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    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 9th December 2020, 3:44 am

    “Thank you very much for the past few days, Mr Fulgur,” the green-haired man in the black suit, looking sharp as always, said as he shook Tor’s right hand with a firm but relaxed grip. His name was Alec Cameron, a wealthy businessman from the nation of Stella. He was the second son of the Cameron Steel Foundry, a major group in Stella that was part of the country’s backbone. With the way their country was so industrialized, Crescent Island in Fiore was one of the few places that he could get away from all the stress of managing the family business and navigating the family politics to relax with his family that consisted of his wife Jenine and twins Carmine and Buck.

    “I hope to see you next time you return to Fiore, Mr Cameron,” Tor answered with a smile on his face, returning the businessman’s firm shake before releasing his hand. Tor had been added into the businessman’s security detail, appearing to Alec Cameron as the leader of squad of guards under a company called Vanguard. It was an undercover job that served two purposes, for the Rune Knights to gather intelligence and keep an eye on such influential people that entered the country. With his roguish looks that made it impossible for people to align him with the Rune Knights unless he specifically mentioned it, Tor could confidently say he had done an awesome job.

    The goodbyes finally ended when the Cameron family boarded their private ship and left the port. They kept up the pleasantries until the ship finally left their sight and Tor turned around to look at the men standing behind him with a wry smile.

    “Good job guys. You can return to the office first,” Tor instructed before releasing the tie knot around his collar and walked away. However, the moment he took his first step towards returning to the Jade Moon Resort, one of the few top resorts on the island, a huge explosion erupted from the center of the resort grounds. Tor’s first reaction was to lower his body as he covered his ears while looking at the mushroom cloud that was rising into the air. After the initial shock of the sudden explosion, Tor immediately kicked into action and ran as fast as he could towards the resort.

    As he neared the resort, he was perplexed that he hadn’t seen anyone running outwards from the destroyed resort. By right, the survivors should have been stampeding out of the resort, saving their lives and getting away from the blast zone but this was too weird to believe. The situation was giving him the goosebumps as it seemed more and more out of place, the idea of a terrorist attack never occurring in his mind, until he finally arrived near the resort entrance.

    Tor never made it to the entrance, moving too fast to stop himself abruptly and just threw himself to the side into the bushes. With a roll that negated any injuries from the fall, Tor slowly rose from the bushes and looked towards the resort entrance. Armed men were milling about the entrance, guarding it from any entry and exit. Elsewhere, Tor could see men patrolling around the top of the buildings around the perimeter of the resort.

    The whole situation was laid out bare for him and everyone else to understand when a booming voice, magically magnified through magic, shouted across the island for all to hear.

    “People of Crescent Island! We are the Syndicate! Consider this entire island ours for the taking! We have made our demands to the Magic Council and we are not afraid to use force!”

    This was a situation that Tor had never prepared for, and instead of getting his blood pumped up, the Rune Knight despaired instead. He didn’t know if there was any other Rune Knights stationed on the island. He was nothing but a Private, and he was far below the rank to receive any proper instruction and training on how to handle himself during such an event.

    The only thing he could think of?

    “What would Shane do?” Tor asked himself as he began to calm himself down. Heroics wasn’t his cup of tea, so that meant he wasn’t going to just barge in like an action hero and try to take things into his own hands. And yet, as a Rune Knight and a decent human being, he wouldn’t just walk away from the situation. Tor sighed as he considered Shane’s potential plan. “The man would probably equip his fucking shield and just charge in.”

    Lamenting his fate, Tor began to formulate a plan in his mind as he watched the men at the entrance and tried to think of a way to enter the resort stealthily. Memorizing the entire resort plan had been part of his job undercover. For now, he would have to go at this alone and try to get deeper into the resort before he could come up with the next step of his plan.

    [841 words]
    [Total WC: 841 / 10000]



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Aurora 10th December 2020, 11:16 am

       Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Maxresdefault
    The Cosmic Heroine

    Aurora wandered in the town of Crescent Island. Wearing the black and silver uniform of the Rune Knights, in which she was a private. She was asked to police on Crescent Island, in particular, it’s town. It was a town catered towards tourism in its very core. Everywhere you went there were restaurants, gift shops, shops and food vendors. Here and there were people who sell trinkets, gifts, and sunglasses on sidewalks. Coming across one broke the day of boredom a bit, often enough these lucrative salesmen sell stolen goods. The sunglasses you buy from them could have been stolen just an hour prior. Arresting them, if it was possible to prove that they were indeed selling stolen goods, was often the highlight of the day if not the week. That mostly happened when she saw them steal the items in the first place. Other activities were saving dogs or even children from cars that were baking in the sun. Following by scolding the owner or parents of the victims. Always feels good to damage the property of irresponsible and simple stupid people that endanger others by their stupidity. It sucked that she could only leave damages to the car and a slap on the wrist, she would like to see things go future; what they do can kill their dog or child. Sometimes she needs to help people who lost their child in the busy streets or on the crowded beaches. She was not cut out for this work she realized. She is a soldier, a warrior and not babysitter of grown-up people.

