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    Hostile Negotiations


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
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    Experience : 62

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    Hostile Negotiations Empty Hostile Negotiations

    Post by Seenter 31st October 2019, 5:07 pm

    Chris held open his portal for the beautiful young woman that he was tasked to accompany on her mission. Theo had pretty much said ”I’ve got a job for you.” and pushed him out of the banquet hall and to the main hall where his ‘partner’ waited. He nearly froze like a statue when he saw her, and only Theo’s insistent shoving kept him from freezing up. ”Help her. She will tell you the job.” And then he left.

    That’s how Chris found himself holding open the portal for the beautiful Maelie Prisca. The only reason he knew her name was that Theo wished her luck before departing. It took effort on the young mage’s part to keep the portal open and not look at the young woman, as he could tell from the first glance she was attractive. Crap, don’t think about it. He could already feel his body freezing up at the mere thought of her, and he could feel the portal ‘slipping out of his fingers’.

    When she finally stepped through Chris quickly followed and let the portal collapse. He let out a sigh of relief as his ‘magic muscle’ felt like he’d run a mile before letting it rest. Catching his breath he looked around to see if his portal put them close enough to the office.

    ”I mean it! I’ll blow this place off the face of Fiore!” It sounded like it was right around the corner. Close enough. He waited for the young woman to make the first move. He was only there to offer her support if things went bad.

    [Word Count=287]


    Christopher Seenter | Chris's Bank
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Undecided | Undecided | Undecided

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

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    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Hostile Negotiations Empty Re: Hostile Negotiations

    Post by Musicalbunny 2nd November 2019, 9:28 pm

    I am worthy enough to fulfill my duty, no matter my age
    As Maelie waited in the banquet hall for her partner to be, she took off her tiara, and looked at it deeply. She took a deep sigh, thinking about all the events that had led her up to this moment. She couldn't believe that all the things that had happened actually occurred. It was sort of insane to her. Most celestial wizards aren't usually blessed with something of this sort. Most of them had some sort of key, but the summons she held were held in the crystals of the tiara, each one unique in color.

    Though, she couldn't think about that now. The task she was given was quote a predicament. There is this man down in capital crocus who has threatened to level the building with lacrima explosives strapped to his body. After being fired from the coffee shop on the low level of the office building, he went mad. He was elderly, and seemed to have worked in the area for a long time. Although most people usually went onto better things, he stayed and worked as much as he could. So, when he got fired, he went mad and used the lacrima's powering the electronics in the building, to form a bomb big enough to destroy the area.

    So, as the man before her was dropped off, she raised her eyebrow at the site. She didn't know whether to laugh or scoff at him. Instead, she just gave him a gentle smile that showed no other side to her than kind. As of now, the person before her was too new for her to give up her own personality. He seemed to be stunted by women, whether he was afraid due to romantic purposes or sexist purposes was unknown to her. All she knew, is that the latter would be extremely bad, especially in more situations that could occur in this way. A living bomb was nothing to scoff at. So, he would need to either let her do all the talking, or man up and do what he was asked.

    As she stepped through the portal, and into the area, she heard the man scream. Though, she waited there, quietly observing him. She knew that as of now, he was still debating with himself on if he was going to go through with his plan. The only way she could possibly convince him to not do so, is to learn enough about him to persuade him.
    @Seenter ● notes here ● 416/500



    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62

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    Hostile Negotiations Empty Re: Hostile Negotiations

    Post by Seenter 4th November 2019, 1:10 pm

    The woman made no effort to approach the man, so Chris kept his head down and made his way around her to get a better look. Don’t look at her. Don’t stare at her beauty. Don’t become a statue and freeze on your first mission. He held his breath as he moved past her; making sure his attention was on the ground and not Maelie. As long as he didn’t focus on her he could function somewhat.

    Once he rounded the corner Chris looked up and took in the situation. A large crowd had gathered at the man’s ravings, though they kept their distance. That’s not far enough. These people need to be cleared out. Looking he could see that several of the guard were doing their best to get the people to disperse, but were unsuccessful. He let out a silent sigh of frustration. A person’s morbid curiosity will always trump their self-preservation.”

    The crowd was so thick between him and where the man was that Chris had to squeeze his 6’ frame between the press of bodies while apologizing and quiet explanations of ‘guild business’. A few actually made way, but he got his share of dirty looks as he sidled past. In a way he hoped the young woman he was helping was following in his wake. He’d hate to have to resort to ‘plan b’ before she had a chance to talk to the man.

