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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 15th July 2020, 2:24 am

    Finally, after months of being on the road, being on various jobs in order to make the world a better place, one dead villain at a time. It was becoming tiresome, if he was being honest with himself but it was his duty. It was his goal in life. Then when things started to die down and he had seemingly done all he could in pursuit of that goal at this time, he decided he could catch a break which was a decision that was coherent to the current state of the world when he had heard of a party all throughout Fiore. It was exciting, if he could say so himself. The prospect of having fun was something he looked forward to and already he had a concrete idea of how to go on about it, making his face light up at the thought which resulted in a small smile and some blushing on his cheeks. He whipped out his iLac and immediately texted someone which only brightened up both his face and his smile, telling that person if they would be free to go to a party in Capital Crocus, and that if that person where to be there, he'd be waiting at a bar he stumbled upon one day. He then got up his bed and out to the door to go look for a cyberpunk outfit for tonight since he's pretty sure he doesn't have one, with him only having 4 pairs of clothes; the one he wore getting to Dies Irae, the one he usually wears now, his uniform, and an outfit he got on Valentines.

    Finally night came, and Nat was up on a rooftop balcony of a bar in the Captial Crocus, waiting for the person he texted that morning, and that person was Trinity which he had become very fond of. He hadn't seen her in a long time and assumed it had been because of their very busy individual lives. He certainly knows his has been eventful which makes this reunion all the more exciting that it already was. Behind him and below him, he could already see people having a good time, generally being flat our drunk and wasted but not a lot of people were inside the bar, mostly because of the reason that it was a hidden gem. There wasn't any signage of its existence on the building's exterior, and the building itself didn't look all too festive for it to have a bar on the roof either because it was an apartment building with the last two floors being commercial. Music the DJ was playing can be heard all the way up on where he was and his head was bobbing to the beat while he leaned on the railings. He then moved a bottle he was holding on his right hand that had a chrome gauntlet with a stripe patterned cyan neon glow on it up to his lip to take a small sip. He didn't want to be a bit tipsy even before Trinity got there after all. He would continue to look over the peaceful and happy city as he waited, trying to snipe some interesting activities for them to do but was more than content to keep drinking and listening to the music, even to the woooos of the party goers, as if the world didn't have problems. And for a moment, he too wished that there really wasn't any, and have this chance to live like a normal man his age. How happy that would have been. So he decided to turn around and look at what little crowd there was in the place. His metallic boots would clink as he did for it bore the same neon pattern as his one glove did which weren't all the uncomfortable due to the khaki pants he had that were so long to cover his feet. He short sleeved white shirt would have a belt going across it diagonally that acted to securely fasten a left sleek chrome shoulder plate he had on, and a pair of cyan shade on his head. And there he saw how normal people partied, trying to get a sense of how this night was going to be.

    WC: 709
    Nat's Total: 709


    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 14th August 2020, 8:01 pm

    Rolling rolling rolling....



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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by NPC 14th August 2020, 8:01 pm

    The member 'Trinity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Die_03_42160_sm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 14th August 2020, 8:32 pm

    818/2000 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    @Nathaniel Stratford

    Activities Completed:
    1. Drinks Drinks Drinks!
    Now this was going to be fun.

    When Thana had gotten the iLac that she shared with Aeron and Trinity, she’d made sure to go out of her way to have complete administrative privileges on the device, meaning that she could always access any of their own messages and see who they were talking to. She was more than aware of Trinity’s adorable little boyfriend, and as such was delighted to be the one to receive the message from him asking to come hang out with him at this little venue. She had an opportunity here, one to ruin both his and Trinity’s lives in a slow, manipulative, and confusing way… should she successfully pull it off, at least. The first step?

    Leaving him on read.

    She knew for a fact that it had been some time before the two of them had seen one another, and that the last time they’d been together the dashing and enamored young man had professed his love to Trinity. Sad, really. Trinity didn’t really know what love was. The naive little girl knew it was a good, and a nice sentiment to say to someone, but there was no grasping of the depths of affection the word spoke to. As such, she had not replied in any way that he’d been hoping for, giving no indication of her own heart, and surely that was leaving the young man confused. What better time to step up and find a way to confuse him some more?

    She’d followed the directions on his message, heading to Capital Crocus to the place where the rave was supposed to be taking place upon a rooftop overlooking the city. Crocus had such fine memories for her, as this was the city in which she had grotesquely murdered the Fairy Tail wizard that called himself Ghost, in broad daylight where many could see, even taking a number of Rune Knights down with him. But now was not the time to reminisce over past golden days when more laid before her. She made her way up to the bar and started scoping out for her target, recognizing him instantly the moment she saw him, a handsome blonde that reeked of gentleness and good nature. It was enough to make her puke, but she had to admit he was certainly easy on the eyes.

    Thana casually ordered a drink from the bar, not even really paying attention to what she had ordered, and watched him for a moment from the distance where she could see him constantly looking out over the city and the crowds, clearly waiting for the woman that would never come. Well, that wasn’t really fair. Trinity was here, but it was Thana that had come in her stead. Knowing Nathaniel’s preference for sweet, innocent women, she had donned a more cute outfit than she normally went for, something that spoke to docility rather than her usual provocation. A snug pair of dark jeans with a few fashionable rips in them fit tight around her legs, and her chest was covered with a white turtleneck sweater that showed a little of her midriff and had a cute little heart embroidered on the side of the neck. Her black hair was cut short, with a wisp of bangs covering one of her eyes, both of which were a unique shade of mixed amber and gold.

    The bartender gave her her drink, putting a stamp on the back of her hand to confirm the purchase, the entire process of which she was barely paying attention to. Then, she moved away from the bar and started slowly making her way closer to Nathaniel, who had yet to notice her. How would she get his attention? She needed to cause a fuss somehow, but one that painted her as a victim not a bad guy, something that garnered his pity and compassion. Maybe she could pretend to have someone knock her into him, or start a small scene like a man was harassing her or something. He seemed the knight in shining armor type.

