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    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 11th May 2020, 4:49 am

    Watching the scene in front of her, Medeia could not help but smile slightly. She had come across this bunch of lazy castle cleaners, sleeping on the job and with a casual wave of her hand, the witch had turned each and every one of them into a toad, resulting in the chorus of croaking that filled her ears now. Her spell would not last too long but enough to teach the morons in front of her a lesson. For now, all they could do was hop around in fear, having no clue as to what was going on, their eyes almost bulging out of their heads, well, more than toads eyes normally did. The witch was not in the greatest mood and so the chance to cause a little disruption was one that she had leapt upon although in truth, she would rather take out her frustrations in a far more personal manner. Yet, that seemed not to be an option at the moment. She had not seen much of Jennifer lately and even her always dirty minded maid had been busy performing her guild duties, leaving Medeia to feel rather restless and isolated. Perhaps she would go out hunting later, in the hopes of finding someone to have a little fun with.

    “Stop croaking and listen to me,” she uttered in annoyance at the reptiles, folding her arms across her chest, her voice as cold as ice. “This is your own fault for not doing your jobs and if I find any of you sleeping instead of working again then you will find yourselves sleeping permanently. Am I understood?”

    The frogs would briefly look towards one another before answering with one loud and harmonious croak. Somehow, Medeia doubted that they would ever learn. They seemed to have the IQ of a potato and the brain capacity of a potted plant, not that it surprised her. Humanity in general was rather stupid and self destructive and the angel wondered on occasion if perhaps it would be better if she ruled herself but those thoughts never lasted long. She had no desire for thrones and titles. No, her desires were far more personal in nature.

    “Go on then, get to it,”
    Medeia would then say, watching with amusement as the frogs desperately tried to clean the guild entrance with their tongues, only making things worse. It was a bizarre scenario for sure but she was in the mood for being vindictive and her eyes never left them as they got on with their hopeless tasks. “You idiots!” She would add after a few moments, “You are making the walls sticky! Do it properly!” In blind terror, the frogs would desperately start to panic and head for the entrance, much to the mage’s annoyance, resulting in her hurling a ball of liquid gold at the group, turning them into golden statues. A fitting fate for them, she mused to herself, as she glanced down at the now metal coated frogs, a slight smirk crossing her features at that moment.

    (509 Words)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 11th May 2020, 12:09 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    There were still so many unfamiliar faces at Errings Rising for Kyra. Granted, a large portion of the blame for such a state went to Kyra due to her refusal to leave her room and her own shyness, but that was no matter. Despite her desire to shut herself away from the world in the comforts of her own quarters, Jen might find her, or some other misfortune may have occurred, such as the lacrima inside her being deciding to lash out at one of the lesser servants. She could not take on anyone even remotely powerful, that much was evident. Yet she still feared her lacrima knowing more than she could assess and vanquishing a weak meal.

    As such, she had to make way for the mess hall, and she had to pass through the entrance hall for such a thing. She had hoped that there would be no one entering the guild at the time that she would pass through, but she took caution nonetheless, dashing from cover to cover in an attempt to hide herself. She was just about ready to make a dash for the mess hall when, to her surprise, a bunch of frogs scampered in and began licking the floor. Kyra, who was now firmly in the entrance hall, was too stunned by the absurdity of the situation to move. An unfamiliar voice barked chastisement at the frogs, who began to once more dash - or, rather, hop - their way towards the doors to the entrance once more. A ball of golden liquid splashed over them, solidified over their toady bodies and causing them to be little statues. Kyra turned to see a woman standing and smirking, likely the source of the strange situation. Kyra blinked once, staring stunnedly at the large- chested, black- haired beauty. A twinge of familiarity rose to Kyra, sending a lurch to her stomach in fear as the faint feeling of familiarity to Jen warped into view.

    "S-sorry, I-I'm just in the w-way, aren't I?" She mumbled. "I-I'll just go now."

    With that, she turned on her heel and prepared to escape back to her room, having the faintest fear of something going horribly wrong for her and that she would not be able to escape so easily.