    Once he made his way through the crowd Chris reached the edge and let out a relieved breath. He was immediately confronted by one of the city guards. ”Everyone needs to step back.” The young mage lifted up his right sleeve to show the tattoo of Silver Wolf. ”We’re here on guild business.” The guard gave him a once over before shaking his head and stepping to the side.

    Giving the man a nod Chris stepped forward from the crowd to see what was going on. In the center of the crowd was a wide open space about 20ft across with guards trying to push back the crowd and get them to disperse. In the center stood an elderly gentleman about 60-70 years of age. He stood a little shorter than Chris, with balding hair that was greying from a natural brown. The eyes were of a blue color and were wild with fear, anger, and a touch of madness. Around the man’s torso was what appeared to be an apron which Chris guessed was from the coffee shop. And strapped to that were several medium sized yellow crystals with a few smaller red crystals mixed among them. Dang, that’s a lot of lacrima. In the man’s hand he held a larger red lacrima crystal and holding it above his head threateningly.

    Looking behind the man Chris noticed that several people were cowering in the doorway leading to the building. Some looked to be dressed similar to the man, but several were finely dressed. The man was keeping an eye on the crowd but his main focus was on this group of people. ”I’ve worked here for 20 years! 20 years I gave to the shop, and you fired me? What, just because I wouldn’t retire you decided to hire a young upstart! I give you a good part of my life, and this is how you repay me?”

    He kept his hand raised above his head as if ready to throw and shatter the explosive at his feet. Chris watched the man carefully, but made no move to approach. Instead he watched the man and his hand carefully; twisting the ring on his left hand as he made ready to use magic. If things went sour he had only one chance to try and save everyone before this became a bloodbath. Please, let Maelie talk him down. I don’t want to do this.

    [Word Count= 681]
    [Word Total= 968]


    Christopher Seenter | Chris's Bank
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Undecided | Undecided | Undecided

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Hostile Negotiations Empty Re: Hostile Negotiations

    Post by Musicalbunny 6th November 2019, 7:24 pm

    I am worthy enough to fulfill my duty, no matter my age
    As Maelie saw her partner move forward, she tilted her head a tiny bit. She didn't expect someone as awkward as he was to be as direct as he was. Though, she was sure he wasn't going to do much negotiating. He didn't seem to be much of a talker. Her surprise was more in the fact, that his awkwardness didn't stop his bravery. He was most likely there to diffuse the situation through more harmful means, which meant him rushing forward was a good sign of his character. Maybe some day soon, she would be able to work with him on a situation that actually needed his skills. For now though, it wasn't exactly his job to really do much.

    So, as she followed behind him, she made sure to listen very carefully to what the man holding the lacrimas had to say. Even through all the murmurs of the crowd, Maelie could hear the man's distinct voice. It was angry, but the wariness in his voice made her see that he wasn't just mad, he was desperate. She knew what he wanted, he wanted all the people who thought he was lesser than to think that he was good enough. It's their fault for being put in this position. They thought that he could do nothing, but as he looks upon them at this moment, he's showing them that he still can do as much as the next guy. He's showing them that he was more than what they thought he was.

    She closed her eyes, as Chris talked to the guard in front of them. She tried to run through every single piece of dialogue in her head, trying to find the best set for this situation. As she opened her eyes a few moments later, she looked at the man in front of her. She saw that look of anger in his face, but like she heard with his voice earlier, she saw the desperation in his eyes. So, she took in a deep breath, and said aloud to the man in front of her with a very calm and serene voice, "Hello, my name is Maelie Prisca, and I am a guild mage of Silver Wolf." With that, the man looked over at her and yelled back, "What do you want from me? You can't hurt me, because the second you do, I will make this place blow." She rook in a deep gulp, as she said back to him, "I need you to know that I understand your pain. I may have not ever experienced it, but I have felt pain before. Everyone here has, and even though it might not feel as bad as the pain you're going through, it doesn't mean that I can't try to understand it." With that, his arm relaxed a bit from it's tense position. Even though he was still ready to make the move, he had let his guard down a bit. This was Maelie's time to convince him completely.

