Fairy Tail RP

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    In Progress ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by Ahote 31st October 2019, 3:36 pm

    559 words || @aeluri @Esper|| job info/job sign-up || Darkies just wanna have fun~

    Ahote wasn't very fond of autumn. It was rainy, the air was dry, and sometimes it so cold that it was unbearable. The crunch of dead leaves on the ground was pleasing to people's ears, and the changing color of the trees was something to look forward to for most, but Ahote found it all depressing. Autumn was a season of death. The trees were dying, everything felt dryer, and there was very little to celebrate during the season. He was tired of death. His job smelled like death, Boomslang smelled like death, and even he smelled like death, but he couldn't help it. It was hard for a necromancer to smell any other way, no matter how much expensive colonge he wore or glamorous showers he took.

    But ever since he put Basilisk Fang behind him, more doors seemed to unlock for him. They were smaller, more mundane, and the prizes that lie behind them were trivial compared to his infamous career as a terrorist, but it was things like festivals and simple assassinations that he began to look forward to. Things like pumpkin picking.

    He was in the middle of one of Oak Town's biggest pumpkin patches with Iris, Aeluri, and a small pulling-wagon to carry their pumpkins. Just adjacent to the patch was a corn field but not a corn maze. If you got lost in it, there was no intentional path out, but Ahote was never anticipating on them ever having to enter it, so he was unsure of why he was thinking about it now.

    It was becoming a thing now. He, Iris, and Aeluri going out and doing trivial things like this together. It must've started during the summer solstice, because ever since they all were out and about doing things together like this. In this case, they were picking pumpkins as a result of some advertisement, and while it was up Ahote's alley to try things like this, he could only imagine Iris and Aeluri accompanying him only because he asked. Regardless, while it was "up his alley", Ahote was capable of finding things to complain about.

    "This one looks like there might be something under it. . ." Ahote spoke to himself. So far, he was only collecting the pumpkins he could lift with one hand alone, and both of them were gloved. It's not like he's always had a distaste for dirt, but after opening Boomslang and maintaining it, it was hard to not be pickish about cleanliness. Not only that, he never enjoyed manual labor of any magnitude. Heavy and easy lifting were never things he enjoyed or agreed to do easily, but his more subtle adventurous qualities overpowered his distaste for everything the festival required.

    Thud. Ahote placed a pumpkin into the wagon and dusted both of his gloved hands off of some invisible layer of dirt caking them. He was frowning.

    "Are you two doing alright?" he asked, still frowning, but not at them. He couldn't help but hope they'd know that after realizing he didn't change his expression when he spoke at them. He couldn't help but be mindful of those sorts of things after his eyes were replaced, feeling somewhat kittenish towards them for their thoughtfulness, especially Iris. He hadn't gotten around to thanking him with what he thought to be an appropriate gift yet.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: xxx
    Abilities Active: xxx
    Weapons Equipped: xxx
    Monsters Killed: xxx
    Other Notes:



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Atlantis
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 232
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 145,230

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocular Requip
    Second Skill: Water Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill: Probs Something Kinky

    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by Iris 31st October 2019, 7:25 pm

    While Iris was less concerned about dirt in and of itself, he was also very fussy about his appearance. There was nothing worse than getting a perfectly beautiful outfit ruined, and Iris had no such thing as old clothes he could wear for the messier tasks. Even the shirts and pants he had that were ripped were like that in the name of fashion, but no muddy stain could ever be called fashion in his book. Paint splatters? Sure. He'd even allow some blood spatter when the situation called for it. But food spillage? Mud? Dirt? No way. He had an image to uphold, so Iris Esperanza was having none of that nonsense. His vow to uphold and appreciate true beauty wouldn't allow him to slum it with the hogs.

    The lilacette walked nearby his friends, one hand in the pocket of his tight black jeans while the other was slightly elevated and gently wiggling its fingers. He'd had to roll the sleeves of his slouchy, blush-pink sweater up so his hands would be free to 'work', and despite the chill in the air, Iris didn't seem to mind that one of his shoulders was bare. A thin stream of water was snaking along in the air with no shortage of elegance, snapping vines off of pumpkins and wrapping around them for transport to the cart. Why dirty himself when he had more than enough magic to do the task for him? His hands were much better suited for...other activities. Setting his sights on one of the larger pumpkins in the patch, he produced another water whip, straining his magic muscles just a little to get his water to lift the hulking thing into the air and plot it into the cart.