    WC: 0380 | TWC: 0380

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 11th May 2020, 1:46 pm

    “There is no need to dash off so quickly,” Medeia answered, turning her gaze from the solidified toads to the female speaker, easily able to pick up the girl’s mumbled speech due to her slayer enhanced hearing. The girl was certainly a beauty and the angel briefly looked her over before her purple hues returned to her face. The witch did not recognise her and judging from the magical signature, the youngster was still fairly new when it came to magic, lacking the power of most within the guild. Yet, Medeia did not dwell on that too much and was rather more curious about the girl’s manner. Such politeness and nervousness was incredibly rare for an Errings Rising member which brought questions to the angel’s mind. Just who was this little mouse?

    She would have spoken more but at that moment, her golden statues would crack open and the toads would return to their human forms. With a shriek, they would quickly reach for their buckets and rags, before getting back to work, petrified of the black haired mage. Medeia paid them no further attention, her interest piqued by the new arrival and simply allowed them to get on with their work. However, she did click her fingers, causing them to flinch. A warning. That was all but enough to get her point across, if she had not already.

    “As for you, my dear, you should stay right where you are,” she then said silkily, “I do not recall seeing you before but there is something familiar about you. Whether it be your magic or something else. What is your name and how did a precious flower like you find yourself in a guild of lunatics like this? I must say that you have piqued my interest and that is not something that I say often.” The anger had faded from her gaze for the moment, replaced by a more intrigued look but there was still a touch of domination in her voice, enough to give it an edge. There was always a danger in capturing the witch’s attention, something that the delicate girl may just find out before they parted.

    (362 Words)
    (871 Total WC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 14th May 2020, 11:09 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    As if the situation was not strange enough, the woman had bade Kyra to stay, and those frogs had suddenly turned into people, who dashed in a panic to begin cleaning floors. The snap of the mysterious woman's fingers caused the people to freeze in terror for a moment before hurrying on their work while Kyra herself flinched at the sound as well, a bubbling of faded memories welling to the surface. The tone of the woman's voice called forth those same memories, sending a panic down Kyra's body.

    "V-Valkyria Velkhomme, m-my lady..." she murmured, trying her best to keep in line. "I-I c-came here to b-be free f-from everything, a-and I heard that y-you were d-devoted to freedom, m-my lady..." She clumsily curtsied, substituting the usual skirt with the hem of her sweater. "P-Plus, n-no one else w-would take me i-in on account of my l-lacrima..."

    Memories flooded her mind. "Whoever did this is some kind of heartless monster! I mean, he was only a boy, and there's barely enough to recognize him! He's missing bones and his blood's been drained!" She remembered it all too well as it haunted her. It was her first kill. She had not eaten in two days, and the young boy had stumbled into the wrong place at the wrong time. She...she did not know what happened. When she came to, the boy had been mangled.

    "Yeah... I'm j-just a monster..." she mumbled to herself as the memory pierced her mind. "Y-you don't know me," she said, returning to the mysterious woman. "N-nor do you w-want to. I'll j-just cause t-trouble, l-like I always do... even now, I-I'm just b-bothering J-Jen b-by her t-thinking she needs to train me..." Her voice petered off as she shivered from remembering Jen. She had hoped Jen had left. She did not want to go to training again. Anything but that. "I-If you h-have no other w-wished for me, m-my lady, I-I'll be on my w-way..." she slowly started wandering towards her room once more, her head angled at the ground, lost in her own world of misery.

    WC: 0351 | TWC: 731

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 15th May 2020, 4:51 am

    The girl had not said a great deal but more than enough for Medeia to get a read on the delicate flower. As she turned and walked away, her head looking towards the ground, the witch briefly pondered about whether to just let her walk away but her curiosity was more than aroused now, desiring to know more about the girl’s troubles. The fact that Valkyria had decided to simply walk away had slightly irritated her too, as she did not recall saying that she could leave. Clearly, Jennifer’s training had been a little lacking in the respect department although Medeia was not all that surprised. Her love had always been the in your face type and knowing that, Medeia could not help but feel a little puzzled about her teaching this nervous girl. They seemed a rather odd match, in the witch’s view but then again, herself and Jennifer were hardly similar in some ways too.

    “My dear, walking away from someone when they have not finished speaking is rather rude,” Medeia replied, her tone still silky but with just the slightest hint of a threat. “I have a suspicion that Jen would be rather upset too as we have become very close. I am Medeia, once her mentor and now her girlfriend. I have no idea what kind of fun that she is having with training you but turning your back on a member of the guild is a lesson that she should have taught you. Everyone in this guild is a monster, some subtle and others more direct but none of us appreciate being treated in a dismissive manner. I suggest you remember that in future.”

