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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by aeluri 26th March 2020, 2:22 pm


    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Heavenly Castle of Angelicae
    Post Word Count: 1,166
    Job Word Count: 1,166/14,000
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Castle
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None

    Aeluri paced wall to wall and back again. The tiny room in the ship’s cabin felt like it was growing smaller with each tick of the clock on the wall. Her shoes and the timepiece were the only sounds within the space, save for the faint crashing of waves against the sides of the ship.

    Fingers twitched in agitation as Aeluri moved around. She hated the ocean. She hated ships. Yet, here she was, traversing the Cloud Sea atop one. Why on Earthland had she taken this godforsaken job? Her self-confidence had led her astray again. “‘I can brave the sea again,’” Aeluri muttered, mocking her own thoughts from the other day. ‘The last time wasn’t so bad!’ Tch! What an idiot!” Footsteps became stomps for a moment. She was furious with herself for ending up on the ocean again. The one place she hated most on the planet was around her. As soon as she and her mentee, Louie, had boarded the ship, Aeluri had taken to her room in the ship’s cabin. The less she had to see the ocean, the less distressed she would be on the trip. The past few days on the water had been torture. She hardly slept.

    The ship’s crew had said that today was the day they would arrive at their destination. Aeluri had asked enough times to annoy them. The minutes ticked and ticked. Each one sounded louder and louder in her ears. At last, the raven-haired woman couldn’t handle it. She grabbed a book from a nearby shelf and hurled it at the clock. Glass shattered as it collided with the timepiece. The annoying ticking subsided. Aeluri looked at the debris with a scowl. The ship lurched and so did her stomach.

    “Five minutes until takeoff!” came a cry from a shipmate on the deck. Aeluri’s ears perked up. Takeoff? What could that mean? Though she had been persistent about asking when they would arrive, the dark mage hadn’t asked about how they would reach their destination. She knew the castle at the end of their journey was airborne but figured that there was some way to get up from the ocean. Maybe a ladder? An aircraft? Who knew.

    Quickly Aeluri donned her waist-length cloak and pulled the hood over her feline ears. She had the ability to take on any feline features at any time, so she had been passing the time listening to the crew’s conversations with heightened hearing and carving pictures into the wooden walls of the cabin with sharp claws. Hopefully when they found her handiwork they wouldn’t be too mad. Black fabric fit comfortably over her ears, which she flattened to her head. The less the ship’s crew knew about her, the better. That included appearance.

    Aeluri rushed from her room and climbed the stairs to the deck to see what was going on. She had to dodge a few shipmates rushing about. When she reached the surface, the sight of the water around the ship made her stomach churn. Choppy waves were obscured not far out from the vessel by low-hanging clouds. Apparently the Cloud Sea lived up to its name.

    Mismatching eyes looked around for Louie. Aeluri hadn’t seen him much since she had holed herself up beneath the decks. She wondered how he had been spending the trip. Probably complaining to himself about the fishy smell in the air or how gruff the crew looked. Aeluri snorted at the thought. A quick glance around didn’t reveal her mentee, but surely he had heard the call and would show up soon.

    The hooded woman approached the captain, who was directing his employees left and right. They seemed to be prepping the ship for something. When he caught sight of her, he gave Aeluri a nod. She nodded in response. When she had sought out someone to take her and Louie to their mystical destination, the person who had sent out the job posting had given them a list of sailors who might be willing to take them. Going down the list, many of them had denied the existence of the castle or curtly said that they would not agree. No amount of bribing could sway them. The last sailor on the list had sat down with Aeluri and Louie to discuss it in private. The three had taken up a quiet corner of a cafe where the sailor knew the owner. There, he had revealed that he knew the location of the castle and that he had little favor for the Magic Council. He was willing to take the two there to fulfill their mission and would simply look the other way. Should anyone ask him, he would feign ignorance.

    Aeluri had a shred of respect for the ship’s captain. She wasn’t a huge fan of the Magic Council herself, and was glad that someone had been able to take her and Louie to their destination. He would be paid handsomely for his time. The hooded mage approached him. The captain paused his direction for a moment and turned his attention to Aeluri as the crew buzzed around them like working bees.

    “Are we close?” she asked simply. “Aye,” he responded in a raspy voice. “Good,” Aeluri nodded and turned to walk back across the deck. As seasick as she felt, the sinister woman did well at hiding it. She only made it a few steps before she remembered the question she had intended to ask. “Oh,” she exclaimed, turning her shoulder to the captain once more. Crimson and gold eyes peered curiously. “What was that I heard about taking off?”

    “HOLD ON, EVERYONE!” the captain cried just then. “COMMENCING TAKEOFF!” The ship lurched beneath their feet. Several crew members stumbled and grabbed onto whatever they could. The ocean churned and roared beneath them. Aeluri leapt to the nearest railing and clutched it as tightly as she could. Instinctively her claws detracted and dug into the wood for extra grip. The vessel tossed a bit before Aeluri could feel an odd sensation. Were they… ascending?

    She rushed to the outermost edge of the deck. The boat was exerting a powerful magic from within that was lifting it from the ocean! Oars with winged extensions churned at breakneck speed. A massive sail had been extended. It was catching the wind and curved in a beautiful arc of cloth against the clouds. Only the last third of the ship was in the ocean. Water dripped, streamed, roared down the sides of the boat, returning to its source. The sound was tremendous.

    Aeluri was fascinated. A ship that could go airborne! She had never seen anything like it before. At last the vessel was completely airborne, traveling at a much faster speed than it had been in the water. The hooded woman nearly let out a whoop. They were finally away from the ocean! She could already feel her stomach settling. Aeluri turned to the deck to look for Louie once more.

    Last edited by aeluri on 29th March 2020, 12:13 pm; edited 5 times in total


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ 60637_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 26th March 2020, 3:34 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    "You overslept?!" Arnaluuk shouted as Odhran began to near a cliffside overlooking a port town.

    "Oh come now, Arnaluuk! It's not all bad!"

    "You realize the ship left a few days ago?"

    Odhran shrugged off the concern with a quick hand-wave. "What difference does a few days make?"

