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    Sakuramori Potions


    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
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    Sakuramori Potions Empty Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 9th October 2021, 3:58 pm

    Sakuramori Potions MHFoX3f

    Sakuramori Potions NRNGe09

    Sakuramori Potions is a two story shop located outside the forests of Sakuramoui. This shop is owned by Spirit Painite but is managed and run by his parents, little sister and various pets bonded to his father. Sakuramori Potions is a luxury store that provides adventurers and wizards with top-quality products. Most of the potions are made with rare herbs and other materials gathered from the forest itself. Most potions sold are health, mana and stamina potions.

    Despite its proximity to a forest known for its powerful creatures, the path to the shop, as well as the business itself, never seem to be assaulted. This is due to Bert Painite's multiple moogle charms, which provide magical protection to the area.

    Bert Painite: A rank Wizard - Guildless - Bond Magic
    Bonded Pet: Legendary+
    Liliana Painite: A rank Wizard - Guldless - Combat Arts Magic
    Spirit Painite: C rank Wizard - Luminous Rose - Lineage Magic
    Madyson Painite: D rank Wizard - Guildless - Frog Magic.

    Last edited by Magicite on 10th October 2021, 6:03 pm; edited 4 times in total



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Re: Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 9th October 2021, 7:34 pm

    Spirit's eyes sprung awake as he felt a growing pain in his stomach. Waking up he rubbed his head, as his entire brain tinged in pain, buckling against the potion that had fallen on him. Spirit gave his younger sister a stern look, but she merely smiled back. She was clearly pleased with herself bursting into his room and scaring him awake.

    This was his punishment for failing to use magic locks on the door.

    In the calmest voice he could conjure, he said "Please leave."

    "I was told to wake you. That ancient book you were expecting came in. You know, the one you traded a superior healing potion for?  Seriously brother, the Jewels we could have gotten for that potion would have paid for the third floor mom and dad want to add to the shop." she stated flatly, refusing to move from her spot.

    "I know, I know," Spirit mumbled, suppressing his annoyance and patiently waiting for her to leave, which she eventually did. Getting dressed he went downstairs to grab the book delivery and headed back upstairs to his room.

    He took the book, and 10,000 Jewels, out of the envelope and stared in awe. There was no title or name on the plain white book. It was an ancient magical grimoire. When you acquired such a grimoire, all you had to do was place your hand on it and it would impart the knowledge of the magic you desired. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

    The biggest advantage was that it saved a lot of time in learning magic. The disadvantage is that you never know what you'll get. I want fire magic, for example, thus my request had to be basic but vast. You had no idea what kind of fire magic you were going to obtain. The second disadvantage was that once the wish was granted, the grimoire became obsolete. The third disadvantage is there is no way to know if it was obsolete. This made purchasing such grimoires a dangerous proposition. The grimoire could easily sell for 250,000 Jewels if it could be proven that it was not obsolete.

    Spirit would close his eyes and think about the type of magic he desired while he rested his hand on the book. His magic was now known as lineage magic, and it was taught to him by the Magician's spirit, who resided within him and guided him. But, on top of that, what did he want to know? It occurred to him what he wanted. He thought to himself, "I desire holy magic."

    He felt magic being infused into his being and intellect as he opened his eyes. Not just that but his body felt brutalized as if he had endured a years worth of both both body and mind training. Counting his blessings that the grimoire had never been used before, and that his family had no idea how expensive this book was until he utilized it. True, his family knew how to make legendary quality potions, but they couldn't compete with the value of this grimoire before being utilized just now.

    Curiosity got the best of Spirit, and he opened the grimoire to find nothing but blank pages inside being filled with new writing. It seems that the grimoire had evolved into a lore book on Holy magic. He knew what this grimoire once was and would proudly place it on his bookshelf as a rare book collector.

    Word Count: 578

    Last edited by Magicite on 10th October 2021, 2:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Re: Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 10th October 2021, 6:46 am

    It was time for him to put his new holy magic into practice now that he had learnt it. There were other varieties of holy magic, including holy dragon slayer magic, demon slayer magic, celestial magic, and celestial summoning magic, to name a few. White Mage Magic was the gift that  Spirit received. Protective barriers, cures for ailments, resistance to injury, and attacks from both the holy and light elements were all extensively featured in the magic.

