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    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,161,457

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 15th April 2020, 1:44 pm

    Being your independent was never something that intimidated or worried her in the slightest when she was proceeding with the occurrences from which she had in her last foster home. The only thing that did worry her was that others would not treat her like a normal adult, and in some aspects she was correct. Some of those apartments and hotels would never let her try and stay or take in residence because of her age, despite any and all documentation she kept on her in a small messenger bag she carried on her. Very few things ever got under skin one way or another as someone who not only lived alone, but traveled some as well. She could very easily recall having scarred several “predators” from attempting to do anything ever again. Scarring such types with burning out one or both eyes, searing and disfiguring the look of the skin and even some muscle of others. Not all of them after her, but it wasn’t hard.

    Not many want to mess with a smaller looking girl with a large sword. It was a huge help to carry this sword she’d beaten the god of fire for in their last meeting. Her looking over her shoulder for him was something she very highly practiced. Never knowing when he could be done licking his wounds to come after her was a frightening thought at first. However, after some time it just became somewhat easier to be for the idea that she was more and more comfortable with her ability and self training of using this sword, using her magic, and fighting bare handed even. Lehanna was making sure she was ready for them anytime, anywhere. And not just them, but other mages. After all, she was by technicality a freelancing mage now. One that paid her bills in the light work she did.

    Morgate town was as hellish as some travelers warned her it was. Somewhat desolate, filled with the air of lingering radioactivity and smoldering activity. The enjoying scent of barrel lit fires had her a little hungry, admittedly, however the young teen tried to push through as quick as possible. This place was known for being a town filled with the spineless. Those who would ambush a single person for a few measly trinkets and jewels. God only knew how easy they would think a single girl traveling on her lonesome would be like. The slayer paused as the sound of rubble being dragged under the pressure of a moving object caught her hearing. Turning around, she had seen a pair of males standing in a slightly elevated section of rubble. After a moment to adjust to facing the sun once again, she had seen that one of them had actually been a female, which at first struck her as odd, but only shrugged.

    ”Prepare for trouble!”
    “And make it double!”

    The pair began to sing much like this, their mantra continuing on in this manner of one sentence at a time.

    ”To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
    “To extend our reach to the stars above!”

    ”Umm, not to be rude, but...”

    ”Then shut your trap, twerp and let us finish! It’s quite rude to interrupt your elders! Now then... Jasmine!”

    At this point, the young brunette’s eyes settled away from the pair, sighting the issue she wanting to bring up, but then sighing and looking up, holding one hand out, palm up waiting until they finished.

    ”The bandits of Morgate here to make your pockets deflate!”
    “Surrender now or prepare to die!”

    ”...Ok, so can I now interrupt you?” She spoke up, watching them strike overly unnecessary poses as if they were trying to be flashy and intimidating at the same time. ”Fine! What could he do important that you felt you had to interrupt the great Jasmine and Jeremy?” The female of the pair had spoken out, the venom of anger hissing in her tone of voice. Lehanna smirked and the black fire would mold into a small ball within the palm of her hand, igniting from out of thin air. ”You’re standing over and exposed gas line. Run, and I won’t blow up half of this town. But, think fast because of the gas fumes hit the flames, it won’t matter at all~” A coy smirk appeared on the young girls face, eyes narrowed in a small grin of victory in positions. The two looked down, seeing the pipe and finally catching a whiff of it before they would point at her. ”We’ll get you next time then! Just watch yourself, child!” Jeremy yelled out before the two jumped back and out of her sight. ”I AM NOT A CHILD!” She shouted in a quick burst of anger, ready to throw her fire out of spite just for it.

    806 words[/i][/i]


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 15th April 2020, 5:36 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    Coming to the edge of the town, Odhran noticed something very off.

    "Wait...this isn't Magnolia!" he cried. "That dubious, villainous fiend has misled me! Perhaps they were purposefully misleading me for the sake of saving their hometown folks? Fufufufu, they should know such efforts will always be in vain, for I am Odhran Aegisbane, the indomitable! The indefatigable! The...uh...in...defeatable? Something like that. Oh well, while I'm here I may as well do a little bit of poking around and seeing what nefarious deeds I can get into."

