This thread is where member's post to sign up for jobs. Once you've posted one of the Moderators will check the signup and make sure that it's valid, then approve the sign up by striking out the post or quoting it.
The maximum number of jobs that can be signed up for at any given is limited to 6 jobs at once. Please wait with signing up for more than 6 jobs at a time until the jobs you signed up for previously have been graded.
Userame(s): (Account name's of Players taking part in the job. Please note that you must sign up using Forum usernames, not character names)
Player(s) Guild(s): (List the guild of each character if the character is guildless then please state that.)
Player(s) Faction(s): (List the faction of each character if the character is factionless then please state that.)
Player(s) Team(s): (If the character's share a team please state the team's name and which players are on the team if not all member's of the job are on the team.)
Job Link: (Link to the URL of the job you wish to take)
Player Ranks: (Ranks of all player's involved.)
- Code:
[color=lightsteelblue][b]Player(s) Guild(s):[/b][/color]
[color=lightsteelblue][b]Player(s) Faction(s):[/b][/color]
[color=lightsteelblue][b]Player(s) Team(s):[/b][/color]
[color=lightsteelblue][b]Job Link:[/b][/color]
[color=lightsteelblue][b]Player Ranks:[/b][/color]