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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 7th August 2020, 12:42 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A light breeze flushed through the air as the booming sounds and resounding thuds upon the earth wracked Kyra's head. She sighed. Every year, her home city of Reinford would host a summer party, the Urban Nights Festival. While the Council had recently made a push for most every city to host one of these, Kyra was sure Father would mention something about how "they're just copying the success that I've brought them!" Father was always like that. Well, at least this meant that Kyra could see her siblings. While Father despised Kyra, her siblings seemed to at least tolerate her. So Kyra hoped, that was. Perhaps she had been wrong about all of them. After all, compared to the rest, she was such a disgrace. All of them had international success, and Kyra was a cannibal in a guild of what many would consider terrorists.

    And it was with two of her guildmates that she was here now. It was initially supposed to be three, with Kyra's mentor Jen leading the way. Unfortunately for Kyra, Jen had left as soon as they arrived at the city, saying something about needing to go on a job for Queen Saraphina nearby. Kyra attempted to protest, or at least did her best at an attempt. She was sure that they were all aware that Kyra wanted to say something, but was unable to, as expected of Kyra. Now, Kyra was left all alone at the outskirts of the town that had long called itself her home. Would the people remember her? She had visited some weeks prior, per Demoiselle's insistence, but she was largely unseen by the masses or really anyone but a few of her sisters. Maybe she would be lucky and escape without being notic-

    "My oh my, it's been quite some time, hasn't it, Kyra?" the rich, familiar baritone of the eldest Velkhomme sibling rang out. He likely knew that Kyra was coming. Somehow he seemed to know everything and everyone. "These are your guildmates, no? It's a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Mercurios Velkhomme, but please, call me Rio. You all are friends of Kyra, and so you are all friends of mine." He approached the two fellow members of Errings Rising. "If you lovely ladies would not mind introducing yourselves, I would wish to know who has been kind to my baby sister. I pray she hasn't been too difficult? Whether with her... rather reserved nature or her..." he coughed as he brought his voice down. "...newfound eating habits."

    Kyra was stunned. "H-how did you k-know about that, R-Rio..?"

    Rio smiled. "A man with as much influence as myself needs to know things. Especially things that pertain to my family, and you especially, Kyra. Don't worry, I haven't told many. Demi, Tegan, Aria, and myself are the only ones that know. I was hesitant to tell Aria, but I figured it would be best as a safety net should you lose control here." He smiled and turned towards the two guildmates of Kyra's. "Ah, I do apologize, I believe I have been boring you quite a bit. Names you don't know, things that don't pertain to you, all of that. Should Kyra be willing, I'm sure she could introduce you to the rest of our family. As a small bit of a favor for protecting her, I am willing to offer all a free boon from each member of our family. All of us have quite the repertoire of products for you to partake in, so just inform Kyra whenever you want those 'cashed in' so to speak. Now, I am afraid I have some business around town. My work is never finished, you see. The rest of us are around town, if you want to look for them, Kyra. Oh, and please, do inform the third one of these offers." With that, Rio bowed and left, somehow vanishing into the crowd of partying civilians.

    Kyra turned to Medeia and Amber. "S-sorry about all of that. M-My siblings are all v-very protective of me, s-so I guess they w-were aware of a b-bunch of stuff about us. S-So... w-what do you w-want to do? T-there's d-drinks and d-dancing and m-music and a-all sorts of stuff... s-sorry if that's n-not stuff you l-like doing..."

    WC: 0720 | TWC: 0720

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford ULxbPj2

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Guest 7th August 2020, 1:28 pm

    “You have nothing to be sorry for, Kyra,” The angel replied, smiling softly at the cannibal, “I find it rather sweet that your siblings are so protective.”

    Up until that point, Medeia had been rather ominously silent, besides giving her name to Kyra’s brother. She had been doing some thinking as of late and unfortunately the sudden disappearance of Jen had pushed the raven haired woman into making a decision. It was just the same old story with the blonde and Medeia had come to realise that it would always be that way. The angel had been there for the demon at every turn and had even traversed through hell itself to save her but could she expect the same from Jen? No. There would always be that unreliability and the witch had reached her limit. She had loved Jen with all her heart but she would always just be another member of Jen’s harem, to be used and discarded whenever the blonde felt like being with someone else. The angel was not willing to live like that and so, the love inside her had turned to resentment and any ties that they had were no longer in place. Their relationship was over and never would they share the same bed again. The witch would return to her old way of life. No longer allowing herself to become entangled again and she sure as hell would never let a hermaphrodite in her bedroom again. She had forced herself to adapt to Jen’s ways despite her own orientation. Never again.