    "I'm doing great~," Iris purred easily, pleased with his collection of gourds, "Though, I do wonder why they don't have farmers out doing this. Isn't this part of their job?" the space entity mused, the water he controlled splashing to wet the dry ground as he released it. Hands now went to a bag at his side, rustling through it, obviously looking for a drink. He hardly went anywhere without some alcohol, as he felt his best while drunk. Too bad he didn't pay attention to the bottle he grabbed. Taking a big swig of some Witch's Brew he'd purchased for kicks at the Autumn Solstice festival, his lips only had time to do a pleased smack before he realized something wasn't right. Wide purple eyes peered up at Ahote and Aelu, blinking in confusion. Why were they so...so big? He opened his mouth to ask about the change in perspective, and was horrified when only a deep, loud CROAK came out. Eyes darting around, he started to put the pieces together. His friends hadn't grown, he had shrunk! Webbed feet the hue of algae were spread wide over a puddle of his clothes. Terror rocked him. His gorgeous outfit was laying on this musty old ground of the patch! He instinctively tried to shriek, but instead, only another alarmed croak sounded, as ugly as he currently was. Iris had been turned into a disgusting frog, and he couldn't even shapeshift out of it!



    ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri) 60728_s

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by aeluri 10th November 2019, 2:40 pm

    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Pumpkin Picking
    Post Word Count: 515
    Job Word Count: 515/1,500
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Song Link
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None
    ”Yeah, why can’t the farmers do their own damn jobs?” Aeluri grumbled in agreeance to Iris. Surely such a mundane task was easy for farmers to do, it’s not like it took a lot of effort. “This is such a bore,” the woman groaned, reaching into her bag to remove the flask she had brought. Half the container was drained in one swig. Hopefully the booze would help her survive this task.

    The dark mage reached down and cut another pumpkin from its stalk. Temporary claws protruding from the tips of her fingers sliced through the pumpkin stalks like butter. At her side, a massive white feline with two heads reached down to pick up the gourd. It carried the pumpkin gently in its mouth over to the wagon and dropped it into the collection. Linnea returned to Aeluri’s side. The feline had been more than willing to accompany her anywhere and everywhere since its recent freedom from the Gemini key. The two probably stood out greatly, but she didn’t care. The feline’s company was welcome and appreciated, especially when it was to help with menial tasks such as pumpkin picking.

    As Linnea returned to her side, Aeluri stroked the closest head affectionately. A loud purr rumbled from the massive beast, and she almost smiled. Turning back to her friends, she began to complain again. “How much longer is this going to-” her speech trailed off as she watched Iris remove a bottle from his bag and take a drink. The bastard brought booze and didn’t even offer to share! The woman was about to berate him, but could only watch in awe as he transformed with a poof. Sitting atop his fashionable pink sweater was a frog-ified Iris! Purple eyes marked his difference from any other frog. A few startled croaks came from his mouth.

    Aeluri began to chuckle, then laugh out loud. Her audible amusement was unusual, but fueled by the alcohol she had consumed just minutes before. She doubled over, nearly falling to the ground herself. “Iris,” she wheezed between laughs, “What the hell did you drink?” His croaks were simply hilarious!

    Just then, a flutter of feathers could be heard from above. Aeluri's laughter ceased as she looked up to see a few crows circling, come to see what the noise was. She narrowed her eyes at the birds. The creatures were annoying, proven seconds later by their annoying squawks. One began to descend, then dived straight at frog-Iris! “Linnea!” she called sharply. The feline leapt forward, snatching up the crow in its mouth. With a few bites, the avian was dead. Linnea tossed the carcass to the side and stood protectively over the frog-ified mage. A loud snarl came from its mouth. The beast was just as protective of Aeluri’s companions as it was of her.

    From the nearby trees rose a dark shape that approached rapidly through the sky. As it came into view, the figures of many individual crows could be picked out. “Oh, hell,” Aeluri swore, moving to stand by Linnea and prepared for the oncoming attack.


    ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri) 60637_s

    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 2244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,246,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forbidden Flame Arts
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    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by Ahote 15th November 2019, 1:34 pm

    1,183 words || @aeluri @Esper|| job info/job sign-up || Darkies just wanna have fun~

    Croak! Croaaak!

