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    Summer in Winterval. Or something like that

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Summer in Winterval. Or something like that Empty Summer in Winterval. Or something like that

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 5th June 2020, 9:42 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    The hot summer sun beat down upon the brow of the most wonderful, most powerful, greatest God in the world. He was a Coming Storm, and he needed to prove his worth furthermore to the world. He had been lacking in his evilness as of late, and it was a disgrace, a heresy, even! He needed to truly show the prowess of a master lord of evil like himself, and as such he made his way to the city of the Council itself, Era, to perform the most evil and heinous acts he could.

    He rolled into town, a giant wagon carried behind him. Hundreds of wrapped up presents were stacked upon the wagon, only held up with a branching, tree-like arm Odhran imagined up and Noel's own pushings, though the mound of presents towered over the ten-foot-tall behemoth of a skeleton. Odhran had something planned. There was an orphanage in the heart of Era. A small thing, in truth, but Odhran had sent scouts out to peruse the area for some time before he finally enacted his plan. It was time, finally, to perform one of the most evil things he could possibly have imagined.

    "If you're trying to be evil, why are you giving a bunch of down on their luck kids presents for Winterval? And, for that matter, it's not winter! Plus, I don't even think people celebrate Winterval out here!"

    "Fear not, dearest Arnaluuk! I have a wonderful plan in store! See, these are no mere presents! These are the most devillish, dastardly things I have planned! I purchased these from a shady market out in Sin for dirt cheap! They may be presents, but they are by no means high quality! Here, toss me a present, someone!"

    Amittai turned a page in his book and leisurely tossed a small box with a red wrapping and a bow down to his Keybearer. "There ya are, boss man. Dunno if its the best example, but it was the closest."

    "No matter! Behold, Arnaluuk!" he pulled the bow off, revealing a small RC car. "Look at this! It is poor quality! Look at the branding! It's not Yotoda RC Car, it's a Yatado RC Car! All the presents here are as such, where they are merely knock-off brands of something that is suspected to be much greater! It is a devilish act of the highest caliber!"

    "You're still giving presents to children, though."

    "Perhaps, but while it gives them joy for the moment, imagine the fear, the terror, the absolute DESPAIR on their faces when their toys break much sooner than they should!"

    "If you were looking to see the despair, boss man, wouldn't it be best to just, I dunno, sabotage the gifts, too? I mean, can't've been that difficult for a smart cat like you to do."

    Odhran pondered it for a moment before tossing the RC car back up to Amittai, who casually wrapped it up with a roll of wrapping paper he was sitting on before Noel delicately strung a bow atop it. "Well, you win some you lose some. I want the despair to be dragged out longer! Yes! That is absolutely the case! However, I will consider your plan in the next time that we do this heinous action! Indeed! This will not be the first time that I, Odhran Aegsibane, the most heinous Coming Storm in the world, will strike with such a cruel and villainous act! I vow to you, here and now, all of my wondrous Spiritual allies, that I will paint the world red and black with fear and terror at the sheer evil of my works and ways! I am simply unstoppable in my devilish, demonic ways! I am a Coming Storm! I am an Ace of Elysium! I am a God of Fear and Death and Despair and the other things that usually go with those! It's my duty as a Coming Storm and future Warlord to spread the ways of darkness and the ways of evil to the entire world, wracking them in fear and despair and all that other stuff I keep saying until they have no choice but to bow in fear to my awesome presence! It's a foolproof plan, don't you all think?"

    Amittai looked up from his book ever so slightly. "Sounds great, boss man.

    "Truly a model example we should all follow. Heheheh."

    "How stupid are you?"