    As much as it pained her to have to resort to such a step, the angel could not help but feel as though a weight had been taken off of her shoulders. Yes, she would no doubt become a little moody at times as she came to terms with her decision but in the end, it would be for the best. She was not going to sit around waiting any more. No, the witch was going to take back control of her life and get back to doing what she did best. Perhaps a spot of kidnapping would be in order later in order to celebrate her decision or maybe she would just nab Kyra when the party had died down. The cannibal had taken to her methods so well, after all.

    “I do not know about you two but all I want to do right now is to just to find the nearest bar and drink myself stupid,” she then said, chuckling. The witch’s tolerance for alcohol had never been the strongest but right now? She could not have cared less. All she wanted to do was enjoy herself for a while and perhaps find a new friend or two to get acquainted with. Maybe she could find one of Kyra’s sisters and have a little fun with them? Amused by the thought, a knowing smile would cross her features as she waited for Amber to chime in with her own thoughts on the matter.

    (506 Words)
    (Thread WC: 1226)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 13th August 2020, 9:50 am

    "Huh?" Amber asked, her tone distracted as her mind came back from wherever it wandered to. The demoness shrugged her coat a little snugger around her shoulders as she thought of a reply. Not to ward off a chill - the air was plenty warm - but to both ward off her thoughts and to hide her tattoos more. After almost a year of living underground, she wasn't used to being in public, and was worried someone would somehow recognize her - she knew she had wanted posters up all over Fiore - and call her out or turn her in.

    "Sorry. I'm with Med. Let's go get drunk." she said, trying to turn her mind back to the event at hand. She never really liked festivals - they were loud, crowded, and basically everything else she disliked - but she'd agreed to go for the sake of connecting with her long-lost twin. Who was nowhere to be found. According to Medeia, Jen's partner (former partner? The witch had been acted weird since Jen had disappeared), this was not uncommon for the succubus, but it was disappointing. After not knowing she'd had a sister all these years, here was Amber's chance to get to know her a little better, and she'd gone gallivanting off. So now, the lioness was stuck with two people she didn't know all that well, only really knowing them through Jen, in a massive party, complete with fireworks that made her flinch, loud music that had her lionlike ears folding down against her skull, a crowd of annoying people, and bright flashy colors. Oh yeah, she needed a drink. Or seven.

    WC: 275 | TWC: 1501


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 13th August 2020, 10:25 am

    Rolling for d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dance-off!!!! *distant airhorns*


    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford ULxbPj2

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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by NPC 13th August 2020, 10:25 am

    The member 'Kyra Velkhomme' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford OdAaNwh
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 13th August 2020, 11:36 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra nodded, trying her best to keep up with the two elder Errings Rising members. "O-of course! I-I'm afraid I w-won't be j-joining you for d-drinks. I-I'm not m-much a drin-"

    Kyra's voice was cut off by the already hammered - sounding voice of one of her eldest sisters, Tegan. "Heyyyyyyyy! Is that Valkyria there?" the lavender haired Guild Master roared. She draped her arms around Kyra's back, pressing her chest against Kyra's back. "I didn't think you'd be comin' here, Kyra! You're not reeeeeally a partier, and isn't Errings Rising really far from here?" She giggled and hiccuped. "And you two babes are.... wait, I know this... Medeia and Amber Stone! See! I did my research!"


    Tegan laughed. "Yup! Shame Jen ain't here. She's a real cutie, though..." Tegan removed herself from Kyra's back and rounded towards the other two women. "Ain't you two real cuties? Stone's the sister of Ford so... well, I suppose we can think of somethin to do. As for miss Medeia..." Tegan set a hand on the angel's shoulder, looking her up and down. "I've heard some fun rumors about you! I might have to see if those rumors are true sometime, eh?"

