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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl


    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 25th September 2019, 4:18 am

    (Follows on from Fall Equinox)

    There would not be a better chance for her and a smile would cross the black haired woman’s face as she silently watched the figure, leaning up against a tree, fast asleep. The pictures in the magazine had not done the bunny girl justice and the witch's eyes could not help but briefly wander across the girl’s form. Ever since she had read that article, Medeia had become somewhat obsessed with the sleeping rabbit and she had slowly become more and more captivated, until it had reached the point now where she just had to respond to it. She had researched thoroughly and was fully prepared for what she had to do and now, with the sound of the festival to mask her presence, the moment had finally come for her to put her plan into motion.

    The park was empty besides the two of them and without a sound, the witch would gently descend from the tree where she had been watching from and land beside the dozing rabbit. The poor girl looked incredibly pale, an effect of the equinox or so she had been led to believe from her research. It was unfortunate in a way that she was so sickly but it did make things so much easier for her and that took precedence over her personal feelings or to be more specific, urges. Her smile would widen and she was sorely tempted to stroke the beautiful ears of the rabbit but that would just have to wait.

    Tapping into her magic, Medeia would conjure a coil of purple rope, before starting to sing in order to make sure that her target would remain asleep while she went about her work although considering how deeply the bunny was sleeping, she could probably have slept through an earthquake, with or without the witch's help. However, it was always best to be sure and once she was, the fallen angel would begin to bind the rabbit’s arms and legs firmly, preferring to do it with her own hands rather than magically. Medeia tied her with a grace that came from years of experience although she did not make them excruciatingly tight, as that would not give off the impression that she wished to portray. The whole procedure only took a few moments and she was soon standing back up to admire her work. The bunny girl was now a pretty and perfectly tied package, just waiting to be unwrapped.

    Satisfied and after a brief glance around her to make sure the coast was clear, Medeia would then gently pick up the sleeping rabbit and fly off, a large pair of purple coloured wings appearing with a simple thought. She had already scouted out a place where she could take the dozing bunny and the two were soon leaving the still buzzing Crocus for the far quieter forests that surrounded it. The witch would swiftly fly through through the trees until she came across a rather large cave that she had chosen, the perfect place to chat with the rabbit. Eventually, she planned to make a far longer trip with her captivating captive but for now, this would do nicely.

    With a soft chuckle, Medeia would fly straight through the cave entrance, before coming to a gentle stop next to her base camp, where she had taken to staying during her trip. No animal would dare enter the cave and it was perfectly safe.

    Gently placing the bunny on the ground for a moment, Medeia would then turn and start fiddling around with her equipment, pleased with how things were proceeding.

    (602 Words)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 25th September 2019, 7:04 am

    595 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    The end of the equinox had left her exhausted beyond compare. Before now, being fatigued like this was simply a result of having been smacked around too much by a few large monsters that she’d fought back to back with no break. But this? This was something new for her. The fall was always her hardest time of year and once winter kicked in she usually felt a little better until the spring arrived, however that wasn’t the case this time. Pushing herself beyond her limits was also something she had been extremely well in putting forward in anything she tried to do and until she had no other choice, she had to rest. It was taxing almost to even keep her eyes open, walking and moving around like that of a heavily intoxicated person who thought it a good idea to run a marathon.

    No, Gisen’s plans turned upside down as the sensation of sleepiness became much too great and the sickness of the change of seasons had her albeit collapse from it. Once she made sure the others left for home, she intended to find a place to rest. For most who didn’t know her old habits, that may have meant that she was going to be finding a hotel or a hospital to take her in for a few days to rest and recover. In reality, she simply wandered a little away from the festivities to a park and found herself in a much more comfortable area for her and slowly wobbled her way down to sit, then to lean back against the tree trunk before lights out hit nearly immediately. Nothing was going to have stopped her from giving her fellow Knights a good time, so if she had to end up sleeping it off enough to go back and then worrying then, she’d have to do just that.

    Giving herself the time to sleep, she hadn’t noticed a sound approaching at all. Something as if her body was so tired, her perception while asleep had plummeted into nothingness. Perhaps it was just a forest creature? Maybe she was just hearing things.. no, instead after a moment she had begun to hear some lift singing. The singing slowly made a smile come to her face while in her current state as the soothing tone had been something hypnotic in a sense that lured her into a sense of relaxation. It wasn’t long after that began that her hands and wrists became bound together by something and unable to move. Her body to weak to remove them in her sleep, she gave small squirming fits trying to get free from them, but to no avail could she passively be freed in this condition.

    Now the bunny girl could feel the shift in how she was laying. Normally unable to feel anything, something abstract as leaning against a surface being interrupted was the only kind of feeling one such as the earth elemental could technically have a feeling of. Still, she couldn’t wake herself from this almost comatose state while she was whisked away in her sleepy state into some kind of cave. The whole feeling of the surrounding earth brought her a little more relaxation and normalcy, but nothing that she needed to be herself again. The sound of objects being tinkered with, moved around jostled her after some time to crack her eyes open. It was then she saw herself in the cave, coming to her few senses while still bound and unable to really stand up yet.

    This feeling sucked...

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 25th September 2019, 8:33 am

    Feeling eyes upon her, Medeia would stop with her tinkering and turn her gaze upon the slowly stirring rabbit, a small smile upon her face. She was a little surprised that her captive had awoken so soon but it made no real difference to her plan and the witch would slowly approach, her purple eyed gaze focused on the bunny girl’s face. It was clear to see that she was still suffering from her equinox sickness, as well as Medeia’s own spell and she was clearly in no state to do much about her situation. However, the witch was still slightly cautious, knowing full well how strong the girl was and not wishing to lose control of the situation due to overconfidence.

