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    Welcome to the Funhouse

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th October 2019, 8:40 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury had never been a part of a guild before, but she was starting to think it was one of the best ideas she’d ever had. Silver Wolf offered her quite a bit of freedom, which was nice, and on top of that they seemed to get requests for help on quite a number of jobs that suited her interests. The guild’s focus on magical research and development was starting to help her better understand this world she’d come to. She still had an awfully long way to go, of course, but she’d already gotten quite the jump from where she’d been when she’d first arrived on their doorstep. While they didn’t know anything about where Mercury was from -- and she intended to keep it that way -- they were more than used to taking in people that weren’t from Fiore, or even from Earthland, so everyone was really quite accommodating and helpful.

    Now it was just up to her to make herself useful to them in exchange for access to their resources, and that was something Mercury could more than handle. She’d browsed the job postings for a bit before one in particular caught her eye. There was a haunted castle that had a  number of mysteries about it. It had been abandoned ages ago, but despite this it was full of activity. Supposedly a lot of people had attempted to foray into the place for this reason or that over the years, but anyone rarely came back alive. The locals mostly left it alone, but apparently the castle had been acting up lately. Lights could be seen through the windows at night, and the occasional scream could be heard faintly in the distance. The people who lived in the nearby town reported that over the course of a couple months, over half a dozen people had gone missing without a trace in the middle of the night, like they’d gotten out of their beds and just left. They were starting to think that someone, or perhaps something, had taken up residence in the castle.

    It certainly sounded interesting. Mercury had never been exposed to anything akin to a “haunting” before, so she was more than a little curious to see what was actually happening inside those walls. She’d signed up for the job immediately, reaching out to the client, the town’s mayor, to express her desire to assist on the job. He’d welcomed her help without question, inviting her to come to the town at her earliest opportunity. When she’d arrived, he informed her that another mage had also apparently been interested in the job, someone from a guild called Dies Irae. Mercury had heard the name before, but wasn’t too much aware of who they were. So as she waited for her mysterious partner to arrive, she did a little research.

    It seemed Dies Irae was a guild recognized by the Magic Council, whom Mercury had learned not too long ago was the establishment that held authority over all things wizarding in Fiore and its neighboring countries. The council was supposedly the reason why Silver Wolf was an independant guild, not legally recognized by the council but also not seen as an active threat, either. Dies Irae, on the other hand, seemed to be an organization of legally condoned bounty hunters. They appeared to be about on par with Fiore’s residential police military the Rune Knights, just with a higher body count. At least she could probably have some faith in her partner’s abilities, then. Truthfully, Mercury would rather have looked into this by herself, but having a little company probably wouldn’t be a bad idea, particularly if she came across something she didn’t understand.

    Thus, she waited patiently at one of the town’s diners, sitting at an outside patio table with her tablet in her hand. She had short lavender hair that was longer in the front than the back and had quite a bit of curl to it. Her eyes were currently covered behind a sleek pair of dark sunglasses. Standing just over five and a half feet tall, she had an impossibly petite frame that was clothed in noticeably trendy attire. Anyone looking at her that didn’t know her would be able to sense right away that she was a fairly confident woman, if only by the way she dressed to present herself as someone that clearly cared about her appearance. Strapped to her hip appeared to be an oversized pistol of sorts, which was currently holstered safely away. On the table beside her was a glass of what appeared to be pink lemonade.

    Mercury wasn’t sure what time her partner was supposed to arrive, but she hoped it was soon. She wanted the chance to look through the castle during the day. Supposedly all the upsetting activities were happening at night, so she thought it would be useful to take a few hours to wander through the place while the sun was out just so they could see what was there before things started getting fun. Or freaky. Or both. It was still pretty early in the day, not quite noon yet so there was still some time for them to arrive, but if they took too much longer she was considering just going inside on her own to get a head start. She’d probably give it another hour to an hour and a half before she did that, though.

    Taking a sip from her drink, Mercury casually swirled the pink liquid around in the glass as she occupied herself with her tablet and waited.
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 931/931 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 31st October 2019, 5:59 am

    Gangting had a curious expedition in Fiore, he had first taken a job to find out why the giant beanstalk of Beanstalk village was withering away and stop; which he had done with the youthful Solmar, it did not go without problems as they themselves had clashed verbally and physically during their task. The nearly eight feet tall Giant proceeded to Fiore’s capital Crocus and met along his journey with Nobunaga of the Oda, like him a king of ages past but unlike Gangting’s kingdom, the kingdom of Midi still stood. After that encounter he stayed in Crocus for two days before moving to Magnolia, he met with a small lizard creature in the forest near the city where they battled a wyrn. He then travelled from Magnolia, through Oak Town to Talonia; it was there that he met friends of Ruvel, whom was a friend of his, during a harvest festival. He had felt sickly that day but was still up for an eating contest, unfortunately, the food had the same thing in mind, but they could not stand against the might of the Fallen King. He rumours there that there were demons spotted near Oshibana, such thing he could not leave investigated as such he travelled there and found indeed a troop of demons which he fought but something unexpected had happened. An old partner in a job was holding a meeting there, with other demons. Another painful concession had to be made by Gangting, once again in a short frame of time did, he had to allow demons to life. The first demon he allowed to live was the seal within Johann, his best friend. Johann von Weiss had acquired it in the time that Gangting had been travelling and waging his Holy War deep in the unknown territories for a couple of years. The others were also demonic-angle hybrids, the seals of Amalie and Sivvy. Then there was the demon within Solmar, which was the cause of Gangting’s anger at Solmar; besides Solmar’s lack of social etiquettes, which Gangting wouldn’t have bothered so much if Solmar did not have a demon within him. And there was also Yona’s demon in Talonia whom he had to allow to live. All of those ‘pardons’ were as knife’s in his heart, he had the divine Mandate of the Earth and Heavens to eradicate all demons. What did Tudigong, the God of Land and Soil, his chief god think of his actions? The Giant slayer stared into the water as he sat thinking about his decisions.

    His own face looked back at him, it held a sober look. His ruby eyes otherwise fierce with life and ambition looked dulled, his thick busty brows drooped. His crimson hair framed his copper-coloured face as always, but it did not look like the noble lion he used to look like. His muscled shoulder slouched besides him. His attire was curious, the formal black and red garb of his Dies Irae uniform were covered by ancient bronze armour. A thick cuirass and vambraces and shins, emaled with ochre and decorated with gold as well as with a trim of golden fur apart from his cuirass. Over his shoulders hung a heavy cloak of crimson, trimmed with the same golden fur of desert foxes. A broad sword with a lion’s pommel hung on his left hip, the sword was not his weapon of choice; however it was the earth on which his bare feet stood upon the ground, rock and soil were his weapon. The weapon of an Earth Demon Slayer. The Giant stood back up and walked to his chariot and thundered over the road towards his designation, a town in the east of Fiore; which he hoped to reach at noon.  

    It was in Oshibana that Gangting had taken on another job, some haunted castle near the town he was going to had to be investigated. The Redhead required a distraction to blow of some steam and thought it was an excellent opportunity, at least if there was indeed something real to fight and otherwise, he could always take down the ruined castle because he could. The town came in his sight, it was near when he entered the town convinces. His giant crimson chariot, pulled by two large aurochs, slowed down. He road towards the town-centre as it was the town itself that had put up the job. There the Giant jumped of his chariot. The journey had swept away his drooped appearance, again he looked more like a lion as his eyes looked sharp ahead of him and his manes were wild. He entered the building to seek the mayor.

