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    Building Bridges (B-rank Exam/Ran)


    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Building Bridges (B-rank Exam/Ran)

    Post by Ignacio 30th July 2020, 11:43 am

    Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh God! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh God!

    Somewhere in Clover Town, across some stone bridge, an average black cat was hanging off the side above a shallow stream. Also on the bridge were three large dogs looking over the bridge and down at the cat with an obliviousness that can only be found in a canine. How exactly did this cat, the God of Memories, an ethereal spirit worshipped by many, end up in such a laughable situation? It was actually very simple.

    Two minutes before

    "What? Go away! Shoo! Shoo! I don't want to play with you three!" Mnemosyne shooed them away with their paw, sitting on a brick popping out from a building on a side street. Below them was none other than three large dogs, eagerly barking and admiring the black feline from below. The way their tails wagged and their tongues hung out their mouth made it clear that they were looking for a furry friend as fuzzy as Mnemosyne themself. Unfortunately for them, the cat didn't want anything to do with a creature that didn't know when to stop or how. Even after Mnemo's clear disinterest in the dogs, they continued to insist on their interest. So much so that they even began to howl at them and lean on the wall before them to get closer.

    The noise was becoming unbearably obnoxious, as noise would often do, and Mnemosyne couldn't stand for it any longer! "What a buzzkill!" droned the cat, "I have things to do, so I'll be leaving! Buh-bye!"

    After that, Mnemosyne hopped from ledge to ledge to escape them, but the three dogs managed to keep up from the streets. Although mildly irritating, there was something entertaining about being chased by three dumb dogs from a safe distance, so the pursuit continued for about another minute until the four of them had reached a bridge connecting one side of Clover Town to the other side. Hopping down the from the ledge and onto the stone railing of the bridge, Mnemosyne casually sat down and looked over the calm waters.

    "Give it a rest, won't you? Chill out! This is why I—" Mnemosyne started, but was cut short when one especially eager dog had abruptly hopped up into the air and barked just behind the cat, which in turn, startled Mnemosyne enough to send them up in the air and over the ledge just enough that the only way they could stay grounded was to hang onto the side, "—HATE DOGS!"

    So there they were, the God or Goddess of Memories, heavenly spirit worshipped by many even today, hanging over a shallow stream as if they were hanging onto that ledge for dear life. If you haven't seen a black cat go pale, this was certainly the first time. They wiggled and clawed into the stone as they slowly but surely were beginning to make their way to their wet demise. Well, demise might have been an overstatement. The stream was shallow enough to fall into it at that height completely unharmed. However, if countless years in their immortal lives had taught them anything, it was that living as a cat made it inevitable that the dislike for water would come eventually. And boy, did it come.

    Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh God! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh God! Is this how I die?! Me?! I hate dogs! I hate them!! thought the cat, wiggling frantically over the ledge while the three dogs responsible for this were obliviously hopping up and down in place so they could see their furry friend "play".

    Post Word Count: 605  | Total Word Count: 605 | Needed Word Count: 1000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Pretty Good
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    In Progress Re: Building Bridges (B-rank Exam/Ran)

    Post by Ran 31st July 2020, 10:02 am

    Seika was just going about her ordinary business when she swore she heard a voice. Now, hallucinations were quite normal for the girl, what with her, uh... actually, nevermind. That was besides the point. Anyway, this voice seemed to be quite realistic, though! It almost seemed like Aphelia, a little bit feline in tone, although she wasn't sure if she was just imagining things again. The faint barking of dogs also reached her ears, but then again, the mage was prone to making things up in her head due to loneliness and an impeding sense of disaster at the day Aphelia and her other animal friends decided to leave her. Um, anyway... she moved in the direction of the noises. The closer she took, the more steps she took, the louder and clearer the voices became. Well, it was really only one voice- and it seemed to be pretty human. Judging by that, Seika guessed that there was a person who didn't like dogs being chased by them? Mm, that circumstance seemed like the most likely.

    Beaming now that she had gotten it all figured out, the girl blinked before realizing that the noises were moving farther away. "Hey, don't run! Doggos, come back!" They were chasing after something- or someone, more likely. Why was the person running? Didn't they know that unless it was a really tired canine or a situation like that, doggos loved to give chase? "I have dog biscuits~" she tried to lure them back toward her using the promise of Lupa's little bites, to no avail. They seemed wholly set on their target, whomever it was.