    Arnaluuk was astounded by the stupidity. "If the ship left, that means that other people took the job. That means that you're not going to be able to join in! Honestly! You idiot!"

    Odhran shrugged. "You have such little faith in my abilities, Arnaluuk. Well, my own abilities, and those of Lupa! Come now, we haven't a moment to waste!"

    Arnaluuk was flabbergasted as Odhran returned her to the Celestial Spirit Realm and summoned forth Lupa. The Pterolykos ran alongside her Keybearer as the duo flung themselves off the cliff, Odhran mounting the wolf in the midst of the air as they soared into new heights. Certainly it must have been a strange sight for the people in the nearby town to view, but Odhran paid little mind. Better to be viewed as a mythical cryptid than as...well...nothing. Him and Lupa soared across the waves of the vicious Cloud Sea, their crashing waves and tough winds pushing against the Celestial Spirit Wizard with insane strength. Nonetheless, Lupa persisted, in part due to some help of Odhran using his Ark of Embodiment to assuage the winds slightly. Lupa's work was tough and arduous, her beating wings crashing against the flowing and flushing winds, Odhran using the most of his ability to push aside that resistance.

    After a few hours of struggle, they finally spotted it: a boat. Of course, this was different from any normal boat. It was beginning to ascend into the air of its own volition. It was a flying ship. All the easier for him and Lupa, Odhran thought. That meant less time that he needed to travel to. He tossed a Dog-E-Bite into Lupa mouth before returning her and letting the Ark of Embodiment create wings of his own to finish the trek. He made sure his wings could take as much advantage of the wind as possible, a cone of air flying past him as there was little sound aside from that of the breeze, though even that was short-lived with the popping of Odhran's ears. He was reaching the ship at a breakneck pace. Well, it was too fast, at the very least. He managed to slow himself enough that he did not crash through the sides of the ship, merely splatting against it with a loud THUD. Thinking quickly, the Odhran's hand quickly shifted into an icepick and dug slightly into the side of the ship. He slowly climbed over to see a number of people armed and ready to attack him.

    "Fear not!" he called. "I am Odhran Aegisbane, and I am here to help with this mission! I...uh...overslept slightly and missed the boat's initial voyage, but it is no matter, for I have arrived now!" One sailor stepped forwards slightly, ready to poke Odhran with his spear. "Can you not do that? It's honestly very rude and disrespectful to a guest like myself."

    Odhran shrugged. "Well, I guess I have no choice but to try to make you...less likely to be rude. So...uh..." He turned to a sailor with a pistol. "What Spirits should I summon?" He waited for an answer, flicking through his keys as the rude man very rudely refused to answer his question. "Ah, thank you for your support. Truly helpful, you lot. Well, in that case, I guess...uh..." He flicked through more frantically as the spearman poked his side, though he used the Ark of Embodiment to harden his body to be as tough as dragon scales. "Let's go...these three for now. Don't wanna sink the ship, after all."

    He held three keys in between his fingers and simultaneously summoned all three: Sir Pudley, Amittai, and Atsuai. The three positioned themselves around him, forming a wall, with Pudley on his right, his squishy, candy-like body now absorbing the spear, Atsuai on the left, with her bow already having two heart-shaped arrows knocked, and Amittai, casually standing with his hands in his pockets in front of him.

    "Why, all of you are so rude!" Sir Pudley barked.

    Atsuai giggled. "I'd say so, Sir Pudley. I'd advise you back off, because I would just oh-so-love to pierce a few necks with arrows."

    "And you cats would really benefit from not attacking the boss-man," Amittai explained.

    "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, just let me have passage because I'm very tired right now. So...uh...if you don't mind me..."

    Odhran sat back upon the railing, taking the time to catch his breath as the three Spirits around him were in preparation to protect their Keybearer.

    WC: 0803 | TWC: 0803

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ XBivwWT

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Louie 27th March 2020, 2:06 pm

    Louie honestly couldn't remember what exactly was said or discussed when he and the gorilla went to inquire about this "job," but he remembered be enticed by the idea of a floating castle in the sky, above the Cloud Sea. Louie, being the adventurous man he is, was actually somewhat cooperative with the gorilla this time around because he was intrigued by the idea of this place.

    It had been a couple of days since the two boarded the ship, and for the most part, Louie had spent most of his time keeping to himself. He was either in his dirty, unimpressive quarters or sitting on the edge of the deck, looking out into the open sea. The only time he had seen the gorilla during their voyage was when they first boarded the ship, but he hadn't seen her since, and she hadn't even crossed his mind until later on.

    There wasn't much to do on the ship, especially when it wasn't personalized to his liking. The visage of the ship was about as atrocious and unpleasant to the eye as he imagined it would be for the lesser men and women of this country, and his quarters were both stuffy, odorous, and ugly. Louie had gone sailing before and still does, so the smell of the sea and the creatures within didn't actually bother him as bad as one might think it would. But then again, the ships he would go sailing on were ones he purchased himself or were at least from people who he knew made vessels to his standards, which were much higher than the one he was boarding now. His bed was rigid and probably filthy, and the floorboards creaked so loudly that it was like scraping nails against a chalkboard. And as if to add salt to the already open and bloody wounds, Louie preferred to starve than eat anything the trash who were steering this mediocre offered to serve him. Needless to say, his hunger made him far more crotchety than he normally was.

    Unlike yesterday, Louie was sitting on the edge of the deck instead of in the ship's cabin by himself, staring out into the open sea with an irritable expression. He tried to find a spot far away from the rather hideous crewmen aboard, but it was difficult to find a mudless spot in a pigpen, after all. Between judging and rating everyone's appearances and letting his mind float on the sea, Louie was silent. Hungry, too. If it were any other day, William would have had his breakfast prepared by now; Minstrel waffles with flax, almond butter, and a scrambled egg with a garnishing. As fancy as it sounded, and it was, Louie had grown so accustomed to it that hardly knew how to cook himself. He's never had to, after all.

    As time passed, Louie slowly grew more and more disinterested with his own thoughts. He could only keep himself entertained for a certain amount of time, however. He was almost inclined to go seek out the gorilla at this point! Even she was more entertaining than what this crew had to offer him, and his hunger began to press on his mind.

