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    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 23rd March 2020, 7:37 pm

    It was early in the morning, where noon hadn't even struck Fiore yet. In a wealthier part of Capital Crocus, there was a prestigious hotel that roomed the wealthiest Capital Crocus had to offer. The cream of the crop, if you will. Their suites were supreme; private bars, jacuzzis, mirrors so large and spotless that they covered entire walls, enormous windows with gorgeous views of the town below them, and room service that even royalty would want. Although Louie had intended to board their only temporarily, he was indecisive on purchasing a property of his own in the country just yet. As a result, he was practically living there and could afford to do so.

    Sprawled over his queen-sized platform bed, the golden-blonde laid there, wearing nothing but his expensive velvet robe and designer slippers, holding his iLac above his head. On the screen were the empty direct messages he had with "le chiot", or "the puppy," with a single dog emoji next to his name. In reality, it was Tomura Momochi—a businessman and West Fiore Trading Company employee he had met with yesterday about his ideas for the future of the weapons industry. However, he was texting him this morning not because it had anything to do with his proposition, but for something else they had agreed to. It was an... exotic or of arrangement they had, but what did Louie care about how strange his request was? He was Louie Calvin Klein! Who were others to question him?

    "3512 Drewberry Circle. Be there in ten. Don't be l8, chiot~"

    This was the text that Louie sent to Tomura's number. So, how had he acquired it? Well, he instructed the employees who gave Tomura his iLac to give him his number as soon as it was set up, and the rest was history.

    This guy better respond within the next few seconds... Louie thought to himself, staring at the iLac impatiently. He was close to sending another text, demanding a response.

    Post Word Count: 332 | Total Word Count: 332 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Chiot = puppy



    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 23rd March 2020, 8:25 pm

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) 2d157d4167caea0da98e22d61d320c1b

    Careful now, I enjoy you, but be careful

    Sunset had barely risen when Tomura woke up the morning after his interesting interaction with a man known as Louie Calvin Klein. Needless to say, the dinner ended with Louie leaving the table in frustration, and what Tomura called one huge childish tantrum. Just because Louie couldn’t take a taste of his own medicine, but it was another day and as Louie said the two were to see one another. Tomura planned to wake up early so that he could work out in the gym and then take a nice shower. Today he planned on deep cleaning his hair so that the emerald coloration would show, yesterday he had leave in conditioner, and he didn’t wash it, well at least, he didn’t wash it completely. He did take a shower. When he woke up, Tomura would place on some gym clothes and carry his new iLac down to the gym with him. He kept it close just in the case that the narcissistic male should text him, and he needed to reply.

    When he got to the gym he would conduct his daily exercising routine, and while he was doing some weight lifting his iLac started to buzz irritatingly. Tomura groaned place the weight down, and read the message, it was an address, no doubt Louie’s address. What could the brat want with me there. Also, didn’t he know how to use proper grammar, seriously. With a huff and typed a reply. 

    “I am currently in the gym, I’ll be there no later than an hour, I need a shower.” 

    With that Tomura sent the message, did one or two more weights, and left the gym for a shower. When he was done he placed on a suit, and then threw on his black fur trench coat. With that, Tomura would leave the hotel, jump off the air, and pull himself into the sky with strings attached to the clouds. After a ten minutes or so, Tomura would find Louie’s apartment or hotel. And then lower himself onto the balcony of the fancy apartment, it was impressive, but he once lived in a fortress. 

    Tomura would knock on the window.




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 23rd March 2020, 9:33 pm

    Louie glared at his iLac. "Shower? Is this asshole serious?" he cursed, reading Tomura's reply. "Who the hell does he think he is? Tch!" After his private complaints, the blonde sent several clock emojis to his new acquaintance and tossed his iLac aside. Ten minutes or more felt like a long time when you were anticipating something or someone. Usually, Louie's servants and employees were a whistle away, but Tomura wasn't. The blonde hadn't realized how inconvenient that was until he was the first minute into his wait, when even after he sent him text upon text for him to hasten himself, he didn't seem to come any faster. Unlike his chauffeur William or the other servants who he hadn't bothered to remember the names or faces of, Tomura wasn't close enough to force into his company. How obnoxious!  

