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    Women vs Machine


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Women vs Machine Empty Women vs Machine

    Post by Luceam 2nd September 2019, 7:48 pm


    The air was tense in the city of machines, uneasiness was spreading throughout the city as the sound of the mechanical feet walked through the concrete pathways, looking around. Mankind's history has had a lot of mistakes, and today proves that there is still a long way for it to go as one man, could have possibly doomed the entire race and potentially the planet. When the news of the job reached out, many were in disbelief that one man, somehow accidentally made not just one, but a full army of combat able robots that somehow broke out of their facility into the streets of Motor City. One of the few to answer the call were a pair of wizards, the Nature fairy and the lightning Gynoid.

    Luna was driving a Magic chariot, a magical vehicle that looked more like a horse driven chariot with a motorcycle in place of a horse. Luna hadn't been back to this town since she got her drivers license. She wasn't fond of how advanced the industrialization was and how sparse the plant life was. To a being of Nature, this looked like it was only a few steps away from a horrible nightmare, however her opinions on that subject were not a high concern for her at this moment. Her thoughts were on the other female sitting behind her. "Amelia, are, you alright with this job?"

    Amelia's gaze was looked around at the streets, her curiosity piqued by the question. "What do you mean?" Luna noted that she was getting close to the district as she could see the robots in the distance, and the streets were sparse with traffic for fear of the machines. "Our job this time around is to destroy intelligent machines, I, don't know how you feel about that."  She said as she parked near the factory, noting all the robots around in the area. Luna removed the key, took off the SE plug, and turned around to face Amelia.

    Amelia simply shrugged off  the question, she understood Luna's concern. "Lulu, don't compare me to these nuts and bolts. They are mostly circuits, meanwhile I'm a beautiful connection of Lightning and Archive magic fit into an elegant doll like body with smooth flesh like skin, a Artificial Lifeform capable of reproduction, these are autonomous drones in metal body who's only hope at increasing their numbers is to slave in a factory. I'm a handmade masterpiece of a doll and these tin cans are are low tier trash cans. No free will, just programmed for battle. I on the other hand can decide to be a model, a banker, or even a midwife if I want to."

    Luna nodded, relieved that her companion was alright with the matter, however she did not want to read too much into what was said.  The two hopped out of the vehicle, and walked towards a large intersection close to the factory, not many robots were out in this area."Alright, I just want to make sure that you are fine, anyways, according to word of mouth, some Rune Knights are going to meet us here. I think we should meet up with them to co-ordinate our efforts before we take this on. While we might have power, their number advantage is a huge problem."


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 3rd September 2019, 2:32 pm

    666/???? words || @Luceam || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Humans were kinda weird sometimes. Yeah, the idea of creating your own kind of artificial life was cool and all, but what happens if there wasn't any kind of switch to turn them off? This. this is what happens when you don't have that switch or something. Robots had begun to run rampant in the streets and the world was doomed again, for like the seventh time this year. Upon hearing of the news, the two young Exceeds had spotted not only a chance to make a name for themselves but also to go and see what exactly robots look like from up close. Maybe they were a batch of something so top secret and advanced the council didn't have any knowledge about them? They were so excited, their little hats were about to fall off of their heads! The two raced over towards the meeting area with the additional person who was said to be coming along to assist them in their fight.

    "Do ya see them yet, Grappa?" "Nope...Nothing yet."

    The two Exceed flew past the canopy of emerald trees, their eyes gazing at the ground while scanning around the area around them on their way/ Their plan, or at least Jellisha's, was to meet with them midway and go over a plan of sorts. That way when they arrived at the town, they could jump straight into the action. As the miles wore on them and the sun was turning in the sky, that plan seemed to be slowly becoming more of a pipe dream than anything else. She pouted while tugging her sibling along. Grappa, in the meantime, had been keeping busy pointing out all the people below and even trying to wave to some of a few while they rocketed across the sky, oblivious to their objective. Sometimes Jellisha wondered how they were even related. The next few hours had been fairly silent until Grappa had spoken up about somebody below.

    "Ooooh! Is that them!" Jellisha grabbed the notice which gave them details on their partners for such a mission. She did a quick scan and then looked beneath them. "They look like it. Perfect match from me. Ready to head down?"