    “Forgive me for having to resort to this method, my dear, but you always did have a tendency to run off,” Medeia said softly as she walked over, speaking in a casual manner, “It has been a long time since we were last together and I have missed you terribly.” Her tone of voice was almost motherly in tone and the look in her eyes would be of a similar vein. There was no menace or anger in her aura or body language, quite the opposite in fact.

    Reaching the rabbit, Medeia would lean down and help the girl up to a kneeling position although she made no effort to remove her bonds just yet, “I did not even know that you were still alive until I came across that piece that you did for the sorcerer magazine and to say that I was shocked was an understatement. I assume that your amnesia is why you never tried to reach out to me but I am willing to forgive you, my precious Lola.”

    Her eyes never left the bunny girl’s face but her gaze was a knowing and understanding one rather than one that was trying to intimidate, “I can help with your sickness if you will let me. I cannot cure it sadly but I can at least make you feel a little better, for the time being at least.” She could have used her magic but instead took a flask from her belt and undid the cap, before raising it to the girl’s mouth, “Drink this, it will help you gather your wits.” Medeia would not force it and maintained her patient and softly softly approach, not wanting to cause any more issues between them. She was half expecting her offer to be declined straight away as frankly, she would probably say no, if the positions were reversed. Still, she would offer nonetheless.

    The temptation to stroke the girl’s ears was just too strong, however, with the witch’s left hand soon rising and gently running up her left ear. Soothing and gentle, she would do it for just a few moments, hoping to try and ease the tension that there was bound to be between them. She was a beautiful bunny and just could not help herself.

    (502 Words)
    (Thread WC: 1104)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 25th September 2019, 9:34 am

    595+684= 1279 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Frankly, the moment she began to stir about had comforted her some. The sensation of the ground beneath her was like laying on a cloud. The only real sensation of feeling that she had ever had and it felt very nice to feel this way as opposed to how she was held and seemingly carried. With her eyes blurred from the sleep, it was a little hard to make things out as well as how the lighting had been, it only made it a little harder for her to see things as normally as she did. What stopped her from looking around was a moving blur, seemingly small enough that she didn’t think it any harm and more so as the sound of the voice had begun to slowly speak to her. Was she dreaming? It was a rare occurrence for her to do something like that, but not impossible.

    The voice was feminine, soothing even as it came a little closer to her. Her vision was beginning to clear up a little and her body was being lifted with a great ease. It was strange, never having been picked up before because of how heavy she was, sitting up on her knees had her close her eyes, giving her head a big shake and then eyes fluttering as they collected themselves. Then the sight came upon her as the identity of the voice was shown to her. A very attractive looking woman for sure. Smiling as though she were in the most blissful of states and seeing so gave her a small smile. Seeing others happy like that often made her feel the same, so she almost couldn’t help herself. And yet, when she spoke up at first... she didn’t understand until she looked down, seeing the purple rope coiled around her wrists and then trying to move her feet before coming to the same conclusion. ”R-Run away? I.. I don’t know who you are miss. Are you sure you have the right person?” She asked, looking around the now ever present cave they had been in.

    As mention of the story article came around the topic of how she seemed to have realized she was even alive, there was an obvious look of confusion on her face. As the amnesia came about, she heard a name to which she never heard of before; Lola. Being called by a different name was not unheard of in cases of amnesia, but all she did have to go on was her being told by her spirit companions and her friends from and after Lamia Scale called her, but hearing someone call her another name was a little confusing. Still, she was a little light headed (go figure) and overall confused by how she was called by two different names now? Maybe?

    As the moment of her questioning her own memories started to surface, she had been offered a drink of some sort. Something told to her would help east her current sickness and by all means did she want it to help. Unable to cure it was a known. She couldn’t really if she tried, but the elemental just gave a soft nod of her head and opened her mouth a little, accepting the drink and drinking it as fast as it passed her lips. Once it finished, she could feel her body slowly beginning to liven up and almost revitalized, however not entirely fixed up to how she normally felt. Though without saying a word, she simply sat on knees as she was helped up to sit, watching her quietly while her ears were played with. If the woman really was who she said she was.. and in the same case Gisen was really this “Lola”, then it only felt right that she let her indulge and play with her ears. It was too often someone did anyway, so the thought was nice. ”S-So, Miss? Y-You called me Lola? Do you actually know about me? Like, a child me? Or, more pebble or small stone... but not the point i’m like, trying to make.”

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 25th September 2019, 11:39 am

    The fact that Lola was so willing to drink the potion without any sign of suspicion spoke volumes about her and Medeia smiled inwardly at just how trusting she truly was. It made the pretty bunny girl even more endearing to the angel and she continued to stroke the girl’s ears for a few moments more. The questions asked to her were expected although the witch did have to chuckle slightly at Lola’s unique way of talking about herself. Never in her long lifespan had she heard anyone refer to themselves as a pebble and it was not something that her research had mentioned either. She mused to herself that perhaps it was just one of Lola’s quirks.

    “My name is Medeia and yes, you are definitely the Lola that I have been looking for,” she would answer with a smile, “You see, there was a time where you actually lived with me and I took care of you, back when you were still growing up. You were always getting into mischief and running off and it always fell to me to have to find and bring you back. It was almost like a game to us back then and you did become awfully good at escaping from me after a while.”

