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    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I


    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Oberon 12th November 2020, 6:36 am


    Arthur had been assigned on a peculiar mission, one of a kind he had yet to receive from his guild. He would be joining a member of the rune knights in clearing out the den of a naga, a dangerous type of half-human snake. From what the briefing had told him, the woman was known for making travelers disappear and things of that nature. It was a dangerous creature, from what he knew of the monster, too strong for him to attempt alone in any way. The sun bore down on him as he trudged through the shifting sands of the desert. While the light per se didn't particularly bother Arthur, the heat of his general environment most certainly did. His bond with Helios almost positively vibrated with radiance as he was almost completely doused in pure sunlight from the sun's unforgiving glare.

    From this distance, the Naga probably wasn't able to sense his presence or anything of the sort. And if it could sense his presence, it probably only assumed to be one of the fateful travelers it would think of as lunch. Unfortunately for her, he was her to slay the foul beast and free this desert highway from its toll taker. From behind the palm tree upon which Arthur was leaning, the opening to the desert chasm beckoned to any travelers that dared to enter. But Arthur wasn't stupid, he was going to wait for his partner to show up before taking part in any of the action he knew would be sure to come. In the meantime, though, the paladin took up his usual pastime of sunbathing in his god's radiance.

    WC: 275/2000


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy
    Kyra Forte
    Kyra Forte

    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mercury Arsenault
    Experience : 7,412

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lacrimatek Requip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Kyra Forte 12th November 2020, 7:15 am


    Word Count: 436
    Total Word Count: 436 / 2,000
    Thread Word Count: 711 / 4,000

    Tagged: @Arthur Harrington
    Job Information: -
    Notes: -

    Today certainly wasn't the first time that Kyra had been paired up with someone she didn't know, but it WAS the first time that she'd been requested to work alongside a member of Dies Irae, a legal guild who apparently had developed some ties to the Rune Knights. She had been asked to investigate some disappearances that had been occurring in the Forgotten Deserts at the Southernmost coast of the country. It had been reported that a group of travelers and merchants were due to arrive into Neutral Grounds a few weeks prior, and the last anyone had heard, they had arrived on land and had decided to take a look into the desert to see if there was anything of note - any kind of discovery could make them considerably richer afterall. But since then there had been nothing.

    Several search parties had gone out, yet only one had returned with any kind of news; a Naga had taken up residence within a small chasm in the sands. The group had opted not to investigate any further after seeing the creature destroying one of the men from a previous search party, and the news had managed to reach the ears of the Rune Knights - and apparently of Dies Irae too. Seeing this as a good opportunity to work together, Kyra was now grudgingly traipsing through the sands searching for the guildmage. She figured it would be easy given there wouldn't be many people out this far. She was wrong. The desert was massive and little cacti and hardy trees had broken through the barren lands, tricking her into thinking she'd seen a person on several occasions. Finally, right as she was about to give up and go back to HQ, she spotted what she was certain was an actual figure in the distance - the fact it had moved was a sign that either it was a person, or she was finally losing her mind - and so she pressed onward. Sure enough, as she approached a small chasm within the sand she could see a figure leaned up against a tree; a very tall and muscular man, lightly tanned and with long, dark brown hair, his eyes closed as he seemed to soak in the sun.

    Kyra blinked a few times to be sure that the man was real before walking towards him, the sand shifting and spraying from her footsteps as she got closer. "Hello...you must be with Dies Irae?" she asked with a smile. "I am Sergeant Kyra Forte of the Rune Knights. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister...?"


    Last edited by Kyra Forte on 12th November 2020, 7:51 am; edited 2 times in total



    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Oberon 12th November 2020, 7:32 am

    A soft chipper voice woke Arthur from his reverie. Blinking his eyes open, he came to see the sight of a white-haired woman. Her face was pretty and her cheeks somewhat soft-looking. Definitely not a hard sight to wake up to. She was smiling at him with her words, and Arthur briefly thought back to try and decipher exactly what had been said. Something about the Rune Knights and a seargent? His brief brain fog was dispelled as she continued her introduction, letting him understand his statement in full. Waking up from daydreaming was interesting like that, not totally unlike waking from real sleep. Maybe he had been asleep even, he hadn't been able to tell, because all he knew was that the sun had made him feel comfortable to an otherworldly degree.

