Fairy Tail RP

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    Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 10th February 2019, 9:23 am

    Job Info:
    The sun shined brightly on her face through the curtains in the inn she was staying. Having arrived late yesterday, Sara decided to spend one night before doing the job she had taken, she would have spent the night in her surrogate father's house, but it seemed he was out of town and she had lost her keys. Standing up from her bed, she proceeded to get dressed deciding to not equip any of the armor she usually wore with the exception of her camo gloves that had small metal plates attached to them. The dress itself looked more like a maid dress then anything else, but she loved it either way. Putting her green camo scarf around her neck, she took a look at herself in the mirror that was in the room. She smiled slightly, but said smile had faltered quickly as she looked into her left red slitted eye. Sometimes she hated herself for being so self-conscious about that eye, she didn't hate her eye for being unique, it was one of the few costs she learned that came with her magic and adored her magic, it was something that was passed down through the family, but she feared what other people would think of it, and scorn her. She looked a bit to the side where ontop of a small table layed her eyepatch, scooping it up, Sara put it on, covering her left eye. Taking a final glance at the mirror, she swiftly exited the inn room locking the door behind, not before taking the job request that was taken from a nearby town.

    Sara sighed as she walked through the crowded streets of Clover, by the time she had woken up, it was mid-day amd the streets were bustling with people going around shops or just having a stroll around the town. It was getting harder and harder to find jobs without being in a guild. Some would be either complated before you got there or wouldn't even show up in the local job boards. Maybe it was time to search for a new guild, since her last one was disbanded that certain thought hadn't crossed her mind. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts or at least suppress them for the time being. She would have a lot of time after the job to think about it either way. Taking a look at the job request, she grimaced a bit at the part that six teenagers had died. She knew the story about camp Azure Lake as she used to live in Clover with her parents and sometimes they would use it to scare her, but she never thought that it would be real. Sara still doubted it, and it was some psychopath was making the story real. Before she knew it, she had reached the building where the Clover officials worked, entering the build everything came as usual. She went to tell them that she had taken the job, usually guilds sent notices about these things, being guildless didn't come with those perks. Small talk came afterwards with the official she was meeting with told her to bring his mask as proof. He had also told her that another person had accepted the job. He couldn't tell her if the person had arrived in Clover or if they had even gone out to do the job.

    With a nod, she excused herself and left the building, and started making her way out of town. Sara was feeling excited, doing jobs with someone always made them better, if they could get along that is, even when she had a hard time dealing with people, company was something that was always wanted. Meeting new people was always a thought in her head, as she wanted to break out of her awkward shell, to be able to open up to more then just a handful of people. Soon Sara was at the edge of town where a small road was leading towards  Azure Lake.  She laid her back against a tree, as she thought it would be a good idea to wait for a bit, maybe her current job partner would get here soon, if not she would enter towards the destination alone.

    Personal WC: 719
    Group WC: 719/14000
    Appearance for job(pic is without the gloves):



    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 13th February 2019, 3:08 pm

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,141
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    It was truly uncommon for the young blonde CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company to be within the small town, not that he had come to think of it he really couldn't remember if he had ever been here. That thought made him a little depressed but it wasn't exactly like he had a lot of time these days. He was the head of a country, a successful trading company, a guild master, a teacher to two mages within Sabertooth which had to admit he had lost contact with over the last few months and to top that all off he was one of the four Gods of Ishgar. It was only a month or two ago that his companies annual Christmas ball had been attacked by two infected men that called one of the forgotten and forsaken provinces of Tolgalen escaped where they called home and decided to crash the party. He had been there himself once before but he didn't expect anything like what happened, that was for sure and since then it had been constant planning within the alliance of what would happen next. He knew his own guild was strong but there was no way even they would be able to handle what might be across that infernal barrier, due to this he had reached out to the sister guilds in the alliance and were currently in the planing stage.

    Normally the planing had taken place within the hidden island headquarters of the Silver Moon Fairie Alliance, this time however it had happened in Magnolia as it was the most convenient place given many of the higher members that where taking part in the plans had likely been on jobs. Ruvel himself had been heading out towards another town on business but it meant a quick stop over within Clover town as he had been tired. He found it hard to sleep when away from home as he still didn't sleep inside and trying to explain this to innkeepers and such was a nightmare, still he had found a small office of his company and headed there for the evening. They knew that their employer was strange but remained quiet as he checked in and headed to the back of the building to rest, he felt like he had a problem could understand but then that might have been because he was very secretive about his past. It was something that he hadn't even told those he was closest to so why would he want it to be known by the world, who would want that known? Regardless he fell asleep at his normal time and woke up before dawn to go about his normal routine of washing, changing his clothing, eating and training before going to find out if there was any issues if there hadn't been he would have headed to his next destination.

    Unfortunately that wasn't the case this morning as he overheard an issue the town had been having recently. He blinked listening to the receptionist saying about some teenagers heading out to a nearby lake after a dare was issued and only two returning covered in blood, he could only imagine how traumatised the returning teens were. "What can you tell me about this situation?" he finally asked his dual coloured eyes looking at the receptionist "Mr. Mizune?" she said in confusion not understanding, he was known not to listen to idle prater or gossip but this seemed to have caught his attention "Please don't make me ask again as it doesn't seem like there is time, now if you would please Miss Sao." he said his tone was calm but showing he wasn't kidding around. "Well eight teens were dared to go out to the local lake... there is an old camp there called Camp Azure Lake. Out of the eight only two returned, they are still traumatised but they said they had been attacked by a masked man there." she said holding her sleeves. Ruvel had noticed her body tense "Please continue Miss Sao, it is important I have as much information before heading there." he said wanting to know if there is anything more he should know.

