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    Take-Over: Fell Beast Soul

    Reina Ardenti
    Reina Ardenti

    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 7
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Take-Over: Fell Beast Soul Empty Take-Over: Fell Beast Soul

    Post by Reina Ardenti 11th November 2020, 10:55 am

    Take-Over: Fell Beast Soul

    Magic Type: Take-Over
    Benefit: Solitary(+30% to Mp&Hp)

    As the name implies, Take-Over: Fell Beast Soul, is magic that revolves around Reina taking the forms of various mythological beasts deemed as either evil or malicious in their various mythos. She usually gains her takeovers by finding relics or shrines that are related to the creature in question; although she can also gain them by conquering descendants or relatives of the monsters. The range of these Take-Overs can be as varied as history itself, the only real theme keeping them together being their negative role in the stories they come from. For instance, one takeover could morph her hair into snakes and allow her to secrete poison, where another could light her fists aflame, and allow her to breathe fire. It's magic that specializes in situational usefulness but also forces the user to multitask, and learns what can and can't work together. 

    Much like the magic itself, Reina tends to be very varied in how she fights depending on the Take-Over in question. While maintaining the partial forms is easy enough for her, wielding the Full-Takeover's tends to affect her personality somewhat. One could make her extremely violent and wild, while another might actually clear her mind somewhat, and cause her to think more tactically. It's all about knowing what situation is best for what Take-Over is being used, forcing Reina to think before she charges in all willy nilly...unless charging in and going wild is what's best of course.

    Unique Abilities:

    Bestial Presence: 
    In addition to inheriting the abilities and personas of her Take-Over's, Reina also inherits their traits, granting her the ability to communicate with various animal species depending on what Take-Over is currently in effect. On top of that, she gains a passive 20% buff to her strength and speed as long as a Take-Over spell is active. 

    D Ranked Spells:

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