So, passive abilities have only 2 paragraphs for their section, and don't have any sort of guidelines that allow the maker of them to know what is allowed. All that is said for them, is that they can have 1-3 effects. At the moment, it seems like the only things that passive abilities can do is give off buffs. I've seen many things denied for buffs, and the only thing I've seen that wasn't was buffs. If there's more to it than that, then I wouldn't really know because of the lack of clarification on them.
I was wondering if there could be a clarification on passives or just a rework to them. They don't really seem to be all that helpful with how little they do, nor are they as fun as they can be. I've also seen different graders grade passive abilities differently. So, I feel like there should be a clearer way to both grade and create them. Though, this may be just me.
I was wondering if there could be a clarification on passives or just a rework to them. They don't really seem to be all that helpful with how little they do, nor are they as fun as they can be. I've also seen different graders grade passive abilities differently. So, I feel like there should be a clearer way to both grade and create them. Though, this may be just me.