    She was not angry as such and in her own way, the fallen angel was trying to help the girl survive in the den of vipers that was Errings Rising. Perhaps she felt a little responsible for this little mouse, given that she was being trained by her own former student. Whatever it was, it only caused her interest to grow even more.

    Walking towards the girl again, Medeia would glance up at her and then speak again, “We are devoted to freedom and in this guild you will not be judged because of your magic and instincts. Our members embrace their magic rather than shy away from it and I believe that is the issue that you have right now. You are afraid of your magic and losing control of it. Why?”

    A simple question and Medeia had no intention of letting this girl leave until she got an answer. If that meant dragging it out of the girl then the witch had her own ways of doing that.

    (450 Words)
    (1321 Total WC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 15th May 2020, 10:23 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Fear rose to Kyra's heart when the lady known as Medeia had mentioned Jen in the capacity as former mentor and current girlfriend. Her heart sank into her chest. Kyra turned to look at the woman. There was a domineering presence to her, Kyra saw as she examined her. Just like the girl who had forced herself to be a mentor, the mentor's mentor and lover was remarkably attactive. If Jen was so brutal towards Kyra, then...

    Against the will of her mind, Kyra slowly trudged her way back to Medeia and dropped down on to both of her knees. "A-Apologies, m-my lady. S-Someone as u-useless as m-me should not have a-assumed I c-could just leave... W-what sort of p-punishment a-are you going to g-give me?" There was no fear in her voice, no excitement, merely the pangs of acceptance and sorrow as she continued. "B-beatings? N-no food? O-or are you going to d-do the s-same thing J-Jen makes me d-do..?"

    Medeia continued with a question of her own, regarding Kyra's own magic and her fear of losing control of it. "I-I'm just u-useless at magic. I-I don't have control over it, a-and it makes me d-do things I d-don't want to do... The w-world cursed m-me... I just wanted to b-be useful for once, a-and then I t-turn into...into this f-flesh eating m-monster. J-Just an a-animal..." A wave of depression washed over the red-headed girl once more. "I-I know about G-God Slayers, b-but... b-back in my h-hometown, e-everyone said that they w-were evil b-beings that c-cursed the world. E-Even if I w-wasn't a...a c-c-c..." The word choked in her throat, refusing to be spat out. "...e-even if I w-wasn't what I am... t-the only p-people I know w-would never a-accept me anyways. P-Plus, I'm n-not even good at m-much, s-so I could n-never make a job on my o-own, o-or do anything..." Her hands clenched against the cold, stone floor. "S-sorry, m-my lady. I-It isn't m-my place to s-say anything. I-I'm just a worthless girl. A w-worthless, m-monstrous g-girl w-who c-can't do anything..." Her neck craned downwards, ready to accept any sort of punishment for her insolence Medeia would give.

    WC: 0361 | TWC: 1092

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 16th May 2020, 5:50 am

    Listening in silence as the girl opened up to her, Medeia was beginning to have a slight argument inside her own head. Part of her could understand the girl’s sense of helplessness, a feeling that the witch had been forced to experience for millenia, trapped inside that angelic prison. She knew what it could do to a person all too well and as she watched the girl, it was all too easy for Medeia to see herself. When she was finally freed, it had created the want and desire for control that was now at the heart of everything she did now. That sense of helplessness had helped her to become who she was today. A force of nature and an angel of lust.

    That sense of lust was the other side of her inner argument, as the submissive girl before her was certainly attractive and the nervousness that she displayed only made her seem more appealing to the witch. Medeia was beginning to desire the girl which was awakening her more primal side. She had never been the physical type like her girlfriend, wishing for control of a different sort. Not just of the body but the mind and soul as well, she wished to know everything about those she took a liking too.

