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    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ Empty ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣

    Post by Beaux 19th September 2019, 6:31 pm


    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Tricks Abound
    Post Word Count: 829
    Job Word Count: 829/1,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Vacation
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The autumn sun shone down on the vast array of booths, games, and activities spread on the outskirts of Rose Garden. It was the autumn equinox, a time for celebrating the season and the bountiful harvests collected by farmers around Fiore. Colorful leaves scattered around the area, formed into piles that would only be destroyed by the running leaps children took into them. Delighted voices filled the air as people partook in the delicious food and entertaining festivities. The smell of meat and vegetables came from some booths, while from others the incredibly sweet smell of pies, cakes, and other desserts drifted. Food seemed to be the focus of this event, and nobody seemed to be complaining.

    The autumn air had a briskness to it that signified the approach of winter. Everyone wore at least a jacket to ward off the cold. Beaux had gone the extra mile, decking himself out in the most stylish autumn apparel he owned. This season was a fantastic opportunity to indulge in meticulous outfit creation, seeking the comfy and casual look while remaining fashionable. The angel wore a soft black scarf and a brown jacket over a red sweater and a white shirt. The scarf was one of his favorites, and he often reached up just to run his fingers over the material.

    Beaux had decided to attend another seasonal festival due to his experience at the summer solstice. Random encounter had lead him to make friends with which he had many a misadventure on that day. Wren, the little witch, had even decided to join the Rune Knights after they met! Every time they hung out he was warmly reminded of that day. As the angel strolled through the booths, excitement filled him. He was hoping to meet new people at this celebration as well.

    Silver hair was moved out of Beaux’s face by a gentle hand. This was one of the first days he had been out of Era since his encounter with Sanguine. The infirmary held him for a long time due to the severity of his injuries, but it had taken even longer for his courage to return. The mental scars left would be far more devastating than the physical ones. A whole week was what it took to psych himself up for this trip. He almost didn’t make it out of the Rune Knight headquarters. Beaux had been incredibly nervous at the train station, tapping his feet and fiddling with his clothing and iLac. Being out in the world again was a huge undertaking, and his anxiety had made itself quite known.

    One wouldn’t even know that he had been so worried upon seeing him now. His classic joyful grin had made a continuous appearance, accompanied by cheerful greetings to those who passed by. Such a positive and exciting environment had calmed his nerves. Beaux was feeling on top of the world!

    That is, until he found himself lost in the middle of a maze. A chipper young woman had herded him to the corn maze entrance not fifteen minutes earlier. “It’ll be lots of fun!” she had spouted enthusiastically. “Fiore’s hardest corn maze challenges you! I believe in you! Head right in here!” Beaux didn’t have much of a choice in the matter as he could barely get a word in. So there he stood among the stalks, utterly bamboozled. All his attempts at solving the maze and finding his way out had been thwarted. Trying to mark his route had proven unsuccessful. Whenever he tried to retrace his steps, he could never find the path previously taken. Standing on his tippy-toes to see across the maze had been a simplistic idea that made him feel foolish afterwards. “As if the maze makers hadn’t thought of preventing that, débile,” he scolded himself quietly. The third attempt to make some sense of his location had been to fly up a little. Upon spreading his large white wings and attempting to take flight, Beaux found himself limited to a foot above the ground by some unseen force. The maze makers had been diligent with preventing any sorts of bypassing the labyrinth with intricate spells.

    Merde!” The angel pouted upon the realization that there was magic in place to make the mazer harder. He had really wanted to go try some pumpkin pie before being so rudely forced into this task. The thought of the dessert made his mouth water. Upon hearing about the festivals going on around Fiore, he knew he had to attend just for that one thing at the least. Beaux decided that if he were to get some pie today, he might need to find another maze-goer and work with them to escape.

    “Helloooooo?” he called out into the maze. “Is anyone nearby?~” Hopefully he would be able to charm them into teamwork if they didn't agree right away. Beaux put on his most endearing smile and waited for any potential responses or people showing up.

    Last edited by Beaux on 2nd October 2019, 12:27 pm; edited 2 times in total


    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ 60654_s

    Lineage : Vessel of the Morning Star
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ Empty Re: ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣

    Post by Mitsu 2nd October 2019, 6:16 am

    Star of the Morning
    Festivals were always fun, Isaak found, and he'd never really experienced one outside of Midi. He was excited to see how other people celebrated their holidays. Autumn was in full swing, so he wore a short sleeved black t-shirt, some pants and a sweater. He didn't really mind the cold, but he always got looks when he walked around without something to bundle up in during the colder months.

    He had walked around the festival for a bit, watching the contests and kids running around and enjoying themselves. He saw a stall selling apple turnovers, then another selling warm apple cider and then another selling candy apples and... Long story short he spent quite a bit on apple-based food stuffs. But it was all delicious so he didn't really mind the dent it put in his wallet.

    All the walking lead Isaak to the entrance of the corn maze. He was confident that he could find his way out of a simple maze, years of hard training and honing his skills would make sure of that. After two turns he realized just how wrong he was. The maze was enchanted, and as soon as he entered it, the place became a confusing world of twists and turns. It was almost impossible how endless it seemed, he kept walking and walking, sometimes back tracking and always trying to remember where he had been and what was new. It was like the world was folding back in on itself.

    He attempted to use his slayer-given senses to guide him, but his hearing only picked up the rustling of stalks and the faint giggling and footfalls of others in the maze, though he never ran into them, his nose was filled with the smell of apple cider and he could only see foliage all around him. It was a clever construction, really a lot of effort put into an attraction so he had to applaud the dedication. But it was also very frustrating. He contemplated blowing a hole through the maze walls to get out, but that wouldn't be in good fun. Neither would cutting down the stalks with a blade of light. His only option was to keep going.

    But walking for so long takes a lot of energy, so Isaak sat down in front of a wall. He pulled an extra apple turnover from his pocket and sipped his cider, now noticeably cooler. He was about to bite into the turnover when he heard someone else's voice calling out in the maze. "Oh good, I'm not the only one helplessly lost..." He stood and slipped the turnover back into his pocket solemnly. He made a few turns, his hearing allow him to match footsteps to voice and locate the source.

    When he did, he stopped suddenly. The silver haired male was gorgeous and impeccably dressed. He had soft features and a stunning smile, he looked like someone that could probably talk you into selling your soul if he smiled just the right way. But that wasn't what made Isaak stop in his tracks, though the thought did bring a tint of pink to his cheeks. It was the aura of pure white around him that floored the Slayer, the glow emanating from the other's eyes. Violet eyes adjusted and he was able to make out a halo above the other's head and soft wings at his back "He's an angel?" He blinked a few times to dampen his power, something he wasn't used to having to do, and approached the silverette.

    "Hello there." He cleared his throat and held out his hand, trying to make sure the wonderment he felt wasn't obvious when he looked at the other male "I'm kinda lost in this maze too. They really put a lot of work into it, more like a labyrinth to be completely honest." He let out a soft snort of laughter, at his little joke and motioned to the walls of corn and grain around them "Though a lot of people wouldn't really get the distinction between mazes and labyrinths. Mazes are more small time and labyrinths are-" He paused and blinked to himself a bit "I'm rambling about labyrinths and I have no idea why. Switching gears!" He gave Beaux a sheepish smile "I'm Isaak. You are?"
    WC: 717 | TWC: 717/1500
    Job Link/Job Approval


    Bank Isaak Alvah Exaltation of the Ligthbringer Ruination of the Lightbringer Ascension of the Lightbringer
    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ X1ZzeIP

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ Empty Re: ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣

    Post by Beaux 2nd October 2019, 12:38 pm

    Dat Smile :D:

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Tricks Abound
    Post Word Count: 675/1,504
    Total Word Count: 1,504/1,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Count on You
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    As a figure turned the corner, Beaux was delightfully surprised to see a man around his age. He was shorter than the angel by a bit, and fiery amber hair spiked out from his head. Baby blue eyes met violet ones, and Beaux couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. This guy was adorable. The kind of adorable that made one want to give them the world just for a smile. It had been a while since Beaux had flirted with anyone, so he decided to proceed cautiously and politely. His focus had been on recovering from his injuries, so anything social had been put on the back burner. The Rune Knight had desperately missed interacting with new people, as one can only bond with a doctor so much.

    The man held out his hand as he greeted Beaux, obviously intended for a handshake. The angel, however, taken over by his relief and joyous mood, grabbed his hand. Turning it, he leaned gently down and kissed the knuckles in greeting. Without thinking twice about the gesture, he stood up once more with a cheerful grin. Beaux straightened out his clothes from the motion.

    “It definitely seems like a labyrinth, no matter what it actually is!” Beaux said in agreement. That sheepish expression was incredibly endearing. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Isaak,” he continued with a slight bow. “I am Beaux! I’m glad we came across one another, I seem to be struggling with this maze as well,” he admitted, running a hand through his luscious silver hair. An awkward laugh left his mouth. The angel wasn’t one to let his pride rule him, but it was certainly embarrassing to admit his failings to a stranger. “But I haven’t given up yet! We can work together to make it through,” Beaux cheered, then stopped himself. “Well, if you’d like to,” he added, remembering his manners. It was his nature to be polite, but often excitement could make him jump the gun.