    This was not a sound Ahote had expected to hear on a night as cold and dark as this. Fiorean frogs seemed weak to even the most tepid of breezes. This is what he thought to be the case, but when Ahote turned around, there was indeed a frog, but no Iris!

    There was a moment of shocked between all three of them, but both Ahote and Aeluri crumbled into peals of laughter once they were able to quickly piece together the situation. Ahote expressiveness was notoriously muted and restrained, but the most he could do to maintain such a front was to avert his eyes from the frogged Iris, hold his hand up to his mouth, and snicker into his fingers. "How cute. . .!" Ahote mumbled more to himself than to Iris.

    Their musings seemed shortlived once a nearing cawing surfaced. It started from only one crow, and then another, and then there were so many in the dark, milky sky that they appeared as if some enormous, black, flapping mass. Sometimes, sporadically, the ravens or crows or whatever they were would descend from the mass to peck and strike them, the first of many plummeting to strike the frogged Iris, but Linnea intervened before anything could happen.

    Now both Linnea and Aeluri were both on edge or at least high alert as they both gazed at the rising mass in the nearby sky. It was a pulsating, black, feathery body made from the figures of hundreds of crows. They all screeched a terribly horrifying screech, so high and thin that it felt like drills against the eardrum. It was large and beast-like, with a wide, gaping mouth shaped like a crow’s beak and large, tough arms and legs similar to that of a crow as well.

    The creature plummeted from the sky like a dropped bomb, planting itself in front of the group with such force and impulse that the ground trembled upon its landing. There was a small pause between the landing and all of their eyes meeting. It was a small period where nothing happened, but so tiny and minute that it might as well of not been noticed to begin with, but a big enough window for the trivial tussle to have been won anyway.

    Between the time the creature had descended and recollected itself, Ahote had not seemed phased by the event. In fact, he was comfortable with the circumstances.

    This must be why our assistance was required.” Ahote said peevishly, shaking his head as if he had been done wrong.

    The black mass of undead crows tried to lunge at them but stopped before the humanlike strike could complete. It trembled convulsively and gurgled agonizing screeching, resisting whatever had fettered it but failing terribly.

    Beneath the black mass, the decayed and deteriorating hands of human beings coiled themselves around its legs, and then his entire lower-half, and then up to its neck. It was covered in the bodies of liches much smaller than itself, but numerous in quantity. Their grips were so strong and brutish that it was immobilized completely as they ate away at its undead flesh. They ate and swallowed and spat and consumed until chunks of the black mass were missing, and the entire body was rendered motionless and lifeless entirely.

    Ahote stared at it, shuffling over to the corpse and poking it for good measure. ”It’s dead.” he said, poking it with the tip of his loafer through the gaps of his liches again. ”We should leave.” Ahote suggested or hoped to have done before he heard the maniacal cackling in the near distance.

    “Kak! Kak! Kak!” cackled something closeby. Ahote smelled the scent of death and malice, and frowned.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: xxx
    Abilities Active: xxx
    Weapons Equipped: xxx
    Monsters Killed: xxx
    Other Notes:



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Atlantis
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 232
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 145,230

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocular Requip
    Second Skill: Water Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill: Probs Something Kinky

    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by Iris 20th November 2019, 5:48 am

    Unamused by their amusement, frog Iris croaked again moodily, purple eyes looking strange and pissed within the swamp-water-hued amphibian's sockets. Laughter. They were laughing at him! Would he have laughed at one of them if they'd turned? Despite the answer probably being yes, in his embarrassed state he refused to acknowledge it, instead presuming he'd be horrified by their appearance and lament the loss of their beauty with concern and tears. What was amusing about his clothes being ruined by grime and his complexion becoming so slimy and cold? Traitors! They could at least try to help him turn back if they even knew how to do something like that!

    He'd been in the process of cursing both of them out in animated froganese when he was nearly swooped up by, from his perspective, gigantic black talons! There was more shrill croaking in terror, but thankfully Aelu's magnificent, bi-headed cat was there to save him. Never had he felt such affection for the freed creature, but as much as he enjoyed some pain, being eaten alive as a frog by a murder of crows sounded surprisingly unappetizing. Cowering under the feline, he watched in trepidation as even more frog-eating birds lifted as a mass from the trees, coming straight for them with malicious intent. This wasn't normal for Earthland birds, right? Was this patch magically protected or something?