    Additionally, the magic protected the route or from harm, allowing them to stay on the battlefield long enough to help others. Spirit appreciated this holy magic the most because it was so versatile while still keeping reasonably concentrated.

    "I see you've mastered White Mage. I haven't seen anyone employ that kind of magic in hundreds of years. Nowadays, children prefer to utilize more flashy modern magic rather than the previous, more streamlined and basic magics. Having ancient magic, on the other hand, is a prestige symbol in my opinion. In comparison to now, even the names of spells were simple back then." It had been a long time since the Magician had spoken out, and Spirit was relieved to hear his voice again.

    Mentally responding to the Magician, "Aren't you the one who, when I summon, uses a fancy-sounding spell? Even some of the lineage magic you taught me has some odd nomenclature, if my memory serves me correctly." The Magician didn't answer, but he could sense the Magicians agreement inside him, which he expressed with a little nod of acceptance. Not only was Spirit correct, but the Magician as a whole was correct as well. Some long-winded spell names had been heard by Spirit as of late.

    By altering the subject, the Magician would finally speak up again. "I believe your  parents are running short of red spotted mushrooms for healing potions. They tend to congregate around horned rabbits. They appear to be a somewhat invasive species in the area, as well as being excessively aggressive. Your father intended to take your sister out to hunt them for meat and to help conserve part of the herb population, but this would be an excellent opportunity for you to put your new White Mage Magic to the test."

    Spirit had forgotten about his father's plans, but the Magician had a good suggestion. Spirit would respond based on that guiding instruction. "Let's leave that to them and instead go rosebasaur hunting. It will be more risky, but it will provide us with components to construct a healing potion of legendary grade. If we can get that made and sold, my parents will be able to build the third level."

    In terms of monsters, the Rosebasaur was a very adorable creature. Spirit, even with Emerald's assistance, would not be able to defeat a Rosebasaur. He didn't need to vanquish one; all he needed was for it to recognise him or for some of the petals on its back to fall off. They were very uncommon in the forest, but it was mating season, and he happened to know where a pair was at the time. Emerald had noticed them while flying above the woodland in search of food. When she flew down to inquisitively inspect them, they seemed to enjoy her presence. While it was risky for her to do so, her outgoing attitude won them over. They both used water magic as well.

    After getting ready, Spirit would go downstairs and have a bite to eat while keeping an eye on how the store was doing. Only a few customers were at the store at this hour of the morning, toiling over Mana potions. His mother was cleaning the store, and his father was helping clients. When he didn't see his sister, he went outside and discovered Emerald was lazing on the water bridge. She could see right away by Spirit's expression that he was ready to venture into the woods and embark on a new adventure. Spirit, on the other hand, didn't see it as a duty or a chore this time, but rather as an opportunity to try out his new magic and improve...to become stronger.

    Word Count: 694



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Re: Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 10th October 2021, 8:50 am

    Sakuramori Potions QQInNJE_d

    It was always a little nerve-wracking and exhilarating for Spirit to leave the security of the Moogle Charms that his father had set up. There were less powerful species here close to the forest's border, but the forest was known for having powerful monsters deep within, attracting a variety of hunters and wizards.

    Emerald, a dragon, was so young that she was little in comparison to the dragons that could only be defeated by the most powerful of slayers. On the other hand, he had no idea how old she was or much about her background because she would just say, "Oh man, that's quite a story," and then leave it at that. She was still a treasured companion and a formidable opponent.

    In order to combat a Rosebasaur, he was going to require Emerald's power. Although White Mage Magic was powerful in and of itself, the fact that it was primarily supportive magic made this fight more challenging. He couldn't just use it a few times before switching to his other spells; he had to utilize it almost entirely. Of course, this was his hope, but he may have to adjust his plan and mix them more evenly in the future. The two of them would proceed down the route deeper into the forest, taking in the gorgeous view. Emerald would take off into the air and fly around every now and again, while Spirit would stop to harvest herbs that he noticed along the path.

    "So, buddy, what are we out here for? We're getting a little deeper into this, and there's always the risk of running across something we can't manage." Emerald had landed once more and was beginning to feel curious. She'd let out a draconic purr in response to him scratching the back of her ear. "We've come to get as many petals from a Rosebasaur as possible. Now, I know you're thinking they're out of our league, but I'm really excited to test out this new magic I learned and get some supplies for the business." Emerald would get excited and elevate her head, letting out a burst of bubbles. She, too, appeared to be ready for action.