    Casting the tempting thought of punishment aside for the moment, Medeia first knelt down so that she was closer to the kneeling girl’s current height. “Those people who told you such things do not have the slightest clue about what it means to be a God Slayer. Not all God Slayers are those who follow a dark path and not all Demon Slayers follow a light one either. We choose what path we take in our lives, not our magic. That is true freedom, which you can find here if you just come to accept who and what you are. A cannibal is what I believe you were trying to say and if that is the case then it is something that you will have to come to terms with. If you want to control your powers then you must first allow them to come to the surface, only then can you get over your fear of them. If I know Jen as well as I think I do, that is probably what she is trying to teach.”

    Standing up again, she would then fold her arms across her chest, looking down at the girl with an unreadable expression on her face. “Now, I am not so much into beatings as Jennifer is and I have no interest in revealing my methods in the middle of this hall, my dear. So, I think I will have you accompany me back to my quarters for a while, where I can take care of you in my own fashion. You can either just follow willingly or I can make things a little more entertaining. The choice is yours but the result will be the same.” For the first time in the encounter, Medeia’s eyes would briefly leave the girl’s face and instead look over her lovely form.

    (521 Words)
    (1842 Total WC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 16th May 2020, 11:17 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Just as Kyra feared, the mentor of her captor was just as keen on giving a punishment to Kyra, though she was much less blunt about it than Jen was. There was the faintest offer of possible peace, perhaps a way to get away from this mess without harm, yet Kyra knew better. There was no way she was going to get off lightly. What sort of horrors would Medeia commit? Kyra shivered at the thought.

    Of course, there was still the ringing sound of how nonchalant the woman said the accursed word. "Cannibal." That same word that had banished Kyra and left her as someone without a fate in this world. Yet Medeia could say it so nonchalantly, without any frills or fear to it whatsoever. Kyra had to...accept it? How could she? She was constantly berated for everything. No matter what she did, it was wrong. That was all she could accept: her own worthlessness. There was no hope for her doing anything better than that. Her parents, her family, no one ever accepted her, so how could she? They all knew better than her. They were the ones in charge. They were the ones in control.

    "...Control?" she mused quietly aloud. "I-I can't be g-given control. I-I get the rod i-if I t-try it..."

    Then came the matter of Medeia's offer. There was no way out of it. Kyra looked up doe-eyed at her new captor. "I-If the r-result is the s-same, t-then I don't have a ch-choice, do I?" She looked up to see the wandering eyes of her captor. "Y-you're just l-like J-Jen, a-aren't you? J-just like all of them... j-just a-after it for my l-looks... t-that was all F-Father said I was g-good for. E-even then, I was h-hardly good for th-that, he s-said... h-he just said that I w-was supposed to l-listen to w-whoever I g-got married to, a-and that was it..." she dipped her eyes slightly. "S-sorry, m-my lady. I-I was i-insolent a-and s-spoke out of turn. I-I'll g-go with you, i-if I have n-no choice..."

    WC: 0344 | TWC: 1436

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 17th May 2020, 5:12 am

    “Those who gave you the rod are not here, are they?” The witch replied to the girl’s verbal musings, her slayer enhanced hearing picking it up. “You are no longer with your family but a member of this guild, who are far more knowledgeable about your gifts than they were. The moment you entered this castle and were given the guild stamp, your old life was left behind. I know how it feels to be completely utterly helpless, to be afraid of everything around you and thinking that your life would never be anything more than a depressing and hopeless nightmare. In order to overcome that, I learned to wield the rod instead of being the one being hit but it, as you put it. I promised myself that I would never be on the receiving end again and learned the art of control, which is what defines me now. Control is what I desire, over myself and those around me. If you truly want to find yourself and become the master of your own destiny then you will have to find the inner courage to overcome your self doubt and discover your self worth. No one here can do it for you but you at least have the chance to, now that you are away from that family of yours.”

    Saying that, the witch would be lying if she did not find the girl’s subservient nature more and more appealing as the minutes ticked by. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Medeia to control her inner urgings and it was definitely the right time to move elsewhere. “Oh, you have a choice, my dear although I assume that you would rather not be seen being carried down the corridors bound by my magic.” She was not expecting any kind of fight from the delicate flower and the girl’s words soon confirmed her expectations. It was probably for the best and the angel did not truly wish to hurt the girl. No, she had a far more enjoyable punishment in mind.