    But she was sure that if she managed to get ahead of them, in their field of view, she could get their full attention! The only question, then, was how to go about doing so. Chasing the group of dogs (because it was certainly more than one, judging by the cacophony of alternating barks) led her to a bridge, where she finally caught sight of a scene that was... incredibly cute. "Aww, aren't you just the cutest little kitty kitty kitty," she rushed over to the ledge and stood on her tippy toes peering down at the cute black cat. "Do you need some help? Ahh, hey!" She was interrupted by the dogs, nosing at her clothing curiously. Nose wrinkling up as one tried to chew on her sweater, she said, "Hey, don't be mean! You have to ask people nicely if they want to play! Otherwise, if you're trying to eat them without permission, that's mean!"

    Hmm, what was the best way to put it? "You better be careful doing that kinda thing because you might get eaten yourself!! Due to karma!!" Trying to push the greatest amount of a chastising tone possible into her voice, the girl attempted to convey the disrespect involved in nomming on someone without prior good-to-go. Shaking her head as she patted one of the dogs on the head, she turned back to the cat. "Mm, are you okay? Hey, it's not that far of a drop! But I get you, I hate the water too," Seika shuddered at the idea of being submerged at all. She uh, still couldn't really swim. But it was a work in progress! Anyway, the mage formed a rather large bubble, big enough to encompass the little cutie before allowing it to envelop the feline, as long as they didn't give any sign of protest. Then, if everything seemed to be okay, she would levitate the bubble back up to a steady position on the top of the ledge.

    Deciding the best way to make friends with this feline would be to try to put her at ease, she turned away briefly to wave her hands at the dogs. "Ahh, shoo, I'll give you food later if you want it! We can play, but, um, you were mean right now so go sit in the corner! Any corner will do, there's probably one on the other side of town." She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the dogs to skedaddle, looking rather melancholic due to having their playmate taken away. Then, she turned back to the black cat, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Hi! My name is Taneda Akies, but everyone just calls me Seika..." For some reason, she had some ideas about this cat. "Hey, I heard there's a tiger that got lost and got trapped in a tank but he was going to marry his mom. But maybe he got lost again and his dad was okay? Do you know that story?" She was trying to think of a way to break the ice, but the only thing that could come to mind was that story about the lost orange creature, which must have been a tiger.

    Aphelia would know the whole story, of course, but she wasn't here right now. "I'm going to name you Nemo, cause I found you like the orange tiger!" Hopefully that was okay with them! Anyway, she wanted to give hugs. Putting out a hand to touch the other cat's head, Seika did her best to move at a slow pace despite the itching sense of energy in her limbs, trying to be patient but really wanting to pet the little kitty. "Can you understand me? I can turn into a cat if you want," well, it would be useless to ask if it were the case that this feline couldn't comprehend what she was saying. But who had been yowling earlier then? Maybe the dogs had chased away their owner or something and the two had gotten separated. Her lips turned down at the thought, and she felt sad for the little bugger. "Did you get separated from your friendo?" Seika peered closely at the cat.

    974 Words



    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Re: Building Bridges (B-rank Exam/Ran)

    Post by Ignacio 1st August 2020, 4:01 pm

    When all seemed lost, and the watery demise just beneath their smooth little paws drew near, that is when she arrived! Like a beautiful young maiden, a young girl peeked over the ledge just where the ferocious pack of inquisitive dogs were, enamored with the frightful scene.

    Oooh!~ My hero! Yes, yes, yes! thought Mnemosyne, the terrified look on their face suddenly glowing with a heroine's relief. This was the case until they began to lose their rather slippery grip, and while the young girl was off scolding the dogs just above, the mortifying reality of being dropped into a shallow stream seemed to be coming faster than she was. Like flipping on a light switch, the relief in the cat's eyes drained back into panic as they slid down the bridge, and began to fall. No, no, no!