    The blonde took out his iLac X Pro and began to swipe through it with a sour look on his face. "Wish these monkeys would hurry up already! I can't even get a signal out here! Tch!" Louie complained to himself, his brows knitting together. It was shortly after his private comment that a crewman approached him, mop in hand and his stereotypical sailor's outfit about as atrocious as his square face. Between his physique and his outfit, Louie struggled to determine which had been uglier. Louie's face almost instinctively softened when he saw him, forcing a friendly smile onto his lips to conceal his irritation. "Yes? How can I help you, sir?"

    The man smiled sheepishly. "We're 'gon be takin' off soon, so you better hold 'er head on somethin'."

    Louie stared at him confused. "What? What are you talking about—"


    Suddenly, as if an enormous weight was being lifted from the ship, Louie could feel himself press against the ship and the salty winds rush against the floorboards. Whether he grabbed a beam or a thick rope, Louie didn't know, but he held it as if he were going to die if he hadn't! The color drained from his face as if he were being pushed down with him, and the entire time whatever was happening happened, he was shouting all sorts of vulgar and inappropriate curses from his native tongue.

    When the brief and yet heart-wrenching "take-off" ended, Louie was panting as the color returned to his face and his bearings were gathered. His delicate hand pressed against his chest as he lifted himself up, still holding on to what was apparently a rope. When he looked overboard, the ship was... airborne? It most certainly was, there was no doubt of that! When Louie saw this, his countenance suddenly lit up and his cheeks flushed a peachy pink. His lifestyle was leagues above anyone in this country could ever hope to afford or dream about, but even he liked a rush!

    The blonde leaned over the deck again, grinning wildly. "Aha... airborne, are we?" Louie laughed quietly, smirking into the sea of clouds, "Not everything's a letdown, I guess..."

    After beholding the new scenery, Louie whipped away from the edge of the deck to go find his gorilla. Of course, if she had failed to live through the takeoff, Louie wouldn't have been too disappointed. He'd just be given a new one, after all! Though, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy annoying her, as they didn't get along in any other way. What else was she good for except protecting him? Useless!

    There in the distance, a familiar black and gloomy figure meandered through the crowd, blatantly avoiding people and standing near the captain, or otherwise the leading of this atrocious group of monkeys. Compared to Louie, who was wearing his usual navy-blue dress shirt with checkered cuffs, optic white slacks, and an assortment of golden jewelry decorating his neck, wrists, and ears, the gorilla was rather mediocre. It might have been because Louie disliked the color black, which was objectively one of the worst colors.

    She was by the edge of the deck, looking around. For what? When the blonde approached her from her side, Louie grabbed her hood and pulled it back towards him to get her attention. "What's with that outfit? What are you, emo?" Louie scowled at her, and then smirked when as folded his arms, "I bet you pissed your pants during takeoff. Honnêtement! I, however," he huffed haughtily, a complacent grin on his lips, "am in great condition! Ahahaha!"

    Louie groped around his pockets for his iLac X Pro, wanting to take a picture of himself. But, he couldn't feel anything there. "...Ha? What? What?" he began to panic, his delicate hands shuffling from pocket to pocket, and then his shirt, and his shoes. It wasn't anywhere! "N-No way... did these monkeys... make me drop my iLac? My iLac? What?"


    Post Word Count: 1200 | Total Word Count: 3169 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Honnêtement! = Honestly!




    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
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    Experience : 2,745,750

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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Jester 28th March 2020, 4:03 pm

    I thought that you'd want what I want, Sorry, my dear
    But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns...

    The sword of Caesar and the spear of Genesis.

    Two powerful holy weapons rumoured to be wielded by mythical beings. His research told him that these weapons remained with their owners at all times, in the Heavenly castle of Angelique. Which, on a plus side, was a property used by the Magic Council, his guilds enemy numero uno. The greatest law implementors in the entirety of Earthland, a group Jester hadn't anticipated coming into contact with so soon since joining the faction. But alas, those weapons were important and if he had to butcher a few magic council members to do so, it would no doubt be anything less than a perk for his malicious guilds reputation.

    He needed to get his hands on at least one of those weapons for the day's mission to be a success. To take it home, to study and tinker with, so that he could harness its power for his own deviant plans. To strengthen the forces of Errings Rising and enhance their armoury. Greaten the force that was the prestigious dark legion, to bring even more devastation upon the world and any who would oppose them. It was all very exhilarating. Jester did enjoy facing off against strong prospects, like the Jelly-Man and Mr Officer who had both proving to be deliciously exciting in battle. Not to mention the fact that never had he taken on heavenly creatures before, he wondered how it would feel to watch them suffer at his hand. What kind of faces would they pull in their moments of death? Would they be pained and anguished as their light was extinguished from this hopeless world? Oh, he hoped so.

    Now there was only one real concern for Errings Rising's Ace of Marauders because there was a rumour going around in Earthland's underworld that someone had put a hit out on the same location. Meaning that if he didn't get to this castle quickly, the weapons could fall into some other menace's hands. Not that he didn't trust his ability to get it back, but he would prefer not to have to endure the trivial manhunt. He couldn't guarantee that the mouse would be any fun to toy with, and his fingers were itching to play with these powerful tools. He would much rather get to the castle ahead of them, where he could get what he wanted before it became an issue. Alternatively, there was the possibility that he might run into them during his work, which might not prove to be an issue, he didn't care who attempted to claim fame for the assassin of mere council members, as long as he got his weapons. Afterall Erring's Rising had more than their fair share of reputation these days, there were few that didn't know or fear the dark guild that had taken refuge in the mountains. Tales of their nefarious actions had undoubtedly left many quivering with horror. Not to mention how ruthless they were in their pursuit against law. And regardless, if anyone attempted to intervene with his goal today, then he would simply slaughter them all. Easy at that.

