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    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]


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    In Progress The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Ahote 9th December 2020, 4:56 pm

    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] E2sIQUy

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    It was that time of the year again, the winter festivity reaching it's climax with Christmas on the way and the holiday's merriment at an all-time high. Every town in every region of Fiore was celebrating with festivals, tree decorating, sweater crafting, dancing, caroling—all of that fun stuff, and while Ahote was never really a festive person, he had grown to feel off if he didn't attend these festivals with his companions every year. He acted disinterested and jaded from all of the merriment but ended up pining over anything remotely cute because of his love for cute things. He knew this. He knew that they knew this. Ahote knew, but was still too embarrassed and bashful about his fondness for that sort of stuff and continued with his harsh, Grinch-like attitude.

    It was early in the evening, and Hosenka was caked in snow. It had been snowing for the last three days, blanketing the exotic town in such a thick layer of white that you could hear the familiar crunch of your boots sinking into the snow. It was chilly enough that if you came back to your footprints an hour later, they would have frozen over. Ahote was leaning against a streetlight pole, dressed in an attire usual to him—a charcoal trenchcoat, grey gloves, thick black slacks, and shiny winter boots. Simple, dark, and fitting for a man like him. He arrived first, and alone, though he hadn't been waiting for very long.

    The usual three were supposed to come—Iris, Aeluri, and Baird—but Icarus was coming as well. The last time all five of them were together, it was the first time they had met Icarus, and that apparently went better than he had originally anticipated, so Ahote had invited him out again for the festival. Their had relationship had changed since then, however, so he didn't know what he was supposed to expect from this group outing this time. So he stood there, brooding as he let his mind wander in his thoughts, mulling over them cautiously.

    || Word Count: 340 || Thread WC: 340 || WC Needed 2000 || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Icarus @Iris @aeluri @Baird



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Icarus 12th December 2020, 6:56 am

    Post WC: 364
    Thread WC: 704/10,000
    Tagged: @Ahote, @Baird, @aeluri, @Iris
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Lumbering through the crunchy slush was a charming blonde man, dressed warmly in a khaki, high-collared coat lined in white fur, black shirt, and dark blue jeans slung low on his hips. As he approached a familiar man dressed in monochrome greys waiting for his friends, the streetlamp he stood under flickered on and bathed him in warm, angelic light. Too bad the man was anything except an angel. He was an OCD workaholic with a brutally honest, razor-sharp tongue, but Icarus couldn't help but pull his face into one of his wolfish grins just after he whistled at his attractive boss. "You're the best looking piece of coal Santa could gift a person," Icarus teased Ahote, coming up from the side and leaning against the same light pole. His shoulder bumped into the grey shoulder of his lover, but he couldn't leave it at that. Stepping around, Icarus came to stand in front of the dark-haired male. He peered into Ahote's face with interest, his heavy-lidded eyes devious as usual. "I hope I've been naughty this year..."

    Things between them had changed and Icarus was still adjusting. It was strange how defining things a little more changed his perception of it. Technically, their behaviour during the friends with benefits phase shouldn't have been altered other than adding in more communication and affectionate kisses. Icarus suspected the very slight awkwardness that had slipped in was his own doing since he had intended not to get attached to another person. Even now, despite their talks and some pale confessions, he had a hard time consciously thinking of himself as attached to his employer. Icarus knew he was, but it was some strange mental gymnastics he was doing to keep from freaking out. Adjusting to it proved difficult, but it got easier when he was physically with Ahote. As he peered at the businessman who loved cute things and cleaning his attraction only surged. Placing his arm on the post over Ahote's head for leverage, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss the other man, but halted just before completing it. It was fun to make Ahote flustered and tease him into acting.  



    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] CalumSigs


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Third Skill: Probs Something Kinky

    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Iris 15th December 2020, 2:45 am

    Materializing on top of the wreathed lamp post that the two love-birds were cooing under was a male dressed in a dapper purple suit of the most luxurious violet velvet. Black swirls within the purple added a certain pizzaz to the ensemble, which Iris adored. He loved fashion and beauty, and while most couldn't pull off some of his more eccentric looks, it was hardly deniable that he didn't look good in whatever he chose to put in his body. Beneath the purple and black coat was a black button-up with onyx buttons and a purple tie. On his feet were black shoes shined so intensely that he could use them as mirrors if he wished. His pale purple tresses were expertly styled into it's usual swoop to the left. A touch of shimmering black eyeliner on his top lids added the extra element to his swanky attire, and though it seemed like there could be a top hat to complete it, Iris chose not to. That would make him look too much like that ugly old ballsack Scrooge, and he wasn't here for that.

