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    A Conversation Over Coffee

    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A Conversation Over Coffee Empty A Conversation Over Coffee

    Post by Lucia Winchester 2nd January 2021, 5:20 pm

    -Capital Crocus, outside Capital Coffee, 8:00 P.M.-

    Walking into Capital Crocus after having gotten to the city late in the day, Lucia had arrived in the city an hour ago to go clothes shopping so that she could get a new outfit or two to supplement the casual outfit which she had worn for the past week or so. However, she had gotten sidetracked by a coffee shop named Capital Coffee she had seen just a few meters away from the mall entrance. Lucia had spotted the entrance while waiting in line to get into the mall because of a foot traffic jam and now she was close to being tempted off-course. The oldest Winchester daughter had had a fondness for coffee ever since she was eight years old, when she asked for a cup of the beverage and her father George obliged on the expectation that she would not like it once she had taken a sip. The joke was on him... Lucia liked it and was a fan of coffee ever since.

    Lucia glanced at the decor she could see through the window. It was a clean, modern look that was trying to cater to the young twentysomething and young thirtysomething crowd who wanted a coffee shop that was not their parents' coffee shop. Even though she was pushing thirty, Lucia was still a fan of coffee, so she had decided to give in to temptation and check it out. Buying clothes could wait just a little bit longer.

    -Inside Capital Coffee-

    Lucia walked into Capital Coffee and was greeted with the sight of a modern-looking coffee shop with white walls, some square tables with seats carefully placed around the floor and windows with the exception of the window looking at the mall entrance, and white "pod" chairs with black cushions at the window facing the mall entrance. A short distance away on the right wall was a polished wooden counter where customers ordered drinks. On the wall behind the counter was a menu with the drinks and their prices both listed in black letters.

    Lucia could hear upbeat pop music playing over the speakers as she approached the counter where three people were ahead of her. Lucia was waiting in line when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. The blonde spun around to find a young woman with waist-length blonde hair and black-rimmed glasses wearing a white Crocus Magicka University sweater, a black skirt, and white tennis shoes standing there. When Lucia faced her the other blonde blushed furiously.

    "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought that you were someone else!" The young woman apologized for interrupting Lucia's wait in line.

    "It's OK. If I may ask, who were you looking for?" Lucia asked the young woman. The other blonde looked down at her feet out of embarrassment before looking back up at Lucia.

    "A young woman named Diana. She's blonde like you, but her hair's a slightly darker blonde. She's also just a couple of inches shorter than you." The other blonde told Lucia. That sounded a lot like her youngest sister. Lucia suddenly took an interest in this conversation.

    "...How do you know her?" Lucia asked the young woman. The other blonde blushed beet-red.

    "We... we met at a Singles Night that was hosted in Capital Crocus City Hall a m-m-month or so ago." She answered awkwardly. Lucia did not know that her youngest sister had been to a Singles Night, but there was a lot she did not know since she had been dead for a little over four years before being revived for reasons she had not yet discovered. If this "Diana" was really her sister, it seemed that Diana had been quite busy since Lucia was last alive.

    "Did she wear a purple shirt at any point during this Singles Night?" Lucia asked. She knew of her youngest sister's fondness for the color and decided to ask that question to try and narrow things down a bit.

    "Um... yes, actually. She arrived wearing one plus a black skirt, black thigh-high stockings, and black tennis shoes." The young woman replied in the affirmative. While there might be other Dianas in the world who had a fondness for purple, the description she had given Lucia so far matched that of her sister. Perhaps the two blondes should talk over coffee so that the conversation did not seem like an interrogation.

    "Would you care to talk about this over coffee?" Lucia asked the blonde stranger.

    [Post Word Count: 750]
    [Total Word Count: 750/1,000]
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A Conversation Over Coffee Empty Re: A Conversation Over Coffee

    Post by Lucia Winchester 2nd January 2021, 8:02 pm

    -Twenty minutes later-

    The two blondes sat down at one of the square tables and continued to discuss things over coffee. The mood had gone from awkward to somewhat friendly now that the pair were sitting down at a table across from one another. The other blonde was still embarrassed to have mistaken Lucia for someone else, but she seemed to be over it after her second sip of double espresso.

