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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]


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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 20th March 2020, 1:37 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Since the beginning of her travels through Earthland, there had been a particular subject that had come up frequently for Pimwadee. Many of the people she had met thus far had put the same style of question to the Lhukian traveller; 'Are you part of a guild?'. Curious she had looked into this, wondering what was so important about these 'guilds' that people kept mentioning to her. From her research, a guild was a faction of people with similar ideals. It was almost like a place of work, you got better access to jobs as a mage by joining their guild and receiving their sigil. It seemed like a fair trade-off for better access to jobs, which was what had brought her to the decision to join one. After thorough investigation, she had settled on Silver Wolf. It's interesting explorative and research nature intriguing her, as someone who was always interested in learning new things it's seemed like an idealistic place to choose.

    The first thing she'd noticed since making her way through the Phoenix Mountains was that it was  terribly cold. Even worse than it had been during that festival she had attended after first arriving in this land, suddenly she was very grateful for her stylish new jumpers. As an Asiatic female used to much hotter climates, it was quite brutal. As she travelled she was wearing one of her cream jumpers along with thermal leggings and thick black winter boots. As she arrived through the gates of the walls around the guild, she was met with immediate relief as some kind of magical barrier seemed to keep away the cold. Still shivering from the chill as she moved toward the building, luggage in tow. She wasn't sure what to do with her stuff, so she had just brought it with her. As she stepped up to the front of the building, she would knock a few times. Waiting there in hopes that someone would open the door, not sure of the custom permitted her to step inside of not.

    WC: 342



    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Yuvon 20th March 2020, 2:04 pm

    Mhhhhhhm. There was something magical about the cold around Silver Wolf’s guild hall. It wasn’t because that Yuvon particularly liked the cold - temperate climate was more his cup of tea - but it sure brought him in the mood for warm beverages like y’know, tea! What about hot chocolate? Well, hot chocolate was more of a winter beverage, c’mon… tea was for spring. For summer… huh, that was a thought to be had another day.

    What was the kraken-inspired librarian working with today? Well, he was actually building something by hand with the jewels that the deer from Sakuramori had shaken down to him back in that forest. It wasn’t exactly a Silver Wolf duty - it was actually to be a surprise for a certain guildmate of his - but he was sewing a glamorous top fit for a queen for someone. Next to his half-finished cloth, there was all the other scraps and objects that he was working with; a runic box, a map showing what looked like 3 magic circles, and a bronze figurine of a dragon’s clawed limb with three, short claws.

    Knock, knock!

    Despite wearing a golden mask, the eyes of the mask replicated Yuvon’s facial and cartoonish expressions. The eyes widened a little by the sound of guests, and he quickly turned his face towards the hall where the door into the guild was located.

    “Oh dear… o-on my way, give me just-“

    Thinking it was Kitalpha, he quickly covered the jeweled cloth with the map - usually, Silver Wolf members shared next to everything with each other, but this was a surprise gift - and he helped himself up with his antique staff and approached the door like some ancient sage despite his young age of what, 23? Once he actually got to the door, he gently grabbed the handle and opened the door to see a tanned, cute girl outside, looking like having gone through what almost every other Silver Wolf wizard had to undergo; snow and cold weather.

    “… Oh, hello there!” Yuvon greeted with a clear and echoing voice, a voice that clearly belonged to an older man than what he was. He even bowed generously to the pretty guest with bunny ears and continued: “You must’ve come here to meet us, the members of Silver Wolf? You’ve certainly come to the right place.” Standing with a straight back, he rested his right hand on his chest and introduced himself:

    “I hope the cold weather wasn’t scarring, my young lady. My name is Yuvon, a librarian and a humble member of Silver Wolf. But please, do enter. I see no sick intent in your amethyst eyes.”

    He made space for her and even held a filled mug with green tea to thoroughly knock away the cold temperature that might still linger on her skin. Once she decided to enter or not, Yuvon would bring out the question: “So what has drawn you to our walls, milady?”

    WC: 497



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 9th April 2020, 4:40 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Pimwadee would release her luggage for a moment, rubbing the fabric of her sleeves in an attempt to create a little more warmth. Despite this being better than it was, it still didn't come close to the heat she was used to, the climate she preferred. When you spent the majority of your life under the blaring burn of the Lhukian sky, it took quite some adjusting to. Maybe there would come a time when Pim would become used to the significant weather difference from Lhuk to Earthland, but it didn't seem like it was coming anytime soon.