    "Well, I wouldn't say that I'm stupid, Arnaluuk. In fact, quite the opposite! I am merely thinking hundreds of steps ahead of you and your strange ways! I am the greatest and most knowledgeable being in the whole entire world! It's only my duty as everything that I am to do as such! You are simply in awe at the high level games I play with the hearts and minds of those that are so much more inferior to me! I mean, it's true that just about, no, everyone in the world is so much more inferior to me, but that is besides the point. I mean, just look at me. I am a beautiful specimen, a wonderfully evil creature the likes of which the world has never seen! My intelligence knows no bounds, my power can warp the world itself, my dashing good looks can strike even the coldest hearts down to their uttermost cores, and my way with words is so much more strong than anything I have ever imagined seeing! Everything that I think of, dearest Arnaluuk, is so much better than anything that you could have possibly have done. I am by no means saying that you are incapable, in fact, it's far from it! You are among the most capable Spirits I have, though I shan't show favorites, for all my Spirits are capable in their own rights, but do not be offended by how good I am at everything. It's just difficult to be like me."

    Arnaluuk rolled her eyes as they arrived at the orphanage. It was a large wooden building, bearing a similar appearance to a log cabin with a large sign reading "Mama Maam's Orphanage" upon a large sign above the wooden door. Figuring Odhran would be too stupid or too stuck up in his own ways, Arnaluuk knocked upon the door, the hollow sound of wood resonating in the air. A moment passed before an old lady, no younger than eighty, opened the door, a creak sounding out.

    "How may I help you, missy?" she asked in a weak, light tone.

    "We're-" Arnaluuk was about to begin a proper explanation before her Keybearer roared out in his own boisterous way.

    "Feel blessed, kind lady, for I have arrived! I am Odhran Aegisbane, Ace of Elysium! We are those who wish to change the world, and we, like your own establishment, are here to take in those that have been rejected by the world before we change it for the better! To prove our power and influence, I have brought to you presents befitting of the holidays! All I ask for is a small monetary compensation and for you to report every happenings on with these toys! ESPECIALLY if they break! Why yes, if they break, PLEASE let the world know that I, Odhran Aegisbane, Ace of Elysium and future famed star of the wizarding world, had brought those toys that had broken!"

    "Why would you wish to know if they break, sir?" the kindly woman asked, adjusting her glasses as she stared at the mountain of presents.

    "If they break, we can pay 'em back. It would be SUCH a shame if they were to break on our watch. In fact, that would be the thing I would like the least."

    "My, you're awful nice for a skeleton, sir! Though, why does your Elysium have skeletons?"

    "We too, are misfits, ma'am. Society is not fond of those who are lacking in the skin department, so to speak. It is our goal to provide the world with any sort of respite before we change the world that enables such oppression amongst equals. We are located in Sin, after all. It is out of our good will that we have stationed ourselves in such an impoverished country like Sin, and yet we find the time to leave for Fiore. These oppressions are not just for the people within Sin. Heheheh."

    The old lady smiled widely, the wrinkles of her face slightly disturbing Odhran. "My, this Elysium sounds like a wonderful place! You have such lovely people, Mister Aegisbane. So they are a wizard guild?"

    "Of course! Of the highest caliber! Elysium is the greatest guild that the world has ever seen, and our power and influence knows no bounds! I am not done here in Era, nor shall I leave here for a long time! There are many deeds that I wish to do that bear noticing from the Council and the Rune Knights, that they may see the error of their ways!"

    "How nice to see a young man like you fighting against forces that you feel are oppressive. I always will support getting the Rune Knights to shape up! My son was in the Knights for a long time, and he said that their strongest members are quite the handful! They still do their job, he said, but they are certainly about it in quite the unique way, ohohoho!"

    Odhran blinked. "Why yes, we just.. we really just hate how disorganized the Rune Knights are. We're a guild, sure, but first and foremost we're people who are out to make a difference in the world."

    "Such kind-hearted people! Tell me, missy, what's your name?"


    "Arnaluuk, deary, you are simply too kind. Would you mind staying around and helping the place? I'm sure some of the children would just love you! Oh, and you too, Odhran, sonny. I'm afraid the kids may not take too well to the skeletons. You know how it is with children."

    "Really is a shame that the kittens are afraid of a little boogeyman. Ah, just a joke, cat. We understand. We can check out how else we can help around town if boss man and the ice cat want ta help clear out the wagon."