    The elder amber haired woman nodded after biting the inside of her cheek "It is said that the camp is haunted..." she said watching as Ruvel sighed, he was starting to think that the haunted fairground was starting to stalk him as he had never heard of a haunted camp only that damn fairground that he wanted to destroy. "It's a local legend but it's said that Azure Lake is haunted by Kayson Warheez, he was an infamous serial killer who once killed the entire roster of camp counsellors in an evening of blood lust before he just vanished." she said visibly shaking, he wished he could tell her to stop being ridiculous but given that they lived in a world filled with magic he couldn't. "I see, I will go and investigate and hopefully bring some peace to not only this town and the parents that lost their children back then and now" he said heading for the door, the receptionist wanted to stop him but she knew it would have been a waste of time so wished him the best in what was to come when he entered that horrible place.

    The blonde haired youth headed towards the exit of the town and heading towards the camp using the signs that was by the road side, it was true that he couldn't read but he knew the symbol for camp and given it was struck out of and was worse for wear he could tell he was going in the right direction. Seeing a woman leaning against a tree he headed towards her thinking she was likely on the same task and so perhaps the two could work together to make this a bit easier on them both. Stopping a little away from her he raised his had to his chest and bowed a little "Good afternoon miss, would you happen to be heading towards the camp?" he asked politely before standing straight once more, Ruvel though wearing a white mandarin suit his company symbol on the collar, the company symbol stitched in with ice blue silk thread on the left side, it was also on his left arm but there it had his full name and his position within the company, he still looked like a girl. "Working together we could likely get to the bottom of everything and give the people nearby some much needed peace." he said allowing her to say her peace before he headed back the way he came and back down the path towards the camp and whatever awaited them.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Notes: Hover over the image at the top for word count, all future notes, pings and word count will be placed there. Spells will be placed here.


     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 14th February 2019, 8:55 am

    Sara hummed a peaceful tune, as she looked up towards the sky. It was such a peaceful day, there were berely any clouds, birds chirping throught the forest. Even though the peaceful manner of the forest and sky, there was a tingling feeling of something vile, but the very thought of a ghost reappearing and murdering a bunch of teenagers sounded absurd. And yet she didn't think this whole situation was a hoax. Before she left Clover she would call such a thing, just a story to scare children, ghost didn't exist and such. But as Sara had started traveling, more and more she believed that external forces existed. Vampires, undead beings and the like had crossed her path, even her own magic was proof of such beings. She didn't believe her own powers came from a being far older and omnipotent then angels and demons at first, said being even lived through the host's that used its magic, if it could be called that. She would think about this later, she had a job currently and it was her current top priority inner monologuing could wait. As her train of thoughts subsided she noticed that some time had passed, the shade that was covering her from the sun was now gone. Maybe it was time to move out, waiting more could prove useless and sight seeing wasn't going to complete the job.

    Just as she was about to move out, a woman had came close to her, Sara had completly missed what was happening around her. It wasn't the first time it happened, everytime she was completly alone she would enter deep in thought, fully ignoring her surroundings, a problem that needed to be worked on. She can't let people constantly sneak up to her without even trying to do so. Taking a closer look at the person that just came, she noted the official  cloathing she weared and as she took yet another look, realization had downed on her that it was a girl, it was a boy. "Good afternoon to you too, and yes i'm heading towards the camp, i stopped for a bit to admire the peaceful forest." She said putting her hands on her hips and did a small bow of her own. She wasn't used to honorifics or anything of that sort, but she was thought to return gestures, it was just polite, and if she didn't she was sure her mother would lecture her about not doing so in the afterlife.  As the boy stood straight, the calamity mage took notice of the logo engraved into the silky white suit that he wore, next came the name that was written on his left arm. Ruvel Mizune was what it read and for a second her lone eye widened a small bit as she focusing on his magic. It was empty as if he didn't have a magical pressance at all. She doubted someone would try to steal and use someone else's name, more importantly go on a dangerous job that might get you killed, the only problem was that she had never seen how he looked, but she had seen his name around the Wizard Saints of Fiore, more importantly the top four, she wanted to be a saint it wasn't important that she may never reach the top tier, but it was one way to achive her goal of being famous.

    "I agree, we can help each other out as well as the people of Clover."
    She responded, a smile now plastered on her face. Happy that she got to work with a mage of his caliber. Most importantly she wanted to see how a saint fought, maybe learn a couple of things and see the diffarance that needed to be closed, to get to a position of that degree. "My name is Sara, Sara Ravencrest, its going to be a pleasure working with you." Sara hoped she didn't look stupid in front of him, it wasn't a thought to impress him or something, it was more of the fact how insecure she was in herself around people, even if it was only one person. 'You could get just as strong if not stronger if you just oblige' A voice deep in her mind spoke to her. She shook her head, not wanting to deal with 'it' at the moment. The last time she listened it didn't end well for her, or the people that were around that time. She would wait for him to intreduce himself if he wanted, after that she would suggest that they could get going towards Azure Lake.