    "I'm guessing we're headed to the mating pair I discovered. We are in the right area. They are pretty friendly towards me yet these types of critters are quite territorial especially during this time of the year. I'll go up to them first and inform them that we would like some pedals, but that we would also like to spar for them. Trust me. Things have a way of working out if they're meant to." Spirit couldn't disagree with her logic; things sometimes just worked out with her around. He was suspicious, though, that two dangerous monsters with a history of attacking visitors without provocation would agree to spar in return for petals, which are normally stolen by wizards on a job.

    "We'll give it a shot this time and see whether it works out. I guess I never told you, but I recently acquired a grimoire that taught me how to do holy magic. It instilled in me the knowledge of magic, so I already know the spells; all I need to do now is put them into practice. It's strange since I'm all about putting in the effort to increase strength, but the promise of doing it more easily and quickly was just too appealing. Maybe you're rubbing off on me a little more than I anticipated, hehe." Emerald's eyes would spark as she tilted her head towards Spirit, and she'd offer him a goofy smile with her tongue sticking out. Even while they were off hunting, he loved the time they spent together.

    Spirit and Emerald slowed their pace as they approached the end of their expedition into the woods and entered what appeared to be a glade. It was indeed a breathtaking and amazing sight. In a little pond, the two Rosebasaur could be seen frolicking. The pond was illuminated by light that cascaded down through the canopy. Spirit was able to use his heightened Magic Sensory from this distance to establish that their magical aura was significantly greater than his, with heavy earth and water element traces. Spirit himself has enough magical aura as a result of his items and heritage that he was on par with his A-rank father. Because the Rosebasaurs dwarfed him and he lacked his father's knowledge and advanced magic, he was clearly at a disadvantage in this battle.

    Word Count: 752

    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Re: Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 10th October 2021, 1:17 pm

    Emerald would stay behind while Spirit went up to speak with the Rosebasaur duo. All he could hear were strange noises and her rawrs and purrs, yet they managed to connect somehow. Emerald would eventually return and repeat what she had said.

    "So, buddy, it turns out they're not a couple, but rather brother and sister. These are children who have been separated from their parents and have remained here after discovering a strange crystal hidden beneath the pond. You'll be relieved to learn that they don't mind sparring, but the male made it clear that if you injure his sister too badly, he'll kill you!"

    Spirit couldn't decide whether he should be impressed or terrified by the fact that they were only youngsters. He could only image what the grownups were like if they had this much aura as youngsters. He would gather his thoughts and accept their proposal while remaining calm and composed. He ignored Emerald once more when she broke the news to him in a cheerful manner. It was her true nature, and he adored her for it.

    One of the Rosebasaur moved out in front of him as he climbed up into the glade. Taking a stance it began to tremble in anticipation. Leaning forward a little, the rose on its back would open up and spray a thin white glittering mist into the air. In response to the mist forming, Spirit surrounded himself with a holy shield. A few moments later, he observed Emerald dozing out not far from him. Spirit would then raise his hand and cast dia with a small smile curl. A bolt of holy light would appear from heaven and slam through on to the opponent. Two vines would appear from the rose on its back and reach out at unfathomable speeds, striking Spirit in the face twice and knocking him out.

    Spirit would wake up with a tremendous headache and find the two Rosebasaur and Emerald staring at him from inches away. They'd help him get up by licking his face. They appeared to be nice towards him for the time being, but they probably considered him as no more of a threat than a fly. Standing up, the group would be frozen in place until they heard a huge roar off in the distance. Spirit's placid exterior took a lot to disturb, yet he was terrified. Their two new buddies, on the other hand, appeared ecstatic and would dash off into the woods, out of sight. Spirit would leave it at that, thinking to himself that it must be one of the parents, since Emerald looked to be well.

    Sakuramori Potions E79ojbv

    The two of them, still stunned by the sound, would gradually come to their senses when they noticed a brilliant light emanating from the pond from the corner of their eyes. They both instinctively walked closer to it when they noticed a lacrima. In comparison to her usual exuberant self, Emerald felt tranquil. She felt a sense of familiarity with it, as if she understood exactly what it was. She'd dive in and fish it out, bringing it to Spirit.