    Grappa nodded and was the first of the two to spiral down behind their vehicle. Jellisha zoomed closer and joined her sister as their forms would change right before they hit the ground. Before the impact, two youthful legs would gently stop right before the ground and make their way to the woman resting by her bike. With attention gained on them and not much time to spare, the two offered the woman the customary Rune Knight salute.

    "Well met. Rune Knight Cadet Jellisha." "Rune Knight Cadet Grappa~ Pleasure to meet you!~"

    "Hm?" Immediately Grappa's eyes were drawn towards the doll which rested by the woman. The girl let out and audible gasp and hurried over. "Ohmigod, you're so cool!" She fawned over the mechanical doll who was somehow alive. Since the girls were in the engineering department of the Rune Knights, it was no wonder that both of them had that innate curiosity for the world. "How do you work? Is it a type of magic? Are you a supercharged robot? Do you talk or are these just precorded lines?" The girl's assault of questions were launched at the doll as Jellisha would watch in embarrassment and cover her face with her palm.

    "Sorry about her. She's just excited to see something she hasn't cracked open before." Jellisha caught wind of the bike, her own eyes lit with interest. "I like your ride. Where'd you get it, and how much did it cost?" Regardless of the answer, she listened while Grappa would soon snap out of her daze and smile at metal maiden. "Sorry, it's just...I've never seen a thing like you before. I wanna be the best engineer ever when I'm older, so I wanna know how I can make a million cool things like you!~"

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Luceam 3rd September 2019, 7:52 pm

    Luna sensed the Exceeds life force approach as they landed near the rental vehicle. Her gaze looked over as she saw the human formed Exceeds arrive. "They're here, and in human form." Luna noted as the twins approached the duo. Luna stood up as she looked at the two small figures.

    Luna wasn't surprised to learn that the twins were cadets, especially with such a young aura it was no surprise to Luna that the Rune Knights would send them on a job like this to gain experience. She was about to introduce herself and Amelia after the Rune Knight twins finished their introduction, but to neither the fairy or the gynoid's surprise, the twins had an interest in Amelia's construction, and then the technical questions stretched towards the rental chariot.

    Luna and Amelia glanced at eachother, confirming with Archive magic that they should answer the questions of the two before the urge to rip apart Amelia might settle in later. The two returned focus towards the Exceed twins a second later, grateful that with Archive magic they could quickly converse. Amelia turned to Grappa, fully prepared to answer the queries."I am Amelia Thorn, otherwise known as Project AT-X. I'll answer questions you'll have later, but I am a hybrid of advanced Archive magic and Lightning magic from a legendary lacrima, thought to give me the spark of life. My 'brain' is an advanced core while my senses are controlled by six special designed lacrima. As for my power source, it's also the source of my magic, a piece of a legendary lightning lacrima which in theory provides me with endless energy and after I developed sentience, my internal systems 'evolved', as my nanotech repair systems learned to adapt new programming, advancing my capabilities and allowed me to draw on my core for magic abilities. However, one person cannot create another like me, except for me since I do have reproductive capabilities. It was primarily the effort of two wizards, but many others did make the other parts, like my skin, while my body is mostly metal and lacrima, they did put effort into making me look close to human as much as possible."

    Luna rested her hand on Amelia's, discretely telling her to stop talking as she was starting to go on a little too far. "Save some stuff for after the job." She returned her focus to the Exceeds. "I am Luna Mira, former Guildmaster of Aurora. This vehicle, standard Magic-cycle with the chariot attachment, a rental. You can find places to rent vehicles like these all over Fiore. Cost is cheap, think about a thousand jewels for a week, and liable for damages. Magic Cycles aren't expensive, about fifteen grand to by one, around seven for used but even then you'll want to buy a new SE plug among other possible repairs."

    Luna stared at the two for a moment, sensing their respective Life Forces, she could tell they were close, most likely twins. "If you two don't mind me asking, how old are you two? For Exceeds, your Life Force seems to be very young even by Exceed standards."

