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    Holly Jolly Follies

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th December 2020, 8:41 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    “Ho ho ho-ly mackerel, you clean up well, Vandrad!”

    The irritating voice of Father Christmas once more spoke up in Vandrad’s head, causing the prince to sneer and glower in the mirror. The pesky presence had taken up refuge within his mind ever since he had attended the Christmas festival with Serilda, Mythal and Mercury a few weeks back, the apparent curse that came from the gift he had picked up. He’d thought it a joke until the jolly, annoying tone had risen up in his head and started to criticize every little thing he did. Father Christmas had a knack for judging his day, making invisible tally marks on some kind of naughty or nice list that Vandrad doubted even existed. And as if that wasn’t annoying enough, apparently the old clod was lecherous as well. Everytime he was around Mercury, Father Christmas couldn’t help but make lewd and disgusting remarks, showcasing that apparently being locked away in the northern reaches of Earthland was quite lonely.

    Of course, the Silver Wolf mage didn’t make things any better. Vandrad made the mistake of explaining what Father Christmas was saying and she ran with it, enthused and even slightly enticed. She would find ways to try and pass along messages to the old spirit, promising all sorts of perverse things that shouldn’t be said in public company. The prince had already put a hard stop to any and all sexual activity between the two of them until Father Christmas disappeared but that didn’t stop Mercury from trying to trick him into it. She found ways to lose her clothing, flash him or try to seduce him. Luckily for himself, he was far better willed than other men.

    But tonight was a night for celebration, he supposed. It was the eve before Christmas and that meant that by the morning, Father Christmas would be gone. His family, the du Wolffs, had organized a grand gala as they did every year. A festive and richly event that invited people from all across Earthland, in hopes that for one single evening, peace and joy could be had by all. His family had gone to the full lengths of their budget to make the manor look as Christmas themed as possible. That was all the more impressive, given the fact that they also donated large quantities of currency and food to other nations to help feed the poor and underprivileged. Nonetheless, it was to be a formal party and that meant dressing to the nines. Vandrad had gone out of his way to purchase a new suit; it was a dark green two piece, the emerald hue so muted that one would have to hold a light to it to see the color. He sported a white button up shirt and a classic red tie with it, completing the full holiday appeal.

    Though Vandrad himself found little joy in the celebration, he couldn’t deny there was reason to be thankful for the year. He’d set out from Bellum, determined to find his father and get some answers about his family. Along his path he had encountered Mercury, who had proven to be a reliable partner and trustworthy friend. Together they had faced several obstacles and challenges, the prince had risen to levels of power he’d only dreamed about before and they’d even discovered his adoptive family in Mythal and Serilda. It had all culminated in the discovery of Gren’s survival and the reuniting of father and son. Indeed, it was a year worth remembering and perhaps it was simply holiday nostalgia but he was feeling better about his lot of in life than he had in a long time.

    He adjusted his tie once more as he wiped away his sneer. "Believe it or not, you sniveling old fool, but I was raised in the court. I am perfectly capable of dressing up and being presentable when I choose.”

    “It might serve you to dress up more often then, my son. You might manage to seduce that illustrious Mercury into bed more often,” Father Christmas said, a low, husky tone in his voice.

    Vandrad scoffed. "The only reason I haven’t ‘seduced her into bed’ is because of your existence. I have no interest in having your disgusting grunts and noises in my head while I am with her. It is bad enough already.”

    “Ah ah ah, not sharing will get another tally on the naughty list.”

    Vandrad rolled his eyes as he threw on his overcoat and walked out of his room. Making sure the door was locked, he headed out the door and then launched himself into the sky. The du Wolffs had made an extremely generous offer this year and invited Mythal, Serilda and the entirety of Serilda’s family to the gala, in hopes of getting to know the other side of Vandrad’s family line. Themescyia had even invited Gren, wanting to reunite the entirety of the family on the singular evening. The foursome of Mythal, Mercury, Serilda and Vandrad had agreed to meet at Serilda and Mythal’s home, as it was easier for them to portal to the du Wolff manor than it was to fly. It didn’t take the prince very long to soar through the air and arrive in Era, landing softly outside the door of the stately home. Brushing a few remnants from his travel from his coat, he knocked on the door before opening it, walking inside. "I’m here,” he called out as he strode in from the cold outside.

    Words: 922  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 28th December 2020, 7:40 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda couldn’t remember the last time she’d spent Christmas out of the country. Or really any major holiday, for that matter. Her family did not travel much for the holidays, content to be home with loved ones and engaging in a small, intimate celebration with one another. However, this year was different than previous years. Mythal had reunited with his father after nearly two decades after Gren had died. What’s more, her fiance had also discovered even more family in the form of an adoptive brother that had quite literally shown up out of the blue searching for answers about the father he had never known. Serilda had always longed to be able to spend time with Mythal’s family the way he had been able to become a part of her own, and for the longest time it seemed that they would never have that chance. Now, they did, and Serilda planned on ensuring that her fiance got to celebrate with his family in a way he had never been able to before.

    And apparently, that was happening in the form of a large, formal gala. Such things weren’t exactly to Mythal’s tastes, but he was getting used to them at this point and never had any complaints about seeing Serilda all dressed up. Still, when the invitation came from your future brother-in-law’s noble family, you made the R.S.V.P.. The du Wolffs had graciously invited not just Mythal and Serilda to the ball, but also their daughters, wolves, Serilda’s parents, and her siblings and their families. It was an exceptionally generous invitation, one that deeply conveyed to the Voidwalker just how seriously the Ashen Dread was taking her own son’s connection to his recently found adoptive family. Serilda’s parents had sent out their response immediately to notify Themesycia that they would be delighted to attend. Nearly all of her siblings had regretfully needed to decline, due to a prior engagement they’d already committed to for Christmas Eve, but they had sent along a letter of heartfelt thanks for the invitation, complete with a couple bottles of vintage Fioren wines and the sincere hope to make up for it with another engagement later down the line. Similarly, the girls would not be able to make it due to assignments with the Knights that neither of them would be able to get out of. Serilda was exceptionally sad that Grappa and Jellisha couldn’t make it, but was also extremely proud of them for taking their duties so seriously.

    The plans had been made, and rather than having everyone do a ton of traveling, it was decided that everyone that planned on going would meet up at Mythal and Serilda’s house where one of them would be able to transport the entire group instantly the hundreds of miles to Bellum. Her parents had messaged her recently to say that they were only a few minutes out, with her brother in tow. Serilda was in the bathroom of the master bedroom making sure everything was ready for the trip. They had picked out a few gifts for the du Wolffs for the Christmas holiday, and had packed an overnight bag as Vandrad had warned them ahead of time that the festivities often ran quite late and that Themesycia would likely wind up insisting that they stay the night and spend some time in Bellum the next day. Serilda checked and double checked everything to make sure it was all ready to go and then collectively banished it all into the Void where she could retrieve it later at her own leisure, making travel much lighter.

    Currenty, she was dressed in a periwinkle colored gown that was painted with faint gold splotches that looked almost like water color. A gold bodice designed to resemble dragon scales was wrapped around her waist, holding up her breasts, whose cleavage was ample but classily on display through the low V shaped front. The gown was sleeveless with gold lace on the shoulders, from the back of which draped long hanging sleeves that hung loose behind her arms rather than being fixed to them in any fashion. Her white hair hung loose for once, pulled back gently from her face by a couple braids, and from her neck hung a simple gold chain bearing a small gold pendant. With one last check in the mirror to make sure her make up was on right and everything was in place, she left the room and moved into the hallway to make her way downstairs where she was fairly certain Vandrad had just recently arrived.

    Almost ready? she asked Victoria. The Seal also planned on attending, though this time she was not going to be spending the vacation inside Serilda’s head. Every once in a while the two of them needed a break from one another, and at this point there was no reason to hide the Conquoress, not after everything in the graveyard.

    Yes, almost. It has been some time since I’ve felt inclined to do hair and make up. The process takes a bit longer than I recall. I’ll be down in a few minutes.

    Well, that was good enough for Serilda. She got downstairs shortly after Vandrad had walked in, greeting him with a smile as she descended the staircase. “Good evening, Vandrad. And you as well, Santa.” Vandrad had not hesitated to inform them at the festival a couple weeks back that his mind had been saddled by the father of Chrismas, who was more than well aware of the world outside of Vandrad’s head, even if he couldn’t communicate to anyone else directly. Still, as awkward as it was to speak to the man currently sharing brain space with the prince, it felt more awkward and plenty rude to simply treat him like he was not there at all. The least she could do was greet him as well. She got to the bottom of the stairs and gave Vandrad a quick hug.

    “You look nice,” she complimented him as she pulled back, a simple statement that was hardly any kind of flirtation so much as a mere point of fact. The four of them hadn’t really gone anywhere dressed up together before, which didn’t really seem to be something that Vandrad was big on, but he did look rather fetching in a suit. “Come on in. My parents and my brother will be here any minute, and we’re just about ready to go. Do you know how far out Mercury is?” The Silver Wolf mage hadn’t messaged Serilda or Mythal at all, but the younger woman was rarely late so Serilda wasn’t worried about having to wait for her very long.

    As they made their way into the living room, Serilda called Xiuhcoatl over toward her. The beautiful wolf came trotting in happily from another room and sat obediently at her feet, looking up at her mistress with large, curious chocolate eyes. Never one to leave her faithful companion out of the festivities, Serilda knelt down and tied an elegant gold colored bow around the hound’s neck. Xiuh was pleased as she ever was by the attention and the frillery, her tail thumping happily against the floor until she was freed to do as she liked, which was to immediately greet Vandrad and beg for attention from him like a love starved puppy.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 28th December 2020, 10:42 pm


    Mythal’s Christmases kept getting bigger and bigger, it seemed.

    The holiday hadn’t meant much in many of his previous years -- a simple tradition that others enjoyed but he opted to ignore. But once he had met Serilda and started developing a friendship, he found himself invited to an actual Christmas party. It was hard not to enjoy himself among the warmth of her family, the sincerity of her gift in connecting to Gren and being able to further bond with the Voidwalker. In the end, it turned into quite the remarkable holiday, even if its end result wasn’t up to the better conclusion. Nonetheless, now that they were engaged, all the tribulations and concerns that came from unsteady feelings were gone and now they could truly enjoy themselves.

    Much to his surprise, however, was the fact that they were not going to the Sinclair’s home for Christmas. In fact, it had been Vandrad’s family, the du Wolff’s, that had gone out of their way to invite not only himself but Serilda and her extended family to come and celebrate the momentous event. It was a means of connecting two different families that shared a simple bond and rather than tip toe around it, Vandrad’s family had opted to run full steam ahead into strengthening it. They wanted to know more about the Sinclairs and open their home to Mythal and his fiance so that they could embrace Vandrad’s adopted family as well. Most of Seri’s family was unfortunately obligated to other events but her parents and younger brother were more than happy to attend.

    It was going to be quite the gala, apparently. Mythal had dressed up nicer for visiting the Sinclairs and felt that was a bit much. This was a fully formal event, something he was not as accustomed to as his fiance and his adoptive brother. He’d gone through his outfits from before and decided that none of them really fit the bill in terms of what he expected would be a well dressed event. So the Darkness King had ventured out to purchase a brand new three piece suit. He went with a customary black suit but opted to pick out a Christmas red button up shirt and a green tie to go with it, deciding to go balls to the wall with attempting to be merry. He finished dressing himself in the guest room, pulling the tie tight on his collar as he looked in the mirror.

    He’d even managed to get control of his hair, using some mousse to get it under control. He pulled on the black vest and buttoned it up as he felt a rush of air beside him. He glanced casually out of the corner of his eye to see Lux, materializing in the spot directly beside him. “Spiffy digs there, Mythal,” the Seal of Light said, letting out an appreciative whistle. “You clean up nice.”

    “Thanks,” he replied as he finished buttoning the vest and reached over to grab his jacket. “Victoria will be joinin’ the party. You plannin’ on hidin’ away for the night?”

    “Actually, I was thinking I might join you lot. Though I believe having any kind of religious belief based around Christmas is bullshit, you can’t say no to all the glimmer, glamour and sparkle. Plus eggnog is always a blast,” Lux said with a laugh. “Besides, I’m uh… trying to not come off like the asshole I was before. Trying to make an effort, you know? What better way than to meet forehead’s family?”

    “A good start would pro’lly be not callin’ him forehead. Do ya remember what happened the last time you mouthed off at him?” Mythal asked, a slightly amused smirk on his face.

    “Pft, I let him off light. Hah! Get it?” Lux joked, wiggling his eyebrows. “So I’m guessing I should probably suit up as well. Maybe look a bit less ghost of Christmas past.” Lux slid in front of the mirror, looking over himself briefly. His fingers danced in front of him and then with a swipe of his hand, he was wearing a full tuxedo. Not only that but he looked… well, human! His skin wasn’t glittery or luminescent; it was wholesome and puckered. All the details of his body were tangible and even his voice sounded like he was just another person getting ready for a party. “Now there we go. That’s how you dress up!” he said with a grin, rubbing his finger on his face to erase the ‘tabs’ that distinguished the mask portion of his face. “What’d’ya think? Nice, right?”

    Mythal finished pulling on his coat and looked Lux over, snorting softly from his nose. “Veritable human bein’ in a tux. Nice work.” He buttoned the top button and pulled the suit tight to his form. “Listen Lux, we’ve had a lot of bad blood between us. And I ain’t ready to just believe fully that you’ve turned a new leaf just ‘cuz ya grounded yourself for a few months. But I do see the effort yer makin’ and I just wanted to say… thanks. It’s impressive.”

    “Hey, I always told ya I wasn’t that great of a liar. I prefer to be upfront and honest. And you and me, pal, I get the feeling we're only gonna get closer from here on out.” With that said, he walked to the door and opened it up, gesturing for Mythal to go first. The Darkness King gave him an amused look before shaking his head and leading the way downstairs.

    By the time they were walking down the stairs, Serilda had already made her way down to greet his adoptive brother, Vandrad. The prince was dressed to the nines as well, somehow managing to compliment Mythal with countering colors. He was busy trying to give some attention to Xiuhco as he and Lux approached. “Hey Vandrad. Ya look good. Not used to seein’ you out of your armor,” he said, taking a moment to appreciate the man’s look.

    “Hey for- I uh, I mean Vandrad! That’s right, Vandrad!” Lux was quick to correct and assess himself before becoming the target of a glare. “Listen, we totally got off on the wrong foot. Tensions were high, my body was dyin’ -- you know how those kinds of things go. How ‘bout we just call things even and start off the new year with a clean slate?” He swallowed hard as he turned his attention to Serilda. “Seri, you look glamorous! You’re gonna be the belle of the ball! It is a ball, right? Belle of the party? You look great, that’s what I’m trying to say.”

    Mythal shook his head as he walked over and gave his fiance a kiss on the cheek. “He is right though. You look gorgeous,” he told her softly, giving her a meaningful smile. As he raised his gaze back up, his brow furrowed slightly. “We still waitin’ on Mercury? I figured she’d’a got here before Seri’s parents did.”

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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 29th December 2020, 12:07 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “Hey, knock it off!”

    The crow squawked loudly at her in offense as Mercury flapped her hand at it, causing the little black feathered demon to hop back once or twice from the jewelry he’d been trying to peck at. Shooting him a glare, she pointed at the nest he’d made in her room, which had been jam packed with shiny, metallic odds and ends that the Silver Wolf mage had already provided the attempted thief in an effort to keep him placated. It had not worked. The crow took everything she had given him and more, always eyeing her jewels and sparkling trinkets greedily, calculating for ways to make them his own. “You have an entire nest of gold, silver, and what have you up there. These belong to me you ungrateful little cretin.”

    Before he could try to steal them again, Mercury picked up the earrings and fixed them onto her ears before going back to finishing up her makeup. Not to be deterred, the crow hopped forward a couple times before leaping up onto her shoulder, scooching over toward her ear to rub the dangling piece with his beak. “You are literally the worst.” He replied by nipping affectionately at her ear and the hair the hung near it, drawing a wry smirk as she rolled her eyes and shook her head, reaching up a hand to give him a gentle stroke along his feathers. It was weird having a pet. She’d never had one before, and truthfully she hadn’t planned on this one. It had sort of thrust its way into her life a few weeks ago and made itself comfortable, and while Mercury complained about him constantly she was truly fond of the little guy. He was as all crows were: impish, greedy, curious, bold…. All traits that Mercury herself embodied and appreciated. It was hard not to like him, as much as she wanted to hurl him out the window from time to time.

    The Xocili was greatly looking forward to this Christmas party in Bellum, which promised to be as evocative as the previous one she had crashed -- except this time, she’d actually been invited. Serilda and Mythal would also be joining them tonight, as would members of the Voidwalker’s family that they had yet to meet. Additionally, Gren was going to be there. The very thought made her smile, a warm feeling washing over her not unlike that which she felt around Vandrad at times. The week they had spent together had been quite the adventure, and had resulted in a fair bit more truth telling than Mercury had really been prepared for, but… well, somehow she understood and believed that Gren could be trusted as much as she trusted Vandrad, even if she hadn’t known the older man for very long. Mercury’s exposure to truly genuine people was minimal, and limited to the group that would be gathered tonight for the holiday, but even that had been enough for her to recognize such types of people when she saw them.

    Taking her hair out of the curlers and doing a bit of last minute styling, she finished primping. Mercury had done a bit of research on the holiday before the festival that she and Vandrad had gone to with Mythal and Serilda, and had found herself a suitably Christmas themed dress. It was a bright red color, sleeveless with a sweetheart top that accentuated her modest breasts perfectly. It was short in front, coming down only to about mid thigh, while the back hung further down almost to her ankles to give the dress some length and dynamic. It was cinched around her waist by a black belt with a silver clasp that was reminiscent of the type of belt that Santa was often depicted wearing, which was intentional: Mercury had been getting under Vandrad’s skin extra hard ever since he’d gotten the father of Christmas stuck in his head, doing everything she could to tease and flirt with the man inside the prince’s brain while she had the chance. That was Vandrad’s fault, really, for letting it slip how much of a pervert the guy was. Thus, the little homage to Santa’s own attire was most assuredly on purpose. Her short lavender hair was fixed in a classy, voluptuous style with most of it resting on one side of her face and curled up to give it some body and volume. All in all, it was a simple classy, but ridiculously sexy, gown that was sure to catch a few eyes that night.

    Slipping into her red heels, she gathered up her clutch and picked up her translocator, setting the coordinates to Mythal and Seri’s home in Era. “So I take it you’re coming, then?” she asked the bird on her shoulder, fixing him with an expectant glance out of the corner of her eye. His response was to tilt his head back at her and hop a bit, getting himself more comfortable. “Alright fine, but no stealing anything, or else I’m going to donate you to the Scholar branch for testing.” He squawked at her again. Snorting, she fired off the round of plasma that opened up into a small portal and walked through it, finding herself standing at Mythal and Serilda’s front door. Tucking the translocator into her clutch, she strode inside.

    As she shut the door, she could already hear voices a couple rooms over that told her Vandrad was already there, and already talking to Serilda and Mythal. Rather than make a loud entrance like she normally did, knowing that all three of them could sense her presence anyway, she merely shut the door behind her and made her way over toward the others. “Now that is a good looking bunch,” she commented with a smirk as she came around the corner and got her first glimpse of everyone all done up in fancy attire. Xiuh immediately abandoned Vandrad to hurry over to the Silver Wolf mage and seek attention from her as well, drawing a laugh from Mercury and another offended screech from the crow on her shoulder. “Oh yeah, uh… everyone meet Bandit. Long story. He’s a bit of a dick, but I can’t seem to get rid of him. So like a feathery version of Vandrad, really.” She grinned and came over to hug everyone.

    Or well, almost everyone. She fixed a pensive gaze on Lux briefly, as though she hadn’t recognized him right away. Mostly because she hadn’t. However, it was impossible to miss the being who was the living embodiment of light, which her sensors easily picked up. “I didn’t realize you came in a fleshy version. Neat trick. Good to see you again, Lux.” Mercury really hadn’t gotten that much exposure to the Lightbringer the last time they’d seen one another, but he had seemed well enough to her: practical, ballsy, with a crude sense of humor that Mercury always appreciated. She was actually glad to see him, as it would give her a chance to study him a bit more, and perhaps his sister if she was also planning on attending.

    Speaking of, while Serilda was explaining that they were merely waiting for her parents, another person descended from a guest room upstairs and joined them. She looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties, beautiful with long flowing brown locks and bright golden eyes. She wore a red gown with thin shoulder straps that almost had an archaic style to it, though it was no less formal and gorgeous. Her thin frame was accentuated by a long bodice that was such a desaturated shade of pink that it was almost colorless, which offset the deep burgundy of the rest of the dress nicely. The skirt puffed up a bit just below the bodice before falling down the rest of the way to the floor. There was a belt like ornament about her waist that sported a few dark brown ties and a silver, circular broach, and a silver band was wrapped around her bicep. She was so pretty, Mercury couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment, wondering who she was. Surely not Serilda’s mother. A sister, perhaps? Mercury knew some of Serilda’s family was coming, but not who.

    It wasn’t until she spoke that everyone would realize who she was. Or at least, everyone but Lux. “I trust this is appropriate attire for the evening?” Victoria asked casually, as though this younger version of herself should be of no surprise to anyone present.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 29th December 2020, 9:30 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad didn’t deny that Serilda Sinclair was a beautiful woman, though he had never overtly stated as such. She hadn’t garnered a reaction out of him like other women, namely Agatha, but if he were pressed to answer, he wouldn’t have a problem stating that she was attractive. It was just something that the prince didn’t often dwell on -- looks only mattered to a certain point in the grand scheme of things. Yet as he walked into the house and heard the sounds of heels coming down the stairs, he could do very little to hide the surprise and appreciation he had for Serilda in her dress. His brow rose a little, his eyes widened and his usual gruff demeanor lightened for only a moment as he took in the sight of her regal outfit. But unlike previous times, he managed to wipe away the look after only a moment of being disarmed, if only because the annoying presence of Father Christmas spoke up. Making googly eyes at another woman. Quite the naughty action, the spirit chastised him.

