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    Contest of Entertainment!


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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Gaia 31st December 2018, 8:50 pm

    Last edited by Gaia on 14th January 2019, 8:55 am; edited 1 time in total



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Gaia 13th January 2019, 12:41 pm

    Gaia takes a deep breath as she was reading through one of her books at home. She was enjoying the book normally without the assistance of her Gale Force glasses. She was still waiting for the completion of her bedroom again, but, of course, the tarot mage had to wait. She was sitting in her living room and was dressed in comfy clothing of a soft tank top, and soft short shorts while she was curled on her couch. Off to the side, on her coffee table, her iLac begun to blink a little before it buzzed and went off saying she had a notification. She blinks as she wasn't sure who would be messaging her randomly. Maybe it was a spam notification. She ignored her phone for a moment before her iLac went off again. With a sigh, she reaches over and picks up her phone to see whom it was who was messaging her. It only took her a moment to realize it was Olga who was messaging her. A grin split across the girls face as she quickly opened the messages. If it was Olga, she shouldn't dare not read her messages, or else she'd get pummeled by a short fashion designer. 'Darling! I need you to get yourself to Captial Crocus now. I have something for you to do that will help promote my clothes.' 'Why aren't you answering me? Do I need to find a new model to show off my perfect gowns?' Gaia snickers as she quickly replies back, asking what it was that she wanted her to do. 'I need you to enter a contest so you'll be able to accompany the Prince of Seven...' She had then messaged the location that she'd be going to be at with Leila, the make up artist Gaia had when she was auditioning for Fiore's Next Top Model. A grin was on the tarot mages face as she accepted and said she'd be there soon, as Ace of Spades wasn't too far from Crocus. She quickly flicks Kyran a message, saying that she'd be away for a little bit for a contest again, and would see him again afterwards.

    Gaia enters Capital Crocus wearing her typical turtleneck sweater, miniskirt with leggings, and her boots on her feet. Her cloak was over her shoulders while her gloves were on her hands, and she smirked to herself. Olga and Leila would be at a café here, and it wasn't too hard to find either. She saw the short woman sitting upon a couple books at an outdoors café with the purple haired make up artist sitting across from her. "Gaia! Darling! What is this mess?! Are you trying to make a disgrace out of me?!" She cries out, quickly moving to stand up on the books under her. Gaia snickers as she approached the fence surrounding the café area, leaning on it softly as Noya was upon her shoulders, squeaking happily that Olga was there. "You really think I'd make a disgrace out of the beautiful Olga? No. I was thinking you'd enjoy making me look look this, to the most beautiful thing in the world again." She grins to her. Olga pauses for a moment, and looks the tarot mage up and down briefly before a grin was on her face. "That, darling, you are correct about." She chuckles. "Do you have anything in mind to dance to?" She questions her model. Gaia nods and holds out her iLac, with the song she wanted to dance to, playing on it. The two ladies grin as Leila clapped her hands together. "I know exactly how your makeup should be!" She says as the two quickly go to pay for the coffee they had before leaving and dragging Gaia away to Olga's place to get fitted for new clothes.

    When they get to the location of the competition, Gaia was wearing a blue themed make up, and had and oversized trench coat on. With the trench coat, one couldn't exactly see what she was wearing, but the boots she wore on her feet didn't cover up the ribbon that was around her seemingly bare legs. There were to be six acts here, Gaia's included, and that made her excited. The Fiore's Next Top Model didn't provide her enough competition for her dance, but she hoped this would for the prince. Maybe she could also see about how well she really was compared to others. The song she had chosen, she didn't need to practice for. She already had an idea of how she wanted to dance for it, and has done it a couple times, but now she could add a bit of flair to it with Olga's and Leila's help. Noya was around her neck, and Gaia smiles softly to the snowy ferret. "You know you'll have to go to Olga agin when this starts... right?" She questions the creature, who simply purred to her. Noya didn't mind Olga, like she didn't mind Kyran, and was rather excited to hang out with the woman once again. "Gaia, darling, you're going to blow the judges socks off with your dancing. And with my outfit, you'll really blow them away." The short woman says with a rather menacing grin. Gaia knew Olga wanted to meet the prince, but only to gain access to his country and get more fabrics and designs. She was already rather well known, and even more after her modeling gig since Gaia mainly dressed in her clothes. Hell, half of her closet were Olga's creations, but they made Gaia feel adorable and like she was an actual princess.