    "Oh! There you are, Tegan!" a lighter, significantly less drunk voice, chirped. "How many times are you just going to wander off and flirt with everyone you see!? Oh, Kyra!" her sister said, hugging the youngest Velkhomme. "And these are your friends? I'm sorry about Tegan. She's somehow the Guild Master of the biggest guild in town, Goldheart. We've really helped out setting everything up, and Tegan gets a bit... into her partying. Oh! I should introduce myself! I'm Kairi. Well, Kairessandra, technically, but that's a mouthful. Just Kairi is fine. I'm Goldheart's Ace. Well, one of them. So, in a way, Tegan's my boss. Terrifying, I know."

    Tegan made an insulted scoffing sound. "Somehow? C'moooooon, Kairi you know! Ooh! I got a great idea for you, Kyra! Let's dance it up!"

    Kyra was ready to protest when Kairi dragged her aside. "That's a great idea! You still remember how to do ballet, correct?" Kairi turned towards Medeia and Amber. "Sorry about this, we'll be stealing our sister for a bit. Don't worry, we won't be long."

    Tegan smirked. "Okay! I wanna make sure I see you two cutie pies before you leave, 'kay? Maybe we can help sober up together, huh~~"

    Kairi sighed, taking her elder sister by the collar of her shirt, and her younger sister by the hand. She led the two sisters through the crowd, the masses slowly but surely making way for the trio of Velkhommes rushing through the crowd. As expected, most of the sober ones recognized Kairi and Tegan, while the drunk ones just seemed to recognize Tegan, though it took some time for it to spread that the one being dragged along by the hand was the youngest child, the lost mystery that was Valkyria. People heckled the three sisters as they passed by, Kairi telling Kyra not to worry about the issue in the slightest. They'd be settled down soon enough, but for the time being, having the lost Velkhomme return was certainly news. It had been months since the former only non - magic user within the entire Velkhomme family, including uncles and aunts and cousins. Surely some people who were more magically attuned or had some of Demi or Alisa's technological wonders would recognize that the youngest one now possessed magic when she once had not. Powerful magic, at that. Demi and Alisa were masters of making tech like that, and it would expose her. Kyra wondered what she was to say in the event someone asked her about her magic, but she was far too shy to admit her worryings to Tegan or Alisa.

    After what seemed like an eternity, but was merely a two minute span, Kyra found herself thrusted into the middle of a ring of people, Kairi beside her. The only others in the ring were two identically dressed girls, both with long pink hair and strange black jumpsuits with neon lines running across their seams, the left one's blue and the right's pink.

    "W-What is this, K-Kairi?" Kyra asked, slinking behind her elder sister.

    Kairi smiled, pushing Kyra away. "This is Shanna and Sadie. Both of them are members of Goldheart, and they've been dancing up a storm.  As you'd probably expect, Liz made their clothes, but their moves are all theirs. Don't worry, I'm going to be certain to help you out. I'm sure Errings Rising doesn't have much opportunity for ballet dancing, does it?"

    Kyra shook her head. "It's not so much the time issue as much as..."

    Kairi placed a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Kyra. I'm here, I'm sure the rest of us are watching you, whether or not in spirit or not. No matter what you do, we're proud of you." Kairi smiled, slowly rising to her toes. "Now, if you could?"

    Kyra sighed, getting up to her own toes. It had been quite a while since she last had been dancing in any capacity, only having the ballet experience from Father's insistence. Of course, her teachers were great. All of the external teachers Father brought in to try to make Kyra, as she could have sworn he said, "Useful for something, at least." All of the extra sessions Demi and Rio gave her when it was close to a recital for Father... She seemed to float in the air, her legs stretching and tapping and her entire body spinning, Kairi moving in to keep a constant action going. Sadie and Shanna were both good dancers as well, for sure, their style matching each other's moves with a certain flair to them. Their lights lingered behind as they moved, causing the crowd to ooh and ahh. Kyra already could see Liz's smug face at knowing her self-made clothes were causing such a ruckus in such a good way. If only Kyra could do that...