    What he was here for was to have a good time, as usual. Balancing on the tip of the lamp, he leaned forward to watch Icarus flirt with Ahote. Oh ho ho~ Icarus was every bit of the charmer Iris remembered him to be, and that was all it took to stir his insatiable hunger for adult playtime. He'd give them a few moments to flirt with each other while he drained one of his three flasks of the honeyed liquid flecked with gold. This year he didn't plan on having a melt down because he got too sober and let himself remember unpleasant things. No, he planned to sample the snacks, take part in the activities, and slip into one or all of his friends' pants...to keep warm, of course~.

    Taking in the sights from his elevated position, he noticed how magical the spa town looked brightened by pure white snow. It reflected the warm lantern and streetlight glow, putting it in a sleepy twilight even as the sun sunk lower. Colored bulbs were strung around stalls and across walkways. Steam from the spas rose and hung like clouds full of snow over the whole town. The gentle twinkling of calming instrumental Christmas songs floated from speakers placed on every side-walk corner, barely audible over the faded rabble of the crowds. He could see a clearing filled with naked trees, a pile of presents, and a karaoke stage to the east, north, and west respectively. Still, other activities were hidden under canopies to protect from the icy bits falling from the sky. Spicy scents of cinnamon, which Aelu would love, peppermint, roasting nuts, and chocolate wafted toward his sensitive nose. It was all very cheery. Festive.


    Another human holiday which he could barely wrap his head around full of weird traditions. All they were good for was a few moments of warm and fuzzies before the carols burrowed into your skull and the infatuation with snow gave way to accidents and annoyance. They acted like there was no other time of year to dress up in fancy red dresses or that colored lights and sparkly baubles were only acceptable one time of year. Boring. And were they worshipping a fat, ugly man with a white beard? Why? His outfit was tacky. The only thing good about him was he had magic to break into houses, so that meant his eyes were probably pretty if they weren't clouded with cataracts due to being geriatric. Humans were so weird with what they clung to. It was dumb, but sometimes it was cute.

    "Heeeey~" he called to Ahote and Icarus below, grinning almost evilly. "Get a room, you two. And please, let me come along~?" he purred, jumping off the post and landing gently on his feet in the snow near the two. He wasn't so attached to the idea of another Buzz Killer plus Ahote's Boyfriend outing that he would be opposed to slinking off with them for some interactive activities, but he also knew his suggestive tease would likely earn him a sour glance from his dire ex-guild master. Which was fine, the more frustrated Ahote got with him, the more excited he became. That's just how it worked. "It could be your Christmas present~ to me!"

    [wc: 732 || total: 1436/10,000]

    Last edited by Iris on 1st January 2021, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] 60728_s

    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Faulkner 17th December 2020, 9:54 pm

    music and sound goes hand in hand,
    They're loud and beautiful, just like me.
    beware, beware, the music man likes to play

    Baird hadn't been here in probably over a year? Last he came to the spa town was with Victoria for one of the Halloween pumpkin picking this the year prior. It was quite amusing to him, but it also ended perfectly for him… Victoria was a delicious meal. That was when he was first starting to workout from the slump he had been in after Yuiisai died. That was quite a joyous time for him, if he were to say so himself. This time his visit to Hosenka wouldn’t be for the brunette, but his adorable group he had gone to a rave in the capital with. If it didn’t end the same way as before, he’d be a little upset if he were to be honest. No! This time he was spending another winter season with the beauties! Plus one other. And it’ll be great! No one could ruin the mood for him. Unless the ghost of his wife suddenly popped up. That sent a shutter down his spine.

    While he had loved his late wife, she had also took a part of him. He wasn’t the same. She had scared him, and he had to not have the normal fun he usually had because of her. But now she was gone, well over a year or so now, he wasn’t sure, but she wasn’t here to stop him and he was feeling like himself more than he ever had! Especially after finding out that drinking some helps with songs from time to time.

    As the green haired musician made it to Hosenka, he had pulled a bit of a twig off of a tree with some of it’s needles on it as he passed it. Brushing off the remaining snow, he looked over and grinned at the sight he was seeing before him. He spotted Ahote, Icarus, and Iris all around a light post. A grin formed on his lips as he skipped over and wrapped his arms around Iris’ shoulder and held up his little twig before he opened his mouth to sing his little diddy once again while slightly dancing to his own little tune.

    “Oh, you and me here, underneath the mistletoe - Oh
    You and me here, underneath the mistletoe - Oh
    You and me here, underneath the mistletoe - Oh
    Under the mistletoe
    Kiss me 'til dawn, la-la-la-la-la-la
    Hold me close now
    You'll keep me warm, la-la-la-la-la-la
    Keep the ghosts out.”