    Gaia sits delicately on a chair back stage, waiting on someone to say when it was time. Apparently Mayor Joshua Henry, the mayor of Corcus, was here. His secretary, Cassidy Marigold, was mainly in charge of the place. Seven had sent one of their advisors, who also serves the prince, as well. Gaia heard the advisors name in passing by one of the stage hands, Dustin Evergreen or something like that. She wasn't too sure if she heard it right or not.

    1024/3500 (total 7000)

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    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Cetus 4th February 2019, 12:52 pm

    Cetus stared at the note in his hand. It was a job request of a rather large scale. Gain a prince's admiration then infuriate him to the point he started a war. Cetus wasn't sure he wanted to take it. This was something rather similar to what the Law of Order did. They wanted a war to wipe clean Earthland and restore order. Cetus had no problem starting a war. What was a couple thousand or million lives snuffed out? Everyone died eventually anyways. The thing that made Cetus uneasy was the implications that this could be for the cult. He liberally tried to avoid them as much as possible. Still, he needed the money. His wood stock was running low and his tools needed replacing. Not to mention the lacrima thread he was working on need more materials. Crumpling the note in his fist, the shark man headed out the door. He'd do this thing one way or another.

    Cetus spent a few hours hunting down a couple gang bangers in the capital. The hunt filled him with a sense of disappointment. They were hardly worth his time. As he stalked the last of his victims, the man - more of a boy really - pointed a gun at him. Cetus smiled slowly behind his mask. He unhooked the bottom of the mask to reveal his teeth. The gun shook violently. "Shoot boy. Shoot or run." Cetus challenged him. "What the fuck are you, man?" The youth asked as the gun fell to his side. Cetus sighed in disappointment. Not worth his time at all. He'd have to buy a set of weapons at some point. These hunts were boring. "I'm your worst nightmare." He snarled, shooting forward. The gun came back up but Cetus slammed it to the side. It barely had time to hit the pavement before Cetus sank his teeth into the boy's neck. He made sure to crunch the voice box. Couldn't have him screaming. Then Cetus merely waited. The boy ceased struggling after a little while. Cetus searched his body before scorching it. Nothing to lead back to him.

    His hunt had yielded a fair crop of varying knives, three lacrima guns and surprisingly, a lacrima grenade. Perfect for what he planned to do. The shark man retreated to a nearby safe house. It was time to get ready for his act. Cetus chose a pure black, body hugging outfit. It was augmented by a scarf or two to make it look more festive. Then he placed a mask over his face that was pure white. The only decoration on it was a curving smile near the chin. His identity was completely concealed. The shark man chose a couple belts to hold the grenade as well as the pistols. The knives went into a bandoleer around his chest. There. Now he appeared to be a harmless knife throwing entertainer. If he could coerce someone into aiding his act, all the better. Cetus headed out towards the location of the competition.

    Upon arrival, Cetus saw there were many performers. A small grin curved behind the mask. A challenge it would be then. All he needed do was outperform them or perhaps even sabotage them. The assassin was alright with either option truly. This was a job. As long as his life wasn't put at too much risk, he would complete it by any means necessary. For now, Cetus settled back into a chair backstage. Things weren't set to begin yet. The first act, a trio of acrobats, needed a bit of set up. They wouldn't start until everything was complete. Cetus could sabotage the act quite easily. All he need do was set up one of their equipment to fail. With his White Court magic, sneaking around to do so would be child's play. However, he needed to know the other acts. That would allow him to narrow the competition. It might be best to stay away from any mages. Couldn't have them detecting him. Cetus steepled his fingers together. This would be an interesting job at least. For now, he waited.

    WC: 688


    Gabriel Bank

    Contest of Entertainment! CetusSigs

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Gaia 11th March 2019, 9:10 pm

    The Cards Aren't Always Right
    “So how many mages do we have around here?” “I dunno? Ten or so I believe. Like every act has a mage in it at least.” Gaia had glanced over to the stage hands as they were talking amongst themselves. Leila came over to Gaia and smiles to her. “You’re make up is great still! Perfect, don’t need to do too much touch ups.” The purple haired make up artist says as she quickly fixes a bit of the blue makeup on the tarot mages face. She then went behind her and made sure the collar of the coat was pulled up in the back, hiding the back of her neck and part of her head along with it. “You’re going to knock them dead.” She says and gives Gaia a fist bump. “Oh! Of course she’ll knock them dead, darlin! This is Gaia, wearing one of my outfits again! She can knock everyone dead in one of my outfits.” Olga says in a rather matter of fact voice as she approached the girls. She looks around the backstage, and snorts. “Darlings… I doubt the competition will even be wowed by anything but Gaia with how this looks.” She chortles and holds her arm out for Noya to quickly go to her, which the ferret did do.