    Mustering up all of his charm, Arthur sent her a warm welcoming smile. He wouldn't mind fighting the creature by her side, and he was sure the woman could provide more than eyecandy. From what he knew of the Rune Knights, they were accomplished fighters and mages, so Arthur was definitely in for a treat. "Arthur Harrington at your service, new recruit to Dies Irae but definitely not a new mage in any regard. While I'd love to stay and chat, flirt, everything under the sun, I feel as if there's a Naga in need of slaying. How bout it, then?" With that being said, Arthur gathered his wits about him and began walking towards the chasm's entrance and into the dungeon. The walk into the main chamber was very short, and cramped too for a man of his size. Finally reaching the end of the pathway, Arthur and Kyra would come upon the creature in all of its inhuman glory. Arthur took a moment to cast his shields on their party. While a golden glow wrapped around his hand, a translucent aegis appeared around both of them, sparking and brilliant in its light-based elemental source. As it was relatively see-through, it didn't obstruct the vision of either. "This should protect us for now, let's see what we're up against."

    WC: 353, TWC: 628/2000



    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy
    Kyra Forte
    Kyra Forte

    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mercury Arsenault
    Experience : 7,412

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lacrimatek Requip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Kyra Forte 12th November 2020, 8:11 am


    Word Count: 477
    Total Word Count: 913 / 2,000
    Thread Word Count: 1541 / 4,000

    Tagged: -
    Job Information: Link here~
    Notes: -

    Arthur was tall. Like...really, REALLY tall. The man dwarfed her as he got to his feet and introduced himself. Thankfully Kyra had little time to think on the matter as it seemed Arthur was determined to just crack on with the task at hand. She'd forgotten how direct some people were with jobs, preferring to crack on rather than take things at their own pace. It was good of course. She'd been getting frustrated with a number of her colleagues who seemed to take as long as they could to get anything done, particularly in the workshop. The fact this guildmage wanted to get going and deal with the issue at hand was a refreshing change. The pair made their way into the chasm and down the tunnel that opened up further in. The pair were silent almost the entire way and Kyra listened out in case of any potential threats, although fortunately none seemed forthcoming.

    As they got closer to the end of the tunnel it began to narrow, to a point that it seemed Arthur was struggling to fit through without risking grazing his head on the roof of the cavern. The pair stopped just as the tunnel opened into a slightly larger open space and the giant of a man turned to face Kyra again. A glow emanated from his hand and then traveled to both of them, coating them briefly in that same golden glow as magical energy surrounded Kyra, leaving her feeling surprisingly warm. It was a peculiar feeling, not entirely dissimilar to when she used her own shielding spells, but with some differences that she couldn't put her finger on. Was this what real shielding magic felt like? She nodded and the duo walked into the opening, Kyra putting her hand over her watch ready to requip something at a moment's notice.

    As soon as she saw what was in the space with them though, the Rune Knight froze. The top half of the being was a beautiful woman, with luscious hair and a body that Kyra was somewhat jealous of. But it was the bottom half of the woman that terrified her. Where there should have been legs there was instead a long, muscular tail not unlike that of a snake. Kyra hated snakes. The motion of the tail moving in the sand to keep the creature upright or moving was unnatural at best and downright disturbing at worst. She'd seen Naga's in books of course and she thought she was ready to face one. She was quickly learning that perhaps she was not, as the Naga looked around at the two arrivals, a look of utter angst and hatred written across her humanoid face. She said something, but Kyra didn't hear it through her own fear. All the while she kept her hand firmly placed on her watch.




    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Oberon 12th November 2020, 11:53 am

    Upon seeing the creature, and the bones and skeletons littered around its den, the Naga's beauty had no effect on him. Arthur had more willpower than that, to be honest. Sure, he could admit its beauty, but that didn't change the fact that the creature was going to die here today. It seemingly knew their intentions, seeing the active shielding magic and putting two and two together. Its home was being invaded and it knew it was going to be attacked from Arthur's hostile aura. Arthur approached the creature with a passion for vengeance. He'd mourn the soldiers that had been lost to this creature later, for now he had a battle to win. "C'mon, let's do this!" Arthur cried out as he readied golden magic in his hand. Forming a smite spell in his hands, Arthur sent out the golden ball of light towards the creature. Dodging the attack, the Naga instead sent forth a magical bolt of venom from her mouth. Splashing against his barrier, it corroded and sizzled as their magic forces clashed. Now that she was recovering from her attack, Arthur managed to cast another smite spell, this time landing it right between her eyes. Shrieking from the painful burn, the Naga flailed about as it slashed at him with its claws. The force of the attack knocked him back somewhat, even with his shield bubble intact. Arthur watched the wing marker above the snake's head flicker as a beam of light burst down from the sky to burn her. Her wails were angered now that she was seriously threatened. It wouldn't be long now before the rays of light would begin burning down on her again.