    He shrugged, entering the ruined town. Certainly, even though this town was less than it used to be, it could at least provide some value towards Odhran's goals of becoming a Warlord. Everyone looked so desolate, however, so Odhran could not help but feel slightly sorry for them, being in the presence of such an illustriously amazing figure as himself without having enough to provide a worthwhile tithe to the amazing presence standing and walking in their midst. He allowed Sweetie and Sir Pudley to provide little bits of candy if they were so inclined, and it seemed as though they took that to heart, with Gumdrop being eaten on more than one occasion. It was a bit of a hassle for Odhran to continually summon forth another version of Sweetie to restore Gumdrop, but it was well worth it for the people of this town to bask in his glorious nature.

    Coming upon a ruined plaza in the town, he heard a trio of faint voices. "Prepare for trouble! Make it double!" they cried. Only double? Odhran knew he could easily do better than this.

    "I have a plan. We'll show the people of this town how to properly gloat and make a grand introduction! I'll bring Scorpio and Lupa along for this, so...here's the plan!"

    He whispered the plan to his four Spirits before making preparations, needing to hastily work as Jeremy and Jasmine had their own monologue to run through. Just as soon as they left, it was Odhran's turn to act for this smaller girl.

    "Fufufufu!" he called, not even laughing but truly sounding out each "fu" as he remained out of sight. "Those are foolish, petty criminals who believe they know how to properly make a grand introductory monologue! However, it seems as though they are nothing more than losers who merely pretend to be grand evildoers! I shall show them how it's properly done!" Saying this, used the power of his Ark of Embodiment to push the ground underneath him into a dramatic mound of dirt and rubble, complete with firing fireworks. "Trouble? Make it double? Pah! Nonsense! Be ready to run for your lives, for we are coming in fives!"

    "To show all of existence our wondrous power!"

    "Reigning over the world from an astonishing tower!"

    "Coming down from the stars with power in droves!"

    Lupa barked.

    "Odhran, God of the Celestial Spirits!"

    "Scorpio, the Brightest Star of the Sky!"

    "Sweetie, Kicking Ass and Being Bubblegum!"

    "Sir Pudley, the Grandest Guard of Candyland!"

    Lupa barked.

    "Wait, I don't think they can understand Lupa," Sweetie finally realized, returning from her dramatic pose.

    Sir Pudley, too, ceased his goofy stature. "Oh yes, that's certainly true, isn't it?"

    Lupa barked.

    "Well it's her fault for not being able to understand you."

    "Hey, I don't think we can really blame her, can we? I mean, she's a cutie, isn't she?" Scorpio leaped off of the mound, making his way towards the girl, examining her the entire time. "This town's a bit of a dumb, isn't it? Well, I think we gotta scram. I know a great restaurant in the Celestial Spirit Realm that I'm sure you'd love, baby. Uh...you are legal, right?"

    "I dunno, she seems a bit young for that." Sweetie, too, dismounted from the earthen platform. "She might be a bit too young. I mean, what would Atsuai think if she saw you-"

    Scorpio began to panic. "Nononononononono, pleeeeeeease don't meantion this to that she-witch! Ugh, I'm still shuddering from the last time that she caught wind of something she didn't like."

    Sweetie giggled. "Don't worry, he's like that with every girl."

    "But...what about our dramatic monologue! We were only a fifth of the way into the script!"

    "Well, to be honest, I think it was bound to end in catastrophe," Hallow's Phantom spoke. The skeletal projection loomed over Odhran. "Anything with Scorpio ends up that way."

    "W-well...at least I'm my own independent being and not just some...uh...whatever you are!"

    "Please, cease your hostilities!" Sir Pudley interjected, finally leaving from the platform himself, though with significantly less grace than the two Spirits prior, making it more of a "tumble" off the platform as opposed to a "dismount." "We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves! There are civilians present! Think of what the Keybearer wants to-"

    Lupa ignored Sir Pudley's words, taking flight towards the girl and immediately sniffing her in curiosity, even licking the top of her head with a extra water-imbued tongue. Odhran realized at this point that all hope was lost and he, too, left from his earthen platform, though the fireworks still dotted across the sky. "Um...I don't suppose you'll let me try that again? Well, I already know I'm not standing on a gas line, so you can't blow me up! Ha! Take that!"

    He smirked, far more smug than he needed to be, warranting Sweetie to skip on over and deliver a sharp elbow to his ribs. He coughed slightly in pain, trying to keep a strong face for this smaller person in front of him.

