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    "You're Boar-ing me"

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 20th January 2019, 11:08 am

    The Boar

    Page 28, Post 683

    (Time skip to introduce Kage)

    THe last summon at the behest of Ryo was an interesting one. Since he now gotten to know the leader of Sabertooth, Indra had no real issue about following his orders. He hated to be ordered around, but he respected Ryo for his strength, skill and more upbeat personality. They were both close to the same age and had a more open view of the world. He could get used to work with him.

    With that, and to continue the chain of tasks given by the mysterious and untrustworthy client. Indra didn't trust him, but he had a few tricks to learn the truth. He would have to wait till he could talk to Ryo in private about that of course. As he flew to the Serene Cliffs-- a canyon that stretched for a long distance atop a series of planes and a waterfall that filled the river below in it. He had a brief update to hunt a certain type of beast. This was a bit more of his interest as he enjoyed hunting and an A class enemy sounded pretty exciting to him.

    As he flew atop of Tailong's back, now transformed-- he also had the company of another animal companion. A black furred striped Exceed that looked incredibly like a tiger. He also had ninja-like attire on his body. Kage, was a new friend and Indra's 'apprentice' that he wished to learn martial arts and ninjutsu like skills from. Though Indra had no real ninjutsu knowledge, he agreed to accept the little Exceed's desire to train. Since then, the two had become close and Indra welcomed his company. The tiger actually was quite useful-- even more so than Tailong at times since he was willing to fight.

    They flew along the cliffs-- seeking where the client would be. He always had a habit to show up annoyingly in obvious places or to surprise them when they least expected....

    "I really wish I knew why this client wanted these rare items. Golden Apples guarded by dragons. Now a boar... things are getting more complicated. " Indra commented.

    "A job is a job, Indra," Tailong commented from the top of his head, glancing up at Indra with a turn of his eye. "Though I will agree with you. That last job was scary."

    "You mean the one where you hid on Ryo's dog's head like a frightened Geck---"

    "Say it... and I turn over and let you fall to your death." the dragon growled in playful spite.

    WC: 420



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
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    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 28th January 2019, 8:26 am

    Ryo sighed as he looked around trying to find the path that the boar had taken. He and Gora were here to hunt a great Boar. This boar was revered as a god by the centaur around here which is something new to him, but he couldn’t worry about such irrelevancies. The boar in question was one that was huge, he was so huge in fact that he could challenge anything smaller than an elephant. Of course, it had to be a male, this behavior, the territory defending, and the size were all indicative of a male in the prime of his life looking for a mate. There was no sign of another boar of this kind, nor had Ryo even heard about one of this kind.

    He stood there and sighed as Gora returned to him already in his battle form. He needed to be in it because if he wasn’t, he would likely meet his end at the hands of this boar. The great dire wolf lopped up to him panting slightly before looking around “I found the scent trail. It is fairly obvious, but there is something very strange following it. I couldn’t tell what they are, but there were a lot of scents about the trail. Well, what shall we do?”

    The question only made Ryo sigh as he sat down on a chair made entirely of playing cards. Placing a gloved hand over his face rubbing his eyes “I am exhausted…. being up in the day is tiring. Thank the gods that Yggdrassil isn’t in our world, and thus the sun isn’t the same nor have the same effects.” He said with a tired groan sitting forward and pulling out an element card from his deck. The card was inscribed with a strange symbol that meant ‘blood’ and it had a red blood drop on the front of it. Flooding it with his magic he put it in his mouth and began to drink the dripping blood off of the card. It was the best he could possibly hope for at this point in time. Whatever these other creatures were; he was sure that the could get a drop of blood from them.

    Waiting for Indra was what he was doing currently. He had summoned his friend and comrade here so they could go hunting. Their employer was waiting for them in a camp that he had some distance away from this particular site. Still, Ryo had done the best that he could picking the spot. He was wearing his blood red duster, in the center of a small clearing of forest. Of course, the giant card creation flagpole that stood up over the tallest trees flying the Sabertooth flag was a dead giveaway.

    WC: 459


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 28th January 2019, 12:37 pm

    After the spats between the Dragon SLayer and his companions, Tailong and Indra spotted the location of Ryo. He was aware of the target this time around but from where they were up in the air, there was no sign of it yet. For now, they goal was to regroup with Ryo and work to acquire their target.

    Tailong soon flew down to where Ryo was along with his wolf companion. The moment the dragon touched down, he began to change to his smaller form. Indra and Kage quickly hopped off and landed on the ground with a crouch before them. Indra soon rose up to the guy. "Don't you get warm in that coat?" Indra asked.

    "YOu're one to talk, mr. pervy flasher," Tailong squeaked in rebuttle to Indra in his state of shirtless attire.

    As Indra glared at the dragon, the third person-- new to Ryo emerged as he hopped out. The black and grey striped Tiger-Exceed appeared dressed in his little ninja attire. "Ooooh, so you're Master Ryo. I'm Kage. I'm new to Sabertooth. Indra Sensei brought me here. " the little Exceed said as he saw the wolf. He raised an ear at the wolf, and flicked his tail nervously. "Uummm... who is the doggy over there?" the tiger said, somewhat antagonizing the wolf.

    Cats and dogs would never be a good combination for team dynamics.

    As Kage would probably struggle with the dog, Indra turned to Ryo. "We didn't see the target from the air. Nor did I hear it... assuming if Tailong didn't stop talking. Either way, did you find anything?" he asked. "I don't have a scent to track-- but you also got your dog to do that for you too."

    It was then they heard a sound-- the clump of hooves and the rustle of grass. Something was coming thier way and fast. Indra's ears perked up as he heard it-- along with the odd pull of bow strings. Before anyone, Kage or Ryo would notice-- Indra let out a discharge of lightning and clapped his hands together.

    Just as he slammed his hands to the ground-- arrows came flying out through the trees towards them. The moment he touched the ground, a barrier erupted. Indra's Charged Rampart as it rose up and blocked the arrows. The intense lightning literally sent the arrows bouncing back, towards the attackers.

    Centaurs, no doubt. They were there, and they were on to them. "Shit!" Indra growled.

    WC: 412



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

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    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 12th February 2019, 6:26 am

    Ryo smiled and shook his head “Not really, I am a vampire as such I am a walking corpse. So, I don’t really feel hot or cold. Though, fire is still an issue for me. When I was a human yes, it was a bit of a problem, but this coat allows for me to hide a lot of things and confuse a lot of foes as to what my movements are, and which are important.” He smiled and flicked a card in his right hand making it “disappear” before he flicked his wrist again and brought it back “As you can see, it was also highly useful to me while I was working as a regular non-magical magician.”

    Ryo glanced over at the Exceed and smiled ever so slightly in order to show that he was happy to see the little feline. He bowed his head and his hat to the little Exceed “It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to our guild. I am glad to meet you. I hope we work well together.” Hearing the question however his smile soon vanished, and he frowned ever so slightly “I understand your concern, I understand that Gora does still belong to the Canine family. However, he is a Dire Wolf, and I would appreciate everyone remembering this. If you keep calling him a god, or doggy I don’t claim responsibility for what happens to you.” He said leaning back and snapping his fingers the great constructs he made shattered into cards once again.