    He couldn't see much through the shadow cast by his protector, and frankly, he didn't want to look. In the shape he was in, this was his biggest shame. If he could have shrunk even smaller and blended into the dirt, he would have. It hurt his feelings that he couldn't shift himself back, leaving him to consider what it was he had drunk. Okay! From here on out, no more drinking the shady concoctions of human festival peddlers. They couldn't be trusted not to make him absolutely useless and hideous. His verdant, permeable flesh paled at the thought that this could be permanent, nearly sending him into some froggy hysterics in the midst of mass crow death and reanimation into another creature. So wrapped up in his own condition was the former space dust that he hardly noticed Ahote destroying the undead mashup of feathered corpses. Massive tears formed in his bulging eyes, rolling into the wide crease of his croaking lips before falling the short distance to the ground.

    It seemed his croaky sobs were for nothing, though. After only a few more seconds, there was a puff of sparkly smoke and a very naked Iris was laying on his belly under Aeluri's large cat. Not wanting to smush and sully his outfit anymore, he scrambled from beneath the feline, jumping to his feet with a whoop of celebration. He opened his mouth to speak, but there was only a tremendous, horrifying croak. Falling into horrified silence, the man carefully cleared his throat and tried again. "Testing.." he said, this time free of any lingering defective alcohol effects. "Oh, I'm me again~~ Glorious, stunning me!" the violette celebrated, though it was somewhat short-lived. As happy as he was that he was back in his human form, his ideal standard for beauty, he was also embarrassed and generally pissed off at the whole debacle. The potion had made him ugly and the birds had tried to eat him. The birds were dead, but he had to release this anger on something! Lilac eyes shifted instantly to crimson ones, sobering his face and even gifting him a frown. They landed on the scarecrow with the scythe that dared approach them before they could leave. Well, if he was just going to have to fight these filthy possessed farm frequenters, there was no sense in getting dressed. He had no plans to destroy his clothes in a mindless fight today.

    Lurching forward like a man possessed, Iris's nude frame zipped across the patch on a stream of water manifesting from under his feet. As he approached, red laser beams shot from his eyes to scorch out the already glowing center of the straw creature, though that did little to make him falter. Raising the scythe, it seemed the patch guardian would fight just as recklessly, so the two madmen would throw themselves into combat. Did Iris need to fight it in such close proximity? Not at all, but as usual, he had an ulterior motive. "The least you can do is make me feel good after you failed to keep the crows from trying to eat me~" he purred, voice low and dangerous. He slipped in close enough for the curved blade to rake over the flesh of his shoulder, causing him to quiver and sigh. But alas, it wasn't good enough. "Is that all?" he asked with no shortage of disappointment, droplets of water gathering around him to await command. The cosmic being would only dance with the scarecrow for a few more moments, blood splattering and straw flying as he gave the mindless thing a chance to impress him. When it utterly failed to capture his attention, the water droplets flew forward like a hail of bullets, ripping it to shreds which he then incinerated with his hellish hues.

    Now much calmer, his eyes returned to their favored purple and his bare feet padded back toward the pair he left behind, carefully stepping over any pumpkins that might still be intact. "I wonder if this field is done with us yet?" he asked as if he hadn't just gone ham on his enemy, and as if it was perfectly normal to be standing butt naked in the middle of a pumpkin patch with his closest friends. It was nothing Aeluri hadn't already seen many times over, and perhaps he forgot that their more restrained companion was less used to certain freedoms.

    A novel couldn't have done a better job foreshadowing the last threat rolling in with the fog. No, it wouldn't seem the field was done with them at all.