    WC: 0933 | TWC: 0933

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) XBivwWT
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,161,457

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 16th April 2020, 12:26 pm

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) 4ptnXmC

    ”My lord... what a couple of buffoons. I swear, if I have to hear another of those stupid introductions I’m going to REALLY lose faith in humanity...” She muttered aloud to herself, sighing and extinguishing the fire in her hand from before. Sure, she had bluffed the gas leak, but they’d weren’t the brightest bulbs in the box to be able to realize that before realizing what would happen should her bluff have been truth. In reality, the moment she lit a fire in her hands, the area would have imploded from the gas. The fact that they did not realize that only proved how ignorantly stupid they actually were, on top of just being plainly idiotic in the first place. Thankfully, that wouldn’t happen again. Maybe the word will get around and she won’t be bothered through the rest of the town. At least, that was what she had hoped would happen. She wouldn’t be expecting what was coming to occur, let alone just after dealing with tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb.

    Sadly, that didn’t happen. A males voice spoke up and caught her before she could walk away and already she could tell this wouldn’t end well for her mental capacity. Pushing the earth up to create a large area for him to boast his ego only furthered that assumption and surely it didn’t go unnoticed how correct she was in the insinuation. She didn’t even crack a smirk at the fact he had put those two from before to shame with a single line. Not only did this turn from a single person to additional people, each of them were significantly different beings. Two of them made of candy, one of them cosplaying a humanoid scorpion, the mutt, then the loud mouth of the group. A man who decreed himself the god of Celestial Spirits. Frankly, the idea he did so gave her a point in which she really was tempted to yell, but she was trying so hard to keep herself under control.

    ”For the love of god... Is every inhabitant of this town as stupid as the next?” She yelled out, her arms thrown up in the air in complete lack of care anymore. With a long sigh, the brunette lowered her hands to her chest, folding them while overlooking the bunch. ”A girl just wants to get to the next town, and she has to deal with delinquents, bad cosplayers, and fake gods... this is lovely.” With a small sigh, she had started to turn around, refusing to pay him any mind and try to move on with her life. She didn’t want to fuel his ego any more than his cohorts had done for him, but it seemed that was going to wait. The bad cosplaying scorpion male had approached her, which at first had her curiously confused, but soon her face flushed, teeth baring as she began to growl in anger. Before her chance to react came, another of these miscreants came forward and she had interrupted, mentioning yet another person whom caused him to plead to the candy girl named Sweetie. In the midst of it all, Lehanna let a hard, left jab to Scorpio’s manhood, dropping him to the ground. ”Your outfit is anatomically incorrect for a scorpion, and you’re a pervert.” She spoke in a much more relaxed tone of voice now, as well as logically.

    The chaos of all these different creatures around her was becoming a little more than she’d like to deal with. She was used to quieter, more controlled environments and this was so drastically out of her league. While the group had been arguing with one another, the silent dog approached and attempted to lick her head, to which she pushed the dog away. It had good intentions but... now was not the time... finally, the ringleader of this circus had come off his pedestal and approached her, wanting to start again? No no. Another mantra and she would start setting things ablaze. Fuck that. ”Yes, I called a bluff about the gas main. I’m not suicidal enough to risk blowing myself up. But, idiots are easy to fool.” The young slayer turned around and began to walk away, not saying another word. However, she stopped and turned part way around, looking past the hilt of the sword on her back. ”My name is Lehanna, in case you’re wondering and if you have no other business with me, I have to go over to the next town so I can register in time for the school there.” She informed him, hoping that he would give up, but someone like him? Probably not...

    776 words
    1582 personal word count


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 26th April 2020, 5:34 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    Every so often, one of Scorpio's flirting attempts would end with rejection. Sometimes, a slap to the face would be warranted. However, this was one of the few times that more extreme measures had been taken to the Zodiac. He certainly was not expecting a vicious left-handed strike to the Zodiac's golden gonads. The girl was surprisingly strong for her stature, and Scorpio dropped like a sack of rocks, clenching at his wounded pride and even more wounded manhood.

    "I'm not actually a scorpion, though! It's just my Zodiac!" Scorpio shouted, wincing in pain.

    "So you're not even going to deny the pervert thing?" Sweetie asked, missing the point. Scorpio was in too much pain to respond. "Wait, if you're going to school, then..." Sweetie's voice trailed off for a moment before she re-focused. "Well whatever. I'm sure we all could help you learn some things! I mean, it kinda depends on what you're learning, but I'm sure Od has at least a Spirit that can help you out with that!

    "Wait, that's a lot of pressure to suddenly put me under!"

    Lupa barked.

    "Well, when you put it like that...fine! I'll do it! Um, but which one, though?"

    Odhran rifled through the pockets of his jacket, looking for his key ring, only to discover it strapped onto the side of his waist. He sighed, and smiled, taking it off his belt before fumbling it onto the ground.

    "I don't know what hurts more, the 'nads or the fact that you're dropping my key!" Scorpio shouted. He whimpered in pain slightly. "Never mind, found my answer. Definitely the 'nads."

    "I humbly apologize for not being able to help you out, Sir Scorpio! Clearly, I have brought shame upon Her Majesty-"

    Sweetie turned her attention back around to the smaller girl as Sir Pudley listed off a series of titles. "Uh...okay, maybe this group wasn't the best for ya, but don't worry! We're still here to help ya out! Well, at least I think we are..."

    "A-ha! Got it! I know who I shall summon! Come forth, heed the call of the God amongst Gods, the Ruler of the Stars, Odhran Aegisbane! Come forth, Cupidic Maiden, Atsuai!"

    He swung his arm down, summoning forth the aforementioned Spirit, who already looked slightly annoyed.

    "I do not recall ever being called the Cupidic Maiden, Od-chan. Why, I don't even think Cupidic is a word!"

    Scorpio quickly picked up on the venom in her voice. "NoooOO! Why her? Of all the Spirits you had to-"

    Atsuai turned to give a smug, knowing glare at Scorpio. "I assume there's a good reason you're on the ground, yes? Beaten up by a precious little girl for something lewd, I presume. Well...guess I'll just have to give you a nice long talking to once we get back into the Celestial Spirit Realm!"

    Scorpio whimpered in defeat, mumbling, "First I get punched in the 'nads, then I get sentenced to time with-"

    "I recommend you don't finish that thought, or things will only get worse for you." Atsuai smiled, trying to look as contented and pleased as possible, but Scorpio was not phased by the mask of demure sweetness. "Step aside, Sweetie. I believe I can handle this a bit better." Sweetie smiled and nodded, stepping away, but not before patting Lehanna on the head, unintentionally sticking her gummy hand and tearing away a few strands. "Surprisingly, this is more sane than they usually are. I must thank you for doing that to Scorpio, though. It made for a very amusing sight. Of course, I was watching the whole time."

    "You were watching!? What the fuck, Atsuai!"

    Atsuai smiled at Lehanna before turning her attention to Scorpio. "Do I sense a feeling of anger? Well, that's just not a lovely thing at all, Scorpio-chan. Here, let's fix that up real quick." She smiled as she stood over the injured Scorpio and fired an arrow directly into the already wounded manhood of Scorpio, who screamed in pain.


    Atsuai giggled. "Don't worry, you're a Celestial Spirit. It'll recover...in about a week. Please, let this be a lesson to you."


    "I have more arrows, if you want me to keep firing. That sounds like something you want, doesn't it? I never thought you to be like that. I took you as having a very different way of enjoying yourself in such matters, but...who am I to judge?" She laughed once more before returning to Lehanna. "Apologies, I had to do a bit of teaching. So, Lehanna-chan, might I ask why you would come through such a...desolate place as this for schooling purposes? Certainly a school in Magnolia or Crocus or...well, anywhere, really, would be more fitting for such a future beauty as yourself." She giggled once more. "Don't worry, I'm not coming on to you like Scorpio did. He's dumb enough to try that, but he's a special case. I'm just saying that just by looking at you, I can tell you'll have men falling at your feet when you grow up. Women, too, if you're into that. Don't worry, I won't judge. Now, you can certainly tell me anything, Lehanna-chan, dear. I'm perfectly willing to be a confidant for you. I suspect there's more to it than you being just a girl heading to school. You even threatened to blow up the town! A bluff, yes, but it's more than some of these idiots would do."