    Personal WC:771
    Group WC: 2631/14000



    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 16th February 2019, 5:12 am

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,078
    Personal Accumulate Word Count: 2,219
    Total Word Count: 3,709
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    Ruvel stopped walking hearing the reason why she had stopped, he hadn't even thought about looking around the scenery. Then again he was normally very focused when it came to taking on jobs especially ones like this, it didn't seem like there was much time given that anyone who dared to step foot within the camp was at risk. Still he knew that this was the wrong way to go about things he remembered being told that he didn't take time to smell the roses, he had no idea what the saying meant but he guessed it meant he should take time to appreciate the things around him. In honesty he knew that this was true he had been locked away from the world for as long as he could remember, while that facility he once called home was still up he could end up being locked away from it again. Yeah he was stronger than he once was but strength meant nothing if you were incapacitated through your own fear, he knew he wasn't yet ready to face that place and so would end up under their control if he even dared to go there. It was one of the reasons that Tolgalen was so highly defended, and though he knew his guild had some powerful mages he also under stood that there would be time that those allies wouldn't be there and he would; more so because he slept at the back of the company building.

    He looked around the area and admitted that the sun coming through the gaps in the trees above made him smile, he did notice however that the natural sounds of animals while there where rare. It struck the youth as odd but then given the area itself he guessed it did kind of make sense in a way, people never really wanted to be near things steeped in death; he didn't know if that made him weird given one of the closest people to him was a reaper and he had a contract with their twin brother. He likely would get slapped up side the head by them if they knew he was thinking about himself in such a way but then it wasn't exactly like he was normal now was it. How many people had really went through the same strife he had in his short life, then add on to that he had to add on a glamour so his scars and glow wouldn't be seen by people. He knew that, that alone made him stick out like a sore thumb. He just wanted to be like other people but he knew that wasn't going to happen so had to deal with the hand he was given and like it.

    He knew that he could deal with a job like this easily on his own due to his own strength but then having another with him would be beneficial not only to himself but the other too. He was sure their would be times that his magic wouldn't be the best task for the job so the others might be more to their needs, while he could help support her if she required it in this task. "By the way you looked shocked I guess you recognise my name, this leaves me at a bit of a disadvantage in this situation..." he began his voice pleasant as he spoke to the other, a kind smile on his feathered features "Might I have the pleasure in knowing your name? I tend to use last names so your full name please and if not that a nickname." he said his tone not changing as he spoke, he was formal but there was nothing he could do to help that thanks to the place he was raised and now what he done as a line of work when not on mage jobs. "But as I too have forgotten my manners lets start off on the right foot. My name is Ruvel Mizune, I am the CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company and as my name plastered everywhere since my ascension, you'll likely know I am a god of Ishgar also." He still had no idea what he had done to get such a title, in honesty it wasn't exactly something he needed given he was trying to keep a low profile but that wasn't gonna happen thanks to all of this.

    The blonde haired teen waited upon the others name and bowed his head when it would be given "Well then Miss Ravencrest, we should get going as it should be around dusk by the time we get to the camp." he said now beginning to walk forward once more towards their destination. The path was dirt covered and clearly by the over grown flora and fauna not travelled overly much, it made him wonder what would have possessed the teens to do something so dangerous as he found out most urban legends had some truth in them. This meant the pair would have to be careful when they got into the camp as their would be plenty of places for such a person to hide. He had no idea if this was the person who had committed those murders all those years back or just someone who was wanting to keep the legend going, either way they would have likely have had a place outside the camp but close enough to see if there were people inside. It didn't matter which way it was they would have to be careful regardless as they didn't know the lay of the land as well as the person who murdered here only a few nights before "Their might be information left from the original murder victims or the most recent ones via journals or other things..." he began his voice becoming lower as he started to see what he could only think to be warning signs telling whoever seen them to turn back "We should likely search for these as it might uncover much needed insight on what happened back then and the investigations of now." he also wanted to bring this back to Clover Town in the hopes that though it may trudge up painful memories and open wounds that have healed since then it would give those who lost loved ones some much needed closure.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 16th February 2019, 8:02 pm

    "Its a pleasure to meet one of the Saints Mister Mizune, and as for me I'm just a wandering mage" She was quite impressed by the manners the boy had, but it was to be expected, being the CEO of a company would require him to be well mannered. "If you don't mind me asking, but what is it like being a Saint?" Sara hoped she wasn't annoying him with questions that he was probably asked a lot, it was her goal to be famous and being a saint was one way of achieving it. She would gladly take any information that would come handy in the future, there was no shortcut to becoming a wizard saint let alone a god of Ishgar. There was no doubt that all the people that were classified like that, had some notable achivements under their belts. Sara looked at the sky again and noted on how the time was passing again. Time always went by faster when you had company. She had gotten quite used to traveling alone and at this point she didn't mind it anymore. Company on the other hand was always something she longed for, as she had been alone for most of her life since the murder of her parents. Things had changed for a bit when Crystal Swan was around, it was the first and currently last guild she had joined, but that had changed as the guild was disbanded sometime ago.