    [1535/1500 || Iris event wc complete]


    ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri) 60728_s

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by aeluri 21st November 2019, 1:14 pm

    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Pumpkin Picking
    Post Word Count: 1,094/
    Job Word Count: 1,609/1,500
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Song Link
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None
    The crow beast had alighted on the ground in front of the three mages and was preparing an attack. It was easily defeated by Ahote, whose undead flesh summonings devoured it in mere seconds. She hadn’t seen his magic much before, so the actions were intriguing to the dark mage. The tension in Aeluri’s body was about to ease up when yet another threat presented itself to them. In the middle of the field, the scarecrow had left its post and was cackling threateningly. A large, sharp scythe swung about, grasped firmly in its hands. She took a step towards it with intent to fight, but was interrupted by a fully nude Iris streaking by her. It seemed he had been freed from his amphibian curse. The dark mage could only watch in amusement as her naked teammate battled the scarecrow. It landed a few hits before Iris shredded it with water droplets. He returned to the group and she wondered if he would change back into his dirt-covered clothes. Iris’ nudity was something she was familiar with. Surely this nudity would make Ahote all sorts of uncomfortable.

    As if responding to Iris’ words, fog began to creep over the pumpkin patch, the dark particles twisting and swirling menacingly. It seemed there was another threat inbound. From the fog wall, the clink, clink of chains echoed forth. A glow began to permeate through the darkness, growing brighter until it breached the edge, spilling light out onto the field. Holding a lantern was a tall, ghoulish being with a rotting jack-o-lantern head. Chains hung from his cloak. A set of gnarly teeth smiled at the three mages as the pumpkin man looked them over with beady eyes.

    “I see you’ve invaded my pumpkin patch,” came the reedy, unnerving voice, followed by a sinister chuckle. “I don’t take kindly to trespassers.” His lantern swung menacingly in the breeze.

    “Oh stuff it, you old gourd,” Aeluri huffed and narrowed her eyes at the pumpkin man. She wanted nothing more than to get this mundane task over with. Even alcohol wasn’t making it more bearable. The continuous interruptions were beginning to get on her nerves.

    Her words seem to strike a nerve with the creature of the fog. He let out a screech of anger and ditched the lantern to his side. The item clanged pathetically against a pumpkin plant and came to rest. Summoning a ball of dark energy, the pumpkin-headed one hurled it at the three mages. Aeluri managed to duck at the last moment, her long hair blowing in the wake of the spell.

    She didn’t check to see if Ahote and Iris had missed the attack. If they had been hit, they were plenty capable of taking it. Leaping forward, she charged the pumpkin man with Linnea at her side. The two split on either side of the enemy, leaving him whipping around to keep them both in his sights. Aeluri and Linnea stalked in circles around him, watching his movements to gauge his strength. The pumpkin king let out an annoyed hiss as he realized what the two were doing. Long fingernails moved as he flexed his fingers, preparing to attack.

    First he lunged at Linnea, swiping his long claws at the beast. He made contact and his nails skimmed the flesh on the feline’s shoulder. The creature snarled and one head lunged forward, sinking sharp teeth into the pumpkin king’s arm. Rotting flesh was sliced through like, well, a pumpkin. From behind, Aeluri used the claws sprouting from her own fingertips to attack. The plan was to maim first, then kill. She made quick work of the enemy’s cloak and knees to the point where she detached the lower part of his legs completely from his body. He fell on what remained of his knees with a gross thump. His height was cut off severely.

    The pumpkin king let off a cry of shock. Linnea let go of his arm and stepped back. “How do you feel without calves?” Aeluri taunted, flicking rotten pumpkin from beneath her claws.

    “It’s just a scratch!” replied the pumpkin man, refusing to believe that he was at a disadvantage. He summoned another ball of dark energy to send hurling at Aeluri. It hit her in the shoulder and she grunted at the pain. The knockback sent her reeling for a few steps. After regaining her balance, she launched another attack. Her shoulder stung sharply but her focus was on the annoying creature. Sharp claws sliced from both beings. Aeluri managed to parry most of the enemy’s attacks, but his claws sliced through her boots and pant legs a few times. She kicked his hand aside and lashed at his pumpkin head. The rotting orange flesh took the hit and a chunk fell out onto the ground. The pumpkin king reached out and grabbed Aeluri’s leg, knocking her off balance and bringing her to her knees - just within his reach.

    Linnea retaliated immediately, leaping forward. It jumped over top of Aeluri protectively. One head bit the pumpkin man’s left shoulder while the other bit his right. Both sets of jaws bit down with a powerful crunch. Muscles flexed beneath white fur as both necks jerked back and forth a few times as if Linnea were a dog playing tug-of-war. At last, the disgusting sound of flesh separating from flesh echoed around the field. Linnea had bitten off both arms of the pumpkin king. The twin heads shook their prize a few times before dropping the dismembered pieces on the ground.