    Kyra's mind wandered back into position as she realized she was all of a sudden rolling Kairi off of her back, the duo's dancing slowly but surely getting more and more combined in nature. The twins seemed to struggle until a fatal slip up as the pink one tripped, causing the blue to sail over. Immediately, Kairi rushed over to check on the state of her fellow guildmate, leaving Kyra behind. The crowd slowly began converging into dance, the music beating and booming and blaring into the sky and rumbling through her feet. Why did people like this loud of music? It was tearing at her ears, the beats of the song arrhythmic with the beats of her heart. Each drop of the bass rumbled within her lungs, and even began to upset her stomach. Dipping her head into her sweater, she slowly began making her way through the dancing crowd, her constant apologies completely inaudible from the combination of her own voice and the thudding sounds of the music ahead. She struggled her way to the DJ booth, seeing a familiar face on it.

    "Good dance, Kyra!" Corbyn's voice calmly said, louder than even the music.

    "C-Can you turn it d-down, C-Corbyn?" Kyra mumbled.

    Corbyn shrugged his shoulder. "'Fraid not, sis. These people are here to party, and nothing says partying quite like a killer beat and a loud song. Plus, we need to make sure that everyone can hear it. Yeah, Dad installed speakers everywhere in the whole city, but he's not allowing us to link the booth to the speakers. So, we just gotta make do."

    "I-It's this l-loud just from h-here?"

    Corbyn nodded and gave a smile. "Leave it to Alisa and Demi to make some wonder of technology. No clue how they did it, but I at least know what they used to make it. I had to do all the shipping. Honestly, I have no idea how they come up with some of these crazy things. Like, why in the world would they need a lacrima from a dragon for a DJ booth?"

    "T-There's a d-dragon lacrima in here?"

    Corbyn gave a thumbs-up. "Yep! Probably the reason it can be so powerful. Of course, Tegan was the one that killed the dragon, Alisa is the one that made the design and all that, and Demi just kinda did a bit of everything. Of course, all a secret from Dad."

    "Y-You kept it s-secret from dad?!"

    A goofy smirk painted Corbyn's face. "We tried to. Of course, when you own the whole city, nothing really gets past you, huh? After all, all our business reports get a copy sent to him. One to us, one to him, he gets some royalties for being the benefactor to us starting our companies. Heck, even Tegan's gotta send a report to Dad. I guess Goldheart owes a ton of money or something? No idea. Anyways, can't really get anything past Dad."

    Kyra tilted her head groundwards. "So... F-Father hasn't c-changed..."

    Corbyn finally showed a bit of less than stellar mood. "Yeah. Dad's still the same ol' Dad. Same grumpy Dad, same money man himself. Even though you've got magic now, he's not gonna let you come back. I don't know why. Maybe it's just because you ran away? Dad's always been a bit of a butt like that. He was a bit pissed that you ran off, and apparently Tegan and Kairi got in HUGE trouble for helping you out. I don't really know the details, but that's not really my job to know the details."

    So. Father knows about the Cannibal Slayer. Of course he does, Rio and Demi and Tegan know, which must mean that Father knows.

    Corbyn must have seen Kyra's downtrodden face, as he soon was dragging her up to the booth. "Try it, Kyra! You got this!"

    Kyra felt a bit of a panic, unsure as to what to do. Corbyn told her the instructions, and Kyra followed them perfectly, garnering cheers and roars from the crowd. They liked the music getting even louder!? How!? It was already ear shattering before, and now the music was getting louder and louder and these people cheered it! At this rate, Errings Rising probably could have heard the music. Kyra retreated from the booth quickly, Corbyn taking over as soon as she left. "Good work, Kyra! Now, if you're not liking the music, you'd best get away. I'm about to crank the music past the point where the barrier protects us."

    Kyra nodded enthusiastically, dashing off of the booth and trying to make her way through the crowds once more, looking for her fellow guildmates.

    WC: 1788 | GTWC: 3289

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    DJ and Dancing taken care of


    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford ULxbPj2

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Guest 13th August 2020, 11:49 am

    Rolling for drinks. How bad could it be?