    Ruvel had suggested that they should start moving towards the camp. With a nod she followed behind him. Nature had taken its toll on the road leading towards Azure Lake, the natives of Clover usually avoided this area due to the legend, so there was no one to tend to the roads along this way. This led her to believe the teens weren't even from Clover. " Legend has it that Kayson was a child with mental problems, that was berated by the other kids in a camp, the insults had become to much for him so he disappeared never to be seen again" She paused for a bit before continuin, having to remember the story they used to tell her. " Until years later he came back to the camp and murdered everyone in cold blood, leaving nothing except the remains of the people that were at the camp that day. And from that point forward everyone started staying away from this camp, avoiding it like the plague, or this is what my mother used to tell me when i was a child." Even though the night when she lost both her mother and father haunted her dreams, she still smiled when remembering her parents even throught the feeling of lose that still stung her heart. "Do you believe in legends and myths, Mister Mizune?"

    As the camp was now in sight, Sara couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but no matter how much she looked through the tree's she couldn't see anyone, it felt as if the thing that was watching them was close and at the same time far away.  Her attention was brought back as Ruvel had spoken about finding journals, notes or whatever they could find about what had happened in the camp. "I agree, if we can return something to the families maybe it can ease their pain a little." From the corner of her eye she noticed something laying between the branches and dead grass. Moving to check what it is, she gasped and took a step backwards when she saw what it was. On the ground was one of the bodies of the teenagers, his head was split in two from the top. Covering her nose and mouth from the reek of death, Sara examined the body. One of his feet was twisted in a gruesome manner and mud on the back of his shirt as if someone had stepped on him. "I found a body.." Sara said in a low voice and turned around to not look at it. She still couldn't watch bodies, it reminded her too much of that night, it also looked like the teen had died a painful death. Steeling herself she glanced at the body again "It looks like he was trying to run away from something." It wasn't the first time she had seen a corpse, but it was still putting her on edge and there were probably more bodies inside the camp itself. She was no detective but this much was obvious as the body seemed to face the general direction from where they came from.

    Finally moving away from the body, she uncovered her nose and looked towards the camp again. From their position the camp's entrance could be seen and with it the giant sign that read 'Welcome to Camp Azure Lake'. It looked run-down as if the tiniest nudge would make it fall over. The same could be said for some of the building arond the camp that could be seen. One of the smaller building's roof had even collapsed. The years had taken their toll on the camp and mostly the problem was that the constructions were made of wood that was not tended to in ages. "Should we go in?" It was a stupid question to ask but she was unsure herself, what would be the best decision, obviously they would have to enter at some point to find the killer, but did they want to go in now? Or scout the place a bit from the side. The seriel killer didn't live there probably, a camp outside somewhere would be better then living in one of those run down buildings that could collapse at anymoment. She was getting more and more nervous by the second. This was the first job where her life may be in danger. It was kind of soothing that she wasn't alone, but that didn't shake of the horrible feeling the whole place gave off.

    Personal WC:1010
    Group WC:4719/14000



    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 26th February 2019, 7:46 am

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,801
    Personal Accumulate Word Count: 4,020
    Total Word Count: 6,520
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    Ruvel blinked hearing what she called him, he had to admit it caught him unaware as he hated people being formal with him in an informal setting. "Ruvel will do fine Miss Ravencrest." he said with a warm tone, little did the woman know that his manners had nothing to do with him being the CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company. They in fact had been drilled and beaten into him to the point they now were far to ingrained in him for him to break the pattern. Her first question made him stop as he had to think for a moment on how to answer the question, there were pros and cons to the status more cons to him in all honesty given he was wanting to keep below the radar but it seems his deeds didn't go unnoticed. "Being a wizard saint has benefits such as being the light and hope that shines even through the darkest of times but there is also the downside of everyone knows who you are so some tasks become impossible." he eventually said calmly, luckily his picture had yet to really be taken for being a wizard saint at this point but still his name was known throughout Earthland. He tilted his head a little and smiled "I'm guessing this is your goal for the future Miss Ravencrest, I don't mind answering questions if you think it will help you on your path. I will say however this is a title of servitude in a way as were yes we are well known, Wizard Saints are also meant to be the first and last line of defence to protect the innocent against the darkness."

    He didn't want to discourage her in anyway, he just wanted to let her know what she would be walking into if she decided to walk this path. "So if the only thing you want is fame and a shiny title I would reconsider, if you are wanting to truly make a difference myself and I'm sure the other Wizard Saints would happily help you achieve your goal if you asked them." he said with a warm tone, he knew that he couldn't speak for the others that held the same title as he did but from what he had seen they were always willing to lend a hand if they could even if it was only some advice. Then he remembered that she had said that she was a wandering mage, he remembered how alone he felt when he had just broken free of his facility and was away from everyone and everything he knew but that was until he met the dark mage Dahau and eventually Cirven who was the former CEO of the company and guild master of the vigilante guild known as Onyx Moon though that secret was kept under lock and key only given to those that could be trusted with it. "Miss Ravencrest, I'm sorry if I am being a little to bold or stepping over a line I should not be but have you ever thought about joining a guild or company?" he asked knowing that getting work as a mage was easier when working as a guild mage than one that was guildless. "Again I am sorry if I am stepping over a line but if you would ever wish for this kind of thing, I would happily offer you a place within the company. We aren't seen as an official legal mage guild but we do get a lot of job requests as many of those that work for us are mages themselves." he said thinking it would be polite to offer it just in case she wanted to do such a thing.