    Louie had been so irritated by this fact that he couldn't help by snatch his iLac away from the bedsheets and open it to his direct messages with Tomura again. Gym? I guess it's no wonder! He looked pretty weak! the blonde huffed, peeking over to the mirror that covered the wall next to him with a crabby expression. He lifted his robe a bit so that he could see his toned, refined figure in the mirror as a haughty expression replaced his sour one. Admiring himself always pacified him enough to relax. After all, knowing you were better than someone would make anyone feel better. Nowhere near my league, however. I guess dogs can dream too.

    Unintentionally, Louie was able to distract and occupy himself while he waited. He made paper airplanes and flippantly scrolled through his feeds on social media. He didn't have to wait that long, but the extent to which he occupied himself made it seem as if he was going to be waiting for hours. Finally, the sound he was waiting for finally made itself present.

    On the balcony was the anticipated Tomura Momochi, who was as darkly-dressed as he was the other day. Although Louie wasn't expecting him to arrive in the way he had, nor did he appreciate it, all the blonde could think about when he saw him was the text messages they had exchanged beforehand. Not unusual for Louie, his face suddenly lit up with vexation as he slid off his bed and marched over to windows, pushing them open and glaring at Tomura.

    "My demands aren't up for negotiations, chiot." Louie grunted, folding his arms over his chest, "When I say ten minutes, I mean ten minutes. Are we clear?"

    Post Word Count: 429 | Total Word Count: 789 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Chiot = puppy



    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 24th March 2020, 5:40 am

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) 2d157d4167caea0da98e22d61d320c1b

    Good Morning, brat

    This little brat needs to stop with the cloak thingies Tomura thought bitterly to himself and then discovered how to mute Louie so that the buzzing would turn off. He was tempted to send a picture of himself in the shower flipping the arrogant brat off, but something told Tomura that Louie would enjoy the sight after he got done complaining and berating him for being indecent and immature. Even then, Tomura would not steep down to Louie’s level and betray the image of a gentlemen that he had so desperately crafted. He wanted to prove to Louie that he was able to maintain his mask, and that by doing so he was better. Though, he doubted that Louie would catch on quickly to the fact, meaning Tomura was going to have to be both patient and a little forceful with hammering the nail into the board- as they would say. No doubt, Louie was having trouble wrapping his narcissistic mind around the fact that Tomura was not instantly there, the city was absolutely huge, and they lived a good distance apart. Therefore, even if he were to leave on time, Tomura would have arrived five or six minutes late. It wasn’t his fault that Louie did not take into account that distances and the time it would take to travel. Maybe, the arrogant fool would need to think and plan ahead next time, just so something like this wouldn’t happen.

    Tomura waited for Louie to notice that he was floating above the balcony, waiting for entrance. Well, it was more like standing on some invisible thread or tight line that kept up in the air. Louie visibly annoyed, walked over to the window, and opened it so that the string mage could come in. The blonde male would then start to berate and chastise him for being late to this little affair of theirs. Honestly, Tomura found this amusing that Louie wanted him to come to his place, much like a mistress. Of course, Tomura did not allow his emotions to get the best of him, and so he didn’t loose his temper as Louie yelled at him.

    Instead, the string mage slipped through the large windows and into the lavish room. “I would rather come clean and late, instead of smelling and being dirty. All to ease your gaze on me, I no doubt believe that it is hard to look upon me.” Tomura would answer, due to the fact, that Tomura was obviously better him and not because of the fact that he was lessor than Louie, like he made the latter to believe. “Furthermore, even if I were to leave right when you messaged me, I would have been late nonetheless, the city is big and you live a good distances from where I do. Sixteen minutes, is how long it took.”