    As the door opened, she was met with a curious individual in a golden mask. She couldn't determine his ask, but his attire and the staff reminded her of one of the local monks in her home village. Pim would smile politely, bringing her hands together in the form of what most would assume was a pray. She would bow her head and shoulder slightly, and utter the Earthland greeted she had rehearsed on so many occasions. "Hello." She said in a friendly tone, despite being told that Earthland folk normally just waved. Pimwadee found that people found the Lhukian's traditional bowing greeting quite acceptable also, which was why she had preferred not to dismiss such an integral part of her culture.

    He would continue to talk, affirming her reason for coming, to which she would nod. He was correct, she had come to meet with the renowned 'Silver Wolf' guild. It was pleasing to know that the direction she had taken had not been made in error. As he welcomed her inside, she would rake her eyes over the inside of the hall in awe. It was so fascinating of a room, illuminated by candlelight, yet curiously visible despite its low lighting. She turned back to the one who had greeted her, who she determined was a male from the tone of his voice. He offered her a beverage, to which she would shake her head. Thinking it too soon to accept a gift from the stranger, despite having done nothing for him. "Mai Ow K...Ah Er...No, thank you." She told him, correcting herself from responding in Lhuk. She would take a moment to consider his next question, trying to interpret its meaning. She translated it in her head a few times to be sure that he was asking what she thought he was. The man named Yuvon used a few words that were harder to remember, but she understood him for the most part.

    "Good Sir. My name is Pimwadee Chakri, I am a traveller from Lhuk, who is ...er... exploring, yes, um. I am looking for a guild to join and I hear very good things about Silver Wolf. I am intrigued to learn more and maybe, join, if that is acceptable?"

    WC: 475 Thread WC: 1314
    Tag: @Yuvon



    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Yuvon 10th April 2020, 12:00 pm

    So… his first impressions were that she wasn’t from anywhere nearby. The way she brought her hands together like that was a sign of politeness of almost absurd height; he had just met her, and he wasn’t the landlord of this place or anything. He didn’t hold any superiority over her in the end… except maybe in wisdom and wit, but he wouldn’t bring that up. Yes, Yuvon had few things to be proud of, but it was lastly a double-edged sword and would always remind him of his heritage.

    Aha! A nod to his question told it all. She was likely a wizard herself, given that most people who ventured to Silver Wolf’s guild hall did so to pursue a career as a magician. It would also take a lot of will and courage to venture through the snow and cold region, and that alone revealed perhaps some of the young lady’s character to him. Her darker, tanned skin on her face… yes, she must’ve gone through a lot to get here. Props to her.

    Sadly, she shook her head to his offer with the mug. He would retreat it and and hear her voice once more, a little… she stuttered a bit. It sounded like she was going to say something else, but she braked herself. Hmh.

    He would wait for her moment to answer, and finally, more words came out. Her name, Pimwadee Chakri, was definitely not a common Fiorian name… Yuvon was more convinced now that she wasn’t from around here. Which country could harbor such a sharp name, hmm? Yuvon would have to think that through.

    Clapping his hands around the mug, he pressed his hands together and… tada. The mug with the tea was gone. “You’re exploring, eh? I can assure you that what you’ve heard about Silver Wolf is true,” he replied to her with the same, echoing voice from his mask - not too loud to deafen people, but still unexpected from a person right in front of you. It was mostly to let people hear his voice clearly as Yuvon wasn’t the shy type of guy. He would politely gesture her into the guild to be surrounded by the lobby’s atmosphere; not too dark, not blindingly bright, but just the right, cozy hue and nuance to call home.

    “As you may have heard, Silver Wolf are quite the explorers ourselves. You will be able to find centuries of life experience within these walls,” Yuvon would begin to expose to her about the guild itself, “Y’know, to learn and better ourselves, we must know about the history around us. If you enjoy exploring, then you’ll definitely fit well here - very acceptable, yes… but that will, ultimately, be up to the Mistress of our guild or one of her Betas.”

