Fairy Tail RP

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    Post by Guest 1st March 2021, 1:15 pm


    It had been some time once again since Faustein and Odhran returned to the Elysium guild hall located in Sin from their trip to Seven which they had to make all the way to said foreign nation on account to having to answer the call of a client request from none other than the guardian of the legendary fountain of youth. Since then, as there was nothing much of note to do, Faustein had returned to his home aka mansion aka his Fiorean main base of operations in Magnolia Town. From then till the present time, he had once again become engrossed with his daily routine of being a professional physician-scientist mage and of course to his one true love, namely his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research. So, time had marched on till the present with him being preoccupied with something or another related to either one or both daily routine components. However, before too long, the day came when Faustein was awakened in the early hours of the morning by the usual special client request associated ringtone which was blared at him by his custom designed, surround sound magitek speaker system which he had set up in his bedchamber. The ringtone in question was, of course, the “Voices of War” special soundtrack given as a DLC to frequent players like him in one of his most favorite iLac mobile app games, the one known as “Oda Nobuna’s Ambition

    What in the world…could…

    Faustein wondered groggily as he arose from his king sized, antique four-poster bed with trappings made from expensive and rare materials from all the various nations of Earthland. Reluctant though he was, the fact that he heard this special ringtone issuing from his iLac could only ever mean one thing. There was a high-profile client somewhere who had issued a high profile and undoubtedly difficult and dangerous job request, one meant for higher ranked mages like Faustein. So, the notification must have gone out to all the mages in question which would explain why he was awakened by it so early.

    How irksome…but it cannot be helped, I suppose…

    Grumbling thus under his breath, he dragged himself out of his comfy bed and slowly readied himself in his usual outfit that he used not only for his work as a physician-scientist mage but also whenever he took on client requests as a guild mage. Then, he gathered all his usual equipment that he always brought along with him on his job requests or to any other such thread where he felt he would need them and then set off for the destination mentioned in the notification, aka the land of sand, Desierto. It took him a while to reach there due to delays in transport, but he did finally make it to the sultan’s palace where he was told to wait while the sultan got ready to give him an audience. So, Faustein took a seat in one of the more inviting seats in the audience chamber and began to wait for his client, one of the sultans of Desierto finished preparations to officially see him.





    POST WC: 521, TOTAL WC: 521/11,000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 14th March 2021, 3:27 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Post by Luceam 14th March 2021, 2:17 pm

    Luna was not entirely happy as she slowly came into town on a camel drawn carriage. She was referred personally by the Council of Sages to the Sultan and told that she would accept the job, all before Luna would know of it. She had made plans elsewhere but was forced to cancel them when the messenger failed in due diligence and Luna learned at the last minute. So in turn Luna was forced to leave for an unknown period at the drop of a dime when she learned that not only was the job out of Fiore, but it was with a Sultan of Desierto of all possible clients.  Luna knew that failing to arrive at this point or trying to call off would be a dangerous political move, as it would ruin the Council's name, her name, and jeopardize all relationships involved. Namely her tribe's with the Council, and the trust of the Sultan in the Council.

    So in order to avoid catastrophe, using the Elifa Von, Luna managed to open a portal to Desierto before taking a carriage to the palace. Once out of the car, she adjusted her beige cloak over her natural attire as she looked around until she was approached by a well dressed man accompanied by two guards. "Are you the mage of the nature council?" He asked and Luna nodded as she removed her hood. "Lunaris Mira, recommended by Council of Sages and summoned by the Sultan."

    Luna was instructed to follow the man as he lead her into the audience chamber, and informed her that she would have to wait for the Sultan to be ready to meet with both her and the other. Luna looked around the room till her eyes were caught by the scientist mage before her as she started to wonder what was going on. She was not sure what to expect. Though she had mixed feelings about seeing the man, though it did raise and answer many questions. "Faustein? You were called as well? Guess it makes sense..." She said as she was walking about the room while collecting her thoughts on the matter. "Sultan called on the Council of Sages, a small scale international group that my tribe holds a seat in. Typically called in when something unnatural happens that defies nature itself. However if they also called a scientist... What exactly is the problem? I was promised to show up but not told I was until the last minute, only thing I know is something about a white death?" She asked as she hoped that Faustein would have more knowledge about the subject.