    With that, Amittai leaped off of the pile of presents, closing his book and beckoning Noel to head with him throughout the town. The two were among the most conspicuous of Odhran's spirits, but they had been doing enough lying towards Elysium's goodwill to make at least somewhat of a difference. Odhran and Arnaluuk, meanwhile, began unloading presents as the kids swarmed around them.

    "You're real pretty, lady!" a little blond girl with twin pigtails said to Arnaluuk, tugging on her dress.

    "I'm honored that you think so. Here, why don't you gather all your friends around and I can show you a little something."

    The kid nodded, dragging along what seemed like the whole orphanage to surround the Ice Witch. Arnaluuk smiled. She enjoyed the people liking her, especially children. It was a bit of a shame that Odhran was as stubborn and strange as he was, for if it was not for that, she could have gladly stayed at this orphanage forever and helped people out. Of course, Odhran did not want such a thing, and perhaps this new world Elysium would create was truly something special. Arnaluuk smiled at the kids as she prepared to begin her show. "Do any of you know magic?"

    "I know what it is, lady, but none of us know how ta use it!" a rough-looking boy chirped.

    Arnaluuk smiled. "Really is a shame. Because magic is a wonderful thing. Let me tell you a little story about a girl by the name of Amy." Holding out her hand, a small sculpture of herself formed in her hand. "This girl was born under strange circumstances. Her father was really naughty and her mom was not married to her father." As she said this, she held out her other hand, forming a small ice sculpture of her father. "Her dad's wife plotted and did some bad things to her, and she disappeared. She became a Celestial Spirit, and her key was not found for a long time. Until some brave adventurer, a hero like no other, found her key and rescued her!" The hand that bore her father morphed into a generic looking hero sculpture. The hero was brave and noble and gallant and could be someone just like you! They rescued her key and became the first person to be her keybearer. From that point on, her key passed down from generation to generation, and has been like that way ever since. Now, Amy is happy. Even if her keybearer is weird and strange, she's happy to have someone that cares. And I'm sure one day, you'll be just like Amy. You'll be great heroes or you'll be those people that are happy with someone. I can guarantee. And if you aren't..." She closed her hands as both sculptures turned into a flurry of small crystals of ice, with her blowing them into the air to slowly rain on the kids, who were completely awestruck by it. "...then you are still just waiting for a little bit longer."

    The kids all had their face light up in excitement as they tried to catch the ice crystals as Odhran finished unloading the last of the presents, having taken apart half of the wagon by himself. "You having fun, Arnaluuk?"

    "Why, yes. I had loads of fun. The kids all enjoyed it too, as I am sure they'll enjoy their toys."

    Odhran glared at Arnaluuk before the owner of the orphanage slowly made her way over. "My aren't you just so kind? I thank you for your gifts. Please, come again!"

    Odhran turned his glare to the owner before Arnaluuk dragged him by his ear out of the building. "It was our pleasure, ma'am. We'll be glad to with more presents when it's actually the holidays."

    The kids all cried goodbye as the duo left. "I ended up listening to Amittai's idea and sabotaged the gifts a bit."

    "Just as I hoped you would."

    "Sorry that I didn't- wait, what? You hoped I would?"

    "Duh. If one of us suggests something, you always follow through with it. You might be a dunce, but you're at least kind enough to us."

    "I'm glad you think that way of me. Of course I help out my Spirits. They are the reason I am so awesome. Well, you all are one of the reasons. My natural good looks, intelligence, and Ark of Embodiment also help. That certainly is something that matters. But you are, without a doubt, one of the key factors to my own greatness. Now, off to the next plan! My next diabolical deed that I will use to crush the expectations of the council!"

    Arnaluuk smiled. "Right. You go and do that. I'm heading home. I suspect Amittai and Noel did as well. Summon a few of the others for your next scheme. I'm sure they'll enjoy it."

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Summer in Winterval. Or something like that XBivwWT

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