    Yuvon would stroll towards one of the low tables that held a blanket over it. Most of the guild hall’s lobby looked cozy; dark wood and granite as walls and ceiling, and the floor was covered in a dense layer of wool. The table with the blanket actually hid something under it, which was fairly visible despite Yuvon’s attempts to hide it earlier. He would plump on one of the sofas, gaze at the other sofas surrounding the table to signal Pimwadee Chakri… Pimwadee… Pim… nah, Pimwadee. No, Pimwadee sounded weird on his tongue. Pim sounded better… but then again, Pim was way too simple. He would have to do her name justice; it was likely a very meaningful name, and it definitely was a pretty one. Just like the maiden who held it, entering their guild.

    “They might arrive soon in my estimation. You can have a look around the guild, though… I don’t think that they’d turn your request down,” he assured her with a smile behind his golden mask. He suddenly stuck a hand into his shirt and pulled up a notebook out of seemingly nowhere, a flame escaping from his eye sockets. “Lhuk, Lhuk, Lhuk… I’ve never stepped foot in that country before. Oh, how wonderful that’d be! I can only imagine its signatures, its fauna and geography. Tell me, Pimwadee, if you don’t mind; if I were to set foot in Lhuk for the first time, what would be the easiest to remember from there?”

    Yuvon’s other hand held a pen, shaking a little in eagerness. The gold-masked Silver Wolf Mage had, truly, never set foot in Lhuk, and that fact alone made him all more eager to go with her all the way back to Lhuk if she ever planned to. Of course, he’d want to tag along and witness a whole new country, describing it in words and scrambles - whatever he knew of would be used to describe what could, ultimately and in the end, only be a fraction of its raw beauty.

    WC: 809
    TWC: 497 + 809 = 1306



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 17th April 2020, 3:38 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Pim would listen intently as he spoke, following as he guided her further into the guild's lobby. His words were pleasing to her ears, her eyes moved from him, scanning its walls as he talked about its history. Her curiosity peaking as she grew ever keen to learn and study as much as she could. He would explain to her that her joining would be up to what he referred to as the 'mistress of the guild or a beta'. The first term she understood, a mistress was a term for a female woman. Which she could only translate to mean that the owner of the establishment was a lady, "I'm sorry, what is this word you say, 'Betas'?" She asked, unable to figure out its meaning in this situation. Her studying of Earthland's languages had not taught her this word, it sounded like 'better', which she could certify meant an improvement over something else. However, his phrasing suggested that this meaning did not fit what he was trying to say. It was easier for her to just ask for clarification in this instance.

    As he sat down on a sofa, she took it as a cue to follow suit. Sitting on one of the other available chairs, she rested her palms on her knees and kept her posture straight. Not wanting to appear too relaxed in a guild she had not been accepted into yet. There was also the fact that she had endured several months of training before leaving Lhuk for her travels, such training had taught her the importance of carrying yourself correctly. Even if she wasn't born royal, she had through marriage, obtained royal status and carry herself as such. Although, admittedly, the girl did miss slouching sometimes.

    As he mentioned her country, she smiled, it was always a subject she enjoyed. As he asked her about what he might remember she would tilt her head, her gaze drifting away as she considered her answer carefully. "I guess... It is warmth. The warmth of our sun, our people, our food. Everything in Lhuk is warm and beautiful. I could not sum up what it is like in any other way because there is so much to know about Lhuk. We are an Asiatic country, but with our own unique tradition and culture to be experienced. I hope that if you travel to Lhuk, that you find it rewarding and enjoyable."

    WC: 405 Thread WC: 2528
    Tag: @Yuvon


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 18th April 2020, 3:36 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Yuvon wasn’t the only one working on a gift for someone. Up in her room, Mercury was currently tinkering on a project that she’d been toying with in her head for a couple weeks, a weapon of alien design. Or well, to everyone else here it would probably seem alien in nature. For Mercury, it was like a piece of home -- not that anyone here knew that, of course. Though the newest Silver Wolf ace looked and felt human, she wasn’t from Earthland at all. In fact, she wasn’t even from this galaxy. Despite the fact that her body was technically made of metal, wires, and oil instead of bone and blood, however, she still felt and looked like any other fleshy human, her true heritage kept to herself.