    Chuckling slightly, Medeia would briefly pause, before her tone would become more sombre, “One day, you took off and I was simply not able to find you, no matter how long I spent looking. I searched for days but it was as if you had vanished entirely. It broke my heart to have to accept the fact that you were gone but eventually, I just had to accept the fact. I honestly thought that you had died and when I said before that I was shocked when I read that article? That is one hundred percent true. I went as white as a sheet when I saw your picture.”

    She let her words hang in the air for a moment or two so that they could sink in and took a moment to appreciate the gorgeous bunny girl that was kneeling in front of her. There was such an innocence to her and the witch briefly pondered about how she fared among the other Rune Knights. Personally, Medeia despised the group, as they stood for everything that was wrong with humanity. The whole law and order concept was a mystery to the witch and she thought of them as feeble and an attempt to stifle her and those who thought as she did.

    “I suppose you could say that by capturing you tonight, I am continuing our game from a long time ago,” she then said, a small smile returning to her face, “You did an excellent job of hiding from me this time, my sweet Lola.”

    She could see the alertness that was beginning to appear in the bunny girl’s eyes which told her all she needed to know about the success of her potion. Medeia prided herself on her potion making and it seemed that she had made another breakthrough in medicine.

    (517 Words)
    (Total WC: 1621)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 25th September 2019, 12:14 pm

    1279+522 =1801 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    This stranger had continued to play with her ears all the while that she spent sitting on her knees, her clothing still that of the kimono that she wore to the festival. If not for the fact that they were so fitting to that she was able to sit like this without making the outfit being pulled on and/or torn. Hearing her bring up the confirmation that she was indeed this Lola girl made Gisen very confused. If this was true, then why was all of her sprits and memories lying to her?  Or maybe she came up with the name in the time that she was away for so long... if the hiding story was true, she could see that being something she did. But Medeia was someone who seemed so sweet and caring that it was hard to tell if she was telling the truth or not.

    After drinking the potion and letting a moment or two go by while Medeia was explaining a bit of a story to her, she had begun to feel better than after first drinking it. She could feel herself having become a lot more like her usual self, but she refrained from becoming a little bouncy with joy and energy while the rest of the sickly feeling left her. Again, she brought about the magazine article and thinking about it, she couldn’t really believe she was picked for it either, but more than happy to have done it. Especially if it meant having found something connected to the past that she couldn’t remember. ”W-Well... I still don’t remember like, anything from when I was younger, but if you seem so insistent on it.. I guess it’s true.” She couldn’t really see any fault in what she was saying. It made some sense as to why she was so good at being in the forests.

    When mention of her being “captured” was brought up, she looked down to the ropes and then laughed a little at it. ”Well I guess, but like, you cheated doing it while I was asleep, you know~” She played along, albeit committed to believing her. She wasn’t fully, something felt off to her, but in the back of her mind there was something that seemed to not care. An answer to something she wished she had was right before her and as much as she thought not grabbing it up was the smarter choice, it felt real enough to her that she thought it could be. If anything, this just caused mental conflictions with herself, but she was willing to go with it. ”So, i guess that since I was caught again Medeia, does that mean that you plan to give me some sort of safeguard from me running away again? Or rather getting so lost? Forgetting my name. Stuff like that? Because.. Gisen is the only name I really knew, but that was cause my spirit friends and my other guild members knew me by that name.” She wanted to ask if she thought they might be lying, but she didn’t think it was something to ask at all.

    HP: x/y
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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 26th September 2019, 3:48 am

    “Would I go to such lengths if I was making this all up?” Medeia asked simply, pausing in her stroking for a moment and looking at the girl in the eye, a smile still on her face. “I can understand why you may doubt my words and I certainly do not blame you if you feel a little suspicious of me. I would certainly be if our places were reversed but believe me, I mean you no harm and I am only telling you the truth.” Her tone was as soft as ever and she spoke with an understanding look, “Yet, you drank my potion without batting an eyelid so deep down you must trust me a little, right?”

    Medeia had to laugh when Lola when spoke about her tactics in capturing her and answered in a slightly more teasing tone, “We never had rules like that before and I see no reason to change that now. Besides, if you decide to doze off in the middle of a park, then you are asking for trouble, my dear. You are just lucky that it was me who found you and not one of those mages who like to prey on the helpless. It was a rather dangerous move to make, especially with your sickness and all. You could have got yourself hurt or worse.”

    The questions kept coming although Medeia remained completely unflappable, choosing her words carefully and always being in control. She was enjoying this more than she had expected and it was a game that the witch rarely played these days. Her guild was not exactly known for playfulness, a fact that annoyed her quite a bit. Oh, she had taken a liking to some of the members but would she say that she was fond of the guild? That was a tougher question to answer and more often than not, she viewed it as more of a means to an end.

    As she listened to Lola as she spoke about her current name, Medeia would softly smile again and walk around the back of the bunny girl, before kneeling down behind her and gently start to play with her hair. “It is only natural that you would discover a new name for yourself after your amnesia, Lola. In truth, it is probably for the best that you have forgotten about our time together as the memories of those last few days still anger me to this day. They treated you so badly, for no reason at all.”

    A hook if there ever was one, Medeia would then briefly change the subject while letting her bunny ponder about that. “Maybe I will just fly you back to my new home and keep an eye on you there?” There was a hint of teasing in her tone but no malice. “I am not sure if my safeguards would even work on you, as you have become so strong but I do think that you should at least carry a flask of my potion around with you, to keep you safe. It would break my heart to see you get hurt because of that cursed illness while on the job.”