    WC 523
    TWC 1073


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 16th September 2019, 1:47 pm

    1386/???? words || @Luceam || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    They hoped that their entrance was at least one that would be memorable. Serilda and Mythal always gained such interest and honor the moment they stepped foot on any soil. It was a level of power that the two wished to attain one day in their fairly short to this point lives. thankfully they hadn't been batted, shooed or swayed away from the two, so that mean progress was in the process of being made here. Luna and Amelie appeared to find them a welcome sight on the battlefield despite their youth appearances. But Mythal had always given them a bit of advice. "It ain't whatcha look like, but what ya can make go boom!" Then he laughed a bit in a way that even Jellisha couldn't replicate despite being almost identical personality wise. A good piece of advice but they had always felt fairly miffed when people kept leaving them out of things because of how fresh out of the egg they were. It's not like they were babies! Well, kinda.

    Anyway, Amelie would kick things off by going into detailed explanation about herself. Every piece of information offered was graciously absorbed by both twins while they would be in absolute awe at home magnificent she was. Grappa studied every bit of her exterior piece by piece. Her sibling had far more self-control than she ever could even wish of having. Two polarized peas in a pod they were. Her systems were amazing and it was only made even more intriguing now that the twins had something to base their reason off of being in the engineering branch of the Knights. "Wow! They guys back home aren't gunna believe this!" Grappa exclaimed happily. And then the heard a word that they had never heard before.

    "Lacrima?" They both asked in unison, wearing a most perplexed expression on their faces.

    "What's a lacrima?" Jellisha asked, leaning on the chariot's exterior a bit. Neither of them had really ever heard or experienced some word like that. If it was what was powering Amelie, then it would have to be fairly powerful. Sure the big words confused them to the point of failing to see any kind of logic or understanding behind them whatsoever, but she was cool and that's all that mattered. She did say how that there wouldn't be anybody who could create somebody like herself, which Jellisha had to hold herself back from talking about. If some random guy could just make a hundred of these bucket of bolts in the town across from them, who was to say another person couldn't just like a thousand Amelies? It was only a bit until something like that happened anyway. Again, humans. Loved to mess around with the natural order of things and then get burned by the very thing they made.

    The woman put an end to their discussion with an introduction of her very own. The girls' eyes looked ready to burst from their head when she introduced herself as a former guild master. "Whoa! You ran your own magic guild? That's awesome!" Jellisha's smiled was just so much like Grappa's at that moment. She was in total ecstasy upon being in the presence of somebody so important. Her sister shared the sentiment, eye's full of a thousand questions only being held back the manners she had forced upon her. The price of that vehicle of Luna's made the crimson eyed girl's mouth drop at the sheer price. "Fifteen thousand jewels?!" she repeated. "We barely have like 3,000 saved up from all the jobs we did. How do people earn that much so fast? Do they just make jewel trees or something?"

    Then came her question to the two. And it was the one Jellisha had always despised. It always led to the same message being said. "We're close to...um." Silence rang through the air as Grappa thought to herself. "Well, it's been a few months since Seri and Mythal hatched us. So four months!" Grappa answered Luna's question. Jellisha was right along to continue her explanation. "They say that the previous Rune Knights found our egg and then put in storage for years and years. They found it during an inspection and touched it. We felt them touch our egg and...sorta hatched then. They've been or guardians since."

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Luceam 20th September 2019, 6:57 pm

    "Four months?" Luna said outloud, but internally was wondering what  Seri and Mythal were thinking allowing four month old exceeds to come on such a dangerous mission alone. The twins were practically kittens even by exceed standards, it was a miracle they could even speak so soon. Luna wondered what the two looked like in their exceed forms, however she figured that would be too cute and distracting, if their human guises weren't already. "Anyways, there are a bunch of robots to deal with. So let's shift over to what we can do about this whole situation." Luna however recalled the conversation that happened regarding robotics, and figured that she might as well repeat what the twins must have heard from someone before going on the job. "I feel like I may not need to say it but just for safety, do not take any robots with you. They aren't yours to take, and are incredibly dangerous. We should at the very least render them completely inoperable. Amelia is the only robot leaving this city active or dead today."

    "Preferably active." Amelia chimed in jokingly, but she really did hope to leave alive. Luna focused back at the twins after giving Amelia a glance. "Anyways, magic wise, I can create and control plant life, persuade animal life, and summon various and wonderful beings from a world that translates to 'Forest Beyond the Horizon'. Also I am an amazing healer, capable of healing many wounds."