    Lost in thought, she lifted the green, fizzing drink to her lips to take an idle sip, completely unaware of any magical properties it might possess. Don’t! Darius tried to cry in her head, the all knowing wizard that was sealed in the pendant that was tucked under her shirt recognizing the magic for what it was and trying to prevent it from interfering with her plans. But before either of them could stop it, the drink exploded violently in her hand, drenching her entirely from head to toe and staining her pristine white garment in green, sticky ooze. Drawing a very real and very rare gasp of shock from her, Thana lost her footing and stumbled backward…

    And started to fall over the railing of the balcony.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 15th August 2020, 7:17 am

    The minutes seem to go by slowly as he anxiously awaited Trinity's reply. He stared back at his iLac every 30 mins, and whenever he thought it vibrated in his pocket. Still nothing... Yet he was impressed with himself but how long he was able to stand there for hours. It was as if he was in his own dimension, he couldn't even hear the music down on the street despite how loud they were. He'd be snapped back to reality when the owner of the placed tapped him on his right shoulder and his head quickly snapped towards him and all the sounds and people returned to his perspective. The man offered him a consoling drink. Some really smooth and strong stuff that went straight down his throat perfectly. He sighed out of sadness still, as he was really hoping for a good time. Nat's friend did encourage him and tried to lift his spirits up. I guess you don't start a bar business without being good at convincing people to stay and have a good time. He even said that since you've stayed this long why not have more drinks and man the turntable like what he would do on other days that he's there. Yes, Nat has been living quite a life ever since he went down the mountains. He had missed a lot of things in his years of training and it appears life has been making up for it, both in the good and bad ways. With a reluctant sigh, Nat agreed and headed on up the booth.

    Nat started out his set by turning all the music down slowly, letting it fade away and then shinning a bit of light on him, trying to get the people to look his way, get their attention. He started off by playing a classic tune. Trumpets, crotales, snares just some really upbeat that got the audience's heads bobbing. It started out in its normal tempo, something you could dance as what Nat was doing. The beat repeated for quite some time until Nat added a bass in along with a rather techno beat, appropriate for tonight's theme. So far, the audiences were loving it, and the build up had them restless in their seats even from Nat's point of view. The tempo was slowly getting faster, the bass and the techno getting louder, overshadowing the classic beat and then... it all stopped. Then the bass dropped. Loud. Instantly the room roared and cheered and some even stood up to dance. The party has been lit up once more which gave Nat a few happy thoughts as to what this night could be. Sure Trinity wasn't there but it didn't mean he still can't have fun.

    However, the uproar he caused might've been too much as he saw someone seemingly getting hurt, added on by the fact that the person got the exploding drink. She was falling over to the railing of the balcony. This was dangerous, and with a lot of people not being able to notice because of their partying, Nat slid across the room, leaving a streak of faint gold light behind him, catching the girl before she hurt herself. He pulled her to safety and asked with great concern "Are you ok, miss?"

    WC: 549
    Group Total: 2,076/4,000


    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
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    Experience : 2,761,571

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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 15th August 2020, 9:19 am

    536/1354/2000 WORDS
    2612/4000 TOTAL
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    @Nathaniel Stratford

    1. Drinks Drinks Drinks!
    2. DJ Booth
    Her attempt to get his attention couldn’t have gone better if she’d tried, and she had been trying. Call it fate, as stupid as the concept was, but the stars aligned and took her control from her briefly enough to give a genuine introduction in the vein of what she’d wanted to do, and Thana couldn’t even be mad about it. Her foot twisted slightly in her heel, causing her to lose her balance and tip over the banister, and before she could even think to manipulate a set of wings for herself to keep from actually falling, she felt a hand snatch her firmly and pull her back to safety. And of course, it was none other than the very man whom she’d been hoping to play with that night.

    Sinking completely into the role of the damsel in distress, Thana’s eyes were wide as if in a state of panic as he steadied her back on her feet. She caught a glimpse of the streak of light he’d left in his wake, having moved so quickly to get to her that he had practically peeled out like a car on pavement. Everyone had turned to stare in shock, having not even realized that something had been amiss until Nathaniel was already gone from his station at the DJ booth and across to the otherside of the balcony. She glanced up at him briefly, the vision of a starry eyed woman discovering her hero, before she closed the distance and threw her arms around his neck, clinging to him in desperate relief and gratitude for saving her life. Her body trembled slightly as if fear still coursed through her veins, and she pressed her entire form up against his as she held him tightly.

    “Oh my goodness,” she breathed in shock, her voice was light and airy, rippling lightly with hitched breath as her adrenaline worked to calm down. She held on to him until he asked if she was okay, and only then did she slowly pull herself back to look him in the face again, putting a little distance between them so he wouldn’t feel smothered but not so much that she wasn’t still a bit intimately close with her. “Y-yes, I… I think I’m okay. A bit shaken…”

    Her eyes fell to his chest where she noticed that some of the mess from her drink had fortuitously transferred onto him, staining some of his clothing green. “Oh, no! I got this stuff all over you! I’m so sorry...” Then, as if realizing there was only one way she could have smeared the spilled drink on him, she looked down at her top to find it completely ruined. A soft, sad sound trickled from her lips as she picked at the once beautifully white top, and a slight blush of apparent embarrassment rose to her cheeks. Sighing softly in resignation, she looked up at him again, her honey colored eyes seeming to sparkle with gold in the dancing lights of the rave as she gave him a rather shy smile. “I owe you my life. Thank you so much…”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 16th August 2020, 12:00 am

    It didn't matter much to Nat that he saved someone, especially since that it was his job. That however did not take away anything from his good mood. He was starting to lighten up a bit when he started his set and saving a life was like icing on the cake even more so when the woman was so close and wrapped up around him, shaking just goes to show how appreciative she was. When she pulled away, he too noticed the green substance on her was on him as well after he had gotten confirmation of her current state to which Nat replied "Here, have a seat near the booth, and a drink. Don't worry, this won't explode on you." and then motioned to bartender to give her the same smooth drink he had earlier while escorting her to a seat. The people around them who had witnessed the whole thing was still in a fun mood. They knew who Nat was as they were patrons of the place and was just happy to see him in action doing his primary profession, something they really don't get to see. As for the clothes, it small price to pay really. He just smiled at her and laughed, telling her it was ok. Besides, he had his stuff at the back of the booth behind a curtain. "You're welcome. And you don't owe me anything, miss. Here, make yourself at home, I'll just change quickly and get you some clothes." he calmly said and then turned around to get the stuff.