    He looked to Indra nodding his head “I have Gora yes. He has found a scent of some kind, but if it will be enough for us to follow. Still, we’ll have to get going and follow after the trail in order to see where we end up.” Ryo heard the sound of hooves and he simply waited for the foes to appear. Gora on the other hand was already in the forest, thankfully and he wasn’t anywhere near the attackers nor in their line of approach.

    Ryo watched calmly as Indra reacted very quickly. He threw up a wall of lightning that not only blocked the arrows but sent them firing back towards the centaurs. He knew that these creatures lived in the area, and he was sure that they would cause a problem. Pulling out two cards he smiled “I think it is time for us to properly give them a Sabertooth greeting.” He looked down at the card and smirked. He flushed his magic into the cards and formed them into an elemental construct. This was luckily the first time he had really seen his newest element in action. It was the night element and he summoned a Sabertooth Cat. The cat was as big as Gora was when he wasn’t in his battle form, but that still made it double the size of a St. Bernard. He pointed to the centaurs who came bounding out of the foliage into view. Their arrows met them, and right behind the arrows were both the Sabertooth Cat, and Ryo.

    The Sabertooth Guild master was right behind his creation, but he was minus his gloves. Instead, there were claws coming out of his hands. They were three feet long and were clearly deadly sharp. He wasn’t going to let these animals get in his way. He launched himself at the nearest one and tore into it slashing it over and over again dropping it to the ground. The Sabertooth wasn’t any slouch either as it leapt onto the Centaur’s back and sank its great sabers into the Centaur’s throat. Gora wasn’t far behind either. He broadsided a third centaur sending it sprawling in the dirt. He was on the centaur biting and clawing at him as fast as he could. The centaur weren’t dead, but they were occupied. There were another trio however coming out of the foliage. They didn’t have bows, but they were clearly armed ready for combat. The fight was really on now. It seems they were close enough to the boar that they didn’t want to risk anyone getting at it.

    WC: 705


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    Posts : 498
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 12th February 2019, 10:21 am

    The sudden attack caused both Tailong and Kage to react-- the fur of the little Exceed on end as the thunderous barrier went up. Kage quickly hopped up and out of instinct clung to Ryo's back in his jacket, followed by Tailong. Between the two 'pets', they made a funny duo between trolling Gora and being around with their snappy banter.

    At Ryo's counter, Kage let go as he saw the midnight cat shoot out of his cards and attack the centaur as they charged out-- at least the ones not struck down by Indra's reflected arrows. Indra kept the barrier active, being on the defensive.

    It was one of those rare times that he was actually grateful for his master, Koryu teaching him defensive moves. While he could easily dodge anything an enemy threw at him, his companions, on the other hand couldn't. At least with this spell, he could protect and wound his opponents at the same time. He could only imagine how his master will gloat when he had to tell him it has been helpful.

    When Ryo took off-- it threw Kage off his back as he charged and proceeded to slaughter the centaurs in his path. The cat blinked as he was right near Goro. "Nice, wolfy..." the cat said, earning a growl at the Exceed.

    "Stay here," Indra said firmly to Kage, Tailong and Goro. Keeping the barrier up, he jumped up to its top-- able to stand on it due to his own lightning magic and kicked off, going airborne overhead of Ryo. As he began his decent, lightning flickered along his fist-- and soon opened them to reveal flickering lightning that seemed to resemble claws. "LIGHTNING DRAGON CLAW!!" he roared-- the sound of his voice as loud as the scream of lightning as it propelled him forward. Like a comet, he was shot down to the ground and struck one of the centaurs with a lightning-infused claw, tearing a part of the centaur out.

    As he landed-- his claw continued to glow with power as he glanced at the last target. With a pivot of his foot and his firm grip on the ground, he charged once more to the last remaining Centaur. However, the centaur seemed to have some intellegence as he soon took on Indra head on with a charge. Indra figured they both would clash-- till he made a large leap with all his hooves. He soon was above Indra, about to crush down on him with his weight.

    Unable to stop, Indra did the next best thing. His body glowed and in a blink-- he was gone. Moved as a force of lightning, he offset his position and caused the Centaur to crush nothing but the soil below him. Indra flickered back out and beside Ryo, now in a crouching position as his Lightning Talon still flickered around his arm.

    "I guess its true about Centaurs being smart. They are skilled hunters and fighters..." Indra commented, trying to hear what the 'beast' was thinking with his sensitive hearing.

    WC: 528



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 25th February 2019, 6:45 pm

    Ryo ignored the new passenger on his back when the attack happened. Mostly because his coat was thick, and heavy so it didn’t really transfer sensations well. Ever since he became what he is then he was able to feel it even less than before.

    Ryo was very impressed that Indra had such a defensive spell. Ryo knew that he had a few defensive capabilities as well, but the fact that he could find it in someone like Indra he was honestly surprised. He didn’t expect it, but he was happy to see that despite being a front-line fighter that Indra had taken the time to learn, and what he guessed was master such defensive arts. Sabertooth was a guild of defenders as well as warriors, one couldn’t be completely on one side of that coin.

    Gora barely had time to look at Kage as he was moving to get into the flanking position that his master would need him to be in for the attack that he knew was coming. Thankfully for Indra Gora had already begun to move and didn’t hear the order that he had so foolishly tried to give the Dire Wolf. Gora would’ve reacted very violently towards such a thing and it would’ve ended with allies killing allies.

    Ryo watched the little fight between Indra and his centaur nodding his head as the other appeared next to him “They are skilled for animals.” He said rather dismissively. Presently he inhaled deeply getting a huge whiff of the area around them. His senses vampire sharp allowed him to get a grasp that the three dead, and three living centaurs were all the creatures around him. As he did this however one of the centaurs threw a javelin at him. He wasn’t paying attention to it, but as the shaft would’ve struck him his body shattered into a flock of bats made entirely of blood. They flew several meters away and Ryo appeared with a bloody slash through his arm now. He gripped the arm then looked at the Centaur “Now that is highly rude. Still, I suppose it is highly justifiable.” Licking his lips slowly he glanced over to Gora who was still a fair distance away from him. Ryo was standing just in front of the lightning wall that had been created at this point. He nodded his head once. Inside of Gora’s mind he said “Go start tracking down the Boar’s trail. We’ll handle this.” Gora gave a singular bark of acknowledgement and bounded into the forest.

    This caused the Centaurs to turn and try to go after the great crystalline furred dire wolf. Ryo took full advantage of this opportunity and he pulled out cards from his pocket. He didn’t really know what he was going to do, but he picked out the cards at random. The two spells he was able to make were more than enough for him, however. From his left hand he cast his Icicle spell which shot six spears of ice towards the one centaur that first turned to gaze at Gora’s retreating figure. From his right hand he sent a slash of wind that looked very deadly and slammed into the same Centaur while the other two managed to jump out of the way of the attacks that had come towards them. Ryo couldn’t help but smirk before he rushed in closing the distance between himself and the wounded prey.

    He slashed the creature with his claws made of blood bringing it down with the strikes that he made against it. The other two were engaged however, and one turned to try and stab at him with its spear. Ryo frowned slashing the spear into pieces with his claws his speed much greater than the centaur’s and the spear was brought down to the ground in pieces as it was simply made of wood.



    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 26th February 2019, 6:06 pm

    Indra watched intently as Ryo made quick work with his share of the centaur, now winded down to only a few of them. At the mention of the wolf to track down the boar, Kage saw the non-verbal exchange between the two of them. Curious, and interesting to out-dog the wolf, the little Exceed hopped off of Ryo just as he was about to enter the fray. With a flip and sprout of his wings, Kage soon flew overhead a few meters above the wolf. "Hey Doggie, race ya!" the Exceed trolled as he flew in chase for the boar.