    The various groups of people all looked rather interesting to the short, black haired, girl. They were all in various colors for their acts, making the backstage seem extra lively to her. She looks over as some stage hands were working on putting the stuff they needed up. A smile was on her face as she watched the three together were doing minor practices, and had some wind blowing about them, causing a small breeze as they did some minor flips with one another. Was that their magic? Wind? Gaia smiles softly as they make their way to the stage after everything was set up. As soon as the spotlights were shown just on them, the breeze picked up, and all three of them begun to speak in unison. “We present to you, NiVaGi’s Acrobatics!” As soon as they introduced themselves, they flung themselves up with their wind magic and were instantly up doing flips from bars and on a high beam. There was no nets. Their act was to be done with no ‘safety nets’ at all. Pure daredevil.

    Gaia watched to see how their act went out, hoping they did well and would prove to her to be a good challenge. When their act was over, regardless of if there was a mess up or not during their performance, they each stood together and bowed at the end. The stage had to be cleaned up before the second act could go up there. Singers, that’s what she heard the secretary call out. A pair of em to be exact. She kinda wanted to see their singing. She glances over at another guy whom was sitting in a chair, and tilts her head. He was dressed in a less colorful outfit than the others, and had a mask on his face. His knives he wielded on his chest seemed rather intriguing. Of course her curiosity was getting the best of her.

    The short mage got up and walked over towards the man with a sweet smile on her face. “Hi! Are you in the competition as well?” She asks curiously as the duet was starting singing on the stage already. Something about finding somebody to love and being their clown when they were down. It sounded rather strange, especially since they were singing it in an opera-esk style. She thought it didn’t sound too great like so, but at least could appreciate the fact they worked hard on their act. She turns her attention back to the masked man, and runs a hand gingerly through her hair.
    TAG: @Cetus WORDS: (645)1669/3500 (7000 total) NOTES: bleh
    MEL @ WW

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    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Cetus 12th March 2019, 7:55 pm

    Cetus kept things casual as he used the shadows to eavesdrop on the other performers. Acrobatics was obviously the first act. The second was a pair singing a duet. The shark man frowned a bit in confusion at that. Why would you risk failure with another person? Acrobatics were more impressive together yes, but they were essentially individuals doing their own acts that occasionally overlapped. Cetus couldn't understand trusting someone else enough to risk success on them. Unless of course the person was rather talented in which case, there was a much better chance of success. The assassin had found out that the third act was a dancing couple. Again something he could kind of understand. Though he couldn't really sabotage that act all that well. Act four was dancing once again but it was a solo act. From the assassin's understanding, it was a mage probably from a legal guild. He'd stay as far from her as possible. No sense in potentially getting himself caught. Then it was his turn and finally, animal tricks to end the show. Cetus decided not to mess with that last one either. Animals could be nice distractions and were easily riled up but they were also prone to getting those that messed with them caught. Especially if they were highly trained for a specific purpose.

    Right that was two acts to mess up and hope the others went poorly enough to guarantee Cetus moved forward in this competition. He only needed second or third place. There was a brewing station nearby. The shark man knew a basic mix that would raw the throat. It also had the potential to give someone a heart attack but that was neither here nor there. It was untraceable, making it easy to hand to one of the singers, if not both. The ingredients were rather basic as well. Soon the assassin had a steaming cup of tea for the singers. He sidled up to them, smiling behind his mask. "Hiya, y'all. I heard yous was puttin' on a singin' act and I was hopin' well that you'd accept this from me. It's an old recipe my mama taught me ta help the throat." He held the cup out to them. The man seemed a little suspicious but the woman accepted it gratefully enough. She gushed about his kindness.

    Cetus stayed where he was to make small talk with her as she wished. It ate into the time he'd have to sabotage the acrobats yet it helped the man lessen his dislike. When Cetus was finally able to extract himself, both of them had sipped from the cup. Now their act was ruined. They wouldn't feel any effects until they started singing. Perhaps Cetus could give the brew to the dancers too. It might induce a heart attack in them. The assassin decided against it. Too many acts sabotaged with him having acted face to face with many of them wouldn't end well. Seeing the couple together had given him a rather more efficient way to sabotage the acrobats. With faulty equipment, they might fail. Adding an 'ailing' companion on top of that would seal the deal on their failure.

