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    Call of Poseidon

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Call of Poseidon Empty Call of Poseidon

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 22nd March 2020, 7:44 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well, this was going horribly.

    There were few things Mercury hated than something not going according to plan. Sometimes surprises were fun and spiced things up a little, to be sure, but there was certainly a line where the unexpected was less exciting and more infuriating than anything else. Additionally things that she greatly disliked were being dirty, having her clothes ruined, and not knowing what she was up against.

    All of the above was currently an active reality of her life. The endless profanities spewing from her lips were drowned out by the roar of the thunder above her head and the violent crashing of forty foot swells of ocean waves. Her outfit was utterly soaked by the torrential downpour of rain from the sky, causing the attire to stick and cling to her body in a most uncomfortable fashion. On top of that, the strong wind chilled her saturated body to the core.

    Of course, all of that was nothing in comparison to the absolute monstrosity before them. This was the first time Mercury had ever been on a boat before, let alone out in the open ocean. It was supposed to be a three day ride to a port in Ca-Elum where Vandrad had found a listing for a job that interested him. Since they had been training together most days for the past two weeks since his little attempted rescue in the Silent Glaciers, it was of little difficulty for him to simply invite her along. They had been making pretty good progress on their blooming friendship. Partnership. Rivalry. Whatever the fuck they wanted it to be called.

    But then, most of the way through the second day of the journey, disaster had struck in the form of a sea serpent so large that Mercury wasn’t even sure she had a proper unit to measure it in. It’s jaw alone was easily three times the size of the ship they sailed upon, and what they could see of its body was easily over two miles long. It had sprouted from the depths of the ocean and summoned the violent storm that now plagued them, seeking to torment and devour the ship and its contents.

    At first the confrontation had been exciting. Mercury and Vandrad both had practically launched themselves into the fray with glee, eager to fight a creature so fearsome and imposing. However, that anticipation had quickly converted to dread as they quickly realized that this immense beast was far more formidable even than it appeared to be. Before either of them could really stop to think about it, the encounter was quickly turning into a very real fight for survival.

    Mercury dived off her hoverdisc and onto the neck of the beast, running down its scaled back. Her weapon, Mercy, was currently engaged in its bladed form, white hot with molten heat as she dragged the sword along the serpent’s spine, trying to rend its flesh. She ran as long and as far as she could before gravity inevitably started to pull her off balance and she lept again into the air where her flying craft scooped her up and brought her around to bare.

    “Fuck!” she exclaimed as she looked back and realized that her sword had barely even scratched its tough scales. This was bad. This was really bad. “Please tell me you’ve found some kind of weak spot on this thing,” Mercury said, speaking into the little device in her ear that allowed her to communicate clearly with Vandrad no matter how far apart they were in the fight. As soon as the beast had struck and she’d seen how big it was, Mercury had quickly conjured an earbud device for herself, Vandrad, and the captain of the ship. “It’s scales are too thick. I’d be carving at it for hours before I hit any kind of flesh!”

    WORDS: 660/660 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 22nd March 2020, 7:49 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Call of Poseidon RJtajUnz_o

    This job now involved two things Vandrad greatly disliked; boat rides and a snake.

    It was a wonder that he had agreed to take the job in the first place. He had known pretty much from the beginning that he would be forced to take a boat to Ca-Elum – it was just a bit too far of a flight for him to properly make it across the water without falling in. And frankly, it was assumed that taking the full three trip there, completing the job and then taking three days back was a sort of… vacation for himself and Mercury. Ever since their second venture in the Silent Glaciers, his demand that she be his training partner had been accepted and experienced. Every other day she arrived to Fairy Tail, ready to throw hands with him in the name of training. But constant training, even for him, did get dull without a little outside adventure. So when he’d found a job that promised a thrilling challenge, he had accepted it on both their behalves.