    Part of him felt bad for causing the creature pain, but he had to put the thing down, it was killing innocent rune knights and adventurers alike. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he like the monster go just because it kind of looked like a human. That wouldn't do, not at all. Arthur would feel no sympathy for such a monster, he couldn't afford to when his life was on the line.

    WC: 357 TWC: 985/2000




    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy
    Kyra Forte
    Kyra Forte

    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mercury Arsenault
    Experience : 7,412

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lacrimatek Requip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Kyra Forte 13th November 2020, 6:47 am


    Word Count: 305
    Total Word Count: 1218 / 2000
    Thread Word Count: 2203 / 4000

    Tagged: @Arthur Harrington
    Job Information: Link here~
    Notes: -

    Arthur's call out followed by the Naga's attacks snapped Kyra from her temporary hesitation and she was immediately back in control of her senses. The Dies Irae mage was taking the Naga's attention and so Kyra was free to focus on her method of attack for a moment. She removed her hand from her watch and her eyes glowed lilac as he body was briefly coated in a white light. Once the light died down it revealed that her usual black bodysuit was now coated in sleek metallic armour. In her previously empty hands were now a pair of blasters and she raised them up and pointed them at the Naga's back. This creature had slaughtered many people in recent weeks, and Gods only knew how many over her lifetime.

    This was all the convincing Kyra needed to let rip, firing off a volley of shots at rapid speed at the reptile-esque creature. The Naga released a high-pitched screech as it writhed in pain before turning to face the Rune Knight, eyes filled with hatred, and spat a huge globule of venom at Kyra. Thanks to Arthur's previous attacks and the retaliation they'd provoked, Kyra had predicted this response and, with a flash of blue-white light, teleported beside Arthur. "She's pretty pissed..." she muttered quietly, more to herself than her current ally. Wild creatures such as this tended to get more and more aggressive as they got weaker and their survival instincts kicked in. The attacks she'd been making thus far had been warnings, Kyra was certain of it. Chances were high that things were going to become a very difficult, very quickly. She watched as the Naga turned back towards Arthur and now begin looking from the larger, broader male target to the faster, smaller female target, very clearly assessing its next move.





    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I Empty Re: (Dungeon) The Snake Maiden I

    Post by Oberon 13th November 2020, 12:12 pm

    As the creature realized what exactly was at stake, that they wouldn't be as easy to kill as the one's before, the Naga's demeanor changed almost instantaneously. The hot arid air become oppressive with her intensifying magical signature as the beast let out a pained wail of distress. Arthur would have felt bad for the thing, if not for the entire murder anybody that enters kind of deal. He couldn't hold sympathy for such a wretch, he would have to slay the beast and hopefully give the creature's soul a chance to be fairly judged in the afterlife. Although, to be honest, he didn't think the homicidal hybrid would get a good result from said judgement. Watching the Rune Knight blast the creature with magic, Arthur smiled at her and let out a quick "Good work there, Kyra, you've got some nice aim!" Because it was true, the other mage had definitely dealt a lot of damage with just one attack. From what he could see of the Naga, the attack had significantly affected her in a way that was unknown to him . Arthur would have to ask Kyra about it later, maybe try learning a similar effect for himself.

    A large green tail swung out in a sweeping motion, barely giving Arthur time to jump out of the way. Landing with a burst of kicked-up dust, he gasped for air at the sudden burst of force required for such a dodge. Gathering his composure, Arthur readied another spell as a harsh golden glow gathered in his right hand. A large beam of winged light shot out and struck the snake-woman creature. The area hit by his angel way smoldered in golden flames. After the creature recovered from the spell's initial impact, she was quick to cast what amounted to a wave of venom. Finding himself in a vulnerable position, Arthur was forced to take the brunt of the attack. The green sludge sloshed against his personal shield, sizzling through his magic and dripping down onto his skin. White hot agony burned his flesh as the corrosive liquid stuck to his skin like napalm. "Fuck, that venom burns like a bitch. Hold on, I can patch myself up. Jumping over to Kyra's side, Arthur activated his beacon of light, dousing both of them in a healing golden glow. Iridescent sparkles of light surrounded both of them as they were healed. Arthur's angry twisted flesh on his forearm and shoulder reverted back to a somewhat pink and puffy state, much better than the corrosion burn from the Naga's attack. After he healed the two of them up, another beam of light came down to smite the foul creature.

    WC: 448 TWC: 1433/2000




    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:17 pm