    (531 Words)
    (Total WC: 2152)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 26th September 2019, 9:57 am

    1279+447= 1726 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    The only thing she thought to do in this situation was to shrug her shoulders and realize the kind of point that Medeia has made about her having gone to such lengths to prove her point. She did mention about having shared her worries if their roles had been reversed, but Gisen never really knew how to really tie a pair of shoes let alone a good knot in rope. So the idea that she’d end up doing this scenario was a little unlikely. Most likely borrowing a pair or two of cuffs that she used on criminals may have been the better choice for her if anything. But now the idea of it was just becoming more than it needed to be. Trying to actively picture the roles switched were hard, so she just brushed it off.

    Her head shifted a little behind her while Med was continuing her speaking, she watched her beginning to play with the bunny girl’s hair, seeming to be taking a rather large liking to having Gisen in this predicament. She chose not to really move, kind of enjoying it herself in seeing how happy Medeia really was in what she was doing. The calm look though changed as mention of something in her past, something clicked only slightly to vague flashes of angry people had gotten her attention. She knew something, but then quickly shifted topics had gotten her a little angry. The lone peering eye began to glare and the rope around her wrists snapped like twigs before she turned around, grabbing the girl’s hand without noticing just what kind of strength she’d been putting into it. ”Stop right there.” She seemed serious, something almost like she potentially could have caught on to her plans of trickery, but there was something else going along with that grip.


    Her arm and hand was visibly shaking lightly, teeming with frustration and emotions. ”Please, please tell me, Medeia.” She again paused, wanting her to see just how much the loss of memory had pained her emotionally and psychologically, nearly to a point of tears. ”It’s been almost a year and I barely remember anything still. I’m afraid of some of the things I’ve done or have been done to me because I can’t remember. People keep telling me things, remin-.. reminis-... remembering things! I.. I just want to remember.” By this point, even through her struggles to bring up the larger words, she had leaned into the woman, breaking down with arms wrapped around her. Her head buried into her shoulder as she just couldn’t take it any longer. The pressure of keeping down the struggles of her lack of memory.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 26th September 2019, 11:22 am

    There was a brief moment where Medeia thought that she had just made a grievous error as Lola easily broke the ropes binding her and swiftly gripped her hand tightly, causing the witch to grimace. The look on the bunny girl’s face was one of anger and the dark mage almost found herself muttering a spell but thankfully, she was able to keep her cool just long enough to realise the mental state that her words had caused within the bunny girl and paused. Oh, she had miscalculated the level of damage that the amnesia had caused Lola and the angel was forced to admit that to herself but her hook had done its job perfectly, much to her relief.

    The girl’s hand was shaking and Medeia only had to look Lola in the eye to see how quickly she was unravelling, her words almost a plea for information. When she leaned into her, the witch had two choices as to what to do and only a moment to react. It was a make or break moment and despite her instincts telling her that the rabbit was going to attack, she stuck to her role and made no effort to stop what the bunny girl was going to do. As it turned out, she was right to do so and was almost knocked on her backside by the force of the girls hug.

    Gently wrapping her arms around the weeping girl, Medeia would spend a short time simply holding her. The expression on her face was for a moment or two, one of relief, before becoming one of understanding. “We lived in a small village close to Hargeon Town,” she would say, her words as soft as ever, “It was not a grand or wealthy place and the majority of people who lived there were farmers. Life was simple and I spent most of my time working on potions in order to cure the sick and needy, while you spent a lot of your time exploring, as I said earlier. I suppose you could say that I was an herbalist of a sort although the villagers were always a little wary of us, due to my unusual ways and sadly because you were not quite human. I am sorry that I have to put it that way but they were an intolerant group of people to say the least.”

    Pausing for a moment, Medeia would sigh deeply, before continuing, “One summer, a famine began to spread throughout the area, causing the local produce and livestock to wither and die. They put two and two together and made three, accusing us of causing the famine and forcing us to leave. They came after us one night and before I could say or do anything to calm you down, you took off and vanished into the forest, frightened out of your wits. That was the last time that I saw you face to face until now, despite my best efforts to find you.”

    Wincing slightly due to the strength of Lola’s hug, the witch took a breath before resuming her tale, “When I stopped looking for you, I returned to the village and I will just put it like this about what happened next. They regretted treating us in such a way and now have a new found respect for those who are different, as well as getting their facts straight before accusing people.”

    After that, Medeia would fall silent and simply hold on to Lola for as long as bunny girl needed her to. She could feel the girls tears beginning to fall down her rather scant clothing but there was no complaint from her. The bunny girl needed to get it all out of her system.

    (627 Words)
    (Total WC: 2779)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 27th September 2019, 6:50 am

    1726+482= 2208 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Her broken down state of emotion couldn’t be halted no matter how hard she had given herself to try and relieve that. She tried her hardest to control herself, however in the end, her need to release her pent of emotions got the best of her and it was coming out like a broken dam. The bunny girl continued keeping her arms wrapped around Medeia’s body while the woman seemed to return the favor. While she couldn’t very well feel anything, there was an air of comfort after a moment, something she hadn’t felt much of before now. Not really a normal type of comfort that she had ever had, but this was one was strange and set soothing at the same moment. A feeling that she wanted to keep feeling.

    Even through her crying fit, the elemental was listening to every word that came out of Med’s lips and into hers. The tale she wove for her was triggering some small twinges in her mind. Pictures of a small bunny girl running about with small children, laughing, smiling. But nothing with her in it. It wasn’t something she was very worried about or that she was particularly going to complain over. Before then, she knew nothing of what she was like as a child, so now having more than one new thing— no, two forgotten things back into her life was becoming more and more enticing to want to continue. It wasn’t much to her that she really be afraid to trust anyone because of her lack of memory, but those that she had were stricken the moment these few childish looks of herself were relearned.