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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by NPC 13th August 2020, 11:49 am

    The member 'Medeia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Die_03_42160_sm

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Guest 13th August 2020, 12:49 pm

    First Jen and now Kyra? It did not seem to be her day today when it came to people wandering off but at least she had the pleasure of meeting a duo of Kyra’s sisters. Tegan certainly seemed like the friendly sort and Medeia made a mental note to try and hunt her down once the festivities had died down. She mused to herself for a few moments as to just what stories the drunken girl had heard but the witch had a hunch that perhaps it was to do with her little hobby. The thought caused a smile to her face and given the mood she was in, the temptation to have as little fun was awfully difficult to turn down. She briefly wondered about how Kyra would feel about it but who said the raven haired angel could not bring her along too? If she had learned anything about the cannibal so far, it was as that she could be dragged into almost anything.

    Once the three of them left to do who knows what, Medeia would simply chuckle and turn her gaze toward Amber for a moment, “Shall we?”

    In truth, the purple eyed mage felt slightly awkward about the situation, given how she had just dumped Amber’s sister but Medeia was able to just about shake off the sensation. There was no need for it and the angel had honestly reached the point was she was not all that bothered about such things. She was thoroughly sick to death of caring about other people and was honestly cursing herself for having let her guard down so pitifully. The mage had become weak by letting her feelings blossom and it had only caused her pain that she did not want. So, she made a vow to herself then and there not to do anything as stupid again. The angel would keep people at arms length. Well, at least emotionally anyway. The odds of her giving up her hands on approach with other women physically was as unlikely as her becoming gods favourite daughter.

    After a couple of minutes or so, a voice would shout out in her direction, “Hey! The black haired woman! Come over here and have a free drink! My own creations.”

    Turning towards him, the angel found herself looking towards a young looking male, a cocky and arrogant smile on his face. He was wearing the kind of expression that Medeia would like to slap off or would get Armina to if she was with her. Still, he was offering her something for nothing and the witch was willing to put up with him if it meant she could forget her troubles for a bit. So, with a brief glance towards Amber, she wondered over and took a seat on one of the bar stools.

    “I know just what you need!”
    With that irritating smile still on his face, he would place a luminous green coloured drink that was awfully fizzy. The bubbles were nearly pouring out of it's rim and  Medeia could smell the sweet aroma of apples. However as soon as she went to take a sip, the drink erupted suddenly, streaming up out of the glass. It hit her directly in the face and covered her entirely. Her eyes began to sting like crazy and she struggled to breathe for a few moments at the horrible sensation. The bartender started to panic and began to offer his apologies but the woman was still recovering and heard not a word. In all, it took a couple of minutes for her to be able to see and breathe properly. Her elegant dress absolutely drenched in the foul liquid.

    Incensed, the angel stood up rather slowly and wiped her eyes briefly before turning her gaze towards the gibbering bartender, “You idiot. How was that supposed to help me in any way whatsoever? Are you trying to make a fool out of me or something?”

    “Look, it was an accident,” he replied in a whisper, “That was not supposed to happen. I am sorry, Miss. Just let me make you another, no charge.”

    “No, thank you,” The witch answered, her magical aura beginning to extend, making her appear absolutely monstrous in his eyes. Unbridled rage began to flood through her body, his little gaffe having set a flame to her already temperamental state of mind. “I would much rather have you compensate me by lying dead at my feet.” Her voice never changed from her usual tone though, the inner rage and anger only noticeable by the look in her eyes. The woman could have melted lead with her gaze alone and as the male curled up in a corner of the bar, the thought of just butchering the fool was difficult to ignore, even if it was not her usual method.

    The angel had never thought much of humans in general and had it not been for her encounters as a member of the guild, those views would have still been in place. She had become more tolerant over time although after her experiences with Jen, the witch had begun to realise that it had been to her detriment. Now? She could not have cared less about the figure in front of her and he was little more than a rat to her. So much so that Medeia would reach into her magic and turn him into precisely that. A black beam would burst from her hand and strike the male, causing him to shout and scream as he polymorphed. His screams would become squeaks and he desperately ran for all his might, his now rodent form disappearing into the crowd where he would most likely be squashed by one of the many party goers.

    A smile crossing her features then, Medeia would then reach over the bar and pull out a bottle of wine, before setting it down and helping herself.

    “Waste not, want not,” she uttered to Amber, her way of encouraging the blonde to follow her lead.