    He would place on a gentle smile, though his eyes remained indifferent. Walk into the luxurious room, with his back turned to Louie so that he could examine it and then turn on his heels to face the brat again. "Exquisite taste, but that is not surprising seeing as you are the one living in it. I would have expected no less, and I am honored that you would have me in your home. But the question remains, what am I here to do? How my I please your beauty?"




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 24th March 2020, 11:22 am

    As Louie watched Tomura slip into his suite from the balcony, there was a sour look on his face. "I don't care what you'd rather do. I'm telling you to get here exactly when I tell you to, and if you're so incompetent that you can't even do that, I'll make arrangements! Honnêtement!"

    The audacity of some people never failed to astound Louie. Who did Tomura, some lesser businessman and trading company employee, think he was to be so late? Even if he was, what sort of justification was that? His servants would never be so substandard with his demands, so why couldn't Tomura just be the same? Even actual dogs came faster when they were summoned! As aggravating as it was, it seemed that the "training" the two were discussing the other day would have to be far harsher than Louie was anticipating.

    The windows clicked shut, leaving Louie and Tomura alone together in his suite. Compared to Louie and his furnishings, Tomura looked out of place and gave the whole room a very sinister atmosphere. The blonde had noticed this yesterday too and assumed black and other dark shades were his preference, but...

    "Why do you even dress like that? It's dreary and I don't like it. It kills my mood." Louie's crimson eyes narrowed as he looked over his visage, "I was going to go shopping, but it'd be embarrassing to have you walk around with me like that. Even my own servants have some class." Louie looked like he was frowning when he was staring at Tomura's appearance, but he was really just focusing quite hard on what he would look good in. Wine reds might have complimented his face well, but it wouldn't make him any prettier. After all, a pig in a tutu is still a pig.

    After a moment of contemplation, the blonde's face suddenly lit up in a very smug and chipper smirk. Eagerly, he grabbed the collar of Tomura's coat and dragged him over to the front door, opening it and pushing him out. "Sit out here while I prepare myself, chiot. I won't have someone like you lurk around in my abode so casually!" said Louie, his brows knitting together sternly as he slammed the door shut, not listening to anything Tomura would have to say.

    "Now then..." his face softened as his eyes floated over to his rather humongous wardrobe, "what to wear?"

    Post Word Count: 404 | Total Word Count: 1759 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Honnêtement! = Honestly!



    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 24th March 2020, 12:37 pm

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) 2d157d4167caea0da98e22d61d320c1b

    Why am I here?

    A small smirk formed across his pale lips, as his emerald green eyebrows cocked upward curiously. Tomura interrupted Louie’s entire rant about him being late as basically a way for Louie to say, I thought you weren’t coming, I really wanted you to come see me, please don’t be late. Granted he was completely aware that Louie was more so frustrated that someone would make him late. But, interrupting Louie over confidence and arrogance into a cry for ‘please I need you’ or things of that nature made it easier to tolerate him, much easier to tolerate him, in fact, he should do that more often. Who knows, there could be a small chance that Louie was actually saying those things to him, but Tomura doubted that. 

    “Forgive me, next time I will promise to be one time. I would never want to make you wait again, you are too precious to make wait, too precious.” Honey coated words would spill out of his lips, but they were two-fold and could mean different things. On one hand, Tomura did find him to be precious, mostly because he was different, and the string mage found him to be interesting. Not in the way that Louie would no doubt take it. He was a little irritated that while he invited Louie to dine with him, Louie summoned him. The cocky fool’s lack of manners was starting to irritate him, and a talk about manners were surly due.  Tomura would need to find a way to speak to him about it without making it sound like an attack. Perhaps he could secretly make it a lesson on how to better manipulate people, no that wouldn’t do. Louie would no doubt ignore his advice and do whatever he wanted, maybe, reverse sign language would work? Ugh, he'd figure out something later.