    And for the most part, it had started out well. Vandrad was surly from the moment he stepped on the boat but no more than usual. He didn’t pretend to hide his feelings and chose to spend a lot of his time meditating or likewise distracting himself from the rocking waves. The first day had passed by without incident and the second one had been on its way to the same result when everything had changed. From the depths of the ocean emerged an absolutely gargantuan sea serpent, blessed with a size that would put a full bay city on high alert, let alone a small ship like theirs. With it came a storm of epic and tumultuous proportions, bringing heavy rain, thunder and lightning and wind that threatened to blow the ship right out of the ocean.

    Of course a giant beast like this was unusual but to the two wizards, not an unwelcome challenge. While Vandrad held absolutely no love in his heart for snakes of any size or make, that simply made his desire to burn the monster to a crisp surge higher than usual. But as they started to work their way into the battle, it very quickly became obvious that this creature was not something they could just push aside. Its strength was unrivaled against other enemies and the ferocity in which it hunted them and the ship was tremendously terrifying. This wasn’t a battle to test themselves anymore – they were truly fighting to stay alive against a beast that wanted nothing more than to sink the ship and consume it beneath the waves.

    Vandrad soared over the swell of a massive wave, his form glowing in its full golden light as he dipped over the ridge of the water and surged downwards. His magic wrapped around him and thrust him faster through the air, utilizing the wind in an attempt to add speed to his strength. He growled as he came upon the side of the monster, his arm pulling back and getting in position before he hit. The punch that launched itself forward seemed to echo with thunderous vibrancy, though that was probably just the natural rumble that had rolled through the clouds above. He’d expected to feel, see and hear the creature react to the attack, its entire body rolling through the ocean from the strength of his punch. But as he pulled his arm back, all he saw was… a dent. He had merely dented one of the scales he had smashed his limb into and it was such a small depression that it wasn’t even worth mentioning.

    He snarled and snapped his arm out, sending a blast at the crater in frustration. He was not surprised that the result was barely even a scorch mark. As he pulled himself away from the creature, arcing up into the torrential sky, the bud in his ear crackled to life with the sound of Mercury’s voice, hoping that he had managed to find somewhere to hit it. "If I had done so, it would already be dead,” he yelled loud enough to be heard over the roar of thunder above. He turned his body back and dove downwards towards the monster once more, his aura flaring up higher as he used gravity to aid in his next attack.

    But this time the creature saw the glow coming towards it. It roared and swiveled its body around, its massive tail coming around towards him. It came at Vandrad at such an angle that he had no way to escape it, so instead he turned his body and charged right at it, throwing his legs out in hopes of dropkicking the fin. Instead, he hit it and was immediately sent flying backwards as the creature’s might easily outmatched the Prince’s.

    Vandrad spun wildly but managed to flare his energy enough to balance out, though he’d been knocked nearly fifty yards away from the creature. "As much as I dislike the idea, its eyes may be a place to focus on. Though I’m not keen on getting near its teeth.”

    Words: 859/3000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 22nd March 2020, 9:00 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    For once, Mercury didn’t have any kind of sassy retort for his outburst. She was far too focused on trying not to die. Hovering above the creature’s neck, she took the time while it was distracted with Vandrad to switch back to her pistol and unloaded round after round of hollow point ammo into the spot she’d tried to attack before, to no avail. Her partner posed the theory that they may have to risk getting too close to its teeth in order to attack the thing’s eyes, which seemed to be the only fleshy bit available for abuse.

    “Well, we better hope it’s the eyes then, because otherwise it’s going to be down the throat!” she told him after she finally gave up firing at the thing. With a growl, she lowered her weapon, realizing it was going to be utterly useless in this fight. Even if they managed to destroy its eyes, she had a feeling that was only going to piss it off. Removing its vision wasn’t going to take its life, or get it to back down.

    Suddenly, a different voice rattled her ear drum: the captain. He sounded highly distressed, causing Mercury to turn her gaze, trying to find the ship among the waves. When the serpent had lifted its tail to strike Vandrad it had created a swell much larger than those already present. The boat was starting to capsize, and the only thing keeping it nominally afloat was their water and weather mages doing everything they could to keep the sea from filling it up. However, those mages had probably never run into anything like this before. “The ship!,” Mercury called to Vandrad. If the ship went down, they were all screwed. This far out to sea, there was no way they were safely going to get back to land.