    Sneering inwardly, he gave Serilda a courteous half-bow as she approached him. "Good evening, Serilda. Santa is currently stuffing himself with imaginary cookies and milk but he bids you a greeting as well.” Of course that was a lie but Vandrad did very little to disguise his displeasure with the intruder. As far as he was concerned, Santa was invading on his property and would be treated as a hostile presence until he was out. One more day, that’s all it would take. In the meantime, he returned Serilda’s quick hug and as she complimented him, he glanced down at his suit. "Thank you. You look stunning.” That would probably come as a bit of a shock, considering how little he exchanged compliments. Moreso that he did so in a tone that was so genuine and not a simple response to her own comment on his outfit. The cherry on top of the shocking sundae was probably the fact that he didn’t immediately switch to a different topic or showcase any kind of discomfort. She invited him in, stating that her family would be soon arriving before asking if he knew how long Mercury would be. "Unfortunately my attempts to keep Mercury on a strict timetable have only substance in training. Any other event and she is a wild card. Though part of that is my fault, I did leave her unattended.” Was that a joke? Despite the lack of interest in the holiday, Vandrad seemed to be in a slightly cheerier mood than normal.

    Xiuhcoatl came over to greet Serilda and Vandrad, the Field Marshal bending down to adorn the wolf with a bow. Once she was given permission to move about freely, she came over to Vandrad seeking attention. The prince dutifully gave the Star Wolf plenty of pets and rubs on the head, greeting her warmly. It was just about that time that Mythal came down the stairs, apparently the colorful antithesis of Vandrad. His suit wasn’t colored but the deep red shirt and green tie beneath marked a staunch opposite of the prince while still staying within the realm of the holiday’s palette. Slightly behind him was… well, it looked to be the Seal, Lux, but looking far more human-like than before.

    Vandrad reached out to shake Mythal’s hand as he approached. "Trust me, this is the better option. My other choice was my mother’s version of ‘regal armor’ and I refuse to put on that pop and circumstance.” Themesycia had encouraged Vandrad to put on the overly busy attire to properly welcome the other family to the du Wolff manor. But there was no way he was agreeing to that, opting for the far more muted option. Then his eyes snapped over to Lux, who boisterously tried to greet the prince. He took a minute to listen to the Seal as he offered the chance to let bygones be bygones. Vandrad snorted but, after a moment of consideration, offered his hand to Lux. "Not that I trust you worth a damn but no point in spreading negativity pointlessly.” It was as much of an agreement as he was going to get out of the prince.

    It was only a moment later that Mercury appeared, having somehow avoided making a grand entrance, which went against type. But Vandrad suffered yet another moment of being stunned but this time it held for a bit longer. Despite his insults, remarks and downright put downs of Mercury, there was little denying just how beautiful she was and she was perfectly capable of cleaning up whenever she wanted. She came striding in with the same cocky, impish energy she always had. When she came to hug him, he held her perhaps a tad bit longer than normal and as she pulled away, he managed to find his voice. "You look… divine.”

    You mean delicious. Mmm…

    Shaking off the temporary lapse in stoic tone, he gave a small shake of his head as she introduced everyone to her crow named Bandit and compared the bird to the prince. "Well it seems he’s not quite up to the original -- I, at least, keep you timely,” he said, flashing a smirk as he turned his attention to Bandit. "Maybe try a little harder next time.”

    They were soon joined by a younger woman, dressed as elegantly as them. Despite the dark hair and sharp looks, Vandrad could only assume that it was one of Serilda’s family members, as there wasn’t anyone else on the invitation list. But once her voice rumbled out asking about the gown, the prince’s brow rose slightly as he realized, along with everyone else, that it was Victoria. So both of the Seals were opting to dress themselves differently for the evening -- he couldn’t help but wonder if this was for shock value or merely some kind of ploy. A short time after, Serilda’s family came in through the door, leading to another round of introductions. Vandrad greeted them appropriately, the honored ‘grace’ being used for her parents and ‘lord’ for her younger brother. Despite his ruggish stature and demeanor, Vandrad was a son of the court and knew how to show proper respect to others within the reach of royalty.

    Once everyone was set and ready, it was time to head to Bellum. Mercury, having the quickest and easiest access to travel methods, provided them with a portal to take them to the estate. It was blissfully chilly outside the front door of the manor, with snowflakes falling at a moderate but non-concerning pace. A quick glance backwards would show the road leading out from the manor grounds and they’d be able to spot several houses lining the road just outside the limit. The party would even be able to spot some of the neighborhood leading down along the road that led into the town. Vandrad, of course, paid no mind to the sights and knocked on the door via the knocker.

    It was only a second later that the door swung open and revealed Themesycia. The matron of the du Wolff family stood before them in a dress that screamed Christmas but in an elegant, stylish kind of way. The garment over her torso was intricately layered with black silk over a golden bodice, with an altered sweetheart top that showcased the top of her bosom. The attire then changed at her waist, altering from fabric to nature, as evergreen branches had been sewn into the skirt, giving her the look of the bottom of a Christmas tree. Ornaments, tinsel and starry strings hung about the branches, completing the look of the holiday tree. Upon her head was a garland of red roses and green evergreen branches and she had highlighted her eyes with light brushes of green and red to accentuate her face.

    She smiled as she looked at the party before her. “Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Please, come inside,” she said, stepping out of the way so people could step in out of the cold. She greeted each person as they passed by. “Darling,” she said to Vandrad, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Hello beautiful,” was her greeting for Mercury, giving her a lingering kiss on the cheek. “Hello Director Ragnos, Lady Sinclair. It is truly a pleasure to meet you finally -- Vandrad has told me a lot about you. I’m Themesycia du Wolff.” She extended her hand for each of them, giving a surprisingly firm handshake for someone who thin. “And your graces, it is an honor to have you in my home. It has been far too long since last we saw one another,” she turned to Serilda’s parents, greeting them in turn. “And Lord Solomon, it is truly wonderful to meet you.” With the pleasantries out of the way, Themesycia closed the door behind them. “Come, let me guide you to the ballroom.”

    Mercury would recognize the same quartz style ballroom but it had been changed in the spirit of the holiday. The dark amethyst color had been warped so that it now had red, green and gold hues, brightening up the room with Christmas color and cheer. The crystalline chandeliers were covered in wreaths and garland, twinkling with additional lights within the evergreen. A massive Christmas tree had been set up in the corner, colored and decorated vibrantly with dozens upon dozens of presents buried beneath its branches. The chamber was absolutely filled with people, each one of them chatting idly as the orchestra, the same from Vandrad’s horrendous engagement party, played soft holiday music from near the tree. “I’ll let you all get situated for a few moments while I go and get the rest of the family. I know they’ve been dying to meet you all.” And with that Themesycia whisked herself into the crowd, slipping between groups before she was lost to the mass of bodies.

    Words: 1661/2583  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 29th December 2020, 3:35 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    If she caught Vandrad’s slightly shaken gaze at her appearance, Serilda didn’t show it, her own expression remaining easy and casual as she came down the stairs. They greeted one another with Vandrad speaking on behalf of Father Christmas with words that likely weren’t true, but were well enough all the same. Vandrad hadn’t been the slightest bit pleased with his temporary room mate and hadn’t made any effort to hide it, so Serilda didn’t mind. With a small smirk over the moment the two gave one another a quick hug before the prince complimented her on her appearance for the night, an act that did catch the white haired woman off guard momentarily. “Oh,” she told him, the slightest of blushes rising to her cheeks at the rare accolade from a man that never doled out such words, and even then typically only did so to be cordial and princely. “Thank you very much.” Serilda really wasn’t sure what else to say, ultimately electing to react with a humble and gracious gratitude, classily accepting the compliment without bumbling around it one way or another.

    After the moment passed, the prince stated that he wasn’t sure when Mercury would arrive as he was only really able to keep her on a timely schedule when it came to their training sessions together. Outside of that, the Silver Wolf mage was highly unpredictable. Vandrad seemed to take responsibility for that, however, acknowledging that he knew what she was like and yet still elected to leave her unsupervised. Another rare comment from the prince, this one in the form of humor. Serilda chuckled her appreciation lightly. “You’re a brave man, then. I don’t want to imagine the kind of things she gets up to with no one around to keep an eye on her.” Her smirk widened into a little grin, knowing Mercury well enough by now to understand that calling her a “wild card” was an understatement.

    They moved further into the house where Serilda gave Xiuh a nice bow and let the wolf greet Vandrad with her usual enthusiasm and excitement when it came to people. The hound soaked up all the attention and pets with her pink tongue hanging loosely out of the side of her mouth, even as Mythal finally joined them, dressed in a nice three piece suit with pops of green and red in the form of his shirt and tie. Beside him was Lux, though it took her a breath to realize it was the Lightbringer due to his lack of an illusionary form. She blinked at him for a moment as he greeted Vandrad, using the time to recover and turn toward Mythal with a smile, giving him a quick kiss. “I love this suit, it looks fantastic on you,” she told him, reaching up to straighten the lapels, though that was really just an excuse to feel the material and touch her fiance.

    Lux caught her attention a couple seconds later, calling her by name and adorning her with praise over her dressed up state. It was… well, honestly a little awkward. Lux had been acting differently ever since the fight with Faera, and Serilda honestly wasn’t sure what to make of it. He was making attempts to be nicer and more courteous to them, giving the couple privacy and being less invasive, less mean, less coarse, less… well, everything that they had come to associate with Lux. Even Victoria didn’t know what was happening with her brother, stating that the behavior could have been a ruse of some kind but also could have been a genuine effort to patch things up after everything that had gone down. There was no easy way of telling, unfortunately, so it had left the couple to their own devices to discern the Lightbringer’s sincerity. Serilda wasn’t entirely convinced, but so far he had at least been consistent. That, and there was some earnestness in the fact that he wasn’t exactly perfect about it. It was clearly a struggle, as the man often slipped up here and there before weirdly apologizing or pushing past it to correct his behaviors with better ones. So while Serilda wasn’t wholly willing to believe that he was being genuine and not trying to mislead them in some fashion, she was making it a point to at least acknowledge his efforts until such a time as she could be convinced one way or another.

    “Thank you, Lux,” was her respectful reply, her tone neither overly warm nor overly cold. She did speak with a little more candor as she went on, however. “I have to say, if it weren’t for my Voidwalking I don’t think I’d have been able to tell that you don’t have a physical body. It’s very convincing, and the suit is flattering.” It was just as difficult for Serilda to compliment Lux as it had been for him to compliment her, the only difference was that Serilda was much better at letting the words flow off her tongue naturally without any semblance of hesitation or distaste. Any stranger watching them would never have suspected that the Lightbringer was on thin ice with the woman and his host.

    Mythal drew her attention back with a kiss on her cheek that drew a smile back on her face even as he told her his thoughts on how pretty she looked. Glancing around, he asked about Mercury. “She’s not here yet, but I’m not too worried. She’s yet to be very late for any function we’ve all attended together.” Sure enough, they had only waited a few minutes more before the Silver Wolf mage came through the door and around the corner, greeting everyone with a widespread compliment to the group as a whole. Serilda was a bit surprised by how well the younger woman cleaned up, and with the classy look she had chosen. The bird on her shoulder was new, though. Xiuh trotted over to Mercury for more attention, causing the crow to caw in protest before the lavender haired woman introduced her odd new pet as Bandit, likening his demeanor and behaviors to the prince. Vandrad took it in stride, commenting that the bird had a bit of catching up to do in order to fill his shoes when it came to keeping Mercury on time.

    It was then that Victoria came down, looking so astonishingly different that for a moment Serilda thought a stranger had let themselves into her house to gussie herself up. “Victoria..?” she asked, a bit flabbergasted despite herself.

    The Seal smirked at her in light amusement. “Yes, it’s me.”

    “How..? You’re so young looking…”

    Victoria chuckled. “Naturally. This is my angelic form. My brothers and sisters and I all have two forms, one angelic and the other demonic, that we can choose to take when it suits us. It just so happens that I prefer the older visage of my demonic blood, and rarely tap into this look. However, I felt it appropriate to be a bit more presentable for tonight.”

    “Well… you look great.” There was nothing else she could really say, and the truth was as plain as the lack of wrinkles on the old woman’s currently youthful state.

    The group idled for a few minutes more before her parents arrived. Byron was clad in a white three piece suit with a blue shirt, blue dress shoes with white toes, and a red handkerchief popped out of his front jacket pocket. He looked about as stately as one would expect of a man of his station, his short white hair brushed back from his face and his moustache neatly trimmed. Her mother sported a dark blue skirt and vest over a white long sleeved shirt, with a ruby broach at her neck that secured her ruffled white afgan in place. A thick dark blue belt was wrapped around the exterior of her garment, and she wore dark panty hoes to bridge the gap between her skirt and her heels. Her own long white hair was tied into a loose bun that sat elegantly across one shoulder. Solomon looked fairly young, closer in age to Mercury though still a couple years younger. He wore black dress pants with a grey vest over a dark blue shirt. A charcoal colored tailored coat completed the ensemble, with a black bowtie that was crested with a small sapphire. His white hair had a slight silver sheen to it, and was a bit more shaggy, but no less presentable.

    Serilda greeted her family with a small smile, giving each of them gentle kisses on the cheek that likely came across as more professional than familial. However, that was simply the nature of the Sinclair’s relationships with one another. They held a great deal of love and respect for each other, but that love was rarely expressed through deep emotion, nor through any physicality that might come across as warm rather than simply cordial. Simply put, they were not the type of family that engaged in much physical contact with one another, despite Serilda’s somewhat recent evolution into being a hugger. She took the time to introduce each of them to Vandrad and Mercury. The duke and duchess were already aware of the Seals, but seeing as how a formal introduction had never been done, Serilda extended the same courtesy with Victoria and Lux.

    Once everyone was present and ready to go, it was Mercury that provided the means for getting to Bellum quickly and effortlessly through the use of a gun shaped piece of tech that the Silver Wolf mage withdrew from a clutch that was far too small to house the item without the use of magic. Soon a portal had opened and they found themselves hundreds of miles from home and at the front door of the du Wolff manor, where Vandrad knocked to alert those within that people had arrived. Serilda took a moment to glance about the area, taking in the view until the door opened to reveal the duchess in a rich and exceptionally Christmas themed gown that made her look like the star or angel atop a beautifully decorated tree. The prince’s mother was much more exotic than most people likely were ever prepared for. Thankfully, Serilda had taken the time since meeting Vandrad to refresh herself on her knowledge of the Ashen Dread’s exploits and accomplishments over the past few decades, so she wasn’t struck to silence by her almost eerily youthful beauty. After all, for a woman who had to be at least in her sixties, she looked exceptionally young.

    Themesycia ushered everyone inside, greeting them one at a time as they came through the door. Serilda smiled and returned the woman’s firm handshake with a comfortably solid one of her own. “It’s an honor, your grace,” she told the duchess with earnest pleasure. “Thank you so much for this generous invitation.” Serilda left it at that for now, knowing that there would be more time later to exchange further pleasantries and getting to know one another. Instead, she stepped aside to let Mythal greet her, as well as the rest of her family and the Seals.

    Byron and Miriam acknowledged Themesycia with brighter smiles than usual, exchanging their own handshakes even as the Bellum duchess expressed her pleasure in seeing them again. “Yes, it is wonderful to see you again, your grace. I do wish we had kept in better touch, but I think that is an issue that will rectify itself from here on out.” Byron was a man of little sentiment, but it was clear to Serilda that he held a high regard for the woman before them, whom the field marshal was momentarily scrambling to pinpoint when they could have met.

    Miriam was equally as warm, though that was no surprise as she always had been the more informal of her parents. “Please feel free to disregard the formalities. Byron and Miriam is fine. As far as we are concerned, you are all family at this point. Funny how that came back around, isn’t it?” Her smile deepened with a slight hint of playfulness that only served to leave Serilda a bit more visibly confused and feeling like she was missing something.

    True to his own upbringing, Solomon proved himself a gentleman, shaking Themesycia’s hand before giving her a slight bow, turning the limb over in his palm to place a cordial kiss upon the back of her own. “Thank you for having me here, your grace. I’m looking forward to spending a little time in Bellum and getting to know you and the rest of your family.” The young man gently released her hand and straightened himself out, clasping his hands loosely behind his back in a parade rest not unlike the stance that Serilda herself often made.

    Toward the back of the line was Victoria, who walked with the air and grace of a divine eternal being. That being said, she greeted Themesycia on equal grounds with a knowing and respectful look that betrayed an understanding of the duchess’ origins none of the mortal could boast. She shook Themesycia’s hand with a small but deep smile. “Victoria,” The Seal told her by way of greeting, leaving the introduction at that for now, if only to ascertain if the duchess was able to deduce who and what she and her brother were. “I am most appreciative of your generosity in opening your home to us. I do hope you will have some time later to regale me with some stories. I have been most eager to make your acquaintance.” Naturally, the conqueress was excited by the prospect of getting to know the acclaimed warrior, though only Lux was likely aware of all the reasons for that, as well as the reasons why she seemed so respectful to the du Wolff matron despite her general disinterest in most mortals. With introductions and greetings out of the way, the duchess led everyone to the exquisite crystalline ballroom, excusing herself momentarily to collect the rest of her relatives.

    As Xiuhcoatl sat obediently by her feet, Serilda took the time to raise a brow softly at her parents. “Did I know that you two had already met her before..?”

    Byron chuckled lightly as Miram answered. “I don’t believe it ever came up, no. It has been a number of years since we last saw or spoke with her.”

    Seeing the questioning look in his daughter’s eyes, her father explained. “A few years back, we were in discussion with one another over the possibility of arranging a meeting between you and Lord Vandrad here, which by the lack of surprise I assume he’s already been informed of.” The duke nodded in acknowledgement to the prince. “Before we could finalize anything, however, you and Hugo had started to become more serious, so nothing ever came of it.”

    Well, needless to say Serilda was stunned. Her mouth was parted a bit in surprise as she looked to Vandrad for confirmation that he had, indeed, already been informed about this by his own mother. Then she gave a soft, genuine laugh. “Well, isn’t the world small?” she asked, musing over how slim the chances were that she had wound up being engaged to the prince’s adoptive brother instead.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 29th December 2020, 4:58 pm


    Well Mercury certainly cleaned up well.

    The Silver Wolf mage arrived not shortly after they had all greeted one another, looking about as elegant as any real princess might. She had put on makeup, done her hair and pulled on a dress that was tight fitting and regal. Much like Vandrad had for Serilda, Mythal’s own eyes widened a bit at the sight of the unfamiliar view. That was only intensified by the sight of a crow on her shoulder, whom she introduced as Bandit. She also made a comparison between him and Vandrad, which the prince was quick to roll with and chastised the bird for not taking better care of Mercury’s time.

    “I mean kind of, it’s a trick of the light, magic and all, I can do magic now thanks to that nifty little lacrima they shoved in Mythal, no big deal,” Lux explained, making a show of running his hands through his hair. “But you look good; you and Seri are going to have the ball talking. Is it a ball? No one actually answered me.” But before anyone could provide clarification, another voice spoke up from the stairs and drew the attention and the surprise of all. Victoria had emerged from upstairs, looking far younger than her actual form and it shocked the entirety of the group, though mostly out of curiosity to her sudden deaging. The Seal of Conquest explained that this was her angelic form, which was far prettier than the old hag that was the demonic state. She felt it more appropriate to go as fetching rather than aged.

    Which drew the attention of Mythal towards Lux. “Does that mean you also have a demonic form?”

    “Who's to say that this isn’t my demon form?” Lux said with a grin. “Maybe both versions of me are just so damn pretty. I like to keep the audience guessing; I don’t even think Vicki knows. Really striking, sis -- we’re gonna blend in so well.” He seemed quite proud of the two of them inheriting their mortal disguises, grinning and humming softly in amusement.

    A few minutes later and the door opened to reveal the Sinclair family. Byron, Miriam and Solomon entered, looking as lavish and regal as they ever did, though Solomon was a good few years older now. “It’s wonderful to see you again, sir, ma’am. And Solomon, how you doin’? You look good,” Mythal greeted his soon-to-be-in laws with a sense of warm formality, which was a far cry from the first couple of times he’d seen them. He’d been a bit of a bumbling moron, incapable of properly talking without sounding ludicrous. Now that he’d accepted his role and lot in life, he seemed far more comfortable with Serilda’s family.

    As Serilda went about presenting Victoria and Lux to the family, the Seal simply waved nonchalantly. “Yo!” Mythal’s head spun around to stare at him, eyes wide, trying to broadcast just how inappropriate and rude it was to talk in such a manner. The Seal looked at the Darkness King and then stumbled over his words. “I mean yo...u look wonderful this evening, my dear graces and uh… lord...ship. I am humbled to have met… you… on this fine… evening.” Well, it was better than nothing.

    Once the introductions were made, it was time to travel and make some more. Mercury was the group’s means of getting to Bellum, whipping out a gun-shaped device that looked far too big to fit in her purse. She activated it, creating a shimmering portal for them to step through. Once they had, they were suddenly whisked hundreds of miles eastward, to the chilly island where the du Wolff manor sat. As Vandrad took the initiative to knock and garner the attention of whoever was to greet them, Mythal glanced back and scanned the descending street. He didn’t get much time to look around before the door opened and a young, silver-skinned woman emerged in the doorway. She was dressed about as holiday-themed as anyone could get, with a skirt made of evergreen branches to make her look like she was part tree. It took Mythal a moment to realize that this was Vandrad’s mother, as he recalled some of the images he had seen of her. A shocking revelation, considering how youthful and vibrant she seemed. Beautiful as well, which was saying something that Mythal thought of it.

    She greeted Vandrad and Mercury with familiarity and then switched to one more proper for the rest of the guests. She shook Serilda and Mythal’s hands in turn, introducing herself and welcoming them to her home. “This was awfully nice of ya, your grace. I’m glad to finally get the chance to meet all of ya. Vandrad’s said a whole bunch about you guys as well.” Vandrad didn’t go into long tangents like his Silver Wolf partner but he was keen to share about the du Wolffs. He seemed to understand that, while he was getting to know Mythal and the Ragnos family, it was understandable that the Voidwalker and Darkness King would want to know the opposite as well. They’d heard a decent amount from both Mercury and Vandrad about Themesycia and the rest of her kin. It was a bit exciting to get to know the rest of them, especially in the environment of such bliss and glee.