    Indra rolled his eyes, wondered who was more dangerous--- the boar or Goro chasing a cat. Kage didn't seem like the type of person to pick fights for no reason, but then again, he was a creature of curiousity and impulse -- especial how they met. After all he did catch the little fuzzy sneak try to steal from him and Luna.

    Indra didn't have to do much as Ryo, now in his own state of frenzy, tore down the last two centaurs that tried to go after Kage and Goro. Indra raised a brow as he rose up to his feet. With the fight ended, the wall of lightning faded away as if it never had appeared and vanished into bits of sparks. "You seem more like werewolf than vampire. I mean that in the best way possible," he semi-joked. Though the fight was simple, his body yearned for more. He had worked hard to 'control' the impulses, but there he saw Ryo go wild and tear his enemies apart. He truly admired the guildmaster as a brother in arms. "Trust me, the ladies prefer that."

    Putting the whole Werewolves and vampire joke out of mind, Indra glanced in the direction where Kage and the wolf ran off in. "A cat and a dog hunting down a giant boar... Yeah there is no way that can't go wrong..." Indra commented as he knew they had to find the boar. At a simple pace, Indra took walk to follow the direction they took.

    Meanwhile, Kage flew along with the crystal wolf as he fluttered nearby, his shadow playfully passing over the wolf. Still as they rushed ahead, no sign of the boar just yet.

    "Jeez, sensei's sniffer is better than yours. I bet he would of found the bull by now," Kage said as he fluttered a distance ahead, the only thing they could see along the planes and cliffside in the distance was a rather massive brown boulder.

    With a flap of his wings, Kage perched himself on the object with a smug expression as he looked down at the wolf. He tilted his head and twitched his whiskers. "Can't talk huh? Come on I'm sure you got something you wanna say to me, Rex?" As the little cat teased the wolf-- he didn't yet feel the 'boulder' he was sitting on start to feel odd as the cat kneaded his paws on the soft exterior...

    ... "Wait a minute..." he said, realizing stone shouldn't allow his paws to knead into its surface.

    A grunt escaped from the boulder as the wolf would no doubt growl and bark-- either at the object or Kage for being such a smug smart-ass Exceed. The object rose up, to reveal a massively large boar, almost twice the size of their human partners and the a good meter in diameter. It rose up like a part of the earth and snorted in frustration to the presence of something pinching at his back.

    "Uh oh..." the cat squeaked-- before the boar let out a loud sound and charged away-- Kage now stuck as he clung to the boars back to avoid being thrown off. "WAAAAAH!!"

    Indra could hear the sound of Kage as he now shouted and the snorts of the boar. "Um, you want to know the good news or bad news?" Indra asked RYo, who probably was at his wits end dealing with Kage if he could 'hear' what the wolf thought oppose to be able to talk.

    WC: 723



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 4th March 2019, 7:20 am

    Gora ignored the taunt by the Exceed and he wasn’t going to allow himself to be distracted by such pathetic taunts. In all honesty he couldn’t stand the cat, but in all honesty, he wasn’t going to allow the cat to get to him. He sniffed and snuffled his way through the undergrowth.

    Ryo rolled his eyes just as Indra had because he heard the taunting. He would have to have a serious talk with Indra about creating structure and order among those who were answerable to him. Still, he said nothing as he didn’t think that it would be productive at this point in time, and he was not going to jeopardize the mission in such a fashion.

    He was distracted from his thoughts by the sudden voice of Indra. He frowned listening to the comment about him being more werewolf than vampire and shook his head lightly “Truth be told there isn’t much of a difference between the two. Both suffer from silver, both require a lot of energy mostly blood, and they both come with fairly dramatic transformations to the turned person’s body.” Hearing that the ladies preferred werewolves to Vampires made Ryo smirk nodding his head “I would agree with you. However, I have never had a problem getting ladies, or men.” He said with a growing smirk on his face before he looked around to try and find the direction where Gora ran off in.

    Hearing the comment about a cat and a dog hunting down a boar made him smile. He found he was doing that more these days, and he honestly couldn’t understand why. Perhaps he was finally coming into his own being a Guild Master of Sabertooth. Perhaps he was finally done mourning the loss of his greatest love, but whatever the reason he was just happy that he was finally moving on.

    While Gora was sniffing, he was quick to find the path and continued it with a fairly quick manner. He heard the comment about ‘bull’. He snorted and snarled up at the cat. It wouldn’t understand him, but he said, “Boar! You worthless idiot!” he then turned and stopped dead in his tracks. He fell silent, and not even his breath could be heard. Nothing he was as silent as a statue.

    The boulder that Kage was standing on wasn’t a boulder at all, it was the boar. Slowly Gora lowered himself closer to the ground, he wanted to make sure that he didn’t present a weak target, he wanted to create the image of a hunter. He wasn’t going to be worried about the cat not right now, and he was going to put his full attention on the boar. This was the foe, this was the hunt, this was where he had to handle things. He wasn’t going to allow himself to be gored. He had killed wild pigs before, and it was some of the hardest hunts he had ever done. This boar would be far tougher yet.

    When the boar moved Gora snarled silently and rushed forward to sink his fangs into the Boar’s hind leg. It was a good grasp and he sank down hard. The boar let loose a scream as it tore out of Gora’s grasp and began to charge away with only Kage on his back. During all of this Gora never made a sound and was as quiet as the grave.

    When Ryo heard the question about good or bad news, he laughed shaking his head “Oh that’s an easy one. Good news, Gora and Kage found the boar. Bad news that smartass cat of yours is in trouble of some kind.” He inhaled and shook his head “I suppose we can’t leave them to their fate.” He nodded and popped his shoulders into place before he began to move “I hate this, but fine. Let’s get going.” He rushed heading towards the forest and through towards his partner. He wasn’t going to let Gora die, not on his watch, not if he could do something about it. Gora on the other hand was already in hot pursuit. He didn’t care about the cat, but he wouldn’t allow the Boar to get away from him.

    WC: 725


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 5th March 2019, 9:25 pm

    The comment about men made Indra rigid a bit. He glanced at Ryo, but said nothing. Dear god, don't let him be one of THOSE... he thought with a nervous twitch. He cleared his throat and dusted off his shoulder from the debris. "Anyway... we should focus on finding Kage before he instigates a full dog and cat fight. My money is on Kage, by the way..."

    It soon became clear when Indra overheard the bickering and the result of what the two 'pets' found, that the jokes were over. Ryo, however, was that intuitive or could hear as sharp as Indra could. While Indra was not about to see his apprentice die-- he felt a bit miffed by Ryo's concern. Still, it was bound to happen. He would shave the cat for doing anything unnessisarally foolish. "Fine, let's hurry."

    Using lightning, Indra quickly entered Raiju-- the Lightning Dragon Cloak and quickly ran with Ryo after where Goro and Kage where.

    Kage, however, was screaming to the high heavens as the tiger Exceed clung to the boar's back like a bull trying to overthrow a rider. Despite the bite Goro delivered to his hind leg, the pain only spurred the boar into a wild frenzy as he ran across the field to avoid his persuers, or trample them if they got in his way.