    Tomura started to explore Louie’s suite some more and discovered that there was a hot tub. He couldn’t help but turn to face Louie and give him a mischievous smirk. One day, one day, he was going to get the male to let him use the hot tub, and Louie was going to join him. But that was when he started to notice Louie starring at him, and comment on his clothing. Tomura pulled at the great big fur coat, and started to inspect his own attire, it kind of made him look like a mob boss.

    "I like what I wear, its simple and comfortable. I don't have elaborate and fantastical taste as you, I prefer the simple things, nothing more, nothing less." As he said that Louie grabbed him by the collar, prompting Tomura to pull away but nonetheless went out the door.




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 24th March 2020, 3:36 pm

    When the slammed shut and Louie was left alone in his room again, he put his back against the door to ponder something for only a moment. The more Tomura spoke, the clearer his weirdness became. Precious? What sort of word choice was that? More importantly, he felt more than just icky being called that by someone so much further below him on the totem pole. In fact, Tomura had been this way since yesterday. Louie knew that he was attempting to suck up to him with flattery, but he could at least try to be less creepy in doing so. He made it so terribly obvious, slipping in compliments in practically every verbal exchange they've had so far. Of course, Louie would never reject the praise he so definitely deserved, but when would this unordinary trading company employee tell him something he didn't already know? The way he carried his words and the ones he chose made the man seem like a creep who was always ogling him.

    Just thinking about it riled the blonde up, and irritation hardened his face. In a fit of annoyance, he briskly whipped through his wardrobe, plucking all of the fabrics he needed to make a simple and yet impressive outfit like it was an instinct. The entire time he was dressing, he was practically blowing steam out of his nose in a fit of anger.

    What is that guy? A pervert? Does he think I'm an idiot?! Seriously, so f*cking annoying! he vented to himself, chastising Tomura privately. By the time Louie had finished dressing, he was wearing a navy blue dress shirt with checkered cuffs, optic white slacks, and his neck, wrists, and ears adorned with golden jewelry. Needless to say, the outfit was simple, expensive, and simply fantastic. His expression, however, had not changed as he stormed over to the door, thrusting it open to find Tomura standing there, indifferent as ever.

    A vein popped out of Louie's neck when he saw him, his eyes like narrowing daggers pointed at his companion. The more he looked at him, the more Tomura looked like some creeper. Did he think he was doing a good job? The best servants were the ones who spoke less and did more! "You're so f*cking annoying! If you're going to waste my air like you are, at least say something I don't already know! Are you slow or something?" Louie cursed, stuffing his hands into his pocket and huffing at Tomura. How annoying!

    Post Word Count: 417 | Total Word Count: 2629 | Personal Word Count: 1582
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Honnêtement! = Honestly!


    Last edited by Louie on 25th March 2020, 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 24th March 2020, 4:08 pm

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) QuestionableShadowyKagu-small

    Why am I here?

    Oh? It seems that Louie was having some hissy fit in there. Honestly, Tomura was enjoying this way too much, the only thing that he regretted was that he wasn’t watching the other male throw the tantrum. Eh, well that was honestly too bad. Next time Tomura pissed him off like that, he would need to find a way to watch the entire situation unfold, just so that he can watch and laugh. But he should be more careful, if he pushes things to far then the entire fun could be destroyed. Tomura could not allow Louie to slip out of his grasp while there were still so many unanswered questions about him. Therefore, he decided that he needed to tone it down on the sarcasm, and only compliment Louie when needed. But for now, he would sink down onto the floor rest his head on the door and listen to Louie’s fussing. There was a small smirk on his face, and he closed his eyes just to simply rest for a while.

    Growing bored Tomura would extend his hand and play with his magic. In the palm of his hand, waifer thin white strings would sparkle and sizzle, and strike his fingertips. When he was bored with that, Tomura would start bending his fingers like he was pulling the strings of a marionette. Damn, Louie needed to hurry up and get dress, he was absolutely bored of just sitting here doing nothing. The door would open before Tomura could stand up, causing him to fall down onto the floor, and with his back laid down looking upward to Louie. A notable scowl was on his face as his back hit the floor with a ‘thud’, “A little warning would have been nice.” He would comment sourly, and then stood up, brushing off his pants as he did so. 

