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    Fallen, of Some Sort


    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Fallen, of Some Sort Empty Fallen, of Some Sort

    Post by Lothric 10th November 2021, 10:05 pm

    481/1000 WORDS
    I will carve my own path through this wretched earth.
    HP: 150/300
    SP: 200/200
    MP: 100/100
    Active Spells:
    Active Techniques:
    Passives/Buffs: 120% Strength, 75% Speed, 50% Magic Damage
    Weapon: None
    Items Used:
    Enemies Killed: 1/1
    She'd never been religious—but the moon, it was...

    She couldn't stop staring at it.

    Full, laid bare in the sky—such gleaming confidence. Lothric had not the confidence to show much more than her legs, and even that was only for practical purposes... And budget purposes. Or, was she defining confidence wrong? She'd little confidence of any kind until the last night she'd spent here, drawing blood as per usual. She'd done so again tonight, the ruins of some six-legged beast not far behind her; but, confidence. Confidence in her ability to do what she'd just done? Astronomical. Confidence in her physical appearance? She liked how she looked well enough. Confidence in... What, emotions? None. She'd spent the past week running through jobs with reckless abandon, fighting with vigor to make it to the next day. Starvation was, unfortunately, not something that this curse was going to save her from; and she didn't particularly enjoy pain. T'was why she looked naught but purely pissed right now.

    A scar of deep red was cut into her left arm, not appearing enough so to be fatal over time, but having been more than enough of a scent to draw any opportunists. Thankfully, there was a far more enticing meal dead behind her than the swordsman who stood, slowly, and began to walk away from it. Her right arm stayed holding the handle of Kusanagi, her left unmoving. Better to keep it that way, she thought. Rather, she did not think that; she was far too occupied separating her current jewel in her head to think about anything else.

    At her hip were her two swords: the nameless black katana what she had used for a decade now, and Kusanagi. Her family's heirloom, and the one reminder she had of her homeland. The darkly garbed Samurai was cloaked in a thick black trench coat, unbuttoned in the front and far too big for her. The sleeves overtook her hands if she curled her fingers into fists, and it was so long that it dropped almost to her ankles; she was a slightly-less-diminutive 5'8 nowadays, but it still didn't help her case much. Burns scarred the back, and the hem was torn to practical shreds. The left arm sported a hefty gash stained with subtle red—a red what leaked down the arm inside the sleeve, drawing a thin line wherever she walked. Though it was not the easiest to see her stalk through the tree-shade of a moonlit night, it was more than easy to smell the ironscent she brought with her, or notice how she twitched at the slightest sound, spreading her stance until she discerned that she was safe and moved on. T'was not a quick journey to the outside world, but... Something about the cherry blossoms at night. A scene she couldn't quite remember.
    Lothric sighed; a bitter thing; and kept walking.

    Just stand by and watch.

    Last edited by Lothric on 3rd December 2021, 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Fallen, of Some Sort Empty Re: Fallen, of Some Sort

    Post by Guest 16th November 2021, 5:28 pm


    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    It had been some time since Arthur’s latest adventure, the one wherein he had participated in the Halloween festivities which had been held recently in him home base, Crocus, the capital city of Fiore. Since then, he had gotten back to the daily grind of his everyday life part of which involved his ongoing psychic detective mage work, assisting his ultrawealthy and highly influential family and clan in the running of the multinational business conglomerate that they owned and ran due to his position as the sole heir to his family and clan as well as the next in line CEO of the associated multinational business conglomerate, as well as various other such tasks and obligations. The other part involved furthering his prowess as a mage slowly but surely and he had been making great strides in this regard as of late. In this manner, time had marched on for him until the present day, wherein once again, he was relaxing in his exquisitely designed personal manor located in the heart of Crocus, the capital city of Fiore, which happened to be his current main base of operations.

    Naturally, as was his routine and that of his diverse group of 6 personal monstergirl maids whenever he was at home alone and relaxing, they were keeping him company and had arranged themselves at various points around him. For instance, 2 were seated on the armrests of the large, rather comfy, and ornately designed couch while 4 were sitting on the ground at his feet, and the remaining 2 were resting their heads on his lap currently. The head of these maids, a young female Dullahan named “Jeanne” who was in her mid-20s just as were the rest of her five subordinates, had noticed a messenger bird flying in through the open window a few feet away and therefore, alerted Arthur to it from where she was resting her head in his lap

    Master, it would seem you have another client request to handle, so how would you like us to proceed?

    In response, Arthur looked up at the incoming messenger bird and then held out one of his forearms, causing the bird to come land on it and wait for him to retrieve the message it had for him in its back-mounted holster. As he read through the message, his practiced mind began to memorize its contents immediately

    So…the request is from a client in Sakuramori this time, eh? It has been a while since I visited there…now then…lost child…enchanted forest…rather straightforward then…a tad simplistic, but work is work, I suppose…

    Musing thus silently, he wrote his reply containing his intent to take on this client request addressing it to the bird’s owner, aka the client, and then stored it in the messenger bird’s back-mounted holster again. After that, he watched as the bird flew off and then he disengaged himself from his maids gently and after apologizing to them for leaving so suddenly and promising them that he would come back as quickly as the situation allowed him to, he dressed himself in his three-piece suit, or at least the mundane version of it, and after stowing his detective gear in their appropriate load-bearing holsters, he set off for Sakuramori. Once there, he met with the client and after confirming the details of the task at hand, he set off into the forest wherein the client’s child had apparently gotten lost. Little did he realize then that he would meet a certain young woman in there and that this would eventually lead to them having quite the adventure later in the future.



