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    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha)


    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 49
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shane Stern
    Experience : 0

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Empty A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha)

    Post by Endolf 18th February 2020, 10:55 am

    The blond tomboy's nerves were firing on all engines as she stood waiting outside the designated meeting spot. Valentine's day had come around and this year Veronica actually had someone she found herself interested in and had asked Masha to meet her at this location about a half hour from now. In one hand she held a box of chocolates, she had attempted to make some from scratch herself the night before but that went about as well as she had expected and resulted in her just simply buying some ready made chocolates from a store. Dressed in her typical attire of a "smart casual" outfit of a pair of olive green pants closer in color to grey than green adorned her legs with a section of maroon leather strapped over her left leg, not unlike half of a pair of chaps. These extended down to a pair of ankle boots with chunky heels about an inch tall, honestly these were possibly Veronica's most feminine set of footwear, in a slightly darker grey color than the pants. A fashionable black belt with silver accents wrapped diagonally around her waist, hanging lower at her right hip. This was just visible under the ends of an almost gunmetal grey waist jacket, the right lapel pulled back to reveal a crimson inner lining with silver embroidering, lacking sleeves. Instead another, lighter colored shirt was worn under it with the long sleeves rolled up to just below her elbows. The entire wardrobe was completed by a pair of black gloves on her hands and a matching tie around her neck.

    Shifting the box of chocolates into the hand holding the flowers Veronica began to nervously fiddle with her tie. "I really hope she shows up." She muttered to herself. The entire aura around her was not unlike that of young children in school waiting to confess their love to their crush for the first time, like all those comics she liked to read tended to touch on from time to time.

    WC: 337

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 364
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 269,157

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Sound Slayer
    Second Skill: Foedus Pares
    Third Skill:

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Empty Re: A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha)

    Post by Masha 21st February 2020, 2:32 pm

    Masha sat in a carriage rifling through papers. She muttered to herself. "Increase the tensile strength... Too heavy. Would have to increase bone density...Bah." The redhead threw the papers on the seat next to her. She couldn't think. Impossible to discern the reason. This date didn't mean anything. Did it? Were dates a thing of commitment whether you knew you liked the person or not? Had it been a mistake to accept? The redhead rubbed her hands together. Her teeth worried her lip. Veronica was a nice person. She'd aided an amnesiac. Gone above her duty truely. There should be no issue with this date.

    So why then did she quiver? Why did her body ache? Why was the air around her scented with chocolate? It was as if her entire being wanted this encounter. Desperate to control her quivering, Masha touched the notes beside her once more. Her projects filled her mind. While she was not yet a full doctor, these were clues. Masha had discovered her body had been cobbled together. Science, doctors had formed her body the way it was. She hoped that performing her own experiments would lead to answers she wished for. Those thoughts seemed to quell the nervousness of her flesh. The redhead smiled, turning to look out the window. Would she see Veronica yet?

    The carriage stopped. Masha stepped forth. A long black dress encased her form. The neckline plunged, revealing ample cleavage. The hem stopped just before the ground. Three-inch heels adorned her feet, their straps going near to her knee. For some reason, this getup was comfortable for her. Smiling at Veronica, Masha hurried over. She threw her arms around the other woman. "Veronica! It's so good to see you again! How have you been? That suit looks amazing on you! So what does one do on a date?" She babbled, hopping quickly from subject to subject. It was a habit that had formed recently. Once she started talking, she could go on and on without stopping. Masha stopped briefly, noticing the objects in the other woman's hand. She put a hand to her chest. "Are those flowers for me? Oh and chocolates too? You are simply the best!"

    WC: 369


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Keymasha

    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 49
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shane Stern
    Experience : 0

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Empty Re: A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha)

    Post by Endolf 11th March 2020, 7:10 pm

    Veronica had been so lost in her own thoughts about Masha that when the very woman called out her name she practically jumped three stories into the air from the very spot she stood in. Once she had gotten her senses back about her the young Knight found herself falling mute at the sight before her. The redhead looked absolutely radiant in the long, form fitting black dress she had chosen to wear. Of course those massive mounds on her chest were bound to make anything she wore form fitting regardless of if she intended it to be or not. The dress halted just before it would reach the ground but that didn't mean Veronica didn't catch a fleeting glimpse of the heels Masha had picked to accompany the dress. She heard the faint echoes of the redhead asking if the flowers were for her, as well as the chocolates that accompanied them.