    If Isaak agreed, the angel would beckon his acquaintance down the path they were on. Beaux was notorious for sparking conversation and not allowing awkward silence. He was eager to talk to this handsome stranger as it was his goal to meet new people at this festival like he had at the last. “I’m looking forward to trying all the pumpkin desserts,” he hummed, “Especially the pumpkin pie!” Beaux had a serious sweet tooth and often spent more than anticipated on delicious foods, pastries making up the majority. In his home country, some of the best pastries in Earthland were created and passed down over the generations. From light and flaky to rich, Napedian desserts were unlike any other. The angel wasn’t much of a chef himself, but he could always remember the few recipes his mother taught him before her death. He made a mental note to make some for Wren when he got back to the Rune Knight headquarters.

    Bringing his mind back to the present, Beaux tucked his chin into the folds of his scarf. The soft material was a comfort against the cold. “May I ask where you’re from?” he inquired cheerfully, glancing at Isaak from the corners of his eyes. Another corner was turned, but Beaux was starting to lose focus on the maze. His feet carried him subconsciously on. He didn’t mind getting lost as long as he had company.

    The Rune Knight afforded himself another look at Isaak and quickly turned back to face the path ahead. While he waited for a response, he wondered if it was too early for a compliment. Merde, Beaux! You’ve become a novice again, he scolded himself mentally. “Er… I like your eyes,” he stammered, facepalming mentally as soon as the words left his mouth. What a juvenile compliment! I should have gone for something more simple, Beaux thought to himself. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to be too forward,” he apologized, shoving his face deeper into the scarf to hide the blush that was furiously blazing at his embarassment.


    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ 60654_s

    Lineage : Vessel of the Morning Star
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ Empty Re: ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣

    Post by Mitsu 2nd October 2019, 3:06 pm

    Star of the Morning
    Isaak's cheeks were a light pink shade from his embarrassment, but it deepened considerably when his hand was raised to the other's lips. When the silverette placed the kiss, Isaak's brain faded out to blissful static, his awareness hyper focused to where his hand was in the others, recounting the feeling of the lips pressed against his knuckles. "His lips are so soft..." That thought snapped him out of his trance, and his blush would have deepened if it were in anyway possible. Hopefully his redness could be explained away by the chill in the autumn air. Definitely not by the fact that he had just been kissed, albeit innocently, by the most gorgeous creature he had ever met.

    Up close, Isaak had no choice but to take stock of Beaux's appearance in full. He was absolutely stunning, and had an angelic quality to him "Which isn't a metaphor or exaggeration...and he's so tall." Isaak had a bit of a thing for taller guys, he had to admit. He hoped the beating in his chest wasn't as apparent to his maze partner as it was to his own heightened sense of hearing, but he didn't know about the other's capabilities with magic so he couldn't be all too sure.

    "Beaux? Beautiful..." The ginger cleared his throat quickly "Your name, not you. It means 'beautiful' if I'm remembering it right. Which isn't to say you aren't beautiful. You are! Otherworldly, to be completely honest. And I'm going to stop before my foot goes all the way down my throat!" He chuckled nervously and slipped his hands into his pants pockets "I'd love to have some company. It would probably make this labyrinth-maze-thing less maddening." He moved alongside Beaux, moving down the grain walled path back towards where he had come.

    "It's my first festival of this kind, so I was excited to try a little bit of everything if I'm being completely honest." Midi had celebrations for the equinoxes and certain holidays that happened throughout the year, like the harvest or planting seasons, but they were much different from this. It was a nice change of pace for Isaak, and it allowed him to learn of the customs of another land while enjoying himself. It also allowed him to run into Beaux, which he was starting to think made it worth getting lost in the maze "I haven't tried anything pumpkin flavored, to tell the truth. I'm skeptical about a squash being made into desert. I'm obsessed with all the apple confections, though!" He raised his cup of cider to punctuated his point before taking a sip.

    That reminded him of the turnover in his pocket. He contemplated eating it, but then decided to save it and bring it back to the guild for Amalie. He didn't know if she had made it out for the festivities, but it would be a nice gift for the woman all the same. She was kind enough to take him under her wing, after all, even if her tutelage is a little rough. He liked rough, anyways "I'm from Midi!" Isaak answered cheerfully, the not really focusing on guiding them through the maze and instead just walking along and talking "A nation of fierce warriors and customs. There are the most beautiful cherry blossom trees that bloom there, I haven't seen anything like them in other places. If you're one for travelling, Beaux, I would definitely visit Midi." He took a sip of his cider and chuckled "But then again, I'm biased. Where are you from?"