    The visit didn’t take long, he learned some details about the job as well that there was a woman who had also applied for the job and that she had gone to one of the town’s dinners. He has been given directions by one of the workers at the town-centre, which helped him find the dinner quickly. His chariot stopped before the dinner, the Giant hopped off, making the ground tremble slightly as he hit the ground, and looked around him. There were a couple of tables outdoors and a couple of them were filled. Most people looked quite mundane but there was one person who stuck out. A slender woman, whose face was mostly covered by sunglasses sat at one of the tables. Her hair short and pinkish, her clothing was unusual, and she was working with a flat squarish object. The Redhead strode towards her, ”You seem to be the type that would dare to enter a haunted castle, prove me right,” said Gangting as he looked provokingly into the dark glasses upon her face. He took a seat opposed to her, ”My name is Gangting, I am a member of Dies Irae.”
    971/971 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
    Welcome to the Funhouse Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd November 2019, 3:56 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury had been in the middle of reading a riveting article on ghosts and trying to learn more about haunting when her day got far, far more interesting. Not exactly great at keeping out of other people’s business to begin with, there was simply no way that she could miss something so out of place as a chariot riding up to the little restaurant where she had chosen to hole up for a bit.

    Even more attention grabbing than the chariot was the one riding in it. A veritable mountain of a man stepped off the vehicle, the ground quivering under the sheer mass that was his body. Every single person in the area was staring at him, including herself. He had shaggy, bright red hair that was more reminiscent of a lion’s mane than anything else, complete with a full beard of facial hair. His skin was tanned like he spent a great deal of time in the sun, and he wore a set of armor with a billowing, fur trimmed cloak. Oddly, his feet were bare. The very thought sent a slight chill down her spine. She couldn’t fathom the idea of walking around barefoot everywhere, and all the dust and grime that would build up between her toes and under her toenails from it. However, the Xocili also couldn’t deny that the look suited him.

    In fact, she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to herself that he was pretty damn handsome. Had Mercury ever seen a man that was so much… well, man? A part of her was toying with the idea of finding an excuse to approach him, but found herself not needing to. He looked around the area once and as soon as his gaze set on her he made a beeline right toward her. It didn’t take a genius to work out that he must be her assigned partner for this job, a notion that made her quite a bit more excited about the work ahead of her. She waited patiently without saying a word as he walked right up to her and pulled up one of the other chairs at her small table, which suddenly looked a hell of a lot smaller now that he was sitting at it. So too did the chair he was using, which somehow managed to support his giant body without crying out for mercy.

    Mercury sat back in her seat comfortably, turning off her tablet and setting it aside to regard the man with her full attention. He opened up with what seemed almost like a challenge -- or was it a tease? -- stating that she seemed like someone brave enough to enter a dangerous location. As he introduced himself, she pulled the sunglasses from her face, revealing vivid emerald eyes that twinkled with mirth and interest at his invitation to prove his assumption correct. “And if I were merely a woman enjoying my lunch with no plans or intentions to go near any sort of castle, haunted or otherwise? Would you stay and provide me company anyway, or would you move along to someone more interesting?”

    Her voice was a rich, deep alto as she teased and possibly flirted with the man. Smirking just a bit, she offered him a friendly hand that would surely be swallowed whole by his if he took it. “A pleasure to meet you, Gangting. My name is Mercury, and I’m with the guild known as Silver Wolf.” Now that he was closer to her she could tell he smelled strongly of the earth, pleasantly so. He was clearly a man that spent a lot of time outdoors, and that was no surprise as she wouldn’t be shocked to hear if he had a difficult time fitting inside most buildings. It was easier to look at his face now that he was sitting, but given her own somewhat shorter height he was easily a couple feet taller than she was. Her neck would probably be hurting by the time this job was done just trying to look him in the eyes.

    “Luckily for us both I am, in fact, planning on spending my time poking around a haunted castle tonight. I don’t suppose you’re planning on making my day and telling me that you’re coming along?”
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 726/1657 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 5th November 2019, 9:26 am

    Gangting could do nothing but admire two treasurable emerald gems she had for eyes when she took of her tinted spectacles. Before him sat a rare beauty realized the Giant as his eyes studied her beyond the vert of her eyes. Her appearance was in a sense familiar to him, very familiar, the women of the nomadic Kii-Nam tribe of the Golden Sea had a similar look. These desert women wore their similarly short, thoughts usually one side was shaved, or they fully saved their heads. They also had piercings and their bodies were littered were tattoos was another familiarity that they this woman before him and the Kii-Nam shared. His first wife had been from that tribe, Asharan, whom he had met on his journey to the grand monastery of Tudigong in the middle of the Golden Sea. There time together was only brief, she died two years later as she fought vigorously in one of his many wars. Gangting shook away the thoughts of the past, dwelling on the past has no use after the lessons have been learned.

    Gangting was surprised to what she had to say, he instinctively leaned in as if he had not heard her correctly and was soon taken aback. He struggled for words, ”em.” his mouth opened and closed a couple of times without a sound. ”It would be very difficult for me to leave and do my duty but I cannot back out of my words once given. But if you don’t go to a castle, then perhaps I should move the castle here?” He kept his gaze upon the woman as he stretched out his right hand beside him, one of the bricks defied gravity as it moved into his hand. He held it in front of him and the stone morphed into a tiny castle; he carefully placed it upon the table in between them.

    The Redhead carefully took Mercury’s fine hand into his rough paw and gently shook hers. He nodded. Silver Wolf? Wasn’t that a neutral guild? thought Gangting to himself, he still had not mastered the names and allegiances of all the guilds.

    ”That sounds great. Then I’ll first provide company during lunch, I am starving, and then we can solve this mystery,” and with that, he ordered a roasted chicken and a pull of honey mead.

    392/1363 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
    Welcome to the Funhouse Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 5th November 2019, 11:48 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She was, of course, entirely oblivious to the fact that she was currently providing him some familiarity to people of his past, though she did note that he took a moment to actually examine her once her sunglasses were off. Normally she would have considered pressing her luck a little further in the flirting department, but it was obvious that her first attempt to do so had caught him completely off guard. Her smirk grew just the tiniest bit as he stared at her, lips parting and closing several times as he tried to figure out how to respond to her. Poor thing probably wasn’t used to anyone hitting on him, which was a shame. Maybe women were too intimidated by him? Seemed silly to her, but she couldn’t deny the evidence in front of her as he worked on recovering from his surprise.

    And boy did he recover. Rather than giving a simple answer choosing between one of the two options she’d laid out in her little hypothetical scenario, he instead elected to create a third option: bringing the castle to her. Now it was her time to look a little surprised. Actually, how she really looked was impressed. A single brow on her forehead rose with intrigue and interest, especially as he stretched a hand to the ground where a single brick withdrew itself from the floor up into his hand. Using his magic, whatever it was, he easily fashioned the thing into a statuette of a castle in a matter of only a second or two, setting it down on the table before her.

    It may have taken him a moment to get his bearings, but boy this man was smooth. Mercury was almost immediately captivated by him. She was a bit of a sucker for charm. Her more delicate fingers gently picked up the item that he’d just crafted, turning it over slowly in her hand to inspect it with great interest while he ordered himself some food and drink. “This is very intricate,” she commented, complementing the piece. “If I had known Dies Irae had a handsome, charismatic man such as yourself in their ranks, I’d have tried to work a job with them sooner.”

    Setting the little castle down carefully, she gave him a playful look before picking up her drink. “Would it be rude of me to ask what kind of magic you used just now?” Mercury asked him, genuinely curious. She was the studious type, always interested in learning more about the different types of magic of this place, among other fields of study. As far as she had gathered since coming to Earthland asking someone about their magic wasn’t necessarily a personal question, but she could see how divulging that kind of information might make one feel vulnerable, so she always erred on the side of trying not to pry.
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 492/2149 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 9th November 2019, 3:18 am

    ”Thank you,” replied Gangting to her compliment as he faintly smiled, it was an easy thing to do. The Giant frowned at what the pink-haired woman had to say next, in an unsure voice he replied ”Em thank you?” as he rubbed the back of his head. He was not used to such conversations, and compliments. He had two types of table manners, tactful and diplomatic or rowdy and drunk; one for the matter of statecraft and the other for a war campaign or an evening spent with the soldiers when he had to escape his royal palace. But that was in times long since passed, now he spends his times in inns and bars in a conservative version of his rowdy drinking manners. He never sat at a table with a woman really, let alone as stunning as the one that sat in front of him. He had of course dealt with women in the past but the dynamic between men and women in the current age are different than he had been used to, he has also met with women in this day and age which went fine; but Mercury was something else, there was a different vibe. It had to be put to words then it would probably be best described as beautiful art made of glass, of which one could not take their eyes off and was afraid of breaking; something precious?