    But suddenly, when all seemed lost, Mnemosyne didn't feel the terribly chilly water soak their pelt. While she had closed their eyes to brace for their watery impact, it never came. Puzzled by this, she hesitantly opened her eyes and found herself enclosed in a light, transparent bubble. It was no ordinary bubble since most of its kind wasn't able to be so large and so strong to lift a cat of her size. However, it did, and up she went. Mnemosyne looked underneath herself, watching the stream get smaller and smaller as she ascended, and eventually found herself right back on the ledge she was on before.

    When Mnemosyne was back on the ledge, the dogs were gone and there was nothing but a few passing strangers and the girl who had lifted her up. Seeing her savior, Mnemosyne made a face that was almost too emotional for an ordinary cat. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her little snout quivered. It wasn't until Seika had finished her questions that, like the bubble, the black cat burst into tears, leaped from the ledge, and threw herself into the young girl's arms.

    "MY HEROOO!! A young, fair maiden has come to my aid! What a kind soul!! The very blossom of mankind has come to my aid when I most needed it! Oh, what bliss! What happiness! Just when very life was meeting its end, the most beautiful of girls has come to aid me in my time of need!!" wailed the cat, wiggling in Seika's arms and flailing about. As usual, Mnemosyne had a tendency to overexaggerate and fill her words with theatrics... no matter the situation.

    Despite Fiore being a land of magic, it might have been strange for some people to see a cat talk or emote on a level thought beyond them. Although talking animals weren't at all uncommon here, it may have been alarming to see one do such things to this extent.

    Post Word Count: 468 | Total Word Count: 1073 | Needed Word Count: 1000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Pretty Good
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:




    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    In Progress Re: Building Bridges (B-rank Exam/Ran)

    Post by Ran 12th August 2020, 11:32 am

    Ah!! That was a surprise! Seika loved hugs, and she loved, um, cats, and cat hugs?? The best. Also, apparently she was a her now? Which was awesome! But where was the young, fair maiden, and the kind soul? Along with the blossom of mankind and all of those other things. Unless, she was one of them, but then who the hero was, Seika couldn't be sure. Anyway, that was a lot of people to be rescuing this poor kitty. It must get into a lot of trouble over and over again to have been saved by so many people. What was that it had said... a beautiful girl? Seika loved beautiful girls! And beautiful kitties. "I want to meet that girl," the mage cheered as she spun around with the cat in her arms. It was moving about very... wigglyish, but she managed to hold on tight. Wow, it was such a nice feeling to be able to huggle a cute kitty! Aphelia never let her do this kind of thing. Speaking of which, she wondered if that meant that this adorable feline was similar to her other spirit friend. Although her favored form was a smaller cat, or even a larger predator, she was actually a flame bubble spirit.

    Scrunching up her nose in thought, she decided the best way to get answers was usually to ask! At least, it was a good starting point. Some people tended to just flat out ignore her, or be dodgy, but there was no way of knowing about this cute Found Nemo until she tried a method. "Oh! Hey, Nemo, are you a flame bubble spirit?" Seika prodded curiously as she tried to keep hold of the cat who was moving around rather enthusiastically. Even though she had been the one to jump the mage, it was like she was drowning, the amount of flailing that was going on. Wait, had she already introduced herself? She had, right? The girl's forehead crinkled as she pushed her eyebrows together in confusion. Since this adorable kitty could talk, it was probably just best to see what she had to say. Seika was still curious about the other people, after all!

    Aphelia was a very particular type of feline, and she tended to consider herself a cat simply because her mannerisms were so similar to other cats at times. However, she wasn't really a cat. Or was she? To be completely honest, the number of ways in which Aphelia resembled or did not resemble a feline sometimes escaped Seika. She did know that if Aphi identified that way, it was good enough for her. Shrugging to herself, she dug out a camera while the dark kitty she had rescued was still managing to answer her questions. "Hey, Nemo! Stay still for a second, aahh~" It was reaaaally difficult to properly hold the strange feline while also trying to operate her camera. Luckily, when Seika put her mind to something, she tended to accomplish it or at least make an enormous mess trying. This time, it seemed like Nemo wasn't a domesticated cat who was happy to sit still. That wasn't a big deal. After all, Seika would be happy to put her down now that she had been rescued! But squirming around without wanting to be put down would make things a little troublesome. Finally, she managed to snap a picture. Not bad, right?

    1544 Seika


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