    (1007 Words)
    (4296 Thread Total)

    Drink activity complete.
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 13th August 2020, 1:09 pm

    Rollin' for a drank



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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by NPC 13th August 2020, 1:09 pm

    The member 'Amber Stone' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Die_05_42162_sm
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
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    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 13th August 2020, 1:44 pm

    When Kyra's siblings showed up, the lioness was caught unawares again. She'd again lost herself in her thoughts as she followed along behind the raven-haired witch, and was startled when a loud voice suddenly addressed her. She quickly refocused and found a cute young-looking woman, very clearly drunk, hanging off of Kyra and shooting somewhat of a leer in Amber's direction. The earth mage gave the girl, who appeared to be named Tegan, a look-over of her own. Not bad, and definitely Amber's type. Unfortunately, Amber wasn't in the mood for a hunt, which was good, because they were soon interrupted by another of Kyra's sisters, who ended up dragging them both off, leaving Amber alone with Medeia.

    In response to the witch's question, the golden-haired mage shrugged and followed along behind her again, once more losing herself in thought. It had seemed like too much of a coincidence, meeting Jen, a member of Errings Rising, on the same day that she set out to join. What were the odds that her twin sister, separated from her at birth, just happened to be a part of the same guild she'd decided to join? Surely there was the work of some god behind it. But now... Amber wasn't so sure. It seemed more like the handiwork of a devil. Perhaps even Amber's own grandfather. She'd gone from being a cocky, self-confident loner to a nerve-wracked fugitive in the span of a single year, and now all of a sudden she had someone else to worry about. All of her fame and influence had been turned on their head, the people she'd trusted turned against her. And when a ray of hope had appeared in the form of her sister, it turned out that Jen was a flighty, somewhat egotistical loose cannon. Now Amber was worried about not only being found out and hunted down, but also losing the sister she'd never known she had. And what if the fury of the Rune Knights was brought down on Jen, just for being related to Amber? They looked all too similar for comfort. She knew of all too many bounty hunters who wouldn't care about the difference between them, or would see Jen as a bonus score. And just like that, Amber's only true family could be ripped away, just like her pseudo family had once been.

    Again, Amber's musings were interrupted by a loud voice, but this one was angry, and it happened to be Medeia's. The lioness came back to herself, a little surprised to find herself sitting at a drink booth, just in time for the proprietor of said booth be turned into a rat by a furious witch and scurry away. She turned to her companion and was startled to seen green slime all over the raven-haired woman. It seemed like her drink had exploded?

    "Here, let me help with that." she said, activating her new magic, Time Arc. Green seals surrounded her right forearm, one hovering just in front of her palm. As she rotated her hand anti-clockwise, the time magic focused on the drink, reversing it's timestream to return it to it's glass, leaving Medeia's outfit as pristine as it had been moments before. "That worked better than expected." she muttered to herself, declining the witch's offer of wine. She didn't care for the sourness of the drink. Instead, she snagged a glass filled with a lavender-colored liquid and ice cubes that glowed an interesting shade of cyan. It seemed like the drink had been made for a customer who'd run off when the bartender had been polymorphed into a rodent. Perhaps they'd feared they were next. She took a sip and rolled it around her mouth. It had a pleasant but almost-indefinable flavor, with notes of licorice. It would do. She swallowed and drank some more, enjoying the taste more and more. Before she knew it, the glass was empty, only the ice cubes left behind. As Amber sat there, wishing she had another of those strange drinks, something began to change within her. So gradually she didn't even notice the difference, she began to feel happy, the clouds of worry melting away like cobwebs in the rain. The music, the lights, the dancing; all started to look fun where they'd only been annoying before.

    A smile on her face, Amber turned back to Medeia, a giggle slipping past her lips. "Hey, this party is kinda fun, isn't it?" she asked, a mellow tone sliding over her lips. Her body began to move to the music without direction from her mind, and she suddenly wished Kyra and her sisters hadn't disappeared. They looked like they would be fun to dance with.

    WC: 785 | TWC: 5081


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 14th August 2020, 8:42 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    The music blared into the sky, the worrywart Velkhomme doing her best to cover her ears as she shuffled through the crowd. People consistently bumped into her, Kyra apologizing each and every time that it happened, regardless of the fact that it was not her fault. She just wanted to be back to somewhere familiar. She wanted to be back to people she knew and not just stuck in this crowd of hundreds or thousands or... well, who knew how many people were here! Reinford was the easternmost city in Fiore! How many people crossed the border to get here? How many people from Iceberg or Bosco or whatever other countries were running around the city of the Velkhommes for this Urban Nights Festival?