    She placed down the trinket and asked about his magic. Gangting mind relaxed slightly as he started to rattle about his powers. ”Rude? Nonsense!” He grinned, ”I am an earth demon slayer, a power bestowed upon me by Tudigong whom is the God of Land and Soil. He taught me to control the earth as an extension of my body; I can morph soil, sand and rock in any desired shape I want and imbue it with holy energy to smite demons and any other creature of dark origins.” and with that, the little castle combusted, soundlessly, with flames of the purest light; dancing around the structure and then fading. ”I came to Tudigong for divine intervention to save my village from the wicked spawn that are demons and left with the mandate to eradicate from this earth,” something in his eyes changed as he spoke about it, his ruby eyes turned stark and hard as if they had turned into crimson obsidian. His lips parted again to speak but closed as Gangting turned his gaze to the ground, he shook off the thoughts he had been about to bring the words.

    ”What might you be using in combat? Or do you captivate them with your eyes?” said the Giant, then wondering if the last bit was to bluntly spoken but what was said is said.

    461/1824 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
    Welcome to the Funhouse Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th November 2019, 11:47 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Oh my stars, he is utterly adorable, Mercury thought to herself as the big man stammered once more over her open compliments toward him. There was just something so endearing about a guy of such imposing physical stature being turned into a veritable rainman by a woman’s attention and praise. Maybe she should take pity on him and reign herself in a bit. After all, she didn’t want to humiliate the poor man or make him feel awkward or uncomfortable around her. Then again, he was just so cute when his face froze in abject bewilderment as he fumbled to react. Alas, it was probably best not to be obnoxious. That would hardly be attractive, now wouldn’t it?

    He perked up and became a lot more chatty when she asked about his magic, more than happy to extrapolate for her. Clearly Gangting was a lot more comfortable with that particular topic than he was with flirting. According to what he told her, it seemed he was capable of molding and manipulating the earth. Specifically, he described himself as a demon slayer. Her face remained unreadable, but she logged the information away. Demon. There was that word again. She had done some research on these creatures that people referred to as demons and gods. The concepts seemed simple enough, yet somehow she felt like she didn’t quite grasp the idea of them fully. Even after meeting a demon and accepting power from him, she still couldn’t really figure out what the big deal about them was. Jadus seemed pretty straight forward enough, certainly not a benevolent man but not unreasonable either.

    More ironically was the fact that she didn’t really know or understand what a slayer was, despite the fact that she was one herself. Jadus had never really explained her new magic in so many words. All she knew was that he had heightened her ability to essentially control and mold her body, which wasn’t exactly made of flesh like it looked and appeared to be. At least, not fully. She came from a race of people that were both fully organic and fully synthetic. The closest term she’d run into so far to describe her on this planet was “cyborg” but even that wasn’t right. Cyborgs seemed to be people that had parts of their bodies that once were flesh replaced with robotic parts. Mercury, however, was living metal, metal that could grow and stretch like flesh but was hardy and durable like steel.

    As he explained the holy origins of his magic, he used a bit more of it to cause the little castle to glow with a bright radiance. Despite herself, she smiled warmly at the sight. It made her feel slightly uncomfortable, and she didn’t know why. In truth, it was because her own nature had been slightly tainted toward the demonic from her recent acquisition of god slaying magic, but Mercury wasn’t really aware of that at present. However, the magic he was currently utilizing wasn’t offensive in nature so it didn’t hurt her. It was more like she was feeling a pressure of sorts. It was odd, but she’d figure it out later. At the moment, the display was too dazzling for her to do anything but express pleasure at seeing it.

    And of course, she did not miss the casual comment he made toward something rather serious: a mandate of sorts, a war he had undertaken in order to save people that he was beholden to. That certainly caught her interest. However, he seemed to realize that he was about to get into a subject that wasn’t exactly happy and decided to drop it for now. What a shame. Her curiosity was piqued already. All things in good time, she told herself. If she was lucky, she’d get to know Gangting better over the course of the afternoon and evening, and perhaps during that time he’d feel more comfortable sharing more about what he’d been about to touch on.

    Instead, he asked her about her own abilities, even daring to add quite the forward comment of his own regarding her eyes. Mercury gave him a playful little smirk. “If only achieving my goals could be so easy. Most targets take more than a look to bring down… but I’ll be sure to keep in mind that you might be susceptible to something like that.” The woman winked at him, taking a sip from her glass.

    “Primarily, I work with tools rather than magic,” she told him, patting her hip where an over large pistol was holstered. “There’s not a lot of magic where I’m from, so I grew up with weapon training rather than spellwork. However, I’ve picked up a little bit of magic since traveling to this area. Not dissimilar to your own, actually, but instead of manipulated the earth I can manipulate various types of metals.” She did not give him a sample of her power like he’d done, mostly because there wasn’t much metal around at the moment for her to play with. He’d probably wind up getting to see her use it before the job was through anyway.
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 872/3021 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Champion of Tudigong
    Position : None
    Posts : 310
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 603,136

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Third Gen Earth Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 17th December 2019, 1:44 pm

    A servant brought his meal and his drink as Mercury spoke, and the Giant was quick to start with his drink. The beer pull was of a decent size but it completely disappeared withing Gangting’s hands as his fingers did not fit through the ear of the beaker. He took one sip and placed the half-empty tankard back upon the table, to forcefully as some of the golden liquid spilt. ”Perhaps,” replied, his eyes narrowed and the corners of his lips curled slightly. He came to realize that he had been doing only jobs and tasks in the last few weeks without any relaxation and little comfort as well. This included good company and a proper cooked meal instead of his blackened roasted meat from a campfire or the flatbreads he cooked within the scorching hot sand from his nightly fire had been burning.  Just sitting down, with a good, thoughts small, drink, and an amazing smelling roasted chicken on his plate and before him, a beautiful and curious woman was surely a treat.

    He took the knife and fork within his hands and clumsily tried cut off meat from the chicken, he had lived most of his life eating with his hands and a knife and eating with a fork was something he could simply not master. He ended laying them aside and started eating with his hands, plucking off a leg as if it were a feather. He took a bite from the gold crusted leg; the grease tingled his taste buds as well as trickling down his chin, which was wiped clean with the back of his hand. His head tilted as he focused his gaze upon the strange thing the woman wore upon her hip. He swallowed and spoke, ”Weapon training is always good. Magic can be a sword without a hilt, without a clear way to safely grip it. Getting disciplined with martial arts is a great foundation before learning magic, at least that is my thoughts.” He downed the remaining liquid from his tankard. ”Is that so? Curious but what if there is no metal around? Sand, soil and rock are everywhere…”, he paused, ”nearly everywhere but one won’t find me in the middle of the ocean or in the sky.” He laughed and finished his chicken.

    379/2203 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes

    Last edited by Gangting on 15th February 2020, 2:07 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 18th December 2019, 11:15 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    So far, today had not been anything close to what she’d expected, though she had little complaints about that. Gangting gave her an almost demure reply, a slight smirk tugging on his lips. Oh yes, he was quite fun. Mercury was starting to think that maybe she should put some effort into making sure this little joint venture of theirs lasted as long as possible. She was quite interested in getting to know more about this seemingly gentle giant that had rumbled his way into her life.

    He seemed to approve of the fact that she worked more with tools and weapons than magic, stating his thoughts that magic was a nice convenience but couldn’t ever really take the place of training with one’s body. To him, it seemed that the physical arts were almost a necessary precursor to learning magic effectively. Mercury wasn’t really sure she knew enough about magic to have a full opinion on the matter, but what he said seemed pretty sound so she nodded in agreement to his logic.