    Luna looked over to Amelia, and Amelia nodded, knowing it was her turn. "Well, as I said earlier I am made of Archive Magic and Lightning Magic, so I got skills in both schools. I can alter the properties of my lightning for various effects. I do have some Archive capabilities like restoring items to a restored state, copy the spells of others, and I can telepathically link parties of up to twenty people. Not recommended for usage with very young minds."  

    Luna wondered on what sort of abilities the twins had, she anticipated a wind magic of some sort, however she figured she may be in for some surprise. She kept her eyes glancing down the street, looking at the seemingly docile robots. She knew all too well that handling this alone would be tough, so everyone needed to be aware of what the other's abilities were so they weren't tripping over each other the whole time.

    WC 402
    TWC 1475


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 30th September 2019, 9:11 am

    2167/???? words || @Luceam || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Both twins would puff their cheeks out at the exclamation of their age. "Jeez, it's not like we're babies or something." Jellisha uttered, her hands crossed over her youthful chest in frustration.To the credit of Luna, it was an honest and natural reaction to such a young and fresh pair of feet on their way into the world. They had always been pretty confused as to why exactly people seemed so put off about that. Exceed were totally different than just normal humans! Sure, most were out of the egg much older and there was probably some reason why not only they came in the same egg, but as twins. Not unless they were an enigma to even the most scholarly minds of this age. Grappa pouted a little as well, the comment touching a nerve. But in usual Grappa fashion, she bounced back and did her best to motivate their teammates for this assignment. "We can totally pull our weight though. So don't worry about us. Seri and Mythal wouldn't throw us in an assignment that we couldn't handle." She had hoped the words would be enough alone to allow them access into going along with the rest of the mission. There would be tons and tons of robots and maybe if they were lucky, it would be a super cool chance to learn more about machines. They were junior engineers in the division, after all.

    Luna appeared sated by her answer and the two were given the green light to go ahead and prepare for the roll out. The twins both would shoot each other a thankful look and then get all psyched up to go and save the day again. "This is gunna be so cool! Do you think we can bring home a robot for ourselves? I wanna see what makes 'em work if we can't crack open Amelie." "I bet we could. They don't seem too heavy so it should be just as heavy as the lieutenant." the man in question being one of the few people who helped both girls train when not busy babysitting them to make sure they didn't get themselves into trouble again. they spoke with such vigor and energy of the mission it was almost as if this was just another kind of exercise back home and not some kind of dangerous mission where they could be trampled on by robots four times their Exceed sizes. They would have continued to be to until Luna would drop the bombshell on their plans to take a souvenir home with them.

    "Nofair..." Both twins said in unison. Each would give the former guildmaster and companion with an angry face. Grappa even puffed her cheeks out larger than normal. It continued on for a few minutes but eventually they sullenly moved about. Maybe when she wasn't looking...

    The twins dispelled their human forms, reverting back to their Exceed appearance. It wasn't really much of anything left to imagination. Both girls had a light plum purple fur colors, with their eyes revealing which twin was which a little easier. They both came dressed in the Rune Knight colors, wearing a small custom made uniform that fit the both of them. Their age was much easier to see in this form as well, looking like kittens to the normal Exceed. Just a hug head on a much smaller body. They were probably just about the middle of the infant age if one could relate them with actual cats. Though the two definitely wouldn't be happy about that.

    When it came time for everybody to discuss their magic and such, the two listened carefully. Each hovered in front of the two while taking in their selection of magics. Of course, Luna's knowledge far outweighed their own, as both would stare up in amazement and giddiness. They couldn't wait until she could display how powerful she was in here! Then Amelia told the two about what she could do, elaborating on what was said before. When it came time for them to speak, they couldn't help but feel a bit lacking compared to these two."We're still learning a few things. The both of us have Aero and wind magic and that's about it. So if you need a lift, let us know and we'll rush over." Grappa would nod in agreement before setting their sights on the goal ahead.

    "So do we have a game plan or are we just gunna go wild until the last robot falls down?" Jellisha asked. "I'm game for whatever." Her sibling kept busy tidying her uniform and licking some of her fur that was fluffing up just above her left ear.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Luceam 9th October 2019, 1:01 am

    If it wasn't obvious the two were twins before, their synchronized response to Luna telling them that they couldn't leave with any of the robots that they were being tasked with handling. However she was used to handling young children. "One, it's  technically three kinds of theft to take them if you don't have their owner's permission, and two, I think if I let you two take functioning parts of killer robots Seri will kill me if that somehow backfired and hurt innocents or yourselves, then let my fairy biology bring me back to life then rinse and repeat."  Luna said, hoping to the nameless goddess she believes in that she was exaggerating.