    But things were derailed when a man grabbed his shoulder and made Nat face the brute. He shouted at him, complained. The large man whose skin you can barely see because of tattoos was furious that he abruptly ended his set and that his heroics spilled his food and drink all over him. He didn't care what it was for, clearly being a selfish prick. Others tried to calm him down but they were all shrugged off by one huge arm swing asking everyone rudely if they didn't know who he was in a booming voice. Meanwhile, Nat just stood there with his head down, seemingly being pulled back to reality that the world is shit still and that Trinity isn't here. He slowly looked up and pointed at a sign that was found in all four corners of the venue and at the bar itself that said "Serious troublemakers will be dealt with... 'severly'." "Do you know why that sign's here?" he muttered to him as he made a subtle sign to the bartender to turn up the volume remotely, to which he did. The ruffian raised a brow as everyone around else whispered to one another that this man had some street rep which they feared. Now the big guy was getting confident and asking why. "Because I'm here." he whispered to him before grabbing his arm with his left hand, turned his back on him and elbowed him to throw him over his shoulder and threw him through the curtain. A stabbing sound could be hear by anyone nearby only as it was masked by the music. "Sorry about that, folks. Let's keep the party rocking. Music still on, right?!" he said and made the crowd cheer and party once more as the music grew louder. Even the lady with the troublemaker partied as if she was freed.

    Nat on the other hand went behind the curtain himself that revealed a large room that had magical sound proofing. The music was faint too as the bar itself was also sound proofed. It was done so so that musicians could have a time to relax and take a break. He pulled the now dead man off of Ashbringer and threw him at a trash chute leading to a dark alley outside and then took off his ridiculous shoulder plate, allowing it to fall on the floor with a clank then took off his shirt, letting it drop to the floor before going through his stuff to find his spare with a sigh.

    WC: 684
    Nat's Total: 1,942
    Group Total: 3,296


    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 16th August 2020, 7:38 am

    1261/2615 WORDS
    4557/4000 TOTAL
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    @Nathaniel Stratford

    1. Drinks Drinks Drinks!
    2. DJ Booth
    3. Paint Drumming
    He reacted about how she’d expected, not very upset by the fact that she’d gotten alcohol stains all over him, reassuring her he was fine and offering her a place to sit and a drink that wouldn’t blow up in her face. Thana allowed herself a soft chuckle, very much the look of a woman that was still reeling from what had just happened to her but appreciative of his efforts to try and make her smile. He waved the bartender over for a fresh drink before assuring her that he was just going to go change his clothes and get her something else to wear. She thanked the man that brought her a new glass, very much content with herself and how this was panning out so far.

    Of course, then her luck ran out, at least temporarily.

    As Nathaniel moved to do as he’d claimed, a very large man covered in tattoos angrily yanked her rescuer around and started getting in his face, much to the discomfort of the other patrons. Several other people tried to pull the man back but he insisted on railing. While everyone’s attention was on the blustering moron, however, Thana was eyeing Nathaniel’s back. His head was hung low, and even though she was far, far from empathic, she could sense his spirits lowering. He gestured to the DJ who turned up the volume of the music just a little, but it was enough that she couldn’t hear whatever words transpired between them and before she knew it there was a new show in the form of Nathaniel beating the ever loving crap out of the larger man.

    Thana’s eyes widened with interest and she sipped her drink casually as she watched, content in the knowledge that her quarry was far too busy engaging in a fight to notice her observation of the encounter. Well, he’s a little moodier than he presents himself to be, isn’t he? she asked silently to the disembodied wizard that communicated telepathically with her.

    I’ve been studying him since we got close. He is doing his best to stay upbeat, but not hearing back from Trinity or seeing her for a while seems to have upset him. Perhaps he is having trouble covering that up.

    Aw, poor baby… She didn’t actually feel any pity for him, of course. Love and heartbreak were for suckers, and she didn’t buy into that kind of nonsense. Before she could continue her thoughts any further, however, Nathaniel hurled the rabble rouser through a curtain on the far side that served as a place for the hired musicians to rest and take a break. The guy disappeared from her sight and she made sure to clap and express her gratitude to him with the rest of the crowd as he egged the party to continue.

    If it weren’t for Darius, she may not have known what actually transpired behind the line of everyone’s sight. Wow, the wizard said, sounding genuinely surprised as Nathaniel slipped behind the curtain himself. He just killed that man.

    Thana choked lightly on her drink. I’m sorry, he did what?

    He killed him. He threw that guy past the curtain and onto his sword.

    The dark mage was stunned, though she made sure to school her face to keep it from showing. None of the memories she’d plucked from Trinity had given her any reason to believe Nathaniel was a killer. Not like this, at least. Sure he had killed in front of the more docile personality in moments where they were fighting to protect their lives, but that wasn’t what was going on here. The man with the tattoos had certainly been looking for a fight, but he was hardly more than a drunk, common thug at the end of the day that perhaps posed a threat to limb but not necessarily to life. Yet, Nathaniel’s reaction was to simply kill him outright, rather an incapacitate him in some way? Suddenly, the young blonde “hero” was starting to look more attractive to her. And now that he had tipped his hand to reveal that he was hiding some delicious inner turmoil, that made him all the more ripe for the twisting. All she had to do was wait patiently like a good, innocent woman until he returned.

    “I’m sorry about your top, miss.” Thana turned and saw the bartender speaking to her. Apparently he hadn’t left, having been caught up with everyone else watching the fight and only just now giving her an additional moment of his time to apologize about the explosive drink.

    “Oh, it’s alright. It’s my fault. I really should have been paying attention to what I ordered.”

    “Well, I know it’s not much of a consolation but… since it’s already stained anyway, did you want to maybe try a round on the paint drums before Nat brings you a different top? You may as well have a little fun, and the drumming might ease your nerves a little.”

    Truthfully, her nerves were already back to normal. It took a lot more than almost falling off a balcony to truly ruffle her. But, she supposed he was providing her an opportunity to behave like a more well adjusted woman of society might in the given situation. With a small smile, she said, “I suppose that couldn’t hurt. They did look a little fun. Thank you.”