    Cetus went about his sabotage quickly, using the shadows to his advantage. It wouldn't kill the acrobats. That would probably get the whole thing cancelled. Rather the adjustments were meant to slow their act down, to have them make mistakes even an audience would see. With that finished, he loitered around the equipment until the woman acrobat spotted him. "Hey! What are you doing back here?" She exclaimed angrily. Cetus put his hands up in innocence. "I was just awfully interested in yer equipment, miss. I've always wanted ta be an acrobat ya see but on account of mama no' havin' enough money I was neva able ta learn." He very carefully lifted the mask from his face to give the woman a smile. Her breath caught in her throat just as the assassin had been hoping it would. For some reason, his face scared some and attracted others. It was a phenomena he'd never been able to understand.

    "Well that's no problem, just don't go messing with anything back here." Cetus tipped his head to her. "No, ma'am. Just looking. Though I just found somethin' much prettier ta look at." He let his eyes travel up and down her body. The pulse in her neck quickened with the perusal. Cetus could smell both fear and desire pouring off of her. The mix could be heady in the wrong situations. Like now. The assassin prowled across the floor toward the acrobat. Her hand came up to rest upon his chest. Her eyes looked up at him through her lashes. "This migh' be a bit forward of me but you is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Seein' a woman like you... why it makes my cold heart beat something fierce." That was all it took. The woman pulled his head down and things continued the way Cetus had wanted them too.

    Cetus lay in the tangle of limbs trying to figure out how he'd gotten in this mess. The acrobat had been a good lay as far as he could tell. He felt pleasure, sure but not the emotions that probably heightened that pleasure. It was difficult to tell who was good or bad when that was the case. Cause it was all about personal pleasure rather than all that emotional gunk. That wasn't the mess Cetus was talking about. There was a second acrobat, a man, laying on the ground of the storage closet not far away. That hadn't been a good lay. The man had whimpered and cried the entire time. Cetus might be cold hearted but he wasn't a sadist. Pain didn't give him any pleasure. Getting up, the assassin cleaned himself off. Wishing the acrobats luck, he strode from the room.

    Having completed his missions, Cetus took the moment to sit by himself. He wanted to mull over what had happened in the storage room. The man's addition hadn't been unwelcome but his insistence on it hurting was the strangest thing ever. Who wanted to be hurt during sex? Unfortunately, Cetus wasn't able to think over the situation. A blue haired girl with a stylish coat had approached him. Perhaps it was to protect herself? Or to hide whatever might be hidden underneath? Impossible to tell unless she removed it. Hearing the singing in the background, the assassin frowned behind his mask. What? Had that much time already passed since he left the storage room? It must have if the singing couple was up already. Their scratchy voices were a clear indication that his tea had worked. Victory.

    The assassin assessed the woman that had approached him. He leaned back in his chair. She carried herself with confidence. Her sure graceful steps were both the footsteps of a dancer and a warrior. Cetus had a pretty good idea of who was standing before him even without seeing the tattoo. This was the woman from the legal mages. He'd have to be careful around her. "I am indeed, ma'am. Couldn' help myself when I heard we might get to see the prince. I wanna make my mama proud." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What'll be yer act in the show, miss?"

    WC: 1231
    Total: 1,919


    Gabriel Bank

    Contest of Entertainment! CetusSigs

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Gaia 21st July 2019, 2:08 pm

    The Cards Aren't Always Right
    Gaia blinks as she looks to the guy before her. His voice was different than she was used to, but she smiled regardless. She had giggled as she runs a hand through her hair, holding the top of her coat over her chest. She wasn’t wanting to let her outfit be exposed before it was her turn. She smiles to him again before she muses. “I’m a dancer. I'm the fourth one to go up, so just a couple turns after the duet." She lightly tapped her toes on the ground while she said that, trying to absentmindedly prove that she was. "I hope your mother would love to know you met a prince for doing… What will you be doing for your act?" She looked to the knives on him, but didn't want to assume what he was going to be doing. He could be doing just a knife thrower, could be juggling the knives, could be doing magic tricks with them… The possibilities were probably quite endless. When he had finally told her what he was doing, if he did, she had given him a rather big smile and held her hand out. “I wish you luck on your act.”