    WC 439
    PWC 439
    TWC 960


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn


    Post by Guest 14th March 2021, 4:10 pm


    Faustein had been silently immersed deep in thought about the mystery of the phenomenon known only as the “White Death” which he had been hired to investigate by one of the three sultans of Desierto, specifically trying to see if he could glean any more deductions from the meager data he had been given in the job flyer itself before having his audience with said ruler when his reverie was broken by a familiar voice that the auditory sensor bank installed in his augmented cyborg ears picked up just then, one he remembered from a certain research expedition that he had gone on a while back with a group of other skilled mages. So, he looked up to see none other than the woman who was the bearer of said voice, aka the one he knew as “Luna”.

    Well now, the Norns have seen fit to make us cross paths again, eh? This is reassuring, for now I can devote my energies towards the development of the resolution to the problem and mystery inherent to this job request more fully.

    He opened with this initial remark while having his usual smug, fully self-confident smirk on his thin, cyanotic lips and his voice being the same unusually rich, baritone, and melodious one that it always had been for him. Then, as he beheld her moving about the expansive royal audience chamber, he heard her remarks and initial inquiries which he addressed in due course

    Ah, that certainly explains why you are here…and as to why I am here…well, the only thing I can think is our privileged client is obviously trying to cover all of his bases, which in turn, may just mean that whatever this phenomenon is, it could have either a supernatural solution or a scientifically derived one…

    He paused for a moment and then continued his response while his mind raced to assemble all the facts about the situation at present, but outwardly, he merely gave a brief shrug, while still speaking in that same calm, nonchalant tone as he was till now

    Alas, I am currently unable to answer that query, as I have just as much, or rather, as little data as you have about this “White Death” phenomenon at present…hopefully, our esteemed client can enlighten us about the salient details whenever he arrives on scene, but if my predictions about our client’s intentions with regards to this request and associated phenomenon are correct, we will have to gather all the data about it by ourselves, most likely with one of us doing the investigation in the city and surrounding area while the other does the actual chasing of this troublesome phenomenon.

    Faustein was about to say more, but then the sultan finally arrived in the audience chamber and that was announced as much by the royal ushers, so he fell silent and directed his attention toward said client in the hopes of acquiring more data before setting off to do the request in question.





    POST WC: 500, TOTAL WC: 1021/11,000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Post by Luceam 7th April 2021, 10:15 pm

    "I see, so we're in the same boat relatively speaking. I didn't have the luxury of time to spare to look around like I normally would." Luna explained as she listened to the scientist's explanation regarding the circumstances surrounding their current meeting from his perspective, and was not entirely shocked to find that he did not have the full scope of the situation either. However she sensed a life force of a man coming into the room behind her, one that was rather younger then she was expecting. "Quite astute, both of you." came the voice of a young Disertian man and Luna would turn around quickly. "Sultan!" She said before bowing and taking a knee before the man. He was lavishly dressed, and had a stubble beard, his age was somewhere between seventeen to nineteen years of age. Luna knew better then to avoid offending the customs of foreign nobles as they were not the best people to have as enemies.

    The Sultan noted the response of the Fae, and albeit being humbled by the response, he had neither the time nor the patience for such. "Ah, you must be the emissary of the Council of Sages, LuShirain, the rumors and tales say you are a elegant woman matched by your instinct of healing, and also quite the Goddess on the battlefield. It is a shame for any custom to force such a beauty onto the floor, please, take a seat." He said much to his advisors dismay as they had a bad feeling about the Sultan's flirting getting out of hand again. "It is an honor to have any of your Nature Fae and Vishda kin in our country, I hope your welcome was generous."  he said in a gentle tone before Luna would get up slowly move over to take a seat.