    "Do you have any idea what this is? This is a dragon lacrima, so it's no surprise they felt such power in this glade. You have no idea how uncommon and wonderful this is. You would attain the might of a dragon if you took this inside of you."

    "Young Emerald is in the right frame of mind." The Magician appeared to be ready to provide some guidance once more. "What she doesn't realize is that you don't have the mental or physical capacity to accept it right now. Consider your magic to be a liquid confined in a container. That container is currently filled due to the knowledge of two different sorts of magic. It would overflow, split apart, and spill out if you added more magic to it. You'd be a shell of yourself at best, and dead at worst.

    You have the option of waiting until that container is larger, or accepting the lacrima and having it replace the holy magic you just learnt. Finding the grimoire was difficult, but finding this is nothing short of a miracle."

    Spirit was able to perceive a lot of elemental energy flowing from the lacrima because to his increased Magic Sensory. Earth, Darkness, Crystals, and Water were among the elements he could detect. The concern was whether Spirit could protect such a valuable until his body was capable of receiving the lacrima. He was well aware of his limitations, but he also desired power. Enough to defend and safeguard the people and things he cares about. He felt a quiet, timid presence inside as he stared at the lacrima. He wasn't expecting it, but he embraced the lacrima without hesitation as it melted into his being. He felt a burst of magic unlike anything he'd ever felt before when he expelled the holy energy from himself. Spirit had transformed into a dragon!

    Sakuramori Potions QThv2F6_d

    Word Count: 833



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Re: Sakuramori Potions

    Post by Magicite 10th October 2021, 5:48 pm

    The Magician and Emerald would keep to themselves for the remainder of the journey back to his family's shop. Of course, there would be the odd remark, but they were all still in a state of denial. Spirit was also taking his time to acclimate to his new senses in his body. It took a while for him to notice that his vision, hearing, and sense of smell were all enhanced. He wondered if this was how Emerald saw the world and went about her business, but she was born with draconic senses. Spirit's vision had always been increased as a result of his main magic, but his sense of smell had never been so strong, and it was making him dizzy. Noting that he'd have to spend some time over the next several weeks just getting used to his senses, he made a mental note to focus on memorizing and tracking odours.

    Spirit would retire to his bed, nursing his wounds and calming his mind, as he retreated back inside the shelter of the Moogle Charms. Emerald would retire to the rear of the shop to sleep, and the Magician would vanish into wherever he went. Overall, it had been an incredible day, but one that most people would never believe. Spirit closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, resigned to keep everything quiet regardless.

    Word Count: 227
    Total Word Count: 3084 (2000 New Magic, 1000 C Rank Free-form)



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Guild Examination

    Post by Magicite 15th October 2021, 2:44 pm

    Sakuramori Potions UZFWGJ3

    Spirit was dozing off at his desk, his head buried in his arms. Emerald had taken up residence on his bed, snoring bubbles throughout the room the last time he looked up. They had an otherworldly look to them as they reflected off the low lap light. Eventually falling asleep while counting bubbles.

    He wasn't sure what jolted him awake, but he felt a pressure close him. Raising his head from his arms, he noticed an inconspicuous book on the table in front of him. He reasoned that one of his parents might have sneaked in and left it there, but he couldn't shake the sense that he ought to open it. Looking at the book, he noticed that the pages were blank. Closing it, the book began to glow a brilliant, sickly green color, and the cover would change to a visage of a Dragon's Wings. Following that, a draconic skull shape erupted from it, with the eyes burning that awful green color before dying out again. He reopened the book, his curiosity getting the better of him yet again. Words began to fill the first page, and only the first page with an ingredient list. The document appeared to be an ingredient list for an unknown concoction as I read it. He had no idea what this particular mixture could produce, despite coming from a line of herbalists and owning a potion business.  A fact that both intrigued and excited him.


    • Mandrake root
    • Amazonite
    • Blood from a Draconic Creature
    • Clay Dug-up and/or Created by Magic
    • Hydrangeas: Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Red, Orange
    • Air Crystal
    • Halflings' Leaf
    • Myrrh


    1. Step 1: Crush up a Mandrake Root, a small Air Crystal, Halfling's Leaf, Myrrh and colored hydrangeas and whisk it with the Blood of a Dragon until a fluffy rainbow colored whipped paste has formed.  