    Once the crying had settled in some time of having let the dam flood the cave, she managed to calm herself down, but being unwilling to stop hugging Med. the grip softened up as quickly as it became less of a hug of a fearful grip and would feel much more at ease and gentle. ”I-I’m sorry... I’m supposed to be an adult and... I just went and acted like a child.” Through sniffling and leftover sobbing, she had finally just rested her head on the woman’s shoulder, enjoying the actual feeling of a hug, though physically it remained nothing. ”B-But.. you said.. we lived together, right? So... does that mean that you were the one who made me? Like, I-I know I’m not human, I’m made of the earth, but were you the one who created me?” Every moment between her asking and the answer made her worried she would say no, just to think that she was maybe someone who saw a lost little bunny girl and wanted to give her a home and a good life, but even then it was turned upside down by villagers who were taught a lesson. And what it was really.. really didn’t bother her at all.

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 27th September 2019, 9:25 am

    There was a slight sigh of relief that escaped from Medeia as Lola loosened her incredibly tight hug and the witch was certainly thankful for that. There had been a few moments where she thought her ribs would break from the force but thankfully, she seemed to be alright, if not a little sore. Wordlessly, she would use a spell from her healing magic, which would not only ease her pain but hopefully help Lola relax a touch too. The force or her bunny's emotions had been far stronger than she could have imagined and even the normally calm angel was slightly taken aback. She was able to collect herself though and held Lola in a gentle hug, a soft smile crossing her face once again as the girl's tears finally stopped.

    When Lola apologised for her sudden outburst, Medeia simply shook her head and briefly tightened her hug to show her understanding. There was no need for her to answer and she was sure that her simple gestures would be enough to show her feelings. Regardless of the situation, the witch knew that sooner or later the girl’s pain and fear would have come to the surface anyway, it was just a fact of nature. Such feelings could only be held in for so long before they began to inward and that would only lead to self destruction, a fate that her bunny certainly did not deserve.

    Lola’s questions were not ones that she had been expecting to hear. Oh, she had anticipated the one about how they came to live with each other but the one about the witch having created her was something different and Medeia took a moment or two to ponder, or as it would look from the outside, as though she was trying to find the right words. When the answer came, Medeia’s voice was once again soft and motherly in nature and she would look at Lola with a smile.

    “I have always been fascinated with the idea of creating life from nothing and I spent many years trying to find a way of doing that by combining my herbalism with my magic. I was unsuccessful for years, until one day I came across a peculiar mound of earth that seemed to radiate with magical energy. Never before had I come across such a thing and I spent days performing spells on it, in order to try and understand how it came to be. While performing one particularly tricky spell, a small rabbit would jump upon the mound just at the moment I cast the spell and the result was…”

    Pausing for just a second, Medeia would gently stroke Lola’s hair, before continuing, ”You, my dear Lola. When the light faded, there would be no longer a rabbit or the mound but instead a beautiful little bunny girl, made of the earth. You would approach me and look up with those pretty crimson eyes of yours and smile, a moment that I still remember to this day. From that moment onwards, we were nigh on inseparable and I looked after you until that horrible night.”

    (523 Words)
    (Total WC: 3302)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 4th October 2019, 12:25 pm

    2696 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Gisen was rather fascinated to listen to the tale that was being woven to her. Unable to really tell fact from fiction only made what had been told to her harder to contradict, but it began to fill her mind with false memories. Some truths that were being filled with blanks and false fillers that had placed Med in there with her. Whether it was a magical type of interference or effect was beyond her comprehension, but this wasn’t anything but good news for her. Her eyes were welling up with excitement and joy of finally being able to have something to call a family. Years of not having one at all, if she could really accept this was the truth, than finally she could be at peace of having more than enough of her memories to never need more.

    Still, she felt an air of doubt. Something about it was nagging at her that she was wrong. But this more independent side— the side that she created of herself over the years refused to let that be something that drove her choices. She wanted to think for herself and if it meant she had a family for it, than that was enough for her. The motions she gave her felt genuine to her as well. The way she spoke, the look in her eyes as she regaled this story, stroking her hair in such a motherly manner only felt more inviting to want to agree with it. For her, a lie or not didn’t seem to matter at more in this moment. If just for one night she could feel like she was accepted or normal, it was enough for her.

    Once her story was truly done, the look through her whole story of a child in a surprised and suspenseful stricken state would finally let a tear shed. With it came a smile and her hands covered her face. Wiping those tears from her eyes, the bunny girl latched on for one more hug, assuring it was gentle and under control. ”I-I knew I had a family... I just knew it...” She wept and continued to repeat it over and over for a few minutes until finally it hit her. What would they do from here? She couldn’t just up and abandon the Rune Knights.

    She stopped and pulled herself away, sniffling slightly. ”Wh-What do we do now?” She asked, now sliding herself back and knelt still before Medeia and confused now, it seemed. ”I.. I want to stay with you, but.. I have my own duties and things to repay...” Eyes slinking off to the side, the look of worry and even slight fear of disappointment showed so easily. Hiding her emotions outside of anger was not really a forte of hers... ”B-But I.. I wanna do some things with you! A-Anything! Maybe not in this kimono... but whatever you’d like to do, Miss Medeia!”

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 5th October 2019, 5:00 am

    It was so easy to tell what Lola was thinking at this stage and Medeia could read her like a book from just her expressions and body language. Her story had done its job and it genuinely seemed like the bunny girl truly believed the tale that she had woven. The witch’s expression remained soft although she said nothing while the bunny girl seemed to go through an array of different emotions, letting her do what she needed to. It never ceased to amaze Medeia just how crippling and painful loneliness could be and the sight of Lola before her was another prime example of that. Just by tapping into that a little, Medeia had managed to completely change the girls world, for better or worse. The mind was just a curious thing.