    The Sultan's gaze would trail over towards the other mage that took this job as he looked over at Faustein. "You must be Mr. Fist right?" He said looking over at Faustein before one of his advisors whispered the correct name into his ear. "Ah, my apologies Mr Fountein-" Followed by yet another correction whispered into his ear by the advisor. "Fraudrein?" He said trying to correct himself but once again having the correct name whispered into his ears. "Frostwein?" He said as he was starting to get less sure each time as the advisors kept whispering the correct name. "Ah, Mr. Johansion!" The advisor rubbed the bridge of his nose frustrated. "Not even close, my apologies Mr. Faustein, he is not well versed in foreign names..."

    The Sultan would slowly walk over and take his seat as  he looked at the two mages, leaning back casually before he began to compose himself. "Regardless, I thank you both for coming on such short notice of request, as you both guessed, we require the services of skilled mages not just in the art of combat, but in the scholar disciplines as well. Allow me to explain." he said before snapping his fingers and one of the advisors placed down a few photos on a table showing the various debris of wanton destruction, with snow, ice, water, and slush around the scenes, and even giant footprints in the ground.

    "As you can see, there has been a storm raging throughout the lands unleashing devastating frost and damage, changing up the very landscape with a single step." The Sultan explained as Luna examined the photos, noting the four towed footprint and tried to compare it to any race she knew of. She met a giantess before, one who had perfect human shaped feet. "According to witness testimony, no one could see the feet that made these feet shaped craters, but there were rumors about seeing a face inside the storm... which is why I called upon the Council of Sages. As there are two theories, either there is something about this land in which was never retold even in our fables, this is unnatural work of magic, or the work of gods."

    Luna seemed to almost be caught off guard by the last statement but not entirely so, she was familiar with various deities as she did possess a close relationship with the goddess of harvest. She studied the pictures carefully and played out the situation in her mind to the best of her abilities. "Most assuredly unnatural... Could be a semi-revived god..." She said tapping her chin casually as the Nobleman and his advisors. "Semi revived? What do you mean? Deities are powerful beings, they are either existing or they never have!" One said as he was almost convinced that the Fae was speaking heresy.

    Luna sighed as she knew this was not going to be an easy explanation. "Well putting God and Goddess Slayer Magic aside, allow me to explain a bit more about the nature of Gods. Gods are powerful sure, immortal yes, not totally invulnerable. There are two aspects to a God, one is themselves, the other is the faith. A God can receive power from faith. On the rare occassion a God is killed, they can be revived in a few ways, but the most critical element is faith." She explained as she would fold over the picture and pull a pen from her pocket, drawing two circles of different sizes, writing God and Faith in the large and smaller one respectfully before drawing to explain her points. "If someone where to provide enough power to either, they could revive one without the other completely, but either through a miscast or an intense lack of faith, the God risks being revived incomplete, and not totally their former self, thus becoming Semi-revived, not at full power, and most of the time not even fully there in the head." She explained before putting the pen down and flipping the picture back over. The advisors murmured amongst themselves and the Sultan looked troubled. "So you think an undead God is the culprit?"

    Luna shook her head as she was not quite willing to go that far as of yet. She hadn't even had a chance to see the crime scenes to sense any residual traces so she could not admit to such an intense possibility. "No, I was merely explaining a potential outcome if it is divine in origin, Semi-revived gods often struggle to maintain a corporeal form and unable to return to their divine form. But if you want my honest guess, I'd say we're dealing with a lost frost giant who's reacting to Diesertian climate like a magically trained child does to allergies. Either that or elaborate illusion and frost magic intertwined." She explained poignantly before the Sultan turned towards Faustein.

    "What about you Mr. Faucetcleaner-" The Sultan said before the Advisor whispered the correct name into his ear again. "right, Mr. Fastmind, what do you think of her theory, could hers hold any weight?" He would ask the scientist.