      Step 2: Take clay that has been dug up with magic or created by magic and form it into a bowl.

      Step 3: Place Amazonite in the bowl with the whipped concoction.

      Step 4: Concentrate and focus magical energy into the bowl until it morphs and become a liquid.

    Spirit would turn to Emerald, who had awoken and was staring blankly at him. The two just stared at one other, bewildered, for a time. She would eventually speak up. "Are you going to tell me what was going on there?" Spirit still had no idea, and it occurred to him that his parents were out of town with his sister for the weekend, so it couldn't have been them who had left the book. "To be honest, I'm not sure. The book was there, but it was empty. The book shifted and morphed after I closed it." Trying to be sarcastic and funny "Oh, and you open a random book, but I need to focus on not being so inquisitive about."

    Maybe he was being ridiculous, he reasoned, but the Magician would interrupt him before he could finish his idea. "I lost a lot of my ancient wisdom when I linked myself to this dimension and to a descendant. I do, however, have a vast range of information. I believe you've discovered an Omninomicon page. Each book is nothing more than a single page. Nobody knows what the book is about in its entirety, but the prevailing notion is that it includes life and death lore. If every page could be uncovered, it might even contain magic equivalent to my power in my prime. All you'll get to view is what you're seeing right now. If you want to know what it does, it's up to you. There's always the possibility that it's a set-up."

    He'd look over to Emerald and repeated what the Magician had said. She was aware of his ancestry, which made things easier than if people assumed he was living alone or had a fictitious companion. Emerald would also have the chance to express herself. "Of course, he is correct, but it's also possible that it was a present from something you've done previously. You've already started looking into the disease that killed your companion at the abandoned cabin. Maybe this has something to do with it?"

    Both of them had valid points. He'd consider it for a bit before deciding to give the recipe a shot to see if he could figure out what it accomplished. The choice was easy after realizing that there were easier ways to build a trap for him than slipping a page from a book, which resembled a book, into his room with him and Emerald as a prospective danger, he made the decision.

    He would close the book, or page if the Magician was correct, and put it safely away in his hidden safe after memorizing the ingredients. He'd go downstairs with Emerald after turning the last knob on the safe and then putting the picture back over it. When he looked around the shop, he realized he had most of what he needed. Dragon's blood appeared to be the only element that was missing. Emerald, of course, was only too happy to share some just out of curiosity about what might happen.

    He'd start funneling his magic into the bowl on the last stage, till it converted into a rainbow colored liquid, as per the instructions. When he looked over to Emerald when it was finished, he noticed that she was on the floor, completely passed out, her body almost white. This was the first time he'd ever seen anything like it. Her body had been stripped of all its magic. He'd instinctively reach for the medicine he'd made and poured a few drops for her.

    She'd ultimately regain a smidgen of her power, but it would take some time, and she'd be out of it for at least a week. He'd store the potion in his haversack upstairs and tend to Emerald for a while after bottling it.

    During that period, he had to dig deeper into what he had built. It appears that you must steal the magic of a dragon to make the potion, and it may only be used on another dragon to restore it from near death. Emerald would have needed the entire concoction if she had been a full grown dragon, but because she was so small, she only needed a few drops.

    He wondered looking at the picture on the wall...why him?

    Word Count: 1066

    Last edited by Magicite on 19th October 2021, 11:03 am; edited 2 times in total

    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Bond Magic Training

    Post by Magicite 15th October 2021, 6:02 pm

    It was a frigid day in Sakuramori's forest, and it was getting to the point it might start to snow now that winter was setting in. One of the beauties of the Potion Shop was that even in the dead of winter, the cherry blossom trees nearby were still in full bloom. It was a magical effect that his parents had set up in a arrangement with some nature spirit for two way protection. The wind, on the other hand, was blowing, which made the fact it was getting colder worse. Casting Magic Skin he'd feel the mana surround his body as it protected him. Spirit wasn't worried about becoming hurt from attack, but the spell had the nice effect of protecting him from the elements.

    The main issue Sakuramori Forest was that there weren't many things on which to practice magic on. Sure he could go out and hunt some monster, the forrest had a plethora of those but he also risked harming the forest itself and it's beauty. Most of his lineage magic was lightning based and with the leaves drying out that meant a fire risk. His cavern slayer magic was more natural and gifted from a lacrima so the didn't have to train it too much. However, that wasn't what Spirit was here for this time. He was here to forge a deeper bond with Emerald and learn Bond Magic like his father who had given him some tips. He had gotten powerful enough to train in a third magic. If the mana in him was a cup full of water, that cup had grown through training and practice.

    Emerald would romp around and play in a nearby creek as Spirit contemplated the advice his father had given him. Forging a bond was simply the first step in learning how to use the magic. Emerald would be able to battle with him more effectively, and they would be able to use the same spells within the magic. What he was most excited about was Emerald gaining his inherent skills, making her significantly more strong. Right now, he was too fast for her to keep up with, but with the link, she'd be able to move as quickly as he did, if not faster in certain circumstances. This would serve twofold in also protecting her from harm. He still hated the fact she almost died when he was looking for Joyan Terrorists to stop them from setting off a bomb. She also hated that she was little to no assistance in fighting them so she wanted this as much as he did.

    The next phase in his training was to consider the type of magical link he intended to make with her. The magic and spells were formed through the link rather than by training a specific sort of magic and placing it with the bond. This enabled someone to learn nearly anything that would benefit them the greatest, according to what he was informed by his father. But he questioned what would be the most beneficial to him and Emerald. This magic, in his opinion, needed to be adaptable and accomplish one of two things: build on the common element of water and thus improve his potency or allow them both to employ elements not ordinarily available to them.

    WC: 553

    Last edited by Magicite on 14th November 2021, 11:16 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Sakuramori Potions Empty Bond Magic Training

    Post by Magicite 15th October 2021, 6:59 pm

    She'd calm down a little as he called Emerald over. Despite her normally lighthearted and juvenile nature, she knew when it was time to focus and get serious. Spirit would close his eyes as she curled up on his lap. She, too, would follow suit. He sat in a contemplative posture. He'd put himself in this position several times when practicing lineage magic with the Magician's Spirit inside him as they formed a mental universe together. It was the only way he could simply teach him magic and establish their faith in one another.

    As he crossed his legs, the world around him in the forest faded away and was replaced with a peaceful image. The sky was a brilliant blue, with pure white fluffy clouds drifting above. There was no sun, yet there was light outside. The ground was a flawless reflection of the sky, almost like a mirrored surface, yet as one walked a short distance, the steps rippled out like water. This was his inner world, a peaceful and quiet one. Except for his own shadow or when he produced them himself, nothing was harsh or gloomy. He frequently felt as if his inner reality was diametrically opposed to the cavern slayer magic within him. Would Quartzia have liked Spirit if the dragon had been alive today? It was a thought that crossed his mine often and he wish he could somehow connect with her spirit to speak with it. With a smile he inwardly laughed at the irony of wanting to speak with someone's spirit, when he is named Spirit and has a Magician's Spirit guiding him in life.

    He poured his magic into Emerald outside of his inner world. Hed imagine his magic acting as a connection between the two. It wasn't a rope or a chain, but rather a self-extension stretching out to her. As the tether began to connect magically, her own magic began to pour into him and blend with him. Now all he had to do was keep that link going, expand it, and evolve it. Emeralds' shape would appear within his inner world. It would begin as a hazy see through form and gradually solidify. She'd look around in the vast open space that didn't seem to end, then poke her head through the floor. It was both a solid and a liquid to her. As a water dragon, her thoughts were slightly modifying his inner world and stretching the physics therein beyond the typical bounds. She'd plunge through the floor and vanish from view, only to reappear next to Spirit, a smile on her face. She, too, felt at ease here, and the fact that she could influence his inner world indicated that their relationship was already strengthening and establishing a new route.

    WC: 464



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Bond Magic Training

    Post by Magicite 16th November 2021, 11:08 am

    Now that the connection had it was time to start training. Emerald, would you be a dear and get some distance between us. I'm going to try to cast but cast it through you. It may take some time but once we accomplish that we'll know the bond magic has been completed and then all we have to do is search our souls for a magic that we want to develop." It was something that just seemed to slip out. He meant to say he was going to think of a magic but when it came out as we he realized the bond between them was much stronger than even he could have imagined. This is what true bond magic must be.