    As if to prove her point, she turned around to see what the other summoned Spirits were doing. Scorpio, as expected, was rolling around in pain, an arrow to the dick. Lupa was licking Sir Pudley, who was panicking from his rapidly deteriorating body from the taste buds of the wolf-like Spirit, while Sweetie watched on in laughter, either too dumb, too oblivious, or too sadistic to care about the horrors someone like her would certainly experience from this. Odhran, meanwhile, was trying out new poses for a dramatic entrance, Hallow's Phantom occasionally flickering into existence to scold him or, in some cases, suggest a new pose.

    Atsuai sighed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that none of them touch a sweetie such as you."

    "Someone say my name?"

    "I wasn't going to touch her!"

    "Oh please, Scorpio. If she were legal, you would have touched her in an instant. So don't speak up again, or I will fire another arrow." As expected, Scorpio became quiet. "I really do apologize for them, Lehanna-chan. Is there anything I can do to help you out?"

    WC: 1106 | TWC: 2039

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) XBivwWT
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,161,457

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 2nd May 2020, 12:46 pm

    The young girl was becoming a bit baffled at the sight of what was going on. The perverted cosplayer she punched for his actions. It would have been one thing had she of been actually appearing to look of age, but then again that would solve her whole life issues in one fell swoop, wouldn’t it. Giving a small sigh, the brunette simply watched as the rather struggling male whined and groaned in pain, complaining and albeit rolling around. ”I didn’t even hit you that hard...” She replied bluntly, a cold glare looking down on him. She cared little for the fact he tried to state something about Zodiacs, like the constellations. It wasn’t until he spoke to a male whom seemed to drop keys onto the ground did she piece them together. Celestial spirits and their keys were supposed to be a rare and powerful magic, much like the one the small slayers possessed. All she could do was shake her head in disappointment at him. He was putting them to shame, really.

    ”You’re more of an Ursa Major than a Scorpio.” She replied despite not being in the one he was speaking to at this point, she felt hit would harder adding insult to injury by degrading his role of a celestial spirit and equating him to that of a pedobear. It was unsure whether the joke would be gotten or not, however she wasn’t concerned about that. She wanted to however scold this pain in the neck of a summoner for not controlling his spirits better. However, that didn’t seem to be something for her to worry about for long. He seemed to add one more spirit to his squad of hooligans, sans the only one whom seemed to carry an air of decency, then there was Sweetie, followed by Scorpio. Still, as this newest spirit joined the flock, she flew the coop and went off on a rather calm tangent at the stranger and then towards the spirit lying in the dirt at the brunettes feet.

    Being shot a smile rather than an arrow at this point felt like a blessing compared to what this ridiculous spirit was going through, however she didn’t have much patience left. She had been halted by idiotic thieves, then this summoner, followed by the zodiac spirit. At this point, this was giving her a headache and it made her annoyed to have to deal with such idiocy, frankly. She could feel her IQ dropping the longer she spent around some of these people. While all focus had been on their own internal struggles, the teenage girl turned her back and began to walk off from them. She had places to be and a timed window to get there. If she missed this, she would have to wait at the least a month to get another opportunity to get a chance to join this place, so staying on track was crucial for her. If all of this even caused her 10 seconds of lateness getting in, she would be sure to make him pay for it... and his little zodiac too!

    Instead, the voice of the new spirit called her by name, which got her to pause for a moment. The woman wanted to know why she was moving through such a place to go to a school rather than attend a closer —and by her approach of the phrasing, safer place of education. She turned around once more, her arms folding at her still developing chest and stared in silence for a moment. Do they deserve an answer? Well, perhaps one or two do... and she knew being rude to those whom did not deserve wasn’t warranted at all. ”Well, because the schools in those towns are subpar in their curriculum. I need to further my education in the best place I can, and my prior jobs allow me to pay for it with ease, so I’m not worried about that. The people around here are dumber than dropouts of elementary school. Relying on street smarts will land you jail, but I’m trailing from the topic here.” Lehanna let out a small sigh and refocused herself to the question. ”I am furthering my education at the best place I have been able to gain research on. Should I need to use magic to get there, so be it. Taking jobs along the way to ease my living situation upon arrival? A pure bonus.”