    There was one odd spot though; two, technically. As the line kept moving, Themesycia greeted Byron and Miriam and the three shared a warm familiar exchange. The way they spoke to one another, it seemed they had met before. Miriam even asked that Themesycia dispense with the formality and address them by their names, since they were going to be family in the end of things. She then added about it coming back around, which caused both Serilda and Mythal to look curious and a bit confused. Solomon greeted Themesycia with all the pomp and circumstance that came from greeting a duchess, an act that she greatly enjoyed and complimented him for. Then it was Victoria’s turn, introducing herself simply by her name. But once more, the Seal of Conquest surprised Mythal by opening up and explaining lavishly her appreciation for being invited to the event. She also seemed interested in hearing more about Themesycia’s stories and it was then that it clicked. As a warrior herself, Victoria held great respect for those that were masters of war. She had showcased her appreciation to Gren weeks back when they had survived Faera and clearly she had heard about the duchess’ conquests.

    Lux was last and, once more, tried to come off as respectful and formal as possible. “It is my pleasure to meet you, your grace. I am, once again, humbled by your… graciousness… in inviting us to your home… thank you.” It was slightly better the second time but not by much. With everyone having met everyone else, Themesycia guided them down the hallway and into the ballroom that seemed to have been carved from purple crystal. She asked for a moment to go and locate the rest of her family and left them to their own devices. It was then that Serilda turned to her parents and asked about the connection between them and Themesycia. Amused, Miriam and Byron explained that there had been a moment in time when they had considered arranging an introduction between Serilda and Vandrad to see if there could be a connection. But when Hugo and Serilda became more serious, the conversation came to an end.

    “Meanin’ that… Vandrad and Seri were like… an introduction away from…” There was no definite guarantee of there being a connection but it did mean that the fates had almost aligned that way. Mythal chuckled and shook his head. “Now that woulda been somethin’.” It wasn’t too hard to imagine the two nobles together, though his tendency to be more gruff might have worn on Serilda. Then again, it was entirely possible she could have softened him up, as he had done to Mythal. Funny how things work out.

    “I wonder where Gren is at…” Mythal mused before realization suddenly struck him. “Speakin’ of…” he reached towards the ground in front of him and summoned a portal just about the size of Xiuhco. Out from it emerged Gren, the Star Wolf, who was a fair bit smaller than his normal self. “We found an enchanted collar that shrinks him down when he’s inside. That way he’s not always bein’ left out and behind, ain’t that right boy?” The mutated Star Wolf wuffed softly as he spun around to sniff everyone, his tongue wagging out of his lips. He seemed quite pleased to be around people but, just like his sister, he remained in his spot without breaking his training.

    “Well isn’t this a handsome group?” a voice rumbled out from the wings of the room. Emerging from one of the groups of guests was Gren, dressed in a deep, lavish suit that sported a crimson jacket and black slacks. He had a matching red tie and a black button up shirt beneath it. He grinned as he walked up to them.

    “Old man cleans up well, who knew?” Mythal said in greeting to his adoptive father, smirking. He walked up and gave the man a hug. “This is my adoptive father and Vandrad’s father, Gren. Recently returned from the dead.”

    “And glad to be, lemme tell ya,” the former Knight said with a chuckle. “Serilda, it’s a pleasure to see ya gain, you look wonderful” he started with the Voidwalker, giving her a big hug. “Vandrad, you look sharp, son.” He gave his blood son a quick shake of the hand. “Mercury, you look absolutely breathtakin’,” he said to the Silver Wolf mage, taking her hand and kissing it on top. “Your graces, it is an honor to meet ya. I wish the fates had brought us together sooner. Thank you for all you’ve done for Mythal. I can’t tell ya how much I appreciate it. And this must be your son, Lord Solomon. Nice to make your acquaintance, my lord.” And finally his gaze fell upon Victoria and Lux. “Is that… Victoria, I must say, you look quite beautiful. And you don’t look half bad yerself, Lux.”

    “Oh trust me, I know,” the Seal of Light said with a playful smirk.

    With the greetings out of the way, Gren stepped back and gestured to the party. “Hell of a gatherin’, ain’t it? I ain’t been to somethin’ this grand in years.”

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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 29th December 2020, 7:11 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “Divine, huh?” she asked as Vandrad hugged her, the embrace lingering a bit longer than it normally did in front of others. Even after he pulled away, Mercury fixed him with a devilish little smirk, trailing a finger lightly down his chest. “There’s a compliment I could get used to. I should have arm wrestled you into buttering me up more often months ago. How about you, Santa?” Stepping back with a grin, she gave a small twirl to show off the gown, wasting no time in lavishing attention on the perverted old man in Vandrad’s head that had been her favorite source of entertainment the last few weeks. “What do you think? Festive enough for your holiday? I’d ask if it’s enough to land me on your nice list, but let’s face it: we both know I belong on the naughty one.”

    Despite the prior insinuations from the two Rune Knights about their somewhat volatile history with the Lightbringer, so far Mercury had done nothing but like Lux. He was an asshole, sure, but she liked assholes. They made things interesting in a way that resonated with the troublemaker on an almost spiritual level. He explained that his appearance was still merely an illusion, just a more complicated one that he was able to craft due to the power that he inherited from Mythal’s new lacrima. Mercury grinned up at him as he complimented her and surmised that the other guests at the ball would be focused on the two mortal ladies. Then, before Mercury could finish opening her mouth to answer his question and perhaps flirt a bit with the nephilim, Lux’s sister joined them, looking completely different than how she had before. Apparently, this was new to everyone but the Lightbringer.

    According to Victoria, all the Seals had duel forms: one that embodied their angelic side and one that embodied their demonic side. This younger facade was Victoria’s angelic visage. Mercury logged the information away, adding it to her growing knowledge on the Seals as Mythal was prompted to inquire with Lux about his own alternate version. Lux brushed the question off with a vague answer in the form of mysterious humor, explaining that he liked to keep people guessing. Apparently, not even Victoria might have been aware of his alternate shape. The Conqueress rolled her eyes a little as Lux praised her along with everyone else, but there was a smirk on her face. She knew her brother far too well to be charmed by his supposed compliments, however she was also aware that he was all too excited by the prospect of actually being able to mingle with other mortals and probably show himself off.

    The rest of the Sinclairs arrived shortly after that and a round of introductions was had. Just as she had done upon her first meeting with Themesycia, Mercury swiftly and effortlessly pulled out a side of herself that was both charming and respectful, greeting Serilda’s parents and brother with proper titles, even flashing Solomon a flirty grin as he dutifully kissed the back of her hand much in the same fashion that he would later do to Themesycia. Seri’s younger brother was certainly a cutie, but much like Serilda herself he seemed quite masterful in keeping his emotions up his sleeves and maintaining a disciplined demeanor.

    After watching Lux stumble through a painful greeting with the nobles, that left Mercury having to cover her giggling under a conveniently sudden cough, everyone was ready to go. “Alright then, I can get us there real easy. Gimmie a sec.” She pulled her translocator back out of her clutch and fiddled with the dials on the side, setting the coordinates and increasing the size of the portal so that the whole group could walk through it at once. Together, they walked through and arrived in Bellum. She put the ray away once more as Vandrad knocked, and soon Themesycia opened the door. The duchess was resplendent in a dark and glittering gown whose skirt had been modelled to resemble a Christmas tree complete with all the trimmings. Mercury gasped audibly in pleasure, her emerald eyes eagerly taking in the sight with delight. She was so excited to see the woman again, in fact, that she was practically bouncing on her toes with impatience waiting for Vandrad to hurry up and get out of the way.

    “Now there’s a sight I sorely missed. Hey there, mommy,” she greeted the duchess playfully, a throwback to their first meeting. Mercury kissed her on the cheek at the same time that Themesycia did so to her, wrapping her arms around the older woman’s slender waist and giving her a warm hug. Bandit poked his beak forward, either out of intense curiosity or some weird sense of possessiveness, trying to get his face up in the duchess’ face only for Mercury to casually and wordlessly shove him out of the way. Bandit didn’t even have time to squawk in protest as he frantically flapped his wings to keep from falling off of her shoulder, and by the time he had managed to right himself the two women had parted. After that, she moved out of the way and gave everyone else enough space to come through and meet one another.

    What followed was a warm exchange between the du Wolff matron and the Sinclairs, though the conversation was decidedly more cryptic with the field marshal’s parents. The Seals greeted Themesycia as well, though once again Victoria was far more practiced and eloquent in her demeanor than Lux was, though the latter was certainly at least trying. Themesycia led them into the familiar ballroom where Mercury immediately began to scan the room for anyone she might recognize while the duchess excused herself to find the rest of her clan. She tuned back into the conversation as Serilda was inquiring where her parents and Themesycia had run into one another, only to be greeted by the hilarious reality that apparently, Serilda and Vandrad had almost found themselves in a position to be engaged once. Mercury let out a short laugh in appreciation of the irony as Serilda stared at Vandrad and Mythal took a moment to put the implications together. “Well, hey, look at the bright side: That’s one less engagement ball that Vandrad had to endure.” She shot the prince a cheeky grin.

    After wondering aloud where his father was, enlightenment dawned on the director and he opened a portal to let his own wolf through, who was shockingly the size of a normal wolf instead of his normal gigantic self. “Oh my stars, he’s so tiny,” she commented with amusement. Mythal explained that the couple had managed to get their hands on an enchanted collar that shrunk the oversized canine down to a more normal size while inside, so that the poor thing didn’t have to be outside looking in all the time. She fixed a keen eye on the collar, passively scanning it and taking the information in that she could clean from it and logging it away to see if she could come up with any uses for something similar later.

    But then her train of thought was broken before it could get too far, a familiar voice approaching them. “Oh shit, my boyfriend is here,” the Silver Wolf mage said, straightening her hair and her dress in a comedically dramatic way of trying to make herself more presentable to Mythal and Gren’s father like she was some kind of teenager about ot be picked up for her first prom. And boy did he look good. His last suit had been delicious enough, but it seemed that Gren pulled off red just as well as he did blue. Though her visage remained even and impish as it always did, a slight flutter of emotion raced through her stomach at the sight of him.

    Somehow, she managed to remain patient as the former Rune Knight greeted everyone in turn, until he finally got to Mercury. Another flutter went through her as he kissed her hand and informed her that she looked breathtaking, causing her mischievous grin to widen. “Well thank you, Big Daddy. You gotta stop showing up places in suits, looking all debonair and delicious. You’re going to give me a complex.”

    He moved on to greet the Sinclairs, who all took the time to offer him a friendly hand shake rather than set themselves apart from him due to their station. “It’s been our pleasure,” Byron told the other man as he thanked Serilda’s parents for the time and attention they had given Mythal in Gren’s absence, and for welcoming him into their family. “He’s a good man, and he makes our daughter happy, so we couldn’t be more grateful to have him.”

    “We also wish we could have met you sooner, but we’re just happy that the two of you found one another again and were able to reconnect. We’ll have to have you over for dinner some time to get to know one another. Though I admit, once we realized Mythal’s connection to Branwen we might have given Aster a call and been regaled with a few stories of your younger years with the Knights.” Miriam smirked at Gren, who could likely imagine the sort of adventurous tales the other couple had passed along of Mythal’s adoptive father.

    Solomon greeted Gren as easily and casually as he had everyone else so far, electing not to make a big deal out of things, though he certainly didn’t appear bored or disinterested so much as the type of man who was simply observing for now to get a feel for the people around him before interacting with them in earnest. It was then that Gren’s gaze fell on the Seals, earning him a wicked smirk from Victoria even before he complimented her. “You’re looking pretty fine yourself, Gren,” she replied, the statement mostly just an observation though there was perhaps a hint of flirtation for the mortal she had quickly come to respect, the only other mortal in the room that she’d temporarily shared headspace with.

    It was about that time that Bandit had apparently decided he was fed up with being ignored, flapping rudely off of Mercury’s shoulder and onto Gren’s where he scooched closer in to poke lightly at the older man’s head with his beak. Given that Gren had been the one present with Mercury when Bandit had come into the Silver Wolf Ace’s life, he clearly had some kind of attachment to the larger man, showing an affection and interest in him that not even Vandrad had managed to get yet. “Stars, you are dramatic,” she told the feathered imp, her tone equal parts amused as exasperated. “Who made you think you needed to be the center of attention? Cause it wasn’t me.”

    Once everything was settled, Gren gestured to the rest of the ball and openly commented on how grand it was, far more lively and rich than anything he’d attended in years. Mercury could think of a certain masquerade gathering that might have rivaled it, but given how that particular outing was there little secret, she elected to keep the comment to herself. Instead, she grinned. “I’m just proud of myself for actually having an invitation this time. And starting off in dress code.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 29th December 2020, 10:18 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad had to fight every instinct in him not to blush as she quite purposefully pointed out his compliment to her. She insisted that she should have worked harder and earlier in forcing him to wine and dine her, which was just abundantly infuriating. But before she gave him a chance to respond, she turned her attention to Father Christmas in his head, taking a step back to twirl her dress and show herself off. She asked for his input, wondering if it would fit the holiday and if it would give her a pass onto the nice list. Of course, she lamented and explained that everyone knew she belonged on the naughty list.

    Only way we’ll find out is if you sit on my lap and ask real nicely for Santa to give you a present… the perverted old man practically drooled into Vandrad’s head. Tell her that. When Vandrad didn’t say anything, the spirit raised his voice. Come on Vandrad, tell her!

    Sneering at the sudden loudness in his head, Vandrad sighed. "The old idiot says ‘the only way we’ll find out is if you sit on his lap and ask real nicely for Santa to give you a present’.” It even felt disgusting as it left his own mouth. He almost gagged.

    Once they were back at the manor, his mother made short time in greeting the guests, focusing specifically on Mercury, whom she hadn’t seen for months. The two women hugged one another tightly before separating, if only for the sake of greeting the rest of the guests. Vandrad had almost completely forgotten about Themesycia’s confession about the Sinclairs until the three parental figures were meeting and catching up casually, which served as a source of confusion for Serilda and Mythal. It wasn’t until they got into the ballroom and the duchess went to find the rest of the family that the Field Marshal had the opportunity to ask about it. Her parents explained that some years back, they had considered arranging a meeting between Serilda and Vandrad to see what happened. But before they could finalize the plans, Serilda had become more serious about her ex-husband. "Indeed, my mother only recently told me about this discussion. Six degrees of separation, I believe is the term,” he said to Serilda, giving her an amused smirk. It was humorous to think about what could have been, more so on the fact that it wasn’t entirely beyond the scope of possibility that the two of them could have worked.

    They weren’t left alone long before Gren, or ‘Mercury’s boyfriend’ as she referred to him, came out of the crowd to greet them. It was an interesting title to give to his father, considering that the two had only seen each other twice. Perhaps her one on one meeting with him had struck a chord in her and for some reason, he humored it. He was momentarily distracted by that thought before her wrenched himself out of it to greet his father properly, giving him a handshake. "Just as Mythal said; you clean up well, old man,” he replied coolly with his own amused look. Gren turned his attention to Mercury, kissing her hand and complimenting her on the same wavelength as Serilda but with something extra. The Silver Wolf mage insisted he had to stop appearing in suits or else she was going to develop a complex, which was an interesting note.

    He didn’t linger on the thought for very long as Gren went to greet Byron and Miriam, finally meeting the parents to whom his son had grown attached to. Apparently Mythal and Gren knew someone named Branwen, who also knew someone named Aster and further connected the Ragnos and Sinclair tribes. “Oh I’m sure they have lots of fun tales to spin. Aster always thought I was a bit unorthodox but then again, so was she,” Gren agreed with a laugh. “I’d love to come to dinner sometime; I’d love to learn more about the people that raised Serilda. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and a good heart,” he said, glancing back at Serilda and giving her a meaningful look.

    Gren was in the middle of actually, almost sharing a teasing conversation with Victoria when Bandit decided that he wasn’t getting enough attention. He ripped himself off of Mercury’s shoulder and flew over to Gren’s, marking his presence by poking at the former Knight’s head. “Yes hello Bandit, it’s nice ta see you again,” he said, chuckling as he brushed the bird’s feathers.

    How did Gren know about Bandit? The better question was, perhaps, why was the bird so well attached to Gren already? Vandrad watched the interaction with curiosity, more questions in his head than before. He knew that Gren and Mercury had met for dinner and talked but had Bandit really appeared during that interaction? And if so, why would only one meeting create such a unique bond? Before he could think about it further, he heard his mother speaking as she reentered the picture. “Alright everyone, let’s try to do this as cleanly as possible while in the middle of a ball. This is Simon and Everance, my brother and sister. Over there we have Dudley, who is Ever’s husband and beside him is Bartrand, their son. On the other side of Simon are his twin daughters Cecilia and Ophelia. Du Wolffs, this is Mythal Ragnos and Serilda Sinclair, along with Serilda’s parents, the honorable Byron and Miriam Sinclair and their son Solomon. You also have the stunningly beautiful Victoria behind them there and the charmingly handsome Lux beside her. Of course you all have met Gren and you definitely know Mercury. Please everyone greet one another, go on, go on,”

    The du Wolffs had come dressed to the nines. Simon was in a three piece evergreen suit with a deep red tie, Ever was in a long, shimmering red gown, Dudley was dressed in a Christmas-themed vest and red button up, Bartrand was in a black vest, red button up and black slacks and Cecilia and Ophelia were wearing red and green gowns that matched in make. Each one of them stepped forward to introduce themselves to the party, members swapping around one another to greet the next person. They showcased their regal manners to the fullest while also showing just how familiar they were with the likes of Mercury by hugging her, kissing her and complimenting her with both classy and naughty remarks. By the end of it all, every one of them had been given the chance to meet everyone else.

    “Now then, there is a full buffet over in the back corner there. If you have jackets, feel free to hand them off to one of the house workers over there -- our closet is just behind them. There’s a full bar on the opposite side of the buffet table and there are couches and chairs strewn about the place if you don’t feel like standing all day. I, for one, would love the chance to buy you a drink,” Themesycia said, targeting her gaze on Victoria with a playful stare.

    What lovely women, what beautiful dresses and such ample cleavage! Truly a Christmas miracle!

    "Quiet, idiot, I don’t need you squawking in my head all night,” Vandrad cursed the spirit quietly.

    But not quiet enough. “Vandrad, darling, is something wrong?” Everance spoke up, approaching her nephew.

    The prince sighed and then gestured to his temple. "A couple of weeks back, the four of us went to a Christmas festival. I, unfortunately, laid hands on a present that came with the unlucky curse of planting Father Christmas’ spirit in my head. He is a perverted old fellow who won’t stop making lewd comments.”

    “Sounds like my kind of guy,” Simon joked, earning a chuckle from a few of the gathered party.

    “A spirit, huh? Hmmm…” Ever stepped forward and laid two fingers on her nephew’s forehead, closing her eyes to concentrate. “Well look at that, it is an actual spiritual representation of Santa Claus. How unique. Well if he’s such a nuisance, dear Vandrad, I could remove him if you want.”

    Vandrad’s jaw almost dropped, his eyes flooding with relief. "Seriously? I would love nothing more.”

    Ever chuckled. “Very well then. Give me one second to warm up the spell…” she muttered softly as she drew an invisible circle on the prince’s forehead. After a moment of concentration, she pressed the tips of her fingers against the circled spot and then gestured away from him. All at once Vandrad felt an emptiness in his head he hadn’t felt in weeks, so elated that he could have cried. But that happiness was halted as a flurry of snow and tinsel grew in the spot where Ever had pointed, rising higher and higher as something took form within the spiral. Then all at once, a seven foot giant of a man materialized, clad in a red Santa suit. The front of which was open, revealing a toned torso on par with Gren and Vandrad. His heavy white beard had been trimmed down to encircle his face and his eyes twinkled with jolly amusement and mischief.

    “Merry Christmas!” he called out to the gathered party, earning a loud cheer from every guest. He chuckled heartily as he turned towards the group. “Thank you, Everance du Wolff. It is a relief to be free from that enclosed space and to finally look at you beautiful ladies with my own eyes.”

    "What?! I thought you were getting rid of him!” Vandrad said, looking to Ever.

    Remove him, darling. I took him from your head and granted him a corporeal form. Don’t worry, it’ll only last as long as the ‘curse’ would have within your own mind, which means by tomorrow morning he’ll return from where he came. But for tonight, he’s free to party with us.”

    “And party I shall!” the perverted old elf said with a laugh as he focused his gaze on Mercury. “Now then…Miss Mercury…”

    Sensing Vandrad was about to knock the jolly giant out, Ever stepped forward and put a hand forward to stop Father Christmas. “How about you come join me and my husband for some eggnog and conversation, Santa? I am sure I have plenty of questions to take up your time and I am quite considerate,” she explained, reaching out to his leg and giving it a gentle, loving stroke.

    Distracted momentarily, Santa nodded in agreement, following as Everance moved through the crowd, followed by Dudley.

    “Well that was quite exciting. Now then, shall we?” Themesycia addressed the group. Once everyone had decided on where they wanted to go, the duchess approached the Seal of Conquest. “So… how about that drink?”

    Words: 1796/4379  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 30th December 2020, 2:05 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Once everyone had gotten past the hilarity of what had almost been between Vandrad and Serilda, Mythal summoned Gren the wolf, complete with the enchanted collar that kept his size more manageable, and then the original Gren joined them. She greeted him with a smile and a firm hug when it was her turn to do so. “Thank you, Gren. It’s always so good to see you.” He gave some attention to Vandrad and Mercury next, the latter of which was unashamedly hitting on her “boyfriend” in front of both of his sons. Serilda just smirked and shook her head, electing not to read too much into it. Mercury was an oddball known for lavishing nicknames and titles upon people just to be playful, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected to see Mercury lavish the same, if not more, attention upon Gren. After that came his first introduction to Serilda’s parents and her youngest sibling, followed by remeeting Lux and Victoria.

    The Voidwalker wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about even the light flirtation that was happening on the Conqueress’ front, but thankfully the subject was changed rather quickly in the form of Bandit thrusting himself onto Gren’s shoulder and pecking at him for attention. The older man laughed, petting the bird and greeting him by name, which meant that he had already been introduced to the feathery companion before. An interesting note, but yet another that Serilda didn’t put too much stock into for the time being.

    The group was only milling about for another minute or so before Themesycia returned with the entire du Wolff clan. She made quick work of the introductions, pointing at each person and giving their names and relations in a simple fashion that was really the only way such a large set of greetings could be done. From there, everyone fanned out amongst one another and took the time to greet each person individually. It was a bit chaotic, but in a fun way. Serilda had to admit that the du Wolffs were a good looking family, and a simple observation was more than enough to tell her that they all were very excited to see Mercury again. Serilda even overheard a couple comments that were on the lewd side, hinting that Vandrad’s family was perhaps a lot more like Mercury than the prince. Byron and Miriam introduced themselves to everyone with polite but engaged interest, as did Solomon -- though Serilda did take note that her brother’s gaze and smile seemed to linger a little longer upon meeting Cecilia.

    Before everyone could fully separate into smaller groups, Vandrad muttered something under his breath that Serilda could only assume was made to Santa. She wasn’t the only one who’d heard it, apparently, as Everance sought clarification over the muttered words and had the situation explained to her. Simon chuckled over the description of the lascivious spirit, apparently a man of similar tastes. It drew a chuckle from a few of those around, even from the remaining Sinclairs. However, Everance greeted the situation more like a puzzle to be solved. Everyone watched as she touched her nephew’s forehead, ascertaining the truth of the matter and offering to remove the spirit early. The prince was nearly floored from his relief, emphatically agreeing to his aunt’s help. The woman took a brief moment to form the spell, and soon enough Santa was no longer residing in Vandrad’s head.

    Instead, he had been granted his own body. Serilda watched in wonder as snow and tinsel materialized in the spot where Everance had pointed until Santa took shape in a much different form than most had come to expect of him. He was easily seven feet tall, and just as ripped and buff as Gren was. Even Serilda couldn’t help but stare at him in wide eyed shock and appreciation. Hell, even Miriam looked a little shook, though she covered it quickly. Santa boomed his greeting to all, particularly the ladies, and expressed his appreciation forward Themesycia for her efforts. Vandrad was less enthused, having thought that her spell would do away with the father of Christmas for good. His aunt explained, however, that she had merely been able to remove Saint Nicholas. It wasn’t a broken curse, merely an altered one -- though he would still be gone upon the next day.

    With the countdown still ticking on his time with everyone, Santa wasted no effort in turning almost immediately to Mercury, who hadn’t stopped looking at him like he’d just walked out of a wet dream. Paying no mind to Vandrad’s obvious chagrin over the jolly saint’s intentions, Mercury was already stepping forward to greet Santa with about as much enthusiasm as she did anyone else that she found attractive, only to have Everance intervene before Vandrad took it upon himself to physically keep the pair apart. She smoothly distracted the chiseled man with the offer to come spend time with her and Dudley over a glass of eggnog, even going so far as to stroke the man’s leg in a way that could only be interpreted as sensual. He agreed, allowing himself to be led off and away.

    Not long after the chaos was done, a few people branched off to form smaller groups rather than congregate in one giant mass. Themesycia wasted no time in offering to buy Victoria a drink, which drew a deep smirk from the Seal. “And here I was hoping to offer the same to you.” With all the confidence and charisma of a woman who had been alive for literal eons, she offered the duchess her arm much like a gentleman would, electing to at least escort the woman to the bar. Serilda trusted Victoria enough not to start any trouble, and was actually quite sure that the two women would get along rather well due to their shared skillset and interests, so she didn’t bother making any remarks about it as they walked away. Smoothly latching on to a group of people his own age with an ease that was likely surprising from the young man that probably had come off as exceptionally shy or reserved thus far, Solomon inquired with Ophelia, Cecilia, and Bartrand to see if any of them were interested in getting a drink or something to eat.

    That left Simon and Vandrad as the remaining du Wolffs amidst Byron, Miriam, Gren, Mythal, Lux, and herself. “This hall is stunning,” Serilda voiced primarily to Simon and Vandrad, taking a moment to look about the place. “I’ve never seen so much quartz in one area, let alone fashioned into the shape of a room.”

    “Oh good, I was hoping I wasn’t the only one admiring the craftsmanship,” Byron stated with a chuckle. Naturally, the two Sinclairs that co-owned a precious gem company were eager to set their gaze about the room, taking in the artful structure with keen eyes. “It really is quite remarkable. I’d love to hear the process of how it was put together. Even with magic, I imagine it was quite the undertaking.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 30th December 2020, 4:47 pm


    Mythal knew that Mercury hit on… well, pretty much anyone. She was an open and forward flirt and had no qualms about throwing charm in anyone’s direction. She’d made a few comments about Gren during their first meeting but nothing concrete or, at least, nothing that Mythal remembered. But then again, he was in a rather dire strait and couldn’t remember the smaller, finer details. Nonetheless, that didn’t keep the Silver Wolf mage from titling his adoptive father as her ‘boyfriend’. They greeted each other warmly but nothing overly personal, despite Mercury mentioning that Gren’s consistent trend in wearing suits was going to cause something of a complex. So apparently she had seen him again wearing a suit other than tonight. But that really didn’t mean much to the Darkness King and so he overlooked it.

    But it was nice to see Gren finally getting the chance to meet the Sinclairs, a meeting he honestly thought would never happen. He’d been without a family when he had met Serilda and made his formal introduction to Byron and Miriam. Now he had an abundant amount, even if some of his blood weren’t exactly ones anyone would want at a party. His adoptive father and his future in-laws chatted pleasantly, already arranging dinner to better get to know one another. The only odd note was when Gren greeted Victoria, an almost flirtatious exchange between the two that surprised both Mythal and Serilda. Then again, the former Knight was known for having quite the charm -- a trait that was not passed down to either of his sons. Before the du Wolffs arrived, Mercury’s crow, Bandit, flew over to Gren and started demanding attention, with the former Knight granting his desire in a friendly, almost knowing fashion. So Gren already knew Bandit as well -- he must have met up with Mercury sometime in the last couple of weeks then. That’s fun, he supposed -- Gren was going out of his way to learn more about Vandrad’s partner.

    Only a few moments later and Themesycia returned with a group in tow. Rather than having everyone march into a line and greet one another one at a time, she took the initiative of reading out everyone’s name and addressing them for the others to put name to face. Once she had done all of that, she simply told them to mingle and make the introductions as they saw fit. Mythal shook plenty of hands, doing his best to keep the names of this new family in his head. They were all very polite but beaming with a charming confidence that seemed to glow off of them. The woman known as Everance smiled a bit wider as she took Mythal’s hand, giving it a gentle shake and lingering her hold on him for a tiny bit longer than was perhaps normal. Of course the Darkness King missed such things but he couldn’t deny that the raven-haired woman was quite lovely.

    An odd moment occurred a few seconds later. Both Ophelia and Simon came up to Mythal and Serilda respectively, each one with a bright burning attraction in their eyes. “I’m so glad to be meeting you finally. Everything Themesycia told us about you is well… it did not do you justice,” Ophelia said as she shook Mythal’s hand, her smile wide and whimsical.

    Right beside her was her father introducing himself to Serilda, taking her hand not unlike Gren had for Mercury and giving it a gentle kiss. “Lady Sinclair, when I heard about you from Themesycia, I had to do my research to learn more about you. You are quite the role model for your country and the world beyond but your beauty and poise must have been gifted from the gods themselves,” he spoke candidly and smoothly, his overwhelming and intoxicating charm practically dripping off every syllable. The only other interesting interaction was one between Solomon and Cecilia, both of them seeming to vibe off one another instantly. They managed to introduce one another cordially but there was a shared attraction there that anybody watching would pick up on.

    After the short moment from daughter and father, they continued on their introductions as normal. Once they had finished, Themesycia caught everyone’s attention and provided insight on where everything was in the room. There was a buffet near the back, where a bar had been set up as well, and there was a closet just off to the side in case they wanted to remove their jackets. Apparently there was also seating throughout the room, it was just about finding a proper place to set up. Themesycia turned her attention to Victoria, stating that she wanted to buy the Seal a drink. So apparently that was a thing.

    But before they could all go their separate ways, Vandrad muttered an annoyance out loud, clearly chastising Santa for some comment he had made. Everance caught onto it and questioned it, curious to what had her nephew in such a fuss. He explained what had happened to him and how Santa was, essentially, a lecherous old man. Simon made a quip about it, which got him a few laughs but Ever was deeply interested, taking a moment to touch his forehead and read his mind. She was able to deduce exactly what he was and then offered to remove the spirit from the prince’s head. Oh did Vandrad look thrilled, practically bouncing at the opportunity. After a moment, Everance did exactly that… by summoning Santa out of the mental prison and giving him a body.

    And he was a hunk-a. Standing seven feet tall and rippling with muscles, he proclaimed his cheer about Christmas to the entirety of the hall. After thanking the raven-haired woman for her help, he set his eyes on Mercury, who had been a constant source of teasing and tantalizing. But Everance was there, once again, to interrupt, drawing the old Kringle’s attention to her by offering to give him a good drink, conversation and the promise of some gratitude that seemed to lean in a particular direction. He was sated for the moment but he did cast a look to Mercury over his shoulder, a glance that seemed to promise he would be back for her. After that, Themesycia continued her attempt to woo Victoria, which… apparently was working. The Seal offered her arm, which the duchess gladly took and the two of them sauntered off to drink and converse. Solomon walked over to the group of younger du Wolffs and asked if they wanted to get something to eat and drink, the three more than happy to hang out with the youngest Sinclair.

    “Well my dear sisters have run off with new guests, so allow me to entertain you,” Simon said to the collected party, smiling. “How about we grab some food and drink and find ourselves a place to gather? I would love to learn more about all of you firsthand. All I know is what I’ve heard from Vandrad and looked up myself and I find the source offers far more appreciation,” he said, giving Serilda another look before he waved the group on. As they went, Serilda spoke of the hall and its unique design, quite amazed at how the quartz had been fashioned. Byron joined in on the appreciation, interested in hearing how such complicated construction was even accomplished. “Well you see, my father was a massive fan of gemstones. He actually had accumulated quite the collection of stones, including quartz. So when they finally had the wealth to construct a family home, he decided he wanted something unique -- something to set his home apart from the other drab and, shall you say, ‘cut and paste’ style of Bellum homes. He worked with local alchemists and magical designers to uncover the quartz needed and then they fashioned it into this hall and some of the bedrooms. Once they were finished, he donated his collection to pay for the design of the rest of the island, paying for the homes of all of our neighbors. He felt no one should have to pay for their home so long as they were living under his protection.”

    Simon provided quite the breakdown as the group got into the line to grab plates and be served by the cooks. Idle chatter continued as people broke off to go and get drinks and Simon found a nice spot near the orchestra to form a small gathering of chairs and tables. Once all was said and done, each person would have a place to sit and a place to put their food, having pulled the tables altogether to make up one large table. Each person was able to sit where they chose, though Simon did make sure he sat between Serilda and Mercury. Lux, on the other hand, lingered just away from the group, watching people as they walked by. “Not gonna eat?” Mythal asked the Seal.

    “Technically I don’t have to. Never really found an appreciation for food. But people watching -- now that’s fun!” Lux said, shooting Mythal with a finger gun and a wink before returning to observing the bigger party.

    “How have you been, Mercury? It’s been too long since I’ve seen you. I feel like a part of my heart left with you the day you departed,” Simon said, clasping at his chest playfully. “I do hope my nephew has treated you right. He can be a bit rugged.” He gave Vandrad a teasing grin. “And how about you, Lady Sinclair? I’ve read about you and Director Ragnos’ engagement but that didn’t offer much insight. I would love to hear the story of how you two met and fell in love. I’m a bit of a sap for a love story.”

    Gren had eaten through his food and was enjoying sitting back and sipping on his drink. A few times he caught Mercury’s eye and the last time, he gave a look that seemed to hint as something naughty. As the group was talking, the former Knight rose up. “I’m going to grab another drink. Anyone want anythin’?” Everyone seemed fine on their drinks at the moment so he worked his way through the crowd, easing himself towards the bar. But rather than go to it, he came up to the wall directly next to it, where there also happened to be a door to a hallway. He waited there until Mercury came over and then smoothly wrapped his arm behind her back and gently guided her through the door, closing in the process. There he picked her up and pressed her against the wall, his mouth finding hers hungrily as he kissed her excitedly. “Don’t got much time but I figured we could have a little fun,” he managed to say with a wicked grin, already starting to hike up her skirt.

    Apparently he was feeling a certain kind of fun.

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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 5th January 2021, 6:20 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Boy, everyone’s heart rates were off the fucking charts. It was like meeting up with the Order of Souls and Lusty Titans members all over again, two groups of stupidly beautiful people  converging into one and pairing off almost immediately. Simon wasted no time in approaching Serilda and laying the charm down on her, which came as no surprise to Mercury, though the field marshal seemed to handle the praise and attention rather coolly. More surprising was the beeline that Ophelia made toward Mythal to make his acquaintance, showing a bit more vivid emotion than she usually did. Between all of them, Solomon and Cecilia, Themesycia and Victoria, and admittedly herself and Gren, there were hormones raging all over the damn place. It was beyond entertaining.

    But it was nothing in comparison to what was about to happen. Clearly, Santa was making a few more comments in Vandrad’s head as the prince voiced a grumbling about it. At this point Mercury was ignoring it, far more interested in making the rounds and greeting all the du Wolffs again, sharing special glances, grins, and subtle affections with basically all of them, so the fact that Chris Kringle was still tormenting Vandrad wasn’t exactly attention grabbing for her at the moment. What was, however, was Everance asking about it and offering to remove the voice from Vandrad’s head. The prince was understandably elated at the idea, though Mercury herself was disappointed at losing her last few hours to tease her partner. She was about to express that disappointment but before she could even begin to form the words, Everance used her spell and it brought about a most unexpected result.

    Mercury’s eyes went wide as she watched Santa form a corporeal body, one that stood exceptionally tall and boasted as much bulk as both Gren and Vandrad. He bade everyone Merry Christmas and thanked Ever before setting his sights on Mercury. The Silver Wolf mage had already dramatically thrust herself out of the crowd of du Wolffs and Sinclairs like she was parting waves on an ocean, already standing at the ready to receive his attention. “Naughty list, here I come,” she announced making to move toward him even as Vandrad vital’s spike with anger. Before the two could meet, however, Everance classily stepped in and drew Santa’s attention away.

    Was she disappointed? Not in the least. Oh no, Mercury knew Everance far too well at this point. She didn’t need to talk to the other woman to know exactly what she was doing: Taking Santa aside to form a game plan. Mercury just needed to be patient. As they left, the Silver Wolf Ace watched them walk away for a moment before turning toward Vandrad with a very businesslike demeanor. “So, that’s happening,” she informed him. Normally Mercury was more than fine with playing things cool and finding ways to just sleep around when he wasn’t aware or paying attention, but considering Vandrad had been directly involved in their banter and flirting over the last couple weeks, there was no point in hiding it from the prince. “I was just teasing before because annoying you is like… my calling in life, but if that is what Santa looks like, I’ve got a lot of illicit promises I need to make good on.”

    Meanwhile, Serilda and Byron were asking Simon about the design of the room, which prompted Simon to play the part of host since both of his siblings had wandered off. As they made their way to find a table and food together, Simon went into the history of the ball room’s creation, which involved an explanation on his father’s love of gems and crystals. The patriarch had wanted something unique and had paid to have a generous amount of quartz dug up in order to construct the place. Then, when that was done, he sold the rest of his gem collection to cover the cost of the rest of the island’s design and the homes that were placed about it. Mercury listened idly as they all took plates and started piling food on, and soon she found herself sitting at a series of tables that had been pulled together with Simon on one side and Vandrad on her other, with Gren across from her. She made sure that she was close enough to Simon to have her leg up against his.

    Simon took the time to talk to her directly, asking how she was and inquiring toward how well Vandrad had been treating her. “He abuses me constantly,” Mercury informed him in a playfully sober voice, though of course just about everyone present knew it was the other way around. “Thankfully, you and Themmy were so kind as to take him off my hands for a while, and I was able to rest and relax and let the bruises heal. Please feel free to lure him home more often, or to come down to Fiore some time and rescue me. I don’t know how much more of his torture I can take.” Mercury grinned wide, pleased with her one sided tale of Vandrad’s treatment of her as she always was.

    From there, he opened up conversation with Serilda, hoping to hear a bit about their story. Mercury took the time to do as she often did in large crowds: listen without drawing too much attention to herself. The food was amazing, as she had expected it would be. The du Wolffs never spared any expense, and Mercury was more than happy to fill her stomach, feeding Bandit bits of fruit and nuts between her own bites to keep the bird placated.

    Not long after a few plates had cleared, including her own, she managed to catch a playful and rather suggestive glance from Gren that sent a shiver of delight down her spine. He announced that he was going to get another drink, casually getting up from his chair and inquiring as to if anyone else wanted anything. Most people said no and the man excused himself, leaving Mercury to bide her time patiently as though she were still more focused on Serilda’s story than anything else. About a minute after Gren had walked away, Mercury casually picked up her almost empty bottle of beer and moved to raise it to her lips, stopping about halfway to look at it. “Ah, shit. I should have had him get me another drink, too.”

    She stood to her own feet, her intentions of getting another drink obvious. “You good?” she asked Vandrad before she walked away, nodding to his own glass to see if he wanted her to get him a refill while she was up. No matter his answer, she excused herself and made her way toward the direction of the bar where Gren had wandered off, wandering through the thick crowd gathered there only to find him looking out for her from a door that led into a hallway. Grinning, she casually slipped into the hallway with him where he shut the door behind them and immediately picked her up and pinned her against the wall. Mercury let out a sound that was half giggle half squeak as his mouth met hers eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. After a moment he pulled back and explained that while their time was limited to probably only a couple minutes that wouldn’t allow them to go too far, he was basically interested in fooling around a little.

    “With both of your sons and your exgirlfriend in the next room? I have made a monster out of you, and I do not regret it,” she said, giggling and kissing him again passionately as he adjusted her skirt so they could make the most of the few minutes they had.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 5th January 2021, 8:42 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad wasn’t honestly sure if this was better or worse. On the one hand, Father Christmas was finally out of his head and what a relief that was. The sensation of the judgemental, perverted old spirit being pulled from his mind was damn near euphoria and he very well could have gone out of his way to hug Everance for her efforts. Of course, all of that came to a screeching halt when instead of dispelling the old man, she gave him a titan-like body, towering over almost all with muscles that were easily the size of the prince himself. Oh and how excited he looked to be free, greeting everyone and wishing them season’s tidings. But he was quick to set his gaze upon Mercury, the woman that had been a constant tease to him for weeks now. And by the way she had practically thrust herself through the crowd, it seemed she was just as willing to answer for coaxes.

    But before anything could happen and before Vandrad could protest, Ever stepped in, insisting that the spirit go with her and Dudley so they could chat. It seemed her offer was interesting enough for Father Christmas to rule against grabbing Mercury then and there, opting to go with the raven-haired woman. But things were hardly ever that simply with his family -- they weren’t ones to simply delay physical gratification, especially to their friends. And they certainly weren’t doing it out of any misaligned codes of honor for his sake, especially after the conversation his mother and he had gone over a few weeks prior. There was a game plan here that he simply couldn’t see yet. No doubt they were looking to try and delay Santa and Mercury until they could be uninterrupted. His gaze flicked to the Silver Wolf mage as she told him flatout that she was gunning for Santa, explaining that she had been teasing to annoy him but now that she had seen what Father Christmas looked like, she had to keep up with her words.

    Vandrad stared at her for a long moment, his face unreadable and his vitals more so. Then after that brief tense moment, he snorted and a wry smirk tugged on his lips as he thrust a thumb at himself. "Dream on, woman. You both have been massive pains in my ass for the last few weeks. Normally I’d be fine with you two pests running off to amuse one another but there’s no chance I’m letting either one of you enjoy any kind of gratification after what I’ve had to go through. I’ll be sure to break up whatever nonsense either one of you tries to get into with one another -- you can count on that.” It was a surprisingly joyful, playful response, considering the seriousness of the situation. And it was obvious it wasn’t some kind of front -- Vandrad was truly feeling back to his old self again and that meant his verbal sparring with Mercury was once more on point.

    Forgetting the giant spirit for the moment, Vandrad joined the rest of the group as they ventured over to get food. Serilda and her father were interested in the architecture, which was understandable considering their family business. Simon took the initiative to explain all the work that had gone into the construction and how it had been a passion project made real. Vandrad had never gotten the opportunity to meet his grandfather but by everyone’s admittance, he had been a truly wonderful man. How he had come to marry a woman like Beatrix was beyond the prince’s understanding and he tossed the thought away, unwilling to give the old woman any time during the festivities. They soon found themselves at the table, dining and talking with one another as the two families got to know the other. The younger generation had run off to do their own thing, which was unsurprising and Ever was still with Santa and Dudley over in the corner, the giant’s head still easily seen across the room. Well within eyesight.

    Mercury admitted to Simon, in answer to his question, that the prince abused her on a constant basis. She thanked him for taking him away so that she could rest and recuperate and insisted that he do so again or, better yet, come to Fiore to come and rescue her. Vandrad snorted and shook his head as the rest of the table laughed, an equally amused smirk on his face. "It’s not my fault you can’t take a hit. After all, you agreed to train with me. I even went as far as to include Magnus and Mura so that you weren’t always the one getting beat on. But alas, poor Mercury is too soft and fragile.” He shot her a teasing look, continuing to remain in good spirits. In fact, it was perhaps the best mood he’d been in in weeks. Simon gave his nephew a look, a knowing glance that hid an understanding and was greatly amused by it.

    “It was our pleasure but please, I would love the opportunity to come to Fiore and play the role of knight in shining armor. Plus it would give me an opportunity to learn more of the nation that you all call home,” he said in reference to the rest of the table. “Besides, Mercury, you speak so ill of him! I imagine you’ve already seen that monstrous tattoo we talked him into getting. My dear nephew was so kind as to mar his skin with matching brands with his uncle and mother. Truly he is an avatar of goodness and consideration!”

    "Laugh it up, uncle. At least mother and I had the balls to get larger tattoos; care to show off your little mark on your back? One might mistake it for a birthmark.”

    Simon laughed wholeheartedly. “I love it when he’s feisty!” he said, raising his glass to Vandrad. And much to his amusement, the prince lifted his own and cheered him.

    As the conversations continued to pass around the table, Gren suddenly rose to his feet and insisted on getting another drink. After asking around for refills for the rest of the party and finding no takers, he vanished into the crowd. Vandrad paid it no mind until suddenly, after a couple of minutes, Mercury realized she was empty. Deciding not to wait, she rose and offered to get him another. "Sure…” he agreed to a second round, even as she excused herself and disappeared among the crowd as well. No doubt she was going to harass the former Knight, whom she insisted upon calling her boyfriend. And bless Gren’s returned heart but he didn’t go along with it, seeming almost to enjoy it.

    It was a couple minutes later that Vandrad started to wonder why it was taking so long. Sure, the room was packed with people but it didn’t take that long to get a drink. "Excuse me a moment,” he said as he rose up from his chair and turned to head towards the bar. He’d already decided to step in and rescue Gren, keeping a wary eye on Kris Kringle off in the distance. It was this distraction that almost caused him to run into Themesycia, coming away from the bar with Victoria in her arm.

    “Enjoying yourself, my love?” she asked, pausing to catch her son’s attention.

    "Of course, your galas are always the most exciting,” Vandrad said, half-listening. While his gaze was on the giant spirit in the corner, his emotional senses were picking up something else. He’d fine tuned his abilities well enough at this point that he could drown out other people and fixate on a single person. After spending so much time with Mercury, it had become rather easy to distinguish her among crowds. And he could feel her emotions reaching in a certain direction, spurned on by another emotional force practically on top of her.

    Themesycia had almost decided to leave Vandrad to his staring when she spotted someone approaching. “Ah, Lord Moriarty, what luck! My son was right here the entire time! Vandrad,” the duchess said, reaching out to touch his arm and pull his attention back to the area in front of him. “Prince Vandrad du Wolff, this is Lord Caecilius Moriarty. He was looking to meet you.”

    There, standing before him, was a man with hair almost as animated as himself. The follicles exploded out in jagged spikes on either side of his head, though somehow managed to form a picture perfect style. Shining, silver eyes met the prince’s onyx orbs as a small smile tugged at the man’s face. Gold earrings hung from each ear, adorned with an emerald on each piece. He wore a dark gray suit, a black vest and a white button up shirt that had been unbuttoned a little, with his red tie hanging loosely about his neck. He was about half a head taller than Vandrad, staring down at him with a look of amusement. “Prince Vandrad, it is my honor to finally make your acquaintance! Your mother has spoken quite highly of you for some time.” The lord offered his hand. His voice had hints of the Ca-Elum accent in it but they were muted at best.

    Vandrad’s inner senses focused on the back room for only a moment longer before he let it go, now giving the man his full attention as he took his hand and shook it. "Lord Moriarty. I can’t say I’m familiar with your name. Do you hail from Ca-Elum perhaps?”

    Caecilius chuckled. “Have an ear for accents, do you? I’m impressed. My family was originally from Ca-Elum but I never experienced the islands myself, no. Just leftover influence from my parents. I’ve only recently met your charming mother during a trade agreement. You see, I operate on the international market, holding no obligation to any one nation. I simply want to help the rest of the world work with each other in harmony.”

    What a load of crock. He was a tradesman, a wealthy and influential one no doubt. But all they sought was power and monetary gain. No doubt he saw an opportunity with the duchess and was doing his best to ham it up. Vandrad fought back a snort. "A noble goal,” he said, glancing at his mother as she departed with the Seal of Conquest, showing more interest in Victoria. They were headed away from the party as well, off to some corner to be with just one another. He wondered if she would be as interested if she knew what Victoria was. "What brings you to Bellum?”

    “Well, besides this wonderful Christmas party, I simply wanted to meet the rest of the du Wolffs, especially you. I’ve heard great things about you.”

    "Then you’re talking to the wrong people,” Vandrad said bluntly.

    Caecilius laughed. “Oh I doubt that. But silly me, I am being rude to my party. I must rejoin them. But you and I should meet over a drink. I’m sure there are plenty of things we could discuss that might pique your interest.” Giving the prince another quick handshake, the lord was off and into the crowd, melting back in with the bodies.

    Vandrad watched him go for a moment before rolling his eyes. Then, deciding to get the upper hand and a strategic angle, he asked one of the guests nearby if he wouldn’t mind getting him a drink. He then mingled a little with the crowd -- something he abhorred but dedicated himself to for the ruse -- until the guest came back with his drink. Thanking them, he returned to his table and sat himself down, making sure his fresh and filled drink was there on the table and obvious to any that may come back and see it.

    Words: 1975/1975  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 6th January 2021, 5:35 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Well, Simon was certainly… suave.

    It wasn’t the first time a man had approached her with charm, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Noble men -- and women -- often took pride in their skills at being debonair and courtly, a great deal of them more than able to sweep others off their feet with mere words and glances. And Serilda had to admit that Simon seemed to be at the top of that game, putting others she’d met in the past to shame. However, while she was certainly pleased and grateful for the geniality, the Voidwalker was not a woman easily captivated by such mannerisms. Even if Simon was, admittedly, very attractive. She gave him an easy, friendly smile, the expression more on the gentle side as she was rarely very boisterous with her emotions. “Thank you, Lord du Wolff. That is very gracious of you,” was her humble response as she gave him an appropriate curtsy, bowing her head toward him respectfully.

    Once Everance had lured Santa away, and Themesycia and Victoria had practically latched themselves to one another, Simon took it upon himself to serve as a host and elected to bring them toward where the food and tables were, expressing an interest in learning more about everyone from more than just distant research. Along the way, he satiated her and Byron’s interest in the architecture of the ballroom, explaining about their late father and his passion for gemstones. Byron chuckled lightly. “A sensible man,” was his only playful interjection, expressing his bias toward other people who respected and were passionate about the line of work that the Sinclair clan had built its wealth off of. According to Simon, his father has invested quite a bit of time and resources into having enough quartz mined to have not just the ballroom, but several other rooms in the manor fashioned out of the gem. Then, when that was done, he’d sold his remaining collection to fund the design of the rest of the island and its homes, and generously ensured that anyone who lived on his land would never have to worry about the roof over their heads.

    “How thoughtful,” Miriam replied, genuinely moved. “And generous. He sounds like he was a passionate and selfless man.”

    Byron nodded. “He was, or at least from what I can recall from the brief exposure I had with him so many years ago.”

    Serilda glanced at her father with a raised brow as she picked up two plates from the buffet table, handing one to Mythal. “You knew him, too?” Apparently, the du Wolffs and Sinclairs had far more connections than she had been aware of before.

    “Yes and no. I was formally introduced to him and did spend some time around him, but I was very young at the time, barely into my teenage years. I had accompanied my father as a member of the Fioren delegate to establish a more firm peace treaty between Fiore and Bellum, and Duke Bacchus was one of the more involved members of the Bellum delegate. That is actually how I originally met Lady Themesycia, and what prompted her to reach out to us a few years ago about you and Lord Vandrad potentially meeting. I recall that Duke Bacchus and my father got along quite well.”

    Well, that certainly gave Serilda several more questions, though none of them were really pressing. That, and if she correctly understood the meeting of which he was speaking, it was an event that had not ended on any sort of peaceable terms, that had fallen apart in a rather violent fashion. Probably not good dinner conversation, but perhaps there would be time later to see what more she could learn of the history event from the people who had been there.

    Having gathered her food, as well as a plate with some meat for Xiuh, Serilda helped the group effort of putting a few tables together and then took a seat, finding herself between Mythal and Simon. Before getting into her own food, she took the time to set the plate with Xiuh’s dinner on the ground beneath her chair where the hound always sat while Serilda was eating. Then, she started eating. Lux mostly followed the group though he elected not to sit at the table with them, choosing instead to loiter somewhat nearby and simply look around the place, expressing that he was far more interested in people watching than eating food he couldn’t really enjoy anyway. He didn’t seem to be causing any trouble, at least, so Mythal was content to let him linger.

    Simon caught up with Mercury briefly, the Silver Wolf Ace claiming that she needed someone to save her from the prince’s abuse. The banter between her, Vandrad, and Simon elicited a chuckle from those around. When that was done, Simon turned his attention toward Serilda, bringing up her and Mythal’s engagement and expressing an interest in hearing their love story. Serilda chuckled, flashing Mythal a brief and knowing look. “Well, if I’m being honest we were a bit rocky when we first met. We got assigned on a job together escorting some cargo through Crocus. This was back when I was a mage with the Sabertooth guild, and Mythal was with Fairy Tail -- the guild that Vandrad is now a member of. The first job went alright, but it was pretty simple, and we just went our separate ways afterward.”

    “The second job we worked together was a bit more… involved. We were hunting a slaver in Desierto and trying to reclaim the people he had kidnapped. We were stuck in the desert for about a week together and barely talked most of that time, as neither of us were overly chatty people. But once we found the suspect we were looking for, we had a disagreement about how to approach the situation, and once we had completed the mission we had a pretty big argument. We were pretty embarrassed once it was over, cause we both were acting petty and childish.”

    Serilda chuckled again, smoothly recapping that fateful mission without giving any kind of insinuation as to just how far that argument had gone. After all, while both of her parents were now aware that she and Mythal were sleeping together and had accepted that they lived together, neither of them were aware of just how quickly their relationship had reached that point, and she had no intention of making things awkward for anyone at the table. What her parents didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. She shrugged. “The Magic Council was impressed with our results, though. They started going out of their way to request both of us together for certain jobs after that, particularly on jobs involving slavery. It took us a bit to figure out where we stood with one another, and we definitely had more intense arguments, but eventually we accepted that we work well together and chose to help each other outside of the special Council tasks. From there, it was just a lot of helping get one another through a lot of bad situations. We were both in denial for a while.”

    She laughed lightly, thinking back on how awkwardly they had behaved around one another back then, tiptoing around the truth. Frankly, it had brought them both a lot of heartache before it got better and worked itself out, but Serilda wasn’t about to get into all of that right now, not unless Mythal elected to give more details or unless Simon asked a more specific question. Gren excused himself to get another drink, and shortly after Mercury did the same after realizing that her own bottle was lower than she’d realized it was before Gren had left. Not thinking much of it, Serilda reached down and took the empty plate from under her chair and set it down on the table. It was only after a couple minutes more of conversation that Vandrad excused himself as well, leaving Simon alone for the time being with Mythal and the Sinclairs.

    Miriam smirked lightly, glancing briefly over toward the table where the younger nobles had taken up residence together and seemed to be getting along rather well. “Darling, I think we may be about to find ourselves spending a bit more time with Lord Simon, here.” Anyone who looked over wouldn’t miss the almost painfully obvious chemistry that was happening between Solomon and Cecilia even in the midst of the entire group interacting eagerly and equally with one another. The Sinclair duchess gave Simon a knowing and playful smirk. The conversation turned from there with the duke and duchess inquiring about Simon and both his daughters, interested in hearing more about all three of them as they hadn’t gotten the chance before to interact with Simon as often as they had with his sister.

    Vandrad eventually came back with a new drink, which struck Serilda as odd. After all, Mercury was supposed to be getting a refill for him. Come to think of it, she’d been gone a while, as had Gren...

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 6th January 2021, 7:37 pm


    Boy, Simon du Wolff was certainly trying to lay on the charm on Serilda. Though it all came out with the tone and complexity of royal etiquette, even Mythal was surprised at how gracious his words were. But he was not surprised by how well the Voidwalker took them, easily and without giving any kind of indication that she was swooning and charmed. No, his fiance had most likely been around this kind of behavior all of her life and had adapted to it and as she thanked him for his words, it was obvious that she was taking it just like that. Meanwhile Mythal was doing his best to simply smile and thank Ophelia, who had laid on just as much charm as her father but to a far older man. “Uh thanks… wish I could say the same,” the Darkness King managed to get out, sounding about as even as a tumultuous ocean. Yet it was good practice wasn’t it? He’d be doing this kind of thing for the rest of his life so better to get all of the mistakes and missteps out of the way around his future adoptive family.

    Luckily the introductions only lasted long enough for certain members to pair off, with Themesycia surprisingly sweeping away with Victoria. The odd part about that was just how interested the Seal was in going away with the duchess, a very confusing aspect that was certainly to throw Serilda and Mythal for a loop. Simon offered to bring them over to grab some food and then coordinate finding a place to sit so they could all chat. As they made their way through the crowd, Serilda and Byron asked about the design of the grand room. It was quite the unique architecture; Mythal was sure he’d never seen an entire room fabricated out of crystal before. As Simon told it, Bacchus was hellbent on making his dream home a reality. He’d even collected the minerals to do so. Then he had donated the leftovers so that the homes constructed for the other people living on the island came at no cost, a truly generous act.

    Miriam and Byron mused over his generosity, with the head of the family recalling his brief interactions with the former Duke du Wolff. At some point there had apparently been a kind of treaty meeting between Fiore and Bellum and Bacchus had been at the front lines on Bellum’s side to make things happen. It had been that meeting that had made the connection possible, opening the avenue for Themesycia to reach out to Byron and Miriam about Serilda. It seemed the degrees between families continued to get slimmer and slimmer, a truly amusing fact that Mythal kind of just shook his head at. He took the plate Serilda offered him and procured another for Wolf Gren, who was happily trailing by the Darkness King’s leg. Then the entirety of the group put together some tables and chairs and joined in eating with one another. Mythal set Gren’s plate on the ground next to Xiuhco, so that the two siblings could eat next to one another. He’d glanced over at Lux to see what he planned on doing but the Seal was perfectly content people watching, a beacon of amusement and surprising happiness. After that, the group started to eat.

    Simon addressed Mercury, wanting to catch up with her and her antics in Fiore. As usual, she was quick to throw Vandrad under the bus, earning an amused smile from Mythal as the two shot quips at one another. Then the lord turned his attention to Serilda, congratulating her and Mythal on their engagement and wondering about how it all had begun. That brought a laugh from the pair as they exchanged a look, with the Voidwalker leading the charge in explanation. She took it right from the beginning, explaining just how tense their first meeting had been. They’d accomplished their goal relatively easy and moved on, only to wind up on the same job a little while later. That one had been the slave hunt in Desierto, a truly turbulent encounter between the two and their quarry. They hadn’t really bonded in the few days they were camped together and only exchanged any kind of words when their target arrived, though it had been in disagreement over how to handle the situation. That had resulted in a messy, childish wrestling match that Serilda effectively and rightfully left out of the story as it had not stayed as just a wrestling match. That was somethin that both Serilda and Mythal would certainly keep to themselves for a very long time.

    But their partnership continued, mostly because the Magic Council had stuck them together after seeing how effective they were. It eventually led to them forming a friendship that blossomed into a more trusting, close relationship than either one of them had been prepared for. Mythal smiled softly and reached over to take her hand in his, giving it a squeeze as he looked at her. “We went through a lotta ups and downs but… it eventually got us here. That made it all worth it.” It wasn’t much but Mythal usually was a man of simple explanations. As the food was emptied from the plates and conversation took over the dinner hour more than feasting, Gren excused himself to get another drink. Shortly after Mercury did the same, stating she had missed the opportunity to have Mythal’s adoptive father get her a refill. Mythal barely paid it any mind, as he expected that the Silver Wolf mage would, no doubt, use this opportunity to flirt with the former Knight before returning. But then Vandrad left without explanation, disappearing into the crowd. Though it was entirely possible he just recognized someone he knew.

    As they talked, Miriam mentioned the possibility of spending more time with Simon. Following her gaze, the entire table could see where the younger crowd had set themselves up. But noticeably, it seemed Solomon and Cecilia had truly hit it off, their chemistry practically red hot even from as far away as they were. “Now that is surprising. Cecilia is usually so reserved, unless she’s had a little wine in her,” Simon said with a smirk as he turned back to the gathered party. “I guess we’ll just have to see where it will go.” Clearly he was all for Cecilia branching out from her home and getting to know the youngest Sinclair, chuckling as he took a sip from his wine. Miriam and Byron asked about himself and his daughters, wanting to know more about his family. “Well it is just me and the girls; my former fiance unfortunately passed from disease several years ago, when they were only eight or so. Since then I’ve been helped by Themmy and Ever in raising them into the wonderful women they are today. Cecilia was born blind but you wouldn’t be able to tell with the way she moves around the room. And Ophelia is a bit of a rebel, which is saying a lot considering I don’t exactly condemn a whole lot,” he explained, giving a cheeky smile.

    Vandread returned a few moments later, sitting himself down with a new drink. That was strange, considering he had asked Mercury for a refill on his drink before she left. After a couple more minutes, Gren returned. “Sorry ‘bout that. Decided to use the restroom as well. I miss anythin’ good?”

    Vandrad inquired where Mercury was almost immediately. “No idea. I didn’t know she had gotten up.” The sensor in Mythal’s head suddenly went off, indicating that the former Knight had just lied. The Darkness King’s brow furrowed as he looked over at Gren, setting himself back in his seat without much indication. So Gren had known that Mercury had gotten up and yet he was lying about it? For what purpose? Maybe it was some ploy to mess with Vandrad which, to be honest, he didn’t put past Mercury dragging Gren into.

    Vadrad let out an amused laugh, seemingly figuring out something. He once again excused himself and disappeared into the crowd, now more interested in finding his partner. Without much reason to question it, Mythal shrugged to himself. Interrogating Gren here would be kind of tacky in front of the Sinclairs so he would probably just bring it up later. After all, if it was some kind of prank, he’d love to hear more about it.

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    Mercury Arseneault
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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th January 2021, 9:15 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “There, you see what I have to deal with?” Mercury pouted dramatically as Vandrad mocked her lamentations, calling her soft and fragile. “Every day I put up with this torment when all I ever am is nice to him.” She shot Vandrad a mischievous smirk before Simon chimed in, offering to come down to Fiore sometime to rescue her and to learn more about the nation itself. He also brought up the tattoo, the mere mention of which caused Mercury to instantly flip from faux self pity to dramatic elation. “I couldn’t believe it when he showed me. I was so damn proud of him. My little Vandaddy, all grown up and getting his body inked. I was absolutely thrilled!” Vandrad took the moment to tease Simon about his own tattoo, picking on his uncle for getting a tiny one on his back that was so pitiful one might mistake it for being a birthmark. Simon was all too happy for the razzing, laughing out loud and complimenting the prince on his feistiness.

    It wasn’t long after that in which Gren subtly signalled Mercury to come find him, the two of them taking a couple minutes to play a risky game of making out with little more than a door between them and all the people that Gren didn’t want to find out about their little tryst. They fooled around a bit longer than they probably should have, both of them not being exceptionally stellar at pulling themselves apart once they got started, but eventually they managed to pry themselves off one another. Mercury was all giggles as she adjusted her skirt and hair. “Listen, if you just wanna keep pulling me aside like this throughout the night, I will not stop you.” She grinned at him. “Alright, handsome, I’m gonna go cover our trail. You head back without me. Anyone asks, you didn’t see me.” Mercury gave him one last passionate kiss, slipping her tongue back in his mouth to be an extra tease before shuffling off toward the bathroom.

    Inside, she made sure her outfit was in order, as well as her hair and make up. Once she was certain that no one would be able to tell just by looking at her that she’d been fooling around with anyone, she made her way out of the bathroom and back into the crowd, her destination already known in her head. It was easy to spot Santa from across the room, even with all the people between them. He and Dudley stood so tall over everyone that they were almost impossible to miss. Swinging by the bar, she grabbed a fresh beer and then sauntered over to where the couple was entertaining the holiday’s patriarch.

    Without any hesitance, Mercury approached and slipped right onto Santa’s lap and making herself comfortable, her shit eating little grin on her face. “Alright, so I figure I got about two minutes tops before daddy comes looking for me. He always knows when I’m being bad. So, before he comes to drag me away...!” She snuggled up real close to the jolly giant, with a little big of extra wiggling of her rear upon his lap, as she trailed her fingers playfully up Everance’s arm. “How are all you lovely people this evening? Ever, Dudley, you’ll be happy to know that ever since our phenomenal date I have insisted that Vandrad put more effort into wining and dining his way into my pants. I told him I have standards now, and it put him in such a state. The best part is, he suspects that I ran off with a completely different couple that he’s suspicious of. It will be fun to see if he ever catches up.”

    Taking a sip of her beer, she grinned up at Santa. “So let’s see, I believe I was supposed to ask real nicely for you to give me a present? I don’t know what you had in mind, but I was thinking maybe a sleigh ride.” Slipping her free hand under the flap of his coat, she started tracing gentle, teasing lines down his muscular bare chest.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th January 2021, 10:03 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Nice she called herself, as if she knew how to be nice. Of course, Vandrad would never admit that in their private, intimate moments that the two of them were actually quite considerate and thoughtful to each other but that was only for them. No one outside of the two of them ever needed to know that and so he kept up the same, standoffish attitude as she playfully tried to garner favor from a table that had probably already realized she didn’t deserve pity. She had the kind of demeanor that was infectiously entertaining and there was little doubt, even among the newer members to meet her, that she was a bit of a brat. Simon spoke of the tattoo and the Silver Wolf mage exuberantly gushed over the ink he had gotten, excited and admitting how proud she was. Yet again he rolled his eyes at her, even as he was smirking.

    But soon enough she and Gren had left and Vandrad had gone to find them. He’d managed to locate where she was and, given the raised levels of her presence, it seemed she had found Vandrad’s father. It was an… interesting realization that several feet away, through quartz and brick, his partner was playing around with the man that sired him. And yet, it wasn’t upsetting, as he imagined most people would be. After all, his mother had already discussed with him just how similar Mercury was to the rest of the family and they were all extremely comfortable with sharing partners and fooling around with little hindrance. And the prince had been brought up around that, grown among the thirsty members of his family. While he had never taken part in it, it was common and understood and even his mother admitted that she never would have guessed that he would find someone so similar to the rest of the du Wolffs. But then again, it made sense, didn’t it? If he was comfortable around his family, he would certainly seek out a partner that would provide that same atmosphere. And Gren was his father, true but they’d only gotten to meet one another recently. He’d gone nearly forty years without a father figure and there was a certain level of detachment there.

    So Vandrad had accepted that the woman he loved was a bit on the open and frisky side. Frankly, he didn’t care -- she could fool around as she saw fit. It didn’t intervene in their partnership and it certainly didn’t hinder her from spending an exorbitant amount of time with him. It was a relatively deep philosophical understanding he had come to about himself in the briefest of time, his mind working in the background as he chatted with the odd Caecilius Moriarty. Soon enough the lord was departing and Vandrad, wanting to get an advantage on teasing her. Once he’d gotten his drink he returned to the table, barely listening to the conversation at present. He waited with bated breath, trying not to look too smug. But he was surprised to find that only Gren was returning, looking as fresh as he had when they first saw him. He claimed he decided to go to the bathroom while he was up, which was a convincing fib for any that didn’t know the truth. "And what about Mercury? I figured you would have run into her at the bar.”

    No surprise, Gren played innocent, claiming he didn’t even know she had left. A convincing lie and unfortunately, Vandrad didn’t catch Mythal’s odd look as he picked up on the fib, too clued into his father. He let out a snorting laugh and smirked. "Is that so?” So she had worked it out that he returned while she delayed… no, it would be more than that. She would try to pull him away and make him think something else entirely. Gods, if she wasn’t crafty. "One moment, I just want to make sure she’s not getting into trouble,” he said, once again apologizing for leaving as he got up and moved through the crowd. There were plenty of options for her to run off and play hooky to but he had a sneaking suspicion about where her intent lay. He once more glanced over to the heads of his uncle Dudley and Santa and moved towards them.

    Meanwhile Father Christmas was quite surprised when Mercury came out of the crowd and happily planted herself on his lap. “Well I was hoping you would come and find me,” he said in a husky voice, looking her over as she grinned. She explained that she had limited time before Vandrad came to find her and quickly snuggled herself onto the giant, giving him a teasing little wiggle.

    Everance chuckled and reached up to stroke Mercury’s hand. “Don’t worry, Mercury, I informed our dear sweet Santa that we’d find a way to buy you and him a decent chunk of time away from Vandrad. We just need a means and method. So long as you two can be patient.”

    Santa chortled. “Well she’s making it quite hard.”

    “She has a tendency to do that!” Dudley chimed in, laughing at his own joke. Both Kris Kringle and Dudley laughed together, clanking their tankards of drink together in celebration. Mercury asked how they were doing before explaining to Ever and Dudley that ever since their date, she had raised the bar on putting it out for Vandrad. She’d gained some standards and expectations and she expected him to meet them if he wanted any. It apparently had put him in quite the mood, causing him to suspect that she had gone off with a different couple they knew.

    “Bravo, my dear. A woman as fine as yourself should be wined and dined. Speaking of, we should have you over for dinner again sometime soon. Bartrand was telling us how much he enjoyed bonding with you in the morning,” Ever gave the Silver Wolf mage an impish smirk, one that conveyed far deeper meaning behind the words.

    Turning her attention back to Santa, Mercury wondered about the tradition of the lap sitting, including asking for a present. She personally felt a sleigh ride was appropriate, though judging by the way she ran her hand over his chest, it wasn’t a sleigh she was looking to mount. “Well perhaps we can arrange that then. I would very much like to see how you ride a sleigh…” His own hand was working its way over to stroke her leg, perhaps even teasing her a little bit…

    "Not while I have something to say about it.” There was Vandrad, standing before them with his arms crossed.

    “Vandrad! You are looking mighty sharp in that suit!” Dudley cheered his nephew, raising his tankard.

    “Come now, Vandrad, let the girl have some fun. Santa is only here for one more night and I’m sure he’d love for a white Christmas,” Ever stated plainly, smirking at her own pun.

    "She’s welcome to sleep with whoever she wants… except him,” the prince said, pointing a finger at the giant. "You’ve been a constant, judging voice in my head for weeks while you spoke every lecherous thought you ever had about her. I think it’s about time someone put you on the naughty list, Nick,” Vandrad stated, giving the man a glare.

    Santa sighed. “He’s right. I have been a bit of a pain to deal with. Habits die hard and it was rough for me to simply observe his actions and not weigh them. As for lecherous thoughts, I was simply admiring how enchanting Mercury was and lamenting the fact that I couldn’t meet her in person. Vandrad,” Santa said, gently easing Mercury off his lap so he could stand. “I humbly apologize. Your family has been good to me in such a short amount of time and truly, you deserve a true apology for my actions.” The giant bowed his head, placing his hand over his heart.

    Vandrad considered him for a moment before snorting. "Apology accepted but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep you from sleeping with her.”

    Caught in his deception, Father Christmas laughed. “Well, it was worth a shot. I guess it’s not meant to be,” he sighed, turning back to sit down. But as he did so, he managed to flash a jolly wink at Mercury out of sight of Vandrad, promising that it was completely meant to be.

    Vandrad, satisfied, smirked and looked to Mercury. "I believe you owe me a drink, woman. Let’s go.”

    Words: 1427/3402  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 7th January 2021, 12:25 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Simon seemed equally as amused about the way his daughter was hitting it off well with Serilda’s only brother, smirking to himself and admitting that Cecilia was typically a rather reserved woman, and as such her mannerisms at the moment were a bit more boisterous than usual. Or at least, outside of if she had been drinking. He concluded that they would all just have to wait and see where things led, expressing his openness with his daughter getting to know the youngest Sinclair a little better. From there, the conversation spun into Byron and Miriam asking a bit more about Simon and his daughters. The man admitted that he was a single father, as his fiance -- the girls’ mother -- had passed away from an illness when Ophelia and Cecilia were still very young. The admission was met with several gentle condolences before he went on, crediting his sisters with helping him raise the girls to the women they were now. Cecilia had been blind from birth, but apparently she had methods of subverting that which were convincing enough that may as well have had sight. Ophelia, on the other hand, was the greater rebel between the two. By his own admission there was very little that he didn’t let them get away with, so having a daughter that could still be identified as a rebel was fairly impressive.

    It brought a few chuckles from the Sinclairs. “There’s always a rebel child,” Miriam teased with a slight smirk, casting a knowing glance at her husband.

    “Yes, ours was always Scarlet.”

    “It used to be,” Serilda retorted with a snort. “Have you checked in with Alicia lately? She hides it better than Scarlet did, but she way more of a rebel than Scarlet ever was.”

    “Mm, yeah I’d have to agree with that one. I think she grew up watching Scarlet and learning from her mistakes, and learned to fly under the radar.”

    Byron shook his head lightly in amusement. “Well, it will be hard for her to get too out of hand with Serilda signing her paychecks, I imagine. She always looked up to her fiercely, was always trailing around after her. She may have her moments, but she’s always taken her reputation seriously.”

    Serilda nodded. “I’m not worried about her. She knows that slacking or playing around will reflect poorly on both of us, so she’s been doing very well so far. I am sure that will continue.”

    Gren returned without Mercury, which spurred Vandrad to inquire as to the whereabouts of his partner. The older Ragnos man claimed ignorance, and Seri honestly couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. Unlike Mythal, she didn’t have the ability to just detect such things, and since she didn’t really have a reason to be suspicious she wasn’t really paying attention to her fiance to see if he had registered a lie. As such, she was the only one between the three of them that didn’t really seem to have caught on. After admitting he hadn’t been aware that she’d gotten up, Vandrad snorted his amusement at the realization that Mercury was, in fact, up to something and excused himself to go hunt her down. By the time he walked away, Serilda was chuckling lightly in her seat. “The more time I spend with Mercury, the more amazed I am at how quickly she can pull a fully realized scheme out of thin air and put it into motion before anyone else even realizes she’s gone. A shame she’s so attached to Silver Wolf. She’d make a great field agent.”

    The group continued to chat for a few minutes before Vandrad finally returned with Mercury in tow, the lavender haired woman looking about as smug and pleased with herself as Vandrad did. The group chatted together for a while, sharing some drinks and desserts for a time before Simon seemed to catch a meaningful look from Themesycia from across the room and invited their guests to come join them in a more private lounge for a gift exchanging session. Eventually, everyone was rounded up in a more comfortable and intimate room a short walk down the hallway away from the ballroom. “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” Serilda remarked to Victoria playfully as the Seal found a comfortable spot to sit where she could observe the rest of the room.

    “How could I not be with such fine company?” Victoria replied, openly smirking at Themesycia and making no effort to hide her flirtations with the woman. “It is refreshing to meet another woman that can boast so many riveting tales of battle. We have a lot in common.”

    Shaking her head, Serilda found a space appropriate enough to materialize some of the things they had prepared for the night. A few carefully wrapped boxes appeared, alongside what looked to be a finely crafted mahogany box bearing the twisting dragon seal of the Sinclair family crest. From there, it was a casual and relaxed moment of everyone swapping gifts with one another. Since the majority of the du Wolffs were going to receive a joint gift from Mythal and the Sinclairs, Serilda had only brought individual gifts for those whom she already knew before tonight. She had other gifts at home that she still intended on giving Mythal tomorrow once they were back with the girls, but she had brought one of the gifts tonight: a very rare and expensive Midian whiskey that was almost impossible to find in Fiore. For her parents, she gave her mom a pair of sapphire earrings that had been custom crafted by a jeweler that Serilda knew, and her father received an antique statuette of their family crest that Serilda had found while digging into the Sinclair history a little deeper with Victoria. Solomon was given a set of lacrimas that he could integrate into his medical equipment at college, and the wolves received some treats in the form of venison jerky.

    For Gren, she had gotten a pair of prime seating tickets to a show he’d been interested in seeing but had never gotten the chance before due to having to keep a low profile up until recently. Vandrad was given a set of lacrima enhanced training weights that had been enchanted to adjust themselves based on his training performance so they would always be at an optimal weight. Mercury had been one of the hardest individuals to shop for, if only because Serilda knew next to nothing about her. She’d wound up settling on a decently priced voucher that the Silver Wolf ace could use to cover the cost of a few high end materials at an exclusive supplier that specialized in tech and engineering goods based out of Bosco. Victoria had been easy enough to buy for, though the Seal seemed surprised to be included in the gift giving session. Still, she was greatly pleased at the books she received from Serilda that delved into more history and politics of places and people that she had yet to read into yet.

    The hardest by far had been Lux, and not just because Serilda’s relationship to Mythal’s Seal was shaky at best. Even setting aside how obnoxious the Lightbringer had been up until recently, what exactly did one get for a being of light whose only real interests seemed to be being a malicious pain in the ass to everyone around him? But the truth was that she had to acknowledge his recent better behavior. Lux had done everything in his limited power to help save Mythal from Faera, and ever since his return he had been nicer, even if Serilda wasn’t convinced yet that there wasn’t an ulterior motive behind it. In the end, she had chosen to roll the dice and gifted him a small lacrima that she had personally filled with a bit of stardust during a brief foray into space where she could collect the purest particles of light before they could be filtered through Earthland’s atmosphere.

    For the rest of the du Wolffs, Byron and Serilda worked together to present the contents of the mahogany box. Inside the lined box were a selection of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, and alexandrites that had been pulled from their mines. Each gem was flawless and uncut, which would allow its recipient the freedom to craft the gem as they desired. While they didn’t say so out loud, it was well known that the precious stones procured from the Sinclair mines were well known for their efficiency in being able to store and conduct a great deal of magic, and thus were valued for more than simply fashioning into a piece of jewelry or statement piece. The du Wolffs were allowed to choose which type of gem they wanted for themselves out of the collection that had been brought.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 7th January 2021, 12:36 pm


    There was always a rebel. Simon told them that Ophelia had been his, despite the fact that he was a fairly free range father. The Sinclairs shared a good chuckle as they admitted that Scarlet, one of Serilda’s sisters, had been their problem child growing up. But Serilda put forward another sibling, Alicia, as a sleeper candidate for the title. Apparently Alicia had watched Scarlet as she grew up and learned how to avoid being caught acting out. Byron was amused at the idea, stating that she wouldn’t get into too much trouble while Serilda signed her paychecks. Mythal hadn’t had the opportunity to see Alicia again after their first meeting, despite the fact that she worked for the Rune Knights as well. Proof of just how busy he was. But Serilda wasn’t too worried about Alicia, simply pointing out that she had clearly learned and evolved in her rebellious nature growing up.

    Gren returned without the Silver Wolf mage and after a short bout of questioning, Vandrad stalked off to find Mercury, now more than determined to ruin her fun. Now that Gren was back, Serilda mused over the fact that Mercury was capable of hatching schemes on the fly and pulled them off without anyone realizing what happened. She even said that she would be great as an agent for the Knights. “No doubt about that. She certainly knows how to get to a point quickly and efficiently,” Gren said as he took a swig from his newly acquired drink. It was a short while after that the prince returned with Mercury, who looked quite proud of the trouble that she had caused. But the conversations continued on without much drama or flair after that, the group bonding with one another over drinks and dessert. After some time, Simon glanced away and, after a moment of consideration, stated that it was time to move to one of the lounges. The party was starting to die down, with the crowd having significantly dwindled as the night went on. There were gifts to exchange, understandably, and the du Wolffs had planned ahead so that the multiple families could hand off their gifts in private, rather than in public.

    They ventured through the hallway to another room, much smaller in comparison to the hall but no less comfortable and warm. It seemed to be a sitting room of sorts, with several sofas and chairs rounded up for everyone to get comfortable. Mythal sat down next to Seri, even as she teased Victoria about her sudden comfortability with Themesycia. The Seal didn’t deny it, ladling compliments upon the duchess and talking of their comparisons. “Indeed, Victoria has been a lovely guest to chat with. It’s rare to find someone so wise and beautiful that knows the thrill of war,” Themesycia cooed back to the Seal, giving her an equally promiscuous smirk.

    Gifts were not a strong point for Mythal and finding the right thing for everyone had been quite the challenge. Serilda was relatively easy in comparison to the rest of the group. Luckily the Sinclairs had taken up the task of getting a joint gift for the du Wolffs and included him in it, allowing him the freedom to focus on the individual people. That left Serilda, Mercury, Vandrad, Gren, the whole of the Sinclair family, Lux and Victoria. Luckily he had the help of his fiance with finding things, as she was much better at the whole ‘finding gifts’ thing than he was. Though he’d managed to find some things for Serilda while she wasn’t aware, he had only brought one with him much like her. For the Voidwalker he got a journey from previous Field Marshalls, handed down from each member to the next. It had been lost in the attack on Era but after getting the library organized, Mythal was able to find it recently. He’d wrapped it up and provided it to her, so that she could truly follow in the lone line of previously serving members of the Rune Knights.  For Miriam he also custom ordered a pair of earrings, a pairing made of silver and designed in the Sinclair family crest. For Byron he had gone and gotten an expensive brandy that was also one of only eighty six made. And following in Serilda’s example, Mythal had acquired some nonconfidential medical journals published by some of Fiore’s greatest doctors for Solomon to have and read as he saw fit.

    His father was an inexpensive gift but one more wholesome. Mythal had brought together different pictures of Gren, Mythal, Vandrad and even Cael in a sort of collage, the closest thing to a family portrait he could make without having them all painted together. A lot of Gren’s memories and images had been burned away in the fire that killed him so the Darkness Slayer had done his best to make a new one for the former Knight. Vandrad received a manuscript on war that Mythal had found in the library some time ago. He’d been told that it was one of only a few remaining and while some of it was damaged in the fire, a good amount was still readable. Mercury was arguably the toughest person to get a gift for, given how very little Serilda or he knew about her. In the end, he asked the Engineering Department if they had any kind of manual that might have intrigued a technology geek, of course only asking for ones that weren’t confidential. They hadn’t but they had pointed him in the right direction and soon enough, he found a series of manuscripts that detailed some of Earthland’s greatest achievements in technological advancement, both generic and magical. It would provide an overview of each device, the process that led to its creation and a bit about the scientists that dreamed it up.

    Lux and Victoria were… complicated to get gifts for. On the one hand, he didn’t feel like he owed either of them anything. They were a nuisance attached to both he and Serilda’s bloodline and quite literally acted as heralds for the end of days. One doesn’t normally provide thoughtful presents to those that wished to end it all. But Victoria had proven to be a surprising boon, a surprisingly deep woman with reserves of genuine consideration. Though Mythal still hadn’t forgiven her for whatever words she had spat at Serilda during his sickness, he could at least attempt to move on. And Lux, well, Lux was consistently a pain. He had done everything in his power to mock Mythal and everyone around him, reminding them that he was superior for whatever reason. He’d even inadvertently caused the death of several people when Thana had attacked Era. But since he’d returned from his mental hiatus, he was trying to be better. The least Mythal could do was offer him something nice for whatever effort he had already put in.

    So Victoria was gifted with a sword and scabbard. As Mythal explained it, it had been a relic discovered from a bygone era and had been put on the open market upon its verification. It belonged to a general who was touted as being the only undefeated man in Earthland’s history and his sword had been marked with each and every victory in battle with gold inlets within the black steel. It had cost a pretty penny but for someone who was as obsessed with conquest as Victoria was, he imagined it would hold some significance. Lux didn’t really seem to care much about… well, anything. But he did seem to appreciate his renewed connection to the light and so, using the magic he had recently acquired, he managed to summon down a moon rock and imbue it with moonlight, giving it a vibrant glow. It would provide the Lightbringer with an outer source of light magic, should he ever need it.

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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 7th January 2021, 4:45 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Santa looked more than a little surprised to see Mercury pop out of nowhere to make herself comfortable on his lap, though he definitely was not complaining as he let her snuggle right into him. After explaining that Vandrad was going to come looking for her soon, she started chatting with the small group, giving Ever and Dudley an update on her recent harassments toward Vandrad ever since their date. Everance returned Mercury’s physical flirtations, stroking Mercury’s hand and assuring her that she and Dudley were busy working on finding ways to help ensure she and Santa would find some time alone without Vandrad’s interruption before Saint Nicholas was gone once and for all. Mercury laughed as the quick banter between Dudley and Santa that was rife with erection jokes. “Oh, don’t worry. I had a feeling that’s what you were up to when you pulled him away, and I can be infuriatingly patient when I want to be.”

    Everance lauded Mercury for holding Vandrad to a higher standard, insisting that Mercury deserved to be wooed into bed. In fact, it seemed the married couple was already thinking about inviting her over for another dinner some time, especially after Bartrand had regaled them with the events that had taken place the next morning. Mercury cackled. “Did he tell you about the part where I walked in on him cranking it? He near about jumped out of his skin and it was delightful. He also recovered really fast, and I was really impressed.”

    Her attention turned to Santa as she got a little closer to him and gave a suggestion as to her Christmas present. He seemed keen on obliging, interested in seeing just how well she could right a sleigh as his hand started working its way teasingly up her leg. And of course, that was about the time that Vandrad finally found her, interjecting and putting a halt on the cozying up session. She grinned at him wide, not even trying to hide her knowledge that he’d come find her as Dudley complimented the prince’s suit and Everance entreated him to let Mercury have a little fun for the little amount of time that Santa had left. Vandrad informed his aunt that he didn’t care who Mercury slept with as long as it wasn’t Santa, though that seemed to only be because the two had been in cahoots for the last several weeks to make his life a misery, so keeping them apart was his retaliation and punishment for them.

    His words seemed to strike a chord in the red and white garbed giant, who sighed and relented to the truth of Vandrad’s words. He carefully slipped Mercury off his lap so he could stand, apologizing to the prince and even bowing his head to him in his efforts to take responsibility. Mercury merely cozied up a little closer to Everance in the meantime, watching the two men as she sipped casually from her beer and waited for Vandrad to inevitably pull the rug out from Santa’s feet. And indeed, Vandrad accepted the apology but made it clear that he still intended on keeping the two separated, which earned a chuckle from the larger man. “Alas, I guess I’ll just have to continue fantasizing,” she said, playing back against Father Christmas’ teasing laments before blowing everyone a kiss and following the prince with a smirk. “What, couldn’t find the bar in your own house without me?” she quipped.

    They stopped for a quick refill on their drinks before eventually making it back to the table with everyone else, chatting for a while before it was time to move on to a more private setting to do some gift exchanging. The du Wolffs, Sinclairs, and various odd assortments of tagalongs gathered in one of the smaller lounges and went about the process of procuring the items they had brought along for the occasion. Mercury performed similar feats, Opening her clutch and pulling out way more items than could have reasonably fit inside the small satchel, both by number and size, until she had her own array of wrapped goods laid out and ready to be exchanged. Since she’d literally never done this before, however, she sat back at first and waited to see how stuff like this usually went down.

    The first two gifts she received were from Mythal and Serilda, and for two people who didn’t really know her all that well they had been surprisingly thoughtful and on the mark with the presents. Serilda had given her a gift card that could be spent at a high end market based out of Bosco, which Mercury hadn’t found the time to visit just yet but she was well aware that the country was considered the technology capital of the world. Or at least, of the continent. She was eager to see what kind of materials they had available for her to look through, and she thanked Serilda profusely for the voucher. She was equally touched by Mythal’s gift, which was a collection of manuscripts that not even Silver Wolf or the lacrinet had readily available, which meant that she was already fixated on them with a covetous eye. Logic deduced that he must have pulled them from the vaults of the Rune Knight archives somewhere, having looked for something unique that he could give away without getting in any trouble. She gave him just as sincere of thanks, having to keep herself from cracking the books open right then and there to start studying them.

    First, she had her own giving to do. She had not gotten anything for the Sinclairs nor the Seals as she didn’t exactly know them, but she had gotten stuff for all of the du Wolffs as well as Gren, Mythal, and Serilda. Starting with Vandrad’s relatives, she gave Dudley a set of expensive massage oils with various scents, some of which were lightly infused with magic essence that would have an array of applications. Everance was gifted a similarly styled present as what Mythal had given Mercury: a small collection of engineering related books that Mercury had copied from the Silver Wolf library -- pieces that were uncommon but not so rare or valuable that she would get in trouble with the guild, of course. For Bartrand, she had built him a compact, custom video camera that came with several wireless drone attachments. Making sure he opened the gift away from Vandrad and the Sinclair’s prying eyes, he’d find at the bottom of the box a start up guide for learning how to film adult movies, giving him a wide grin as he opened it.

    For Simon, Mercury had purchased him an all inclusive weekend pass to a spa house in Fiore that Mercury knew for a fact was owned by members of the Lusty Titans, and as such was one of those massage houses. Also tucked inside the paperwork was a handwritten voucher for a blow job, which she also made sure that he found discreetly when Vandrad wasn’t paying too much attention. Mercury hadn’t gotten the chance to spend too much one on one time with the twins yet, so coming up with something meaningful for them had been harder than the rest of the du Wolffs. So, she had taken the time to use her magic to craft each of them a set of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings with her magic, each piece of jewelry intricate crafted from pure precious metals. She did her best to cater the style of each set toward what they each seemed to prefer, with Ophelia’s being more on the punk goth side with lots of dark or bold colors and spikes, and Cecilia’s more on the delicate and elegant side ranging between various shades of gold.

    Themesycia had been the hardest for Mercury to shop for, if only because she had no idea what to get for the woman who seemed to already have everything. She wanted so badly to get Vandrad’s mother something meaningful and valuable after everything that Themmy had already given her. After toiling over it for several weeks, the Silver Wolf mage had opted to print out a couple copies of some of the books she’d stolen from the Order of Souls that were recounts of some of the earliest recorded histories of war and magic of Earthland, something she was sure that Themesycia would appreciate.

    Serilda received a collection of rare flower seeds from all over Earthland to grow in their yard, after recalling during one conversation how much the Voidwalker enjoyed gardening. She knew that the white haired woman rarely had time to do so these days, but maybe the seeds would provide her with an excuse to make some time. For Mythal, she knew that he was a simple man with simple tastes that didn’t really want or need anything too flashy, so she’d fallen in line with Serilda and others that had opted to feed his vice, finding him a limited bottle of Stellan whisky. Gren had been one of the easiest to shop for, the Silver Wolf mage having purchased him a pricey collection of top quality cigars that were presented in a finely made wooden box.

    Despite the gift giving session, she did not seem to have anything to present to Vandrad, Mercury went though and gave items to everyone else in the room that she knew well enough to do so, but neglected to offer anything to the prince, the one person who was the whole reason she had met everyone else currently in the room with them. However, that wasn’t because she didn’t have anything for him. Mercury simply didn’t want to give him his gift in front of everyone else, and even though that was not something they had discussed ahead of time, Mercury trusted that he would know better than to think that he’d been left out and that he would be smart enough to assume that he would get whatever she planned on giving him in a more private setting.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th January 2021, 6:57 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Normally most people wouldn’t talk so openly about their own child’s sex life but who ever claimed the du Wolffs were normal didn’t know them well enough. Mercury immediately jumped into about her morning session with Bartrand, asking if he had come out and told them the truth about how she had caught him. The raven haired woman chuckled. “That he did. A surprisingly honest confirmation that most men would deny but then again, Bartrand is rarely embarrassed about things. And I had no idea that you two would wind up getting together, not at all,” she obviously fibbed, letting her own smirk and her husband’s deep laugh betray the truth. She never went out of her way to open the opportunity to share a sex partner with her son but, then again, Mercury was a special case. And she’d listen to the teenager speak her praises enough to know that given the opportunity, he wouldn’t waste his shot.

    But before Santa and Mercury could get any cozier, Vandrad interrupted. Though he seemed to be in a much more jovial state; still adamant against keeping the two interested parties away from one another but there was a playfulness in his gaze. Clearly getting the Christmas spirit out of his head had done wonders for his mood and he was willing to play along, to a point. To Father Christmas’ credit, he did try an honest and earnest attempt to make peace with the prince and it worked, to a point. It didn’t earn him any points in gaining some private time with Mercury, though by the look he gave her, it seemed that didn’t deter him. “Don’t worry, Dudley and I will keep him plenty of company, Vandrad. But know that I will not stop any attempts by him or Mercury to sneak off so you best be on your game,” Ever warned him, the only advantage she would give him.

    "Oh I can find the bar. But you owe me a drink and I’m not one to let dues pass,” Vandrad informed Mercury with his own wry look, as he led her back to the bar. They grabbed refills and rejoined the party from before, chatting for some time with the families before it was time to do some gift exchanging. This was par for the course with Christmas, something Vandrad was quite used to by this point. What he wasn’t used to was actually going out of his way to get gifts for people this year. Usually he purchased vouchers for his family and called it done, not in the least interested in sharing more emotional exchanges. But now he had more people to consider and with that came reconsideration for his family as well. Luckily Vandrad had planned ahead and left the gifts at the manor, ready and waiting as they arrived in the smaller room.

    He received two overwhelmingly useful gifts from Mythal and Serilda; his adoptive brother had provided him a manuscript that dictated past wars and the concepts behind them. Serilda had gotten him weights that were embedded with a lacrima that automatically adjusted against his performance to give him the toughest workout possible. He thanked them both for the gifts before going over to starting handing out his gifts. The Sinclairs were handled, as he was being included in the group gift they had purchased. He also didn’t feel especially interested in giving a gift to either one of the Seals, not truly knowing or caring about either one of them enough to get presents. For Serilda, he had gone and taken a book from his family’s library -- a unique treatise written by Bellum generals over their military tactics and the organization of their organizations. He figured she could use it as a means of better preparing the Rune Knights for more complicated situations. Mythal received a special bracelet handcrafted by Vandrad himself. He explained that he’d heard the Darkness Slayer talk about hearing everyone’s blood flow all at once and how it was a bit of a nuisance. The bracelet would monitor the lacrima within him and help him moderate his senses, cutting out the background noise that seemed to cause him annoyance.

    At his mother’s behest, Vandrad provided Gren a book of memories from Vandrad’s life. Much to his chagrin, and knowing that Mercury was going to use it as free ammunition, it held a bounty of pictures from when he was a child and onward, chronicling his years as he grew. His mother and aunt each received a rare bottle of wine from Fiore and his uncle Dudley a bottle of mead from the self-same nation. Bartrand got a pair of handmade gauntlets that would help his magic find a better focus when he used it, along with some ankle and wrist weights. Simon was given a gold ring that had been emblazoned with the family emblem and Ophelia and Cecilia were gifted earrings, one pair gold and the other black, with the same symbol on them. Vandrad explained he had handcrafted them himself.

    Much like Mercury, Vandrad did not provide her gift then and there. It was obvious whatever they had gotten for one another was saved for a more private, intimate setting. Gren went around and passed out his gifts next; he provided expensive whiskey for both the Sinclair and du Wolff families, he gave Mythal an interesting book about the Midian monks and some of their training methods, something he knew the Darkness King knew about. He gifted Serilda with a picture of Mythal when he was about seven years old, the only surviving image that hadn’t been caught in the house fire. He explained he had kept it on him and wanted her to have it. For Vandrad, he got some training equipment and a charm that would allow him to call Gren whenever he wanted. For Mercury he got her a voucher for a restaurant in Hargeon as well as a charm to call upon him.

    The du Wolff’s gifts to Vandrad were reminiscent of previous years and didn’t really call for much focus, as appreciated as they were. But each one of them had gotten Mercury a gift as well. From Themesycia came the designs for the magical equipment in the club in the basement, a state-of-the-art set up that no one else had access to. She also got her a song writing book, giving her an impish grin as she opened it. From Simon she would receive gold earrings and a gold bracelet, adorned with emeralds, to match her eyes. From Everance and Dudley was a voucher for two for some kind of dance troupe called Mouvement Sensuel which provided her VIP access and a tour of the backstage. Unseen by Vandrad was also a small note from a particular man who Mercury would recognize as a certain Adonis, stating that he looked forward to seeing her again. Cecilia and Ophelia had purchased her a black club dress and stated that it was to be used with them during some club hopping soon. And Bartrand got her a writing tablet and an instruction booklet on how to write scripts. He’d even gone ahead and written a first scene for her to read, leaning heavily in the same adult movie direction as she had with him. Hidden at the bottom of the bag was also the gavel he had conjured for her, cleaned and hers to use as she saw fit.

    Finally the du Wolffs brought forth a series of boxes for the Sinclairs and for Mythal and Serilda. In them were custom made devices; tablets, computers, iLacs and the sort that had been personally designed by Ever and Dudley’s corporation. They explained they were state of the art and wished to provide them to both the Sinclair Mining company and the Rune Knights free of charge, to help upgrade and integrate with their current equipment.

    “Well this took a lot longer than previous years,” Themesycia mused with a smile. “But it’s been a long time since we’ve had such friends and family all together to open gifts. Thank you all for coming; this truly is a Christmas to remember.” She raised her glass to cheer them all before taking a lasting swallow from her glass. The groups broke off into idle chatter, while the duchess approached Miriam and Byron and spoke of the afterparty that was certainly already raring down beneath their feet. She had a suspicion that they wouldn’t be interested in joining but extended the offer anyways, providing them enough detail to understand that it was a bit more liberal than the gala they had just attended. Ophelia, who normally had no interest in taking part in the afterparties, seemed quite eager to go, so long as Mythal was going down. Meanwhile Cecilia quietly asked if Solomon would like to get a drink and take a walk around the manor, just the two of them, so that they could get to know one another one on one.

    Soon enough it was time to head downstairs. “Now as I told Byron and Miriam, the afterparty is a bit more… open-minded in comparison to the Christmas ball. It’s a bit like a dance club without any rules. Of course you aren’t inclined to come down, no one will pressure you. But you’re more than welcome to come and enjoy watching the spirited crowd celebrate the night before Christmas,” Themesycia explained to Serilda and Mythal. She wasn’t sure which way they would lean in terms of the kind of openness that they would be venturing into but simply wanted to give them the option to come and join as they saw fit. They had, understandably, had a bit of an emotional moment and it would be completely understandable if they wanted to spend some time alone to reflect and celebrate.

    But Vandrad knew he had little choice in the matter. His mother wouldn’t pressure him into it and, to be fair, Mercury wouldn’t either. She would just remind him that leaving her alone was on him and the prince was sure that Santa had been invited and led down before. So he’d been attending, continuing to be a thorn in Mercury’s attempt to sleep with Father Christmas.

    Words: 1713/1713  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 7th January 2021, 10:20 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It was certainly the giving season. Presents were passed all around between near about everyone, and despite how quiet and casual the meeting was the whole session was a bit chaotic. Serilda’s parents and brother were extremely happy with the items that Mythal had provided them, particularly Solomon who was more than thrilled to receive such thoughtful items to help educate him toward his chosen career. Serilda was taken back by what he’d managed to get his hands on for her, unable to resist flipping the journal open immediately and briefly scanning a few of its pages to get an idea for the type of content that she might find within.

    Of course, that was belayed after only a brief delve into the book, as there were still gifts to be given and received. Mercury must have picked up upon Serilda’s hobby of gardening, or at least the hobby she once had before she was so busy. The Silver Wolf ace had managed to get her hands on a great deal of floral seeds to be planted in her garden that would bloom flowers that one could only find far outside Fiore. Serilda was eager to read up on the best ways to grow and care for them, thanking Mercury with an almost childlike excitement in her eyes. Vandrad gifted her with an accounting of military tactics and organizational efforts of historic Bellum generals over the years, which the field marshal admired with respectful awe. It wasn’t very often that one was granted the opportunity to learn from the pasts of another nation’s military in such detail, and the look in her eyes as she thanked him betrayed that she was both extremely grateful for and aware of what kind of priceless item he had just given her.

    Her present from Gren was a worn photograph of Mythal when he was a child that he explained was the only picture of its kind that had not been destroyed by the fire. He had carried it with him all this time, but wanted Serilda to have it now. The princess was greatly moved by the simple gift, and thanked Gren with a tight embrace. Following that, the du Wolff clan had a joint gift of their own for the Sinclairs that consisted of a collection of high end, custom built electronics from Everance and Dudley’s business. The gifts, they said, were both for the mining firm as well as the Rune Knights, in the hopes that the tech would improve operations and efficiency for both. It was a gift that was met with a deep gratitude from each Sinclair present, though Byron and Serilda, as the co-owners, were certainly at the forefront of thanks.

    Serilda’s parents and Solomon had gotten her and Mythal equally thoughtful and useful gifts as they had the previous year. Victoria seemed extremely pleased with the unexpected gifts she had been given, particularly the sword that Mythal had given her. She held the ancient artifact with a keen eye, carefully inspecting its age and craftsmanship. The Seal could sense the history of the weapon’s blood, and she found herself oddly moved by the thoughtful present, taking the time to offer him a firm handshake of her gratitude. Once everything had started to die down and the mortals seemed ready to transition out of gift exchange mode, Victoria elected to draw the attention of all the room’s occupants to herself. “I am sorry to interrupt, but I have a gift of my own to give, and while it primarily concerns Serilda and Mythal, it will effect more than just the two of them.”

    She waited until she was sure that everyone was paying attention. The gift she had was one that she had kept to herself, not even having notified Lux of what was about to happen. The Seal turned to face the Voidwalker. “You may wish to take a seat.”

    Serilda frowned lightly. “Victoria, what are you…”

    The Seal gently cut her off with a politely raised hand. “I promise I’m not doing anything nefarious, but this may still be a bit shocking, so.. Just trust me. Please.”

    The field marshal looked briefly to Mythal, visibly confused before gently sitting down next to him on one of the sofas and watching the Seal with rapt attention. Victoria took a moment to collect herself and find the right place to start, which was a bit odd to witness for a being that was always so sure of herself. “I think, in order for this to make sense to everyone, I have to give a brief explanation of who exactly I am. My brother and I,” she nodded to Lux, “Are nephilim. I won’t get into the purpose for which we were created or why we are here, but we are rather intimately connected to Mythal and Serilda through their blood lines, and I specialize in blood magic and being able to read and sense the presence of blood.”

    With that quick recap out of the way so that everyone would understand at least the basics of what they would need to know in order to understand how Victoria knew what she was about to reveal, the Conquoress turned back to the white haired woman on the couch. “A few weeks after our mission in the graveyard, I sensed a change in your blood. Rather, it would be more accurate to state that I sensed two new sources of blood within you.” The Voidwalker continued to frown, the dots not connecting in her head over a matter that she had lost hope in long ago. After a beat, when she realized Serilda wasn’t going to reach the conclusion, the Seal spelled it outright for her in a gentle tone. “Serilda… you’re pregnant. With twins.”

    The news was so profound that the Voidwalker couldn’t do or say anything except stare at Victoria in disbelief. “That’s… that’s not possible,” she stammered, not immediately willing to accept that the one thing she’d wanted most, the thing that had always been robbed from her, had just been dumped in her lap. “I know Mythal’s curse was lifted, but that doesn’t make a difference. My doctors confirmed long before I met Mythal that I would never be able to..”

    “I know, and that misdiagnosis was not their fault,” Victoria said, gently interrupting Serilda again before she could get too far ahead of herself. “I know your history, as we have discussed it before, so even I doubted what I was sensing at first, but I decided to look for clues and it wasn’t until I found your old wedding ring that I realized what had happened. The ring had an enchantment on it, a complex one that was exceedingly difficult to detect, but it was there: A powerful charm that prevents pregnancy in the wearer. I presume you never took the ring off for the duration of your prior marriage?” Serilda shook her head. “I am truly sorry that your abhorrent ex played such a cruel and cowardly trick upon you… but the fact of the matter remains that you were never truly barren. And now that Mythal’s curse has been lifted, and you are no longer being afflicted by that enchantment… you are, in fact, able to bear children. Check for yourself.”

    With shaking hands, Serilda set her palms against her abdomen and looked within herself with her Void magic, rifling through the atoms of her body on a molecular level until she found them: two small clusters of cells that had never been there before, attached to her uterine walls clear as day. Serilda burst into tears, completely and utterly overwhelmed by the revelation that, as far as she was concerned, was a downright miracle. Despite the unsettling understanding about Hugo’s trickery that had come with the good news, something she would surely have to take some time to process later, at the moment the vile ploy was beyond Serilda’s mind. A bright smile spread across her face and she started laughing through the sobs as she turned to Mythal. “I am pregnant,” she told him, as if she really needed to clarify when her emotional state of elation was proof enough, but it was as though she needed to say it out loud to make it real. She leaned over and clung to him hard, holding him to share the moment with him and also use him as a source of trying to ground herself a little emotionally.

    And Serilda hadn’t been the only one moved to tears. Both Byron and Miriam were openly crying, though the duke and duchess were more dignified about it, wiping the moisture away gently with handkerchiefs that they each had on them. Even Solomon looked a bit shook, in a good way, his body tense and rigid with joy over the news as he realized he’d been holding his breath. He let it out with a gentle sigh, smiling toward his sister and his future brother in law.

    It didn’t take Serilda long to push herself onto her feet and approach VIctoria, pulling the Seal into a tight hug that caught the much older woman off guard. It only took her a moment to recover, smiling lightly and returning the embrace in a rare show of empathy. “Thank you, Victoria. Thank you so much.”

    Victoria chuckled. “Don’t look at me. Mythal’s the one who knocked you up,” she teased, drawing a choked laugh from the field marshal. Serilda’s parents and Solomon all immediately moved over to congratulate the couple, with each member of the notoriously rigid family giving both of them firm hugs. It was an insanely emotional moment, one that Serilda was sure to remember for the rest of her long life as one of the happiest nights she’d ever lived.

    Once everything had calmed down and the night was seeming to wind down to an end, Themesycia approached the Sinclair couples separately to invite them to an after party of sorts that the du Wolffs liked to host after large formal gatherings. Byron and Miriam, to their credit, did give it some earnest thought before ultimately declining, though that choice didn't seem to have anything to do with the seeming nature of the party itself. Rather, they expressed a desire in talking a walk with one another around the island, interested in having a romantic stroll under the Bellum night sky before ultimately retiring to whatever space Themesycia would have for them to sleep in. It hadn’t taken long for Cecilia to lure Solomon away for similar purposes, the pair of young adults eager to find a little alone time to get to know one another better.

    When Themesycia brought it up to Serilda and Mythal, they didn't seem too caught off guard or apprehensive about the knowledge of it being a bit more liberal of a setting. Labeling the place as a dance club that 'didn't have any rules' was a bit open to interpretation, but the insinuation was there that it was a type of place where there would perhaps be a bit of adult content. And after all the time they'd spent with Ruzatz and Agatha, the thought of being present in an actively promiscuous setting wasn't exactly something that sent her into blushing fits of embarrassment or shock anymore. Turning to look toward Mythal, she gave a shrug. “I think it could be fun, personally. What do you think?" Mythal had never been against going to parties and social gatherings with Serilda, despite the fact that he didn't personally care for them, because he simply enjoyed spending the time with her. However, given the sudden and big change that they had just become aware of, she wasn't sure if he would prefer to wind down with her in a more secluded space with her.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th January 2021, 4:18 pm


    There wasn’t much that could beat the last two years of Christmas. After all, it had brought him the chance to adopt Gren and the pup was a staggeringly important part of his life and start a life he never envisioned for himself. But being here, among so many people that he cared and respected, was easily ranking up there. The gifts were all meaningful and he thanked each and every person in turn, more moved by the act than anything else. Two years were equal parts a long and short time and it was a bit crazy to think about the stark differences in his life. Looking back on it and looking around at all the faces, Mythal couldn’t help but feel truly happy. Despite everything they had gone through in this past year, they’d all come out of it together to celebrate.

    Lux was… well, surprised didn’t quite put it into the right context. He had expected to simply observe the ludicrous exchanging of gifts without much focus on himself but then Mythal and Serilda came up and offered him gifts. He looked at them perplexed, brows raised, before he carefully reached out and accepted the presents. “Uhh… thanks,” he said, unable to truly disarm the shock in his voice as he set to opening up the boxes. From Serilda, he had received a small lacrima and upon looking at it closer, he found that she had even managed to capture pure stardust in the magical container, a feat that was pretty impressive. And Mythal had gone and brought down a moonshard that he had imbued with moonlight magic, making it glow with energy. They were extremely generous gifts but it was obvious that he hadn’t been expecting anything and, in turn, hadn’t planned on giving any either. There was a brief flustered look on his face as he tried to come up with some kind of quick solve.

    “Uh… Serilda, take out that uh… light sword thing. The one with the moonlight,” he insisted. Once she had done so, he clapped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously. Then he laid them over the sword, light magic flowing out from his palms and directly into the blade itself. It only took a brief few seconds before the glow faded. “There, I know it was already strong but I went ahead and imbued it with more moonlight. The process they used for this was alright but I went ahead and perfected it. So that bad boy will be absolutely glowing with moonlight now.” It was the best he could do for her in such a short amount of time but, considering, it was actually a pretty neat gift. Mythal had given her that sword back during their first days as partners, hoping that it would help her repel the supernatural creatures that frightened her. It seemed only right that a supernatural creature itself should make it stronger.

    Then he turned to Mythal, rubbing his chin. “I don’t think I have anything that I can whip up that you can’t already use…” the Lightbringer mused. Then an idea struck him. “Put a pin in this. I might have an idea. But I’ll need to look into it. Consider your Christmas gift on layaway, alright?” He’d need to do some digging but after their run in with the Order of Souls, it had sparked a resurgence of knowledge he had cast aside. Perhaps there was something he could get or help Mythal acquire that would be suitable.

    That seemed to be the end of the gift giving, with everyone chatting over the presents they had received. But then Victoria spoke up, addressing the entirety of the room. As all eyes turned to her, she insisted that she had her own gift to give that primarily focused on Serilda and Mythal but felt it would be important enough to share with everyone. The Darkness King’s face twisted into visible confusion and, well, concern… especially as she asked Serilda to sit down. The Voidwalker started to protest but her Seal gently asked her to trust her, promising that she didn’t have anything devious planned. Without much option or explanation, Serilda and Mythal shared a look but then sat themselves down, now even more curious to what Victoria had planned. After a moment of preparation, she decided to wholly introduce herself and Lux to the group without going into too much detail. She outlined that she and the Lightbringer were nephilim that were tied to Mythal and Serilda through their lineage and professed herself as a specialist in blood magic.