    Unlike the others who were also targeting the island, still soaring through the air. Jester had just stepped off his vessel, having rented one from a contact who was able to procure even something as obscure as a flying ship. Sheba's ginormous paws found their way onto the ground next to him, the giant tigress pressing her head against his side. He looked down at her, reaching over, he would gently scratch the titanic beast behind the ear. "Worry not, Sheba, you'll have plenty to feast on today." He told her in a tone he reserved only for her, earning a huffing noise from the feline. She was clearly impatient, the creature with a specific taste for human flesh had gone a few days on generic animal meat. She was anxious for a proper meal, a feast that Jester had assured her she would soon get to enjoy.

    Suddenly, a wave of magic would rush over them suddenly, freezing their feet in place as a guard appeared before them. Pointing a sword at Jester, Sheba growled menacingly, however, Jester quietened her with a small gesture of the hand. "You are not authorized to be here, please state your business or leave immediately." The dark-haired soldier was built with impressive stature, his armour was made of the finest metals and his sword was crafted beautifully. It was a shame that his will was so weak, Jester could see it in his eyes, he was trained to fight and built for intimidation, but he was nothing special. Weak-spirited and doomed to die, the warmth in his eyes told the clown a story of frailness, bound here only be a sense of duty that was fractured with other desires. Jester giggled, he could have come here with a disguise, snuck into the magic council, played a great act that would have foiled them all. But he had decided against it, it would've taken up too much time. No, it was time for the chaos which truthfully, he hadn't enjoyed in some time.

    "My business? Why I'm here for the food, of course, I hear you serve the best Sashimi in the entire world!" He told him eagerly clapping his hands together in excitement. There was a sudden cracking sound, followed by the sound of swishing and slicing, complimented by a garbled scream. The guard fell to the floor in pieces, blood-drenched playing cards floating around his dead body. "There you are Sheba, tuck in!" He told her, gesturing at the body excitedly. She stared at him for a moment with a look that could almost be interpreted as irritation. He sighed, placing his hands on his hips, "Yes, I know you enjoy the kill, but flesh is flesh, is it not? Now chop, chop, sink your teeth in before you lose those yummy years of his!" He remarked, with a wave of his hand he dispelled the immobilisation magic that he been put on them both. He turned away and strolling down the dock for a better look at their location, the disgruntled tiger digging into the corpse behind him.

    There was more surges of power as guards began to appear on the beach, charging towards them. "Ah, it's seems we're under attack. No matter, let's show them a good time shall we Sheba?" He said as a deranged smile stretched across his pale face, and with a twirl, he unleashed the carnage of his sinister magic. Sheba leaping forth from her meal and running down their attackers. All of which were dead within moments, the docks soon littered with half-eaten bodies. Once they were sated with the fight, they decided to move further into the castle. Leaving the dead welcome party for the remainder of the castles scheduled guests.

    WC: 1152 Threadl WC: 4321  / 14,000  Tag: @aeluri @Louie @Odhran Aegisbane



    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by aeluri 29th March 2020, 2:12 pm

    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Heavenly Castle of Angelicae
    Post Word Count: 1,315
    Job Word Count: 5,636/14,000
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Castle
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None
    It didn’t take long for Louie to find Aeluri. She had heard his footsteps approaching as she peered over the railing at the thick clouds surrounding the now airborne boat. He certainly wasn’t quiet and was making his presence quite known. The summoner grimaced for a brief second. It was a challenge to teach Louie to think like a dark mage, let alone act like one. Stealth was important in their line of work, but he couldn’t seem to get that through his thick skull. Then again, being quiet and blending in wasn’t exactly natural for him. He was a hard person to ignore.

    Aeluri’s scowl worsened as Louie reached out and grabbed on to her hood. Instinctively she grabbed the edges near her face so it didn’t come off. The last thing she wanted was for her feline ears to draw attention to herself. She whirled around as Louie chastised her choice of outfit. “At least I don’t look like walking thief bait,” she hissed, her mood souring in an instant. The smug little twerp crossed his arms and was staring at her. Aeluri narrowed her eyes at him from beneath her hood. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you shit yours, kid,” she muttered in response. “I bet the takeoff scared you more than the presence of poor people does.” Her scowl loosened up a bit at the thought.

    Louie started panicking, desperately searching around for his iLac. Aeluri chuckled a little bit. “It’s probably at the bottom of the ocean by now,” she said with a gleeful smirk. Her mismatching eyes watched with growing amusement as he fumbled around. Ha! This is what he deserved for being such a pain in the ass.

    Aeluri whipped her head around as a loud THUMP came from the side of the ship. She took the steps down to the lower deck near where the sound was, leaving Louie to deal with his monumental loss. Over the railing, a young man with white hair had appeared. One of the crew members had approached him cautiously with a spear. Aeluri watched as the young man summoned some interesting celestial spirits. One was… a walking cupcake? The other was a woman in a kimono and the third was a skeleton in a suit with massive horns.

    The little group had captured the attention of the crew. Aeluri herself was intrigued and pushed her way past the sailors. As she got closer, she recognized the young man. It was Odhran Aegisbane, a dark mage that had arrived to join Louie and herself for a business meeting not long ago. His spirit that donned the kimono was familiar as well. The young man was an odd one. Aeluri had been amused by his antics last time they had met.

    She stepped closer. “Odhran,” she called out to him. “What are you doing here?” Aeluri wasn’t one to offer polite greetings. He seemed to be catching his breath, so she waited a moment for his reply.

    Their conversation was interrupted by the ship’s captain calling out once more. “APPROACHING DESTINATION! PREPARE TO DISEMBARK STARBOARD.” Aeluri had no idea what starboard meant. The crew began to rush about the vessel again. The sails were adjusted and a large anchor wreathed in magic was taken below decks to be dropped on the sky island.

    The clouds around the ship had obscured their view since departing from the ocean below. Moisture from the clouds had gathered on all the ship’s exterior surfaces and left drips and dewdrops everywhere. Aeluri shook some of the water from her cloak. All at once, they broke through the clouds. The gray was replaced by bright sunlight and the white, puffy tops of clouds. Directly ahead was a giant floating island. Beaches surrounded its edges along with a peculiar bit of ocean suspended in the air. The water neither fell nor dripped, being held up by a magical force. In the center of the island was a massive castle. Bright limestone walls gleamed in the light. Flags printed with the Magic Council’s symbol flew from the tips of a few towers.