    There was something that Kyra said though that did attract the angel’s attention, regarding the similarities between herself and her girlfriend. Glancing down at the girl for a moment, Medeia would then drop to a knee again and place one hand under the girl’s chin, raising it so they were looking each other in the eye. “You are beautiful and I would be deceiving you if I said that I do not find you attractive but that is not all that draws me to people. I wish to know everything about those I take interest in. Would I be giving advice and asking questions if I was not interested in more than just your body? I want to know what makes people tick and why they behave as they do. I have lived for an incredibly long time but I have come to appreciate the stories and secrets of those who fall into my clutches.”

    Leaning forwards, she would gently press her lips against those of the girl for a few moments, before pulling back, “Jennifer and I are both beings of lust. I come from the heavens where she comes from hell but believe me, we are both capable of caring for those we meet and feel affection towards. I adore her and the feelings I have for her are far more than just lust.”

    “Right, my adorable cannibal,” she would say after a few further moments, her tone quite playful at this point, “Follow me and I can see to your punishment.”

    With that, she would walk past the girl and down the corridor, heading back to her lovely quarters, which Armina had hopefully had cleaned while she was out.

    (624 Words)
    (2466 Total WC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 22nd May 2020, 10:17 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Despite Medeia's words of encouragement towards the Kyra, they sounded muffled or as if submerged in water. The words meshed together, individual letters losing their meaning. They meant nothing as Kyra figured she was being chastised by the stronger woman.

    Then she felt something soft upon her lips, yanking from her cell of her mind into the real world as Medeia gave a kiss. "Beings of lust," she said both her and Jen were. That was when Kyra knew for sure she was in trouble. If someone was similar in such a regard to Jen, it only meant trouble for Kyra. She was still in a state of shock and stunned silence when Medeia passed her by, beckoning for punishment, though not without a flirty notion of "adorable" fluttering past the reluctant cannibal's ears. Kyra sighed, slowly getting up and following Medeia, her head attached to staring at the ground as she did.

    "M-My Lady..." Kyra mumbled, unable to bring her head up. "I-Is this punishment g-gonna be like w-what Jen d-does? A-All of t-those... those a-acts?" She strained herself thinking back to that. How it was so strange, and yet she somehow enjoyed it, in spite of herself. The primal beast of her lacrima yearned for it, yet she in her mind wanted nothing but to flee. Yet the body ruled, and Kyra continued marching. Even now, her mind screamed to resist, to finally stand up for herself and deny such a thing! Yet she could not. Her body moved on its own, her heart racing, though she did not know if it was from fear or from something else as she found herself taking glances at the woman who was to issue punishment.

    Trying to drag her mind away, she asked a question. "M-My L-Lady, w-why do you and J-Jen c-care for someone l-like me? S-someone so w-worthless a-at everything?"

    WC: 0312 | TWC: 1748

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 23rd May 2020, 6:20 am

    “As I have said already, I am not as physical as Jennifer,” Medeia replied in answer to the girl’s first question, “I have a feeling that her definition of punishment might be a little different than mine. I am not going to harm your lovely body, my dear. Thinking about it more, perhaps punishment is not the right word for it at all. I like to play and door, my adorable cannibal and that is what I plan to do with you.” She knew what Kyra was referring to in regards to Jennifer's acts and could easily imagine what kind of events her girlfriend might have put her fellow slayer through. There was a time when Medeia was younger where she had been just as aggressive as her love but as the years went by, she had come to learn that true pleasure came from a slower approach. Instant gratification was overrated, something that the witch had become fond of teaching. “Remember this well. No matter what happens once we reach my quarters and the doors close, you are safe in my hands and I am in full control.” She neglected to add a couple of words at the end, deciding to leave it as a rather open ended statement. What was the main difference between herself and her lover in her view? Jennifer was not always in control of herself, while Medeia was.

    There were few people walking the corridors and those who were gave the angel a rather wide berth, knowing her reputation well enough. Medeia did not offer a glance to any of them, her interest solely on the beautiful girl following her. Her focus on Kyra was lazer like in its intensity and even though her eyes were facing forwards, her slayer enhanced senses were keenly honed in on the girl. There was a part of the angel that honestly wished for the girl to try and make a move whether it be to run away or try to fight off what was going to happen. Yes, Medeia did find the subservience attractive and Kyra was frankly the perfect type for what the angel had in mind but a small part of her hated to see the girl beaten down so badly by life, leaving her so mentally broken.