    A snicker came from him as he finished the lines, leaning over to kiss Iris’ cheek close to his lips, or on his lips if he let him. He was fully aware that his little twig wasn’t a mistletoe, but who cared? He wanted to have some fun. He was dressed for the season in his white and red sweater and a pair of white pants, paired with a nice set of black shoes. His nails were painted a nice yellow, and his hair was mostly in a ponytail that was slightly to the side. “Tis the season to be jolly~!” He cackles as he tossed his little branch behind him in the snow. “All we need is Aeluri to go have fun now, right?” He chuckles to the group.

    Baird #00ff00
    tagged @Ahote @Icarus @Iris @aeluri
    538 words || 538/2000 thread total || job || job approval
    Boom Boom Pow! His Music goes real LOUD!
    template by punki



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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by aeluri 21st December 2020, 10:32 pm

    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] 60sbN6S

    ”I’m here, I’m here,” Aeluri said dryly as she sauntered up to the group, fashionably late. A long sleeve low-cut red dress covered her body, accompanied by tall black boots that kept out the snow. A black scarf was wrapped loosely around her neck. While she didn’t look nearly as festive as Baird, red was a favorite color of hers and it was the perfect time of year to wear it.

    The ragtag group was gathered beneath a lamppost in Hosenka, preparing to hit the town and participate in some of the festivities. This had become an annual occurrence for the Buzz Killers. Despite a rough time the previous year that involved an all-out brawl, they generally had fun. Aeluri mostly came for the food and alcohol but she did enjoy the presence of her friends.

    Aeluri raised an eyebrow as she stopped next to Baird. It seemed Icarus was joining them again. She didn’t remember much from the last time the group had been together, though she did know they had met him before. The copious amounts of drugs and alcohol she’d consumed that night had smoothed over parts of her memory. Her impression of him wasn’t good nor bad, though he wasn’t too hard on the eyes.

    Currently the blonde was trying to kiss Ahote, and Baird had just given Iris a smooch. “Alright, lovebirds, let’s get going.” Aeluri rolled her eyes. If she was going to be surrounded by this all night she might be tempted to leave. Turning on her heel, she looked down each of the streets from the corner they were on. A massive Christmas tree peeked over the rooftops to the north, where she had passed by a park full of lights and music just minutes before.

    “I passed it on my way here,” she gestured up the street, starting to walk in that direction. Hopefully there would be a bar close by. Some whiskey hot chocolate would make everything a lot more enjoyable.

    Post WC: 331 Thread WC: 331 Tagged: @Baird @Iris @Ahote @Icarus Music: Link


    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] 60637_s

    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Ahote 29th December 2020, 12:42 pm

    Guess The Gift Roll



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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 29th December 2020, 12:42 pm

    The member 'Ahote' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] Die_04_42161_sm

    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Ahote 29th December 2020, 4:47 pm

    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] E2sIQUy

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "Very funny, now—wait, wait, wait!" Ahote's face flushed a light pink, because no sooner had Icarus arrived with all of his usual charm and playfulness did he lean in to kiss him. Ahote was used to this sort of thing when they were alone or in private, but he felt a different kind of flustered and bashfulness when he attempted to tease him in public. It's not like anyone cared, but just how the blonde felt a little awkward in places that was normal for the two, Ahote couldn't help but get worked up in these familiar situations with new context.

    Of course Icarus was teasing him, however. He stopped before completing the kiss, leaving Ahote pushed up against the lamppost with a mild stare of anticipation and panic. He didn't know which was more obnoxious—teasing him like that, attempting to do it in public, to begin with... or Iris. Like moths to a flame, the rest of the Buzz Killers came flocking over to the pair with their usual buzz. Iris was hovering over them, looking dapper as ever but just as much of a drunken degenerate as he has always been. Baird arrived almost instantly after that, kissing Iris and carrying a Christmas tune with his usual larger-than-life atmosphere. And finally, Aeluri came last, already over the two pairs of men pining over each other as she led the group down the snowy roadway. Just as Iris predicated, Ahote gave everyone but Aeluri a sour glare as he pushed away from Icarus, his cheeks red and eyebrows scrunched.

    "No," Ahote stared at Iris with his prying eyes. Honestly, he was surprised that the guy hadn't gotten a disease with how many strangers he's slept with, but maybe that wasn't something he had to worry about to begin with.

    . . . . . . . . .

    When they arrived at the table Aeluri was gesturing to, there was a spread of alcoholic, traditional holiday treats and drinks littering the tables. It was Hosenka after all, so there were far more "adult" items than some other towns may have. However, Ahote didn't drink, so he held off on most of what they were serving until he could find something he actually liked.

    Across the street from the table was a large Christmas tree with a plethora of gifts underneath. They were of all different shapes and sizes, some wrapped in red paper and others wrapped in green, all of them glittering and shimmering in the Christmas lights above them—it was a pretty display, and ringing bells next to them were two organizers inviting passerbys to come over and guess what was inside. Ahote was looking at the display, and then he met eyes with the man in an elf's outfit. Their eyes lit up and their lips contorted into a grin stretched from ear to ear, and finally, he waved at him.

