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    Praise the Sun!


    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 61
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    Experience : 1718

    Praise the Sun! Empty Praise the Sun!

    Post by MAI 13th August 2019, 8:23 am

    Another task found its way to Mai. Or more specifically, it was directed to any Sabertooth member who was capable enough to take it. And it had been decided that she was the one to fulfill this mission. She wasn’t given an exact reason to this, but she could only assume that the guild wished to make some use of her.

    She was made to be a tool and a tool she would play then. The direction on the piece of paper that contained all of the necessary details pointed her to the edge of a place called ‘Cursed lands’ by the vast majority of Fiore citizens.

    This was due to the frequent appearances of monsters and other dangerous entities or phenomena, putting most of those who ventured there into danger. Thankfully, Mai was fully equipped to deal with anything remotely aggressive that would come her way, especially if that something were flammable.

    Though, given the name of the tower she was to storm, that probably would not be the case. She would also seemingly not be working alone, as the unit was informed that a mage from another guild would join her on the venture, just in case things were to get a bit dicey.

    Mai noted this in her memory as secured a camp location some distance away from the tower, but with the structure still clearly visible among the rest of the landscape. A place where she simply had to wait until this ally of hers was to arrive so they could cooperate and bring this place down as was requested.

    And to another benefit that the unit had, she didn’t even have to get bored while waiting, even if it were to take a while. It was not something she was capable of. Not to mention that she could have always shut down for a bit, let the time pass for her in a blink of an eye.

    Word Count: 322 / 3,500

    @Spectra Vondergeist


    Spectra Vondergeist
    Spectra Vondergeist

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 99
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭4,062.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ghost Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Praise the Sun! Empty Re: Praise the Sun!

    Post by Spectra Vondergeist 14th August 2019, 8:48 am

    Praise the Sun! Tenor

    "Do you know how terrifying ghosts are?"

    Spectra had been browsing the job board for something easy and yet gainful but all of the easy missions had been taken and she was left with everything else. All of the tasks bored her, if she couldn't get it done fast then she was at least going to do something where she wouldn't lose interest halfway through. And that's when it happened. She saw a flyer for "The Sunny Tower of No Return" and instantly took it, she didn't even read it until she was out the door, she knew that this job would entertain her and the reward was pleasant, what more could she ask for?

    Before heading to the island, Spectra decided to meet with the client. She didn't want to end up like everyone else at the tower, stuck with no way out. Taking a carriage to the concerned parents house which wasn't too far from Magnolia, she met the family and they explained that their daughter had fallen victim to curiosity, tricked into going to the tower and joining some sort of cult that worships the sun? It was a lot to take in, they also told Spectra that another person was already on the job! Which angered her slightly, but they allowed her to go as well, thinking that the person might need the extra help.

    Spectra didn't make any promises about getting their daughter back, it was a bad thing to do in this business plus Spectra didn't really care what happened to their child as long as in the end she got her jewel! Rent wasn't going to pay itself.  Leaving the house and boarding yet another stagecoach that would take her as close to the hypnotizing tower as they were able, Spectra hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. Either way if push came to shove she could always sacrifice her partner and get out of there! Upon arrival, her partner was seemingly waiting for her, or for something else, but Spectra assumed it was for her and shockingly enough she had seen her before.

    "You again? Well, if we're going to be working together we might as well be on a first name basis. I'm Spectra Vondergeist, and yes I am a princess." Spectra just wanted to get it out there, as if it was a question that could possibly going through the robot girls mind right now. As for the job, the scenery was fitting of a cult. Honestly if it had been another time Spectra might have built a castle in these so called cursed lands! It made her feel right at home and she had to force herself back to the task of helping people, even if it was gross.

    She had grown tired of everyone's neediness lately, she didn't like serving, she liked to be served, and this job was going to be no exception. Her partner was going to listen whether she liked it or not and they were going to get rid of this cult and be done with things.

    WC: 508
    TWC: 508/3,500


    Praise the Sun! Ghostie1
    Spectra Vondergeist | Ghost Magic | Theme Song | #FF5BAD

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1718

    Praise the Sun! Empty Re: Praise the Sun!

    Post by MAI 14th August 2019, 2:36 pm

    The waiting did indeed take a while, but once again, time was of no concern to a synthetic being that knew no boredom. She simply remained vigilant throughout the entire wait and spotted her partner the moment this other girl got into the range of her long-distance scanners. Based solely on the magical energy, she was already able to pull out the appropriate profile.

    One that had no name assigned to it and was created not all that long ago. In other words, it was someone the unit had met with fairly recently. Perhaps that would make the cooperation a bit easier. Or perhaps not, as there was a note that she was rather demanding.

    At the very least, they immediately opened up with introductions. Not to mention that this time, Mai was already wearing the long bunny parka that she was given by the princess on their last ‘job’ together. And they looked pristine, even after all this time.

    Introduction: the designation of this unit is ‘207-4-57-9’. However, most humanoids had chosen to address this unit as ‘Mai’. Is this acceptable for subject Spectra?

    The question sounded quite polite, actually. But in the end, there was not much of a choice. Unless Spectra wanted to call her partner by some made up name, she had to choose either between the longer serial number or the much shorter abbreviation that actually sounded like a real name.

    It mattered little to Mai herself, who was programmed to respond to pretty much any kind of address and obviously was not capable of getting mad or insulted at negative words that anyone could toss her way. But putting all of that aside, she pointed at the tower.

    Informing: the goal of this mission is to dismantle the cult that resides within the tower which lies roughly 2 kilometers South-east from us. The number of enemies unable to determine at this point in time. Hostages are present. Does subject Spectra have a preferred method of approaching the mission?

    Returning her golden gaze back at the other girl, Mai would now await her orders. The two of them might have almost been a dream team, as the mechanical girl was designed to obey and follow orders, which surely pleased the young princess to at least some degree.