    She was walking towards a street vendor when her eyes caught a flash of light, seconds later came the loud sound of an explosion like an echo. She stopped walking, blinking with her eyes. A large smoke plum hung above the resort. Then followed a voice, no doubt its volume increased through magic.

    “People of Crescent Island! We are the Syndicate! Consider this entire island ours for the taking! We have made our demands to the Magic Council and we are not afraid to use force!”

    ”That is something else,” said Aurora to herself. She took a deep breath, feeling her body disappearing, becoming one with the universe. Every cell within her body became active, tingling with energy. Her irises disappeared in a golden glow as her eyes lit up. Golden flames engulfed her, burning away her uniform, revealing a skin suit of blue, gold and red with a golden star on her chest. She jumped and flew away, towards the resort.

    She kept flying low, to make it less easy for the Syndicate to spot her. The last part she sprinted, besides the rows of palm trees and taller vegetation that adorned the roads. Masking her movement, except for the stirred plants that waved as she passed by with speed. She stopped when she was at the same height as the entrance. Noticed that she was not the only one hidden in the bushes. The aura of gold waned, and her eyes returned to normal. It was a young man, perhaps early twenties with blonde hair. ”Don’t think you can be a hero, go look for a safe place and if you want to do something warn others as well. Lock the doors and windows. This is a matter for the Rune Knights,” she said with a dampened voice. Meanwhile, she crouched and took a look at the gate.
    570/570 ✵ @Tor ✵ job sign-up ✵ job info ✵ notes


    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] N9AxYLD
    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 11th December 2020, 9:49 pm

    As he was ready to proceed with his plan, still partially hidden within the bushes lining the side of the main road leading to the resort entrance, Tor suddenly noticed a fluctuation of magic energy in his surroundings. His first thought was that he had been discovered and he crouched lower in the bushes, a gauntlet appearing on his right fist. The gauntlet looked ancient, entirely dark gold with accents of pale gold to make it more distinguishable, but all of it waned before the blue jewel embedded on the back of the gauntlet. Tor’s left hand hovered above the turquoise gem, ready to press down on it at any moment’s notice.

    What he saw was a human-like figure sprinting towards him, her body entirely covered in golden flames. Her eyes were two balls of golden light. Tor had no idea this was a colleague, having just newly joined the Rune Knights for only a few months. As such, aside from the Skystone Vambrace that he had summoned, Tor’s left hand moved backwards, and a translucent blue spear formed within his grip, the tip pointing down at the ground but prepared to be swept upwards in a diagonal slash, ready to start an offensive should the newcomer show any signs of aggression towards him. 

    However, when she approached, the coat of golden flames withered away to reveal a proud female, dressed in a full-body uniform of blue, gold and red with a golden star on her chest. This struck Tor with a sense of familiarity. It bore resemblance to Shane’s combat suit, which he had only seen once but imprinted deeply in his mind. The color scheme was very close, but the feeling it gave off was very much the same.

    And when she spoke, Tor relaxed and smirked slightly, releasing the tension in his left hand as the blue spear of ice disappeared without much indication as though it hadn’t even appeared. But the Skystone Vambrace was still equipped on his right hand. It was part of Tor’s plan to sneak into the resort for some additional reconnaissance before he could make another plan to neutralize the situation. 

    While the newcomer’s words sounded harsh, Tor’s EQ was entirely capable of processing the meaning in her words and what she meant. To another person, it might have sounded condescending, but he had seen his fair share of the ugly world to be able to discern whether he was truly being looked down upon or this was just the person’s way of speaking.

    “Toril Fulgur, Rune Knights, Private,” Tor said with a smile as he held up his identification badge, showing it to the woman before returning it to his pocket. 

    “I’ve been stationed here for some time as part of an undercover job, so I have a relatively good understanding of the resort. At this moment, we know nothing about the enemy and the number of their forces, so I think some reconnaissance will be beneficial. How about I go take a look around and then we discuss on our plan after this?” Tor offered as he stood up. When he spoke, a dark purple shield had appeared on his back. From the front, it seemed like two malicious looking horns had appeared from his shoulders. 