    "Oh, shit..." Ahote flinched and looked away from the man, but they persisted to wave at him.

    "You there, mister! You look like you want to guess what's inside these gorgeous gifts!" the elf-organizer grinned, ringing his bell obnoxiously. He wasn't going to stop until Ahote was over there, wasn't he? The longer he stood there expectantly, the harder it got to blatantly ignore him. So, with a defeated and mildly irritated sigh, Ahote relented and walked over to the tree with his hands pocketed.

    "Fine, so what? I just pick one and guess what's inside?" Ahote knelt down without looking at the triumphant organizer.

    "That's right! And if you guess correctly, you can keep what's inside!"

    "I see..." Ahote sighed. Well, since he was here, he might as well give it a shot, right? Honestly, the whole thing was probably a scam. Sure, he wasn't paying to do this, but what are the odds that people actually guess these things correctly? After a moment of deliberation, he chose a gift wrapped in red paper and tied with a shiny green bow, small enough to where he could grip it with one hand but big enough to be larger than his palm. It was... light. Really light, and even after a little bit of shaking, whatever was inside was sticking to the bottom of the box. But more than any other observation, it smelled like crap! Ahote had a pretty strong and tolerable nose considering part of his job was discarding bodies, but at least he braced for that kind of odor. For this... he recoiled back with a look of disgust. "Is... is this actual shit?"  

    "Cooor-rect! Those are Mt. Hakoban Moose droppings!"

    "I really don't care whose droppings they are. Why would you—"

    "Would you like your gift or a candy cane?"

    "...You..." Ahote glared at him with steely eyes. Needless to say, he accepted the candy cane.

    || Word Count: 804 || Thread WC: 1144 || WC Needed 2000 || Job Approval ||
    Notes: Guess The Gift complete
    @Icarus @Iris @aeluri @Baird



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Icarus 31st December 2020, 12:11 am



    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 31st December 2020, 12:11 am

    The member 'Icarus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] Die_02_42159_sm

    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Icarus 31st December 2020, 12:47 am

    Post WC: 538/902
    Thread WC: 3647/10,000
    Tagged: @Ahote @Iris @Baird @aeluri
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Predictable as ever, Icarus was hardly surprised as Ahote rejected his tease, especially in front of his band of horny misfits. He'd suspected that the little bit of public affection he'd received from the normally stern at the summer rave was because of the water-like alcohol. It was fine. Icarus could be hands-off for the evening. Maybe Ahote wasn't comfortable with letting the others know he was more than nocturnal entertainment. It was a little annoying for another reason, though. When the irritable brunette pulled those blushes, it begged him to push it, make him blush more, drive him crazy... this was fine.

    The golden-haired man grinned and greeted Iris, Baird, and Aelu with a friendly wave before slipping his hands into his coat pockets and crunching through the snow into the festive holiday display behind them. His expression was as lazy as ever, seeming unbothered by the rowdy team's antics. Truthfully, he was unbothered, except that it was annoying that he couldn't touch Ahote. He'd have preferred his lover to be under his arm since he enjoyed his touch, but it was what it was. Forcing Ahote to do anything would earn him no favours. Like Aeluri in search of an adult drink to take the edge off, he located the table of sweets and spiked drinks. A nice hot chocolate with a spot of booze mixed in would hit the spot. He happily sipped the warm sweetness and followed Ahote when he was trapped into visiting a gift guessing table. That elf wasn't going to stop ringing that bell until the bar owner gave in. "This looks fun," he smirked despite Ahote's clear dismay. And so, he'd watch his lover try to guess the gift. Icarus could have never guessed he'd be nearly doubled over in restrained laughter! Ahote had picked up a box of animal droppings, and the whole exchange tickled his funny bone. And for Ahote of all people get the box of faeces. Brilliant.

    Curious as to what he'd get now, Icarus picked up a silver package with a green bow and gave it a shake. Guessing the gift was undermined by feeling magic ripple over his body as it went through some type of physical change. Icarus gasped and stared at the elf in surprise, though he didn't yet know what had occurred, and the elf didn't reveal it. "Well? What is your guess?" asked the vendor, prompting Icarus to focus again. "A nutcracker?" Icarus said, then flinched. His voice was a lot higher and softer than usual. "Oh...oh no..." Icarus squeaked, looking down to find two perky lumps under his clothes that were now a little oversized. His blonde hair fell in waves over his shoulders. Reaching up, he felt that his jawline was softer. The stubble on his chin was missing. Abandoning the incorrectly guessed present, his hands roved down his body and over an hourglass figure with growing amusement. Pulling out the waistband of his trousers, he took a peek and frowned. "Mm, your favourite part of me is missing," he reported before continuing onward to his new breasts, where he obnoxiously squeezed a few times. "Well, this is interesting. Don't you think so?" he asked his...whatever Ahote was.