    The sight of his attempt to use utensil was just as endearing as his getting blustered every time she flirted outright with him. Mercury hid her smirk behind her own glass, sipping the pink liquid delicately as he elected to forgo the fork and simply pulled the bird apart with his hands. She was starting to get the impression that he likely hadn’t been raised in any kind of traditional modern society. That, or perhaps he’d simply had to make exception against certain cultural norms that his size simply didn’t allow him to follow.

    “Metal is actually more common to find than you might think,” she informed him pleasantly. “Even setting aside more common items like weapons, armor, daily household tools…” Mercury nodded to his discarded utensils poignantly. “Metal can be found in unlikely places. Even blood has iron in it. But say I were stranded outside any known civilization; usually anywhere that there is earth there is metal. After all, metal is part of the earth. One might even consider it a subclass of earth. Rock is often littered with flecks of ore that is quite usable to someone with the ability to shape it.”
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 379/3400 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 31st December 2019, 12:20 pm

    ”Ow?” Gangting’s head slightly tilted to the left when Mercury refuted his remark on the scarcity of metal. Gangting looked down and scratched his neck when she mentioned, and pointed, to the knife and fork that laid strewn around his plate; he had to grin about his clumsiness. ”I guess is true indeed that there metal found in rock, his tongue instantly ran beside his teeth as if a piece of chicken had gotten stuck between them, as he paused, ”but is that enough to use?” He realized something when he said that, his eyes brighten up. Solmar, that boy with the demon, was also a demon slayer; a fire demon slayer and Solmar did not manipulate fire as he does with the earth. Why had he not realized that before? He had not met a lot of slayers, not even a handful; he had never realized that there were different ways to utilize their respective elements. He rubbed his hands together as he thought about it. Something was nagging at his thoughts, ”There can’t possibly be iron in blood? That’s a joke right?” he asked with doubt. He wasn’t very schooled in medicine and anatomy, but it cannot be possible that iron, a metal, ran through someone’s veins. You can’t forge weapons or nails out of blood. He watched with suspicious eyes at the pink-haired mage in front of him, was she pulling his leg or was it genuine?

    241/2444 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes

    Last edited by Gangting on 15th February 2020, 2:08 am; edited 1 time in total


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 27th January 2020, 5:12 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It was obvious from the way he looked down at his plate that he hadn’t realized metal was actually a lot more commonplace than he originally gave it credit for. Gangting acknowledged her answer, though he did inquire about the quantities. A sly, almost impish little smirk played on her lips. “Well, that depends on what I’m trying to accomplish. I don’t need a lot of metal to, say… pick a lock, or create enough buckshot for a shotgun. Even a needle can be fatal if you know where to pierce a man with it.”

    Mercury took a cool, casual sip from her drink, her emerald eyes watching him with interest to see what he made of her statement. He seemed like a man that was used to handling things with crude force, but that certainly didn’t make him an unintelligent brute. Her remark about iron in blood did catch him off guard and she smiled. “Actually, that one is quite true,” Mercury informed him. Being a bit of an academic, she greatly enjoyed discussing anything related to science and mathematics, and it showed in the way her face lit up a bit at the chance to do so now.

    “The average person has about three to four grams of iron in their blood, depending on their genetics. Someone about my size probably would have closer to three grams. A larger fellow like you likely is closer to five.” She gave him a quick, playful wink and then continued. “Four grams is about…” Glancing around, her eyes fell on a small bone that had been cast aside on Gangting’s plate as he’d made his way through his chicken. It still had a small shred of meat on it. She pointed to it. “May I?”

    Assuming he gave her permission, she picked up the thin bone and held it up so the shred of meat was displayed. “That’s about four grams. Obviously, you need a lot more than this to make something like a dagger or a sword. The blood of about two to four hundred people or more, depending on the size of the weapon. But this amount of iron could easily become an extra bullet for my gun.”

    With a devious little smile, she gently sucked the little tidbit of meat off the bone and set the remaining cartilage down on a napkin.
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 412/3812 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair




    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 10th February 2020, 1:48 pm

    Mercury conjured a smirk upon her beautiful face, the Giant listened to what she had to say. The whites of his eyes grew slightly bigger, the hairs upon his body tingled and raised. His mouth opened as if he was about to speak but closed it, unsure what to say. The comment about the needle was unnerving to him. He shook his head, eyes closed, nought afraid for arrows, sword or axe. But that needle unsettled him, a tiny thing. His ruby eyes started back at her emeralds, nodded and slowly began to speak. ”One chuck and decisive strike with a small force can cripple the large opposition.” The exiled King of Duoshang knew much about strategy through his decades of learning and experience, although he favoured to overwhelm his adversaries with large numbers; as a mighty avalanche, soaring down the mountain, destroying everything in it’s wake. Or make the enemy believe so.

    Ganting angled his head a bit and looked confused at his right-hand palm. ”How… how curious.” He looked back up, Mercury shone. It seemed that she liked to share that knowledge. ”But I don’t eat iron? I eat rock and meat. Wait, it’s because of the iron in the rock? But other people don’t eat iron or rocks?” The healers in his court had told him that blood was formed from food.

    The Giant planted his elbows on the table, his hands clasped together, and his chin leaned upon it to rest. He listened closely to what Mercury said about blood, his eyes were fixed upon her. It sounded just magical that there was iron flowing through his veins. Gangting’s elbows parted and his head dropped suddenly as his headrest dropped; it happened when she commented about his size and winked, his copper cheeks flared up. ”Yes,” stammered the Giant out, when Mercury pointed to his plate. He straightened his back and looked at the bone she picked up. ”I see.” The redness on his cheeks had resided but returned as smiled to him and made the last bit of chicken disappear. That was not what he expected, this was a curious woman. With a redhead, he stood up. ”Eh… Perhaps we should get going to that castle.” He took his coin pouch from his belt and collected a bunch of jewels that were sure to pay for all their food and drinks, plus a decent tip. ”I’ll pay,” said shortly as he was counting the jewels. He looked up at the sky, it was growing darker. ”It seems that we will explore at night.” It was now his time to smirk, he wanted to get into action and was curious how his pink-haired partner would do. ”Want to take a ride?” He big hand pointed to his massive chariot.

    461/2905 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes

    Last edited by Gangting on 15th February 2020, 2:08 am; edited 1 time in total


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
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    Mercury Arseneault

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th February 2020, 7:41 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “Actually, you just ate a whole plate full of iron. All meat has iron in it to varying degrees, same as the rest of us. In microscopic levels, of course. I don’t think anyone could just eat a plate of pure iron and live to talk about it, though I imagine you would have a higher tolerance than most if you can eat rocks. I’m sure you’ve eaten your fair share of metal in the process. Is that a part of your magic, by the way? It allows you to actually consume the earth as well?”

    The idea seemed to fascinate her. Given that Mercury still didn’t quite understand what a slayer was, she didn’t know that she herself could actually eat her own element like Gangting could. Jadus hadn’t exactly given her much instruction. All Mercury knew at the moment was that she could manipulate metals of all sorts. She was trying to picture him eating a rock, which both mystified her and made her teeth hurt.

    Either way, it seemed that her little science lesson had done a number on him intellectually and he was ready to move on. It was starting to get dark, anyway. At this rate there wouldn’t be much sunlight left by the time they got there. She was reaching for her wallet when he offered to pay. “That’s very sweet of you. Thank you.” Once they stood, she finally got a full understanding of just how much taller than her he was. She had to crane her next up and up to see his face. With a smirk still playing on her lips, she raised a hand to block the sun from her eyes as she playfully told him, “I guess I should have worn taller shoes today. I may need to see a chiropractor after this.”

    When he commented about having to be there at night, Mercury told him, “Well, I’m sure we’ll find ways to keep ourselves occupied.” There was just enough teasing in her voice that she could have been flirting with him, but she was so collected when she said it that it may have been hard for him to tell if she was or not. When he offered her a ride, she raised a brow in surprised pleasure. “I would love one! Thank you.”