    Ruvel once again walked listening to what the other was saying, he knew first hand just how cruel children could be. He couldn't exactly blame those that he grew up with given the circumstances but children he would deem as 'normal' had no excuse other than their parents hadn't raised them right but in honesty that wasn't for him to judge. He couldn't exactly blame the person for running away but he should have went home where adults could have handled it, instead he went into the woods where the hatred manifested and grew; were he had no support or help so it festered until he finally exploded and took it out on children and likely adults who had done nothing wrong to him. He had empathy for the man up to a point but to him taking life wasn't an easy decision in fact, he himself even looked for another way when there was none. He hated taking life, he had seen to much pain, blood and anguish in his short life that he didn't want to be the cause of anymore of it. He knew however that way of thinking could only go so far and at times taking life was needed, it didn't make it any easier for him regardless.

    "Yes, I believe in myths, legends and folklores. They can often give insight into people, cultures and races." he said watching as lights turned on but flickered. He was surprised but he said nothing on it, he knew that if there was lighting it would have been as badly maintained as the road and side walks of the area. The thing that made it unsettling to him is that he didn't know if this was a regular thing or if they only turned on when someone was walking down the path. Either way it was bad as if they turned on due to their presence the enemy would know they were there and would likely be watching them, if it was a day to day thing then they were still under the light and the enemy could still see them. This wasn't exactly the best thing for them as he himself didn't know this area and even if she was from Clover even she herself said that people avoided this place so it would be unlikely that she had to much knowledge without doing research. "Any idea if that is normal?" he asked looking at one of the dim flickering lights "Wither it is or not we really need to get out of here, it is to out in the open and we are easy targets." he said keeping his calm the entire time not to sure where they should go due to not knowing this place.

    Ruvel was fully aware that they were being watched, it was only natural given that there had been a mass murder recently. The one who done it would expect at least officials to come and collect the bodies and so possible additional victims, he got unlucky and ended up with two mages investigating the murders. He hoped that the person would stay away but given he himself gave off no magical signature and he guessed the other was a mid tier mage they could have easily been mistaken as easy targets. "Agreed, it means we will likely have to be here a little longer than we would like so it means being on guard at all times." this was just common sense and guessed the other had it but it was just reinforcing this to them both. Hearing that the other had found a body he walked over and knelt beside it, unlike the other he didn't cover his mouth but could smell the decay that had started from it; like her he began to examine the body taking mental notes. Seeing the blood however almost made him freak out but he kept his calm by remembering why he was doing this. Him doing this, facing this fear that caused him so much pain and discomfort meant it could protect another from having to fall victim to the crazed killer. "I agree, I also believe that the death wasn't instant..." he said standing and looking at her "He was hunted like a deer or pig and the first hit likely disorientated him while he slowly bled out he was acting on base instincts." he wished he could have said this was the first time he seen such a thing but in truth he had seen it several times.

    He nodded to her suggestion that they start heading into the camp, there was nothing that they could do for the dead teen at the moment. As soon as they had the one who had caused it in custody then the body could be retrieved and given a proper burial by his family. he walked with her towards the camp and seen a large sign, given he himself couldn't read it just was a bunch of squiggles on a board paid little attention to it. "I hate playing cat and mouse, especially when I'm the mouse." he said in a low voice, this place was run down to all help but to him it still looked better than where he was raised; then again where he was raised he wasn't afraid to breath in case something collapsed unlike here. "Lets get going, we are safer inside than in the woods as there are clearings at least in here. The woods are his domain putting us at a significant disadvantage." he said his eyes moving to his current companion. He could see she was at ill ease with this and he couldn't blame her so put a hand on her shoulder gently, touch wasn't exactly easy for the youth but he wanted to try and help ease her mind. "I can understand you feeling at ill ease in a place like this Miss Ravencrest, more so as you are from Clover Town..." he paused giving a weak smile "Think of it this way, this is your first step towards possibly becoming one of the Wizard Saints, after all we place our own fears aside placing our lives on the line in tasks like this quite often." he tried his best to do a somewhat motivational speech but he had no idea just how well it went as he took his hand off her shoulder and headed into the camp. "I don't suppose camps have maps do they?" he asked keeping fully aware of his surroundings for a potential attack as he tried to figure out where they should begin their investigation into the murders of the past and present. He hoped that this would also lead to the killer revealing himself or finding some clues that would lead to his whereabouts so that the ghosts of this place could finally find some peace.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
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     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 27th February 2019, 12:02 pm

    Sara nodded when he told her to call him just by his first name, it made things a lot easier for her, not that it was hard to call someone with a honorific, she just preffered not to. She stopped a bit behind Ruvel when he stopped and soon he answered her question. She listened to every word he said and by the end it made her think, did she want to be a saint for the tittle? Or for something more then just fame? Would it be so she could be a light in the darkness? She was still uncertain of that and his answer made her think more on the matter, at first it was just an obvious way to fame and for your name to be known across the country's "Its kind of goal of mine to become famous, wizard saint was one of the more obvious ways, but i've never really thought about, why i would want to be one, and now i'm uncertain if its for just the glory or to help others." In no way did Ruvel discourage her, instead he opened her eyes to what it ment being a person in a position like that. She was brought out of thought  when he asked her about joining a guild. " No it's fine, and yes I've thought about joining one, althought i haven't given much thought on which one yet..." Sara blinked a few times when Ruvel had invited her to his company, even thought they weren't seen as a legal guild, Sara herself didn't care about that, it was a way to meet new people, to stop the suffocating feeling of loneliness and in the meantime go on jobs and advance as a mage. In no way this was a one time offer, there were still a lot of guilds, she still wasn't sure. "I appreciate the offer and i'll certainly think about it." She said with a smile, genuinely happy about the offer to join a guild or more so, a company in this case, by the master of all the people that could have. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't even met the guild master of her old guild. So this was already a step forward for her and even a slight reason for joining.