    “Louie, remember you are supposed to break me.” Tomura would remind him, “But very well, since I need to improve my compliments I shall only speak when necessary or when I have a true compliment.” He would cock his head, inspecting Louie to see if this was to his liking. But then he would brush past him, and into the room. “Shall we going sir?” 




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 25th March 2020, 4:41 pm

    Tomura's response was definitely irritating, but Louie had neither the energy or the patience to anything else regarding that. If anything, he just wanted to continue his day before his quirky companion ruined it. It was bad enough his appearance was atrocious and a total buzzkill, so he didn't need a fibbing mouth to compliment it all or a petty reminder!

    "Tch! Yeah, whatever. Chop chop, chiot!" Louie clicked his tongue, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking ahead of Tomura.

    When they got outside, the light breeze against Louie's cheeks made today the perfect temperature. In front of the hotel building was the blonde's chauffeur, William, who was an older gentleman and taciturn by nature. He was standing by a black luxury car, it's paint prime and pristine, and looked so high-end that it would make anyone think that it was meant to pick up V.I.Ps. Of course, this wasn't entirely incorrect. Louie was indeed a very important person, after all.

    William didn't say anything as they approached, simply opening the passenger seats so that they could climb in. Seeing his ride boosted Louie's mood for only a moment. It reminded him of how successful he was, and how small Tomura and everyone else looked in comparison to his own brilliance. When the blonde stepped up to it, he pats the top of the car and smirked at Tomura, scratching the bridge of his nose haughtily. "Amazing car, right? I have tons of sports cars back in Napedia too, but I couldn't bring them over to this country, so I had to settle for this thing! Still leagues better than anything this nation could ever sell. Haha!" he chuckled, grabbing William's shoulder and pointing at his attire, "See this suit? If you're lucky, you might be walking away today with something as fabulous as this! You're welcome! Now," Louie slid inside of the vehicle, crossing his arms over his chest, "get in on the other side!"

    Post Word Count: 328 | Total Word Count: 410 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Honnêtement! = Honestly!



    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 26th March 2020, 10:11 am

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) QuestionableShadowyKagu-small

    I don't want a Suit

    It seems that he was doing his job of being a annoyance to Louie perfectly well. Though, he couldn’t understand why the little brat didn’t shoo him off. Tomura found it frustrating that he could not irritate the other male enough to make him say, ‘go away and do your own business.’ Ugh, why was Louie being so incredibly stubborn, what was it that he wanted to find within these little outings. Silently, Tomura would follow the other male down to the ground floor and walk outside with him. Do you just want to flaunt your wealth at me? Eh? When will you realize that I don’t care?

    The thought occurred when Tomura noticed that Louie was leading him to a sports car with a driver. He folded his arms behind his back and examined the older man carefully. How long has this poor sod been under Louie’s service, maybe, I should question him for some answers. For the most part, Tomura largely ignored whatever Louie said about the car, it disinterested him greatly. Well, then again, anything that wasn’t about magic, business, psychology, politics and attaining power disinterested him. “Such a lovely car, I must admit that this would be the first time I would be in one.” He would make the comment, as he walked to the other side and open the door, his voice was sweet but also apathetic.

    Louie mentioned something about getting a suit for him, Tomura couldn’t help but cock an eyebrow and shake his head in disapproval. “I don’t want you to waste money on me, Louie Sir. You money is too important to be wasted on someone like me, and I am rather contempt with the suit I have on. Therefore, I will not buy me a new suit. But your offer is much appreciated.” 




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 28th March 2020, 10:28 pm

    Louie leaned back into his leather seat, instantly taking out his iLac and swiping through his feeds, not smiling or looking at Tomura. "It's funny that you think you have a choice in this matter, chiot." he looked up at him, looking genuinely amused, "Like we discussed before, you'd really ought to become a comedian."