    Making an executive decision, she said, “You work on the eyes. I’m going to get them out of the way!” Holstering Mercy, she zipped down to the ship, her mind racing. She needed to get the boat upright again, and then she needed to find a way to get it out of the danger zone. Easier said than done, especially with how violently the sea was churning. One more wave would probably lose them.

    She pulled up beside the ship just as another crushing wave was descending upon it. With grunt, Mercury tapped into her magic and constructed a fifty foot wall between the wave and the ship. The ocean crashed against the wall, leaving the ship in a momentary pool of calm waters on the other side. “Get it up!” she yelled at the crew, putting all of her energy and focus on keeping the waves back with her wall. Quickly, their mages got to work, righting the boat back onto its belly and ushering out the water that had invaded it.

    Now it was just a matter of getting them out of the way. She just needed to get them far enough that the waters were calm enough for them to handle on their own, and the ship wouldn’t be at risk of getting bashed by the serpent’s body at any given point. But how could she do that? There was no way the ship could just sail straight through in all this mess. She needed to find a way to give them a straight, clean shot out. And idea came to her. She wasn’t sure if it would work, mostly because she wasn’t sure if she could do it. Mercury had never used her magic to such an extent before, but she had no choice but to try it.

    Dropping the current wall and letting it sink into the water, she directed her hoverdisc to position herself at the aft of the ship, high enough above it that the waves wouldn’t smash into her to break her concentration. Raising both her hands, her emerald eyes focused intensely on the sea ahead of the ship, her teeth gritting so hard against one another she was sure they would be cracked as she growled with the effort of spending so much energy at once.

    Suddenly, two walls appeared on either side of the ship, both of them as tall as the previous one she’d made. Only this time, the walls extended much further, reaching hundreds of meters out of reach of the creature and creating a perfectly straight highway of calm waters between them. The entire lane was lit by hundreds of lights as dark as her blackened metal, but somehow still bright enough to illuminate the way forward in a purple hue. Twisting her fingers, rows of impossibly sized turbines popped out at even intervals on both sides of the wall down the entire length of the runway.

    With a final push of her magic, she flipped the turbines on. They snapped to life, creating a wind so powerful that it instantly slammed into the sails of the ship and sent it flying down the water with such speed that it almost lifted clear from the sea. The boat shot down the lane, getting a fresh boost of wind each time it passed another pair of turbines, until it had made it safely out of the lane and was a good sized distance out of reach of the serpent.

    Mercury held onto the spell until the ship was free before collapsing onto her disc. The walls crumbled out of existence while her body trembled and shook from the release of so much energy at once. She felt almost completely drained of strength, the thought of even standing back up being a daunting one. But the woman didn’t have time to recuperate. Forcing her head up, she looked for Vandrad to see how he was faring, hoping that he’d managed to come up with something, anything.

    WORDS: 988/1648 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 22nd March 2020, 10:27 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Call of Poseidon RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was always up for a little danger but this was ludicrous. This monstrosity was beyond the measure that they would properly get a handle on and no matter what they did, it didn’t seem to work. The Prince of Bellum had brought down entire buildings with physical punches before and yet this serpent was barely even having its scales dented. And Mercury seemed to be having just as much trouble as he was; so blunt and piercing attacks weren’t going to cut it then. It’s bulk was just too thick, which made for a very dangerous situation. If they couldn’t find somewhere to hit it, it would easily overwhelm them.

    Mercury chirped over the ear bud, lamenting the fact that if the eyes weren’t its weak point, then down its throat was their only option. He growled in annoyance as he swung his body around to soar towards the front of the monster. She was right through; creatures with this impregnability on the outside had specifically adapted to protect a soft, weaker coating inside. Of course that meant one or both of them would need to dive down into its body and attack there. It was certainly not an ideal situation; causing damage to the body from the inside could create complications very fast. The serpent’s body could contort in agony and trap them as it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Worse was that it could jerk around and knock them out, essentially signing their death warrants.