    The little Exceed dug his claws into the beast's fur for support and slowly began to claw his way up his back. "Whoh, piggy! Whoh! Down boy-- YAH!!" Kage was jumped upward, nearly falling off if not for his claws digging into the pig's back. He began to move in zig zag motions, trying to evade the wolf and toss off the annoying flea-sized exceed on his back. Despite it, Kage fought to keep his composure. Unlike Goro, the Exceed was in a prime position on top the target. They now just had to disable and get the thing to stop.

    It would take more damage to make it stop, but at the same time, killing it was something they couldn't do.

    "Alright, That does it! " Kage growled-- and began to glow. There was a puff of smoke-- and Kage soon transformed, now a larger, man-tiger in the same ninja clothing and scarf as before. In his state, he could still hang on with both front and rear claws, now digging in deeper to hold on as the boar ran wild.

    By then, Ryo and Indra had reached the planes and could see the boar, along with Kage riding on top of it. It was a very odd picture as Indra knew that the goal was to catch the boar alive. At least Kage was in a position he could do something rather than chase it like Goro was. "I'm almost tempted to make a wager who can do the most damage here..." Indra said in amusement. But he soon had an idea. "I think I know a way we can take it down without killing it. Hit it with enough lightning to stun it. Paralyzed, he won't be able to do anything." Indra suggested.

    All the time he listened to Koryu's lectures had begun to pay off. If the target was in the right position, he could deal some severe damage and cripple the beast th roughout his entire body. It would only depend if and when their pets could pull through and do what they had to as well.

    WC: 610



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 23rd March 2019, 7:08 am

    Ryo looked over at Indra with a smirk on his face “If you had said your money was on Gora, I would say you were a traitor to Kage. However, I am glad to know that despite you knowing you’d lose your money you’d still bet on Kage. I’ve seen Gora slay creatures far more powerful than himself, and stand up to monsters far greater than I.”

    Ryo nodded his head as he rushed into the foliage easily passing through the foliage and breaking whatever was getting in his way. He wasn’t going to let Gora face the boar alone.

    Gora snarled as the boar was able to rip from his fangs. Yet, as soon as he hit the ground he was up and running. He wouldn’t allow the Boar to get away from him now, and so he bounded after the great swine. This wasn’t the first hunt that Gora had been on with Ryo, and he had hunted creatures smaller and faster than the boar was, so it wasn’t a great Challenge and given that Gora was in his battle size he was on par with the Boar for size.

    Gora was right where he wanted to be. He wasn’t the alpha in this situation, he was the second. Ryo was the Alpha and as wolves hunted the Alpha was the one who gave the killing blows while the rest of the pack injured the target to slow it down. The Zig Zag motions didn’t hinder Gora in the slightest and instead he used his claws and fangs to injure the boar even more. He lunged at the Boar and dug his claws into the boar’s side avoiding Kage just barely. Once the slashes were made Gora quickly leapt off of the beast and continued to follow him.

    The puff of smoke and the reveal of a man-tier was worth noting and perhaps the feline wouldn’t be as worthless as Gora thought. He wasn’t impressed though as he had killed much stronger creatures before, so he wasn’t going to worry about it at all. Instead, he was going to focus on the prey at hand.

    As they arrived in the planes where they could see Kage, Gora, and the Boar. Ryo could instantly smell the scent of the Boar’s blood that was filling the air. Then he saw the slashes, and bites that Gora was able to deliver to the beast. Ryo nodded his head in approval as while the Boar didn’t seem to be worn down Ryo knew that it wouldn’t be terribly long before the boar did show signs of being seriously injured. It was bleeding from several wounds that Gora had inflicted upon it. Ryo glanced over at Indra and gestured to the boar “If you can do it without killing the creature I wouldn’t mind. However, too much electricity can stop the heart of even the largest beast.” He said without much in the way of thought as he started to think of the spells that were at his disposal. He sighed as he took off his coat and sank it into a blank tarot card. Soon the card’s picture appeared as “The Coat”. Now Ryo stood in a black button up coat, and a deep royal purple suit vest. Rolling up his sleeves he started to crack his neck “My card magic is of little benefit here, however, there are some spells in my blood magic arsenal that would be of benefit here.”

    He looked around and frowned as he took the gloves off of his hands sinking his sharp fangs into each of his fingers. Pressing them together and pulling them apart they were connected by thin wires made of his blood. As soon as they were halfway apart, he snapped one arm up and one arm down letting the bloody wires dance around his body “You go ahead and try your bit with the stunning it. Should that not work I will use my wires to hog tie this beast and its legs together. Gora has already wounded one of its legs so it isn’t moving as fast as I thought it would be.” He said moving around the boar while Gora moved around the other side, and it was clear in their body language that they worked like a pack, and were used to hunting together.



    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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    Suijin Azurestorm

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 27th March 2019, 7:00 am

    Indra nodded as he would move in towards the boar-- now getting nearer and nearer to the edge of the planes. Ryo seemed to have a plan using his blood magic-- something Indra wasn't in particularly thrilled of. However, he could pincer his attack in with Kage while the Exceed was keeping him busy along with Gora.

    Back on the boar, Gora had done some good damage while Kage kept on top fo the boar now thrashing wildly, even for his transformed state to be. He crawled his way higher onto the boar-- till he was near its head. He dug his rear claws to keep his footing as he soon lunged his body forward and placed his paws over the boars eyes. The boar gave a loud squeal of confusion as it now couldn't see where it was running.

    Sadly, this made its thrashing even wider, but it slowed it down. He was now running zig-zagged in a slower pace which means Gora could easily catchup to him. However, Indra soon joined the fray beside the wolf in a flash of lightning. As he rematerialized from his teleportation, Indra made a hand sign to focus his power. "Kage! Faze now!" Indra roared and took a deep breath.

    "H-huh? Why?!" the Exceed ninja growled as he kept his paws tight on the boar's eyes.

    Indra took a deep breath and focused, keeping his energy low enough to not do lethal harm but enought to strike a significant blow. "Lightning Dragon... ROAR!" he bellowed and released a blast of lightning from his mouth.

    As one of his better techniques, he also could control the amount of power put into it-- enough to not do lethal harm and also enough to not overwhelm kage's little trick.

    Naturally, Kage saw the incoming roar and his fur went on end from the sheer fright of the attack. However, in that instant, Kage used his own ninja magic to trigger his Shadow powers. His body became intangible. The lightning freely passed through him, but it still was a close call as he could only faze through certain magics. In this case, Indra toned it down enough for him to do so. Of course, the boar couldn't.

    The roar attack let loose a powerful squeal again, this time struck with great damage.

    However, while strong, the lightning fueled the boar's anger and pushed the beast further down the planes. He now charged, not caring if he could see or not. And this time it was making it was making a Bee line towards one place that was not good.

    The edge of the planes with a nearby cliff.

    WC: 460



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 14th April 2019, 6:08 am

    Gora’s ears perked up as he clawed and bit down into the Boar’s side. He heard the warning that Indra had given and knew from experience that people gave a warning when they were going to use a spell that caused damage to everyone in the area. Ryo had a few such spells, and so Gora knew well to back away when such a spell was called out. He used the Boar’s body as a spring board and leapt away without waiting for the answer that Kage was going to make. It was a good thing that he did as he heard the inhaling of breath and knew an attack was coming.

