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    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer]


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] Empty Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer]

    Post by Killua 3rd May 2020, 12:30 pm

    Job Info.:
    It was an unpleasant morning for the now raven haired mage, another, would most likely be a better word as she hadn't been getting much sleep in the recent week. Constant nightmares plaguing her that felt to real. Her tenant mentioned that he would have known, but apparently for some reason due to being asleep for such a long time he didn't quite remember everything when her mother was his host. He could remember tiny bits of information but nothing majorly useful at the current for it, the last thing that was of any use was that her new set of skills originally came from Midi, and that chakra was present in the people there alongside ethernano to fuel their magic, the basics about it a hidden room inside a hill, that she found some useful books and really old scrolls, it had been useful while she was training how to better control it, as she could request rather older technique books from Midi when going to a library, there she found that the people there, the mages or how they were called there 'Samurai' used blades and were described like pieces . The breathing techniques that she had learned weren't anything all that new as she could remember her parents trying to teach her when she was young, sadly that didn't last long with the way things turned out. There was another major problem, the katana she had used when training broke on her when she was performing it to master it and while doing so the katana shattered with all the power stored in it and backfired at her, luckily for her it only left a few burns around her right arm, bandages were now enveloping it up to her elbow. Though she was still happy, her training had proven quite useful, that and the sudden growth spurt that she experienced in the past months as well, not being the same shorty that she used to be and even ditching the eye patch.

    She sighed as she rubbed her tired templates and took a sip from the coffee she had gotten herself. Currently she was sitting in the reception area in the WFTC's headquarters in her white attire to honor the dress code, placing the coffee cup down on a table, she looked at a map that she had borrowed and spread on the table, and a job request that was covering the upper country's. If someone was to pick up the job request they would see that it was for a cursed sword that was embedded into the ground in a small cave supposedly driving villagers mad and  when they tried to pull it out to remove it, one had died rather fast with a dark aura seeping from the sword. She was rather confused though, not about the sword as there were quite few mysteries and she had heard tales of such weapons or artifacts, rather the job request was specifically meant for her from what Alisha said when she had called her up the day before and handed her the request, that and in the request was stated that if she wanted, one other can join and help her as they would pay up to two mages.

    "Why not just call your Samurai to deal with this" She mumbled to herself as she rested her head on her hand and looked at the map again, and cursed herself slightly as she wanted to take up the request, the cursed sword interested her for some reason. "Midi is quite far away, I'll need to find a way to get there faster" She mused as she took another swing at her coffee and continued thinking of how to get there.

    WC: 623



    Lineage : Arsenal of Spellpower
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1200

    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] Empty Re: Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer]

    Post by Rainer 7th May 2020, 2:14 am

    A short time after Sara's arrival, another WFTC employee swaggered into the reception area. The blond looked just about as pleased as usual, which wasn't very by any means. Rainer dearly hated the white monkey suit, but money was money, so he wouldn't kick up too much of a fuss about it. It was better than working an ice cream shop with some sort of dopey sailor's outfit. Didn't mean he had to like it. The black dress-shirt underneath was unbuttoned a couple extra buttons at the top, and his blue tie was looser than most other employees. He wasn't used to such fancy wear and felt like tying it appropriately was preparing a noose for him to suffer all day, squeezing off his air.

    After checking for jobs, his mood worsened. There wasn't anything that paid well enough to cover the bills for his mother and sister this month. Scowling, he paced back and forth, trying to keep himself calm as well as figure out what his next move was. Peering around, he noticed the girl with the job flyer and a map, sipping coffee. Rainer was no fan of working with others, but again, money was money. Approaching her, he swiped up the job request paper, barely looking it over before putting forth his thinly-veiled selfish request. "Cursed sword, huh?" he asked, looking at Sara but not really recognizing her. She had changed a bit since the last time he'd seen her, and he wasn't one to really pay attention to people much anyway. He'd called her eyepatch, and now the eyepatch was gone. That was likely all it'd have taken to make her look like a stranger to him, but she'd changed in a few other ways as well, so there was absolutely no hope for Rainer. All the same, it didn't matter to him who she was. "Sounds like a two man job. Need a second?"



    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] 60866_s

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] Empty Re: Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer]

    Post by Killua 19th May 2020, 2:39 pm

    Duel colored eyes looked at the person that had snatched up the request, a bit surprised as she had completely dulled out her senses as people were moving back and forward all the time in the lobby. A soft smile caressed her features as she noticed that it was the rough boy she had met in Magnolia, where they had entered a valentines event as a couple despite not knowing each other. Even though he was a bit rough in a way, the dark haired girl liked his company, he had quite different views on life that intrigued her. "I won't mind you tagging along blondie, its gonna make it more fun." She said with a smirk and as a way to help him identify that this was the same girl from Magnolia. Sara had changed quite a bit, from height to hair color and even outfit, completely dropping the eye-patch as well, not caring anymore as to what people would say like she used to, the anxiety around the whole things had disappeared, and she was now proudly showing her slitted red eye with the scar that went through it. "Its great to see you again Rainer. How have you been." She asked genuinely, they hadn't seen each other since Valentines day and she wanted to see what he was being up to until now.