    Although this man was threatening the area, he wasn't as much of a threat as people would expect from him. It's why this job was open to mages as low ranked as her. It allowed those who wanted to learn peaceful options to learn, and for people to be saved in the process. So, as she opened back up her mouth, she said to him, "I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to do this, every single person in this room is family to you. It's why you felt so betrayed. I never had anything more than a loving family, but if the family I loved after all these years turned on me, I'd feel hurt. But, one thing I couldn't ever do is hurt them. That's why I know you don't want to hurt these people. Even as you were screaming at them, I could feel your brain trying to stop what your body was doing." With that, tears started to roll down his face, as his stance weakened even more. Though, she could tell that this wasn't the end. However, she knew what could end it. After a few seconds, she spoke once more, saying to him, "Talk to your coworkers. Don't let your pain stop your love for them. I know it's hard, but you just have to push through it." With that, she waited, hoping that her plan would be set in motion. If not, she would go back in to try and convince him once more.
    @Seenter ● Twc: 1200/500 words ● 784 words



    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
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    Hostile Negotiations Empty Re: Hostile Negotiations

    Post by Seenter 6th November 2019, 8:25 pm

    Chris had stepped to the side to allow Maelie to come forward and talk to the man. He relaxed somewhat as the beautiful woman spoke, and he did his best to forget that she was standing next to him. However her kind voice and persuasive manner made that next to impossible, and he could feel his body tensing out of reflex. Keep it together. Don’t choke after coming so far. Taking a deep breath he tried to turn his thoughts to other things.

    Scanning the crowd Chris looked for anything that might spoil this negotiation. With crowds this big there might be someone who would try to ‘act the hero’ and save everyone by screwing things up. Then there might be others silently (for now) egging him on to end it all. And still others who actually sympathize with the old man and may take it upon themselves to strap on more lacrima. That last group made his shiver slightly, though none of the groups appeared to be in the crowds. Just some morbidly curios onlookers.

    After briefly scanning the crowd Chris turned his attention to the man holding the ‘bomb’. Maelie’s words were having an effect on the man, as was apparent with his arm slowly relaxing. He had turned to her to listen to what she said, and looked like he might just give up. But Chris picked up a hard light in the man’s eyes as Maelie mentioned the word ‘family’. What did the job say? The man had no family. The thought made him recognize the man’s resolve firm.

    Turning to face Maelie the man held out the lacrima towards her as if to offer it. However his voice was firm and full of pain as he responded. ”Miss, what do you know of pain? Do you know the pain of losing a loved one? Do you know the pain of watching those you care about going on to better things, while you’re left behind? Do you know the pain of watching your life being ripped away from you? You don’t know the pain I feel. You say you can understand my pain, and then you speak of your perfect family? Do you even know what it’s like to feel betrayed?” He turned to face the crowd in the doorway. ”No. Those who I consider family have moved on to better things. These deserve to feel my pain!” With that he simply closed his eyes and opened his hand to let the lacrima fall.

    As soon as the man let go Chris focused his magic through his ring. He only had one shot at this, so he had to make it count. Focusing he opened two portals next to the man, though they dind’t lead to anywhere on Fiore. Instead they opened up to a far distant planet that as far as he knew no one had any clue where it was. A blue force of energy engulfed both the man and the lacrima that coated them in an invisible field.

    As soon as the crystal struck the ground it exploded in light and fire. The outline of a barrier appeared surrounding the flames before it shattered, and another shield had surrounded the man and blocked the flames from igniting the lacrima still strapped to the man’s body.

    For a moment time stood still in the square, as everyone in the crowd froze in horror and fascination. In that frozen time Chris strode forward towards the still standing man. As he reached him the man opened his eyes cautiously, and was surprised to see that nothing happened. Before he could do more than blink in surprise the young mage canceled his shield spell and grabbed the man’s arms.

    When the man realized that he was caught he deflated visibly in Chris’s arms, and tears welled up in his eyes. He rambled that he really wanted to live, but he didn’t know what else to do. ”I know. I know.” And he did. Chris’s own chaos and anger with his own family helped him understand the man’s pain. That fear of betrayal, of uselessness, of lack was still seated firmly in his heart. He felt sorry for the man, but knew that he wasn’t able to help. Instead he passed off the sobbing man to the two guards who came once the crisis was over. He watched silently as they led the man away, and then turned somberly and walked next to Maelie.

    Chris didn’t look at the woman, and the entire situation allowed him to forget that she was a beautiful woman. When he spoke he didn’t have the usual stutter, but instead had a solid voice. ”You can’t help a man unless you understand their pain. If you want to know his pain then I can help you understand it. I have felt that pain, and it’s not one that you can easily talk someone out of.” He forced a smile and tried to let a little cheer in his voice. ”The office workers are supposed to provide us our payment. I’ll go with you if you want, and then we can get back to the guild.”

    [Word Count= 903]
    [Word Total= 1871]


    Christopher Seenter | Chris's Bank
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Undecided | Undecided | Undecided

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:51 pm