    He lead her over to the drums, where an open one was waiting for her, and she set her drink down to pick up the sticks. Thana had never played any instrument before, so she really had no idea what she was doing, but it didn’t really seem to matter. Most of the patrons were so drunk that all they cared about was getting paint sprayed on themselves and grinding around to the deep thudding of the bass in the music. She appeared to do her best to try, coming off as a somewhat shy woman unused to the spotlight but finding a small pleasure in making the dancing crowds cheer a bit. Frankly, she wasn’t all that great at it and her beats were often behind that of the melody, but she appeared to be having a good time nonetheless.

    By the time Nathaniel came back, she was sufficiently covered in more than just the remnants of the explosive drink. Her eyes caught his immediately, as if she had been constantly looking for  him and waiting for him to come back. A shy smile and light blush came to her cheeks when she saw him, and she played on the drums for only a few seconds more before handing the sticks off to someone else, picking her drink back up, and moving back over by him. “Your friend there,” she said, nodding to the owner, “He encouraged me to give the drums a try. You know, since it wasn’t like I could make my top worse than it already is…”

    She did appear to be more relaxed now, though. “So… your name is Nat, right? Thana asked him softly. “That’s what the bartender said. I’m Eliza. I’m sorry that guy gave you such a hard time when all you were trying to do was help me… are you alright?”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 16th August 2020, 10:28 am

    Nat finally found his spare. A white muscle shirt, the same one he had on when he arrived to Dies Irae for the first time. He noticed the blood on Ashbringer and couldn't care less. Troublemakers are the beginning of villains, they must be nipped in the bud. All this work-related thoughts is putting a damper on even further. With a sigh, he had the courageous mistake of checking his phone once more. Still no reply from her. Not even a "Sorry, I can't go." Trinity wasn't rude like that and so he was really wondering what happened to her. All this thinking was not what he wanted, he drowned it further in booze before grabbing a small girl's top that one of the performers left. They were... a bit on the revealing and fitting side that Nat would like, and wasn't sure if the woman would like it. But it was the only one there so he had no choice.

    When he got out, he saw her immediately. It was one of those moments where you could feel when someone's watching you and you just instantly look at them as well. There she saw her smiling at him, and having fun on the drums. Nat gave her a smirk before heading towards the area he had offered to her earlier, because it was his initially, and just watched her and the other's drum performance as he took more sips of his drink.

    He gave her a standing ovation when she had finished, clapping for a bit and then drank more of his liquor. The waiter had already brought in his food order, a pot nachos with ground beef, cheese, tomatoes, onions and chili on the side. He stood up again when she came over replying "Yeah that looked like fun!" Oh and by the way, here's the top. It was the only one available back there." after which he offered her a seat again before sitting himself. Apparently, the bartender told her his name. "Ah yeah, that's me. Nathaniel. Or Nat for short. Nice to meet you Eliza. Nachos?" he replied with all the politeness he could muster. Which was quite a lot since the atmosphere was fun-filled and the fact that he's tipsy from the strong liquor also helps. "Oh no, I'm ok. I'm sorry you had to see that. A bunch of stuff happened today. Nothing you should worry yourself with. Tonight's about celebrating the peace. Hey, you must be with someone tonight. Where are they by the way?" he replied. Thinking a girl like her won't be running around alone... although... he did meet Trinity that way. And there goes his mind again, prompting him to take another huge shot.

    WC: 455
    Nat's Total: 2,397
    Group Total: 5,012


    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 23rd August 2020, 6:06 pm

    453/453 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    @Nathaniel Stratford

    The top he handed her was a somewhat racey looking garment that would be quite tight fitting, clearly part of a uniform for a performer of some kind. Thana actually rather liked it, and was pleased with the choice as it could only help her aims tonight. “Oh, that’s quite alright. It will do the job. Besides, anything is better than a sticky shirt.” She didn’t take a seat right away, instead turning to change the tops off real quick. Before she removed anything, she warped her body to make a bruise on her back and one of her arms, making the marks dark enough that they could be seen at a quick glance but giving them a faded look as though it had been at least a few days since she’d received them.

    Pleased with herself for her cunning, she listened to him confirm his identity as she pulled her arms out of her sweater and put them into the arms of the top he’d provided her. Then, in a single movement, she pulled on the necks of both garments, pulling her head out of the turtleneck and into the performer’s top, pulling it down over the rest of her chest before it could be exposed for too long. The movement was swift, but not so much that he wouldn’t have time to notice the bruises that looked much as though she’d been struck or firmly grabbed. And also not so quickly as to completely mask the bit of side boob that betrayed she wasn’t wearing a bra.

    “I would actually love some nachos,” she told him with a small smile. “That’s very generous of you, Nat. Thank you.” Finally taking a seat again, she set her ruined sweater out of the way and shyly reached for a chip that had a good amount of cheese and other fillings on it. The young man assured her he was okay and apologized for exposing her to the fight and explaining that it wasn’t anything she needed to worry about. “Oh..” she replied when he asked where the others were that she had surely come with, taking a moment to finish chewing on the bite she’d taken out of the chip. Thana cast her gaze down with a slight blush. “Well, this is.. Um… slightly embarrassing but… no, I’m not here with anyone. I was supposed to be but… they stood me up.”

    Giving him a small shrug, she put on a brave face but it would be clear in her smile that she was sad about it. “What about you? Surely you’re not here alone.”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 25th August 2020, 10:09 am

    Nathaniel has been taking drink after drink that night. Whenever he would feel like his head was clear enough or his tipsiness has relatively died down, he would take another. Now, when Eliza was handed the top which she was thankfully content with, he did not expect that she would change right there and then.  There the crusader was minding his own business, drinking normally when suddenly a woman would take her top off right in front of him, albeit turning around. Naturally, Nat felt uncomfortable with this, and in with wide, surprised eyes, suddenly spit out his drink after he quickly turned his head to the left, towards the DJ booth. He turned back as he was wiping his mouth and found the woman was STILL taking her painted top off. Nat quickly tried to look away, but not without spotting a glimpse of the many bruises the woman had received. He couldn't tell how long she's had them, his concern would get the best of him however, as while he tried to look, he suddenly realized he had been looking for far too long that he got a glimpse of the enigma known as a side boob.