    Realizing she had been gawking at the beautiful woman since her arrival Veronica attempted her best recovery possible with a sudden shake of her head. "Uh...um. Y-yeah! Yeah. I-it's Valentine's day after all so I figured the least I could do was get you some flowers and chocolates." She blushed, fighting the urge to avoid making eye contact as she finished. Holding the items out for Masha to accept she did everything she could to steel herself. 'I might not have my magic anymore but I'm still a Rune Knight! Gisen said so herself.' She chastised herself in her head. "That dress looks amazing on you. Sorry I didn't say so sooner."

    "As far as what to do on our date," She had been paying attention. Somehow. "I was thinking we could start with a walk but I didn't account on you wearing heels like those. I know long walks in heels isn't too comfortable." Veronica stated as she showed true consideration for the woman she had asked out. "So maybe we could just go do some things you find interesting?"

    WC: 338
    TWC: 765

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 364
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 269,157

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Sound Slayer
    Second Skill: Foedus Pares
    Third Skill:

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Empty Re: A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha)

    Post by Masha 12th March 2020, 3:02 pm

    Masha accepted the items. She'd noticed Veronica staring. The throbbing throughout her body intensified. This date could feel like it was going on forever. What had the scientists done to her? She couldn't even stand near someone anymore. The redhead managed to smile at her date. The compliment helped ease her nerves. "This thing? Thank you! I found it in my closet. Seems like it was well used by whoever I used to be. I wanted to see how it made the new me feel." She swished the material around her legs. The caress of the material heightened her senses. Still, Masha didn't let that distract her from listening.

    The Dies Irae soldier looped her arm through Veronica's. Her lips pressed against the blonde's cheek. He heart beat faster. The motion felt familiar like she'd done it a thousand times. A clue? Masha refocused on Veronica. "Don't worry about me, Veronica. I feel like I can walk miles in these things." If the calluses on her feet were any indication, she had, at one point, done exactly that. It was funny though, the calluses receded every day without fail. Hmm. Best file that away for consideration later. Masha squeezed the blonde's arm. "I'd love to see what I find interesting though. It might provide me a few more clues. Plus it sounds like so much fun!" The redhead barely waited for a response before heading off.

    There weren't many steps taken before a business man stepped up. "Ladies! My, you make the cutest couple! I'd like to offer you an opportunity today!" He flourished wildly. Magic cascaded from his hand in a dazzling display. When his gesticulating ended, an illusion lay before them. It was a large wedding venue. Masha's eyes widened in wonder. She released Veronica's arm to look closer. The man smiled, waving for her to look all she liked. "Please, take a look! My company, the Chocolatair's of Fiore, is branching out this year. We'd are selecting various couples across all of Fiore to test our new wares. We'd like you two to be one of those lucky couples."

    Masha frowned, straightening back up. A feeling wormed its way through her skin. It warned things might not be as easy as he made it seem. "What would be required for this test, exactly?" The man snapped his fingers. Certain parts of his illusion were highlighted. "We'd like the two of you to get temporarily married for the day. This will give you the mindset needed. Then we'd like you to try out at least two of our wares: the tailor, the cake-delivering service, the DJ or bouquet tossing. We don't require anything other than you turning up and trying out the various services." Masha thought it over. There didn't seem to be a trap there.

    The redhead looked over at her date. This was a two person decision. "What do you think? It sounds pretty fun to me. I'd like to get married once before I die" She giggled, clutching Veronica's gifts to her chest. "I can understand if you don't want to though. Its a pretty big thing right out of the gate" She beamed at the blonde Rune Knight. The redhead didn't want Veronica to feel pressured to take this route. That wouldn't be fair to her. This had to be something they both wanted to do.

    WC: 563
    TWC: 932


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    A Unique Valentine's Day (Event w/Masha) Keymasha

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:51 pm