    The singers song had ended, and it seemed the dancers were up next. They were announced as a married couple together and came up wearing what seemed to be a matching color wise. The woman wore a flowy black dress with red trim and red heels, while the man wore a black suit with red trim and red shoes. “I am ChiChi Inu, and this is my husband Freddy.” She says as she looks to her husband, who simply just bowed his head a bit to greet the judges. Gaia couldn’t help herself as she heard some thundering dramatic music come on. She walked over to the edge of the backstage to watch the couple dance. She personally preferred to dance alone, but sometimes she could appreciate couple dancers. She wanted to watch to see how they did, and the music wasn’t too bad either. She was absentmindedly moving a foot to the tune of the music as the couple were doing dramatic dips and spins and the like while they seemed to be having lightning magic zap around behind them. She noticed something though. They were off beat to the music, as if they were still getting the hang of the song. She frowns as she shakes her head. No way were they going to win. Not with that dancing at least. She partially had to remind herself mentally that they were probably still learners or something like that.

    She had to step away. The dancing was going to irk her too much. She takes a deep breath and lightly twirls on her toes while she waits, holding her arms out slightly. Those backstage were going to get a small glimpse of how she danced, but they weren’t going to have the bang she was going to deliver yet though. When their song ended, Gaia grinned to herself. It was her turn. Noya chirped happily from Olga’s shoulders while her master had walked onto the stage. She had the trenchcoat on still, and was holding the top, but her boots were off her feet, showing them bare and the ribbon that wrapped up her foot elegantly. “Hello, I’m Gaia Sabin, and I’ll be doing a dance for you~” She muses as she holds her free hand out and bows at the waist. She had looked up to see the judges, and felt that the representative from Seven was a bit odd. He seemed a bit too handsome to her. Well, if she was able to help Olga and get her name out there a bit more, she wasn’t going to argue.

    Standing in the middle of the stage, Gaia lightly started to do step dancing. Getting faster as the music started to pick up, head lifting higher and higher. As soon as the vocals came, she had thrown off her trenchcoat to expose her dress and her tarot cards came flying out from behind her from their pouch. She had kicked the trenchcoat back and out of the way to keep herself from stepping on it while she danced, and the cards seemed to push it away further as they flew around as well. The mostly blue dress had a pinkish ribbon halter top and hugged her body till her waist while the dress had an asymmetrical skirt with pink flowers on her hips and slightly transparent frills under the skirt. As she moved with the music, one could see that she had a pair of white short shorts on under the skirt of the dress. She let her body twist and turn as she danced elegantly with the music, her cards coming out around her and moving in tune with the music and her to make a spectacle of her. Her dance altogether was a combination of step dancing and punjabi dance melded sweetly together.

    The whole time she danced, she seemed to have a smile on her face as she was at peace dancing in the open in front of others. She knew she had come a long way from being slightly scared for others watching her when she first started dancing, but now she was more open and wished for others to enjoy watching her dance as much as she enjoyed dancing for others. Eventually her song ended, and she had thrown her hands up, the cards following her hand and making a ‘firework explosion’ behind her as she had her head tilted back with her eyes closed. Truly she had been at peace enjoying herself and dancing to the music she had picked. Slowly she waved her hand and the cards came back together in her hand again, in which she reached behind her and stuffed them back into the bag on her back, keeping the cards hidden and out of the way. She takes a deep breath before she bows once again to the judges and bounces happily back off stage. Olga was waiting for Gaia with Noya on her shoulders, clapping to her along with Leila. “You did perfect darlin! Perfect!” The fashion designer cries out happily as her creation was walking before her. Gaia really knew how to strut her stuff in her clothes. Now it was time for the next act, and the short bespectacled dancer wanted to see who was next after her.

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    TAG: @Kyran WORDS: (1085) 2754/3500 (4673/7000) NOTES: bleh
    MEL @ WW



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Cetus 11th August 2019, 1:30 pm

    Cetus smiled behind his mask at the dancer. This one was serious about her craft. Probably worthy of winning unlike many of the others. He did wonder how she'd feel if she found the contest was rigged. That one person had coldly eliminated the competitors. It would make for an interesting study. "I'd 'ope so. She nevah approved a me playin' whiff knives. Don' know how she'd feel 'bout me dancin' whiff dem, even if it is fer da prince." A finger ran down all the knives on his bandoliers. They clinked together at the motion. Then the shark-man took her hand, shaking it firmly. "I wish ya luck as well. Doesn' look like ya much need it though. I'm sure yall do amazin'."