    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] CalumSigs


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Iris 2nd January 2021, 3:43 pm

    rolling for gift guess~


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 2nd January 2021, 3:43 pm

    The member 'Iris' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] Die_01_42158_sm

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Iris 2nd January 2021, 3:44 pm

    rolling for tree decorating~


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 2nd January 2021, 3:44 pm

    The member 'Iris' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] OdAaNwh

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Iris 2nd January 2021, 5:35 pm

    Of course, Iris would gladly receive a kiss from Baird and return it with pleasure, though he knew better than to linger before the outing's festivities were done. Otherwise, they wouldn't get to do them at all, not that Iris minded either way. His friends would be mad if he ruined another event, though. Iris might be an unpredictable handful, but he wasn't inconsiderate...unless the other person was into that sort of thing.

    He also couldn't leave his precious Aelu feeling jealous, so he left Baird's side to drape himself over the only (always) female member of the team. "You look gorgeous, darling~" he purred, appreciating her dress on a deep level. It looked fantastic on her. He had one like it, and now he lowkey regretted not wearing it, but then again, he looked spectacular in this suit. He'd walk with her for a little while until they found a booth selling alcoholic drinks, which he partook of. Perhaps they'd share some cinnamon whiskey before indulging in the festivities!

    Taking his tumbler of liquor out of the tent against the wishes of the bartender, Iris ignored the rules as usual and did as he pleased. He noticed that Ahote and Icarus were near a gorgeous tree with piles of expertly wrapped gifts beneath it. Curious, the lavenderette followed them to just watch. It was still strange to him that Ahote had found someone that he seemed especially close to, even if he was doing his best to seem neutral. He'd brought this delicious blond man to the rave, and now on their Christmas outing? Something was up, indeed. Even if he always had a little bit of deviousness behind it, he was actually pretty happy for his friend if he had finally forged a bond with someone, be it only sexual or perhaps even a little romantic? He could still remember the old Ahote clearly, the one that took no chances of getting close to anyone. The man had been making small steps with the Buzz Killers in recent history, but this was him moving further still, wasn't it? He had good taste. Icarus was someone Iris would personally be more than happy to sample.

    Iris's surprisingly warm nostalgia was ultimately interrupted by said delicious snack turning into an equally snacky woman. As if Iris needed an excuse to get handsy. "Oh~" he lilted, slithering closer and looping an arm over FemIca's shoulders, inspecting one of the new lumps in an act thinly veiled as an accident. "I don't know about Ahote, but I find it veerrry interesting~!" Iris grinned, placing a kiss on Ahote's guest's face before plucking up his own present. Giving it a shake and hoping for some sort of magical shenanigans, he was disappointed to find that not only did nothing hinky happen, but the gift inside was easily guessed as a candycane. Receiving the contents of the box as well as some bonus peppermint for guessing correctly, Iris left the 'couple' with a vague sense of disappointment, which led him to become bored rather quickly. Would he have loved to get intimately involved with Icarus's new womanly curves? Absolutely, but as much as he wanted to do that or even tease Ahote, he also didn't want to get in the way if anything IrisxBeaux-like was blooming between them. Iris was a chaotic and shallow being that could be selfish at times, but not many knew how considerate he was deep down. Though he wasn't perfect and tried to seem ignorant to it in his endless teasings, he actually was aware of boundaries and tried to respect them.

    Sipping his whiskey as he sauntered away, the shimmering of tinsel in the cold winter's breeze caught his eye. Just ahead there was an opening filled with naked trees lined up in rows. There were already a few people pulling colorful decorations out of boxes, thoughtfully adding each piece to try and create the most beautiful one of them all. The cosmic creature wasn't one for these types of holidays, but he did have an eye for beauty, and that extended to decorating. Some of those fools were doing it all wrong! Approaching, Iris was handed a box and he stepped through the frozen field to the best looking tree of them all. It was full and perfectly sculpted with the straightest branch at the top for the topper. Opening his box, he saw that he got just the basic tree dressing fare. It was a shame since he saw someone else with a box full of expensive, unique decorations, but it was all about how you used the materials, not the materials themselves. The person with the good box was an amateur with no eye for aesthetics. Iris could use his box just fine.