    Another voice chimed in as he made his way, the sound of the captain’s frantic cries blazing in his ear. It took a moment to find the ship, as it was barely staying on the surface of the water. The mages on board were doing their absolute best to keep the vessel from sinking beneath the waves but the swells were getting worse. And if the serpent turned its attention away from them and focused back on the ship… it was game over. Mercury roared over the speaker, ordering him to take the eyes while she went to take care of the ship. "Don’t let me have all the fun,” he called back in a sarcastic tone, though still agreeing to the plan. It would probably be days after this that Vandrad realized how easily he had taken a command from her and rolled with it. Ironic, considering how against almost anything she said he was usually.

    He swung around the front of the serpent, his glowing form catching its attention instantly. Magic flowed into his hands and he began to pump his arms forward like pistons, unleashing blasts of compressed magic right into its face. The creature roared as its vision was taken up in fire and smoke, temporarily paused by the pesky attacks hitting it. Vandrad continued to throw spells at it, repeating the process over and over to keep up the distraction. But the serpent began to push forward, its immense size rushing at him with an open mouth ready to swallow him whole. Even through the smoke he could see that his blasts had barely done anything, the monster’s eyes fixated on him clearly.

    He shot out of the way of the creature’s maw, putting some distance between him and it. But it swung its head around at him and roared. This wasn’t the normal screech of an agitated creature though; there was intense wind magic laced within the bellow that quickly caught up to the Prince of Bellum. It smashed into him with such force that his body bent awkwardly, like he’d been struck in the spine and wrapped around the impacting object. His armor shattered into thousands of pieces and his jumpsuit was torn to shreds as the wind ripped through it, leaving the back half of his body bare, bruised and bleeding. Vandrad was sent flying into the sky, spinning wildly like a leaf caught in a hurricane. And as he came off the hump of the roar, he fell down from the sky, his body limp and dangling. It wasn’t until he struck the water and disappeared beneath the waves that he had any sense of feeling.

    The pain was extraordinary – the worst he had ever felt. His entire body had shut down and slowly the surface of the water was beginning to fade farther away. His Empowerment flickered and then faded away, casting him completely into the darkness. Internally, he fought against the impending defeat. He’d come this far in life, fought against numerous perils and challenges, and it was an overgrown sea snake that had managed to bring him down. The very idea infuriated him, an emotion that wasn’t alien to the man but felt different this time. It was a fury that seemed to resonate from a different place – a place that refused to be defeated. It took him a second of introspection to recognize the feeling, burning red hot in its unwillingness to die. This is what had overtaken him in Desierto, what he had only managed to touch upon on other occasions without taking it fully in hand. It hadn’t been his rage at Mercury at all – that’s why he’d never been able to replicate it.

    It had come from within him. A resistance to defeat. The willpower to look death in the face and spit on it.

    He took hold of the rage and let it consume him, embracing the emotion with full consciousness and awareness. His body ignited in crimson red flames as his hair and eyes quickly were overwhelmed with the same color. His Empowerment had ascended finally to this new level once again and already the energy he was drawing in worked to repair him. His body came to life and with a bubbling grunt, he surged up through the water and back into the air. His eyes snapped to the creature, its attention now on the ship. But Mercury had followed through on her plan – she had erected massive walls of metal to act as a corral for the ship. And within it, engines that churned the air and sent their ship through the sea at an alarming rate. In spite of the situation, he couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged on his lips.

