Fairy Tail RP

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    Festival of the Neon Dragon

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of the Neon Dragon Empty Festival of the Neon Dragon

    Post by Kit Kerrington 5th August 2020, 12:13 am

    Event Starter
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of the Neon Dragon Empty Re: Festival of the Neon Dragon

    Post by Kit Kerrington 5th August 2020, 12:13 am


    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Festival of the Neon Dragon Empty Re: Festival of the Neon Dragon

    Post by NPC 5th August 2020, 12:13 am

    The member 'Janet Cinderfeild' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Festival of the Neon Dragon OdAaNwh
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of the Neon Dragon Empty Re: Festival of the Neon Dragon

    Post by Kit Kerrington 13th August 2020, 5:26 pm

    Janet will be walking to the festival grounds with her Hood up as usual looking around cautiously, he's not really been to a festival before what's the time people would turn her away or call her monster or something of that nature and she wouldn't get to participate in festivities such as this, how would today was a little different today she thought she was strong enough that if I didn't want to bully her she can bully them right back, however that didn't stop her from keeping her head up and keeping a low profile for the time being not wanting to cause any more trouble then we'll absolutely necessary. Though as she would walk through the crowd she would be pleasantly surprised everyone around her was having fun dancing almost high off the music, people of all shapes and sizes and walks of life for gathered around having a good time. Over after a little while walking something would happen if she started to get closer to where the music was seemingly coming from someone with bump into her from behind causing the starters forward in her cloak the fall off herb scales the show off. Eyes went wide but before she could say or do anything people around her water gasping in awe as one lady came up to her in surprising amusement.

    "Woah thats awesome!" She said in all as she would point at Janet's scales.

    Janet would look down in her scales see due to all the neon color lights and in the reflective nature of her black shiny scales today at the lights were reflecting offer and almost a neon like pattern herself making her look almost gorgeous as people seem to be amazed at the spectacle that's so someone would do this someone with such creativity as her tail came out in a neon pattern she will look around at everyone who didn't look at the scuffs to or anything that hurt, they looked at her as if she was natural.

    "Hey what are those made out of how do you get those on you?" She said in almost a voice sounded high off the atmosphere.

    They are all natural…" Janet sudden bewilderment as she looked around and then looked directly at the woman.

    " that's so lit dude will come on let's go have some fun" she said her knee hurt engine towards the dance floor and Janet would give the brightest Smile as everyone else will return to what they were doing a few people asking her questions but no one being mean to her as she sauntered towards the Dance Floor she thought she actually belong somewhere for once. Though as she got to the dance floor she look at the paint drummer in awe as she walked over watching amazed. Though her gaze would be noticed as the drummer stopped.

    "Yo Dragon girl, wanna give this a shot!" he said as she gave her the nickname due to her scales. She looked surprised pointing at herself as he nods and she shyly smiled walking over to him ehind the drums, all eyes were on her as they repaint the drum set and gave her some drum sticks.

    she stood there with a bit of stage fright as she tappped her drum sticks together as the next song started. the music was so livly as people started to dance she let her tail come out as she started to drum to the music. as she did paint coated her scales making them reflect in a Rainbow of new colors and shapes in t the crowd awed and gasped pointing in shock an amazement. She felt it was odd normally she would never attempt anything like this but for some reason today with the couch here in Tehran even though she was an amazing drummer she felt she could do this cell with a smile she kept on jumping putting off her heart and energy into drumming. The paint slapping aren't or scales making her shine even brighter with the neon call his people cheered louder her tail swing back and forth as she smiled starting to finish up her drumming though as she started to finish up her jumping she started to think about it for a minute wanting to end this on a high note on a good beat she will continue her drumming as Moore paint will be poured on she give the sticks of spin to get some paint to the crowd before continuing. She thought about it for Mama and how she could end this with a bang so what she did when she spun to six one more time did a bit of a spin Looking Backward at the car with the three drums before her. As she spun around she would throw her arms back and lift her tail up into the air and slam it down on the middle drums as her arms splash down on the two side drums creating a loud bang that could not normally be achieved by a normal person causing paint supplies towards the crowd sparkling on the neon colors now on them as well. There was a brief pause before the crowd started to go wild cheering Janet not even carrying the fact that she had tail with anything she would turn around and give a small bow and smile a little shy Lilly this is the most she would turn around and give a small bow and smile a little more though she was a little shy as this is the most attention she's gotten in a positive way in a very long time.