    He had summoned the Draconic Shield, something that he had obtained from Shane as a gift to wish him well when he encouraged Tor to embark on the route to becoming a Rune Knight. Dark purple wings erupted from his shoulder blades, spreading out widely behind as Tor gave a smirk before pressing down on the gem on the vambrace. Immediately he vanished and one second later, with another press of the gem, Tor reappeared in the air, the wings flapping behind him with soft, measured strokes, that kept him in the air while not making much noise.

    “I can fly and I can become invisible, so it will be easier for me to do it. What do you think?” Tor said as he spread his arms widely as well, showing off his wings before folding them and dropping gently back to the ground.

    [690 words]
    [Total WC: 2101 / 10000]



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Aurora 13th December 2020, 1:39 pm

      Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Maxresdefault
    The Cosmic Heroine

    Aurora was taken aback when the man identified himself as a Rune Knight. She had met all the personnel on the island, which wasn’t too difficult as the island wasn’t super big. She grabbed for her own badge but her hand couldn’t find her pocket, the badge, and her uniform had both been burned away. ”Private Fulgar, my name is Aurora Tyrell, Private,” said Aurora, ”I have not seen you here before.”

    Fulgur explained that he had been on an undercover job. And that he was planning on doing, which was to measure up the enemy forces and their strength. She noticed how Fulgur summoned a shield upon his back, requip magic.Fulgur followed up with an explanation of why he was suited for that job.    

    Aurora nodded, ”You seem equipped for the job. You have a go from me.” She looked around, there were residences a little farter back. ”Do you see the white building, the one with the three levels and a flat roof. Seems to have a seating area on the rooftop. I’ll check that building, it looks like a fine place for an overwatch. Let’s regroup there,” said Aurora, pointing at the building.

    Aurora then began to move. She walked away from their hiding spot, whilst being crouched, back to where she had come from. After about 200 yards she crossed the street, this time she walked upright and walked at a normal pace. Running would draw attention to her, which was something she tried to avoid and sometimes the best way to be unseen was simple to be in view inauspiciously. She decided to approach the building from behind, therefore she needed to walk around the building block. The back of the building was surrounded by a 10-foot-tall wall, over which Aurora jumped with ease. She was meant with the sight of a swimming pool, covered by blue plastic, and garden full of flowers. It seemed no one was home. She walked to the back door and tried to open it, but it was closed. She did not need the staircase, nor did Tor. Her eyes turned golden and her hands engulfed in golden aura. She ascended into the air, a jet of golden flames emitted from her feet and hands. Once upon the rooftop, she crouched again, the walls were low. There was indeed a sort of patio on the rooftop. There stood a couple of boxes with plants and a table with couches made of rough wooden panels. Aurora looked around here, to observe the entire surrounding. She did not notice anything suspicious other than within the resort. Aurora’s sight is great, but binoculars would be a blessing right now. She had not anticipated a stakeout. She would wait until Tor returned.
    450/1020 ✵ @Tor ✵ job sign-up ✵ job info ✵ notes

    Last edited by Aurora on 10th April 2021, 6:24 am; edited 2 times in total


    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] N9AxYLD
    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 5th January 2021, 2:06 am

    Tor felt himself let out a small breath of relief when he realized that the woman in front of him was a Private as well, but the huge discrepancy between her suspected power level and her rank was something that intrigued the male Rune Knight. He was also glad that the woman had agreed to his plan. Tor had no doubts that if she was alone, Aurora could have just went all out and beat up this entire gang. She gave off a similar vibe to Shane, but in this case, Tor believed that prudence was key. No doubt they could just rush into the compound, but that would only work if the two of them were equally strong. Without that balance, Tor was just a liability as much as he hated to admit that. If there was more than one person inside that could give Aurora a run for her money, then Tor would be the weak link that brought them down.

    “Yup, I know which one it is. I’ll see you later,” Tor said as he once again activated the button on the gauntlet. He could feel a tingling sensation creeping up from the gauntlet, slowly covering his entire body, indicating that the invisibility spell had worked. The purple wings behind him had been rendered invisible as well, and with a strong flap of the wings, Tor ascended into the air. He continued climbing upwards before he took a hovering position, checking out the entire resort layout from a bird’s eye view.

    Tor took a good long sweep over the entire resort from air. The first thing he had noticed that this terrorist group was awfully organized, very much like soldiers. Especially the way they had set up patrol points around the entire resort. The lower-level goons were all appropriately equipped, and they took their job seriously. A few key installations in the resort were especially highly guarded at the entrances.