    On the other hand, she sometimes required clear instructions. Right now, for example, she awaited to be told whether she was authorized to use lethal force against the enemies or not, and what style of assault would they wage on the tower. She was able to still operate without being told anything, but having a united style with the rest of her team was always much preferred over any alternative.

    Word Count: 774 / 3,500


    Spectra Vondergeist
    Spectra Vondergeist

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 99
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭4,062.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ghost Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Praise the Sun! Empty Re: Praise the Sun!

    Post by Spectra Vondergeist 17th August 2019, 7:59 am

    Praise the Sun! Tenor

    "Do you know how terrifying ghosts are?"

    Spectra briefly recalled her meeting with the robot, especially her lack of common knowledge! At first, giving her name as some number, which Spectra couldn't care less about. The conveyor belt she rolled off of didn't matter as long as she did her job. It was the only robot Spectra had worked with and given their last experience it would probably be the only one. Even if real people were less obedient at least they knew how to listen. Then she said her real name, well, more like an acronym unknown to Spectra. She would have asked what it stood for if it mattered to her but of course, it didn't, just like almost everything else about the robot whose name was apparently Mai. "I suppose."

    Even if her partner was kind, Spectra wasn't going to show the same courtesy. She didn't want Mai to be getting any ideas! They were far from friends. Then, a thought occurred! Did she even know what friendship was? What could she understand? Spectra was clueless on the topic of robotics but still, she somehow knew the answer to all of these questions. How embarrassing for Mai. It must totally suck to be a robot.

    Spectra also noticed how she was wearing the same parka that Spectra had looted from the rubble of a boutique. It was definitely a lot better than before when she was basically naked. At least she listened last time. Still, it was something a surprise to see her again. Out of everyone and anyone who could have taken the job, it was her. It really was a small world. When Spectra was asked if she had a plan for this tower, the truth was that she didn't. She was hoping that Mai would be able to do most of the heavy lifting but as always other people fell incredibly short.

    "I think that we can wing it!" Spectra said. She wasn't sure if Mai would know what this meant, but she was really hoping she jumped on board because if she pulled any of what she did last time, it wasn't going to be good! Spectra wasn't in the mood to explain every little thing to someone who should know it all already! Wasn't that the point of robots, knowledge? This one must have been missing a few wires, clearly. Maybe it was a manufacturing error? There were a lot of reasons, too many to name.

    Flying on ahead she didn't really care if Mai had the common sense to follow her, but, just in case she didn't she turned around and yelled, "COME ON!" Before continuing to fly towards the tower. She didn't know what this cult was going to be like, or what challenges might approach, she only knew that she was going to be fighting a whole bunch of weirdos to free people she didn't even care about. It was their fault they joined this sunny tower. Who even said that they wanted out? Either way, it was not what she thought about when she envisioned her dream evening.

    WC: 513
    TWC: 1,021/3,500


    Praise the Sun! Ghostie1
    Spectra Vondergeist | Ghost Magic | Theme Song | #FF5BAD

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1718

    Praise the Sun! Empty Re: Praise the Sun!

    Post by MAI 24th August 2019, 2:38 pm

    Mai could only tilt her head to the side upon hearing the proposal. Well, it was less of a proposal as the unit’s sensors identified Spectra’s tone to be of a simple statement more than anything else. This instantly put an additional label to this individual inside of Mai’s database. Spectra was now known as a being of lesser tactical intelligence.

    Statement: Subject Spectra’s chance of survival will decrease drastically without a tactical plan in place. Proposed solution - subject Spectra should invest some time into reading books about a tactical approach to combat situation if she survives this mission.

    Like that was gonna happen, given her partner’s personality. But perhaps Spectra would surprise Mai one day. Regardless, the unit was not one to be left behind. Quickly activating her flight mode, the metallic framework of wings materialized behind her back, a holographic membrane stretching between the iron pipes.

    Taking to the skies and immediately catching up to her partner, the unit would take the free time they had before reaching the tower to thoroughly scan the entire structure. Mapping positions of living beings that she could detect as well as of everything that appeared at least somewhat suspicious, she got a fairly accurate map of what the inside probably looked like.

    So the moment they would stop in front of the main entrance, surprisingly lacking any guards standing outside, she would turn toward her partner and decided to reveal some information that would increase those odds that Spectra had. After all, it would be a bit embarrassing of Mai returned with a corpse of a fellow wizard that was supposed to help her.

    Statement: This unit finished a scan of the inner structure of the tower. The ground floor appears to be heavily guarded on the inside with a large number of lethal traps set in place. Proposal: Infiltrate the tower from a higher floor and funnel the enemy in rooms where these traps will not help them. Statement: This unit will now create a new access point.

    Suddenly boosting up, Mai would only stop once she reached the height of approximately the fifth or so floor. For a tower where Sun-worshipers resided, it was a strange structure with no visible windows. So the girl had to make one of her own. A gauss rifle quickly manifested in her hands and one of the cable ‘tails’ jutting out of Mai’s lower back connected to it.

    Weapon performance boost: Online. Firing in mode: Explosive burst!

    And at that moment, she fired. A single round that hit the wall immediately, too fast to be tracked with a naked eye. And upon contact, it exploded. The hole that was created by this was large enough to fit both Spectra and all of the ghosts she could possibly bring along. Naturally, this also raised the alarm inside the tower.

    Guards quickly started heading both up and down the stairs depending on their position to converge on the affected floor, ready to repel the intruders. Provided that Spectra did not run off to somewhere, Mai would give her another look and propose another idea that hatched inside of that mechanical mind of hers.

    Subject MAI will provide cover fire. Is this acceptable?

    Word Count: 1,312 / 3,500


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