    When Lola began asking questions nervously, the black haired witch would gently place her right hand on the side of the bunny girls face and turn it so that they were looking each other in the eye. “I do not expect nor would I ask you to simply drop everything and come away with me for good. I understand that you have made a life for yourself among the Rune Knights and that you feel indebted to the guild and its members. Yet, have you considered the idea that perhaps you are giving too much of yourself to them? They have clearly been pushing you far too hard and tonight is a clear example of that. It is not wrong to be selfish now and again and I ask that you just spend a little time with me, away from your responsibilities. Forget about being Gisen for just a few days and instead become Lola again. You were so happy and free spirited back then. Let me help you feel that way once more. I promise that you will not regret it.”

    She would then pull the bunny girl into a hug of her own, giving off an aura of tenderness that would be almost impossible for Lola not to feel. “You have been alone in this world for so long, give me a chance to make things right again. If you truly feel sorry for running away then consider this a way to repay me.”

    As Medeia hugged the girl, a brief smile would cross her features, a small smirk that would be hidden from Lola. This was a game that she had not played for so long and to realise that she still had the knack was certainly an ego booster for her. Her obsession with the girl in her arms was increasing by the moment and there would be a brief sparkle in her power purple eyed gaze.

    Eventually she would break the hug and briefly walked over to her chest of equipment that she had brought with her, “I was in the town the other day and picked up something for you, I hope you like it.” After a few moments of searching inside the chest, she would stand up straight and reveal a white and lilac coloured dress to the bunny girl.

    (520 Words)
    (Total WC: 3822)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 5th October 2019, 10:45 am

    2696+654 = 3350 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    For a moment, there was a twinge of hope that she could come out of this with herself being normal once again. Sure, some minor memories were missing, but nothing that she wouldn’t end up coming around to later. Right now she was enjoying the prime peak of her life; her childhood. It took all that was in her really to refuse the idea of just dropping herself from the Rune Knights to become this woman’s child once again. But then it came to the mark of her needing to finish bringing this debt of hers to the end. When she could follow Serilda to the end of whatever goals she had or even until the bunny girl’s own end was met, she was bound to give her all she had until that day would come.

    Though, when mention that the Knights pushed her so far on the night of the Equinox, her look of content, of joy, of glee had changed. It was one a frown of discontent and a hint of annoyance. ”They didn’t force me to do anything. I wanted to take a few of them out because they deserved it!” She defended, but she wasn’t lying either. She was angered by this, but not enough to raise her voice very loud. ”I pushed myself because like, I wanted to give them a good time! I was.. just really stubborn. They wanted to take me back, but I had to order them to go back without me so I wouldn’t make them worry about me. I’m a big girl, after all.” She smiled once again now, proving her point now. ”And they don’t overwork me at all. I spend more time honestly out of there than I do in there... I still have a duty and a passion of hunting monsters, and they support me in it.”

    Now she was done venting herself to this still stranger, she huffed and relaxed herself down a little. She did want to think on it, and in the end, she wanted to make this woman happy. ”But.. I’ll take you up on that. I’ll forget all about my name being Gisen for now. Until the weekend is over, I’ll be Lola, your daughter!” She was right though. She ran away without even thinking of Medeia and left her alone. This felt right to her. Righting a wring was one thing, but when it’s righting your own wrong, this felt more needed than anything. ”So, I.. still don’t remember, but what did I call you? Was it mom? Mother? I.. still don’t like, remember everything.” She seemed genuinely sad about not remembering something do basic, but when some things were still blank, it was hard to truly believe it.

    For a moment, her attention turned away and she then looked back up at the mention of a surprise. She raised a brow in curiosity and her head even tilted a bit as she obliviously stared at her rummaging around until she had mentioned getting her something and then revealing something for her. A white and lilac colored dress was pulled forth and she audibly gasped with joy. ”It’s so pretty! Is this really for me?” She waited, looking over the dress to hear her confirm it. Once she did, she did the first thing that came to mind. Gisen removed her kimono with no second thought and then standing with nothing but her under garments, stood up with dress in hand and began to gently fit it onto herself. It seems to fit like a glove and in doing so, the bunny girl twirled around to give her a full view and then giggling like a cheery little girl. ”It looks so pretty~ Thank you so so much!” Should she also stand up, Gisen would give her an unfortunately harsh hug. Now she was just excited for the next part of this fun little game.

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 5th October 2019, 12:28 pm

    There was a brief look on Medeia’s face that showed just how little she believed in what Lola was saying when it came to her not being pushed by the Rune Knights. The witch was not convinced for a second but did not argue the point, feeling that it would only cause tension that simply did not need to be there. The angel’s opinion on the guild in question was already so low and there was probably nothing that Lola could say that would change Medeia’s mind. They stood for everything that she despised although that did not necessarily mean that she despised the rank and file so much. Oh no, they were simply misguided, just as Lola was, as sad as it was for Medeia to have to admit.

    A smile crossed her face as the bunny girl agreed to her proposal though and she briefly nodded her head although the question about what she should be called actually made her chuckle slightly. She had not thought about that and the black haired woman would briefly wander over just how she wanted to be addressed. In the end, she tilted her head and simply answered, “You can call me whatever you wish, Lola. Whether it be mum, mother or simply Miss Medeia as you have been calling me up until now. Call me what feels natural to you and we can go from there. I admit that there were a lot of things that you used to refer to me as and not all of them were as nice as mother. You always were a bad loser whenever I caught you during our games.”