    Her inner musings were interrupted by her quickly being dragged away. She was brought into a dark alley, where she found herself by glowy neon people.

    "God, this little turtle is that boomer's daughter?" a girl mumbled, looking at her iLac.

    "Aye," one of the two skull-masked ones responded, his deep voice rumbling deeper than the music. "So what we need to do is just hold her hostage until this festival's over then we can ask the old man for ransom money."

    "Whatever is necessary for Evie." the samurai-looking one mumbled.

    The girl rolled her eyes. "Ok, simp."

    The samurai gave a disappointed look towards the girl before turning towards Kyra. "This is nothing personal, dear Velkhomme. You are merely a victim of your fate, of your lineage. I apologize." He unsheathed a katana, made entirely of pink flames, and held it to her throat. "This will not kill you, merely sedate you until we apply an antidote. Or we decide to kill you. Whatever your father deci-"

    His words were interrupted by a barrage of arrows flying into the alley. The skull masks dodged out of the way easily, but the girl did not seem to be so lucky. The arrows riddled her, crashing her against a wall, knocking her unconscious.

    "The hell you doing with my little sis?" Tegan's enraged voice asked, the drunkenness completely gone.

    The two skull masks looked at each other for a moment before rushing ahead, loud music blaring from their chests, overpowering the already powerful music from Corbyn's DJ booth. Tegan raised a hand casually, a wall of sponges absorbing the sound waves. As soon as the sponges retreated, Tegan's shirt transformed into the same sort of copy as the skull masks', and it too fired a loud blaring music, knocking the skull masks out. The samurai raised his eyebrow, surprised. He slammed the katana on the ground, causing five elementals to rise from the ground, flickering and sparking haphazardly.

    "You are a Memory Make user, I see," the samurai noted.

    Tegan was obviously too angry to respond, her shirt returning to normal and a spear materializing in her hand. She rushed towards the samurai and his elementals, the elementals rushing to meet her as he swung his sword towards her, firing beams of light towards the Guild Master of Goldheart. Tegan easily pierced through the elementals, stabbing two of them in one thrust of the spear before delivering a hearty punch to another. After parrying the other two's attacks, she tapped the ground with her hand as five identical elementals formed up. Tegan ordered them to rush the other elementals as she attacked the samurai. He seemed prepared, swinging his sword of light at Tegan.

    "T-Tegan! M-move!" Kyra weakly shouted, her voice barely escaping from her sweater.

    Yet, to Kyra's surprise, Tegan had caught the blade. With... her teeth? Everyone except Tegan seemed to be shocked as Tegan ate the entire sword. Her hands lit up in a bright whitish - yellow light, slamming the samurai in the face, knocking him and his elementals out. Tegan looked at Kyra for a moment, before sighing, stumbling over to her, and hugging the sister.

    "Ugghhhh it's so boring having to focus," she drunkenly moaned.

    "D-Do you n-need some w-water, Tegan?"

    Tegan ruffled Kyra's hair. "D'awww you're suuuuuuuch a cute li'l sister, Kyra! I'll be fiiiiine, just as long as you're safe. Oh! By the way! I knew his sword was just a big lasery thing. I wasn't afraid."

    "W-why not?"

    Tegan gave a confused look towards the cannibal. Then, a smile burst across her face and she laughed. "Riiiiight you didn't know! Well, Dad gave some Slayer Lacrimas to Rio and Demi, and I ended up finding one somewhere. We're juuuuuust like you, Kyra!" Kyra was shocked. Her three eldest siblings were all Slayers, just like her? It seemed too impossible to be true. Tegan giggled again, resting her head against Kyra's chest, embarrassing the young prodigal daughter. "Aria was lookin' for these people for a while anyways. PL4GUE, or something. I think we had a few jobs about them. Their leader's girlfriend or something got arrested on drug charges by Aria, but now we can arrest them too. Don't worry, Kairi's on her way here with Aria and some other police people."