    Pausing, she leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms over her head. A rumbling in her stomach told her it was probably time to eat something. What time was it anyway? Mercury always lost track of time once she got head deep into a project. Looking at the time and realizing it was several hours past when she probably should have fed herself, she set her tools down and stood up, making her way out of her small suite and down the halls toward the mess area.

    The ace was busy running numbers in her head and building a blueprint for what she was trying to accomplish as she passed through the lobby. Seated at a sofa was Yuvon, a member of the guild in the branch that Mercury was the head of. While she hadn’t done too much in depth work with the guy, who always had his face covered behind a rather interesting mask, they had run into each other a few times and exchanged pleasantries and a bit of guild work related information here and there. The girl was unfamiliar to her, however. Normally it wouldn’t have given Mercury much pause, as guild members often had friends over to visit the guild that doubled as a spa, but generally they didn’t keep such friends held up in the lobby.

    Since it was part of her job now to help potential new members join, Mercury slowed her gait and then turned to walk toward them. “Hey there, Yuvon. Good to see you,” she said, greeting them both with a friendly smile, vibrant emerald eyes flicking attentively back and forth between the pair as she talked to them.. “Did you guys need help with anything, or just hanging out?”

    WORDS: 426/426 THREAD: 2954 | @Pimwadee @Yuvon
    Serilda Sinclair



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Yuvon 19th April 2020, 8:23 am

    Huh? Yuvon was now in a position where he would have to explain to Miss Chakri what the word ‘Beta’ meant. Well, he would happily explain that! He pointed up an authoritative finger and spoke through his mask: “It is, essentially, the ‘second-in-command’ wizards in the guild who are chosen by the Mistress as co-leaders and guides. It’s a term that applies to real wolves as well, and it’s also the second letter in a very special language…”

    He got that said before he had taken a seat, holding his pen and hearing Pim’s description of her home country, Lhuk. Warmth was the first thing that she detailed it as, which Yuvon had gotten a hunch from given the tone of her skin. “Warmth, huh? Your skin does look like it belongs on an exotic resident,” he commented, glaring mostly at her tanned, milk-chocolate-like face, “Then again, some Icebergians have tanned skin as well, so there’s that…” He cupped his chin with his free, left hand and listened on; Lhuk was an Asiatic country, so it wasn’t from the mainland of Earthland but in a whole other continent! This world was huge and mysterious, unexplored and untouched by him… for now.

    Hearing her words of encouragement brought a wide smile on his face despite the mask hiding it. The eyes on the mask did widen in surprise as a comedic effect.

    He bent his head over and looked behind him as he heard Miss Arseneault’s voice greeting them. “Good to see you too, Miss,” he greeted back joyously, “Take a seat, please! Our cute guest here is wishing to join our ranks… good timing, really.” While he was talking, his hands were at work; he was writing down notes on his notebook without even looking, just grinding the tip of his pen at the paper at high speed without issue. He was even drawing a small portrait of his first meeting with a person from Lhuk; Miss Chakri herself.

    WC: 329
    TWC: 1306 + 329 = 1635



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 25th April 2020, 4:51 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Pimwadee cocked her head at Yuvon's answer, her brows furrowing slightly, "...Wolves...Ah, yes like really big dogs. We do not have these in my country, I have yet to see one." She told him, after realising what he meant. All the while satisfied with his explaination of the term 'betas'. It was an intriguing word and to mean something such as 'second in command' with so few syllables, she idly wandered what language it was from, but resisted the urge to ask. She didn't want to badger Yuvon too much with her own lack of understanding, rather she would make a mental note to look it up at a later point. It was interesting to watch his mask shift as she spoke to him, bearing an expression that was rather amusing although seemingly surprised. She couldn't fully tell if he was happy with her explanation, but she hoped that if she were successful in her venture of joining there ranks, that she could hope to improve his understanding of her land. It was nice to think that spreading the word of Lhuk and it's beauty would bring in more travellers, tourism was good for the economy after all.