    The girl’s second question seemed to be more along those lines and after giving it a few moments of thought, the answer came to her, glancing over her shoulder at the girl as she spoke. “I can only hazard a well educated guess as to Jennifer’s motives but I think that we both see something of ourselves in you. Both of us have suffered the same sense of hopelessness that you feel now and I think we both truly want to see you overcome it and aid you if you can. I for one would feel nothing but pleasure if one day you are able to find the confidence that you are lacking right now.”

    Falling silent again, the angel would soon come across the door to her quarters, opening it by simply placing a hand upon it and unleashing a touch of her magical energy, revealing her surprisingly quaint quarters. A fireplace would be well stocked and burning warmly, while the walls would be stocked with shelves of spell books. There would also be two large wardrobes although one was sealed with a magical lock in order to prevent unwanted access. A large double bed would be in the top left corner of the room, decorated with large purple drapes. It had cost a fair bit to fix up what had been an absolute dump of a room when she had joined but it was not just to her liking.

    “Come in, my dear,” she would then say rather gently, moving out of the way in order for the girl to join her inside. Then the fun could begin.

    (654 Words)
    (Total WC: 3120)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 24th May 2020, 1:00 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Just as Kyra suspected. Medeia was in it for Kyra's body. It seemed as if that was all she was good for. She was just meat for the strong, fodder for the predators. Jen wanted Kyra to be like those that tormented her, as did Medeia, yet she could not bring herself to it. Kyra? Assertive? Dominant? It was unfathomable. She could not be the rod. She was too worthless.

    Although, perhaps punishment was a worse fate than playing, Kyra mused. Medeia had promised not to harm her body, but that was only a part of Kyra's being. She was a person. A worthless person, but a person nonetheless.

    Medeia being in full control? That was at least a semblance of familiarity to the uncomfortable Kyra. She was unable to bring herself to speak up. She was never dominant. Others needed the control, others had the control. Medeia now was no different. Jen was the same, and Medeia saying there were similarities? Kyra found it impossible. How could Kyra be similar to attractive, confident, dominant people like Jen and Medeia?

    Of course, the realest fear came when they reached Medeia's quarters and a shiver ran up Kyra's spine. It looked like a home, it seemed like it could feel like one as well. Yet Kyra had an inkling of fear as to what would transpire as Medeia offered her to enter. Those people who moved aside for Medeia, those people that jeered condolences at Kyra must have had a reason. "I-I don't have a r-real choice, d-do I, m-my lady?" Kyra asked, taking a quick look around. Perhaps this would be the last time she would see the outside world. She knew not what to expect,, but she expected poor things to happen. "O-okay... w-what do you w-want me to d-do, m-my lady?

    [spooky fade to black]
    WC: 0303 | TWC: 2051

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 2nd June 2020, 4:51 am

    It had been an entertaining session and as Medeia took a sip of tea, her gaze briefly turned towards the now sleeping cannibal which caused a smile to cross the angel’s features. Any doubt that the girl might not survive among the rougher members of the guild had been erased from her mind and she was certain that Kyra could thrive. It would not be easy for her but the witch had hope for her. The delicate flower’s primal instincts were buried quite deep and bringing them to the surface had been quite a challenge for her, even with Medeia’s well honed methods. Yet, in the end, she had been successful and felt rather proud of the girl, knowing that she was in safe hands with Jennifer. Well, as safe as you could be in the blonde’s hands.

    Medeia was brought out of her thoughts as the door opened and a tall, purple haired woman entered, wearing a maid’s uniform and carrying Kyra’s clothing. “I take it that you enjoyed yourself, Mistress,” the cheerful woman said with a grin, placing the freshly washed and dried clothes at the end of bed and glancing towards the sleeping cannibal. “She is an adorable girl but you should have let me have some fun too. It has been a while since I met someone new.”

    Raising an eyebrow, the witch turned her head towards her maid, “From what I have been hearing you have been making plenty of friends among the maids, Armina. I am not sure where you picked up some of your manners from but apparently you have been a bad girl yourself.” The look in Medeia’s eye was hardly one of disapproval though and the pair both chuckled after a moment, “I thought that we might have been a little too much for her together but now that I know better, perhaps next time.”