    Another pause came from the younger girl, looking out towards where the last two thieves were and simply shrugged. ”A bluff has a higher probability if you have the right circumstances. Idiot A and idiot B probably had enough brain cells between them to write yo that mantra the night before they got into this. While your summoner is a complete moron himself for copying, I commend the on the spot ability to piece together something much more tangible than they did.” She rubbed the back of her neck, beginning to rethink the idea of having nearly blown up an entire town to keep two people from trying to make asses of themselves. In response to that, she began to blush at being called sweetie, her eyes shying away from the spirit while trying to not seem both mad and embarrassed at the surprise comment. ”Y-You can not call me something like that again, a-alright?” She asked, her voice littered with hesitation through pouting cheeks. ”But if you insist on traveling, can we please get a move on? I have a deadline to meet...” She was a little reluctant to do this, but enough of this summoners spirits didn’t deserve to be thrown the cold shoulder. The candy Knight was much among if not the primary cause of this, but having this new spirit only added to it.

    971 words
    2553 personal word count


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 19th May 2020, 10:51 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    Atsuai smiled at the girl slowly opening up to her, and she reveled in the flustered nature that Lehanna gave at Atsuai's speaking. Of course, Scorpio had more to say. "Oh! Great! Just what I wanted! Insult on top of injury! Geez, you're gonna compare the great and wonderful me with that self-absorbed ass Ursa Major! That guy? That guy? I mean, he's better than his shitty son Ursa Minor, but that's a low bar to clear!"

    Atsuai sighed, absently launching an arrow into the air. "Don't worry about it, Lehanna-chan. He's a character and a half, and I'll be sure to teach just what we do with those that mess with cuties and sweeties like you. Anything special you want me to do?" She asked, listening to if the girl had any requests and taking them to heart before continuing. "I'm so glad that you're so devoted to your education at any rate. Those...well, Idiot One and Idiot Two, you called them? Well, they certainly could have used some education. As could Od-chan, I suppose. Ah, I can already tell that you're just a gem, Lehanna-chan. After all, not many could be as smart as you, especially at your age." She giggled, ruffling the shorter girl's hair. "Though I am definitely curious about your mentioning of jobs. I assume that means you can use magic, too? I'd love for you to tell me about it. Of course, I don't want to make a sweet girl such as you late to your first day. After all, the first time for anything is always the most important~" She coyly giggled again before apologizing to Lehanna. "Apologies if you understood that. I have faith that you do, Lehanna-chan. Just a little adult thing I like to joke about. She offered a hand. "I will certainly help you get there. My little pets here can maybe find a shortcut, and I'm sure having a little bit of help in case of trouble will be lovely. Don't feel obligated to take my hand, I won't be offended." Atsuai gave a genuine-looking smile.

    "Don't... trust... it, Le-" Scorpio began to speak as the arrow fired minutes earlier finally landed, splitting the arrow from before in two as it made direct contact, injuring the Zodiac even more and causing him to yell in anguish. Sweetie unleashed a spell to envelop Scorpio in a cloud of sugar, muffling his series of profanities.

    "You don't need to hear something like that, do ya, Lehanna?" Sweetie asked. "Sooooo.... Atsu, you okay with me joining along for the ride? I swear I won't-"

    "I refuse."

    "But... I didn't even finish saying what I was going to say!" Sweetie sniffled, tears of hard candies dripping out of her eyes.

    "Do not fear, Lady Sweetie! Atsuai will certainly be more than capable of protecting Miss Lehanna should any danger come across them!"

    Atsuai giggled. "You're coming too, Pudley. It's certainly against your nature to let an innocent, sweet maiden like this all by her lonesome, right?"

    "Of course! I will gladly provide assistance!"

    Atsuai smirked before speaking quietly to Lehanna. "I have a feeling your school won't teach you how to manipulate people, Lehanna-chan."

    Lupa barked, Odhran laying on her back as the duo fluttered in front of Lehanna and Atsuai. "Certainly you're not forgetting about me, Atsuai? I am coming with as well. Me and Lupa. I'll just call up Noel and Amittai and-"

    Atsuai bowed, smiling and tilting her head slightly. "Oh, but what about the people of this town? They don't know how marvelous and wonderful you are yet, do they? Why, I think you would be best spent preaching your wonderful deeds to these people and letting them fear you and pay your rightful tribute."