    Immediately, Nat's face flushed red. So red it made a strawberry look pale because it doesn't really help that he's already a little red from drinking. He tried his best to look away, shaking his head which was admittedly a bad idea since it induces further dizziness and tipsiness and all he could do was give all other people in the area a stern looking of both seriousness and awkwardness as one by one, the people he had crossed eyes with also looked away. It was quite the ride for Nat who of course tried to show the innocent the utmost respect they deserve, especially since he's trying to clear up the courtesy of the male gender since, there are really a lot of perverts and jerks out there these days. So he just sat there as he held his head trying what little he can to reorient himself, just in time for him to offer the nachos.

    However, they arrived at a more... serious side of topics for conversation, and it was all too depressing for a fun night. He continued to drink on, as if dodging the conversation as it was all too... depressing, especially with the things on his mind right now. However, as the ever the polite man that he is, he answered. "I'm uh... All by myself. I come to this place a lot to relax. Though I did want someone to come here to meet me tonight. But I guess they're busy." he solemnly replied, smiling with whatever strength he has to under his mental circumstances. After another sip of the drink - that he knows is too strong and probably had more than he usually has, but hey it's a party and he wants to get wasted for various reasons - he looked out to towards the balcony and stared at the beautiful moon that, judging by its position in the sky, says that the night is still young. He slowly turned his head to the beautiful company he has now that, all partly thanks to the top he handed was looking very fine that he immediately looked away blushing. He considered himself to be cheating at Trinity at this point, putting his palm over his face at how sinful he is becoming.

    "Anyway's the girl that I was supposed to be with is my uhm -" he stopped in his words, recollecting what he and Trinity had done the last time they were together. They kissed sure, but what if that's all there is to it? He poured out his heart to her and go nothing back, which was usually the nice person's way of saying no. But she did kiss him... It was all too confusing for him but he has to give Eliza an answer now, and out of respect for Trinity's stand and to avoid any pre-mature proclamations that could jeopardize any future opportunities he may have Nat gulped a huge gulp, the motion evident in his throat as if swallowing up his pride and admitting defeat, he continued with a broken voice "-Best... friend."

    The man let out a sigh of defeat... He just wanted to be happy on the party that was supposed to celebrate the peace, that prompted him to drink another shot, that gave him a hiccup after. He then cleared his throat and tried to look directly into Eliza's beautiful amber eyes - or maybe it was just the booze, he doesn't know at this point - and asked "Maybe we should talk about something less depressing. Uhm... You go first?"

    WC: 796
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 23rd November 2020, 9:50 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    540/993 Words
    1789 Total

    @Nathaniel Stratford
    She wasn’t watching him while her back was turned, but it was impossible to miss Nat spitting his drink out when she changed right then and there. The poor young man was about as innocent as Trinity was. They deserved each other, really. Frankly, it just made tonight all the more fun.

    Once she was decent, Thana joined him back at the table and happily partook in the nachos that Nat had ordered. He asked about her lack of company for the night, drawing the man in further with her fabricated sob story before turning the question back on him. He somewhat hesitantly explained that he came here often to relax before admitting that he’d also been hoping to meet someone here, but they hadn’t shown. If only Nathaniel was aware of how well Thana understood his predicament… if only he understood that the woman he’d been waiting for had arrived, and was sitting right before him under a different guise.

    He looked away briefly, his face a bit red from how much he’d clearly been drinking so far that night. His cheeks only took on a darker hue when he returned his gaze to her in the risque top, and he covered his face with his hand to try and hide it. Thana waited patiently for him to figure himself out, knowing that he was far more likely to talk himself into a corner if she let him stumble through his words rather than interrupt or answer for him. And sure enough Nat continued, about to explain what Trinity was to him only to come up short. Clearly, they had yet to really define their relationship. Thana knew this of course, but poor Nat simply didn’t understand how broken the woman he loved was. Ultimately, he settled on calling her his best friend rather than making any sort of romantic claim, his voice more than a little dejected.

    Nat sighed and took another shot before looking up and suggesting they change the topic to something a little happier. Thana smiled softly at him, her eyes kind and compassionate as she silently relented to his request. “Well… I’m sorry to hear that we’re in similar spots tonight, but… I, for one, am glad to be where I am at the moment.” She shot him another smile, her gaze lingering on his briefly before she gave a light laugh and looked away, shaking her head at her own silliness.

    “Let’s see,” she said, openly pondering a better direction to steer the conversation toward. Thana popped another nacho in her mouth as she thought. “What do you do for work? Is tossing assholes out of clubs and being a knight in shining armor your usual gig or just a hobby of yours?” She gave him a playful smile, teasing him lightly in the hopes of cheering him up a bit, and even flirting with him a little. He was already primed and ready to move on with the night and forget about his heartache… clearly, as he’d already been quite literally drowning it out with liquor. All she had to do was keep being interesting, and with any luck she’d reel him in enough to use him to her own heart’s content.

     template by punki


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 4th December 2020, 11:18 am

    Perhaps it was the alcohol, or perhaps it was all his will, but after Nat had conceded what he though he and Trinity was, he felt a bit better. As if he had come to accept a bitter truth once he had been able to say it out of his own mouth out loud. Now with the definite help from the alcohol, he had decided to just be taken by the night and enjoy himself. Especially since there is an objectively very gorgeous woman that had a gentleness about her. Though certainly not in the same vein as Trinity, no this was more mature, more... appealing. The concept of fate made all the more welcoming for it seems this unseen force has brought these two unfortunates together and now they're having a great time. The smiles they would shoot each other was comforting, and attractive. Nat didn't even realize that as the night went on and they talked, he had been scooching ever closer to her bit by bit, inch by inch, with every laugh and smile and talk the two would have.