    The assassin nodded, his mask hiding his neutral expression. He watched the woman walk away. She appeared to be interested in the dancers. Cetus chuckled softly before pushing himself up. The dancers weren't much of a threat. The dossier on them pointed to more yelling or lovemaking than practice. If they managed to pull off a good performance, it would be due to magic. Likely illegal magic in the light of the contest's rules. Not that they could be blamed for cheating. This was a contest to meet the prince after all. Who wouldn't do absolutely everything in their power to meet him? Cetus smirked walking away from the corner. He needed to prepare.

    Each of his knives needed to be calibrated. The minute movements required for his act had to be precise. If even one of the knives was off, Cetus would end up seriously injured. It'd be a pain. Not because it would hurt. Rather a single mistake would ruin any chance to meet the prince. That outcome wasn't acceptable. Cetus had handcrafted all of his knives. They were a pastime he enjoyed to indulge in. There were other projects in the works but these were the most useful. Knives created to be controlled by a mere strand of mana. One person could control several hundred knives if their control was good enough. It would root them on the spot to do so but it was possible. In a way, Cetus' act was not only death-defying but a show of how precise his mana control was.

    On his way back, Cetus passed the acrobats. All three were limping heavily. The 'damage' he'd done to two of their members must have ruined their act. Excellent. That was two obviously terrible acts. A start that would reflect brilliantly upon the final acts. He had the bad manners to chuckle softly in success. The third acrobat, the one he hadn't slept with, heard Cetus. The man limped rapidly over to the assassin. "You! You ruined our act! Gizele could barely move and Vanter was in pain every time his body twisted the wrong way!" The man poked his finger into Cetus' chest. "What do you have to say? You gonna pay us for this disaster?! Actually, you're going to pay us!" The acrobat gripped Cetus' bandolier. The other two looked on sullenly, not saying a word.

    Cetus couldn't understand the man's anger. It wasn't his fault the other two had wanted to fool around. Both of them had propositioned him! It would have been easy to escape the acrobat. The man was injured already. Exploiting that weakness and using his training, Cetus could send him flying away. However, that would bring unwanted attention. The Rune Knights or legal mages would be on the scene. They probably were already here. Protection for judges was taken seriously. Not to mention if an act was dangerous, they needed to be ready to step in. He opted for a simple approach.

    The shark-man smiled behind his mask. His fingers wrapped around the man's hands. "Yer issue ain't whiff me, mah friend. It's whiff yer teammates. Day asked me for a romp. I didn't do nothin' but give 'em honeyed words." The entire time he spoke, his grip tightened on the man's hands. The acrobat went down to his knees from the pressure. A small whimper excaped his lips. "Per'aps next time, yall will think befer ya accuse som un of wrongdoin'. Much less demand day pay ya." Cetus released the man. He fell to the ground cradling his hands. Without another look, the assassin continued on his way. That altercation had cost him precious time. The couple's dance was nearly over and the professional woman would be up. Her act couldn't last more than a few minutes. Cetus grits his teeth in irritation. Emotions were the bane of existence.

    Cetus' knives were made of a variety of materials: Black Mithral, Darkiron, Bloom's gold, Lacristeel, and Astral Silver. All relatively rare metals that were highly receptive to magic. Only Black Mithral was exceedingly difficult to alter which was why only three of his many knives were made of it. Tiny lacrima fragments lay within each knife. Cetus had carefully created a rune script on each of them. Those allowed him control of the knife. They connected into the lacrima placed within the hilt of the knife. That was were Cetus' mana would flow into the knife. If even one of the fragments was out of place, Cetus' control diminished. That, in turn, made the knife wobble. From there, it was only a matter of time before Cetus bled across the floor. Several knives needed adjustments. The loss of time prevented the assassin from being as meticulous as he wanted.

    Thunderous applause informed the assassin that the dancer was done. He stepped from the little room he'd found to work in. One knife would be dubious in control. He'd have to watch it closely. Passing the dancer revealed what she'd been hiding beneath her coat. An excellent choice. The dress alone was fabulous. The dancer herself was ravishing. The combined effect would have drawn many the eye. It would have made the dancer a target. Cetus gave her a little salute. Stepping out onto the stage, he spoke clearly. "I am Dubhar Eberous. Today, I'll be showin' yall somethin' differen'."

    His knives rose into the air with his words. Each one hovered behind him, creating an illusion of wings. "I wish ta be clear. I'm no' usin' magic. This be mana control only. Each knife increases da strain upon ma ability ta control dem. I'm currently controllin' one hundred and fifty knives." His knives began to weave through the air behind him. They flashed in the light. Different colors alighted upon the crowd. Figure eights, weaving in and out between each other. Slowly at first getting faster and faster. He heard a couple of people making noises of appreciation. Now that he had them hooked, it was time to bring it to the next level.