    Putting down her cup of coffee, she pointed on the map, a coastal village in Midi that went by the name Nakahaba. "This is the place we need to get to, Nakahaba is the name of the place, i read a bit about it, its a coastal village with a few cliffs and caves surrounding it.". She explained, as her thoughts trailed towards how they would reach Midi. 'There is an airship that's heading towards Midi. Unlike you I've been listening to the conversations that are happening around you.' Her tenant suddenly spoke up, startling her a bit. 'Look unlike you, I've been having a tough time sleeping.' She responded and stood up, picking up a dark cloak that was sitting on the chair next to her and placed it under her hand. 'You might want to hurry.' The demon said and Sara mentally nodded to him. "There's an airship that will be heading towards Midi, we can try to get on it." She said to Rainer and started making her way towards where the airships that were coming and going were stationed. As she exited the main building she started looking through the airships that were docked, most of them were just sitting idle with some unloading trading goods and the sort. Noticing one ship that was being currently loaded with some goods, she made her way towards it. There a rather bulky man was checking of the goods on a piece of paper as they were being loaded, he looked like a merchant that wasn't part of the company as he was wearing rather dark clothing.

    "Excuse me." She said as the man took notice of her clothing that signaled that she was a part from the company. "With what may I help you miss, we are almost done loading the goods that were purchased from you guys and will be on our way. It was a pleasure doing business as usual." He said with a smile that Sara mimicked, "Is this the ship that is heading towards Midi?" She asked and the man simply nodded. "Would it be a problem if I and another collage join you on the trip, we need to get to a village called Nakahaba in Midi, we can help with some things on the airship if we have to." She said and it was met by a wide grin on the bulky man's face. "I know the village, we are passing by it, so you are more then welcome aboard, two more people is not going to change anything, and with all the good deals from you guys, how can i turn you down." He said and Sara smiled, muttering a thank you as she boarded the ship, missing the wicked grin that spread across the man's face as she had her back turned towards him. It didn't stay for long, as he still had to look out for her partner.

    WC: 715
    Personal: 1338
    Group WC: 1658



    Lineage : Arsenal of Spellpower
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1200

    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] Empty Re: Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer]

    Post by Rainer 11th June 2020, 10:36 pm

    Rainer could be unobservant especially when he was consumed with his personal things, but he wasn't completely dense. When the girl sitting with her coffee spoke and smirked, it caught him a little off guard. It wasn't uncommon to be called 'blondie' these days since he was no longer in his familiar home where everyone knew him, but he recognized the voice and that expression. With frown deepening, he narrowed his red eyes at her. That voice belonged to 'eyepatch'. To Sara, the girl he'd met in Magnolia at a weird event he wanted into just to get free food. Sara had no eyepatch now, and her hair was different, and probably a few other things that he couldn't be bothered to dissect. Once the initial shock wore off, he just chalked it up to girls being weirdos and constantly changing how they look for some reason.

    "Uh, I've been fine. Just making money," he replied stiffly, still a little weirded out, but somewhat glad it was one of the very few people he knew here and not a complete stranger. Rainer was aware of how abrasive he could be, and rubbing people the wrong way often got him booted off of group jobs. Sara already seemed capable of handling his prickliness. She wasn't an uptight nag.

    With those pleasantries out of the way, she explained the location they were headed more fully. Rainer's brows perked up a little at the mention of Midi. He had his passport and so far had only used it once for that horrible diplomatic mission in Seven. Being a boy from a very small, poor town, he was secretly excited about seeing the world and what it had to offer. However, his brows quickly dropped back down and puckered even lower at the mention of how they'd get there. He was still not a fan of most means of transportation, especially flying. He said nothing, however, since in the end it didn't matter and he knew he had to get used to flying if he wanted to make money here. "Alright, sounds good."

    He picked up his go-bag and followed her out to the airship docks, not speaking at all to the merchant they'd be hitching a ride with. He nodded his own thanks as they were both allowed aboard, but his eyes remained narrow and guarded. The blond was a naturally untrusting man to begin with, but this guy didn't sit right with him, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Deciding to be extra cautious for the trip, it served as a nice distraction from his discomfort with flying.


    Even if he disliked the means of travel, he couldn't deny how fast it was. It seemed like in no time at all they were flying over foreign terrain of raging ocean against rocky cliffs high above. It was very rocky at the ledge, but it seemed to smooth out enough to grow some pale grass and a village. The ship was slowing and descending to let them off, and Rainer was glad to get out of it about as much as he was lowkey excited to step foot in a new country. The pair hoofed it the short distance to Nakahaba without much trouble. There were two people waiting for them at the edge of the city. As they approached the pair stepped forward, but Rainer held back a little. Maybe this was part of the job? He'd wait and see what Sara said, since she was the one who took it and he was tagging along.

    wc// 597/917
    Group Total/ 2255


    Whispers of Corruption [Job/Rainer] 60866_s

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:44 pm