    Nat chuckled and gave Eliza an earnest stare and smile. Possibly the longest he's stared at her since the beginning of the night. He didn't even notice his jaw drop a bit as he did. The smile he's been giving out were no longer forced either. They were as genuine as they could get. He had been trying to forget about all the depressing thoughts he's had so far. Or thought for that matter, but it was important to him but now, not a faintest hint of it lingered in his current state of mind. Just the fun he's having with Eliza. After a good amount of staring, Nat took another shot from the alcohol that's beginning to feel and taste as if it's just water and replied. "Me too, Eliza. I can't express how thankful I am."

    Nat leaned back when they had reached what could pass as a normal formal conversation, that of his occupation. Eliza even asked in a way that looks as though she's interested in Nat which to him was ok. Somehow, he knew everything that's been going on so far are advances and his heart was beating louder and louder. He can feel it in his chest, as well as the heat rising from his body thanks to liquor. "Heh. They say make a living out of what you love. I love killing bad people. So I became a mage for Dies Irae, mentored by Sivvy herself." Nat replied rather confidently. He put his leg up as well, trying to look impressive since he indeed wanted to impress Eliza, he wanted her interested enough that there will be a next time to this fateful meeting.

    Then in the distance, a bell rang that broke Nat of from a trance-like state of having fun. He knew what it meant, and was all the more happy about it. It was last call, the bar was about to close, and some people have already been standing up and calling it a night. Happily, he looked at Eliza and smiled, clearly having the desire to spend more time with her. "Hey, bar's about to close. Why don't we pick this up somewhere else?" he suggested happily, leaning in a bit as if in whisper, trying to make sound special and important. Something that's only their's so to speak. "I have a place nearby. You can tell me what you do for a living while we go over there. What do you say?" he continued. He indeed wanted to just walk and talk with her. It would be nice to have someone to open up to, since he doesn't get to do that much with his own guild, or with Trinity for that matter.

    WC: 638
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 16th December 2020, 4:41 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    593/1586 Words
    3020 Total

    @Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel may not have realized he was scooting closer to her all night, but Thana certainly did. He expressed his own appreciation about how the night had turned out, that he was there with her despite what he had originally intended the evening to be. She asked him a bit about his work and it drew a confident response from him, the man openly admitting that he had made a living out of what he loved: killing bad people. Supposedly, he was a mage with Dies Irae, and that he was being tutored by…

    Oh, the coincidence was far too delicious. Not only was she ruining this man’s relationship with Trinity, but he was also affiliated with the guildmaster that Thana had beaten and violated not too terribly long ago. Yes, Sivvy would always have a special place in her heart. Thana thought often back to that fateful day in Hosenka, her memories of Sivvy tied up and covered in blood sending delightful shivers down her spine each time she went back to that night. The way the pinkette’s body had been mangled and broken after Thana had shoved her violently into a shipping crate was a vision that the woman would remember fondly for a long time to come. Surely Dies Irae was actively hunting her, and yet here she was with one of their members, about to ruin him as much as she had his mentor.

    Her countenance was soft and surprised as she responded to him. “Oh, wow! I’ve never met a mage from Dies Irae before…” There was a pause as she considered his words. “I don’t think I’d have the strength to do what you do. I can’t even imagine doing work like that, going up against powerful wizards that are trying to kill you all the time… that sounds terrifying to me. But… I am glad that there are people out there that work to protect the rest of us who don’t have that kind of power. Thank you for your service.”

    She smiled at him sweetly, and then a bell seemed to catch his attention. The bar had made its last call for drinks, which meant it would be closing soon. In fact, most of the crowd had dwindled away during the course of their conversation, and there were very few patrons left. Nathaniel turned back to her and smiled, offering to continue their interaction elsewhere, even as he leaned in and spoke to her real soft. Thana blushed, but couldn’t seem to keep the smile off her face as he suggested they go to a place he had nearby, hoping she would tell him a bit more about herself along the way. Thana brushed some of the hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “I… actually think that I would like that a lot.” Giving him a small, shy but eager nod of affirmation.

    Packing themselves up, the two of them left and hit the streets, walking slowly side by side and taking their time as they made their way to his place. As they moved, she bashfully slipped her arm under his, holding him close to her. “I’m a teacher,” she told him, answering his question as to what she did for a living. “I work with children in primary school, specifically. Not as glorious as executing dark mages, I admit… but I enjoy it, and I love playing a role in helping the kids develop their skills and learn to sharpen their minds. It’s rewarding, if a bit hectic sometimes.”

     template by punki


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 20th December 2020, 4:51 am

    Nat sighed in relief and joy as for once, he was sure that the other person some semblance of interest towards him. Otherwise, why would she want to go with him, right? While not thinking of anything romantic, or even anything close to that aspect of reality, he would very much enjoy company for once and he could tell that it was going to be a happy night. Though he was hiding his own nervousness within the confines of his own mind for he had never had guests over before. He knew of basic courtesies to show to guests but Nathaniel being Nathaniel, he wanted to prepare something special, or at the very least, specific in order to make the moment memorable. After all, he did have a bit of interest that might not rival or come anywhere near to how he felt about Trinity, could still fall in the same category and to make matters worse, his mental disposition is that of the feeling of being confident and unstoppable. Clearly his being drunk has yet to die down.

    "Alright, great! I'll just go get my stuff and we can head out." he said happily as he slowly made his way over to the back of the stage once more and quickly grabbed all of his stuff. It was the fastest he has moved in his perspective. Being able to grab and carry his bag and sword all with one sweeping motion was something he never thought he could do. Lifting her up her seat by her hand. Nat never knew such comfort with walking before he met Eliza.

    The night had grown quieter as compared to its beginning when the town was roaring with cheers. Now there's just the sweet gentle breeze of the wind and the lit path towards home. Nat had walked the same path several times and yet this moment felt different. And he wasn't talking about him being tipsy on his way home either. No, he's done that a couple of times and he was actually faring better with his stance and walking compared to when he was walking home drunk alone.

    Nat had quickly concluded that this newfound "capability" was just because Eliza was with him though he also thought that it was he was simply feeling happy and great, which was mostly part because of Eliza being with him. In any case, he was enjoying it, and the conversation they were having as they walked. She was apparently a teacher and he was moved by the passion he saw in her as she relayed the story of her profession. That despite it being hectic, she was still happy about it. "I admire teachers. With the work they put in, they might as well be mages. The want to be one is all it takes to become a mage. he replied to her with a smile after. Nearing Nat's place, he had been grasping some of the light posts for some balance and steadiness. He was even smiling at Eliza whenever he would, trying to look fine and not weak and drunk out of his ass .He'd rather not lean in on Eliza because he doesn't know if she'll like it or not. He may be dumb in matters of the heart but he is sure that he's not in that level with Eliza yet for him to lean on her.