    But the serpent was moving to catch up. Vandrad’s aura melted into his arm and he fueled even more magic into it as he launched himself forward, swiftly closing the distance between himself and the monster. He followed alongside it, his limb vibrating and shimmering from the amount of magic he had compressed within it. As he came along the side of its face, he suddenly jerked himself towards it and rushed in with the empowered punch. And this time, the attack caused the serpent’s head to snap to the side, the thunderous sound of the impact silencing the heavens for a brief moment as the monster was suddenly knocked off course. Its entire body slowed to a stop as a growl rumbled out of its mouth. Vandrad swung himself around in front of it, placing himself between the monster and the boat. Slowly the creature brought its head around, the impact zone full of broken scales and drooling dark blue blood. An injury… but still far less than he had hoped for.

    The serpent roared again, now even angrier than before. This time it wasn’t wind that hit Vandrad but pure lightning. He brought up his arms to form magical shielding over but the impact was too strong. The protective film shattered and the Prince of Bellum was once again sent spiraling through the air, his body crackling with electricity that was not its own. Out of nowhere came Vandrad, tearing through the three sails before slamming into the aft of the ship. His impact dented the wood with such force that it was a wonder he didn’t just drive right through the vessel itself.

    Groaning, he forced himself out of the wooden crater and back to his feet. Blood was pouring from several different wounds all over his body, a fresh cut on his forehead that coated half of his face in plasma. He growled as he raised his crimson gaze back and saw the serpent, enraged, swimming quickly after them. They were several miles away but that was nothing for a creature of its size. It would be on them in minutes, if that. He cycled his magic and launched himself into the air again, heading back towards the monster. "The eyes are a no-go. It looks like we’re aiming down its throat. I have something that might work but I need time to charge it up.” He hated having to admit that he needed time but it was not an easy spell. It would almost completely drain him.

    He swung himself away from the serpent slightly, loosing a blast at its face to keep its attention on him rather than the boat. It roared and adjusted itself to be swimming towards him, buying the boat precious time to get away. The Prince came up near Mercury, enough that he could see her collapsed on her disk. "You’ll have to distract it. Are you up to the task?”

    Words: 2393/3000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 22nd March 2020, 12:06 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She looked up just in time to see Vandrad get slammed with lightning and sent soaring so far across the waters that he actually landed on the ship. It seemed the serpent was capable of doing much more than summoning a storm; it could actually spit certain elements of a storm from its mouth. It got her thinking. Mercury had really only just recently learned that the magic she’d received from Jadus was slayer magic, like Gangting’s, which meant that she could eat most iterations of her elements. It was a tactic she’d yet to try, but one she understood could help her regain some strength.

    Vandrad’s voice came in over her radio, informing her that they were going to have to find a way to jam a load of energy down the snake’s throat if they were going to do any significant kind of damage to it. He had a trick that might work, he told her, but he was going to need some time to charge it up, which meant she was going to have to step up to the plate, no matter how weary she already was. By the time he got to where she was hovering, Mercury was already pushing herself unsteadily onto her feet, her eyes burning on the incoming serpent with stubborn rage and determination that bordered on crazed amusement.

    “Yeah. I got this.”

    It was like something dangerous had snapped inside of her. Mercury had faced death so many times, and each time she became less and less afraid of her dance with it. By this point in her life, she was entirely desensitized to the idea. Thus, she wasted no time in getting the thing’s attention. Zipping down toward the beast, she pulled out Mercy and hovered along the side of the serpent’s face where Vandrad had actually managed to draw some blood and inflict an actual wound. It wasn’t enough damage to do anything more than piss the creature off, but since that was exactly what she wanted, it was perfect for her needs.

    Taking the time to aim her shot carefully, her internal sensors factoring for the wind and the rain, she released a single grenade from the pistol that hit the snake right on the open wound. The blast radius of the attack was at full capacity, for the first time showing the actual range her grenades had and revealing that even in her prior fight to the death with Vandrad, she had indeed still been holding back. Where in Desierto the explosion had reached out for a fifty meter stretch, the size of this explosion was roughly three times that, easily enough to agitate the open wound and cause the serpent to screech in rage.