    As their destination approached, Aeluri felt her heart rate increase. It had been a long time since she had done an assassination job. The carnal thrill of impending battle wove through her. She was eager to sink her claws into some flesh. It had been some time since Linnea had killed too. The sinister spirit could be felt lurking inside the shadows of the ship. Occasionally Aeluri would see its red eyes glowing from a shadow, only to disappear a second later. She instructed it to wait, but its patience was growing thin.

    The ship slowly sank into the suspended sky-ocean and sailed effortlessly towards the beach shore. Aeluri’s stomach turned at the reunion with water, even if it was a small amount. The vessel anchored a distance from the shore as the water was too shallow to go any further. Aeluri sought out Louie and Odhran, leading them to the edge of the ship at the captain’s direction. Apparently starboard meant the right side of the boat when facing towards the front.

    The three mages and Odhran’s spirits were led into a dinghy and accompanied by a lone sailor. He glanced nervously at the celestial beings every few seconds. Aeluri’s enhanced vision could see the furious pulsing of his veins under his skin, showing that his terrified heart was racing. She huffed quietly in mild amusement.

    The ride from the ship to the shore was hell. Aeluri dug her fingers into the boat’s edge, trying to focus her eyes on the castle instead of the water beneath them. The gentle lapping of the waves was more tolerable than the crashing ones of the ocean. She still swore up a storm in her head every time the boat lurched.

    Aeluri was the first on the shore when they arrived. As soon as her boots touched the sand, her body released its pent up tension. She let out a quick sigh before looking around. The golden beaches were in pristine condition. It seemed to be a lovely place to spend time. Aeluri wouldn’t even mind soaking up some sun if it weren’t for this island’s connection to the Magic Council. Not a soul was to be seen, though. The breeze whispered over the silent sand.

    Across the beach, on the path leading towards the castle, Aeluri noticed something on the ground. She peered at it, but even her enhanced vision couldn’t quite make out what it was. Leaving Louie and Odhran without a word, she made her way towards the path. As she approached, Aeluri could smell fresh blood. The thing turned out to be the body of a castle guard, his body and armor ripped to shreds. A large portion of the flesh was missing completely, as if consumed by something. A single large pawprint was left near the body, a bloody marker of whoever had done this.

    Aeluri felt her heart drop to her stomach. They weren’t alone on this island. Someone had gotten here before them! In a quick motion, she dropped the hood from her head, her feline ears perking up to their full height once more. All her senses were on high, searching for any signs of danger. Claws extended from her fingertips in preparation for battle. From the shadows of a nearby tree, Linnea materialized. The two-headed white cat came to stand next to Aeluri protectively. The feline’s eight foot stature dwarfed her smaller figure. It sniffed the air, taking in the scent of blood and whoever had come here. Both heads let out rumbling growls. Twin tails lashed side to side. Blood-red saliva dripped from between its horrifying sets of teeth.

    Aeluri waited for her companions to join her by the bloody remains before proceeding. She was more wary than she was headstrong.


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ 60637_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 30th March 2020, 8:45 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    An oddly familiar voice rang into Odhran's ears as he recovered from his arrival. Just as he thought, greeting him was a familiar face. "Oh! Hello!" he said cheerily, raising a hand in response. Quietly he looked to Atsuai. "What was her name again?"

    Atsuai smiled, calmly stating, "Always so forgetful of newcomers, Od-chan. That's Aeluri, and I believe I see Louie in the distance."

    Odhran nodded a quick thank-you and hoped that Aeluri did not hear his question. "Hello, Aeluri! Yes, I am here, too! Oh, right, that whole 'why I'm here thing.' So here's the thing, right? I saw this job posting back in my guild's hall, right? Said something like 'A Chance to Kill Council Members' or something along those lines. Arnaluuk has the flier, but she's...currently unhappy with me and prefers not to be summoned. Anyways, so I see when this ship is leaving from this port, and I take note of the day. Makes sense, I know, I am always full of surprises and the mastery of my own crafts and machinations. Knowing I would be undertaking this task, I set out for a slight bit of...uh...'training' in the Celestial Spirit Realm. Fun fact, that place makes time go by a biiiit quickly. I get back, and it's the day before the boat leaves, apparently. So, I can tackle a few jobs before then, and fast forward to now, I'm a little late for the boat leaving. Or it sailing for a few days. Honestly, it's no matter. But fear not! I'm here now, and I'm here to make sure that this job goes smoothly! Me and my Celestial Allies will ensure that no harm comes to any of my new buddies and that I get as much glory as possible, because killing the Magic Council does wonders for the resume."

    Just as Odhran finished his lengthy explanation, a crew member called out something along the lines of reaching the destination. Looking up to see a sea of clouds, Odhran quickly put his masterful wit to use and used the Ark of Embodiment to summon forth a plague doctor mask to protect his eyes from the ensuing moisture, while his wonderfully immaculate and totally not shabby or drab outfit was covered by a similar outfit to match the mask. Once they had burst through the clouds, the outfit was no longer needed and thus discarded without a second thought. The place looked just as the job request had said it would. It certainly was a castle.

    "My castle's better..." Odhran scoffed.

    Odhran followed Aeluri and the rest of the crew's lead as they loaded him and his Spirits aboard. When asked if he could unsummon his Spirits, Odhran simply replied, "And waste the magic and camaraderie? You foolish person, I shall forgive you just once."

    The boat that they slowly sailed towards the island on was a cramped place, especially with the presence of the three Spirits aboard. The one non-mage continually checked over his shoulder at the Spirits, a pang of nervousness and-

    "You scared?" Amittai playfully asked. "You don't have to worry your pretty li'l head, cat. Me and these cats here are just here for a job that you signed on for. I ain't gonna hurt'cha, kid. Don't worry about that. Just keep doin' your job and you'll be one solid cat. 'Course, maybe the same can't be said 'bout your sickly li'l kid. Papa's gotta get cash for her medicine by any means necessary. 'Course...you're makin' a risky move, what with you livin' in Era. Better hope ya don't get caught."