    Upon hearing a woman's voice, Pimwadee Chakri would look up. The action of doing so would permit her to see an unmasked face, that of a beautiful woman, with the kind of smooth pale skin that would make the woman in her village rife with jealousy. Pim's amethyst irises roses to admire the woman's hair gleefully, excited to see someone that bore similar locks to her own. Albeit Pim's hair colour was not natural, still it was nice to see such tones presented into such an aesthetically pleasing way. If she did not think it impolite, she would have liked to ask the woman what type of products she used to keep it in good condition. Yet, she still herself of such urges, focusing on the more important matter of her joining the guild. Pimwadee would return the woman's friendly smile with equal vigour, glancing over at Yuvon who would explain her reason for being here.

    Automatically, Pim would repeat the same bowing of her heading and gesture of pressing her palms together. Offering the woman the 'wai' greeting of her culture, as she looked up, she would speak, her tone keen with enthusiasm. "Hello, Miss. I am Pimwadee Chakri, I have come in hope that I might join your guild. Are you one of these..." She glanced at Yuvon with a brief moment of hesitation as she practiced the word once more, "...Betas I have heard of?" She brought her gaze back up to the woman, hoping that she had used the term correctly.

    WC: 453 Thread WC: 3736
    Tag: @Yuvon @Mercury Arseneault


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 27th April 2020, 10:53 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Yuvon glanced up at her and in his usual friendly manner greeted the ace, inviting her to join them. The young woman with him apparently was interested in joining the guild, which meant that they would require the assistance of someone like herself. “Oh, is that right?” Mercury asked, turning her attention more fully to the “cute girl” seated with him. She certainly was quite pretty, looking to be around Mercury’s age with hair a deeper shade of purple than her own and a pair of violet eyes to match. She was clad in a light colored jumper that contrasted beautifully to the amethyst orbs, and there were a couple bags set near her to indicate that she’d come prepared to move into the guild.

    The woman introduced herself as Pimwadee Chakri, bowing her head with palms pressed together as a sign of greeting and probably respect as well. Mercury was hardly familiar with all of Fiore’s customs, let alone those from whichever nation this hopeful recruit was from -- her accent was hard to miss. Still, it was clearly a gesture of kindness and it drew a pleased smile from the scholar. Pimwadee reiterated her interest in joining and, with a glance for support toward Yuvon, asked if Mercury was a Beta. The masked man must have at least managed to pass on a little information while they had been waiting for further assistance.

    “I am! My name is Mercury Arseneault. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Pimwadee.” She maneuvered herself to be able to take a seat with them, relaxing comfortablely on the other end of the sofa where she could see both of them easily. “I imagine Yuvon here has already given you some information. Joining Silver Wolf is actually pretty easy. We love getting new members. Before we make anything official, though, it’s part of my job to make sure you understand our goals and expectations.”

    Presuming the woman made an indication that she understood, as Mercury wasn’t sure how fluent Pimwadee was with the Fiore tongue, she would continue. “Basically, we’re all about researching and preserving things of historical and cultural value: artifacts, magic, languages, written texts… That sort of thing. We have three branches with different focuses. Hunters are usually out in the field trying to get their hands on items of value and bring them back to the Scholars, who do the actual studying and tinkering on them. Defenders protect the guildhall and its members and guests. When you’re ready, you’ll be able to join one of those branches but you don’t have to decide right away. Most of us tend to help with work outside of our own duties anyway, so you’ll get plenty of exposure with the other branches.”

    There was more to go over of course, but in the interest of not overwhelming the young woman Mercury paused there to give Pimwadee a chance to ask questions, or for Yuvan to add any thoughts or information of his own.

    WORDS: 510/936 | @Pimwadee @Yuvon
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Yuvon 29th April 2020, 1:17 pm

    Oh? She hadn’t seen a wolf before, eh? Usually, those who fared these mountains aimlessly would be met by silver wolves walking graciously across the snowy precipices, but if she hadn’t seen one yet, then perhaps she had little trouble finding this place at first. She had come here with a strong purpose, and that alone brought her here… but since he was already at it, Yuvon took his time drawing a full-body portrait of a Silver Wolf - the wolf as in the creature who lived in these mountains and were the mascots and guardian spirits of the guild.

    He would nod in encouragement as Pim- sorry, Miss Chakri greeted and asked Miss Arsenault by using the newly taught word ‘Beta’. Learning new things and using them right after, that was some of the greater joys in Yuvon’s life, and watching the cute girl with deep, violet hair take what she had learned today - even if it was just a single, short word - and use it… it…

    His mask began secreting water through the eye holes. He was sobbing in delight, and albeit it lasting for a moment, he would treasure this moment forever. He would never allow his mind to forget what could be the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship.