    The Rune Knight took a huge risk by dropping slightly to one of the buildings, a luxurious three-story gym, and peered into the huge slabs of glass that served as the walls. A row of treadmills and cycling machines faced the glass, allowing the users to immerse themselves in the beautiful surroundings. Glancing into the third story of the gym, Tor noticed a particularly buff man in the room. There was no one else apart from him, and he was pumping iron like no tomorrow. His biceps were almost the size of Tor’s head.

    At that moment, the man who was breathing in and out heavily while vigorously worked out his pecs, suddenly turned to look towards the outside. Tor could feel them making eye contact but it was just a trick of his mind. He was invisible after all. But he couldn’t discount the fact that the man’s senses were particularly stronger than the lackeys. It wasn’t unusual for mages of higher power levels to possess more astute senses, especially now that Tor was cloaked entirely in magic.

    Assuming that the rest of the buildings that were more heavily guarded would contain such characters, probably division leaders under the commander of the terrorist group, Tor flew back up and headed for the rendezvous spot that Aurora had pointed out. He landed near the female Rune Knight, dispelling his invisibility shield and his wings before approaching her.

    “The resort’s extremely well-protected. They have sentries keeping a good look over the entire resort area, patrols moving up and down key entrances and exits. Certain buildings in the resort are more heavily guarded than the rest. I assume that each of them is occupied by key members of the terrorist group, with 11 buildings like that. The last boss is probably in one of them,” Tor said as he sat down on one of the chairs.

    “There’s no point to charging in. We lack the manpower and the firepower, in my case. I say we take them by surprise. We hit them one by one, starting from both sides of the resort and work our way to the middle. This way we pull their attention to both sides and thin them out slightly. As to how strong our targets will be, I think that’s up to luck. The key to this battle would be finishing off their key members and their boss, ignoring the small fry.”

    As Tor spoke, he took out a map of the resort. On the map, all of the facilities were numbered and their names appearing in a legend to the top right side of the map. The resort was one of the best on Crescent Island, and as such, its size had to be on par with its status. There were a total of twelve buildings that housed the facilities on the resort grounds and while there were twenty clusters of five villas per cluster. Another three buildings stood to the side, also hotel rooms. Tor had circled all of the buildings that were highly guarded and he drew an arrow on each side of the resort, indicating their direction of attack.

    “What do you think?”

    [852 words]
    [Total WC: 3403 / 10000]



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Aurora 11th April 2021, 5:59 am

     Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Maxresdefault
    The Cosmic Heroine

    Aurora turned her head, her eyes searching from where a sudden sound had come. Then Tor appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "Private Fulgar," said Aurora as she gave her colleague a nod. "What have you seen?" 

    The blonde Rune Knight turned towards Fulgar and crossed her arms as she listened to what he had to say with a keen ear. Fulgar took a seat on one of the chairs, but Aurora began to pass around. Ruminate the information given to her in her mind. She had not spoken a word since Fulgar spoke. The Rune Knight took out a map of the resort to show the specific buildings and his suggestion for the attacks. She stopped passing to take a look at the map, rubbing her chin as she looked at the circles and arrows. 

    "The matter about strength is not necessarily the biggest obstacle depending on the circumstances we can call for reinforcements," Aurora did not like that prospect, as that would be she would no longer be in a position to make decisions. She yearned for the time when she was still a high-ranking officer. That was another life, she reminded herself. "We need to know what they are up to. What their goals are," she looked up from the map. "Do they have hostages? Are they mages? Non-mages? Or is it a mix? There is still a risk in splitting up the enemy force. We are split up as well and cannot support each other. But considering that we both can fly and want to strike the VIPs, we might as well drop from the sky."

    "It is worrisome that they are this well organized and got the place secure in such short time," her eyes dropped back to the map. "Do you think you can do another flight to figure out the make up of their force and if they have hostages or not? I have a feeling that they are not interested in the island. How foolish is it to try and conquer the territory of a sovereign nation, particularly one as stable as Fiore? There is more going on. I think I'll give them a call and see if I can pry out any answers. What do you think?"
    375/1395 ✵ @Tor ✵ job sign-up ✵ job info ✵ notes


    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] N9AxYLD
    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora] Empty Re: Resort in Ruins [Tor & Aurora]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 4th May 2021, 3:10 am

    Tor’s listened to Aurora’s feedback towards his plan, nodding at random intervals as he took in her words. He knew himself, that he was an amateur when it came to tactics and strategies. He would still strive to present his ideas but he was also equally welcome to taking in suggestions from others that he believe to be more experienced than he was. Tor was also relieved inside that instead of dismissing his ideas entirely, Aurora had taken a more constructive approach to build on top of his ideas. She was even providing reasons to her proposition which made Tor feel that he was being treated as an equal.