    They climbed on and set off, chatting idly with one another along the way, and before long drew up to the castle in question. As she stepped off the chariot, she reached into one of her many pouches on her hip and withdrew a handful of golf ball sized drones. They turned on and whirled out of her hand to hover in the air before her. Tablet back in hand, she began to punch instruction into the device and the drones quickly raced off toward the castle and began to scan the exterior of it with red lasers. The lasers began to feed information back to Mercury, building an image on her tablet of a blueprint of the castle.

    “Let’s see…” she mused as they approached the place. “There’s four floors. The structural integrity of the third flood looks a bit compromised on the left side, as well as the second floor on the right. We should be careful wandering those areas. Don’t want the floor giving out beneath our feet. I’m not picking up anything but rubble at the moment, but I’ve never looked into a haunting before so I’m not an expert on what to keep an eye out for. How do you want to approach this?”
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 616/4428 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 15th February 2020, 1:15 pm

    Gangting “King of Duoshang, Champion of Tudigong, the Great, the Bold, the Mighty, the Giant, Slayer of Demons, Liberator of the Wicked.”

    Gangting looked with big eyes as he listened, he wondered what the word microscopic meant. ”I see, how odd. I would never have known.” He scratched his thick whiskers. ”I suppose, some rocks have a more metallic taste than others.” His head bobbed up and down, ”yes, it is. Any slayer can consume their element.” He stretched out his arm as before, a brick floated up into his hand; he bit off a chunk as if it was a chocolate bar. The sound was as a hammer hitting a stone wall, people around them jumped up in surprise to the sudden thundering sound. The eating did not have to make a sound but Gangting liked to shock others with it, make them fear for a moment his teeth would shatter. Which actually happened to a not too bright spearman who tried to follow Gangting’s example by chewing on a pebble. The Slayer ate the brick whole, quietly. ”I would say it doesn’t taste at bad as it sounds like, at least for me, and surely say don’t try it out, it would be a shame if something happened to your pretty smile” the Giant smirked.

    ”Aah, no need for thanks.” The Giant towered over her and she looked up at him. He grinned and dropped till his waist into the ground. ”Better like this,” his laughter rolled through the street and his mind wondered what a chiropractor was. He seemed to climb a stair as he walked to his chariot, rising back to ground level. Gangting frowned, of course, they would be occupied; they had a job to do. ”This was a chariot from some thunder god, I won it from the giant Bo-De-Dong in an arm-wrestling match. The name of the chariot is Lei Bagong, meaning thundering Strike,” he said as he scratched one auroch behind his ear.

    Gangting stepped off his chariot and walked towards the aurochs. He patted the giant cattle upon their neck, whispered something into their ears in his language of old; a thank you and instructions. He had not failed to notice that Mercury released some sort of birds, or beetles of sorts, as she stepped off. Where a normal person would look over someone shoulders to look at what they are doing, Gangting simple looked over Mercury’s head at her strange tablet. ”How curious,” he said full of wonder; it seemed he discovered something new every day in this day and age. He then looked at the castle, whose towers and walls were dark as the sun descended behind it; turning the horizon in an orange glow. In its heyday the fortress would have been formidable, it’s walls were thick, its towers tall and stood upon a high hill. Gangting ever curious for military knowledge had learned that this type of castle was one of the first types of stone castles in Earthland. Larger castles from later periods used these types as castles a keep.

    He listened to Mercury’s report about the castle and thought for a moment. ”Where I can walk, you can walk for sure,” the Giant laughed. He continued in a serious voice, ”we could, of course, enter through the gate… however, that is the most defendable position and most likely to be an area that could be trapped as it is the obvious entrance to the castle. Most fortresses have another entrance, small and hidden; a postern. A way to transport supplies into the castle or to launch a sally on the enemy lines. It might be worthwhile to look for it. I would expect it to be a tunnel at the base of the hill, if we get closer I could sense it.” He stared for a moment at the mighty defensive complex in front of them. ”I have encountered many haunted beings, things, in the past. It’s difficult to prepare for it. You never really know what you are up against until it finds you,” said Gangting, he turned his head to look at the pink-haired mage. ”I usually just charge into the fray. Tudigong protects me, there is nothing to fear.”

    Gangting could sense a void presence of a tunnel as they drew closer to the foot of the hill. ”It’s future over there,” he pointed ahead. The postern gate, or door, was on the right flank of the castle. Hill was heavily vegetated, with bushes and trees; which would have been cut and kept clear when the castle had been in proper use. That way no intruders could sneak upon the castle unnoticed. It made it very difficult to find the tunnel, by eye. Gangting held his arm in front of him and swept it to the right. The topsoil, with all its vegetation moved off the hill onto the plain bellow. Low and behold, there was a hole in front of them. The hill was rocky there, and steep. Two heavily rusted hinges were set in the wall; in the gaping void of the tunnel sat a portcullis. It was weathered and rusted; flakes of brown powder laid underneath it. He looked at her, and held his arm out, ”Ow no, we can’t get through.” The smug on his face made his eye’s squint.

    871/3776 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


    Welcome to the Funhouse N9AxYLD
    Welcome to the Funhouse Sy03Rxz


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    Mercury Arseneault

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 23rd February 2020, 3:02 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    By the stars, he could actually eat rock. Mercury could only watch in amazement as he pulled a brick into his hand and nibbled on it like it was little more than a leg of chicken. The look of fascination on her face was surely one he’d seen a number of times before from others, but she gave him a mischievous little grin when he suggested she not attempt the trick and risk her “pretty smile”. After that, he had her laughing outright when he attempted to accommodate her short stature by dropping his own body most of the way into the ground.

    Before long, they were at the castle and Mercury was feeding him the first bit of reports from her drones. He watched her screen from behind her, clearly interested in what she was doing. Mercury had a feeling that the two of them came from vastly opposite cultures and that he had very little exposure to technology. By comparison, she had grown up in a society that was so technologically advanced that it was taken for granted, and she had absolutely zero exposure to things that she would consider “archaic” outside of what little she’d run into during her short time on Earthland so far. The two of them were equally fascinated by one another.

    While he didn’t understand the methods she used to gather her information, however, he was readily able to understand the information itself which was the most important thing. As he talked it became evident to her that he knew quite a lot about not just castles, but the best ways to both protect and invade them. She could gather from his evaluation on the layout and what should be expected that this wasn’t his first rodeo, so to speak. Mercury didn’t have any experience with hauntings, but from the way he talked she got the feeling that she should be ready for an attack of some sort.

    Unfortunately, it seemed there wasn’t really any way that he could prepare her for such things as what they were likely to encounter here. Oh well. Mercury enjoyed surprises anyway, and the thought of not fully knowing what they were running into just added to the excitement for her. Besides, the bit of research she had managed to do told her and most haunting activity happened well after nightfall, and the sun was still setting. So she followed him easily and without reservation, even as her drones found places to get inside and started feeding her blueprints of the interior. He seemed to know where he was going, and sure enough he was quickly able to locate the alterior way in.

    Gangting easily cleared the way of bushes and plants, revealing a slope into the ground that was blocked by a rusting gate. Rather than bash his way through it, which Mercury suspected he could have done with ease, the large man stepped aside with an impish look to make room for her. “Aw, what’s the matter?” she teased him back with a playful grin. “Can’t break down some rusted bars?”

    He must have wanted to see a bit of what she could do, and Mercury couldn’t blame him for that. She could have some fun with him about it, though. Stepping gently past him, she slipped her tablet away and said, “Don’t worry, big guy. I got you.” Despite what he probably expected, however, she didn’t use her magic to bend the portcullis. Having magic was certainly a novelty, but Mercury had spent her whole life up until recently not even knowing it existed. She didn’t think like a mage; she thought like an engineer.