    “I got my manners from you, mistress,”
    Armina joked in response, “It is not my fault that all of the maids around here are completely gorgeous. You brought me here to serve as your personal maid but expect me to keep my hands off of the others? That is unfair and not what I signed up for. Besides, the head maid has not bothered you about it, has she?”

    “You would have spent a week bound on the bed if she had,” Medeia answered with a smirk, “Not that you would consider that punishment…”

    “No different than what you normally do to me when you are in the mood,” Armina smirked, “Anyway, I must get back to work. I will see you later, mistress.”

    With a curtsey, the maid would take her leave, exiting the room and closing it behind her. Medeia would just shake her head, clearly amused and returned to her book, sitting in her large armchair beside the fire. She was still pondering what the next step would be in terms of Kyra but that could wait until the girl woke up. For now, the dual slayer was content with letting the girl rest, leaving her in the angel’s bed.

    (518 Words)
    (3638 Total WC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 23rd June 2020, 9:19 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Everything was a blur in Kyra's head. She did not have a clue what had happened the past... how long was it? A minute? An hour? She slowly sat up from her lying down... wait, why was she lying down? And why was she-

    The cannibal rose her head to see what the current situation was. Medeia was completely relaxed, simply reading a book and enjoying tea, all while Kyra was bare underneath the covers of the unfamiliar bed, yet there was undoubtedly a familiar sense in it, much to her own chagrin. Wondering if she was seen, Kyra waited, trying her best to muster the courage to speak up. "M-My l-lady," she mumbled. "I-If it i-isn't too much to ask..." her eyes darted to the pile of clothes, topped by the all - too - familiar sight of one of her favored sweaters, one she had just knitted a few days prior. Her eyes dipped to the floor below. "N-no, s-sorry for asking..." She made an attempt to get up before a wave of soreness washed over her, in direct conflict with the surprising comfort of the blankets on her cold body. "I-I'm s-sorry if I'm b-being a nuisance, l-like always... I-I just can't help it, I-I do one thing w-wrong and t-then I just... everything just goes d-downhill a-and..."

    Kyra sighed. There was no use explaining. She was "...just a useless little girl," she muttered under her breath. A constant disappointment to everyone, whether it be someone to care for or merely just keeping the law. "S-sorry, I-I should j-just go... f-forever..." she said weakly once more, directing her attention to the woman in front of her. She tried to get up once more, being repressed by the jolts of pain erupting across her entire body. Even now, she was helpless in the midst of someone much more capable than her.

    WC: 0313 | TWC: 2364

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra) Empty Re: Golden Frogs and God Slayers (Kyra)

    Post by Guest 24th June 2020, 4:06 am

    It did not take a genius to know what Kyra was trying to ask and Medeia proceeded to stand up from her comfortable armchair and retrieve the girl’s clothes for her, depositing them beside her on the bed. It was difficult for the witch not to smile as she listened to the cannibal’s nervous mutterings and eventually she did although it was not out of mockery or distaste, she had simply come to find the red eyed young woman’s personality adorable. She had learned so much about Kyra during their short time together and the angel believed that she had a better grasp on how her current companion worked mentally.

    “You are not going anywhere until you rest up and recover your strength, Kyra,” she said softly, taking a seat on the bed beside her, “I know that you are bound to be feeling a bit sore but I must say, you certainly proved a few things to me.” As far as she was concerned, Kyra had handled the situation perfectly and the angel was delighted with her. She was certainly someone to keep an eye on and the angel was sure that she would one day find the confidence she so desperately needed.

    The girl’s discomfort was clear to see and the angel would ponder to herself for a moment, before gently placing a hand on the girl’s forehead and tapping into her magic, “If you stay still for a moment, I can help ease the soreness. I have a magic dedicated to the art of healing although I admit that it might sound a little ominous. It stems from a lacrima that uses the powers of a vampire in order to heal my targets. I admit that I am a little reluctant as I have no idea what a blood magic will do to those cannibal senses of yours but if it helps ease your aches, I will do it.”

    The hand that was on the girl’s head would turn blood red and Medeia would then channel her powers into Kyra, attempting to do just that with her blood based slayer magic.

    (355 Words)
    (3993 Total WC)

    (Thread Count:
    Medeia: 3993
    Kyra: 2364
    Total: 6357)

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