    "I agree, when i was little i didn't believe in such things and more thought for them to be made up stories, but as i grew up, i started to believe more and more." She said as they came across a flickering light on the road, it was quite old by the looks of it, so being in a condition that worked somewhat surprised her.  "I don't think so, i doubt the lights would work around here, someone had to maintain them to work and as i said this place isn't where people usually want to come." It was odd she doubted that the lights were solar charged, this pathway was probably made a while back and even if they were solar charged, dust and zero maintanance would have probably done their job in making the light unusable without repairs and the chances for a mechanic to be sent to fix it would be low since no one ever used this road as it led only to the camp as far as she knew. It didn't change the fact that the killed could have done some adjustments to the area to be more suitable for him. Maybe he wasn't even a mage but some normal person that  went on a mass murder one night. It wasn't impossible to do something like that even without being a mage. If she had a chance to speak with the teens that got attacked maybe they could have gave some information on the attacker, but they were already in therapy probably. It was something that would scar them for life, it wasn't easy seeing people you know get murdered infront of you. She nodded at what Ruvel said, it was true that they were easy targets here, the sun was already half way throughout the day cycle and they hadn't even made it to camp.

    Seeing death was probably never going to be easy for her, she had yet to shed a human being's blood, people always say that your first kill is one that would haunt you for the rest of your life, her only confirmed kill was on a beast in the cursed lands where it had attacked her, but she doubted it was going to be the same as having to take the life on another human. Sometimes you had to do it though. They lived in a magic world where a single mistake at the wrong time could kill you, a world where some mages loved using their magic for cause chaos and even going on mass murders. Taking a life in self defence was nothing compared to those that relished in killing them and what she saw here was prime example. The poor lad was left to die by the wounds he recieve from the murderer, and this teen was one of five more that had died around this camp just a day ago. It was very likely that they would stumble onto them willingly or not. "We should notify officials to take the bodies when we're done here." She suggested,friends and families would be able to atleast hold a burial and ease their pained souls a bit from the loss.

    Pray and predator was their current predicament with them being the pray, the killed had all the time in the world to make a move, who knew he may have even set up traps if he expected something more then civilians to come across here. Even if they were certain someone would come out and attack them the enemy still had the element of surprise as he knew the area around more then then them, he could perfectly wait, have them feel safe, secure and brake down that sanse at a moments notice. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at its direction to see her current job partner. She nodded with a small smile of her own as Ruvel moved forward "Thank you." she said with a low voice, it did help ease her mind a bit on the current and he was right if she wanted to be a saint, she would have to get used to situations like these and in a way this could be potentially a first step towards that goal.

    Sara pondered a bit when he asked if the camp had a map as they had just entered. She wasn't sure herself, as she had never gone to a place like this before. "It may have somewhere around a central building, the place doesn't look small at all so its only logical that i had one, i'm not entirely sure though, i've never been to camp like this before." She said as she took notice of the buildings around, mostly were cabins of the same size close to one another with a few bigger building could be seen in the distance spread out a bit. Moving towards one of the cabins she slowly opened the door. The creaking of the door notified that the place hadn't been maintained in a long time. Entering the cabin she used her light based side of her magic to illuminate the inside as the cabin with one hand, as it was berely getting any light from the sun. Inside were two sets bunk beds a table with three chairs with the fourth being completly destroyed as the remains of it were splattered all around the wooden floor. Going to one of the beds Sara noticed something berely poking out from bellow the bed. Pulling it out she noted that it was somekind of a dusty old book. She took a small breath before blowing it on the book clearing the dust away. She coughed a bit as it wasn't the greatest idea to do it inside. Taking a closer look at it she noticed it had no title. Opening it she started too look through the pages, only to find out that this was some kid named Stanley's journal.

    Going outside of the cabin she read out loud so Ruvel could hear what was writen in it. "Today marks my first day in camp, i'm not sure why my parents wanted me to come here so much, but in the end i listened to them. I'm sharing a cabin with two other boys that don't seem so bad, atleast for now. Maybe it won't be so bad, i hope there are no water sports..." She said out load as she scrambled between a few pages, some pages had missing paragraphs  with pages being missing parts of them or even being completly torn off. "Writen by Stanley W. This has to be pretty old, it looks like it was written when the camp was still operational, parts of pages are missing and some are completly torn of..." She said as she closed the journal. She turned her head suddenly, hearing strange whispers that had dissappeared as soon as she turned. "I'm sorry i thought i heard something" She said as she turned around to face Ruvel again "Lets go to the large building overthere, it may have something in it" Pointing towards one of the larger buildings she started making her way towards it. Maybe they could find more of these journals or someone else's that details what may have happened around here.