    Eying the gate, she pulled out her pistol and fiddled with it for a moment. When she pulled the trigger, a red hot laser shot from the barrel in a steady stream. It easily carved through the weakened iron in a large arch that almost mirrored the shape of the stone threshold, leaving a molten trail in its wake. When that was done, she gripped the portcullis with her free hand and pushed, popping out the section she’d cut and setting it aside in a casual feat of strength that a woman of her small stature should not have been capable of.

    Shooting him a sly look to see his reaction, she walked through the hole she made and into the space beyond. “You coming?” she called back innocently, holstering her pistol. Stopping in the courtyard, she looked up and took in the sight of the castle while there was still enough light to see it. “Well, you clearly know a thing or two about both castles and hauntings that I don’t. I’ll follow your lead, or else I’m liable to just wander around and let my curiosity guide me. Which usually gets me into trouble.”
    This is a place to put all your notes! You can list your battle stats here, lyrics from a song, OOC information to pass along to other people in the thread with you. Honestly you know what you want to do with this section already, I'm just bullshitting some words to fill out the space.

    WORDS: 822/5250 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 4th March 2020, 1:49 am

    Gangting “King of Duoshang, Champion of Tudigong, the Great, the Bold, the Mighty, the Giant, Slayer of Demons, Liberator of the Wicked.”

    Gangting looked at her, his mouth somewhat open and eyebrows raised. Then a grin formed on his copper face. He grabbed the iron bars firmly and tried to lift them, his feet sunk up to his knees into the dirt. ”It seems I cannot,” said Gangting with disappointment in his face while still smiling from ear to ear. Of course, he could and if he couldn’t then he could remove the stone that kept the gate in its place.

    He stepped away to make room for Mercury. His ruby eyes carefully observed her. What she did what not what he expected, leave alone ever could imagine. She did not use brute force or manipulation of metal but her pistol and from it came a strange red light. It seemed to cut through the iron like a hot knife through butter. She then simply set the heavy piece of iron to the side. He blinked a couple of times; his mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he tried to seek for words. ”Yes,” he hastily replied. He followed her but stopped at the portcullis, he looked in awe at the glowing metal; it was as if it had been heated by a smith to forge a sword. His hand went out to touch it but quickly redrew it after he felt the sensation of heat; it was hot indeed.

    The Slayer nodded, "It is the first time I am in one thought. Fortune favors the bold and the curious, but misfortune is jealous and bestows its own gifts. To the dismay of the receivers." His eyes went to look at the walls and buildings of the castle from the courtyard, he had sensed them through his feet but both of his senses never get the full picture without each other. The castle was near in ruins, the mortar that bound the stones was chipped and sometimes absent. Most of the wood seemed rotten and most of the courtyard was covered in weeds, hiding the slipper green cobblestones beneath. Vines raised to the top of walls and towers as the walls turned green. "There is a way to keep the eye of misfortune away when you see it you should burn incense with yellow eye seeds. It will ward you against its gifts. I have seen people carry necklaces of those seeds but I doubt they work. An officer told me that one of his soldiers carried one for protection during battle. Ai it did work in battle but he died when he tried to capture a fleeing horse, the saddle snatched the necklace and the poor man was strangled to death as the horse galloped away. We never found the body, did found the horseback though," Gangting was a superstitious person but not frightened or fearful for the spirits and the other things; only one spirit did that, the one that had corrupted him during the glory days of Duoshang, the spirit that made him take up arms against the gods. The spirit that took his favor with Tudigong, took away his kingdom and his people. It was the reason why he ended up in the future, the new present. Supposed it was a present with Mercury here, someone whom he wouldn't have met otherwise and there was Johann of course. Fate and destiny are strange things, that even the gods themselves can't alter.

    "No one has been in here for a couple of days at least, the vegetation stands upright without paths were someone or something has moved," said Gangting, he knew a thing or two about hunting but definitely more about stalking an army. Trails are left behind, albeit an army's very clear with all the garbage and equipment left behind. An individual leaves behind little, but still some signs of their presence that have passed and those they would have seen here. "No one is standing on soil or stone as well if there is anyone they must be on standing on wood," he took a deep breath through his nose and smelled the surroundings. Gangting moved his head and glared at the big tower that loomed tall above all other towers. "There is a demon," he spit out and his might as well be shooting fire. The blood beneath his skin was boiling, divine aura steamed of his body in a whiff. Then moments later it happened, in the building to their right, it was heard. Furniture and objects thrown around and screaming, it happened only for less than a minute but from every corner, they had heard something. It was as if that thing could appear and reappear in instance notice, it had to be one thing as the screaming was sure to be from one individual. Gangting's bones had turned to ice in those moments, starting from his marrow it quickly spread and he felt cold. Was this fear? What the ordinary men would feel when they were scared? But Gangting wasn't scared, he was not frozen although he felt cold inside.

    The Demon Slayer placed his right hand against the wall, it crumbled away. The floor of the room was below the ground, it was the kitchen and above them would be the great hall. He unclasped the fibula of his cloak, which fluttered to the ground. His cuirass followed with a loud clang as he removed the pins from their hinges. Showing his bare, muscled and gleaming back to Mercury behind him; it was littered in scars and shiny of olive oil, something Gangting rubbed on his skin every day and removed every evening. The same description applied for his beefy chest. he stepped through the hole in the wall, a stair of stone rose from the ground as his foot dangled above the void. He looked around when he was on firm ground, the sounds had died out here. The light barely lit the room but Gangting didn't need it, he trusted on his other senses. He sniffed and wiggled his toes, but there was no one here; except for Mercury, him and the looming presence of the demonic thing within the donjon. It made Gangting somewhat uneasy, he was used to feeling the presence of demons and others. "Show yourself," bellowed Gangting. It stayed eerie silent, until. It was first felt by Gangting's hair as if something lightly brushed against it. It was a cold chilly sensation that slowly spread to his skin and entering his bones, nestling within the marrow. The cold was intense there, intenser than before. Then it could be heard, first faint and barely hearable. It grew louder with every breath he took; it was the sound of nails scratching. The Giant looked around like an angry bull.

    1124/4900 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes


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    Mercury Arseneault

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 5th March 2020, 7:40 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Gangting took only a quick moment to inspect her work before hurrying after her. He confirmed that he knew a fair amount about castles, though that this was the first one he’d ever actually stepped foot in. That was a bit surprising to her. Given the way he dressed and carried himself, he seemed the type that was born into one. He went on with a rather cryptic comment about how fortune and misfortune equally rewarded -- or cursed -- those of more daring natures, talking about the use of certain types of seeds that were said to protect against bad luck. That seemed strange to her, of course. Why would a seed have such properties?

    But he followed the statement up with his own belief that such things didn’t really work, as he knew of a man who seemingly skirted death only to be dragged away by his horse after a necklace of those seeds caused him to get caught on the animal’s gear. They never found the body. Mercury shook her head with a small snort. “It’s amazing the lies that people will tell themselves in an effort to save themselves from having to face reality. Why put such trust into something like that? Why give your control away out of fear? The energy would be better spent preparing yourself for what lies ahead.”

    While Gangting was quite superstitious, Mercury was not. In fact, she had no concept of such things. They didn’t exist where she came from. The only things that were real was that which one could see before their own eyes. Even magic wasn’t a concept she was familiar with until arriving here on Earthland, and that had taken her a bit to adjust to. Especially after she’d received magic of her own. But really, after dissecting it down, magic didn’t altogether seem that different from science. It simply had its own set of laws and principles that it had to adhere to, varying from magic to magic, each with its own benefits and restrictions. The scientific world was hardly any different.

    Using his stone sense, he was able to determine that there currently was no one standing anywhere in the castle, aside from themselves of course. And according to the tracks he noticed through the grass, there hadn’t been anyone here for at least a couple days. She was watching her screen to see if her drones would pull up anything of interest when she felt it. Around the same time that Gangting sensed something that made his blood boil, she instead felt a presence of sorts that seemed to call to her.