    Hoping to keep the good conversation going, Nat further asked "What inspired you to be a teacher?" They were already near the front door of his place so he was patting himself, looking for the keys. By the time they reached the door, he had already found them, but Nat hear something. And perhaps that it was because he was drunk that he wanted to check it out more than he normally would, despite having the initial idea that it was probably the same thing: vandalizing vagrants that he's been warning off for weeks now. He turned to Eliza and said "Oh! Almost forgot, I keep them hidden on the side of the house, wait here, I'll go get them."

    At the side of the house, the vagrants were indeed vandalizing again, despite initial warnings and local laws prohibiting such acts, especially since they were painting on some very vulgar and racists symbols. Nat crept close, sneakily making his way behind one of them while they continued with their vandalism snickering. He drew his blade slowly and when it was fully drawn, he immediately pushed it through one of the three people's chest, he even covered his mouth so as to be consistent with keeping it quiet. The other two were immediately shocked and turned around to look at Nat with eyes that were filled of fear for one's own well-being. Nat shushed them both and spoke to them softly. "You've been warned numerous times. And I already told you this is what'll happen if you don't change your ways hic."

    Naturally, the ran for their lives, but Nat quickly took his weapon out from one of the bodies and threw it at one of them.  One of them tripped over some trash and fell to the ground, giving him a front row seat in witnessing his friend get his head get chopped off. The last one just lied there in fear. Nat slowly approached him and looked down on the naughty man. But alas, after months practicing restraint, he simply lifted him up by the neck and told him to report the killing, said it was he who did it and turn yourself in as he is getting the life sentence from Nat right now. He also warned that if he didn't do what he says, he'll know and then he'll find him, and kill him.

    The man ran away quickly and quietly, while Nat quickly returned to the front door and smiled at Eliza saying that he has found them. After he had opened the door, Nat's nervousness only increased. What will he do now? He had to think about it carefully and just offered her a seat at the living room in front of the television. "I'll go get us something to eat." he said, though not as confident sounding as he's been earlier. In fact, he rushed to kitchen right away after saying it. It seems his drunkenness is starting to die down and he just placed his hands against the counter and breathed deeply, constantly repeating 'Keep Calm' to himself while reaching out for a pack of popcorn to put in the microwave. The beeping would be heard on the first floor as he was typing in the microwave's duration. Afterwards, he just stood there, slowly becoming unsure again of what to do next. It was probably because of the high from 'dispensing justice' that's he's going down that left him speechless and only able to say "Well, at least there's no awkward silence." as he stared at the loud whirring microwave to finish making the popcorn.

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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 22nd December 2020, 8:03 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    1019/2605 Words

    5802 Total

    @Nathaniel Stratford
    It was a pleasant walk back to Nathaniel’s home, with the man being a bit humorously drunk. He expressed his admiration that she was a teacher, commenting on how much work it was to follow such a profession. “I just love children,” she told him when he asked what had prompted her to get into the field, continuing to craft her clever lie with simple and innocent comments that were meant to continue building her into this image of a sweet and respectable, mature woman. “Children are the future, and the ones who inherit the earth after we pass on. It’s our responsibility to provide them with all the tools and knowledge that we as a society have built up before them so that they can carry it on and hopefully build upon it themselves, to make the world a better place. Plus, there are so many kids that are neglected, and without a figure of encouragement and support in their lives, they may never grow to realize their potential. The very thought of that tears me apart, you know? So I had to put myself in a position to be able to do something about it. At least I can say that I tried, and hopefully I’ve been able to make a difference in some of their lives.”

    They got to his house and he seemed to drunkenly pat for his keys before remarking that he typically left them hidden at the side of the home where they were less expected to be found. Thana waited patiently as he tucked around the corner, but Darius was already speaking in her mind. There are vandals down the alley that he is confronting, he told her, his voice piqued with interest.

    Is that so? she asked, impressed. I admit, he played that off very smoothly. I actually believed he was looking for his keys. What a delightful little liar…

    Yes, and a capable killer.

    Wait, he’s killing them, too? I can’t even hear anything. Thana actually stepped a little closer to the side of the building, straining her head in an effort to try and listen and couldn’t pick up very much.

    Darius, however, was quite aware of everything. Indeed. There are three, and the first two are already slain. There was a pause as he continued to observe from afar, waiting to see how things landed. Looks like he is letting the third one go, but demanding he turn himself in or else he’ll hunt him down and kill him, too.

    Well, if Thana was a bit hot and bothered now. Nathaniel really wasn’t her type outside of being easy on the eyes. On the outside he portrayed himself as a sweet and almost naive gentleman, attentive and playful, equal parts bold as shy. However, he had a hidden dark side to him that was really doing things for her. He had killed three people during the time they’d spent together tonight, and while he surely saw it as justice Thana herself couldn’t help but feel like the punishment didn’t exactly fit the crime in any of the cases. After all, since when did vandalizing constitute a death sentence? But the literal overkill was what did it for her, the fact that he clearly enjoyed the actually killing part of his job to the point that he seemed to take nearly every excuse to do so. Mmm…

    He returned with a smile, looking a bit more sobered from the exercise. Thana was still standing for all the world like she hadn’t known what he was up to in the alley, simply looking pleased by his return. They went inside where he offered her a seat on the couch and to go get them something to snack on. Thana didn’t even need Darius to inform her how nervous he was now that he had the woman in his home. She didn’t sit right away, instead setting her purse down in a reasonable space and taking the time to glance curiously about the room as any new guest might, looking at his decorations and any pictures or decor that might serve as little pieces of insight into his life and his history. She could hear the microwave in the kitchen and after only a minute or so there were gentle popping noises that indicated he was making some popcorn for them.