    Rejection in any capacity had never been part of Louie's life. While Tomura's personality was difficult at best, and his taste in fashion was dreary and melancholy, he at least had a nice-looking face to compensate for all of his losses. Louie had even been so benevolent as to consider buying him a new suit, and while at first, he had only put it on the back burner of his thoughts, Tomura's rejection had only made Louie determined to get him one for sure. Who was he to deny him, after all? Was he secretly thinking that he couldn't afford it? How annoying!

    Once the two had settled into their seats, the car was set in motion with William at the wheel. It would take at least five minutes to get to their destination, so there was some silence to fill, and there couldn't have been a better opportunity to get some "bang for his buck."

    "You never thanked me for your iLac, chiot. You aren't grateful?" Louie stared at his screen, his expression a little perturbed.

    Post Word Count: 232 | Total Word Count: 642 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Honnêtement! = Honestly!



    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 1st April 2020, 6:43 pm

    Tomura Momochi

    “Do you have any drinks?” Tomura would question Louie as he brought out his iLac. A frown would form on his pretty face when he noticed that Louie’s attention shifted away from him. On one hand, this would mean that Tomura could finally get some peace and quiet. Whereas, on the other hand, conversation has ended, and he couldn’t learn more about the narcissistic male. “While your offer is appreciated, I must insist that you do not buy me a new suit. It would not be worth your money, wouldn’t you agree?” he would question, and waved the offer away with his hand. There was also a note of firmness and dominance within his voice, but it was over so quiet, ever so calm. A sour taste formed in his mouth at the comment about becoming a comedian. “Do not insult me Louie.” Tomura would state in a passive aggressive tone, and scowl for a moment before smiling. “Being a comedian would not allow me to hone my magical skills, and likewise, I do not want to waste my skills in that career.”

    Louie’s face became perturbed as he starred down at his screen and pointed out that Tomura did not thank him for the iLac. Tomura was perplexed at his own actions, and the shock of his lack of manners clearly surprise and shocked him. “Oh, I am sorry Louie. Where are my manners?” He would touch his heart and bow his head in respect to the other male. “Thank you, Louie, for the iLac, that is very much appreciated. I wish to return the favor, one day.” He would comment kindly. Tomura was fixing to reach out to grab Louie’s hand and plant a gentle kiss on it, but he stopped himself, realizing that he was no longer home and it would over step his bounds.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Aeluri
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    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 10th April 2020, 7:01 pm

    Louie disliked people who rejected gifts or items when they were offered them, especially to this extent. Never had someone rejected his offers for any other reason than modesty, but it seemed that Tomura seemed genuinely disinterested in Louie's intentions. Even dogs who were full of meat would eventually find a bone dangling from a rope appetizing. If it wasn't for Tomura's face, Louie was certain that he would have regretted this contract.

    Louie paused and looked at Tomura. "Returning the favor, you say? Perhaps I'll take you up on that someday." he huffed, folding his legs over one another. Talking to Tomura was like talking to a wall, except it had a mouth and a sense of etiquette. It was weirdly displeasing. Perhaps by the end of the day, the trading company employee would have loosened up a bit.

    -Several Hours Later-

    By the time Louie and Tomura had returned from their day out, darkness was sweeping across the Fiore sky. It wasn't so late that the streets were completely devoid of people, but it was approaching the time of retiring back to one's quarters. For Louie, it was the perfect time to indulge in man's finest pleasure—red wine. The only problem was that he could never hold his liquor. In other words, he got drunk easier than he ever liked to admit.

    Laying on his bed, Louie played with the wine in his hand, going back and forth between swishing it around in its glass and drinking it. He was alone with Tomura in his suite, a myriad of bags littering the floors, most of them full of clothes and shoes. He felt the wine fill his head, his face turning a light pink almost entirely. The blonde couldn't recall why he was drinking so much, but he did recall trying to make Tomura drink with him.

    Staring at Tomura, Louie admired his features while hiccups overcame him. "You have—hic!—quite the face, Tomu—hic!—Tomura..." he commented matter-of-factly. When intoxicated, the blonde's mind became muddled. In some weird way, he was somewhat more "flexible."