    "All o' dis is relatively simple while standin' still." He explained gesturing to the knives. A slow smile emerged behind his mask. This was the fun part. "So I'll show ya somethin' bloody difficult." The assassin turned and ran at the meat blender. Stepping on one of the knives, he flung himself into the display. It began simply. Knives flew near his body. He twisted in mid-air, threw in some fancy acrobatics. The knives passed inches from his body. After a minute, he increased the complexity. Acrobatics became the centerpiece. His body the focal point. Knives were both his platform and his danger. Cetus purposefully caused some of the knives to falter at certain points. A few cut him while he was in the air. Again all on purpose. This was well within his limits. While he wanted to stand out, the assassin didn't want the spotlight. Let someone else win while he still secured a meeting with the prince.

    The third stage of his act involved the lights. They began strobing. The flashing lights made it difficult to see. To the audience, it looked like Cetus might be struck by his knives. More than one person cried out during this part of his performance. The assassin merely smiled, glad the audience couldn't see behind the mask. They might have noticed he was having... well not fun, but at least a semblance of it. His emotions weren't triggered even by this. A disappointment to be sure. However, the finale of his act was coming up. The lights started flashing in a predetermined pattern. On cue, Cetus started climbing a long line of knives into the air. The rest of his knives created a virtual blender at the top. Anyone stepping into that space would be skewered for sure.

    So it appeared. As Cetus reached the top, his body contorted into shock. The pulsing lights showed the crowd a scene of terror. He looked as if he was being hit by his own knives. The lights stopped flashing to follow his body's fall. Near the stage, the lights went out entirely. When they come back up, Cetus knelt upon the stage. He stood up quickly, his arms open wide. All of his knives were back in their sheathes. Having finished his act, Cetus bowed for the crowd. That was that finished. Now there was one more act before they chose the winner.

    The shark-man strode from the stage. He saluted the dancer on his way off. She was more deserving of the winning title. His act wasn't for everyone and that would cause him to lose points. The singers had done terribly, the acrobats had failed and the couple hadn't done well in their dance. All that remained was the final act. Regardless, this would land him in the top three. A guaranteed meeting with the prince. Therefore, mission accomplished.

    WC: 1612
    Total: 3,531


    Gabriel Bank

    Contest of Entertainment! CetusSigs

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    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Contest of Entertainment! Empty Re: Contest of Entertainment!

    Post by Gaia 23rd September 2019, 10:24 pm

    The Tarot Mage
    Gaia smiles as she muses to the masked man. “She’d probably scold you regardless!” She couldn’t help but tease before she had walked away from him to see the dancers. Eventually, when it was her time, she danced her heart out. When she was off the stage, the tarot reader smiled to the knife dancer, and did a slight bow to his salute. She wanted to watch him now. Peering from backstage, she watched with wide eyes as Noya jumped into her arms, watching with her master as this guy started to show his act. The one hundred and fifty knives that were hovering around him made her gasp a bit. That honestly wasn’t something she was expecting to see.

    As his act went on, Gaia felt her toes curling in on themselves while she was concerned for how dangerous this act had been. That was one hell of an act where one deliberately put themselves in what looked like danger for the applause. She couldn’t do that to herself. She held Noya close to her with one arm while covering her mouth with another. At the end of his act, she put her hand to her chest as she felt her heart racing. “Your mother would definitely scold you if she didn’t like you just playing with knives, but doing that, she’d probably be ballistic over!” She honestly couldn’t help but tease while he went past her.

    She watches as a girl gets on the stage and has three little animals with her. A bear cub, parrot, and what seemed to be a fish in a wagon being pulled by the bear. The parrot was perched on the cubs head while they were on stage. “I’m Carolina Serina, and I’ll be doing some tricks today with my companions here.” She giggles. As some little circus music started playing, the animals seemed to line up at the front of the stage right next to Carolina. Gaia watches as one after another, the animals ran towards their own little attraction. The bear cub had gotten themselves up on a ball and was rolling towards a unicycle while the parrot flew up towards a post and was walking upside down on a tightrope.

    Carolina had picked the fish out of the bowl and put them into a decently sized kids pool that had various hoops about. Then she blew out over the course of the attraction. Fire escaped her lips as she did so, lighting all the hoops about the place. Gaia paled a little as she felt Noya flinch at the act. That wasn’t something either of them seemed to like to be completely honest… That felt like the poor animals were being tormented with that heat, especially the fish and the bird. As the music continued on, the bear wobbled on their ball as they approached a flaming hoop. The crowd was hushed as they watched what the bear would do. They didn’t seem to be getting off of the ball to prepare for a jump.