    However when Luna and Amelia witnessed the two turn into their base exceed forms, both of the older girls were almost overwhelmed by the shear cuteness of the twins. While Amelia was more of a dog person, she had to admit to herself at the very least that Exceed kittens were absolutely adorable. Meanwhile Luna was exercising all of her restraint to prevent herself from snuggling with the kittens, luckily when they spoke of their abilities, the reason for why they are meeting instantly came back like a splash of cold water. However she found it extremely concerning that the two didn't seem to have any ability set suited for this task. However, she couldn't cast judgment from her glass house as the concrete and paved tar roads of the industrial city were going to be a handicap for herself as well. As for the subject of how to proceed, she whistled and gently raised her arm and curved two fingers as a small bird landed on them before she gently lowered her arm.  "So, can I ask for a bird's eye view?" She jokingly asked the bird.

    She nodded as the bird telepathically explained what it knew to Luna, she was nodding before she pulled a few seeds out of seeds out of her pocket, the bird picked at a few before flying away. Amelia was staring at a non-existent watch as Luna was having a conversation with a bird. "I'm the one who can telepathically link twenty people, yet I still find it weird that you can telepathically commune with all life, from animals, to plants, yet it doesn't work on humans."  Luna shrugged, analyzing the information. "Humanity has become to disconnected with the world for Nature Fairies. Anyways, according to out friend they robots aren't too far from the factory, and while they are defective, they still appear hold true to their basic programming. In theory, they won't harm anyone that doesn't bring harm to them or tries to enter the factory. However, there is a small problem. There's little commonality between the robots and they all have flexible evolution based strategic processes and subroutines. Means they aren't as smart as Amelia, but they can damn well give her a run for her money in a game of chess."

    Amelia nodded, she could see what Luna was hinting at. It was clear that this would be more taxing on her then it would be on anyone else for the moment. "So what you're saying is, we don't have the luxury of time once we start, we gotta hit them fast and hard once we start. Against an adaptive foe, time is your biggest enemy as if someone totally adapts to you, you will never hit them again. Honestly while under normal circumstances we'd prefer a more, quick tactic like rounding them up and a quick execution, but the second disadvantage is numbers. Since you aren't able to bring out your fullest power within this city, and the twins aren't exactly muscle, that leaves me. So the best way is obvious. You three need to run interference to prevent a mass swarming while we center everything on me as I get warmed up and cut down some numbers, then I release everything I got short-circuiting the rest."

    Luna nodded, she figured that this was going to be a rough day. "Alright, so now that we're clear, remember, Grappa, Jellish, if things get too heated for you, fall back. Also when Amelia gives off more sparks that she comes hard to look at, really fall back, don't worry about me, I can, well, glide with my wings if I can't actually switch forms."

    WC 727
    TWC 2202


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 10th October 2019, 9:59 pm

    2757/???? words || @Luceam || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Yeah the explanation for leaving the robots as they were was solid, but it wasn't like the twins were just easily going to admit that. They continued to pout at Luceam and her robotic companion until Jellisha would break the silence with a childish, "Whatever..." Grappa appeared a little more apologetic towards Luna's reasoning than her sister though.

    After that disagreement, the former guild master sent for a bird to give them a view overheard of the robotic army. The twins were a bit disappointed with their chance to shine outdone but a small bird they could probably catch but Jellisha chalked it up to the size difference between them. Robots wouldn't think much of a bird flying above them as much as a cat. The reconnaissance was made and the report back before the twins started up again.

    "AND you can talk to animals? Gosh, you're super cool! Oh, I wanna be a nature fairy just like you when I grow up!"
    "Can you talk to trees too? Or other things?"
    "Do birds speak like humans or is there a bird language?"

