he relaxed his senses a bit in certain areas, as he knew somewhat to expect from the brown-haired martial artist. However he did go on the offensive, he wanted to see how she would use it defensively when someone was attacking. Though this wasn't real combat and no one would get hurt, she needed to take this as seriously as possible to mimic the real thing, the more she hesitated or waited the worse it will be. As another blow had flown past her, she stepped in closing the distance further between them, as he noticed the pattern for her attack, the air being tightly sucked into her.

    As she released the enhanced scream, he was caught quite unprepared for how the attack would hit. The sonic wave had partially paralyzed him, he still had enough time to move, but he was certain that he would be slower and most likely she would be able to get in a hit on him. He smiled as he felt strong winds rush from one side of his head, her outstretched leg had stopped just before the kick would connect.

    "Honestly, I was surprised, I suspected quite a few ways the cry out will come out, but it surprised me, you can catch someone off guard, especially since I was prepared for it somewhat." He said, the electricity around him subsiding, as the training was over since it looked like Kismet didn't have much stamina at the moment. "As for your speed and reaction you can always train them with time and you'll have this technique as well."

    He sat down cross-legged. "Well seeing as we still have some wall duty, let's rest up. I think you are quite strong at least in the physical department, I won't be able to take many hits from you before going down." In his arms, his M4 rifle appeared. "However I would use something like this and keep my distance, once I know that you can practically knock me out in a few hits." Aiming at two pebbles 5-10 meters away, he shot two bullets and destroyed them. "It can pack quite a punch and it's not the only thing in my arsenal. I've spent quite some time when I was in Bosco's military special forces and it was the main weapon we used since we didn't deal with magic users all that much, and we were trying to keep our magics as hidden as possible for future missions."

    He held up the gun once more before it disappeared in a light flash. " However this just proves that I should work either on more defensive capabilities or increase to just get a bit tougher if I can go down in a few hits."

    "Sooo, mind telling me more about yourself?" He asked. "I'll go first if you want. I grew up mostly in a military laboratory slash training center, from a young age. They wanted the perfect soldiers, didn't turn out good for them in the end since most of us rebelled, or I think at least that they did, and I blew up the main base." He emphasized in blew up, as he mimicked an explosion with his hands and snickered.

    TWC: 8322
    @Kismet Clover


    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Kismet Clover 15th December 2021, 12:51 pm

    Exhausted Kismet would take a seat next to Kill. For someone so young she had learned so much from him. She had always been able to just brute force herself through life, or use her charms. She had never considered fighting someone who could basically kite her. Even her best mobility technique had a short range on it and while she had come up with some great counters and was being flooded with more; she was lacking and it frustrated her.

    Smiling she'd pull out a flask with some yummy alcohol in it. It was actually and old fashioned being kept nice and cold by the environment but warm enough next to her body to not just freeze over. Listening as he talked she took some sips on it. She didn't much like talking about her past but since he had and she was being taught she would give opening up a go.

    "Well to be honest my life wasn't the greatest growing up. I had to learn to survive on my own. The only real father figure I had in my life was a traveling martial artist named Zangan who travels the lands training young kids to promote martial arts. He never explained why he did it but I will say this, he is worlds stronger and faster than me. I once saw him knock out a S rank from a now defunct guild without even breaking a sweat. His muscles were like steel giving him a blend of offense and defense. He's who I aspire to defeat one day. I thought I'd be able to just build my strength to one punch him but if I can't hit him then it'll never work. I have you to thank for teaching me that. I know now what I have to do. It will take time but I need to build myself from the ground up, retrain my combat arts and body to focus on the points; strength, technique speed and my durability.

    What do you think?"

    There would be a long pause after her main reply and the question. She was really questioning herself now and in the back of her mind, she also wanted to impress Medea a bit too.

    "I don't know why but I'm reminded of a story I once heard if you'll humor me. I thought it was hogwash at first but it's about self improvement. Ha, maybe I'm not as dark as I think I am after all....

    Once upon a time, in a unknown mountain range whose name I can't remember at the moment, there was a traveling austere martial artist on his path. He came upon a tiny river one gorgeous morning on a sunny day, which he had to cross to continue his journey. He spotted a toad miserably treading the water and straining to come out of the river as he was ready to put his f in the rootiver. It came close to reaching the bank, but not close enough to secure a foothold on the earth. The man understood that toads can't swim and that unless he intervened, the toad would die... The man made the decision to rescue it.

    Did you know that toads can't swim? I assumed since they are like frogs but bigger they still could. Anyways, I'll continue.

    As a result, the man delicately scooped up the struggling toad with his hand and placed it on dry land. When the man was ready to carefully place it down on dry land, the toad secreted a slime that sped off the palm, falling in the water once more from the slipperiness. It resumed its fight to get out of the water. With his other hand, the man rubbed his hurting hand. His body was in excruciating pain, but his mind remained cool and peaceful. It would turn out the toad was poisonous.

    Keeping in mind that the toad may perish, the sage used his hand again to bring the toad out of the river water this time. However, the toad became agitated and released a slime again. It rocketed off the palm and landed in the river water, where it resumed its attempt to get out. Both of the man's hands were blistering and red and he was in excruciating pain. But, he was not the one to give up. He tried yet again to save the toads life. This time, slapped his hand under the water and flung the toad to dry land before the toad could react. Once on dry land the toad vanished from site hoping away to blend in with the foliage near by.

    Now why do you think the man did all that? Why harm himself to safe something small and weak. I mean, it's not something I'd normally do myself either unless it was friend, guildy or I could use it to my advantage. I think it was to self improve and train. You have to endure to get stronger, even if it means doing something you wouldn't normally do. I wouldn't normally not focus purely on strength, but this training with you is the toad and the slime and I need to overcome my faults. I don't know, maybe I missed the mark of the story but I think I have the right ending thoughts of what I should do."