    “WHAT’S THE MATTER?” she yelled at the beast over the roar of the storm around them. “DIDN’T LIKE THAT VERY MUCH? WHY DON’T YOU HAVE ANOTHER?” Mercury launched a second grenade, and then continued to do so until the serpent was so angry with her that it seemed to have completely forgotten about the ship and Vandrad, fixing a fully enraged eye on her where she hovered.

    Mercury could see the muscles of its throat twitch as it prepared another blast, could sense the delicious power building deep in its belly that would be a welcome meal for her own. Slipping Mercy back in its holster so she wouldn’t drop it, the woman spread her arms open wide, bracing herself for the incoming attack. “Yeah, that’s right,” she whispered, a comment that would have otherwise gone unheard by Vandrad if it weren’t for the earbuds. “Give me everything you got.”

    The creature opened its mouth and blasted a monsterous level of blue white lightning right at her, which Mercury made no effort to avoid. It nailed her with a direct hit, coating her with so much of the electrical charge that she completely disappeared inside a veritable sphere of lightning that clung to and jumped around her body like she’d been holding a conductive rod to draw it in with.

    And then, the sphere quickly began to shrink as she sucked the electricity down, filling herself with it until the magic was completely gone. Her own depleted pools had been fully restored. In fact, they had been more than refilled. She was overflowing with power the likes of which she’d never felt before, fully rejuvenated and far beyond her normal capacities. With a feral cry, that power exploded from her and she began to glow with an eerie, black-purple light. Jet black lightning danced around her form, and her body appeared to have been fully encased in ebony colored steel.

    If she hadn’t had the creature’s attention before, Mercury certainly did now. It could sense her overwhelming magic, its predatory eyes drawn to the dark, shimmering light that surrounded her body like a corrupted star. Acting out of sheer instinct, she swung out her arms with a grunt. Dark runes formed from each of her palms and from them two colossal sized robotic arms manifested, each one large enough that a single fist was almost as big as the serpent’s entire face. Each limb glowed with the same dark sunlight that clung to her own body, rippling with black lightning that somehow managed to spark equally dark flames that coated the arms.

    With a defiant cry, she reached back one of her arms and threw it in a punch. The synthetic limb mirrored her movements, its massive fist slamming into the snake’s face with a solid sucker punch right to the jaw. Before it could recover, she did the same with the opposing arm, and then continued to wail on the creature without let up until it finally fell backward into the ocean. There was only a brief couple second of reprieve before it burst back out of the waters, roaring its unbridled fury, and Mercury took that time to take hold of its face with her mecha fists, one hand on either side of its mouth to keep its jaw pried open.

    It fought her wildly, trying to pull back from her grip to no avail. It tightened its mouth around the magical hands, attempting to clamp it shut with its powerful maw, only to find Mercury’s own strength greater from her determination. “Open wide, you overgrown son of a bitch!” she growled at it, her voice strained from the tense effort of giving Vandrad a wide open shot down its esophagus.

    In her focus, she had forgotten about its tail. She found herself unprepared for being whacked from the side, her hovercraft instantly shattering into pieces. Refusing to let her concentration be broken, Mercury continued to keep her magic flowing for as long as possible, continuing to pry its mouth open even as she plummeted toward the sea until she was once more almost completely drained of power.

    She hit the surface of the ocean with such force that it took her breath away, only for her to immediately start choking when she made the mistake of instinctively trying to breathe in beneath the surface of the water. The salty liquid rammed its way violently down her throat, causing her to choke aggressively. Mercury needed to get to the surface, but she had been turned around so many times that she didn’t know which way was up. It was too dark under the water for her to differentiate the night sky from the dark abyss of the ocean depths.

    And as she flailed, a sinking realization shrieked at the back of her mind: She didn’t know how to swim. Even if she had, she had expended nearly every last ounce of her energy making sure Vandrad had enough time and opportunity to either kill the thing, or hurt it so badly that it decided this miniscule snack just wasn’t worth the effort.

    Terror washed over her as she realized she was actually going to die, and not from being eaten by an insanely sized monster, but from horrific, agonizing suffocation. The last thing she remembered, as her vision started to cloud and her consciousness began to fade, was using the last shreds of her energy to make her body glow once more, hoping that by shedding enough light she would be able to find the surface and make it up in time to save her own life.