    ‘I guess I still have a long way to go.’

    ‘That Captain rank is still a distance away.’

    While he had joined the Rune Knights and thought of it as a job, he still entertained thoughts of climbing up the ranks of the organization. He had set his eyes on the Captain rank so far, not daring to aim as high as General.

    ‘Oh crap, wait, get back to what’s at hand.’

    Without showing that he had been distracted by a few minor thoughts, Tor scratched his chin lightly and then looked at Aurora with a small smile. While the two of them were the same rank, the male Rune Knight would treat his counterpart as a superior and heeded her suggestions.

    Tor got up from his chair and bent his neck to the left and right, creating cracking sounds as he flexed. Stealth and speed were something he was trying to make his trademark, so he was glad that Aurora would pass this job to him. A gauntlet appeared around his left hand.

    “Give me some time, I will do better. Instead of taking another flight, I will get some on-ground intel through invisibility,” Tor offered. At the end of his sentence, Tor pressed down on one of the buttons of his gauntlet with his right hand and shimmered out of existence, as though a mirage. Tor could feel a wave of magic energy washing over his entire self from head to toe, and once he felt it reach his feet before dispersing into the floor, Tor nodded to no one in particular.

    ‘This is my time to shine. By not being seen,’ Tor chuckled to himself at the silly joke before getting back into serious mode. ‘I’m an idiot.’

    Tor walked to the edge of the roof and dropped off it silently, landing in a crouch and stabilizing himself with his fingers on the ground before slowly getting up. The resort was too huge for him to cover in a short time on foot, so he was forced to make guesses and choose his targets for reconnaissance. Going through the memory of all the VIPs he had seen earlier, as Aurora had referred to them, Tor finally decided to check out the resort ballroom. If they were going to take hostages, that would probably be the best place to keep them controlled.

    He arrived at the place in no time, and by slowly opening doors when there was no one looking or following behind someone going through the doors, the Rune Knight slowly made his way towards the largest ballroom and scoped out the whole place.

    ‘This concentration of people.. It seems I’m right.’

    There were plenty of goons carrying weapons, guarding every possible doorway into the building. But the one thing that really got Tor to subconsciously took a big gulp as he neared the largest ballroom, was the intense amount of magic power emanating from the room. Every step felt like he was wading in a swamp, and each step was accompanied by a voice in his mind that screamed for him to escape.

    ‘No. She trusted me to do this.’

    He finally arrived at the door and got a shock from seeing nearly a hundred hostages. The hostages were a combination of the resort staff and patrons. There were quite a number of dead bodies on the ground as well, dying the carpeted floor red with their blood. Tor had no doubt that those people were mages that had tried to fight their way out only to run into a wall. And they also served as an example to the rest to deter from doing anything stupid. In fact, it worked, as the hostages were currently cowering in small groups, their heads down and eyes full of despair. Not a single one of them held any intention to try and escape.

    However, Tor had lingered too long. The thick magic energy that was being emanated throughout the whole place was suddenly focused on him as one of the VIPs suddenly glared in his direction. The mild-looking man’s eyes were similar to that of a beast, and when he looked in Tor’s direction, the Rune Knight froze up for a second.

    ‘This is bad.’

    Tor slowly withdrew from the ballroom and hastily made his way out of the building. Meanwhile, the VIP who had thrown his attention in Tor’s direction earlier was puzzled, thinking he had mistaken it. For a moment he had thought he sensed someone there, someone of considerable magic power but when it disappeared abruptly, the VIP eased back down.

    ‘I probably sensed the magic energy from one of the hostages,’ the VIP thought to himself, thinking that they might have accidentally released it due to their unstable emotional state.

    Hoping that he hadn’t make a mess, Tor fled to the roof that Aurora was waiting at. He released his invisibility the moment he stepped on the roof and presented his findings to Aurora in the shortest way possible.

    “They’ve got nearly a hundred hostages in the building housing the ballrooms. There’s three VIPs in there holding the fort. I can’t identify who’s the leader though,” Tor said. “But one of them almost sensed me while I was invisible.”

    “What’s our plan now?” Tor asked with a wry smile. “Are you going to sweep those in the ballroom while I sweep those outside?”

    [1009 words]
    [Total WC: 4787 / 10000]


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:30 am