    "let's give it up for the drumming dragon!" An announcer cried out as the drummer then put a stamp on her hand as she looked at it though she was quickly distracted by the smily stamp as she looked up hearing you know how to call out "You can bang a drum but can you scratch a disc?"

    Janet looked perplexed to say the least Jennifer DJ before but in her opinion right now tonight was all about new experiences and trying some things out so with a bit of a smile she would suddenly feel her arms up and let her wings pop out almost going to distill neon effect on her body as people with wide eye and Anime said she would flip out board flying through the air soaring high up to the DJ booth that was behind her as a concert to Children waiting to see what the drumming Dragon would do next. As she stood at the DJ booth she looked down at it not know exactly what to do but I should touch one of the records that made an interesting scratching sound. Seems simple enough however in curiosity she put one of her claws to one of the records and it made me even more interesting scratching noise in Beaufort as if it was like a needle on a record. Bearing that in mind she made her other hand a claw and then sorry to scratch at the records. As a music one she was like a natural at this oh, she was no professional but she wasn't bad at either and due to the interesting sound with her claws people didn't seem to mind as they started dancing and cheering for the drumming dragon. She would flutter her wings and just have a good time with it for now slightly dancing to the beat as well as she swung her hips back and forth scratching way making the music sound even more interesting than it already was rather enjoying yourself, but I'll sister something she can invest in when she gets home but for now even if he's that was next to her was tapping her foot and clapping her hands to the beat. She will continue to do this using their claws like record needles and scratching and DJing to her heart's content as she would make a rather interesting song though as the song will come to an end and her DJing did as well she put all five claws on each record and gave one hard scratch ending the song in a rather odd but suitable Melody causing the crowd to Roar and clap actually clap your hands yellow smiling the DJ came up and gave another stamp on one of her hands though she was too high on the feeling right now to even notice what was happening. She was just so happy to have be having so much fun with this day, not thinking too much more about it as the DJ took back her post Janet would fly down to the dance floor. Though as she did to women would walk up to her.

    "So your this drumming dragon huh, you can bang a drum…" one trailed off. "and you and dj a beat" the other picked up. "But can you dance to a Beat." They said in unison as they then clap their hands together at the next song would start the DJ would announce something. " the drumming dragon has been challenged by the beat sisters Let's see if she can dance as well as she can drum and scratch"

    All eyes will now on Janet as the sisters to dance in unison, the moves are perfect with each other alone they probably would have been nothing more than okay so I can put it together this is clearly practicing choreographed but Janet would just starts dancing in place with them almost as a warm-up but watching their movements. A smile couldn't help woman or face that she did love to dance so she was confident in her beliefs to take them with ease however she don't want to be presumptuous and she watch you clap your hands smiling. As soon as they finished the routine people with clap so with Janet oh, it was good they were good and she did enjoy watching it however the warlord was not going to be showing up as she sorry just when her feet and swing your hips something on the ground cleaning almost a drum like beat is she started to throw her arms to sides and dance her heart out. Due to the paint on her body in the neon colors reflecting off their scales and wings she looks almost like a neon disco ball but people were enameled by her looks as she started to dance she would also start to get a little more flowy with the dance jumping backwards onto one hand jumping up in the air using her wings to spin her around and do a backflip High into the sky using her natural body to our advantage people clap at this I see foot through the air and then landed on one toe spinning in place to hold out her arm at the end of her routine and smile at them people would then start to clap thundersley as a two sisters pouted regrettably gave her a stamp and ran off the dance floor" let's give it up for the drumming dragon!"

    A giant looked around her and people clap their hearts out she smiled as the next time you started she decide to dance again with the sign with everybody she was so happy to have come to this event, she felt like the one she belonged that for one shouldn't have to be scared to go outside and she could have fun with this no one cared if she was a warlord or Dragon no one knew what character and that made her happy, hopefully the special happened again cuz she would love to come to it again as she danced away what people a few more people in acting but she didn't seem shy to talk to them this time she's openly came up cuz I'm engaged in a conversation and had the time for life, life will probably return to being a little more hellish after the festival before now to just enjoy yourself having jammed out on the drums, djed a song, and beat two dancers at their own game she felt satisfied with her life right now.


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:49 pm