    And then she passed out.

    WORDS: 1423/3071 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 22nd March 2020, 1:06 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Call of Poseidon RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was venturing into unknown territory. This new form was still fresh enough but now he was already focusing onto an entirely new spell. Back in Desierto, he had summoned forth a wall of destructive magic that had reduced the fighting pits to ash. It had been magic he hadn’t even thought about – something that had formed almost instinctively. He wasn’t entirely sure how well such an attack would work on this creature’s outside but perhaps, if he focused the attack into a compressed orb, he would send it flying into the creature’s gullet and explode it from the inside. But he would have to focus on it; compiling a spell out of nowhere was a bold strategy no matter what but with the high volume of explosive energy he was going to pushing together, he didn’t want to accidentally blow himself or Mercury up.

    So that meant she had to serve as a distraction. They were essentially swapping roles, albeit with the protection of the ship now satisfied. He’d glanced at her to ensure she was ready for this because based on how she looked, she wasn’t. She had worn herself dry and was stumbling up to her feet, a bad gust of wind away from toppling over her own device. But she insisted that she could handle it – in fact, she sounded almost thirsty for it. Her tone inferred just how maniacal she seemed at the time and it even give Vandrad pause, staring at her even as she descended upon the beast. But he didn’t have time to sit there and gawk. His right hand snapped out and held itself forward, his palm and fingers flat as they faced outward. Digging deep into his core, magic surged through his veins and out towards the limb. A light blue ball formed in the center of his outstretched palm, swirling softly at first as it started to grow. More and more energy continued to pool into the orb, getting bigger with every passing moment and every ounce of magic he funneled inside.

    As he focused, he kept his attention on the Silver Wolf mage. She charged right at the monster, sending volleys of grenades at the spot he had already injured. The full strength of her magic was on display now; the blasts that exploded against the serpent’s face far outdid the size of the previous grenades she had used prior. A sure sign that up until this point, she had carefully kept her use of magic to a moderate pace at best. She mocked the creature, screaming at it and blasting it to draw its attention fully on her. And it succeeded; the growl and fervid look in its eyes said just how much it wanted to crush the pest that was attacking it now. The creature began to summon forth another roar of magic and Mercury seemed to be keen on staying right in its line of sight.

    "I said distract it, not get yourself k—“ he hissed between clenched teeth quietly. It was right before she practically whispered into the mic, demanding the creature hit her with everything it had. Whatever plan she had, it came to fruition. The monster’s lips sprang open and its roar shook the air as lightning burst out from its core. It struck Mercury dead on, enveloping her in a globe of lightning that completely hid her from sight. But as the Prince of Bellum watched, the orb began to shrink into her, its energy passing down into her core. And then with a bellow of her own, her entire body was wrapped in a black-purple hue and her own form of lightning crackled in the air around her as her form hardened with metal

    A slayer then. Vandrad had worked with enough of them to know when he was watching a slayer at work. He’d had his suspicions for awhile but it honestly seemed like she switched between multiple magics. It was possible that was the case but no doubt, she was some kind of slayer. She moved and in the air before her appeared large, robotic arms that had materialized from her magic. With the massive phantom limbs now granting her a means of battering the serpent on equal grounds, it looked as if she had gained a temporary foothold. But her boost in power wouldn’t last for long. These things had a time limit and he doubted she would possess enough strength to throttle the creature to fully die. He’d honestly be amazed if the combination of both their powers would be enough.

    The blast in his hand was becoming volatile, the entire limb holding it shaking violently. He grabbed his wrist with his other hand to steady himself, as magic continued to pour into the blast. Even he had to admit that he was intimidated by the feeling of it. One false move, one lost moment of focus and he would most likely be utterly vaporized by the chain reaction. His eyes shifted over to the ball so that he could keep his attention there, the moments leading up to its completion now more important. He could hear her through the headset either as she roared and growled and hissed like a wild animal, bludgeoning the beast as best she could. It was when she demanded that it keep its mouth wide that he finally looked away, noticing the phantom hands grabbing the creature’s jaw and wrenching it open.