    Fallen, of Some Sort L2


    POST WC: 603, TOTAL WC: 603 / 1000 (for Arthur/AE007 only)



    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
    Third Skill:

    Fallen, of Some Sort Empty Re: Fallen, of Some Sort

    Post by Lothric 3rd December 2021, 9:38 pm

    861/1000 WORDS
    I will carve my own path through this wretched earth.
    HP: 150/300
    SP: 200/200
    MP: 100/100
    Active Spells:
    Active Techniques:
    Passives/Buffs: 120% Strength, 75% Speed, 50% Magic Damage
    Weapon: Nameless, Kusanagi
    Items Used:
    Enemies Killed: 1/1
    She knew she should know. There was a deep sense of... Something, in her chest. Regret? Sadness. Some sort of... Anger. She knew she should know, and yet she knew not.
    Yes... There was something familiar about the view. So much so that it irritated her.

    In the fleeting kiss of a bitter wind did Lothric stop, coloured with speckles of moonlight through the petals. It was a silent stare that she gave. Deathly so. Her eye flicked around the one some twenty meters off. Male, by the looks of it. In a suit... Lothric turned her body sideways, and curled her right arm in front of her body, keeping her hand no more than an inch from the handles of her two blades. Distrust was plastered onto her features. 'Twas not common to meet a friendly face in Sakuramori. 'Twas anything but common, in fact. And while a spiffed up lad like him looked more mentally intimidating than physically, Lothric was the opposite. Small though she was, the heavy trench coat she wore over her features concealed that fact. Shorter of stature though she was, she was also clad in a burned, bloodied, and torn coat with two swords at her hip, a cut-closed eye and a trail of red behind her. Stature hardly mattered, then. She looked quite like the epitome of someone you didn't want to cross, and it didn't help that she had already taken a ready stance.

    "Who are you." It wasn't a question, either. The way her eye narrowed spoke volumes that she was not a diplomatic type. Undying as she was, Lothric was not overly keen on getting burned to a crisp by a spiffy mage. "And why are you here."
    And yet...
    Again did the twinge of familiarity strike her square in the head. Lothric dropped her hand to the hilt of Kusanagi so that she could grip it deathly tight. Something about this... Her stance, the wind, the light. Petals, blowing between them. Something about it was so... Familiar. No—it was of no matter. No significance. The only thing that she needed to think about right now was his movements. His posture. The slightest wrong twitch, a signal of a spell. And if not? Well, she would have no complaints.

    Just stand by and watch.


    Fallen, of Some Sort Empty Re: Fallen, of Some Sort

    Post by Guest 16th December 2021, 2:20 pm


    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    As he came across the young woman and stopped, Arthur witnessed her stop as well and immediately drop into what looked like an Iaido stance. Only after seeing this did Arthur hear the strange young woman call out to him inquiring about who he was and why he was there in the enchanted forest of Sakuramori.

    So, this one is not the diplomatic type, eh? Well, that is certainly unfortunate, but it would be unwise to provoke her…so, what to do? Maybe I can try to communicate with her since she did start first…

    Musing thus silently while having his face be completely inscrutable externally to all appearances, Arthur formulated a plan of action, or a handful of them, and then called out to the young woman in return

    Herlock Solmes is my name, and being a private detective mage is my game, mademoiselle. That said, if I may ask, is it NOT customary to introduce oneself first BEFORE asking someone else about their details?

    With that, his voice was revealed to be a rich, baritone, and melodious one and currently, he was speaking in a perfectly calm and cordial businessman's tone. After that, he fell silent and stepped forward into the moonlight, to a point close enough that she could see and hear him better without him having to raise his voice, and yet distant enough that she would hopefully not feel threatened by him. To further assure her of his lack of ill intent, he raised both hands up and faced his palms towards her in the standard gesture of having come in peace and which signified wanting to extend the proverbial olive branch to the other party in the interaction, at which time he resumed speaking, in the same calm, cordial tone with the same rich baritone and melodious voice from before

    Also, I mean you no harm, fraulein. I am simply here on behalf of a client of mine who has lost her child in these enchanted woods and so, I am to retrieve this lost child and return them to their parent safely and as soon as possible. So, you can keep your weapon sheathed, I assure you.

    After that, he fell silent once more and then awaited her response to his actions and words, in whatever form it may come his way. While he waited, he made sure that he did not move a muscle and also to keep his supernatural energies perfectly still as well so that he could show the young woman that he truly did not mean to cause her any harm or be a hindrance to her.



    Fallen, of Some Sort L2


    POST WC: 437, TOTAL WC:  1040 / 1000 (for Arthur/AE007 only)

    Tags: @Lothric

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:45 am