    Aeluri rose up to her feet from beneath Linnea. She ran her hands through the beast’s white fur, taking a moment to assess its injuries. The scratch didn’t seem to be doing too bad, but it had an odd smell. She would have to take a look at it later.

    “Ha! Now you’re missing arms too!” Aeluri said smugly as she turned to the pumpkin king once more. He was reduced to just a head, torso, and thighs. It was a pathetic sight.

    “No I’m not!”

    “Yes you are! Look!”

    “...I’ve had worse.”

    “You literally have no limbs left.”

    “I’m invincible! This battle isn’t over yet!” The pumpkin king began to wiggle across the ground towards Aeluri and Linnea as if to attempt another attack.

    “You’re mad in the head,” Aeluri snapped in response. She turned to her companions. “Ahote, would you like to do the honors of offing this thing or shall I?” If he was too grossed out to do it, then she would.


    ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri) 60637_s

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    In Progress Re: ❖ PUMPKIN PICKING GONE WRONG ❖ (E/Iris/Aeluri)

    Post by Ahote 21st November 2019, 8:08 pm

    1,744 words || @aeluri @Esper|| job info/job sign-up || Darkies just wanna have fun~

    Iris Esperanza was an attractive man and no one doubted or disagreed with this fact, and while many people probably lusted for him or oogled at his figure when they could, Ahote couldn't have been more of a polar opposite.

    Frogged Iris was a short-lived experience that Ahote would have preferred if he had known that he would have been naked when he returned to his human shape. The moment the webbed toes and elastic tongue transformed into a beautiful complexion and unblemished, flawless skin, Ahote's face flushed peach. Despite being a relatively atrocious, cold-hearted man depending on who you talked to, he was excessively conservative when it came to sexuality in any display. The very subject of sexuality was enough to make him blush. In many ways, Ahote retained some childlike innocence that made him easy to tease.

    "Iris!" Ahote immediately looked away, frowning through his reddened face and look angry even though he knew Iris had no control over the way he looked at the moment, "Please. . . clothe yourself with something!" splurted Ahote, almost fumbling over his words. Eventually, the frown vanished into unadulterated embarrassment. Meanwhile, both of them were dealing with their fiends swiftly. Iris and the scarecrow was a brief exchange, and Aeluri and the Pumpkin fiend were less brisk, but Ahote seemed too distracted with his feelings to observe either of them in full capacity.

    The Pumpkin fiend was perhaps the most capable of all the beasts they've encountered up until this point, Ahote having to evade some of its attempted attacks in order to remain secure, but Aeluri was able to handle it on her own for the most part. She was a nice girl to have on your side, though Ahote never doubted that she would hesitate to hurt him if he ever tested such corrosive, dangerous waters. He was never sure about Iris, however. He seemed too cheery to do such things.

    Apparently Aeluri and the Pumpkin fiend were exchanging more than strikes and had been engaged in some chatter that Ahote could only pick up on at the very end of the battle when the fiend was squirming on the ground. His cheeks weren't as red as they were before and he could finally find enough closure to meander over to where Aeluri and the quartered fiend were.

    Aeluri was beginning to say something as he approached, but he didn't wait until she finished to stomp on the center of its gourd with his loafer to crush it. "What did you say? Sorry." Coincidentally, Aeluri seemed to have the same idea in mind. Ahote lifted his foot from the gourd and eyed at the contents that stuck to his shoe. He seemed displeased and knowing it would not go easily, didn't bother flicking it off. Ahote, over the years, had developed some kind of resting bitch-face. Whenever he was feeling indifferent or simply did not emote, a frown stretched on his lips and looked perpetually irritated. Sometimes he was, but most times he was simply aloof.

    "I think we've collected enough pumpkins, and it's getting late, and. . ." he glanced behind him, peeking at the naked Iris and blushing again before abruptly turning away, "Yes. . ." Ahote wasn't expecting to see a fully-clothed Iris to suddenly appear, decorated in fabrics that Ahote would never consider to wear himself.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: xxx
    Abilities Active: xxx
    Weapons Equipped: xxx
    Monsters Killed: xxx
    Other Notes:


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