Fairy Tail RP

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    Bellum Buyout


    Bellum Buyout Empty Bellum Buyout

    Post by Guest 18th June 2020, 3:16 am

    She had found herself in some strange places before but the middle of a slavers trade auction was new to her. Miranda had been tasked with retrieving a child who had been captured by slavers and was about to be sold to the highest bidder. A simple task but made more complicated by the fact that the parents did not want anyone knowing that they had anything to do with the slavers. A ridiculous situation and one that the mage could frankly did not care all that much about. However, they were offering jewels, so she had taken the job on regardless. They insisted that she wear a disguise in order to hide her own identity from all those involved. She was not entirely happy about it but had eventually relented and was now wearing a robe, with a hood covering her head and a mask across her face, leaving the only part of her body uncovered were her crimson coloured eyes.

    For the most part, the auction was a rather dull event and Miranda quickly lost interest in it, her eyes starting to wander and her attention beginning to drift. However, the sight of a young red haired girl brought her attention back to the auction, recognising her in an instant. She was definitely the child that she was supposed to buy and her hand was soon going up in order to bid for her. However, she was not the only one who seemed to be interested and a bidding war soon emerged between Miranda and two other bidders. The price quickly sky rocketed but the bunny girl would not give in, continuing to fire back against the other bidders ever increasing bids. She had been told to bid whatever she had to and it was fortunate as well. By the time it was all over, the girl was roughly sold at about 30 times the amount that she had been expected to go for but thankfully, Miranda had ended up winning.

    Once it was done, the mage made her way to the back of the auction house and claimed the girl as hers or at least, that was the lie that she told the slavers. She quickly handed the girl a set of robes to match her own and then quickly escorted her away from the place and back to where her parents had been anxiously waiting. The reunion between the three was touching although the mage had to wonder just how they had managed to get the girl captured in the first place but she kept that to herself and took her reward without complaint. Before she left, she pulled the father aside and quietly whispered in his ear about how much it had cost to rescue the child and his apocalyptic reaction was absolutely priceless. Steam could have come out of his ears at that moment but eventually he realised that his daughter was more important. He thanked Miranda for her work and then returned to his family.

    As for Miranda, it was time to move on once more.

    (514 Words)

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:23 pm