    Starting with the topper, he placed the silver-edged star of cheap crystal at the top, breaking the silly tradition of putting it on last. He then added the lights, starting by placing some of the colored twinkling bulbs into the star itself to light it up like the rainbow, but also angled some downward to shine on to the branches like a holy blessing before wrapping them around each branch from the trunk outward. It was a painstaking process, but Iris was aiming to win this contest. It was something to do, right? It occupied his mind, which was always the goal. Thankfully his box had man strings of lights, so once each branch was wrapped, it already looked like something out of a fairy queen's forest. Iris then thoughtfully examined each ornament, opting to use only the bow and star-shaped ones, which he carefully hung on both the outside branches as well as on the inner ones, giving the full-bodied pine some depth and something for the lights shining from within to reflect off of. That did it for his box, which now only had the round ornaments in it. He stood bad to admire his creation, then he compared it to the others. He might not have strings of popcorn, garland, ribbons, or tinsel, but he was convinced that his was the most beautiful one in the field. Sometimes less was more. The others looked like Santa had thrown up all over them!

    Returning his box to the vendor, Iris received some more peppermints as a reward, and he wandered off while munching on them. He'd had his fill of the festivities as far as he was concerned, so it was back to the bar tent for the space dust. With a flourish, he flung the flap-door back and waltzed in as if he was the guest of the hour that everyone had been waiting on. Doing what he did best, Iris took a stool at the bar and ordered a few shots, downing them in quick succession before ordering more. "Now, who would like to see a trick?" he asked the patrons, grinning from ear to ear. One girl in a skimpy Santa dress drunkenly volunteered, so he patted the stool next to him in invitation. Once she'd joined him, he stared deeply into her eyes. they were quite pretty. A warm chestnut, free of contact lenses and glasses. He coyly smirked and leaned forward, placing a kiss on her flushed cheek, much to her boyfriend's chagrin. Even as the man protested, Iris flustered him as well by cheekily inviting him to join, which he seemed to find far more appalling than some stranger macking on his girl. Leaning away from her, the chuckling ocular mage made a needlessly intricate show of hands before pointing at one of her eyes. Slowly he pulled his hand back, a thin line of magic acting as the string fishing for an item within her excited gaze. What came out was cute, but by no means powerful. A dainty figurine of a ballet dancer emerged and floated into his hand, where it slowly spun on its single down stretched leg with toe pointed. It was useless, but at least it was pretty, much like the girl herself who seemed as vapid as an empty-headed doll. She cooed and giggled at his trick, telling him she'd once wanted to be a dancer. Given that she wasn't, he could only assume she didn't possess the level of talent to make anything of it, nor did she have any special skill at magic to supplement her dancing nor her income with. So sad. Her face wasn't bad. Sending her dancing back to her boyfriend, Iris knocked back the rest of his shots and looked for a new victim. Maybe someone he could either make fun of or maybe someone with immense potential? The latter would likely cause a scene later, though...

    [wc: 1,455 || Iris's total: 2187/2000 || group wc: 5102/10000 || 6/5 peppermints acquired from Gift Guessing and Tree Decorating]


    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] 60728_s

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by aeluri 4th January 2021, 5:57 pm

    Rolling for gift guessing~


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 4th January 2021, 5:57 pm

    The member 'aeluri' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by aeluri 4th January 2021, 5:57 pm

    Rolling for tree decoration~


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 4th January 2021, 5:57 pm

    The member 'aeluri' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] R2fEWNz

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by aeluri 4th January 2021, 8:30 pm

    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] 60sbN6S

    The rest of the group followed Aeluri’s lead and headed up the street towards the center of the festivities. Iris had become a fleshy cloak over her shoulders, a familiar sensation. She could feel him ogling the front of her low-cut dress. He did have a good angle from where he was. The dark mage couldn’t help but roll her eyes, but she enjoyed the attention. Ego fuel was always welcomed.

    The two made a pit stop at the bar to get a drink before the festivities began. After grabbing a mug of hot cocoa mixed with cinnamon whiskey, a holiday favorite of hers since last year, Aeluri trailed after Iris. They returned to where Ahote and Icarus had stopped. A large christmas tree loomed nearby, underneath which many fancily-wrapped present boxes were stacked on a table. The whole area was decorated with a dazzling array of lights and color. Ahote appeared to just have opened one of the gifts, and was disgusted by the contents. She overheard one of the employees dressed like an elf mention ‘droppings’ and let out a huff of amusement. Of course he would be the one to open a box of shit.

    Another elf attendant had handed Icarus a gift, and all at once he turned into a woman. Curves, breasts, the whole shebang. Aeluri was nearly as intrigued as Iris, but she observed from a distance instead of up close. The blonde made a charming man and he was quite an enticing woman too. She wouldn’t mind if he took this form again sometime, though Ahote might not feel the same way.