    Watching the blast that happened caused Ryo, and Gora to watch in slight horror. Ryo wasn’t happy to see that Indra hadn’t felt the need to warn Gora about the incoming attack which was clearly able to hurt him. Gora was safe however, as he was fairly alert, and he knew that Indra wasn’t used to hunting with him like Ryo was, so he was far more alert to the real danger that such a person imposed upon the hunt. He was right to be warry as he was vindicated when the roar came out. Thankfully, he was out of harm’s way and he was pacing the boar with his eager lope.

    Ryo flew after them however, and he watched the attack happen. Sadly, he wasn’t going to be able to interfere just yet. He didn’t want Kage to get hurt, but what was very shocking was that the blast simply passed through the feline. He was a bit surprised by the fact that Kage was able to phase in and out of existence like that, but he was happy to find it was true enough.

    Ryo noticed however that the boar only seemed to get more and more rage filled now that it was in such pain. The thing with swine of any kind was that when injured they become completely insane and do things that don’t make sense. In the case of this particular swine it was he decided to start charging ahead with abandon. This was not what Ryo wanted, he wanted it to turn on them and start to attack them. A wild hog, or boar was very, very deadly when it was brought to wrath. However, it decided to make a mad dash towards a cliff.

    He sighed as he stabbed himself in the shoulders with his claws allowing himself to bleed. As he did the blood shot out in two long whips. Yet, he wasn’t done he bit down on his fingers and pressed them together forming wires of blood between his hands. Using his wings, and his vampiric speed he closed the distance and flung the wires and whips at the boar. The wires wrapped around the boar’s body, while the whips wrapped around the front left leg, and the back-right leg dragging the legs back in opposite directions and underneath them. The boar came to a grinding halt, and while Ryo dug his legs into the ground, he was able to halt the fall of the beast. Gora was able to help him as he leapt over the Boar’s body and stand like a bulwark to keep the boar from sliding towards the cliff any further.

    The wires strained, and one of them even looked as if it was getting ready to snap, but it held. The boar was stopped, but it was struggling madly squealing loudly which caused Ryo to flinch in pain hearing the sound “For the love of the gods I hate swine.” He hisses between his teeth. He looks to Indra “Tie its mouth shut! For the love of Sabertooth shut it up please!” he hisses out loudly looking as if he is in serious pain. Indra’s sharp nose would be able to scent that the wires, and whips were made of blood and the blood was Ryo’s it was clear he had paid a price for these spells, and this particular brand of magic. Yet, it was highly effective in combat.



    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 19th April 2019, 8:16 am

    Kage saw the upcoming cliff by the attack but couldn't do much. His eyes went wide as the now large tiger clung to the boar-- worried he would run right off the edge. "Oh you gotta be kidding me?!" he growled. He wasn't too worried for himself as he did have Aera magic but it still was a problem since the boar had to be brought in alive. The powered-up Exceed would go over with the boar and even with his enhanced strength, he wouldn't be able to fly himself and the boar up from the cliff.

    Indra growled from where he was. He could cover the distance fast and wouldn't have to worry-- but the problem was now that he had to stop the charging boar from throwing itself over the edge. He sprinted, using his high lightning, ninja like speed but was soon overcome by Ryo's own speed. He witnessed as he stabbed himself with his claws and the smell of blood wafted in the air. Indra was able to watch as strands of red like threads wound around Ryo and move towards the giant boar.

    The threads of blood seemed frail-- but upon contact they were as resiliant as wire. His eyes widened at the display as they wound themselves around the boar, partly cutting into the beast to keep it still. It wrapped around its front and back legs, causing it to crash into the ground with a large wail and squeel. THe crash caused Kage to go flying right off the boar -- and off the ledge.

    Alarmed, Indra teleported to the cliffside. "Kage!!" Indra shouted, afraid his Exceed friend had fallen.

    Tailong, fluttered by and looked down. "OH no... Poor Kage. Rest in peace, little furball..." the dragon said and blew his nose on Indra's shoulder.

    "I'm not dead yet you idiot!"

    Both of them looked up to see Kage slowly rise up. The full-grown Exceed rose up with his arms folded with ninja dramagic entrance. Hie eyes were closed as he flapped his wings, slowly rising over the cliff's edge. "COme on, give me some credit. Ninja ain't afraid of heights."

    Indra smiled and let out a small laugh. "Cunning cat. Sorry for doubting you," he said.

    At the command of Ryo, Indra grunted and soon got some spare rope. As the boar began to struggle-- he would give the boar another hard shock from his lightning magic, willing it to comply. His lightning was able to paralyze targets. Though even with that, the boar was resilliant to fight off being tied up.

    The effort took about fifteen minutes and Indra had finished with the help of Kage. The boar was now thourally tied up with the gear they had. Its limbs were secured with rope and the blood wires. Indra had secured its main body and head with a noose-like tie to keep it complacent. It was now unable to move besides some squirming.

    Kage clapped his paws in satisfaction and dusting off his palms. "All done. About time." Kage said.

    At Ryo's comments about hating boar, Indra turned to him with a sly smirk. "I don't know about that. I for one am in the mood for Bacon right now. Shame we can't roast him up." he replied.

    "Come on, don't say that. You're making me hungry!" Tailong quipped.

    WC: 602



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 18th May 2019, 8:03 am

    Ryo panted with great effort as he held the boar as best as he could. This boar was no joke, and he was surprised that they were able to bring the boar down without killing the great beast. He was beyond happy of course, but he was still surprised by it. Thankfully he was able to keep the thing in his wires, and such he was in wonder at his own power. Of course, seeing the tiger cat thing go flying off the side of the cliff was horrifying, and Ryo leapt nearly fifty feet forward closing in on the boar. He was horrified when Tailong said that Kage was dead. He immediately began to reach into his coat and drew out the three specific tarot cards from their very specific pocket so he could use them to give himself wings.

    Right before he flooded them with his magic, he heard the voice over the side of it and he sighed sitting down on the ground still holding the boar down and in place. He glared over at Tailong but said nothing and instead looking to Gora. His giant Dire wolf walked over to him and licked his cheek lightly “I know you would’ve gone down after the cat.” He assured his master/father/friend.

    Ryo nodded his head lightly as he slowly rose to his feet again taking a firm grip of the wires that were attached to his fingers. He waited until Indra had wrapped the boar’s legs together with that spare bit of rope. As soon as that was done Ryo surged forward and using his inhuman speed he reached into his coat and pulled out a deck of playing cards. With his hands glowing purple, the threads still attached he began to unrealistically stretch the cards into impossible shapes. He manipulated the matter they were made of and soon enough they were so heavy that he could barely lift them. Clapping one to each of the boar’s legs, and to its body he was able to hold it down without worrying about it being able to move.

    Only now did he relax, and he looked to his friend and comrade “I am glad you are not dead Kage. Please do be more careful. Now, then, I have something that we can use to bring the great big beastie to our client.” He pulled out the rest of the deck of cards and again he pulled out one card only to let his hands glow with the royal purple light. Once more he showed off his magic stretching the card to a most impossible size, and yet an impossible thinness. Slipping it under the boar while it was still glowing, he then began to cause it to grow in thickness. As soon as it did, he pulled out another card and began to stretch it forming it into a cylindrical tube slipping it seamlessly through the card as if it was meant to do so. As soon as it was through Ryo did the same thing twice more to create three axels. When he did, he put his hands on two of the axels.