    “Truly so, as Miss Arsenault has told. I, for instance, happen to serve as a Scholar,” he added as he clapped his hands together and moved them away, spawning a scaffolding of papers to flip across his palms as if he was holding two portals connected to each other and with a stack of papers falling through, “I and many others - including the respected Beta right here - undergo honest work to understand, learn and optimize our excavated treasures, artifacts, tomes or techniques to constantly keep Silver Wolf enabled in their work with these. If I was to compare it to something else, then…” He dismissed the papers and slowly lifted his hand up and held his chin under his mask in deep thought, “… It would be like teaching one how to handle a venomous serpent, so that it can be taken out of your house safely, if I am honest.”

    WC: 369
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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 30th April 2020, 4:19 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    The beautiful violet haired woman would introduce herself as 'Mercury Arseneault', a unique and fascinating name to the Lhukian girl. She wanted to practice saying it out loud but figured that might seem a little strange. Thus she kept quiet, listening to the woman instead, smiling as Mercury took it upon herself to explain more about the guild. This pleased Pim, considering that it saved her from having to ask such questions herself. The more she heard about the Guild the more she was excited to be heard, learning about other cultures was something that Pimwadee strived for. She had also been studious and explorative during her years at school, particularly fascinated with subject pertaining to geography and sociology.

    Pim turned to the masked man, who's mask wore a crying face, although not necessarily a sad one? It was hard to tell. As he spoke, she took his words as ones that were not sad, nodding as he told her that he was one of these 'Scholars' that the Beta had mentioned. He would further explain the nature of a scholar, which only seem to fascinate her more. "This is wonderful. I love to learn about such things, we have many artefacts in our temples at home that I sometimes am allowed to study. This is very much what I enjoy." She responded to him if she were allowed to join, she had no doubt where she would apply herself. Being a scholar sound like the most obvious route for her, she loved to learn and examine things. Getting given magical artefacts and texts to analyse sounded truly exciting to the traveller. she would return her gaze to Mercury. "Mer-Mercuuree, Is there anything else I must know before I can join?" She would ask, struggling to say the woman's name at first, it was harder than she originally thought what with all it's unfamiliar syllables.

    WC: 317 Thread WC: 4,932
    Tag: @Yuvon @Mercury Arseneault


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 4th May 2020, 12:02 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury rarely took the time to explain which branch she was in charge of while speaking with prospective recruits, mostly because she didn’t want to make them feel pressured about joining any one branch over another. She felt it better to simply explain the general purpose of all three branches from an objective standpoint, and then get into details once they started asking questions or expressing an interest in one of the three. However, she certainly had no issues with Yuvon being the one to broach a few more details about the Scholar branch and letting Pimwadee know that both he and Mercury were a part of that department.

    From the way Pimwadee replied, it seemed that she was most likely going to want to be a part of the Scholar branch anyway. The exotic woman voiced her pleasure over the idea of getting to put her natural curiosity to work for the guild, stating how much she loved studying artifacts and doing similar work back where she was from. Then she turned back to Mercury with an inquiry, speaking the Xocili’s name with a little difficulty at first but the end results made it sound rather alluring. The ace was a little surprised by how attractive it was, a somewhat flirty comment bubbling its way to the surface before she reminded herself that she was acting in the capacity of an official of the guild at the moment and should at least try to be more professional.

    “Really, the only other thing you need to know is that we take loyalty to the guild very seriously, here. We’re not a legal guild, but the council lets us operate freely because they don’t believe we are a threat or danger to society. We try to keep it that way, so the only real rule we have is to make sure we don’t do anything to draw the council’s ill will. Outside of that, just do your part to protect and defend our home and your guildmates, and you should be good. Sound reasonable?”