    The girls reaction to her revealing of the dress that she had bought her caused the witch’s smile to widen, only to suddenly turn into a look of surprise as Lola suddenly stripped down to her underwear, in order to put it on. The temptation to stare was incredibly strong but the angel did admirably well in stopping herself from doing so, managing to keep control over her emotions. Medeia would be lying if she said that she had not imagined seeing the girl in her undies but she had not expected it to happen so soon or quite so randomly.

    “I am glad you like...Urgh!” she attempted to say, before suddenly becoming the victim of another one of Lola’s powerful hugs. It hurt like hell and the witch was certain that she could feel her ribs starting to break due to the force of it. She did her best to try and respond with a gentle hug but the witch would soon begin to feel her hands go numb, causing her to have to start to try and break Lola’s grip. “Lola, you are hurting me, please let go,” she would wheeze, feeling like she was being crushed, “I am happy that you like the dress but I am losing the feeling in my limbs.”

    Medeia could have used her magic to do something about it but she kept to her role somehow, despite the discomfort.

    (513 Words)
    (Total WC: 4335)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 9th October 2019, 12:39 pm

    2696+654 = 3350 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    She had happened to catch the look on her face during the time she was explaining the story for why it was that she was out in the middle of the town asleep without a care. Of course, it would be hard for a couple people to pick her up without making a scene because of her... rocky disposition. Oh well, it made for more fun that way anyway. She didn’t look in any way homeless and with the Rune Knights symbol on one forearm, it wouldn’t be very hard to tell that she wasn’t in fact some street punk in a stolen outfit or something of that sort. Who knew what people would think.

    The naive bunny girl simply pouted at the end of the reply given to her. That didn’t seem too fair to her how it was put, but the feeling in it of itself of being able to call someone her mother was too much to feel like she had to be mad over. ”I can’t believe you would still hold that over my head like that. I was only a kid~” She huffed, still pouring with her arms now folded at her chest. ”But I know you were only teasing. But at least this time I didn’t call you names, mommy!” Just uttering the words fluttered her mood into giggling like a school girl. She had never really been able to say it, but when she did, it bolstered her mood immensely.

    Now fitted to her new dress, she felt almost like everything was perfect. If not for the little bit with the Rune Knights, she would almost feel as though this were just a Dream. But this was like a dream come true. She had nearly everything she wanted, but the thought of only the one parent bothered her for a moment. But she wasn’t born like others, so to have one felt like it was enough for her. Medeia’s voice called out to her in the moment of her lost in her glee. Suddenly she shot back, her grip released fully and seated back down on her knees next to her, lowering her head. ”I-I’m so sorry, mommy Med! I.. I often forget how strong I can be...” Instead of trying to give a bit of a hug, the bunny girl smirked and then leaned in, giving a small lick to her cheek, using only the very tip of her tongue. She knew that much of a difference between an animal giving a lick and what people would be a little less freaked out about her doing. ”That’s for making me so happy today. I don’t know how I could be any happier now than I am, but I’m always open to any ideas you might have~” She giggled with sheer excitement, so much built up she could almost be bouncing on place from it.

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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 10th October 2019, 3:51 am

    The bunny girl’s excitement was infectious and even the witch could not help but feel a touch of it herself. Things had turned out so well after a few rocky patches and Medeia could not help but smile, even more so now that Lola had released her grip on her. She was certainly glad that she had taken a gentler approach to her game otherwise it could have ended up as an absolute disaster. The black haired woman did not want to know what it must feel like being struck by the girl in battle, a fate that she would certainly try and avoid during their time together. That seemed unlikely now though as Lola finally seemed to have melded into the role perfectly and Medeia could not help but share in her emotions. That was part of the reason why she played these games, to experience the feelings and emotions of others, as well as her own.

    “Not to worry, my dear,” the witch answered, a slight hint of magic briefly being seen as she used her demon slayer powers to soothe her aching ribs. “You always had a strong hug but I never imagined just how much stronger they are now.” She would chuckle to show that there was no harm done to her and the lick on her cheek caused her to continue with her cheerful chortle, “As for that, well you never did that in the past and is new to me but I hope that you are a little more careful about doing that to others. Most humans will not appreciate the gesture as I do.” Her tone was warm and gentle and her left hand would gently rise and stroke the bunny girl between the ears, it was just so tempting and she could not help herself, Lola was that adorable.

    “I am glad that I have been able to help you find happiness, as well as some answers,” she continued, sounding sincere, “As for what happens next? Well, it is sure to be pitch black by now, so anything we do will surely have to wait until the morning although I somehow get the feeling that you might have trouble sleeping. You can hardly sit still at the moment, let alone doze off.” It was just playful teasing of course and her eyes sparkled with humour.

    She fell silent for a moment before perking up again, “Oh, I almost forgot. I have another gift for you, one that I had meant to give you. It is something that I kept from your childhood and although it will probably not fit any more, I want you to have it.”

    Standing up for a moment, Medeia would once more walk over to her little chest of belongings and after a moment of searching, pulled out what would look like a collar. It matched Lola’s hair colour perfectly and Medeia had made sure that it was still in fine condition. Returning to the bunny girl and sitting down beside her again, she would then gently take Lola’s hand and place the object inside it. “Here, maybe it will still function as an armband or something. Just a little knick knack to remember where you came from, once our time together ends.”