    Gaia raised her hand and covered her snowy ferrets eyes. That wasn’t something she enjoyed watching at all! No way would she let Noya watch it too! Leila had come up and quietly offered to take the ferret away from the side, in which Gaia agreed and handed over her sweet pet to be protected from the crazy sight before her. Yeah, Noya was a powerful little creature, but she still had feelings and would feel rather distressed from seeing what these animals were going through. She would be spoiling the pet when this was over.

    The cub started to speed up his ball and jumped off the ball, while also seeming to kick it around the flaming hoop, and jumped through it without touching the edges. The parrot was next. It was right next to the hoop and wasn’t opening its wings as it got closer. Within inches from it, the parrot jumped through the hoop and managed to grab hold of the tightrope once again, all while staying upside down. Down below the parrot was the fish, jumping up and down and doing cute little tricks, but they were getting closer and closer to the flaming hoops and eventually jumped through one while jumping and doing one of their tricks.* All three of the animals had successfully jumped through their hoops without a hitch. With that, they all got off of their attraction, Carolina putting the fish back in it’s fish bowl, and went to bring them to the front to bow to the crowd.

    Gaia could barely believe it. The crowd did clap, but it was more clapping of relief that the animals were safe and unharmed. It was sure a thrilling act, much like Dubhar’s act was, but his was far more thrilling. This would be the time to take a break and chill out. The judges got to decide who was the winner of the contest and talk amongst themselves. Gaia had finally turned around and went to sit down. Olga had gotten her model a bottle of water, and she sipped it gingerly. She was sitting much like a lady while sitting down on the stool. She had a change of clothes to change into, but she didn’t feel like changing so soon. After the contest was completely done and over with would she change.

    It took a good few minutes, but eventually everyone was called up to the stage. It was cleared and cleaned of debris from all the acts and had a rug laid down below them. Gaia had stood with Noya on her shoulders, waiting patiently for the judges to announce the winners. The wait was killing as they all stood there in silence. The judges all stood up, but it was the mayor that turned to the crowd. “We thank you all for coming out to support this event to welcome the prince of Seven and pick the most skilled magical entertainer to entertain him!” He says as he looks to his secretary. She clears her throat as all three of the judges look to their contenders. The acrobats were leaning on one another, looking a little worse for wear, while the singers were holding their throats, the dancers seemed relatively excited as they waited for the news that they won. Gaia was looking calm and composed with Noya on her shoulder, and Carolina was humming to her animals while they waited.

    The judges were keeping the tension high as they weren’t saying anything for a couple minutes. Then the Secretary spoke. “You all were fantastic acts.” She lets her eyes rake over everyone. “But there can only be one who wins this contest to entertain our visiting prince.” A smirk was on her lips as she picks up a paper and glances it over. She didn’t need to really read it, but she knew that it was good for show regardless, more time to set the tension. “Third place!” The other acts seemed to tense up. “Carolina Serina and her animal tricks!” The crowd started clapping as they were actually rather excited to hear that she won a place. When the crowd died down, the secretary glances to the paper again. “Second place…. Dubhar Eberous and his Mana controlled knives!” The crowd went a little wild and the judges purposely let them go for longer than they had for Carolina.

    Now it was time to reveal who was the winner. Gaia felt her chest tighten while she kept her calm composure on her face. Carolina was seeming rather upset that she wasn't the first place, or even the second place, but she would have to get over it and stop. The other two couples were near tap dancing each in their place. As soon as the crowd died down enough, all three of the judges yelled at the same time “And first place goes to Gaia Sabin!” A wide grin came on the tarot dancers face as she started clapping along with the crowd. The representative from Seven came around the table with a badge and came up to Gaia to present it to her. “This is for when you meet the prince. It’ll show proof to his guards and those around him that you’re here to see him.” He winks to her before he steps to the side. Someone with a camera came up, and Gaia instantly posed sweetly with the representative, showing off the badge with him pointing to it.

    Now that this was over, Gaia had to tell Kyran that she’d be busy for a few days entertaining this prince, and helping Olga develop contacts across earthland.**
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
    Notes and enemies:
    * 7000/7000 words - Hired Entertainment
    ** 729 excess wc (to be freeform)
    Hired Entertainment - Part 1: Judgement/Page 27, Post n°655


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:08 pm