    If Amittai had a face, Odhran was sure that Amittai would be smiling as they all witnessed the color drain from the face of the crewman leading the dinghy along. Even still, he continued to look nervously and fearfully at the Spirits, especially that of Amittai, who he refused to make eye-to-eyehole contact with. While Aeluri took the lead off of the boat, Odhran, Atsuai, and Sir Pudley soon followed, with Amittai lingering for slightly longer just to torment the man. By the time Amittai reached Odhran and his Spirits, they were ready to head for Aeluri, who had found something. As soon as Odhran began to walk towards the more experience (though obviously less talented, Odhran mused) mage, the crewman and his dinghy fled as fast as possible towards their home ship. At Aeluri's feet was a mangled corpse.

    "If I had to hazard a guess, that's less than healthy."

    "I could've walked that off."

    "I'm sure you could've, Od-chan." A thinly veiled layer of sarcasm hung in Atsuai's voice. "As I'm sure Aeluri is thinking, we're not alone on this island. Someone else is here and ready to do some sort of fighting. We'd best be prepared as well."

    Amittai made a satisfied click noise. "I'm always prepared to fight, Atsuai. Question is if those cats are ready to dance with the devil."

    Sir Pudley, too, made a satisfied harrumph. "Indeed! I'm prepared for combat, and I am prepared to fight for the glory and honor of Queen Lolly, Fourth of her name! Queen of Candyland, Marquess of the Macaroon Machair, and Herzogin of the Hopje Hills!"

    Odhran smiled in agreement with his Spirits, transforming his right arm into the bastardly, grotesque ax Aymr. "My Allies are most correct, but I shall let you lead the way, Aeluri. You seem...more prepared than I am. Of course, just point me in the direction, and I shall do so. Oh, and I suppose you can do so as well, Louie. If that pleases you."

    WC: 0934 | TWC: 1737

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ XBivwWT

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Louie 2nd April 2020, 6:38 pm

    When Louie realized that he had lost his iLac, he suddenly remembered the take-off from earlier and how he was scrolling through his social media feed just before. He must've lost it then, since his iLac was hardly the first thing on his mind with such a back-breaking force upon them. Still, figuring out the how of it all didn't really improve Louie's mood, and neither did Aeluri's triumphant smirk. Louie was so troubled by his loss that he hardly knew whether to curse at the gorilla or to throw something at her in such a vexing circumstance, but didn't get the chance to do either of these things as she meandered away toward a small gathering of crewman.

    Louie was about to go harass her about her response, but after hearing her call out the familiar Odhran Aegisbane's name and then seeing the man himself climb aboard, his face soured. He was unfortunate enough to know a moron like Odhran, and he'd avoid him when he could.    

    After the ship ascended into the Cloud Sea, it floated in a suspension of clouds as if it were an actual body of water. Well, in a way it was, but being in the middle of a sea of clouds was still rather unbelievable for Louie, and improved his already sour mood significantly. In the near distance was a large island with an impressive castle in the center of it all. Its walls were clearly made of limestone kept in pristine condition, and there were a myriad of flags and banners with a symbol printed on every one of them. Louie's crimson eyes floated onto those banners, staring at them with a slightly narrowed gaze, sitting there in contemplation. Where have I seen that symbol before? It's probably not important.

    When the ship slowed to a complete stop and near shallow waters, Louie knew it was time to depart if not only because there was a dinghy waiting for them just below the ship. The blonde sat as far away as he could from everyone, although it was crowded no matter where he sat, and he didn't say a word to anyone. There was hardly anything that could lift his spirits after losing his iLac, but as the dinghy drew closer and closer to the castle he had come all this way just to see, he was hopeful that the adventure he was about to embark on would make up for his material loss.  


    When the group had finally come ashore, the first thing Louie noticed was the sand. He liked sand and beaches quite a bit, so he noticed its creamy color and grainy textures. For being located in such a trash country, Louie didn't doubt that even he would come here to relax. Sandy beaches by a sea of clouds? Louie would have been foolish to pass up such an opportunity! But there was something far more enticing to the millionaire than just the island's sandy appearance.

    Louie looked at the castle and smirked. "Let's see if I'm in for a treat! Gorilla!" he called out for Aeluri, but she never responded. The blonde suddenly perked up, "Gorilla?" When she failed to respond a second time, Louie began to look for her. He peeked around as far as he could see of the island until a slim black figure stood out among the brightly colored scenery. She was at the end of a path leading to the extravagant castle, standing over something in the middle of the road. Following her was Odhran and his creatures, who then stood over the same thing. Louie was the last to arrive, visibly irritated. What was she? Deaf? Did she not hear him the first few times? Why did she even leave without informing him? Well, in that case, why didn't she go far, far away? So far away that Louie wouldn't have to look at her ugly face again or suffer the brutality of her gorilla strength again?

    Louie was marching up to the group with a barrage of slurs and other foul words in his native tongue, but when the odorous stench of blood breached his nose and the ground around them turned sanguine, Louie paused to look at what was clearly a corpse. A fresh one, as well. "Répugnante, but it's so like you filth to litter." Louie said to them, stepping over the body and avoiding its blood as if he were stepping over rubbish in the middle of the street. To some extent, the corpse of that guardsman might as well have been trash to him, after all. For someone with such inexperience with violence and murder compared to the rest of the world, he seemed awfully comfortable with the sight of blood and gore, even if he was the one responsible for it. But he resented making messes.

    After stepping over the body and standing in front of the open doors, Louie paused and looked up at the castle. His expression was greedy and narrow, like a visage someone would wear when they were scheming or otherwise up to no good. Greed filled his eyes as he looked upon the limestone. "Don't get in my way, pigs." Louie warned them without actually acknowledging them, stepping inside the doors in front and into the cool corridors of the Cloud Sea Castle.

    When he walked inside, he was greeted with an array of different routes he could take. While he was presented with a multitude of choices, it seemed that each one guided him deeper into the castle. As he meandered forward, unconcerned about stealth in any capacity, the young millionaire would begin his wandering. At this point, he wasn't separated from Aeluri and Odhran, but at his pace, he seemed blissfully unconcerned with the idea.

    Post Word Count: 967 | Total Word Count: 7537 | Needed Word Count: 14000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Répugnante = Disgusting




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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Jester 27th April 2020, 2:17 pm

    I thought that you'd want what I want, Sorry, my dear
    But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns...

    The path the clown took through the grounds of the Magic Council's little hideaway was a beautiful one. A home in the clouds with the wealth of the countries leaders at its behest, of course, it's architecture was nothing short of magnificent. They really did like to show off, didn't they? With their tall walls of marble and gold, towering pillars and overzealous decor. famous paintings and gold treasures on stands and in glass cases. If he had more time, he might have considered stealing some things for Errings Rising's funds. They could have sold them on the black market for a profit, but that would ultimately depend on how his own agenda unfolded. Getting those weapons was the most important thing that he needed to acquire, anything else would just be an added bonus. Maybe he could nab something pretty for his Queenie, that was sure to keep her happy. It was important that Jester made sure that the white queen was satisfied with her role and her sense of entitlement remained higher than most. If he wanted to further enjoy the perks of Errings Rising with its slow domination of the world and its laws, then the Queen had to want it. She had to remain her entitled self with the inability to tolerate denial in any form, and what better to do that than to spoil her unnecessary.

    As he proceeded further bodies would continue to clutter the pristine floors of the castle. Between him and Sheba, they made their way deeper into the main branch of the building, never pausing in the search for the weapons. They didn't come across any holy beings thus far, only pitiful humans. Yet they spared no one and did not stop for conversation, at this point Sheba's furry maw was completely stained with red from all the bloody flesh she had snacked on. No doubt she was full of new life having absorbed the remaining years of those she had devoured, a fascinating feat in itself really, not only would this Tiger likely outlive any of its species but would seemingly outlive many humans too. If humanity didn't find some way to destroy her, she would most probably roam this world for centuries to come. The things she would possibly see, Jester could only wonder, maybe she would live to see the world on it's dying day? Would she remember him, her clown-man companion? It was impossible to know.

    As the man opened his palm, he would summoon his Jack O' Cannon out of thin air, pulling the large orange gun patterned with a halloween theme from his personal dimension. He brought the pumpkin-themed artillery up to his shoulder and released several pumpkin-shaped blasts of orange ethereal energy, each pumpkin blast wearing a different face carved into it. Firing the weapon over and over again in the direction of each of the guards, until finally, the last of them fell to the floor. Sheba gleefully skipped over to it, chowing down on the body as Jester strolled along casually. Eying the magnificent hall around him, he would twirl on the spot, his golden eyes inspecting the room. It was very grandiose and quite sparse, his wander through the castle had led him here and yet it was strange. There were no doors out of the room other than the one he had entered through. And not only this but because the giant plain white wall that stood before him just seemed a little peculiar, every other surface that stretched through this castle was adorned with decor and art. Yet this wall was completely bare, white marbled brickwork and yet emanating its own slight magical signature. The red-head stepped closer to the wall, examining it closely, he would reach up running his slender fingers along the surface. It was faint, but he felt a slight magical resistance as he touched the brickwork, which informed him of something particularly important; This wall was enchanted, but why?

    He pondered for a moment, before a malevolent smirk crept onto his lip, "In some rooms, they are sliding, in some rooms they swing, in some rooms revolving, what is this thing?" He glanced over at the Tigress waggling his eyebrows at her. She would pause from her meal to look upat him, her gaze blank and uncaring as she chewed. After a moment of staring, she huffed before returning back to the meat-snack beneath her. "Why a door of course Sheba! A Door! But alas, where is the handle?" He called back at her, before facing the wall again, he was sure there was some method of revealing it, but he just wasn't aware of what. Still, he giggled gleefully at the challenge which only hastened as the sound of stomping feet could be heard. The room began to flood with soldiers, coming to the source of the chaos that had devastated their castle. He didn't bother to look at the fifteen bodies of random soldiers that gathered behind him, ordering his surrender. Really? Surrender now? Could they not see their dead comrades? Humans really were pathetic. Too hesitant to take action, really they should kill him immediately. But of course, they did not, because they were fools.

    Fools. Every last one of them.

    WC: 880 Threadl WC: 8,417  / 14,000  Tag: @aeluri @Louie @Odhran Aegisbane



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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by aeluri 5th May 2020, 2:19 pm

    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Heavenly Castle of Angelicae
    Post Word Count: 758
    Job Word Count: 9,175/14,000
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Castle
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None
    Aeluri rolled her eyes at Louie’s back as he stepped past her and Odhran. Of course he would blame it on them. He was too oblivious to take in the subtle signs around the kill that gave warning that it was committed by someone outside of their group. Another glance around revealed that there were other bodies in the beach area, many with chunks of flesh torn from them. Whoever had landed here before them had slayed all the beach guards without mercy.

    With a sigh, Aeluri continued after Louie, who had gone ahead down the path to the castle’s main entrance. Linnea followed at her side, both heads scanning to and fro for threats. The dark mage herself was staying wary. The two caught up to him just as her mentee warned to stay out of his way and pushed the doors in. Caution seemed to be disregarded completely. Reluctantly, she followed the blonde. She didn’t particularly know how to navigate a castle, so sticking together in a group was probably their best bet.

    The hallways were massive. Limestone and marble buttresses lined the ceiling far above, supporting the weight of the stone. Every other alcove held a beautiful stained glass window many feet tall. Some depicted scenes of Fiorean history, while others held designs with angel wings or the symbol of the magic council. Finely woven rugs passed beneath their feet as they walked. Aeluri scowled as she thought about how expensive it must have been to create such a massive building. The Magic Council didn’t deserve such a luxurious retreat. She wished she still had access to some of Basilisk Fang’s weapons of mass destruction so she could obliterate this place into dust.

    Aeluri paused mid-step in the middle of a hallway after they had turned a corner. There was the faint sound of heavy footsteps and clinking metal armor. It echoed around the stone walls and from what she could pick up, they were headed to a room just a few corners away. Linnea’s twin heads had perked up, catching the same sound. Woman and cat glanced at each other, acknowledging that they both heard the same thing.