    Upon doing so he flows his magic into them to form thick well-formed wheels that would be able to stand up to the toughest of punishments. Now the boar was basically on a wagon with six wheels. Ryo smirked as he stood up and clapped his hands together shattering the blood wires and letting the blood drip onto the ground. As soon as he does however, he quickly returns his gloves over his hands, and puts his hat back onto his head being that it slipped down at some point during all the moving. He spent another few minutes to create a harness contraption for hooking up Gora to the wagon. He created three more and looked to Kage and Tailong “You two, you should help Gora and I, we have a long way to go. However, we’ll be able to make it back to Sabertooth before midnight.” He said as he strapped Gora into the harness in the center while he took the one on the right for himself in order to pull the wagon along. He and Gora had begun the work, and he hoped the other two would be able to help him. He looked to Indra “I’ll want you to protect us. I doubt those centaur creatures are going to just let us go.”

    WC: 751
    Total: 4,751


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 18th May 2019, 8:38 pm

    Indra watched, really not super interested in Ryo's card tricks. While helpful, it looked like a clown trying to bend and twist balloon animals for his use of the cards to create a new tool to haul the giant boar back to wherever they had to-- to the client they presumed. Unable to do much, Indra watched as Ryo tied him up. By that time, Kage choose to return to a simpler form and with a poof of smoke, he transformed back into his smaller cat form. He was content and sat himself on top of the boar, his little paws kneading at the boar lightly as he was tied up fully.

    "Hey, Cat! That ain't a scratching post," Tailong hissed.

    "Ah, go blow some smoke somewhere else, hissy." he retorted.

    "Lame insults, you two..." Indra sighed, rubbing his head to try and endure their insanity.

    However, Ryo was quick to say those two should help out. Kage hopped up to his feet atop of the boar while Tailong flicked a head at the man. "Hey, since when are you the boss?" Tailong asked.

    Fatal mistake if he mouthed off further.

    Needless to say, Kage hopped down and helped tie up the boar. There was nothing else Indra could do beyond keep an eye on the boar. While it was groggy and grunted every now and again, it was out cold more or less. However, the site of a harness to pull the boar-- Tailong looked at it and shook his head. "Oh hell no! No way. Uh-uh. Forget it. I'm a royal, noble, intellegent dragon. Transformed or not I am not reducing myself to be a mull like Scooby Doo over here."

    Indra rolled his eyes, seeing the dragon was talking himself into an early grave. However, regardless of the reply, Tailong soon transformed into full size and Kage got to work to secure him to it. With the dragon's larger size, he could help tug-- but no way he would be able to fly a creature THAT big on his own.

    When Ryo brought up the centaurs to Indra, he just smirked and stretched his arms out. "Sure... though I really wish we had nymphs to fight this time. Give me something fun to fight instead of some horse-ended fellows. " Indra said, boasting the pervy side of his nature. Still, he didn't reject it. "Anyway, all's good. I can handle anything those suckers throw my way. Just hope they make it somewhat entertaining..."

    With that, Indra took point to make it back to where they started-- and heard as the boar grunted being dragged across the grassy field.

    WC: 470



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 3rd June 2019, 6:06 am

    Ryo was far too busy making his creation to be worried about what Indra was doing.

    When he was done, he was ready to get going and he looked to the set up. Having finished getting Gora tied to the card wagon he looked around to the dragon as he was challenged. His eyes were black as pitch and were pools of ink “I am the Guild Master of Sabertooth, I am of the Wizard Saints. Your partner/master is one of MY Sabertooth wizards. He has submitted to my advice and leadership. However, if that is not enough for you, then I shall explain it in a way that is very, very simple.”

    He holds out three Tarot Cards. The Magician, The Wolf, and the moon. Flooding his magic into them power surged in the air and he was soon enveloped with hundreds of cards which formed into two angel wings made of the things. Cards began to orbit him, and he spoke deeply “If it were my desire, I could slaughter you, your master, that cat, This boar, and Gora without much effort beyond this point. So, by fiat of power I am in charge here, and you would do well to recall that. You aren’t the first dragon I have seen; you aren’t the first dragon I would’ve fought, and you won’t be the first dragon to die at my hands. The disrespect will end now, or you and your master shall suffer!” he bellowed. His temper had run its course, his saint patience had finally reached its end and he wasn’t going to stand for any of it anymore.

    For the first time in a long time he was truly furious, and Indra would be able to tell that Ryo was very, very serious about what would happen should the dragon not learn to handle its tongue. He instead began to move towards the cart so he could help pull it. Hearing the objections of the dragon Ryo rolled his eyes, however, the instant he heard the slander on Gora he flexed his wing and a card shot out towards Tailong at a very rapid pace. Should it hit it would feel as if he had been struck with a full punch by a very powerful man Ryo specifically. If he should manage to dodge it the card would strike a tree and crack it in the shape of a fist with the clear power of magic, and the very real present threat that loomed in something as simple, as a playing card. “That is just a sample of what I can do. You are no more royal, no more noble, and far less intelligent than Gora. You would do well to recall your place here.” He said as he helped push the cart along.

    Looking to Indra once they got the dragon harnessed up, he nodded his head gesturing ahead of them “I think I can hear some now. As for the nymphs yes, they were much easier to slay than these centaurs are. So, at the very least we will be able to handle ourselves at least for the most part. I am able to offer long range support to you, and I will make sure that nothing harms or kills our two partners. That is as much as I can offer to you my friend.” He said with a grunt as he continued to push himself and the cart forward.

    True to his word the sound of horse hooves galloping through the woods began to sing through the air, and it was a sound that Ryo wasn’t a very big fan of. He didn’t trust the hoofed animals of the world, they were treacherous, they were dishonest. A horse who was perfectly sweet, and honey would suddenly stop, and they would be a raging terribly angry creature whose sole purpose in life would be to destroy you. A pawed creature would definitely kill you should they get the chance, but they would be honest about it. He looked to Gora with a deep understanding “You can easily break those harness straps. You will defend the dragon as best as you can. However, you will be first and foremost in charge of guarding the boar.”

    The great lupine head nodded once and looked to the dragon “He is disrespectful, and stupid. Yet, his is of our pack, we have to protect him.” He then looked to the sound of the hooves his hackles rising as he did so the enemy was upon them.

    Total: 5,517


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 4th June 2019, 9:55 am

    Tailong witnessed as Ryo turned from a suitable, sane card mage into a terrifying dragula of Tarot right before his eyes. THe little dragon shrunk even smaller-- terrified by the image of him that was looming over head. Even Kage had a chill run down his spine and tail from the site of Ryo no longer holding his patience back.

    Indra couldn't help but sweat a bit as well, the intimidation real among them. Finally, now shivering-- Tailong submitted and ran to the end of the boar. He grew large and wrapped his tail around the bindings to help pull. "Yes, sir! SOrry sir! Oh god its like a human version of Kohryu.... " he whimpered.

    Indra felt the desire to laugh to see how Tailong was whipped into place and soon now complied to help him. Even after he was 'whipped' by the card and talked down to, Tailong kept quiet now and complied fully with anything else that Ryo said.

    "Sorry about him... but I'm impressed. I guess I am too nice with that talking gecko. " he replied, trying to ease down Ryo's temper. While sure he would poke fun or grumble, he respected Ryo.

    With that they proceeded to haul the beast back. Besides the occasional grunts or tugs of resistance, the boar was incapable of putting up a fight. The sky had begun to darken with the thunder strikes. Whether it was caused by Indra's own power or the sheer loom of an ominous weather, it didn't matter. It was only going to make things simpler for Indra to grow stronger.

    The sound of the hooves lingered with the growing thunderstorm overhead. "Here they come..." Indra breathed, anticipating a fight.

    While Ryo and his wolf companion conversed in their own special way, the sounds of the gallops began to rise louder. This time there were over a dozen of the ugly horse men. Again, Indra cursed that he hoped he could fight something sexy and have fun with them later. Still, he wasn't about to let Ryo down after all the effort he put into this and his patience for dealing with the loud-mouth Tailong.

    Slowly, he extended a hand out and lightning crackled off his limbs. The lightning began to change in color, becomig a blue hue in color. "Lightning Dragon... PHOTON BARRAGE!!" With a clap and extension of his hand, several beams and bolts of laser-like projectiles appeared, and fired upon the incoming mob of centaurs. THe blue beams flew fast, anticipating a dangerous assault at high speeds. The resulting impact blasted well into the attacking line, causing screams of neighs and cries as the lightning spell seared their first number.

    He couldn't tell how many were hit, but the sheer speed of his blue lightning adaption certainly made things different. As the smoke would clear, many of the centaurs stood, but were paralyzed due to Indra's magic attack. The intense lightning bolts certainly made things difficult for them to move forward.

    A sadistic grin came to his face to have gotten the first hit on them. "You want some hits in on them, Ryo, or should I tear into them? " he asked, lightning freely crackling off his body with every second that past. As if his power kept on growing...

    WC: 571



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 28th June 2019, 4:51 am

    Ryo hated having to resort to this tactic in order to get the respect he felt he deserved, but it was what had to be done. There was nothing to be done about it, and this was just the reality of the situation. Still, he hated it, he didn’t want to be feared, he wanted to be loved. Like the idea of the Father figure. One is supposed to obey their father because he loves you, and you love him, but also respect him because he is a force to be reckoned with. The fear that Tailong was now showing him was just disgusting. He quickly dropped it down and resumed his more normal appearances, but this left his cards floating around him and the wings made of cards upon his back folded to his frame so they wouldn’t get in the way.

    Gora looked to Ryo as he well understood just what his master was going through. He knew that his master/father didn’t like to be the boogeyman, but he was damned good at playing as such. He looked to the dragon and was somewhat sympathetic as he realized that this dragon was likely not accustomed to being anything but a cocky creature. There wasn’t much he could do about it, but it was a very important lesson for the dragon to learn. That there was always going to be an alpha and someone that you will have to bow down to in some fashion.

    Ryo glanced over to Indra with a soft nod of his head “It is alright. I don’t enjoy being a harsh taskmaster, but I do demand the respect I am earned. I have bled, lost, given, and fought too much for Sabertooth to lack the respect I deserve. You have nothing to apologize for. He is the one at fault.”

    As they made their way towards the rendezvous with their client the road ahead was soon blocked by centaurs who were baring down on them. Ryo wasn’t too worried about the state of things, after all that is what they were supposed to do. They worshipped this great beast as some sort of deity, or deity’s creation or something like that. Watching the way that Indra was handling them gave him hope however, he really had been counting on the slayer to deal with the majority of the problems that would be coming their way. He was fairly impressed in what he was seeing, and it was a testament to Indra that he was capable of handling things without any interference from him.

    When he was offered to join in however, something in Ryo couldn’t deny that he wanted to do this. He licked his lips looking to Gora “Don’t fail me now.” With that he let his wings extend and he flew into the air moving forward and flying over towards a pair of Centaurs that were now baring down on them, and he smirked as they didn’t really notice him. He flexed his wings and from them shot 10 playing cards which rained down into them. He swiftly dropped down to their place drawing his blade and sinking it into one of the centaur’s heads as he made his way towards the ground. The other centaur lifted a spear and he tried to stab Ryo with it. This only made Ryo smirk as he allowed himself to be stabbed. As he did so his form shattered and formed into a flock of bats which appeared on the other side of the centaur. Upon his arrival he pulled out a pair of cards and from them a beam made of lightning came and shot through the Centaur. Ryo looked back to the two pulling the makeshift wagon and called out “Move out! Don’t stop moving, we need to get going, and we need to make sure that our prize doesn’t get too restless!”

    Gora gave a nod of his head and began to move along pulling the wagon, and their prize further through the forest towards their destination.

    WC: 675
    Total: 6,192


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 1st July 2019, 12:24 pm

    (For the sake of this mission, continuing the role of Indra till this mission is done)

    Indra took note as Gora, Kage and Tailong moved the prized pig along towards their meeting place. They still had to deal with the centaurs. They were now righteously pissed off. Between Indra's lightning and Ryo's cards, they were causing havoc that turned the noble warriors into stampeding beasts. For the time being, Indra and Ryo were the ones covering the escape of the large creature-- but he was sure this was not all the trouble they had to deal with.

    Armed with his lightning blade, he slashed through the enemy ranks, felling one after another as fast as he was normally with his cloak. This time, he made sure to keep enough distance to not be trampled by their attacks.

    Another row of them cropped up out of the woods, only this time they carried staffs. At first, Indra raised a brow at this but soon saw a glow coming from them. "SInce when the hell do these horse-heads use magic?!" he growled, not liking where this was going. In addition, more of the other soldiers were coming at him.

    With vicious cries, their staffs glowed and crystals if ice formed in front of them. They soon shot forward in arches-- like the arrows they once had, intending to skewer. Pissed off-- Indra suddenly crackled with lightning. With a beastly roar, he threw his arms out-- and caused a shockwave of lightning like a shell all around him. The blast-wave struck all the incoming centaurs around him, and struck the incoming ice that aimed to skewer him.

    The result left a small crater around him like a dounutshape. This time, Indra charged-- lightning surrounding him as he rammed right for the line of mages. The result caused a beastly impact, and lightning arched into the sky.

    The neigh of horse-men went off as their line crumbled, causing them to scatter-- and the ones Indra struck, now in broken pieces.

    It was one of those rare moments Indra no longer looked human, but a monster...

    Meanwhile, the three animals hauled the boar through the woods. Out of all of them, Kage was taking it easy in his Exceed form and acted like the charioteer for the wolf and the dragon. "Giddie up little doggies!" the cat teased-- which probably would piss off the wolf. "We got ourselves a prize to bag."

    "HOW about you help, fuzz for brains!" Tailong countered.

    However, it wouldn't be long till they stopped-- faced with something else. Another band of centaurs- now aiming arrows at them.

    "Release the boar, or prepare to be shot!" one in armor demanded, his arrow docted at Kage.




    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 19th July 2019, 6:08 am

    Gora quickly began to put distance between himself and the rest of the horsemen that were now baring down on them. He wasn’t going to wait for the dragon to get its act together and he decided that it was in his best interest to get away.

    Ryo on the other hand was far too focused on what he was doing to worry about anything else. Reaching into his pocket he drew out a single tarot card that held the image of a sword on it. Flicking the card up the sword that was on the card turned real and shot out of the card. With one swift motion Ryo grabbed the scabbard of the blade drawing it the rest of the way from the card. When it was free, he looked to see that one of the centaurs was using a staff of some kind and was casting a spell of some kind. It was ice magic of some description and he began to rush forward.