    (545 Words)
    (Total WC: 4880)
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 10th October 2019, 8:53 am

    2696+654 = 3350 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Gisen had begun to enjoy the way that Medeia had seemed to be influenced to smile happily at her own childish glee and joy. Not that she tried to do it on purpose, however she enjoyed the idea of spending the time she had with her reunited mother than she ever could have. ”Ya gotta get strong when you kill these like, huuuuuge and dangerous monsters!” Her arms stretched up and out like a child trying to simulate how big something that was actually big really was, but unable to really do so because of how far their arms could stretch. ”It’s a lot of fun though! Beating them up, making some really cool weapons! Made from them, that is.” With another chuckle, she would tilt her head a little, now more like a curious child. ”Wanna see a couple?”

    But now she had become confused at the way she mentioned others being confused at her kiss. When she had said others wouldn’t get the gesture, it made her genuinely confused. ”What do you mean by that, mommy? Isn’t that how other people do kissing?” A finger raised up, tapping at her chin, trying to figure it out. ”I guess that would explain why everyone at the picnic got confused and looked at me weird blowing up those weird looking balloons...” Those of course... were not actually balloons, but nobody bothered to fill her in on that. But now that she thought about it and looked outside of the cave, it really was dark out. Probably the early few hours of the morning. Her mother’s worry over her sleeping made her giggle a bit. If anything, sleep was hardly her problem. ”I don’t really sleep. I don’t see a need unless I want to. But if you’re tired, you can go to sleep and maybe use my lap for a pillow!” Her face was flushed lightly, just in the gesture, but she was happy and excited none the less.

    Another gift? She could hardly take being given the gift of her childhood and a parent in her life. Taking in another gift was something she couldn’t think possible, but she only watched As she dug through her bag of items. Then put came an accessory of some sort. She had no idea what it was at first until she saw it fully. A collar? It was a concept foreign to her, however she accepted it softly and then looked it over while she was told it may not fit around her neck anymore. ”Nonsense! I’ll try it anyway!” She replied excitedly, fixing it on herself and once it was on, it would seem like it fit like a glove almost. ”Ta-da! I even got the tag there to face the front.” Tapping on it with a single finger, it jingled lightly from the metal on metal contact. ”This is all so much. I wanna hug you again, but I’m afraid of hurting you again... so maybe in the morning you can teach me how to hug with some restraint. Please?” In asking, Gisen shot the black haired woman a close eyed smile, simulating that innocent charm she always carried.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    The Witch And The Bunny Girl Empty Re: The Witch And The Bunny Girl

    Post by Guest 10th October 2019, 10:26 am

    “I think that after the tale that I have told you tonight about our past, it is only fair that you tell me a little about your adventures,” Medeia answered with a smile as Lola began to try and explain just how large the monsters that she had beaten were. Honestly, the witch did not know a whole lot about the bunny girl’s magic. The article had not said a great deal about it and she had rarely seen the lovely beauty in actual combat. She hoped that would change as the witch was incredibly curious about her daughter’s gifts. “By all means my dear, I would love to see a weapon or two of yours.” Her tone was encouraging and she could not help but feel a sense of pride, despite the truth of the situation. There were moments where it was almost beginning to feel real, something that Medeia sincerely loved.

    Medeia had to chuckle as Lola mentioned the reactions of those that she had licked and the angel was not in the least surprised by that. “You are not going to find many people who kiss in that way,” she said gently, leaning forward and softly kissing Lola on the cheek, “It is usually done with the lips rather than the tongue, my dear. Just be careful when doing it on the lips, as that can mean something far more personal. It is usually done by those who have the deepest affection for each other, usually those in love.” The witch had more than her fair share of intimate embraces in her time although she decided to keep that to herself for the time being. The girl’s innocence was so endearing, after all. “I am not saying that your way is bad or anything, just a little different, that is all.”

    The comment about not needing sleep caused the angel to raise an eyebrow and she folded her arms across her chest, “I see that refusing to sleep is another bad habit that you have kept, Lola. It was a nightmare getting you to rest in the past although my singing could usually cause you to drift off.” There was a touch of teasing in her voice and considering how she had captured the bunny to begin with, it only added to it a little more. “You do not need to worry about my stamina, I can last a while without sleep as well although I appreciate the gesture, my sweet bunny girl.” Noticing the flushed look in the girl’s cheeks, Medeia smiled and gently took the girl’s hands in her own for a moment, squeezing them softly.

    She had been a little uncertain as to how Lola would respond to her newest gift but was pleasantly surprised as she placed it around her neck, rather than on her arm. In truth, Medeia had half expected the girl to think of it as demeaning and throw it back at her. That had happily not been the case though and a smile once again crossed Medeia’s features at the girl’s happiness. She was slightly surprised by Lola’s request but the look in the girl’s eyes was just impossible to say no to and the witch shuffled on her knees that she was in front of the bunny.

    “No time like the present,” the black haired woman would say, “What you need to remember is that not everyone has your strength nor are they immune to pain as you are. The aim is not to squash them but comfort them, soothe them and show them affection. Hugging is meant to feel good for both people.” Moving forwards, she would envelop the girl into an embrace, gently holding her daughter against her chest, “You see, it is the gentleness that people want to feel when being hugged, the warmth of the other person’s body and need to be with someone who cares for them. Hold them tenderly and you will do the world of good for the one you are embracing.”

    After a little while, she would let go of Lola and say softly, “Now you try it...”

    Who could have believed that such a simple trick of the tongue could have led to this but the witch could not have been happier. Her plan had worked and by the time that the pair had come to the end of their happy weekend together, it was set in stone, much to the witches pleasure.

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      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm