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    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]


    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] Empty Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]

    Post by Addre 26th September 2020, 7:49 am


    When JJ agreed to guard the entrance to Illya’s concert, he felt quite honored at first. It was definitely a huge event, and he was aware of Illya’s explosive fame that only increased after her efforts during the Urban Nights Festival. That meant that she trusted him - at last. He had spent possibly a month trying to make her realize that he wasn’t some spy from Phantom Fist or Dread Lords or Raven Tail or Mea Culpa or some other dark guild who attempted to infiltrate Dies Irae. She was quite a strange woman for even standing her ground for so long… but that was of the past. Now, he had forgiven her, and they were mutual friends and teammates… teammates who needed a new name for their team, since JJ wasn’t a big fan of ‘Hell Razers’.

    But that was food for another day of thinking…

    One, specific pedestrian were persistent on proving to the sensually-enhanced Demon Slayer that his fake ticket was real. JJ had overseen the tickets being handed to him to let people enter along the red carpet towards the open area leading up to the black scene, and all of the tickets were laminated in plastic and had working codes on them - lines that certain Lacrimas could identify. This one dude’s ticket was just paper. JJ stood his ground, not wanting to let this idiot pass through.

    “PLEASE! I BEG YOU, I MUST SEE HER! MY WAIFU, MY WAIFU’S IN THERE, DON’T YOU REALIZE-“ he almost cried out, only making it even more difficult for JJ to stand solid and, y’know, collected. He grabbed the beanie-wearing dude on his shoulders and glared directly through him with laser eyes - figuratively, as JJ was also able to literate that claim. “Listen, Illya… w-what even is a ‘waifu’- no, look, you have to go. Now,” he made it clear to him, simple as that. In a last attempt, the boy tried to push JJ away, only to land on his bum a meter away from the taller wizard. There was no exception to the rules…

    And with a tear trickling down his cheek, he finally left. Somehow, it brought guilt to JJ’s heart, so he raised a hand and called to him: “H-Hey, just buy a ticket now! You can-“

    “NO! … W-Who would even buy a ticket for a bitch like her? Fuck her, and all of you! Leave me alone…”

    Unexpected. A moment ago, he was head over heels for her, and now, he verbally cursed her. JJ’s forehead was expressing a huge, pulsating vein, but he didn’t persecute the bastard. As long as the pitiful boy left, everything else would be fine…

    The beanie-wearing boy quickly sought cover behind a corner of a nearby building that harbored a corner shop. Corner shops were common in the capital Crocus. In his hands, he held some things - first of all was a small plastic pocket filled with what looked like water. Second, he also held a doll - one made of hay with limbs and what looked like pink-painted strays of hair on its head. Third, he held a needle… and fourth, a hammer.

    It was yet to be the hour of the ox, the evil hour in Midian mythology. He would wait for around 1-2 am the night after the concert, and then he would begin his sweet retribution.

    WC: 569


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
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    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] Empty Re: Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]

    Post by Altarias 3rd October 2020, 8:19 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Saying that Illya and Jariel got off on the wrong foot would be an understatement. Her physically imposing fellow guildmate seemed to be attacking another member of the guild when Illya did not know him and-

    Well, that was a thing of the past. She admittedly held somewhat of a grudge on that moment, figuring he was some infiltrator looking to bring her guild down. After all, why else would he have been attacking a fellow guildmate? It took some time, not to mention a lot of convincing from her since departed friend Kenzo, to drop the grudge on Jariel. They had formed a team between the three of them, Hell Razers, Kenzo called it. Before they could do anything, unfortunately, he had died on some mission. She had not quite gotten around to changing the name, especially with Kenzo being Illya's first real friend in the world.

    But now, she had Jariel as a close confidant and friend. So came Illya's biggest concert ever. Shortly after their Urban Nights Festival jaunt and her impromptu concert, some big concert hall owner in Crocus offered her an exclusive concert! The same sorts of venues that Sakura Kisagami, the most popular idol in all of Fiore, would headline, now Illya was in that echelon! Of course, Illya had the foresight to figure that the concert hall's normal security would not quite be enough, so, perhaps as a way to apologize for all the wrongful mistreatment, Illya asked Jariel to be her personal bodyguard when they would go on the road, starting with guarding over the entrance to this concert. She had not quite figured out what to offer him in exchange, despite his surprising acceptance of going along with her.

    Maybe after this concert, she would need to ask him what she could do for him since he was working for her now, in a sense.

    "Concert's in five, Pegasus!" the gruff voice of the head of the stage crew around the venue barked as he knocked on the door.

    That was certainly enough to pop Illya out of her internal bubble of thought. She was a bit nervous, she had to admit. The Urban Nights Festival was one thing, but now she was going out there all by herself and everyone knew who she was and were there to watch her. The manager here said it would be best if she sent in recordings of her songs so she could lip sync to them, but that was something Illya simply could not do! She was performing for the people! She made her way up to this peak without trickery, and she was not going to delve into it now! This was for the passion of the music, not for the appeal of a perfect concert!

    "Thanks, Gus!" Illya called back, a cheery voice masking her worried demeanor.

    "Aand yer done!" Laerwen called, a chipper tone of voice spilling forth from the Spirit. Illya looked up to see how Laerwen had done. When Illya sent in the tagline for this concert, "All Dolled Up," Laerwen chomped at the bit to get Illya's look prepared. The rough and tumble Celestial Spirit of the Forest was a surprisingly good hand at the prospect of clothing and looks, evident in Illya's attire and look for the concert. "Yer lookin' all dolled up there, Illya!"

    Yemaya hummed slightly. "It is impressive, I won't deny. Some of your fans may go a bit rabid in certain ways."

    Illya chuckled slightly and leaned back in her chair. "Such is the life of a celebrity, I guess. Still weird to say. I'm a celebrity! I'm in one of the biggest venues in Crocus! I'm in a concert with Sakura Kisagami coming up! It's more than I could have asked for, but still I can't just stay put. We gotta put a show on! Well, I do. I don't know how well the fans'll take to you two."

    Yemaya tilted her head. "Regardless of their thoughts, I have no interest of joining you on the stage."

    Laerwen similarly gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of her head. "I'm fine wit bein yer makeup and clothing gal, just don't ask me to go on the stage. I dunno how you do it, Illya."

    Illya smiled, getting up out of her seat. "Neither do I." She headed towards the stage, knowing this needed to be a perfect concert, and that nothing could possibly go wrong.

    WC: 0746 | TWC: 0746


    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] GMALSW8

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] Empty Re: Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]

    Post by Addre 16th October 2020, 10:55 am

    It sounded as if Illya’s debut had begun, so JJ expected no more guests to come by to join. He and the staff closed the entrance and went back in to join the audience - now, first priority was to keep them safe and solid during the concert. And while it was pretty dark among the crowds - safe for the glowsticks that were tossed about, having full-body forms of Illya and Sakura Kisagami - JJ’s Demon Slayer senses also included a heightened sense of sight, which let even the slightest sources of light aid in his vision. He could see just fine, a trait that he had spent a week getting used to.

    When it came to Illya, he didn’t decide to help her with this because that he was a big fan of her music - sorry, bongos were underrated - but he merely wanted to solidify the fact that he, as a Dies Irae Soldi--

    Officer, not Soldier--

    Was going to support his fellow guildmates and teammate. That way, he instilled trust in her that she might rely on him without suspicions akin to the first time they met.

    Also… Kenzo was gone. He had to be there for her.

    So he would do his damn best to make sure that this concert would go smooth as goat butter… which, obviously, wasn’t meant to be. If Illya kept singing at this point, her voice would suddenly be contorted, and she would feel the sensation of being penetrated through her belly without any physical injuries showing on her person. A terrible aura tried to overwhelm her, clearly magical in nature and possible to spot with her and JJ’s Slayer Senses. That aura triggered his alarm and caused JJ to jump forth into action, throwing a dart of hallow light to burn the aura away…

    Yeah, it would likely come as a surprise to the audience and, perhaps, to Illya herself, but where did that aura even come from?


    An angered, beanie-wearing dude kept hammering the doll through its belly with a needle, letting it clamp onto the tree that the doll rested upon. He was all alone in the small park, enveloped by dusk and drowning in rage to such a degree that it became physical visible as black fogs with what looked like glows from embers beaming around a bit. If the dude just knew what kind of black magic that he was attempting to perform…

    WC: 410
    TWC: 979
    Thread TWC: 1725

    Last edited by Jariel on 15th February 2021, 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
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    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] Empty Re: Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]

    Post by Altarias 7th February 2021, 7:21 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A deep breath filled Illya's mind as the first bit of music began playing, the accompanying band blaring the first track on her album Field of Dreams. The piano's a little flat, the expertly tuned Slayer noted, the minimal change not being audible to anyone else. Soon enough, she burst onto the stage, the jazzy lyrics flowing out of her mouth as she danced around, making sure her mic was fine as she went through the song, not missing a single note or step. Everything in the concert was going without a hitch. The entirety of her first five minutes of song was completely perfect, and she soon posed as the song ended, the crowd erupting into cheers.