    “A demon?” she asked, casting him an inquisitive look. Now that would be interesting. Gangting had referred to himself as a demon slayer, and said that he’d gotten his powers from something he’d called a “god”, but these were terms that Mercury didn’t entirely understand. Whatever it was, Gangting seemed to think it was bad. Or at the very least, he clearly viewed it as an enemy. It was strange to her because she could certainly sense something, but it didn’t fill her with rage or apprehension. If anything it invigorated her, entice her.

    Even more enticing, however, was when the big man suddenly started ripping his clothes off.

    Gangting set his hand against a stone wall, causing it to crumble into dust at his touch, and after that the garments began to fall one by one until he was left in nothing but the bottom half of his armor. If he was impressive with clothes on, he was ten times more so half naked. As he busied himself wandering into the building to hunt for his little demon prey, Mercury busied herself looking over every available inch of the man’s exceptional form. His muscles were downright rippling, covered in oil and a set of scars that just made him all the more deliciously rugged. Beefy didn’t even begin to describe him. It wasn’t often that Mercury was caught off guard some someone’s attractiveness, but she’d had to actively keep her jaw shut while she gawked at him.

    The things I would do to that man, she told herself, her mind not even on this demon problem anymore. No, Mercury was too busy soaking in the finer details of his back, shoulders, and ass. She would absolutely let that man throw her around like a ragdoll if he wanted to, and she was in the middle of visualizing exactly that when he roared for the creature he was hunting to show itself.

    That shook her back to the real world. There was a job at hand, and she couldn’t let herself be distracted, even by the hunkiest cut of man meat she’d ever laid eyes on. After only a couple seconds of silence, a scratching sound filled the air, causing Gangting to stiffen with rage and ire while she watched on, still not entirely sure what was actually happening. To be safe, she withdrew her pistol again and set the tablet away.

    After a few long seconds of tension, a disembodied voice filled the space around them. “Welcome, sister,” it called in a voice that would have sent chills down anyone’s spine.

    Mercury raised a brow, her curiosity piqued. “He’s the one calling out for you, and you talk to me instead? That’s a little rude, don’t you think?” she asked, her voice candid despite the situation. In truth she was readying herself for some kind of attack, though where it would come from she had no idea and that lack of knowledge unnerved her. How was she supposed to fight against something she couldn’t see? Something that had no body?

    The voice continued. “He is no one. A pawn of our enemies, and one who thinks he would destroy us. But you… you are one of us.”

    “And how do you figure that?”

    “You smell of Jadus, our brother. He has blessed you with power, has he not?”

    Mercury’s eyes narrowed and for a moment her face was unreadable as she continued to look around for the source of the voice. Surely if she kept the thing talking, Gangting would be able to locate it. He was the hunter, right? If this thing wanted to talk to her, fine. She’d talk and let her partner search for his prey… assuming he was even doing that, given the knowledge he was in the process of overhearing.

    A light smirk tugged on her lips. “So, Jadus is a demon, is he? He failed to mention that. Not that it means anything to me. I’ve no notion of what a demon even is. Are you guys supposed to be a big deal or something?”

    “We’re powerful,” the voice told her softly, “And I can make you powerful.”

    “Jadus already helped me with that. You’re gonna need to give me a better offer.”

    The voice chuckled. “Jadus did not give you as much as he could have. He only unlocked a portion of the abilities that could be yours. I can unlock your potential fully, open the doors that he left closed.”

    Mercury stroked the barrel of her gun in thought, tempted despite herself. “Is that so?” she asked. It would certainly be fun to pull a fast one on her fun, if cocky, benefactor. The lavender haired woman could already see the surprise on his face, and it made her grin. Plus, she was hardly one to turn down more power. She had come to Earthland with a mission, and the more control she had at her fingertips the better she could perform those duties. “For the sake of humoring you, say I was interested…”

    The voice understood her unspoken question and answered it. “Listen for my relic. It calls to you. You need only claim it as your own.”

    By the look on her face, she seemed sorely tempted. Not unusual, of course. A great deal of people were often tempted by promises of power and control, so it likely wouldn’t be any surprise for Gangting to realize that Mercury was actually giving the offer serious consideration. Already she was starting to reach out with her senses in an effort to locate the mysterious relic the thing was talking about, her mind churning with the possibilities...

    WORDS: 1416/6666 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 6th March 2020, 5:54 am

    Gangting “King of Duoshang, Champion of Tudigong, the Great, the Bold, the Mighty, the Giant, Slayer of Demons, Liberator of the Wicked.”

    Gangting stared at Mercury's face for a brief moment in silence, echoing her words in his head and shook his head. "Not all tales and rituals are indeed true but burning them does truly work. It's the fumes that have a warding effect. Shame that it stinks," he turned his attention back on the castle.

    Gangting froze again; a voice spoke, filling the room like smoke with its sound. Sister? thought Gangting, he turned around and his eyes narrowed as they locked on Mercury. His mind, usually collected and calm, shook with thoughts like a rock slide. The voice and Mercury conversed and it turned Gangting's stomach upside down. Anger swelled within him, a volcano moments from erupting. Erupting it did not, yet; Gangting stood there as a mountain, listing in silence and thinking what to think of Mercury and her connection to this demon.

    A demon? power?, as an angry bull, he sniffed. Letting in all smells and aroma's around him. He then smelled it, a stench from Mercury. How had he not smelled this before? The smell was similar to Solmar and somewhat similar to the smells of Johann and Amalie. Did he start to get used to those smells? Was that the cause that he had not noticed the demonic aura? Or did she deceive him? Was this some sort of trap for him and this conversation just an act?

    "Enough," roared Gangting, the volume was explosive and laced with the trembling of anger; the quakes that herald the destruction of the eruption. He signalled with his right hand; the tile below Mercury rose up, turned and moved to face Gangting. They could watch each other in the eyes. "Tell me truths," he spit out, "what powers did you gain from this Jason? Do you this demon? Were you trying to seduce me for a trap? In that case, you really should work better on the trap." he rose his right leg and firmly planted it in the tile on which he stood. It protested with a loud crack and burst in two. A shock went through the entire castle, flowed by a silver pulse of divine light. The stone walls crumbled and turned to dust; falling around Mercury and Gangting like grey snow. A circle around them was kept clear from the rouble and when the dust settled, they could see the extent of Gangting's destruction. All buildings and walls had turned to dust, except the donjon in which the demonic relic lies. The slayer turned around and threw his arms up; the ground before him rose in a sloop, a rampart of earth that reached the highest floor of the donjon.

    Another stomp on the ground, the floor around them cracked and dust blew up. It stirred, moved up the rampart. "Power ha? I shall bright forth true, raw power. Clench this place of you, banish you to the abysses of the Hells from which you came. For I am Gangting, the King of Duoshang the Bane of Demons and the Champion of Tudigong, the God of Land and Soil," a sudden burst of divine aura encompassed Gangting for a brief moment, like roaring flames they licked the sky. The ethernano within his body surged as did his anger. The ground below his feet defied gravity as it shattered and floated to his arms. They formed a thick layer of stone from his elbows to his fists, were giant spikes formed; his arms were stripped logs by default, but now they had their rocky bark, lethal thorns and blazing furiously with holy aura. Gangting turned to Mercury, his eyes glared; "We will destroy that relic." His voice gave no room for discussion. He turned his back to Mercury, swept his arm to the left and the part of the large tower slides to the side. The hewn rock fell dozens of meters into the abyss below, on the cobbles.

    The moving platform stopped, the Giant stepped off and entered the tower through the hole he had created. The earth trembled with his step, the mortar between the rock cracked and chunks fell into the courtyard. Another step, the earth shook; tiles from the roof rattled. Another step, booming like thunder; tiles fell to the ground and shattered bellow. "Show yourself coward," bellowed Gangting, "fight me. You brag of power, show it." He slammed his fist in the wall aside him, the tower shook on its foundation and stones shattered; a large crack split its way through rock and mortar. 

    754/5654 Ω @Mercury Arseneault Ω job sign-up Ω job info Ω notes

    Last edited by Gangting on 15th March 2020, 1:30 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th March 2020, 1:33 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Apparently, Gangting was angry.