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    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 30th March 2019, 8:07 am

    Ruvel || H-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 5,903
    Total Word Count: 14,029
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest
    Italics are used to show mental conversations

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    Where he had been brought up to only use titles and last names he knew that many people weren't and was more than happy to allow people to be comfortable with how they wanted to address him. He still hated what he was called giving the meaning but the alternative was far worse and he refused to be called that by anyone ever again. He had to wonder if he had stepped over a line however when he spoke about his current job companion wanting to have the title just for the fame or if she was actually taking it for the correct reasons. To many people seen shiny titles and just wanted them without understanding the responsibilities that came with them, nothing bothered the blonde haired youth quite as much as that did but he remained quiet as he looked around the area for a little longer. Seeing her stop he done the same as he now believed he had been a little harsher than he first intended to be, this wasn't at all what he was aiming for but it seemed like she was putting some thought into everything he had said to her. He wouldn't prevent her from following her dream and wished her all the best in it at the end of the day, he would even attempt to help her get to the fame she wanted or even the title of Wizard Saint if the reasons behind it were not selfish ones.

    It was then his own train of thought was derailed as the other spoke, his dual coloured eyes looking to her as not to be rude, he admired her truthfulness having only really thought about it as a stepping stone of what she truly wanted as a child. He couldn't fault her on it as everyone had dreams of what they wanted to become, his was free from the torment he had to endure day after day. With some help he had managed that and become stronger even becoming the CEO of a trading company and the guild master of one of the most powerful guilds around. The latter of course not being common knowledge to anyone who did not wield the changing guild mark their guild had, after all the right to see the darker side of their two sided coin had to be earned through hard work and trust of those higher in the guild. He was glad to see she was now going to put some thought into her reasoning why she would want to be a wizard saint like himself and several others, it was then she realised that a lot of the wizards saints actually within Ishgar belonged to independent guilds only three were legal that said a lot in his mind. "There is plenty of time to decide your path, I will help as much as I can and I'm sure the others will try the best they can if asked." he knew he couldn't speak for them and his tone reflected that as he spoke of the other wizard saints, four of them were guild masters, a few were aces so those seats came with additional responsibilities and strain on time.

    He smiled looking to her his eyes seeming to make direct contact with her own, he was in fact looking at her nose, this was just one of many quirks he picked up since leaving the facility as he was still uncomfortable looking people directly in the eyes. "You have a good head Miss Ravencrest, I believe you would be a good wizard saint in time and that you do have the spirit of a person who wants to better the world." he said looking back down the path before walking once more walking once more wondering about the latter part of the conversation when he brought up about her being in a guild and wither she was looking to join one. The trading company was of course seen as a business and not an actual guild however quite a lot of the employees were mages, then there was a lot of the defences that he had started to bring in to protect clients and employees, then again this was because he was paranoid thanks to his past.

    Once again he was brought out of his train of thought as the other spoke to him, he turned his eyes towards her as she spoke. He could understand her way of thinking a lot of guild shifting had happened of late, several guilds had been disbanded and other taking their places so there was a lot of information to gather and much to decide based on that alone. He had no intention of trying to bring the fold until she was the sure that was what she wanted, it just wasn't his style, he had heard of guilds doing recruitment to get members but he didn't see why if the guild or organisation had a strong base then the information should be enough to bring those who found it right for them to the guild or organisation in question. He was glad however to find that he hadn't stepped on his partners toes with his question. "Of course, I can understand it is a big commitment that can mould you as a mage and person. Please take your time, get informed of everything available to you then decide to follow the path that is best for you." he said with a calm and respectful tone "The offer from me will always stand, so you will always be welcome." he said warmly, he knew it would be nice to have new members but at the same time he knew this was an important decision that only she could make so would leave it at that.

    Ruvel thought back on what he could have been if he hadn't met Dahau and Cirven, then again he feared that if he had met Dahau for a second time before he had met Cirven and his summons made the contract with them he could have ended up on a much different path. He thought back on that first encounter with the elder dark mage and how he had almost been dragged to a dark guild for some reasons, the fight between him and his former summon Barthenz almost seemed like they enjoyed the fight. A strange respect happened between the two and he had no idea why but he thought that might be a warrior thing and being as he wasn't a warrior he didn't understand such bonds. Then there was his 'pets' that he swore he could see from the corner of his eye but when he turned to look they were nowhere to be seen making him that bit more paranoid. Why would he still be keeping tabs on him after all this time? Then again they did have some unfinished business and it would have to come ahead at some point but that was yet another thing that was a worry for another time.

    He paused for a little his eyes closing as he stopped listening, to her to him there was a deeper reason as to why there was lores and tales that had been told and were important. He didn't know anyone within the area he called his 'home' within the facility that could read or write so everything was passed through word of mouth, given that many of them arrived as children like himself stories were the easiest way of teaching the rules, the safe areas and where to find food and shelter. He hated that place so much and even now with everything he had he knew that it could be taken from him and there was very little he could do to stop it. This is why he cursed the titles he held because there was no way he could hide from the public eye, being the head of a guild wasn't an issue because they used alias's and masks. The issue came when it was the fact he was a CEO of the biggest trading company in Earthland which also offered highly trained diplomats when needed, then there was the huge issue that he wasn't just a wizard saint he was one of the four gods of Ishgar meaning out of the ten he was one of the four most powerful mages out there. He knew power meant nothing if you couldn't use it but for now everything was calm and he was safe he'd just have to continue being cautious, he hated the never ending paranoia that came with his past but he had been trained and he done everything he could so that was as good as he could get at the moment.