    "Thank you all for coming!" she called out, giving a moment for the crowd to cheer again. She bantered with the crowd a bit, gauging their feelings on different matters as a sharp pain began to pierce her stomach. Wh-what the hell? she thought, hiding her pain from the crowd. It wasn't anything natural, she could already feel it. Her body was being attacked by magic. That much was clear, even from what she could feel. But there was enough of a crowd here that she could not just call it off, even as her voice strained and tightened. So, she cued up the next song, beads of sweat beginning to form on her face. Even as the second song began, she still began to miss notes already, her notes slightly off her pitch as she struggled to get words out. She gulped at the earliest convenience, her throat barely allowing her to breathe until she managed to spit out the next line of lyrics. JJ! she mentally screamed as her throat began shutting tight. I need you to help me!

    WC: 0299 | TWC: 1045


    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] GMALSW8

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya] Empty Re: Bovine Clocks Harm The Singer [Private | Illya]

    Post by Addre 15th February 2021, 12:39 pm

    He leapt into action immediately, arriving up on the stage in front of the confused masses. What was happening to Illya, they wondered? She suddenly began singing less and less, and it was very visible that she was in deep pain. A few were feeling comical and joked that it was probably some girl problem – pregnancy? That part of the month? Y’know, those kinds of jabs… but it was worse.

    Once JJ was approaching Illya in a sprint, he noticed the black threads… auric in nature, they drilled straight into Illya’s throat and belly, likely causing the unseen pain. He quickly grabbed both strings with each hand, clenching them harshly and channeling his Demon Slayer Magic through them for a preferred effect. The strings proved slightly susceptible to his magic as they lit up in glowing sparks.

    This magic… is wicked, he thought upon pulling the strings. They were still intact – he kept holding onto the part that was lunged into Illya’s fair body, but they weren’t coming off yet. They were difficult to burn off too, but he could use them to track down the culprit. He glanced back at her to check if she was alright, but that was when he realized that a lot of people were still left with their questions unanswered. He turned towards the crowds and spoke into the mic etched onto the collar of his shirt: “*cough* … A sudden health issue has arisen. For her safety, we at the staff will immediately caretake the situation - Illya Pegasus will be back on stage very soon.”

    … Uh…

    Illya likely wouldn’t want to worry her fans – she treated them shockingly delicately at times – so JJ spoke none of the black magic that he just grasped. However, he did nod to the God Slayer: “Illya, can you mov-“


    … JJ’s face was a little shadowed. He held his breath, for a rotten tomato had just splashed onto his face. Where- who-

    Why were people throwing shit at him?

    “Hey, what the hell’s your problem, dipshit!?” some began to spew at him, “Someone take down that terrorist! He’s interrupting Illya Pegasus’ performance!”

    The staff shook their heads and walked out to try and calm them down with hand gestures, but time wasn’t on their side. People were growing weary, but damn, they were loyal to Illya Pegasus… and worried for her as well.

    JJ tried to pull the strings apart, but they were sturdy. Whatever was the cause of it, perhaps, wasn’t that susceptible to Demon Slayer Magic. However, he gained a new source of panic when he saw that a huge pulse was travelling through the strings from far away towards their position – the pulse was tracking straight through the string and aimed to enter Illya’s body, which JJ attempted to prevent by clenching down hard on the string with his bare hands. “H-Hang in there, I’ll-“ he tried to reassure her, but the pressure was emitting his blinding, bright Demon Slayer Magic.

    Then, he managed to push the pulse away as he ran away from Illya. His action caused the power to fade from the string, causing less and less and less pain to surge into her. At the same time, JJ soon reached superhuman speed and followed the string towards the culprit, until he disappeared from her sight…

    If she were to follow suit, she would meet JJ at quite a disadvantage – the string, as if sentient, would’ve slithered around his entire body during a bout out on the street, emitting a foul, dark aura… an aura too dark, too wicked for any entity of evil. No, simply too… black. Too terrible.

    Truly, the culprit was laughing further away from all of them, hiding in his little spot.

    WC: 634
    Thread TWC: 2658


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:22 pm