    Odhran squinted at Atsuai for a moment, seemingly skeptical before grinning like an idiot. "You're always so reliable, Atsuai. That's a wonderful idea! Lehanna, please tell your schoolmates about the great and wonderful Odhran Aegsibane, God of the Celestial Spirit Realm! Great Creator Ace of the Harbingers of the Free World, Elysium! He Who Creates All He Imagines! Runner-Up in the Third Annual Miss Celestial Spirit Contest! Top Ten Finaliist in the Tri-Century Seven Haggis Eating Contest! The-"

    "I will tell her about your many titles, Od-chan. You get to work, and I will ensure we get to ours." She smiled as Odhran set off. "Now, Lehanna-chan, we ought to be off, no?"

    WC: 0740 | TWC: 2779

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) XBivwWT
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th May 2020, 11:11 am

    If she could get any angrier without fully expressing it in this moment, a vein would be throbbing in her head from this whole ordeal. Her glare had become a little more severe than before in the midst of Scorpio’s whining. Hearing how he was oh so insulted by her comparison had not changed her mind, but it had made her all the more angry as time went on. ”The only ‘great and wonderful’ thing about you is I’ve decided not to turn your crotch into a smoldering mess of burnt flesh and muscle.” She retorted, her glare aimed directly at the celestial spirit with no means of a joke or any look of a lack of seriousness in her directive. It’s true, however. If she truly were in a bad mood over it all, she could have just put the thing out of its misery so she could move on and everyone else in the future would be spared of his half assed attempts at a perverted personality. Then again, he had the moves of a 96 year old Parkinson’s victim standing in the brisk cold of Mt. Hakobe in the middle of winter.

    With a bit more of an exacerbated sigh, the brunette simply turned her back towards the pathetic spirit. She was done with his antics and frankly another word from his mouth would just result in her doing something he may regret. She did look over to the newest spirit that had come forward... way too many spirits honestly, but she simply shrugged it off and allowed her to speak. Nothing she said really sparked any joy in her either honestly, but she was a little more tolerable than some of the others. ”You can stop calling me cute and sweet, for one.” She coldly commented back to the bow wielding woman. The longer she spent around this band of people was not only wasting her time, but at this rate her IQ would be in jeopardy of dropping too. Though she lightly flinched from the hand that placed on her head, ruffling her hair some, that was more of an unwanted tick she had from her last foster home. Bunch of magic hating pricks... oh well, she was far away from them and to her, that’s all that mattered.

    Choosing to ignore comments was both hard and easy in this situation. Some warranted a snap or bite to get the point through, but others didn’t come off as necessary to even waste air on at all. In this case, it had been the spirit regarding her intelligence for her age, which came to no surprise to an extent. But, the curious spirit wanted to know more about her. In some aspect, she sounded comforting enough to speak to, but in her mind she had no idea what to regard this detailing to as anything less than “not worth ”I won’t divulge any of that... no offense.” A low grumble of annoyance left at the end of her reply. She didn’t want to be rude towards someone who was being so nice to her, but she was fed up with wasting time standing here. Though, respect quickly came and went with this one. She was on a roll of gaining her respect, and with one fell swoop of a joke, it was gone. Of course she understood the joke, she wasn’t stupid... but when the hand was extended, she only stared at it without saying a word and simply ignored it being there at all.

    Now things began to feel like they were moving on. As the progress moved to get a move on from this place, the plans being made had turned into somewhat of an argument. The passive comment made towards the Candy knight about him being able to protect an “innocent, sweet maiden” as it was put had her face turning shades of red while she was trembling with the need to yell. Trying to hold herself back was getting harder, but these embarrassing comments were flustering her as much as they were pestering. There was always something she hated but couldn’t help getting flustered about being called by such adjectives. No matter how much she tried to mentally train herself, she couldn’t stop herself from being like that. With just a sigh, she turned to the rest of the group, partially geared to the summoner of this mass grouping as he had begun to declare his joining of this group. He would have to be, as anyone knew summons of any kind had to be within range of the summoner or they would be forced to be recalled.