    Question after question assaulted the woman until either her or Amelie would put a stop to it. If they did, she'd eventually settle for just winding herself down until the two settled down enough to just listen to the report. During which, Grappa looked the most completely lost by everything. She raised her paw into the air to ask her question. "Um, so what's that mean? Can we still do this job?" Jellisha thought everything over while her sibling was still catching up, rubbing her paw against her temple. "So if they can all adapt to all of us like you said, we're going to lose the long battle. We gotta destroy them all in one go or a short battle." Her crimson eyes looked over to her sister in case that stumped her but she appeared to have gotten the message. Amelie would be the muscle behind this, with the rest of them working as her guards as she got powered up. Pretty simply stuff. This would be a pretty useful tactics lessons, or at least that's probably would Seri would have told them if she were here.

    "Gotcha!~ So we attack to annoy and push away. I think that's super easy!" The young Exceed said with excitement. The plan began shortly afterwards, with the twins speeding along with the other two to get things fully started. As Amelie set up, the robots in question would all rise to attention while the two Exceed would get into position by one another's side. "Heads up! A fight's coming!" The sound of metal clanging against the ground sounded off while the twins would begin using their magic to push people away. The two began to swirl around one another as wind slowly began to focus around each one of them. "Let's get 'em!" "Gotta protect the cute robot! Don't forget!"

    Their first magical attack was launched, sending a small compressed blast of wind at an approaching robot. The enemy in question was pushed back into a small group of his brethren while more would begin to approach the group. Grappa was caught off guard and swooped to her right to avoid getting crushed by a robot behind her. Jellisha retaliated by swinging her around to blast another one of them with wind. This blast didn't work as well with the first robot, most notably because of that adaptation feature spoken about previously.

    "How's that's charging going, Amelie?"

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Women vs Machine Empty Re: Women vs Machine

    Post by Luceam 17th October 2019, 9:27 pm

    Luna was glad that her words seemed to be sinking into the Exceed Twins, however when she was barraged with questions regarding her abilities. She was trying to remain focused on the matter at hand, concerned for their safety. "Trees yes, all animals, and plant life not born out of dark magic."

    Luna's opinion of the twins was shifting, she knew that if Seri let them come on this job, they had to be at least capable. However, she could tell the only flaw in their plan was possibly the twins. They
    were still new to the field of this line of work, and both Luna and Amelia knew the risks of having a fresh face on a large job. However she knew they were out of time to do anything about it when the robots started to come. Luna meddled with the back of her Qipao the second she saw the twins rush off. "Not good!" She said, fully aware of the risky moves the twins were doing. Rushing towards a hoard of adaptive robots who were already more powerful then you seemed to be a very bad move.

    Luna pulled out the concealed dual bladed weapon, Zygmunt, before running towards the twins, surveying the robots as she saw one in the distance with what appeared to be a vacuum built into it. Luna figured that there were robots built to take down many kinds of magic, wind included. She picked up her speed before sliding, and slashing both blades horizontally, shooting out a wave of darkness on a curve upwards, cutting through several robots, including the one with the vacuum just as it was about to charge, a fire cannon launching robot, and a rather large one with a circular body and two rotating cannons. However the last one barely suffered a cut, but water seemed to be gushing out, spilling over many robots.

    Meanwhile Amelia followed Luna's lead, running up and passed the twins before she jumped atop of the water robot. While focused on the machines, she still paid attention to the twins questions, speaking very cavalier. "You misunderstand, I can start the process at any time, it will take about two minutes. I'm just avoiding usage of my trump card until we get these numbers down."

    She then slapped the water on robot's body as she channeled electrical energy through her hands, causing a chain reaction among that robot, and the wet robots connected to where each of them short circuited and fell down, smoke coming out of them. "Hit smart, not big." Noticing a lightning bolt coming at her from an electric robot, Amelia redirected the bolt of lightning and it ended up striking a robot made entirely of wood. "Alright now that's just ridiculous. What purpose does a wooden robot serve?"

    Meanwhile, Luna put away Zygmunt, before a yellow liquid oozed out of the palm of her hand before dropping onto the ground, burrowing into the concrete before a small stump emerged from the ground. Luna watched as there was a rather tall robot with lengthy, chain like limbs approaching. It seemed to try to jump at Luna but four roots seemed to rise up from the concrete and pierce through each limb, slowly extending in different directions. Hearing Amelia's question, Luna had a few answers in mind. "Probably an anti-magnetism robot, stealth in the forest, or more likely, he built that just to prove he can. Seems like the case for a lot of these."

    WC 583
    TWC 2785


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 7:11 pm