    “Guards,” Aeluri warned her companions, then took off in the direction of the noise. At the least, she wanted to see where they were heading. By following the guards, they might be able to find out more information about the castle and their mission. However, if they happened to encounter the guards face to face, Aeluri wouldn’t mind having to fight them. Her clawed fingers twitched at the thought.

    The last corner was turned and Aeluri and Linnea found themselves in the entrance to a large marble-lined room. At the far end stood a tall, odd looking man. Fiery red hair sprouted from his head and symbols were painted on his pale cheeks in bright colors. He looked much like a circus clown. At his side was a massive tiger, which piqued Aeluri’s interest. She had the strong desire to pet the feline, but had to remind herself that it could be a threat. The blood dripping down its fur was a sign of such possibility. It was clear that these two were the ones who had massacred at the doorstep of the castle.

    In the middle of the room was a crowd of castle guards dressed head to toe in metal armor. Across the room they had spread out, spears and swords facing towards the man and tiger. They seemed to be trying to apprehend him with hardly any success. “This is your last chance! Surrender now or we will be forced to arrest you!” cried the leader from beneath his metallic helmet.

    Aeluri noticed that there seemed to be only one door leading to the space, and she was standing in the middle of it. The guards had intended to trap the stranger in this space, but now they were caught in the middle of two forces. Though she wasn’t sure if the clown was an ally or not, the assassin couldn’t help but be amused at the predicament. The armored men and women were now subject to the whims of either side with no escape. How delightful!

    “My, my, my. What do we have here?” Aeluri called out, her sing-songy tone laced with mocking. She was addressing the room as a whole, but kept her eyes on the clown and tiger across the room. Anything she could observe about them could be useful to gauge whether they were a friend or a threat.


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ 60637_s
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ Empty Re: ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 9th May 2020, 10:37 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    Stealth? Tactics? Bah! None of these tricks and schemes had any place in Odhran's ideal way of going through with this mission! "Louis! I'm going to keep on walking forwards and we'll see how things go from there. I don't mind you doing whatever it is you want to do, just... uh... in case your leader boss mentor person thing comes back and wonders where me and my Spirits are." With that, he waved goodbye and continued marching through the castle, his trio of Spirits in tow. He figured he may need the higher firepower, so he rifled through his keys until he summoned forth Noel and Scorpio, both of whom were ready to get fighting and slaughtering those who would dare stand in their path.

    As if on cue, a man wearing little more than a bathtowel walked out into the hallway. Clearly this was an intruder! "Atsuai, if you wouldn't mind?"

    Atsuai giggled ever so slightly before quickly nocking an arrow and firing it into the man's neck, sending him collapsing to the ground. Odhran gave a clap of approval before continuing his way through, having already quelled one major threat. It would not be long before Odhran would stumble across a great find, a place with treasures unforetold! Why, there several, if not dozens of armed soldiers huddled around a large circular table that bore on it a number of small boxes with even smaller circle foods that were then cut into triangles. What sort of witchcraft was this meal? Clearly it was some secret the magic council had kept from the world, and now Odhran wanted it for himself, to charge an exorbitant price for such a delicacy! True, he had not even tasted it yet, nor did he know what it was, but he was certain this would work! The most evil scheme he had ever come up with!"

    "Sorry to intrude, but I must make an announcement! I am Odhran Aegisbane, Elysium's Ace of Creation! Yes, revel in fear at the might that I hold in my hands and the power I possess! You stand before a god, and one with enough power to-" A spear pierced the shield Sir Pudley had thrown in front of his Keybearer. "As I was saying, I am a God with enough power to render the Magic Council asunder all by myself! Although, to be fair, there are other people here, too. But what is most important is that I, Odhran Aegisbane, God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, Ace of Creation, Three-Time Runner-Up for 'Mr. Seven' as according to Nuacht Bhréige, Bearer of the Zodiac Key of Scorpio, and Reigning Champion of Seven's Bi-Decade Flaming Cheddar Cheese On Top of a Single Biscuit Eating Contest, have come to steal the lives away from the magic council that have... uh... done something wrong, probably. Maybe they haven't? Oh well, that's besides the point. Now, before I begin my slaughter of you fine gentlemen and gentlewomen - don't worry, I don't discriminate - would you mind telling me what that food is?"

    Rather than so kindly answer the question Odhran gave, the ungrateful people simply responded by drawing their weapons! After all the formality Odhran had done for them, they were so ungrateful as to dare to draw arms against a God? Odhran shrugged, seeing that they were a lost cause, and sicced his Spirits upon them, them conquering the foes as Odhran casually walked to the table and took one of the triangular slices of this mystery food. Just as expected, it was delicious, though the taste was slightly ruined when a corpse of an armored knight smashed through the table and the rest of the food, his neck twisted completely around. "Hey, Amittai? Do you know what this food is?" Odhran asked as he took another bite.

    "'Fraid not, bossman. That good, huh?"

    "Oh, it certainly is delicious! You've gotta try some some time, Amittai!"

    Amittai chuckled. "Oh I certainly would if I had taste buds. Kinda can't, though. I'm a bit skeletal, you dig?"

    "Ah, right. Noel? No, same problem."

    Odhran's musing was interrupted by two partially frozen corpses being shot out of a small vortex of snow. "Indeed. It's certainly a shame, no? Hehehe."

    "Oh, you must get that laugh checked out, Noel."

    "It's fine how it is, Atsuai. Hehehe."

    "You'll never pick up chicks that way!"

    "I... have a doubt Sir Noel is worrying about love."

    Odhran clapped as he checked the cold cupboard to see another one of these boxes with a fully intact version of this food! "Ah! Perfect! Good work, everyone! We'll reconvene in a moment, but first I want everyone to taste test this, if you have taste buds. Amittai, Noel, stand guard while the rest of us see how much we can extort the commonfolk for this!"

    WC: 0807 | TWC: 2544

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    ♫ I'm Headed Straight For The Castle ♫ XBivwWT

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:23 pm