    Kyra was still slightly stunned. In the midst of all the exceptional people her family had, the likes of the perfect human in Rio, the master businesswoman in Demi, the smart brains, the keen eyes, the perfect personalities all her siblings had, Tegan was so strange. She was just... different. So aloof. So in her own world. So... irresponsible. She was the Guild Master of a respectably sized guild, and yet she acted like this all the time.

    "Now, I thiiiiiiink your friends were at the bars, riiight? I think they liked me, and they were reeeeal cute, huh? Let'sh go towards them! C'mon, Kyra!"

    Tegan began to drag Kyra around once more, though it ended up turning into Kyra dragging Tegan back to the bars, mostly with Tegan's direction. Honestly, Kyra should not have been surprised at Tegan's knowledge of all the bars, and she already knew that Medeia and Amber would be at this one. They came into the scene just in time to see Amber's arms light up in green rings and something on Medeia changed. Amber took her own drink before Tegan spoke up.

    "Heeeeee-eyyyyyyyyy~~" she chirped. Tegan broke away from Kyra, immediately wandering over and planting her face into Medeia's chest. "Mmm, that's nice~. You got the exploding, huh? Those are aaaaaaalways, fun, but I think you'd've looked juuuuuust a bit cuter with it still on.~" Tegan removed her face from Medeia, only to immediately turn around and plant her face into Amber's. "Kyyyyyrrrraaaaaaa why do you have so many cute friends with such soft chests?"

    Kyra's face was beet red at this point. "S-s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry about T-T-T-Tegan, M-M-M-Miss Medeia a-and A-Amber!"

    WC: 1119 | GTWC: 6200

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford ULxbPj2

    Urban Nights in the City of Reinford Empty Re: Urban Nights in the City of Reinford

    Post by Guest 15th August 2020, 9:29 am

    Intrigued by Amber’s magic, Medeia would simply raise an eyebrow as the demon used her skills in order to clean the witch’s clothing. It was a rather odd sensation to be honest but not uncomfortable and the witch had to admit that she had not expected such magic from Amber. Perhaps she was just so used to Jen that she wrongly assumed that Amber was similar magically, along with other quirks. That was rather unfair of the angel and the purple eyed woman realised that she had been acting like a bit of a dick toward her new acquaintance. So, a soft smile would cross her features as she turned her gaze towards Amber, “I appreciate the dry cleaning, thank you.” Her tone lacked the usual flirty touch that she usually produced when speaking with other women but that was only natural. That touch of awkwardness was still there although nowhere near as strong as before. When Amber commented about the party being fun, she smiled slightly and replied, hearing a rather loud screech, which she assumed meant that the bartender had reverted back to his human appearance some distance away, “Yes, I admit that I do not attend these things too often. Always been a more one to one kind of woman.” Understatement of the century.

    Her attention was rather suddenly captured as a loud voice burst out and the witch was suddenly the recipient of having Tegan’s face implanted into her chest. Medeia did not move but her expression slowly turned from slight surprise to irritation. She was not embarrassed as such and in private, she would not have had any issue with what was happening but in the middle of a public place? That was a different story and the fallen angel’s reply was a little stormy to the clearly drunken girl, “I would not do that again in public if I were you otherwise I might have to show you just how soft I truly am.” It was half threat, half jest but given her tone, it would be difficult to tell which. Still, Tegan was cute and she had managed to do a fine job of capturing the witch’s attention which usually resulted in one thing. Rope and a lot of it. Tegan had made the list.

    As Tegan moved to play around with Amber, Medeia would walk over to Kyra as she started to stammer and apologise for her sister's actions. A smile once again broke out across her face as she looked gazed at her cannibal. Yes, hers. “You never told me that you had such a hands on sister, Kyra. I cannot help but wonder if perhaps that is an approach that all of your sisters have.” It was a devious smile and having already shared some quality time with the witch, Medeia was pretty sure that the cannibal would know what she was referring too. Watching Kyra fluster was always so adorable and she leaned in and whispered into the red eyed girl’s ear, “Maybe I should have some fun with one of them later? You can come too if you like.” The storminess was fading away at this point, replaced by the raven haired women’s typical personality.

    (538 Words)
    (738 Freeform WC)

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