    Kismet felt she had been going on for some time now and would quiet up to let Kill reply or just sit there while she drank and rested a bit.

    WC: 922
    TWC: 9244 @Killua

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    New Girl (Kismet & Killua) Empty Re: New Girl (Kismet & Killua)

    Post by Killua 27th December 2021, 12:20 pm

    Kil rested his head in the palm of his hand, as he listened to the brown-haired girl's own story. He wasn't expecting her to share anything specific, only little parts, but he didn't mind this. He didn't know many people personally and this was a step in fixing that. Not that he would put the effort to get to know everyone but at least for some people in the guild he just might, wasn't it a rule as well to help guild members and not leave them behind?

    Killua couldn't contain his surprise as she told him about her master. The one that had taught her the martial arts she was using today. Taking out an S-rank mage without breaking a sweat was by itself a feat to him, not until he was able to easily do something like that himself consistently. Still, now he thought on how many strong mages were there, except the general info on the saints he didn't know their actual power level. Were there people stronger than what Fiore considered their Wizard Saints? And what was the power difference between them and him, would he be taken down in a single hit or would he be able to hold his ground and maybe take one out?

    "Well, he did teach you, so I think you'll be able to pass him, isn't that the point of teaching someone your own craft? You already punch hard, you'll be able to do more in the future. But if you can also build up speed in certain aspects such as the speed in executing your techniques, you'll be even more deadly. I can't really give great pointers. Retraining may be a bit harsh, but you can definitely increase the speed of your attacks and your own durability."

    As Kismet began to tell her story, he quickly scoped the area around them, just to be sure that there was nothing out of place and they could relax. Seeing as there was nothing that would interrupt them, he fully focused his attention on the story Kismet was telling. The story itself was quite weird to Kil, the sage in general, but he got the point of the story. "I'd probably not do it, I mean help the toad if I even notice it, but I have passed through some hellish shit as training and if this is in a way to showcase sacrifices that you have to make in order to further yourself, I think you got it, that it's for self-improvement and finding ways to solve an issue and move past it. I usually focused only on speed and power, but If I can't take even a few hits, it's going to become a problem in the future." He looked up into the cloudy sky. "Why can't things be easy all the time, haha." He let out a dry laugh.

    Things were quite easier, but easy was boring most of the time, if he hadn't met Kismet today, he wondered what he would be doing all day? Tinkering away in his room? Maybe or just sleeping and resting, even though he loved sleeping, he found it a waste of time in which he could be doing something, either fun, progressive, or whatever there was to occupy him.

    "Now that I think about it, this story is perfect for self-improvement. If you change a bit of thing like that the obstacle is different and more life-threatening, you would need to adapt and improve, improvise with things you wouldn't normally do. It's just a more let's say child story version, but the point is the same." He and the other kids like him had been put into something similar, when the kill house changed from rubber bullets to live rounds, anyone that didn't adapt to it, ended up dead that day.

    'Behind you' 'Behind' 'Monkeys' 'Two of them' Multiple voices in his head surprised him, stopping him from continuing his conversation, his mouth slightly open. They were distorted and quite familiar but he couldn't piece it himself at the current moment, as he found himself listening to them and turned around. Two rather large, Vulcans just about climbed the wall, they seemed a little bit bigger, both were with brown fur, however one had patches of yellow, while the other was gray.

    "Great more monkeys, you can sit this one out this time, I'll handle these ones." He said as he pushed himself up. He didn't feel like toying around, black lightning began to crackle and dance around him. While the baboons roared, the white-haired mage didn't waste any time and rushed forward, appearing between the two of them. "I really don't want to deal with you." Lightning crackled around his mouth, as he opened it towards the Vulcan with yellow patches, releasing the signature slayer bellow, as he engulfed the upper portion of his body in lightning. Before the snow and smoke could subside, a whip made of lightning appeared in Kil's right hand with one swift movement he coiled it around the other Vulcan, as volts of lightning quickly coursed through its body.

    With the smoke clearing the yellow patched one fell to the ground lifeless, followed by its almost identical twin, smoke rising from their bodies and black lightning flashing from different spots on their bodies where they were hit. The lightning around Killua subsided, letting out a rather loud sigh he put his arms on the back of his head. He just wanted to relax for the rest of the day, couldn't they take the cue from the first ones that died?

    "Well, I think we should get a good break after this, don't you think?" Not that they over-exerted themselves, maybe Kismet in their little spar, that was nothing to fret about, however. "It was supposed to be my day off to just relax, it turned out fine though." He said moving towards her and offering a hand to help her up. "I think there is a lot of food we can treat ourselves to, maybe some sweet alcohol for you and all the candy for me!" He laughed loudly, emphasizing the last part, and started to walk back towards the interior of the castle.

    As he walked the young mage was deep in thought, the voices that warned them were familiar, an ability that was lost to him for quite some time now. It was something that manifested only after specific 'drugs' were given to them that allowed them to use this ability or rather what they liked to call Phase Running. A rather special power only a few were able to get and it was kept under lock and key, once a mission was over they were given different drugs that suppressed them from being able to activate it. Maybe the effect of it was fading and the power was slowly coming back? He wanted to further look into this and he perfectly knew where to start from if the rumors were true. For now, however, it was time to enjoy the rest of the day and get his mind of things. "Oi drunkard are you coming?" He yelled teasingly not particularly looking behind him to see if she was coming or not.

    WC: 1208
    TWC: 10,094
    @Kismet Clover


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