    It would take several tries over the course of some hours but eventually he'd be able to cast Magician's Bulwark through Emerald. Spirit always created basic patterns like a wall with his shield spells, or a literal shield, but Emerald created a large dragons scale and he rather found it endearing. After the two celebrated by eating and drinking a snack that seemed to appear from nowhere they would talk and play around. Emerald would spend more time swimming through the floor of the inner world.

    After playing some time the two would go back to meditating within the inner world, mirroring their bodies out in the normal world. As their mana mixed it would form a magic that they both felt matched them well. With Spirit's analytical mind thinking a multi element magic would best shore up their weaknesses and Emeralds whimsical nature, they would form Rainbow Magic. Next they just had to see if that magic actually worked for them in practice or if they needed to try to form a new magic with their bond.

    WC: 300



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Bond Magic Training

    Post by Magicite 18th November 2021, 4:50 pm

    Spirit and Emerald laid on their backs exhausted after what felt like hours. The magic would not work no matter how hard they tried. Emerald was as fast as he was, and their relationship was stronger than ever. Not only that, but their link had increased her overall power. It appears that, despite their desire to wield elemental magic, it was simply not going to happen. Something was lacking, something deeper and more than just them trying to reflect their desires.

    Scratching her behind her ears, he elevated his left arm as if reaching for the heavens. He did this on occasion, even in his own bed at home. He wasn't sure why he did it. It was only that when he was deep in contemplation, it became a natural quirk of his. "Maybe I'm thinking about things incorrectly. Maybe I'm overthinking things all together.... But this is what Dad told him me do, and this is how he learned his own bond magic ".. He'd slide his arm back down and spread out, looking at the clouds in the sky of his inner world. Emerald began to play and do her own thing as they both rested.

    "I'm at a loss here. I really thought we had something with the multi element magic but the more I think about it, the more I realize I was just projecting what I thought would be the strongest option for us. When push my thoughts away and just envision us using magic, we are using our connection through space and time."

    It was as if they had both been hit by a train. The magic didn't need to be something new, it just needed to expand what they already had. The bond was exposed to extend above and beyond. With renewed vigor they would stand up and learn that his words of accidental wisdom had been correct. They'd find themselves no longer in his inner world and even The Magician's Spirit could be felt smiling within in.

    "Yee hoo looks like we did it Spirit. We are bonded now. I feel all kinds of stronger now! Maybe we will get a new friend out of all of this too? Just like dad, I mean your dad, he has two companions right? Oh oh oh, can it be cute please? Or another dragon! Oh how about a big dragon that I can ride too? Wouldn't that be neat Spirit. Me riding a dragon, or you riding the dragon and me riding your head!"

    Emerald talked the entire way home about the numerous other pals she'd like to go adventuring with as she put it. Most featured another dragon or some type of cute tiny animal that would most likely not serve a use in a combat, but appearances may be deceiving. One looking at a cat size dragon like Emerald might not think her a threat when compared to some ancient dragon whose steps rocks the ground, but she was more than a threat in her own right.

    WC: 505

    Last edited by Magicite on 20th November 2021, 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total



    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Sakuramori Potions Empty Bond Magic Training

    Post by Magicite 18th November 2021, 5:34 pm

    Spirit and Emerald would be greeted by a crowded shop when they returned home. He was eager to inform his parents about the new magic he and Emerald had developed via vision training. It would still take physical training, but if you stripped the magic down to its essence, it would be Time Bond magic they'd be employing. That was the extent of their magic, and as a Cavern Dragon Slayer, he had the capacity to use several elements as well. The true test would be if he could mix his other elements like lightning, shadow, earth or even crystal with water and how it would function if he got another bonded companion like Emerald. However, that was a task for another day. For the time being, he was sleepy, and it was becoming late. The two would turn in to test out their new magic in the following weeks before returning back to the guild house base.

    When he motioned for her to follow, he unintentionally summoned her next to him with a magic that arose as a result of the new bond magic. Not only was she quicker and had more of his characteristics, but he could now summer her at will. This made him happy because he wasn't always able to carry Emerald with him, but now that he could, he could. He could see it wasn't a genuine summon, like those with keys, but rather a teleport similar to his Circle of Recall but just for her. Regardless, it was a pleasant spell that he was glad to have.

    WC: 263
    TWC: 2085


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