    Presuming Pimwadee was amenable to those requests, Mercury would smile brightly. “Alright then, let’s get you stamped up! Give me just a minute, here.” Rather than make the young woman follow her over with all her luggage, Mercury simply got up and went over to retrieve the logo stamp from the front desk, and brought it back with her. Once the woman had voiced her selection of color and location, Mercury used the device to stamp a magical tattoo of the guild’s wolf emblem onto her. “There you go, you’re all set! Welcome to Silver Wolf! Yuvon, if you’re free would you mind giving her a tour? By the time you’re done I should have a room assigned to her so she can move her things in.”

    WORDS: 481/1417 | @Pimwadee @Yuvon
    Serilda Sinclair



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Yuvon 14th May 2020, 6:12 am

    As it sounded that the violet got the core principles in check as well as the position of the guild of Silver Wolf in nowadays’ political spectrum from the illustrious Beta, she would proceed to bring the logo stamp and place a mark on Pimwadee Chakri’s preferred place. Wherever she chose the mark to be, it would resonate its magical radiation and prove to the world that she was a wolf among their pack from now on. It would be the beginning of her role as a wizard under their ranks, and it would definitely be a turning point in her fascinating life.

    After she would get her stamp, Yuvon rose up on his feet and nodded to Miss Arsenault. He would more than gladly show the young princess around the guild hall and its segments. “With pleasure…!” he replied joyously and with vigor vibrating in his voice echoing behind the golden mask, “Madamoiselle, rejoice, for I shall show you the locations of our headquarters’ sections - and believe me, we got all beneficial needs and services covered.” His leather-gloved hand would reach over to her and offer to help her up, an invitation to have Yuvon guide her around the guild.

    Whether or not she grabbed it, he would lead her first and foremost to the dining hall which was straight to the left from the entrance to the guild. This cafeteria had quite a lot of space, and various tables dotted the floor - and oh, the aroma flowing in the air from the newly-baked bread, pies and various other dishes by the kitchen almost stunned Yuvon in delight. This was to be the violet princess’ first time here, so she definitely got to try their delicacies.

    “Please, I believe that the journey to our guild has taken a toll on your reserves. How about we have a seat and refill our bellies?” he suggested to her with his arms crossed behind his back, “Simply grab a dish at the line to the kitchen and take what you desire from our exhibition of foods, drinks and sweets. As a member of Silver Wolf, it is entirely void of cost, so by all means, help yourself~”

    WC: 367
    TWC: 2004 + 367 = 2371



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    Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro] Empty Re: Chan noew mak mak~ [Intro]

    Post by Pimwadee 14th May 2020, 2:48 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    When Mercury explained a little more about the guild and then asked if this was reasonable to her, Pim would nod eagerly. She had no concerns about abiding by such rules, loyalty and honour was something that was valued amongst her culture. It was a concept she understood very well. As she mentioned the stamp, Pimwadee would feel excitement ripple through her. She had heard about these 'guild stamps', these symbolic markings that bonded guildmembers under one sigil. It was a lovely feature and one she had spent plenty of time considering the placement of hers. Wanting it to be somewhere easily presentable but also easy to conceal if need be.

    As Mercury returning with the stamp, Pim would reach up, collecting her purple locks in her hands. She would gather it up so she was holding it as she would a pony-tail, she shifted it to the side and turned away. "I would like it here in purple, please." She asked, using her free hand to indicate the back of her neck. The Guild's Beta would stamp the wolf shaped sigil on the deep-tanned skin of the Lhukian's nape. After receiving her mark, she would turn back to Mercury, bowing her head slightly and placing her hands together once more. "Thank you very much."

    Pim nodded appreciatively as he explained the next part, which would include a tour of the headquarters. Taking the hand he offered her, she would use it to help herself up, but quickly let go after. It would no do to hold hands with a man she was not courting after all, instead, she would reach for the handle of her luggage and pull it along behind her. She would follow him through the guildhall, admiring the cafeteria, she inhaled deeply. There were some lovely scents in the room - homme as they would say in her language.

    As he suggested they eat, Pim would smile in anticipation. She loved trying different food, and she was excited to see what types of meals the guild offered. "Thank you, I am quite hungry." She said to him, following him to the line, she would pick up a dish as others had. Moving along the counters, she began to help herself to food. Trying to contain her happiness, her intentions had panned out exactly as she hoped and she had gotten what she wanted.

    She had joined Silver Wolf


    WC: 373 Thread WC: 5,673
    Tag: @Yuvon @Mercury Arseneault


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