    Iris took his turn with the gift opening, guessing the contents correctly. His box didn’t seem to have any weird magic like Icarus’ did. Aeluri watched as he sauntered off, then approached the large tree and table herself. Maybe she could guess the contents of a box correctly and get some sort of cheap prize. If it was a plushie, she would hand it off to Ahote like she had a few times in the past.

    The overly cheerful elf handed her a box wrapped in shiny red paper with a glittery maroon ribbon wrapped around it. For a moment she stared at the sparkling decorations, appreciating the aesthetic. Reds were her favorite. Placing her mug on the table nearby, she then held the box up to her ear and shook it lightly. Whatever was inside rattled around slightly, but the sound of rustling paper muffled it. The weight of the present wasn’t much, but the item seemed dense by the way it hit against the sides of the box. Was that the clinking of metal? Shaking it once more with narrowed eyes, Aeluri placed the gift on the table.

    “It’s a compass surrounded by tissue paper,” she said in a bored tone, disappointed at how easy it was to guess. There weren’t even any fun side effects! Aeluri glanced over to see if Icarus was still lady-fied.

    “Corrrrrrect!” the elf employee trilled enthusiastically, gesturing his hands grandly. “Congratulations, ma’am! You’ve won the fantastic, wonderful, awesome prize of…. three whole peppermints and the compass!”

    “Whatever,” Aeluri snapped, grabbing up the present, the mints, and her mug. Turning on her heel dramatically, she left the gift guessing booth. Of course she would win something so useless as a compass. Her sense of direction was great already without the help of some stupid tool.

    Taking a long sip of her drink, the dark woman saw Iris in the distance decorating a christmas tree. Knowing Iris and his appreciation for beautiful things, she had no doubt he would make it look beautiful. The tree decorating seemed to be some sort of competition which had ended by the time she meandered over. Stepping into the area with the trees, Aeluri was approached by another elf and handed a large box filled to the brim. Inside were all brand new ornaments in perfect shape, ribbon, tinsel, popcorn strings, and long strands of rainbow lights.

    “Pick a tree and get to work!” the elf chirped, gesturing behind her to the many undecorated trees. With a sigh, Aeluri made her way over to an empty spot. Chugging the rest of her spiked hot cocoa, she tossed the mug and the gift box into the snow and got to work. Starting with the lights, she wound her way around the tree over and over. Rainbow began to fill up the tree, giving it a cheerful glow that rivaled Aeluri’s typical irritated gloom.

    Next came the silver tinsel, wrapped in the same fashion, then the popcorn strings. The strung up snack never made sense to Aeluri. Why would anyone put food on their tree? Wasn’t that just calling for a mouse problem? She wrinkled her nose at the stuff. It was never her favorite food anyway.

    After the long strands of decorations had been placed on the tree, Aeluri moved on to the ornaments. She’d been given an array of blue ornaments in various shades and sizes. The one thing they all had in common was how perfectly they shined and sparkled. There was not one scuff or crack on any of them. Enthralled, Aeluri began placing them on the tree. She spaced them as evenly as she could, filling in the tree until it looked like it was neatly bursting with decoration. Everything was exactly how she wanted it.

    As she stepped back to observe her work, Aeluri knew her tree was the best one out of this batch. However, the process hadn’t been too exciting. It was exactly like the gift-guessing. The same elf from when she entered approached, congratulating her on her decoration and handing her two more of the same peppermints as before. She pocketed them, picking up her gift box and strolling out of the tree decoration area.

    Well, that was utterly boring. Where was the challenge? These contests had to be made for kids, they were way too easy. Turned grumpy by the lack of fun, Aeluri searched for her friends with a scowl on her face. They would make this festival more bearable. That, and alcohol. She found another bar booth and made a long stop there, taking several shots in a row to build a low buzz.

    Traipsing around the festival again, she still found nothing interesting. Tipsy and annoyed, she stopped by an archway near the gift-guessing area and leaned against it, looking around. “Ooh, you’re under the mistletoe!” crooned an elf employee that seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Better find someone to smooch!” He made kissy noises and blocked her escape with the aid of another elf. It seemed she wouldn’t be free until she found someone to kiss.

    “For fuck’s sake.” Aeluri wanted to punch both of the elves. Anything to let out a little of her pent up annoyance. Maybe she could find Iris and find some bushes in which to pull him to get some release. Another option presented itself as she spotted Baird nearby. Her green-haired friend would be enough to satisfy her right now and help her escape this mistletoe mistake.

    “Baiiiiird,” Aeluri purred, calling out to him. “Come here.” She beckoned with a red-nailed finger. Like a panther lying in wait, she would pounce on him the moment he came close enough.