    The entirety of the room gave her their full attention as she laid the background out, apparently some kind of prelude to the actual gift itself. She turned to Serilda and explained that after the incident in the graveyard, she had picked up on something different in Seri’s blood. As a clarification, she stated that she actually had sensed two new sources of blood. If this was some kind of good meaning gift, it didn’t come across that way -- it actually sounded quite concerning. Considering the amount of gods and demons that had tried to force control over Mythal and Serilda, the idea that other blood presences were within her struck a worrisome chord in the Darkness King. But it seemed that was far from the truth as, after a moment to see if either one of them would catch up, Victoria spelled it out plain as day. Serilda was pregnant with twins.

    Well, that couldn’t be right. They’d had this discussion with Zifu and the Order when it came to Mythal’s curse. No matter what, Serilda was, unfortunately, incapable of having children and the Voidwalker was quick to remind Victoria of that fact, denying the statement fully. But before she could get too far into it, the Seal interrupted her. Apparently the diagnosis that Serilda had been given was false, though through no fault of the doctor’s. Victoria had gone out of her way to do research on the enigma, looking for an answer that eventually led her to the Voidwalker’s old wedding ring. It was there she discovered the charm imprinted on the small hoop that prevented pregnancy and considering Serilda never took the ring off, it had worked to full effect. Yet another devious and disgusting act from her former husband but one that, in an odd way, bore better fruit. She’d been prevented from having any of his spawn for his own selfish reasons but now Serilda was free of the charm and, as such, was perfectly capable of bearing sons and daughters. It seemed their moment after the incident in the cemetery had stuck and Victoria even asked that Serilda check herself.

    The Voidwalker hastily put her hands on her abdomen and looked inwards. All the confirmation the room needed was when she burst into tears, her emotions pouring out of her as the truth had come out. The weight that had been upon her shoulders for years, the disappointment that had clung to her soul since her first marriage, was wiped away in a swell of salty tears and absolute happiness. Mythal was stunned, frozen, his eyes wide with his own tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes. He’d never considered the idea of kids for as long as he was growing up, going through the years alone and bitter. And even after he and Serilda had finally gotten together, the reality of their ability to reproduce was a sad truth but one that he accepted. After all, fate had provided them a blessing in that regard by leading them to Grappa and Jellisha and, if they were sought more, there was always adoption. But he knew being able to have children of her own was something Serilda had always wanted. And as she turned to him, verbally confirming that she was pregnant, he gasped softly and finally the tears started to run down his cheeks. He pulled her in tight as she hugged him, wrapping his arms around her as a tear-stained smile pushed itself to the surface. He held her as long as she needed until she finally got to her feet and hugged Victoria, thanking her for the news. The Seal, amused, insisted that it was Mythal they should be thanking and a laugh came from most of the members of the room.

    “So looks like you aren’t shooting blanks anymore then,” Lux quipped as she gave Mythal a hard pat on the shoulder. And then, surprisingly soft, he gave him a nod. “Congrats man. I’m uh… happy for you two.”

    “Thanks Lux,” Mythal said, wiping the tears from his eyes. It was an odd but welcome moment of true consideration for one another before Gren came over and wrapped his adoptive son in a massive bear hug, squeezing him tight.

    “Congratulations, son!” he said, his own tears lingering just on the corners of his eyes. “I’m so happy for ya both.”

    “Yeah thanks Gren but yer crushin’ my ribs,” the Darkness Slayer said, his voice tight but amused.

    The former Knight let him out of the loving stranglehold and clapped him on both shoulders. “I was so happy to hear ya had those two girls Grappa and Jellisha. And now yer poppin’ out more kids. Gods if I could go back in time and tell my younger self, he’d get a real hoot.”

    “Yeah, same here. I imagine me ten years younger woulda thought this entire thing was completely nuts,” Mythal said with a laugh. “But I’m glad. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, more now…” He looked over at Serilda and smiled before they were both overwhelmed with friends and family congratulating them.

    This Christmas had, easily, taken the number one spot of all time. And it was hard to believe that it was going to continue, or at least had the opportunity to. As Mythal and Serilda finally found a moment to get back together, Themesycia approached them with an offer. There was apparently an afterparty in a lounge underneath the manor that they were welcome to attend. Apparently it wasn’t as formal as the ball had been, the duchess comparing it to a nightclub rather than a gala. But she insisted they didn’t need to come, understanding if they preferred to have some alone time to relish in the bountiful news they had been given. And while that idea was enticing, he honestly couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate both the news and the holiday than to spend it with friends and family. “Sure, sounds like fun,” he said with a shrug, smiling.

    It seemed Byron and Miriam had elected to opt out of the invitation in lieu of going for a romantic stroll around the island. And Cecilia had asked Solomon if he was interested in partaking in a similar walk, which he agreed to. “Then I’m going to go and change into something a bit easier to move in, as much as I enjoy being my own personal Christmas tree. Vandrad and Mercury know the way so they’ll be happy to guide you down. Victoria, how about you come with me? I could use the help getting out of my dress,” the duchess said with a flirty grin to the Seal. Then she turned to Mythal and Serilda and took each of their hands in her own. “All of my best wishes to you. This is truly wonderful news and I am bursting with happiness for you both.”

    With that, the group once again separated. Simon, Ophelia, Dudley, Ever and Bartrand chose to go with the group of Vandrad, Mercury, Mythal, Serilda, Gren and Lux, with the lord putting on quite the charming display with the Silver Wolf mage. They walked through several different hallways before coming to a picture, which apparently was a secret passageway. Once triggered, the wall opened up and the deep, reverberating bass from the music could be felt and heard. Down the stairs they descended until they came upon a foyer. It wasn’t an extravagant room to say the least, with only the spiral staircase and the door leading to the next room. Standing before it was a large man, around six and a half feet, made up a solid muscle. His skin was as brown as chocolate and his stance was that of a professional bouncer. Yet his outfit was that of a one of Santa’s elves, with a green hat upon his head that was highlighted with red, a green shirt that was far too small for him, opened over his chest and green and red striped shorts that were also way too small for him.. Pointed shoes were on his feet with little bells on the end.

    “Your highnesses,” he said as he glanced up at the group. “I have to say, I’m surprised to see you back here, Prince Vandrad.”

    “My nephew has caught the bug, Kristoph,” Simon said, walking up to wrap his arm around the bouncer’s shoulder. “This is Lady Serilda Sinclair, Soon-To-Be Lord Mythal Ragnos and the honorable Gren Ragnos, his father. You, of course, remember Mercury?”

    “Of course. You look gorgeous tonight, ma’am,” he complimented the Silver Wolf mage, giving her a quick once over. “A pleasure to meet you all tonight. Merry Christmas and I hope y’all enjoy a bouncin’ party.” With that said, he turned and opened the door, giving Simon a unique and personal handshake as he let the other man in.

    The room was loud, though somehow just below the point where it was irritating. The music was a kind of mash up of Christmas jingles and dance beats, serving to accentuate the dancing atmosphere. Compared to the quartz room above, the room was far more high tech and modern. There were a ton of people in the place, all of them dancing and schmoozing with one another. Unlike the last time, which had essentially been one giant orgy, this party wasn’t as fueled with sexual vibrancy, though there were a few couples and groups here and there that were getting a bit handsy. “Our section is right over there,” Simon told Serilda, Mythal and Gren, pointing over the crowd. “I’m going to fetch us some drinks. Anyone want anything in particular? We have an excellent spiked eggnog that’s to die for.” Once everyone had put in their orders, he grabbed Bartrand to help him bring the drinks over and let Ever and Dudley lead them to the couches that were sat upon the stage in the middle of the dance floor. Plenty of room had been made for them all to sit down.

    “Well uh…” Mythal said to Serilda as he sat down. “It certainly is different from upstairs, she was right about that.” And yet he didn’t seem too bothered by that. In fact, it was safe to say that nothing would be ruining Mythal’s mood that evening. He took the Voidwalker’s hand in his and looked longingly into her eyes as he shared his elation with her.

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 8th January 2021, 8:17 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It seemed she and Vandrad were on the same wavelength when it came to having gifts to offer one another, neither of them having anything present to exchange but also not inquiring of the other about it. In the meantime, she got plenty of other gifts from the others present. Gren provided her with a gift card to a restaurant in Hargeon that looked pretty good, as well as some kind of charm that would let her essentially summon him any time she wished. There was no mistaking the grin on her face that promised to everyone present that she fully intended on abusing the gift as she openly stated that he might regret giving her such an item. Themesycia ladened her with the official designs of the club down in the basement, something the du Wolffs had never allowed anyone else to have a copy of. Naturally, Mercury was more than a little excited about that. The duchess had also given her a book especially made for writing music, earning the duchess a grin that was slightly more on the sheepish side as it seemed someone had let slip to her that Mercury had not just been learning piano, but already had started writing music. At this point, that could have been Vandrad or Gren.

    Simon gave her a beautiful set of matching gold earrings and a bracelet that had emeralds woven into them. In a way, they almost matched the ring that Vandrad had given her, which was still on her finger, and his comment was even along the same lines as what the prince had told her upon gifting her the ring: that the stones were meant to compliment her eyes. She thanked Simon with a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek, though the moment was swiftly ruined by Bandit choosing that moment to come down from his perch and onto her shoulder, trying to hop down along her arm to get a closer look at the jewelry. “Fuck off, these are mine,” she scolded the bird, flapping a hand at him and causing him to lose his balance until he finally flew off to a new perch and screeched at her from a distance. Mercury stuck her tongue out at the bird and then tucked the items safely away in her clutch where he couldn’t get them.

    The gift from Everance and Dudley elated her, the Silver Wolf mage practically bouncing on her toes as she looked at the voucher in her hand that included a VIP tour of the backstage. Also mixed in with the tickets was a note from the Lusty Titans member that she’d had amazing chemistry with during the last show, commenting that he was looking forward to seeing her again. Mercury was quite certain that a backstage pass for a show like this was bound to be a rather… inclusive experience. She would have to figure out who she wanted to bring with her. The twins had gone together to get a sexy black club dress for her, stating that its use would be to go out with them soon for a night on the town, an invitation that Mercury was all too excited to accept. She promised them both that she would schedule a date with them before she and Vandrad returned to Fiore, eager to finally get the chance to spend time with them one on one when she hadn’t managed to do so yet. Her last gift from Bartrand was in the exact same vein of gift as she had given him, both of them having somehow committed to this idea of making their own adult flicks without even having really discussed it with one another yet. Their session in the tub had really sparked something that both of them were unexpectedly interested in exploring.

    The gift giving session was starting to wind down to an end after a celebratory cheer from Themesycia before Victoria spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention. The Seal announced that she had a a gift of her own to give, but the nature of it seemed to be more information rather than a physical item, and that it would be something that effected multiple people present despite being focused toward Mythal and Serilda. There was a brief moment of confusion from the couple -- indeed, from a few people -- before they relented and sat down to hear what Victoria had to say. The Seal opened by giving everyone who wasn’t yet aware a brief overview of exactly who and what she and Lux were, and how they were connected to the Rune Knight leaders. With this came the knowledge that Victoria also specialized in blood magic, a note that Mercury put down in her head to add to her collection on the Seals later.

    According to Victoria, she had sensed a change in Serilda’s blood not long after the fight against Faera and the events of the graveyard. More to the point, she had developed two new points of blood within Serilda’s body. That was a weird thing to turn into an announcement, and even Mercury wasn’t entirely sure where this was going, despite the fact that her brain operated at a mechanically higher level than just about everyone else on the planet. Thankfully, most everyone else seemed just as lost, including Mythal and Serilda, up until Victoria spelled out in plain terms that the Voidwalker was pregnant with twins.

    One could have heard a pin drop as the couple stared at Victoria, trying to process the news. Serilda held herself as composed as possible, but it was clear to Mercury that she was shaken. Her vitals immediately began to spike hard, becoming all but erratic as she attempted only once to deny what Victoria was saying. The Seal stopped her, going in and explaining the discovery of the enchantment that Hugo had placed on Serilda’s ring from their marriage that prevented her so thoroughly from having children that it had even fooled doctors into believing she was barren. However, now that she no longer wore that ring, she was no longer being prevented from bearing children. Mix that with Mythal’s sudden fertility and an apparent lack of birth control use, and it had resulted in two little miracles.

    Verifying the news for herself, Serilda clutched at her abdomen and searched her body with her own magic, and upon confirming her child bearing state, the princess began to openly weep with emotion in front of everyone. It was a moving moment, one that admittedly touched Mercury more than she had ever expected something like this could. She was very happy for the couple, of course, and the smile on her face showed that. But it was also a bit sobering for her, as a small wave of envy coursed through her body. There was no resentment in the feeling, just a sorrow at the kind of moment that she knew she could never, and would never, have. The thought of having a normal life where she was free to do as she pleased without having to worry about her life or the lives of the people she cared about was a happy day dream, but it was little more than that. Mercury made no eye contact with anyone during that time, content to linger in a corner briefly while everyone’s attention was on the happy couple as they thanked Victoria and started receiving congratulations from around the room.

    Bandit swooped gently back down and landed on her shoulder, pecking the side of her head gently and preening her hair until Mercury smirked and started petting him. “Alright, alright,” she murmured to the bird softly. Shaken from her momentary funk, she got in line to give both of her Fioren friends a hug and expressed her happiness for them. From there, everyone simply relaxed and chatted with one another until it was time to wind down. Or rather, it was time for those who desired to wind down to separate from those who desired to move on to round two of the festivities. Mercury cackled happily over the knowledge that there was going to be another after party, already shooting Vandrad a look that guaranteed she was going to be there and that she was going to get in all sorts of trouble if he elected not to come. Granted, she’d get in trouble regardless, but leaving her unsupervised would only make that worse.

    Themesycia left it up to her and Vandrad to lead the way for the guests while she slipped into something a little more suitable, inviting Victoria to help her change. The Seal agreed with a grin that was just as flirty as the duchess’ before the two left together. Serilda’s parents elected to fashion their own date in the form of a romantic walk around the island under the night sky, and Mercury was rather tickled to see Cecilia and Solomon break off to do their own as well. Even more amusing was how dead set Ophelia seemed to be going wherever it was that Mythal wound up, which said a lot since Mercury already knew that the after party wasn’t generally her or her sister’s kind of thing.

    True to the duchess’ word, she and Vandrad led the charge toward the after party, heading down the hallways until they found the large painting that hid the entrance to the basement, which Vandrad opened up with a touch. Immediately she could feel the thumping reverberation of the music down below, the Silver Wolf mage already giddy at being back in the atmosphere, and standing once more at the bottom of the stairs was Kristoph, the same deliciously muscled man that had been watching the door last time. He greeted the royals cordially as a group before once more picking on Vandrad as he’d done previously, stating his surprise at seeing the prince returning. Mercury chuckled as Simon claimed Vandrad had caught the bug when it came to joining the rest of his family in their less formal atmospheres before introducing the new guests present. He also reintroduced Mercury, though the large man clearly remembered her from before. “And you look like I should be asking you when your shift ends,” she practically purred back to his compliment, letting her own eyes wander over the large man and his exceptionally tight elf costume.

    Once inside, Mercury soaked up the display of lights and electricity in the room like it was a deep breath of fresh air, already feeling herself become exceptionally more energized. Simon pointed them all to the section of couches that were set upon the small dias before offering to collect drinks for everyone. “Sure, I’ll try an eggnog,” Mercury chimed in, having heard of the beverage in her research on Christmas but never having tried it before. Ever and Dudley brought everyone to the couches where they all got comfortable. As Serilda and Mythal took a moment to adjust to the new setting and take it in, Mercury sat next to Vandrad, leaning over to quietly say, “I’ll bet you a thousand jewel that the’re gonna wind up participating by dressing down with the rest of us.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Holly Jolly Follies Empty Re: Holly Jolly Follies

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 8th January 2021, 10:20 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Holly Jolly Follies RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad didn’t really expect to ever have kids. In fact, he never really expected to have a meaningful relationship that could even invite the possibility of children. He’d come to accept and had even revealed to his mother that he was in love with Mercury but it was pointless, in a way. No matter how close they were, no matter how strong their bond and partnership was, she’d made it clear that any kind of meaningful attachment didn’t really suit her. Settling down didn’t seem to be in the cards. And to be fair, the prince had felt like that for a long time as well. He’d had limited to no interest in women at all and the thought of starting a family and siring spawn was far from important. Even now, after his feelings had developed, he still didn’t really see the option as plausible. Maybe it was just denial or perhaps it was something more.

    Whatever the case, it didn’t take away from the weight of Victoria’s revelation. She’d taken all the attention in the room for herself for her one and only gift. It came as little surprise that she would command such a presence, considering she was related to Lux and he seemingly loved to be the center of attention. But the Seal only lingered on herself long enough to explain what she was and what her speciality lay before she turned her focus on Serilda. Turning the clock back to focus on the fight with Faera, she stated that she had picked up on two new sources of blood within the Field Marshal. That was a strange statement, bordering on worrisome. But given that everyone in the room seemed to lack the key to the riddle, Victoria came right out and told them exactly what she meant -- Serilda was pregnant.

    Of course she tried to deny it, falling back on the same excuse she had used in the Order of Souls compound. But Victoria shut it down before it got too far, backing up her statement with evidence and the horrifying revelation that her ex-husband had enchanted her wedding ring without her knowledge. She insisted Serilda check for herself and once the Voidwalker did just that, she burst into tears. She wept openly as she turned to Mythal and confirmed what her Seal had said; she was, in fact, pregnant. The overwhelming feeling of relief, ecstasy and excitement filled the room, its treacherously positive vibes attempting to pierce the hardened emotional film that surrounded Vandrad. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy for the couple; in fact, he gave them a meaningful and warm smile at the news. But he had trained himself too well now to fall victim to such bouts of pure elation without his own acceptance of it.

    Yet there was another feeling, hidden beneath the waves of positive energy. His eyes flicked to Mercury in the corner, seemingly having melted away from the group. He could feel the mixed emotions bubbling up inside of her. She was joyful for Mythal and Serilda but there was a pity there as well, a sadness at the opportunity that she seemed to long for. It was a truly enlightening realization as he felt just how much she wanted something similar, envy ripe along with her sorrow. There was no telling for what reason she felt it, though given the limited amount of information she had given him, he imagined he had something to do with the reason she was here.

    It was only a brief moment and she was so focused on being out of everyone’s way that she never managed to catch him watching her. It wasn’t until Bandit swooped down to distract her that Vandrad’s gaze switched away, focusing back on the congratulation that was happening. Vandrad joined the rest of the group in giving his well wishes to Mythal and Serilda, along with giving Victoria a nod of approval for her actions. Now if only Lux would prove to be more than a pain in the ass. With all of that out of the way, Themesycia spoke to both Serilda’s parents and the happy couple about the afterparty, wanting to gauge their interest in joining. It seemed the Sinclairs wanted to take a private tour of the island and spend some quality, romantic time together. Cecilia, surprisingly, also suggested a similar activity with Solomon, her smile betraying just how excited she was to learn more about the youngest Sinclair.

    With all of that out of the way, the duchess took Victoria with her to get changed and the rest of the group made their way to the entrance. Vandrad himself was the one who pressed upon the painting and led them down through the belly of the manor, coming upon the door guarded by Kristoph. He greeted them, even stating how surprised he was to see Vandrad down there once again. "God forbid I leave this one alone, there is no telling what kind of trouble she’ll get into,” he said, gesturing to Mercury.

    The bouncer chuckled. “Then I guess it’s too bad you came then, your highness.” It was a playful remark that he’d never tried with Vandrad before. But given that the prince didn’t immediately bite his head off and even let out an amused snort, it seemed it had landed well. Plus he wasn’t going to not waste the opportunity to hit on the woman who had just wondered aloud if she should try to hook up with him after he got off work. And on that point: “Also, two in the morning, if y’all are really interested,” he said to Mercury as he opened the door, giving her a quick wink.

    The club was filled with throbbing music, dancing, grinding, making out and alcohol in full abundance. Vandrad glanced at Simon as he pointed them in the direction of the couches and then offered to get drinks. "A beer is fine,” he said simply before leading the charge through the undulating crowd. Once they reached the couches, the entirety of the group sat themselves down. As they did, Mercury leaned over to him and wagered that Serilda and Mythal would participate in the dressing down activity. It had been a feature from the last party they’d attended, allowing people to change into something wild for the orgy. He snorted and reached out to shake her hand. "I’ll take that bet. No way in Hell are they that risque.” Vandrad had a pretty good idea of what Serilda and Mythal would and wouldn’t do at that point. And dressing into a club outfit seemed unlikely.

    Simon and Bartrand appeared shortly after that, carrying drinks and handing them out to everyone. “This is quite the club you have under here. I heard you guys were eccentric but I never imagined a dance space was hidden beneath your manor,” Gren said as he took a sip from his beer.

    “Our family comes from a long line of stoic noblemen and women who were also some of the wildest creatures of the night. We were brought upon the belief that physical expressions such as dancing, singing, sex and other forms are a way for us to release our stress and invigorate our souls. You should come to one of the regular afterparties -- these are usually more akin to orgies than simple dancing,” Ever explained to Gren, being as bold as to place a hand on his knee and giving it a loving stroke. He glanced at her hand and then to her and chuckled, even as she turned her gaze to Vandrad. “Now Themmy tells me that you participated in getting a tattoo the last time you came to Bellum. Pray tell, when were you going to give the honor to your aunt to see the masterpiece?”

    Vandrad snorted. "A Christmas party is hardly the place to show up shirtless, given that the brand is along my back and side,” he said, indicating the spot over his jacket.

    “Then I guess we’ll just have to go and get dressed down!” Simon said as he took a big gulp of his eggnog and got to his feet. But before he went anywhere, he turned to Mythal, Serilda and Gren. “So we have these booths for people to use; you can store your outfits in them for safekeeping and then you can choose a new set of clothing that’s more fitting for the club. That way there’s no danger of anything being spilled on our nice suits and dresses. Admittedly, the outfits are a bit more scandalous but they are a bit tempered tonight for the Christmas spirit. It’s not a requirement, simply an option. And since Vandrad opted to participate last time, he has no choice but to do it again now! His uncle demands it.”

    That didn’t come as much of a surprise to Vandrad, who rolled his eyes but stood to his feet. But he waited before he started moving, smirking in anticipation of Serilda and Mythal declining the offer and securing the win in his wager with Mercury.

    Words: 1518/3231  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair | © marzia at shine & gs.


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:51 am