    "I'm Lorelei. Lorelei Wingate." Lorelei gave her full name before sipping on a double espresso.

    "I'm Lucia. Lucia Winchester." Lucia introduced herself before taking a sip of her espresso.

    "How do you know Diana?" Lorelei asked Lucia. The blonde set down her cup of espresso.

    "I'm her older sister." Lucia answered calmly. Lorelei was clearly stunned by that revelation. She could have been knocked over by a gentle breeze.

    "Diana didn't... didn't mention you!" Lorelei said, then blushed again. She must have been embarrassed by the way she sounded. The embarrassment was likely compounded when she told Lucia that she had met Diana at a Singles Night.

    "I've been... away for awhile." Lucia gave an excuse for her absence that was a half-truth. She had been away, but "away" in the sense that she was dead rather than out of Diana' life because of choice or travel requirements for a job. It was easier to explain things that way rather than have to explain to everyone she met that she had been dead for the past four years and had just now come back to life. Now she could only hope that Lorelei would buy it.

    "OK." Lorelei said. She was clearly too embarrassed by what she had said to really challenge Lucia's story, so she had taken it at face value. Lucia was glad for that because explaining how she had come back from the dead would be really hard, if not impossible.

    "I'm just relieved that Diana's still alive." Lucia told Lorelei. Lorelei calmed down a little when Lucia said that. Perhaps compelled to explain what had happened at Singles Night between her and Diana, Lorelei began to speak again.

    "Just so that you know, nothing happened between me and Diana while we were at Singles Night. We met up and we talked awhile. I told her that I wanted to be friends since I'm twenty-four and I've never had any lasting friendships because I'm so shy. I asked her for a date and she said yes. While my wording at the time wasn't the best, it's only a coffee date... I'm not interested in romance, I promise!" Lorelei explained that nothing romantic had gone on between them while at Singles Night and assured her that there was nothing sexual between them. Lucia was more interested in hearing that Diana was all right than anything else. If Lucia's math was accurate, Diana would be twenty-two years old and able to decide for herself what she wanted in a romantic partner.

    "Again, I'm just glad to hear that Diana's all right. I haven't seen her or heard from her in a very long time." Lucia assured Lorelei that she was not here to sweat her over their meeting at Singles Night. The bespectacled blonde would only have reason to fear Lucia if the former had hurt Diana and Lorelei had done no such thing. Lorelei relaxed a little.

    "I might get in trouble with you for saying this because she's your sister, but Diana seems so... calm. She's polite to a fault and never uses contractions when she talks. It's just so odd, but she's likeable enough, so I didn't think much of it until a few weeks later." Lorelei said to Lucia, then shrank in her seat for fear of judgment and possibly a physical rebuke from Diana's older sister. Instead Lucia gave a small smile. That sounded like Diana to a T.

    "That sounds like Diana all right." Lucia commented calmly. Some time ago Diana had begun acting oddly; Diana had become calm, almost too calm. While the youngest Winchester sister was never the life of the party like Melody was, Diana had really taken a turn for the strange when she turned ten years old. Lucia could not remember why, though. Finding out why would have to wait for another time.

    "I know this is kinda sudden, but I have to ask you to do this. If you happen to see Diana again, tell her that her older sister Lucia's looking for her and for us to meet at Capital Coffee, all right?" Lucia requested of Lorelei. Lucia was not sure if Diana would believe the message without Lucia herself delivering it, but lacking any other options at the moment the taller blonde would try to arrange for a meeting anyway. Lorelei readily agreed to the request.

    "OK, I'll do that!" Lorelei said. Lucia smiled.

    "Thanks." Lucia thanked Lorelei for agreeing to pass the message if the bespectacled blonde and Diana ever met up again. The two blondes then resumed drinking coffee as equals, not as an older sister grilling her younger sister's possible girlfriend. It might be a very long time before the Winchester sisters met again, but one day they would meet again.

    [Post Word Count: 870]
    [Total Word Count: 1,620/1,000]

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:41 pm