    WC 1156
    PWC 1595
    TWC 2177


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn


    Post by Guest 15th May 2021, 12:06 pm


    Faustein had been conversing with Luna for a while when his keen ears picked up the footsteps of two individuals heading towards them and in short order, those two were revealed to be the sultan who was their mutual client for this job request and his advisor. Upon seeing them both, Faustein noticed Luna bowing on the floor upon one knee as was the custom when before royalty and mirrored her by doing the same, though he did so merely to put up the façade of respect whereas he had no actual respect for the man or any of his retinue. His only objective was to avoid any consequence that may have impeded his research if he had not observed said custom of bowing before royalty due to the offense it would have caused to them.

    Ah what a farce this is…oh well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do I suppose…

    He mused silently while waiting for the sultan to speak his piece, but all that came out of his oh so royal mouth first was some strange attempt to flirt with Luna which of course mostly flew over Faustein’s head due to his total obliviousness in such matters, but at least the sultan invited her to take a seat. Thankfully, as Faustein continued to behold the scene unfold, the sultan’s advisor curbed his employer’s vain attempts at flattery and brought him back onto the task at hand after which Luna took her seat. So, Faustein did the same after which the sultan finally began to address him. However, his address turned to be quite the disappointment to Faustein given the sheer number of times said ruler botched the attempts to pronounce Faustein’s name.

    This…is the absolute ruler, one of the those who preside over Desierto, eh? To think he cannot even bring himself to pronounce a quest taker’s name correctly…How pathetic…irksome indeed…

    Faustein mused silently thus, but outwardly, he ensured to keep his face blank and inscrutable as was his usual norm, but in this case more so to avoid the detection of his royal client and in due course, Faustein watched on as the sultan took his seat as well and bade his advisors to bring out the photographs that they wanted to show to both him and Luna. As the photographs were laid out one by one on the table, Faustein’s trained observer’s eyes immediately began analyzing all the details therein, from the most obvious to the most minute while his mind began firing on all six cylinders to begin deducing the cause of the various debris of wanton destruction, with snow, ice, water, and slush around the scenes, and even giant footprints in the ground shown in the photographs.

    Judging from the evidence thus far…a frost giant perhaps…or maybe some manner of abominable snowman…or maybe some human mage with a Take Over type magic of either or both formerly stated powers…

    Then, Faustein took out a standard scientific ruler and began taking preliminary measurements of the scenes depicted in the photographs to get a sense of the scale of the footprints to other objects and/or entities shown in them so that he could have some more data to use in determining the identity of the entity or phenomenon behind the swathe of devastation therein. Of course, all the while, he was only using half his mental prowess and attention on his work with the photographs whereas the other half was simultaneously focused on Luna’s conversation with the sultan and his advisors and on memorizing all the words they spoke and recording them verbatim in the super high-spec database located in his cyborg brain, all of this being done in total silence on his part, for now at least.

    Quite intriguing, I must say…a semi-revived winter themed god, eh? Well, well…This job is proving to be more and more enthralling by the minute, but it looks like our clients are skeptical of this theory.

    Faustein was musing thus silently while proceeding with his work on the photographs when his reverie was interrupted abruptly by the sultan who asked him about his opinion on the details of the job and the potential causes of the phenomenon shown in the photographs. So, he responded in his rich baritone and melodious voice which was now calibrated to be perfectly even and devoid of any discernible inflections or any other verbal signatures that could betray the flow of his current thought process to his audience while also keeping his face just as completely neutral and devoid of all emotion as he was till then

    I prefer to hold off on pronouncing any judgement at this stage of the investigation…but to answer your query, her ideas will suffice for a working hypothesis, but of course, this working hypothesis will have to be rigorously tested over the course of our field investigation to ascertain its veracity if we are to be successful in resolving this problem.

    After that, he fell silent and waited to behold the reactions of not only the sultan and his advisors but also of Luna as well.





    POST WC: 851, TOTAL WC: 1872/11,000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:34 pm