    Isaak wasn't expecting the compliment at all, the violet eyes in question widening to the size of saucers and his mouth opening and closing not unlike a fish gasping for air. He turned his head and coughed into his elbow to buy himself some time to think of something other than "He likes my eyes! Sweet ancestors above he likes my eyes!!" He turned back to the silver haired male and gave him the brightest smile he could muster "Not too forward at all, Beaux. Thank you, a compliment like that coming from someone as breathtaking as you is worth more than I can say...Wait did I just say that? That was so smooth! Aaaand I ruined it with that."

    "I think you're-" They turned the corner as Isaak was trying to find the words to say back to Beaux, but they stood in front of the exit to the maze. He blinked dazedly a few times before turning to Beaux with a sheepish smile "This was really fun. I'm grateful for the company. We could totally hang out sometime! Or randomly bump into each other and walk around in a maze again. Whichever you'd like better, haha." Isaak wanted to say more, wanted to spend more time with him, but they were out of the maze now and he didn't want to hold the other male up more than he had to.
    WC: 825 | TWC: 1542/1500
    Job Link/Job Approval


    Bank Isaak Alvah Exaltation of the Ligthbringer Ruination of the Lightbringer Ascension of the Lightbringer
    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ X1ZzeIP

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : ❖ Rune Knights ❖
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ Empty Re: ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣

    Post by Beaux 3rd October 2019, 5:17 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Tricks Abound
    Post Word Count: 612 (Event 1,503/1,500)
    Thread Word Count: 612/XXX
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Count on You
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux’s smile only grew more affectionate as Isaak stumbled over his words. The little ginger seemed to speak his train of thought exactly as it happened. “That’s the definition I’ve always been told!” he replied as they walked. “I’m surprised you knew.”

    At Isaak’s comment about squash, Beaux’s eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated the idea. “That’s certainly odd, now that you mention it…” he admitted. “But pumpkin desserts are delicious, I promise! Even if they come from a vegetable.” The angel could smell the cider that was raised up and hoped he could grab some if they ever got out of the maze. Maybe he could even buy Isaak some of the apple confections! That was, if the man hadn’t bought enough already.

    “That sounds like a lovely place,” Beaux hummed after Isaak explained about his homeland. “I’ve never been, but I’ll think about visiting sometime. Perhaps during the cherry blossom bloom…” he mused, trailing off. The mental image of sweet pink flowers lining beautiful streets was pleasant. His vision showed groves of trees, celebrations, and Isaak there as well. The thought warmed his heart. Even though they had just met, Beaux had a good feeling about him.

    “Oh dear, pardon me,” he hurriedly said, apologizing for his zoning out. “I’m from Napedia! It’s a small nation far north of Fiore. It’s very high class, a lot of important people live there and the culture revolves around being proper and having manners.” The last words were followed by a chuckle as Beaux thought of how disappointed his peers would be by his current speech and mannerisms. To the normal Fiorean, he was extremely polite, sometimes over the top. However, back in Napedia, he would have been constantly criticized for the littlest things - from how much his body was facing towards with whom he was speaking to the speed at which he spoke. Not to mention the swearing. It was a bad habit he had picked up on, one that would certainly make his Tante faint if she heard it.

    Isaak’s reaction to his compliment was more than enough to bring Beaux’s flirting confidence back. The risk of being forward rewarded itself, and the cycle began. Reciprocation only assured his actions and inspired him to do more. The angel’s heartbeat fluttered as the amber-haired man called him breathtaking. It had been a while since he’d heard such sweet words spoken to him, let alone from a handsome man. “That was smooth,” he agreed teasingly.

    With a final turn, they had somehow made it out of the maze. Beaux’s eyes widened in surprise. The maze had been difficult, yet without any real effort the two had completed it! He turned to Isaak, who began spouting off a goodbye. Beaux nearly pouted. Such exciting interaction with another man had been wonderful. It was the refresher he needed after being cooped up in the infirmary for so long. Isaak was lovely, cheerful, and adorable - he didn’t want to leave just yet!

    “I had a wonderful time too, Isaak,” Beaux began, dropping his usual formalities. “Either option sounds great to me, but I think I’d like to spend some more time with you right now! If you have nowhere to be, that is,” he added. Inching closer, he spoke again. “We should go try some pumpkin desserts! I promise they’ll be delicious. Oh, and also,” Beaux leaned in closer, placing a hand gently on Isaak’s lower back, “You can finish telling me what you think I am, mon petit chou.” The angel winked teasingly and straightened up, eagerly awaiting the effect his flirting would have. “Now, I wonder which way it is to the food?”
    MON PETIT CHOU = MY LITTLE SWEET BUN (Google translate will tell you cabbage BUT IT IS NOT CABBAGE. @Mitsu


    ♣ Equinox Encounter ♣ 60654_s

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:16 pm