    A brow raised as Odhran began to uh.. demand a favor of her. To spread the word about this almighty person and the guild he was said to represent. Again the name Elysium came up and in her mind, she had pieced together the kind of guild this was and truly how much trouble she could be in should he choose to want her to join their cause. Now she had to be cautious... wonderful. Thankfully, he was so dense, it was unlikely he would come up with the idea on his own, but all of that stopped the moment he mentioned something specific... third place in the Miss Celestial Spirit contest? Her eyes sized the male up and down and then she just nodded to herself. ”Right... a second rate drag queen with a third place trophy. Got it.” She shrugged her shoulders, adjusting the strap that held her sword to her back and turned her back to him. ”Well Miss or mister, whatever. Start hustling or I’ll leave you behind.” She was hoping he’d change his mind about coming, but that would be impossible now that she challenged him like that.

    969 words
    3522 personal total


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    Posts : 331
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) Empty Re: Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 7th October 2020, 1:53 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61

    Odhran was completely shocked by the insolence of this girl. A mere child, denying the aid of a god like himself! Unfathomable! Unforgivable! Other words of those sort floated to his mind as he stepped forwards. "I am not a drag queen! I am fully man, and more man than any man in the entire world! The contest only had one other participant, okay? Ignore the fact that it's because I severely injured the rest of them and that only other one was Arnaluuk, and she was only in because I forgot to tell her not to join in, but I was second completely legitimately! Plus, it wasn't even a trophy, it was a ribbon. So HA!"

    Odhran smugly crossed his arms with a tut. Atsuai gave a confused and slightly concerned look towards her Keybearer before beginning to walk with Lehanna. "I am really sorry about Od-chan. And Scorpio. And Sweetie. And Pudley. And Lupa. Really, I'm sorry about all the trouble they're causing a nice, sweet young lady like yourself to endure. Don't worry, I'll always be around to protect you if you want, Lehanna. Of course, you're a strong woman on your own. But, of course, this is a dangerous town. So it would be best if we-"

    "Excellent thinking, Atsuai!" Odhran barked out, summoning wings on to his back and fluttering in front of the two. "We'll bring the school here!"

    Atsuai was stunned by his stupidity. Each and every single time that she got summoned, Atsuai realized how much dumber and dumber her Keybearer could get. He truly was one of the densest people she had ever seen, and she had been around since her stars were born. Nonetheless, that denseness, as well as possibly Atsuai's own demeanor, was why she loved her Keybearer. "Well, that's Lehanna's choice, now isn't it? As glad as I would be to tutor her myself, I feel as if she wants to continue her 'normal' schooling. Of course, nothing in Fiore is normal at all, so take it with a grain of salt. As nice as it is to hope and pray for normalcy, I'm sure you already know from this very encounter that that's unlikely."

    Odhran scoffed, still fluttering backwards. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Atsuai. I'm perfectly normal, the pinnacle of normalcy! I am the peak of normalcy that everyone should try to become!"

    Pudley gave a cheerful noise. "That's not quite normalcy, Odhran! I believe that what you have described is the Alpha mentality, how you are that peak of what everyone should obtain in their lifetimes!" Pudley tipped his head upwards with a sense of pride within after his speaking.

    "I suppose you're correct, Pudley. I mean, who wouldn't want to be me? I have it all! Infinite power, the world to create as I so choose, the stunning voice! The masterwork mind! The cogs of creativity rolling like a factory! The looks that can attract one in every six girls, according to my family's psychiatrist back in Seven. Though, to be honest, I think he's lying about that. I think it's every girl, but what can you do? Some people just aren't acclimated to such perfection! Oh, and how can I forget all of you! My allies, my Spirits, and my new evil minion protege Lehanna! Don't worry, I see your potential, and I already know you're thinking that you want me to show you all the ropes of villainy! How to be mean, how to be evil, how to even be a miscreant! I hear your thoughts! I hear your prayers! They ring loud in my mind as the very fabric of the world calls out to me! Every thought is mine to behold, and it is a tough burden, for sure. But it is one that I gladly bear as the future god of the world! Well, at least a god of the world, but that's honestly just semantics at this point. No need to thank me, I already know how over the moon you are with my announcement! I already know that you are enamored by the idea of being under my wing as the newest member of my fan club! True, you may be the only member of the fan club, but just like with the Miss Celestial Spirit contest, it's enough for a ribbon!" Odhran waved his hand, a shoddy looking red ribbon being dragged from the ether. "Congratulations on being the first president of the Odhran Aegisbane fanclub!"

    WC: 0754 | TWC: 3533

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lehanna and the Giant Ego (Odhran) XBivwWT

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