    Right as the tail came around to smash into her, devastating both the Silver Wolf wizard and her device, Vandrad felt the harmonious semblance that verified the charge’s completion. His aura shot to life as he rushed down towards the mouth, stopping drastically as he took aim at the open maw. His eyes snapped to Mercury, falling down towards the sea, for only a brief moment before he loosed the blast. The effort of doing so knocked him backwards, his magic having to quickly right him. Down the ball went, the bright orb falling towards the earth. It passed by the lips of the creature just as Mercury hit the water and the magic hands diminished. The serpent roared and clamped its mouth shut.

    Then all hell broke loose. The explosion was unlike anything he’d ever felt or seen before. The shockwave slammed into him with such force that his magic went haywire and he was tossed through the air like a ragdoll. He did the best course correcting he could, giving himself enough of a view of the mushroom cloud that now enveloped the entirety of the area the serpent had taken up. But his thoughts weren’t on the creature now. No, his aura flared up around him as he dove down towards the ocean, bursting under the water swiftly to find the wayward Mercury. At first all he saw was pitch darkness, his head swiveling around to catch some sight of her. But then a soft glow, barely outlining the female form floating deep in the darkened sea. He flew through the water towards her, even as the glow began to fade. He reached out and pulled her to him, taking her body in his arms as he then rocketed to the surface.

    The storm that had been raging all around them had warped around the mushroom cloud, seemingly being sucked into the vortex of Vandrad’s lingering energy. The Prince of Bellum soared across the surface of the sea towards the boat, needing a solid surface to get her down on. As soon as he reached the back of the galleon, he set her down on the private porch that ran along the back of the captain’s cabin. He fell to his knees and let her down, looking her unconscious form over. How many minutes had passed since she hit the water? It didn’t matter.

    He reached up and pulled open her mouth. He inhaled deeply and pinched her nose before putting his mouth on hers, delivering air down into her esophagus. Then he pulled back and reached down, placing his hand on her chest. Locating the prime spot, remembering his training from the military, he formed his hand into a fist and gave her a firm hit before starting compressions. All the while he stared into her face, waiting and hoping…

    Words: 3780/3000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Call of Poseidon Empty Re: Call of Poseidon

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 22nd March 2020, 2:48 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She didn’t respond right away to his CPR, but eventually Vandrad was able to lodge the water enough for her to regain consciousness. A small fountain of salt water gushed from her mouth, and Mercury immediately began to choke again. Somehow, she managed to roll onto her side, barely aware of herself of the world around her as she proceeded to violently cough the contents of both her lungs and her stomach onto the small deck.

    Her lungs were screaming in burning agony as she desperately tried to gulp down air between the heaving retches. Eventually, the air came in greater quantities. Despite this, her entire body was overcome with shock from the complete depletion of her magic as well as having almost drown to death, leaving her trembling with weak adrenaline and a deep chill from the open air against her soaked body.

    It took several minutes for her to calm down enough to take real stock of her surroundings. Somehow she’d wound up back on the ship, and Vandrad was there. The ocean was still a bit tumultuous but the storm seemed to be clearing. Memories of what had been happening before she’d passed out came rushing back to her. “Did you get it?” she asked him, her voice coarse as she attempted to inquire about the fate of the serpent.

    The act of speaking caused her diaphragm to spasm again, sending her into another coughing fit, albeit a much more tame one in comparison to the first. Her entire body felt like jelly. It was almost impossible to even keep herself propped on an elbow so she wouldn’t be fully laying in a puddle of her own bile. “Fuck,” she breathed, furious with how weak and vulnerable she currently was. Mercury had no idea how long she had been under the surface of the water, but by the pounding in her head it had to have been alone enough that it was a miracle she was even still alive.

    WORDS: 338/3409 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


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