    Post WC: 1,219 Thread WC: 1548/6,319 Tagged: @Iris @Baird @Icarus @Ahote Music: Link


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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Ahote 5th January 2021, 1:41 pm

    Tree Decorating Roll



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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by NPC 5th January 2021, 1:41 pm

    The member 'Ahote' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] PzArA86

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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Ahote 5th January 2021, 2:39 pm

    The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus] E2sIQUy

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Ahote was still taken aback by how his gift guessing unfolded. Whose idea was this? Who looked at all of the presents they were putting in these boxes and said, "Yup. This is okay!"? Maybe this was just a local thing or maybe this particular booth was made up of people who basked in others' disgust.

    Ahote wanted nothing more than to toss the dropping at that elf with a shit-eating smile on his face, but he restrained himself if only because he was with Icarus, who was also struggling with his suppressed laughter. Ahote didn't say anything, instead just giving him an irritated glare with explicit disapproval. Icarus would think was funny, wouldn't he? Lately, going out and doing innocent stuff like this became more and more common with their relationship, a turn that Ahote didn't expect to take. His relationship with Icarus was so much different than his relationship with the other Buzz Killers, if only because they existed in two different worlds. Ahote was comfortable living a life of danger and bloodshed by his hands, and if Icarus was any bit of good-natured as he made himself out to be, he probably wasn't. It was beginning to become more and more difficult avoiding discussions of their pasts and identities as they got closer, and Ahote wasn't sure what to do when they got to those points. It was just troublesome, him wondering about unnecessary things.

    It was sort of a loaded subject that dawned over Ahote from time to time, but right now he was just focused on what Icarus would end up getting as a gift as well. Being next to him, Ahote could already tell that he wasn't about to receive actual shit, but that only left him to wonder what else it could be. The bar was set low after Ahote opened his gift, and that was disappointing considering the bar was beneath the ground to begin with, assuming that whatever he got couldn't have been anything of value. Surely enough, this activity was the gift that kept on giving, no matter what they gave.

    In a quick and seamless burst of magic, the masculine figure and toned body that Ahote shamelessly indulged in night after night transformed into anything but that. The short, messy blonde hair that he enjoyed touching extended into golden locks that draped over his shoulders and hung down his back. His face seemed smaller and softer on the eyes, and his body more feminine with subtle curvatures and an impressive waistline. Two plump breasts appeared on his chest, obvious in their busty appearance through his clothes, and surely enough, Ahote's "favorite part" was most certainly transformed into the very last thing he ever pines over.

    "It would seem so—stop touching yourself like that," Ahote briskly swatted Icarus's hands away from fondling his newly acquired breasts, his face scrunched up in a frown. Was everything in this booth a crude joke? Icarus didn't seem to mind the change, actually making his own fun with his new assets, and Iris couldn't help but notice as well. There he was, waltzing up behind the pair and oogling FemIca with that perverse, up-to-no-good stare of his. He planted a hand on his breast and his lips on his face before parting from the two to open up his own gift. Ahote's brow twitched as he swatted Iris away from Icarus's chest as well, "You would find it interesting, wouldn't you?" he clicked his tongue irritably, not understanding the infatuation with the breasts. Well, that was a lie. He did understand it, just didn't share the same interest. He wasn't attracted by it all, after all.

    Everyone seemed to flock over to the gift guessing after that, and nothing particularly eventful happened to them either. Maybe that was a good thing, but it was collectively uninteresting for everyone, including Ahote. Although he didn't appreciate the actual shit and he was a little surprised by the gender-swap, it was, needless to say, mildly amusing. Regardless, everyone sort of found their own path after that and ended up in the same place. Aeluri and Iris were decorating trees, and so Ahote trailed behind them expecting Icarus to follow.

    When he arrived at the tree he picked, he was handed a box of decorations to use. Unfortunately, calling them "decorations" was an overstatement. Inside the box was anything but a decoration, and every item that came even a little close to resembling a decoration was so atrociously bad in quality and appearance that it honestly seemed like they found this stuff in a dumpster and called it a day, and he could've sworn he saw something wet and squishy at the very bottom. Ahote glowered down at the box, knowing that there were other groups who received better. Not all of the boxes were good from what he saw, but all of them were at least better than this.

    "What... the fuck..." Ahote sputtered under his breath, clearly confused by what he was just given. He turned to look at Icarus, a pang of bewilderment still painting his face. He looked to him for answers, but honestly, he was still trying to comprehend whether or not this entire festival just had it out for him. "How do we... like... what are we supposed to do... with this...?"

    || Word Count: 890 || Thread WC: 2034 (7,211) || WC Needed 2000 || Job Approval ||
    Notes: Guess The Gift complete
    @Icarus @Iris @aeluri @Baird



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    In Progress Re: The Most Arousing Time of The Year! [Event/BKs & Icarus]

    Post by Faulkner 5th January 2021, 8:11 pm

    Bairds Turn to guess a gift uwu


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:19 pm