    Mercury’s eyes opened a bit wider in surprise as the ground beneath her feet suddenly raised and spun so that she was facing the large man directly, and boy did he not look happy with her. Despite the rather aggressive manner in which he’d demanded her attention and was continuing to speak with her, she simply raised an eyebrow at him in a show of extreme patience as she waited for him to finish.

    “Are you done?” she asked him as if he were throwing a childish tantrum, her tone unwaveringly calm but lacking in much of the warmth it had up until this moment. Mercury did not seem very pleased or impressed with the way that he ordered her for information and answers that, quite frankly, were none of his business. This was very disappointing. Mercury had really been hoping to give this guy her number after all this. Not that he probably could have used it. He seemed like the kind of guy that probably didn’t own an iLac. But they had just been getting along so well up until now, and he saw it fit to judge her over something as silly as this?

    Well, she had no intentions of giving him the answers he wanted, not if he was going to take that kind of tone with her, and the look in her eyes betrayed that as Mercury simply waited him out until his focus shifted back toward the demon. He roared to the demon that he was going to show true power, listing off a bunch of his titles before bursting into an aura of bright magic that was greatly irritating to her. It stung her senses and made her feel like she was on the cusp of burning, but her annoyance over the situation kept her focused.

    While he was busy quite literally tearing down the entire building, Mercury mentally commanded her drones to go in search of this so called relic that the voice had suggested she look for, which Gangting seemed so bent on destroying that he actually looked back at her as though she were some kind of servant and commanded it of her. That had been the final nail in the coffin of making her decision. So while he put his focus on causing a ruckus and demanding the demon come out to face him, she silently started reaching out with her magical senses to locate the artifact, sending the little drones that had already been wandering about elsewhere in the castle to go retrieve it for her.

    “You know,” Mercury finally told him after the dust had mostly settled and everything was somewhat quiet again. She had regained a sense of her casual, humorous self back but it was not as friendly as before. “If you had paid attention to what I was saying instead of being controlled by your anger, and maybe just tried talking to me instead of making demands, you probably could have convinced me to see your side of things. Demons, gods… I don’t even know the difference between the two, something you might have understood if you’d simply asked me. It’s a real shame, because I was quite looking forward to getting to know you a little better, maybe even prodding your mind a bit about this very subject so you could educate me a bit.”

    “But I’m not your servant nor your slave to command as you see fit, and I will not tolerate being talked to like I’m worth less respect than the dirt between your toes.” As she held his gaze, she felt her drones gently lowering down toward her from above her head. Held between the three of them in an anti-gravitational field of blue light was a small talisman of sorts. It was constructed of black steel and gold, with a blood red ruby in the center, and a loop on one end as though it were intended to be a necklace of some kind.

    Mercury raised a hand, an aura that was black as night coalescing around the limb and clinging to it, seeming to suck in the light from Gangting’s own aura. A similarly dark energy began to glow around the artifact and it dropped down into her waiting palm, where she turned it over and inspected it. “Since you don’t seem to want to enlighten me on the things I don’t understand, I think I’ll hang on to this for a while and do my own research,” she told him, her bright chipperness finally returning now that she had accomplished at least some kind of goal.

    A black disc materialized under her feet and lifted her into the air up above the stone on the ground where she hovered for a moment. Looking down at Gangting, she tucked the relic into a pocket and gave him a smile that had regained a bit more friendliness. “I really am disappointed, you know. You’re a lot of fun when you’re not losing yourself to all that anger and obsession, and I wouldn’t complain about watching you tear all your clothes off again someday. Maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll come hunt me down at some point, and we’ll work through all these misunderstandings. I think I’d like that.”

    Lifting her hand once more, a small item materialized in her hand. She tossed it gently down to him: A pure black figurine made of an unfamiliar metal, shaped in the style of a queen chess piece, elegant with a surface so sleek and shiny one could see their reflection in it. “A little something to remember me by,” she told him. Blowing him a kiss, the disc she stood on launched her into the air and out of sight.

    WORDS: 991/7657 | @Gangting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Welcome to the Funhouse Empty Re: Welcome to the Funhouse

    Post by Aurora 26th August 2020, 2:10 am

    Gangting “King of Duoshang, Champion of Tudigong, the Great, the Bold, the Mighty, the Giant, Slayer of Demons, Liberator of the Wicked.”

    Gangting grunted, ”I am never done until my death, Tudigong has my vow.” Mercury meant his speech but Gangting the mandate he was given. He was to cleanse the world of demons; it was divine duty bestowed on him by the gods.  

    Gangting stared at the pink-haired mage, his mouth slightly open. He shook his head, ”How can you not know what demons and gods are... They are the greatest forces in the world, no in the universe. How were you raised? Did your parents did not teach where the demons lurk, what they do to you, their promises of whatever you desire which is a trick to sell your soul. Demons use people, they torture them, make their lives living hells. Demons are evil. Gods can be good, bad or in between.”

    ”You say you are not a servant nor a slave, yet follow a demon,” said Gangting shaking his head, ”Respect is not a given, it is something earned or else it has no value. And I value respect and honour.” Gangting had been a king for most his life, a commander as well. Giving commands, and speaking down upon others; literal and figuratively, was what he knew. It was something he struggled within the present. From the centre of the state, the bindings that held his empire together to a just a person. A person without his home, his friends of old and his belongings. His anger wavered for a flood of sadness when he realized he had come from being a king to a beggar. He was a hero in the past and people needed him against the seemingly unstable hoards of demons. He had armies under his command to protect his subjects. What was he now? A living relic, from history, long forgotten. All the clay tablets, the papyruses, rock carvings and monuments had all disappeared or faded away. Only Duoshang, whose roads have been covered by the crimson sands of the Bloody Waste, which had crept towards the city by the centuries and millennia. The mighty walls that once crowned the curtain mountain chain were now crumbled and unrecognizable from the desert. The once-bustling city full of life and vigour was deserted and in decay. Most buildings had collapsed, the wooden structures long since rotten away. The walls and monuments cracked and broken. All his friends, family and companions were dead. He had let the lives of thousands of men and women into their deaths when he took up arms against Tudigong, when he was possessed by greed and jealousy. Yet his life was spared by Tudigong, for he was necessary. Some part to play. Mercy was shown to him, the aggressor and tyrant at the very moment, whilst the people that followed him like sheep were butchered.

    Now he was here, in some ruined fortress. Severely wounded, near useless. So useless that he would need Johann and the guild of Dies Irae to reconquer Duoshang. He realized he could not ask their help; it was his quest. He had to do it alone, but first, he had to heal his wounds before he could attempt it once more. He would not flee this time; he will fight to the death or fight till victory. In the meantime, he had to follow the divine mandate to rid the world of demons. Including whatever was going on here.

    Something fell from the sky, Gangting looked up. It was strange birds. ”You have no knowledge of these things and you want to play with fire? Give it to me, it has to be destroyed,” commanded Gangting, he had to do this. That his task. In the past, he would have taken her out for such insolence, likely killed even. But he could not move. He could not hurt her. His mind exploded into thoughts, what if? What were his options? What would the result be of those options? For the first time since he had been given his powers, he felt anxiety. There was no way to not hurt her or push her away from any further and acquiring the demonic device. So, he did nothing, he stood there. Unable to speak, he did not even know what to say if he could.

    Mercury was lifted by something. Said some things but Gangting barely registered what she said. She then dropped an item and speeded away. Gangting caught it but he did not look at it. His eyes followed Mercury until she was out of sight.  It was a black figure, a modern chesspiece. A queen. Gangting clenched his fist. He stood there for some time. Until he exploded in a rage, fueled by his frustration. He levelled all the buildings, the walls. Ground the stones and mortar to rubble and to dust. He made the earth swallow all the rubble. The dirt crept over the hill and filled the dry moats. With time grasses and weeds would grow there and it would just look like a hill. If the castle had not been recorded in the history books, then no one would ever know that a castle once stood here after Gangting was done.

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