    Meanwhile, Thana was trying to determine how to play her next move. She was feeling that bold was the way to go, something that would likely catch him off guard in a pleasant way. The dark mage had been playing it soft and coy and timid all night and Nathaniel was clearly interested in her. The time had come to see if she had done enough to get what she wanted from him. By the time he returned with the bowl of popcorn she would be seated on the couch waiting patiently for him to join her. There was an on look on her face briefly as she glanced over at him, as though she were trying to make a decision about something or perhaps work up some courage. Then, biting her lower lip a bit, she wasted no time in leaning forward and planting her lips on his in a deep, passionate kiss. Unless he tried to pull away sooner, her mouth would linger on his for several long seconds, the movement of her lips slow and gentle at first but building up with some intensity and desire as it went on.

    Once the act had gone on long enough to get a little heated, Thana would finally pull back a little bit, just enough to separate their mouths but not completely pulling her face away from his. “I-I’m sorry,” she told him a bit timidly, her cheeks flushed as she spoke to him in a soft voice that was husky with desire. “If I’m coming on too strong, please tell me and I’ll stop. I just… I really wanted to do that…” And from the look in her eyes, kissing wasn’t exactly all she wanted to do.

     template by punki


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 23rd December 2020, 9:53 am

    While waiting for the popcorn to be done, Nat was wondering if he has completely taken away signs of the previous inhabitants of the house. He had only now realized that he had killed three people tonight. Apparently his natural mannerism of just putting even the smallest act of bad to the sword comes back when he’s drunk. Though the concept of restraint is getting stronger in him by each passing day. Otherwise he wouldn’t have let the third one go. He put his fingers on his head as if massaging it for he can’t help but feel as if he fucked up tonight. It also doesn’t help that if Eliza finds any picture or memorabilia of the previous person to live here that he also killed and took the man’s house.Granted the man was a full-on villain, another of the people he’s been instructed to apprehend dead or alive, but still, he’d rather not have that conversation.

    The popcorn dinged not long after, and Nat brought the popcorn to the room where Eliza was waiting. The nervous man sat beside her and placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of them. Nat then took a look at Eliza. Her eyes portrayed questions, like what do we do now? But despite the uncertainty, Nat felt the surety of tension in the air, as if it was the quiet before the storm. For despite the wonderings, he could feel a connection - an interest between the two. Though he had to admit, this was unsettlingly awkward. They’re just staring at each other, and he thought he might be losing her interest and whatever momentum the intentional staring at each other might carry. All he could think of now was the picture of Eliza’s glance from earlier, even from back at the bar. It now shared real estate with Trinity up there but he was more concerned about how Nat will explain this to her and nothing else.

    In an attempt to get anything done, Nat reached out for the remote of the television and asked Eliza “So! Uh… uhm, what do wanna -” he was stopped mid sentence because when he turned around back to the beautiful woman after getting the remote, she had already planted a kiss on her lips. The kind of kiss to last merely seconds but felt longer. Nat’s eyes widened in surprise, only to slowly come back to a close. The soft tender lips touching each other though moved slowly at first came to become more passionate and intense with every millisecond that passed. This was a kiss from a girl who clearly liked Nathaniel. Who clearly wanted to be with him, which was in contrast to how his first kiss with Trinity went. It was sudden and unsure. This was - although also sudden - carried more passion and certainty. He liked Eliza so why was there a need to fight this? So as the intensity increased, Nat slowly reached out for her the back of her head with his left hand and her left cheek with his right hand, concentrating and being in the moment of their first kiss.

    Nat pulled away the same time she did. And explained that she wanted to do that. She wanted it. There it was, the words. Clear as day. He wanted it too. “I… wanted it too.” he replied under his heavy breathing. And now as if beset by desire, Nat leaned forward and this time, taking the initiative to plant the kiss on her. That was all he wanted to do for now because he doesn’t really know what comes next. All he knows is he wants to keep kissing her, it was even more intense than the first one. He was completely taken in, operating under just base desires of any human that is possibly unlocked under the circumstance, he even slipped his tongue in. Yes, Nat was having a time and if any regrets were to exist, they would come after everything else has ran its course.

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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Nat_siggy
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    Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity] Empty Re: Relaxation [Urban Nights Event: Nathaniel and Trinity]

    Post by Trinity 28th December 2020, 1:08 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
        479/3084 Words

    4775 Total

    @Nathaniel Stratford
    He was certainly shocked, his eyes widening briefly for a moment before closing as his lips moved against her own. It took him a moment to register everything and come to grips with it, his hand moving to the back of her head even as the other came forward and caressed her cheek. It was by far the sweetest kiss Thana had ever taken part it, which was a bit disgusting and boring but given the way she was currently manipulating him into believing she was someone that she wasn’t, it was worth pressing on and following through with the charade. She pulled back briefly to apologize and make him feel like he had a choice not to continue, although at this point she was fairly certain he was already hooked.

    Nathaniel reassured her that he wanted the kiss as well, and then took it upon himself to capture her mouth with his own once more. Thana reciprocated with a bit more passion than before, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself against him until they were chest to chest and taking the opportunity while she had it to fulfill the goal she’d set out to achieve that night. Nathaniel may not have known what to do, but she certainly did and she had no qualms about being the one to take the initiative over it. So after a few minutes of kissing, she leaned back on the couch, pulling him with her until they were both laying down with him on top of her, the black haired woman guiding his hands and his hips onto her body and showing him the steps to move forward.

    By the time morning came around, Nathaniel would awake to find her gone. There was no note left behind to explain her absence, and she had not woken him to let him know that she was leaving. She was simply gone without a trace. Smirking to herself, Thana was exceptionally satisfied as she soaked in her bath at home, still pleased at how masterfully she’d been able to take the young man’s virginity and left him stranded to wonder where she was or if she would ever see him again, to leave him wondering if he had made a huge mistake in sleeping with her when his feelings for Trinity were strong enough to possibly make him believe he might have cheated on the woman. And yet, how much more confused and broken and traumatized would he be should he discover later that she was a dark mage? How much the more if he ever discovered that she and Trinity were actually one in the same? Thana could only imagine what kind of personal dilemma that would add to the trauma, and the very thought gave her a delightful chill.

    She greatly looked forward to what the future might bring.

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