    He found that there was a method to the madness. Hearing the question that was growled out however, he thought it best to answer the question. Launching himself at the first of the spell using centaur’s that he could reach. Thankfully it was very easy for him to do as he was moving so fast. Drawing the blade, it sang as its blade came into play. Taking one of the wizard Centaur from the side he stabbed the creature through the throat, then took the head clean off glancing over to Indra as he landed down next to the creature’s fallen corpse “Magic was never the sole providence of humans. In fact, humans are the newest users of magic, and are by far the less powerful magic wielders. The things that make humans such powerful magic users is purely their inventive minds, and their creativity. Don’t underestimate these beings just because they are not human.”

    Ryo slowly raises his hand, holding up his right hand as cards fly towards his hand. Turning to look at the Centaur he smiled wickedly as cards began to flow freely from his wings “You want your Boar god? Fine. I’ll give him to you. Card Creation: GIANT BOAR!” The cards all flew and took shape into the form of a giant Boar. As soon as they did, he smiled and licked his lips “Go and gore these worshippers of yours.” The boar let loose a rumbling cry and charged. The centaur were caught off guard as the construct didn’t look as if it was made of cards, it actually looked like the giant boar they had strapped to the cart.

    With his moment of Respite, he turned and saw the Centaur that were leveling arrows at Gora and the rest. His eyes went black with rage and he drew a pair of cards throwing them at two of the leaders following them swiftly with his inhuman speed. The cards shoot much faster than anything that could be believed and slammed into two of the centaurs sending them flying into the forest crashing to the ground. Ryo drew the blade and stabbed it into the chest of another Centaur his wings flaring and shooting cards at the rest of the cards from his wings into the remaining Centaur dropping them to the ground. He snarls low in his throat in a dangerous tone of voice “No one, threatens my child in my presence and lives.” He swears to the dead and dying centaurs that are all around him.

    Total: 6,782


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 23rd September 2019, 11:47 am

    Indra was with Ryo as he saw the incoming attack-- but Ryo was far swifter than anticipated by the lightning dragon slayer. Using his cards, he caused them to seemingly multiply and turn into something new. A giant illusion or card form of the boar they so revered. Indra smirked as his body sparked with electricity in amusement and saw as the boar mowed down the centaurs with ease.

    Just as they were about to rejoin-- both Ryo and Indra caught wind of the trouble that befell their little band of minions. The wolf, dragon and exceed had ran into another party. It was a damn deversion! "Those flea-ridden asses!" Indra roared, "We fell for a diversion while another party snuck up on them and blocked them off!" He heard the sounds of their hault and meeting with the other centaurs with his sensitive hearing.

    As they went to rescue their friends... kage and the others reacted. Jumping off the tied up boar, Kage transformed once more, becoming a larger ninja were-tiger. "Come get some, if you dare!" the ninja mocked. "Strike us down if you got the guts-- you can start with the dragon."

    "HEY!" Tailong rebuttled--

    -- suddenly before anyone could do more... a sudden roar seemed to echo through the forest. It was an odd sound, like rain but not a cloud was in the sky. The centaurs stopped, holding their arrows in alarm as they looked around. An unsettling rush of air swept through the trees that made the horses look on with unease. Even the boar seemed to struggle, sensing something unsettling coming towards them. The cat looked to the right as the sound came from there-- and saw it.

    A blue mass of something now moving through the trees. At first, he didn't know what it was, but he soon recognized the sound-- as did his master from afar. The roar of rushing water...

    "Don't tell me it's--" Indra spoke, surprised by the sound of the water and knew of only one poss8ible person.

    The distant water became a flood that swept through the trees. In a matter of seconds, the centaurs neighed in fright as they saw a mass of water plow through the trees and right for them. What few were able to start galloping off to avoid the flood-- the rest were caught as the massive wave swept them up and tossed them aside as easily as ragdolls. Oddly enough, the wall of water stopped just short of Goro and the others. The Centaurs were sent flying down the mess of trees and water, as if a dam had burst and now had removed the majority of the centaurs.

    Kage looked bewildered as they saw the wall of water strike the small platoon of centaurs and blinked blankly before the cat could even attack. "Um... okay, am I missing something?"

    By then Indra had joined them with Ryo, both glad their companions were safe. "You all okay?" Indra asked.

    "Besides seeing a flash flood that flashed by within 8 seconds-- peachy!" Tailong quipped.

    Indra let out a breath of relief but looked around. "Hey, Showoff! If your expecting a thank you how about you show yourself already!"

    There was nothing, till a voice spoke up. "What can I say. Like you I like making an entrance. Shame there are no ladies around to impress." a voice spoke up, casual and light.

    OUt from behind a tree appeared a man. Like Indra, he was shirtless and ripped muscular, if a touch leaner than Indra. He had long blue hair that ran behind him in bangs-- showing a watery-like quality. He had a dragon tattoo on his shoulder and a handsome mug that would make most women swoon.

    "Nice to see you again, Indra." Suijin replied.

    WC: 634



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    "You're Boar-ing me" Empty Re: "You're Boar-ing me"

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 23rd October 2019, 10:30 am

    Ryo was fighting these damned beasts, and he wasn’t very happy about it at all. Yet, there were more people in coming. There was a great roar of some kind and it was rumbling through the air around them all. He was not happy to say the least, but he was going to make sure that it was the last bit of trouble that he was going to run into. He rushed to Gora’s side as he was not about to let his child be out in danger like this. That was when he spied the blue mass of water that was roaring through the trees and ripping it all apart. He didn’t hear what Indra was saying, nor did he really care what he was saying. His son was in danger, his partner Gora was in danger and there was nothing else that mattered aside from protecting and keeping his son alive. He wouldn’t lose another loved one.

    He reached Gora around the same time that the water stopped just short of them and their precious valuable cargo. He landed in front of them ready to face this new opponent not quite ready to fight against them just yet, but he was going to defend his loved ones and his valuable cargo. There was no way he could do this without drawing unnecessary fire drawn upon those he cared for. Ryo glanced over to Indra and nodded his head once “Yes, I am fine, and I am not going to enjoy what is going on if there is something that is going to hurt my Gora, or our prize here Indra. Do you know what this is?” he asked looking around his wings flaring up high so as to give Gora as much cover as was humanly possible. Looking to the Boar he called out “I want you to guard our package. Be a meat shield, and make sure that you stay right there without moving!”

    Ryo waited for a long moment for the challenge to be answered. Sure, enough it was answered by a big brutish looking dude that was well muscled and clearly overcompensating for something. Ryo never understood the need to be muscled like crazy, shirtless, and showing off. It just wasn’t his style, nor did it really endear this new guy to Ryo in the slightest not one little, little bit. He simply crossed his arms and looked the man up and down his wings shuffling with cards as he was clearly ready to go. When they started to exchange something akin to greetings.

    Slowly Ryo’s eyebrow began to raise, and he looked at the man who just arrived shaking his head lightly “I don’t know what your business is here Water Slayer, but I do know this. Unless you have come in peace, you will be leaving in pieces. I am in no mood, and there have been enough upsets in my job today!” he said in a voice that was akin to a vicious hiss. He was not in a mood, and all of these fights were starting to agitate him, he just wanted his money and to get out of the light of day.

    WC: 532
    @Suijin Azurestorm


    "You're Boar-ing me" Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:

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