    Post Word Count: 344 | Total Word Count: 986 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
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    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 12th April 2020, 4:41 pm

    The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi) 2d157d4167caea0da98e22d61d320c1b

    Louie was nothing more than a spoiled angsty teenager that would serve Tomura. Slowly, he would be twisted into his design, but for now Tomura would play as Louie’s servant. But he had to insist that Louie did not spend his money on a new suit for him, Tomura didn’t want one he didn’t care for one. Louie would need to learn quickly to take no for an answer, that is, if he was expected to achieve anything. There would be someone down the line to deny Louie, somone who posessed enough power to resist, and even bend Louie to his will, Tomura only hoped that he was the one to do it. However, something told Tomura that his part was coming to a close, but its impact would sing through the fabric of time. “You would be wise to take me on that offer Louie.” Tomura would state and lean into the seat. He would fold a leg over his other leg in semi-mockery to Louie and clasp his hands together.

    [===Several Hours Later===]

    They would return to Louie’s suite late that night, darkness consumed the beautiful Fiorie Sky, and soon the various beasts and underground rodents of Crocus would come out to play. Originally, Tomura planned to simply drop off Louie and leave for his hotel, but the spoiled brat had invited him for some drinks, and being a lover of fine wine Tomura simply could not refuse; at least that is what he used as an excuse to have a couple of drinks with Louie. In reality, Tomura was simply looking to get some information from Louie, to get him drunk and to pick at his head, just for a couple of hours or so. This could be his chance to see what makes the infamous man known as Louie tick. And Tomura simply could not allow that opportunity to pass, and therefore he agreed to have a couple of drinks with Louie.

    While Louie was on his bed getting drunk off of wine, Tomura was exploring his room even more, crowding all the bags into Louie’s closet just to tidy up just a little bit. Admittedly, Tomura could not stand messes and it was rude to have a mess while guess was over, and obviously Louie didn’t care. When he had done, Tomura pulled off his coat and hanged it on a nearby hanger. Tomura would then start to pull off the blazer and tear off his tie in a tired and annoyed manner, before he grabbed a glass of wine for himself. The string mage would sit in a chair next to Louie’s bed, and take a sip of wine.

    An eyebrow was cocked upward when he noticed that Louie, overcame with hiccups, starred at him. He tilted his head in curiously, as Louie commented him on his ‘nice face’. Tomura was a little surprise that Louie was coming undone with only a couple of drinks, the string mage took a sip from his wine glass, and leaned into the chair that he had pulled up to Louie’s bed. "Oh?" Tomura would state before clasping his hands together, and folding his leg over the other. It was as he expected, Louie wasn't as straight as he claimed to be. "Tell me Louie, what is it you want? With me." he spoke in a sooth and seductive tone, leaning forward slightly with a smirk of temptation plastered across his lips.




    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: The New Puppy (P/Tomura Momochi)

    Post by Louie 14th April 2020, 12:57 pm

    Louie looked at Tomura's lips. Were they always so soft-looking? In fact, it wasn't just his lips, it was his face too. The way his eyes sharpened and how the flesh of his face wrinkled just slightly when he spoke—was he born with such a pleasant face, or did this country and its sorcery have something to do with it? Regardless, the results were stunning to Louie.

    For a moment, Louie hesitated to respond to Tomura's question. He looked relatively surprised when he paused, but it was uncertain whether or not he was surprised by the question or what he would've said if he hadn't stopped his brain from bleeding into his mouth.

    "What? Has it slipped past you already, chiot?hic!" Louie replied in a a drunkenly chipper tone, "For companionship—hic! Do you understand? C-O-M-P-A-N-I-O-N-S-H-I-P! Hic!" he smirked, taking another sip of his wine. "I s'pose I'm superior in the field of memory as well, chiot."

    Post Word Count: 156 | Total Word Count: 1142 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
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