    "It is how some learn." he said simply not wanting to go into what he meant, it wasn't like he could lie even if he tried, it was impossible for him they had tried for a long time and no matter what the punishment or reward was he couldn't answer the question untruthfully. Part of him started to believe it was the reason he was picked for the blood moon festival, he knew a blood moon was due soon meaning he would be bound to his bedroom until it passed as he'd fall sick or worse try to fulfil the duties that had been drilled into him, dying felt less than appealing these days but it had been hardwired into him. He came to a quick stop as the other talked about the lights his eyes looking around them as he started to analyse the surroundings, he didn't know exactly if they were being watched but he couldn't shake the feeling none the less. With how paranoid he was it could have just been his imagination but rarely were his instincts wrong, if nothing else the facility had at least managed to get him prepared in how to keep aware of his surrounding.

    Moving towards one of the lights he looked at it analysing it completely, it was in perfect working order. The light wasn't dusty, well maintained, their was no crack and the light was bright, this wasn't something that he expected obviously given he didn't believe that anyone came this far down thanks to the urban legend that was associated with it. As far as he could tell with how bad the forest life hadn't been trimmed back and the roads maintenance fallen below even the sub par allowance that many smaller villages would allow, this just cleared one thing up for him that this was meant so the hunter could get a better look at his pray. He knew if the urban legend was just that then there is no way the lights would be as well maintained, they would be dusty and rusted, the lacrima crystal that gave light would be cracked and give very little light if any at all. Now that he thought of it why hadn't the teenagers that had been here not that many days before think about this and turned back to report it to the authorities. Kids being kids he supposed feeling like they had something to prove or then it could have been peer pressure he had seen both done in the past and neither was really that nice. "These are flawless, perfectly maintained to the standards I would use on Tolgalen. I'm not to sure why common sense didn't kick in with them." he said with a quiet sigh, he wasn't trying to speak ill of the dead. "With how bad the maintenance of the area is around here the fact the lights are all in perfect working order should have been a tell tale sign that something wasn't right." he said finally looking away and to his partner to see if she agreed with his observations.

    After a moment he skimmed the treeline once more "We should get going, we are out in the open and uncomfortably exposed if you ask me." he said starting to walk down the path that was now turning from a stone path to a dirt one, all the while he looked back to make sure that his current job partner was still close to him as he didn't like the idea of them getting separated all that much. It would be easier to know what to expect if they could get close to the teens but due to the trauma they had been through it was unlikely that was going to happen. He couldn't blame the parents or even the health officials as it would be unlikely they would be able to talk about it, likely due to having to be sedated or being in a catatonic state after what they had witnessed. He had seen some horrible things himself and knew first hand living through such things once was bad enough but they would have to live through it over and over again as they were asked questions, their brains would make them live through it as a vivid nightmare as they slept. He never got to that deep a sleep due to always being alert, he couldn't help it given his past and how he was conditioned. Once again he started to walk towards the camp not liking the feeling around him, he was sick and tired of being the pray to another person, those days were over and were not times he ever wanted to return to.

    Ruvel bit his lip a little as he continued to walk down the dirt filled path as he thought of what he had done since leaving his former life, he was against taking life in anyway. It wasn't overly surprising given his own experiences, he was a gentle soul who would rather find another way to do things than kill. He didn't remember the people he had killed back at the facility due to that not actually being him but one of the things that dwelled within his own body that he didn't know about, then again to the youth all life was sacred and shouldn't be taken without a just reason. He understood about thinning herds of animals and killing animals for food, it was the way of things after all but mindless killing he couldn't condone. "All life is sacred Miss Ravencrest..." he said finally after a long silence "Lets not kill him if we can help it, he should face true justice from his peers for the evil deeds he has done." he said his eyes looking to the ever lowering sun a sheer sign that soon they would be playing by the murderer's rules. He knew that killing the person in question would be easy and would definitely put many at ease, that type of justice would do nothing, it would never bring them back then again neither would going to court but it was still the right way to do things. He looked back to her with a gentle saddened smile mirrored in his eyes "I am a pacifist by nature but three people quite literally knocked it into me that sometimes violence is needed to keep the ones or things you care for the most safe." he said to her showing that sometimes doing the hardest things, the things that would steal part of your true self was needed for the greater good as distasteful as it might be to them.

    In honesty he had no idea why he had told her this, his best guess was that he was trying to reassure himself about what might need to be done. It didn't matter what the reason was he had said it and there was no point for him to regret it as it couldn't be undone, then again there had been no damage done one way or the other. It wasn't exactly like this was a common world he would guess, sure there were plenty of people born without magic and they had criminals that done heinous crimes but this world was also filled with magic so an average criminal could become that much more dangerous. He hoped that the person that they where here to take down didn't have magic because this was already making him uncomfortable, he would have the advantage of knowing the area and could strike from best hiding areas only to vanish by the time they got to the place the attack came from. From what he had seen so far however it seemed he had no magic luckily but that could be because the teenagers didn't pose any real threat to him but now he would be dealing with mages. The only thing they had working on their behalf was that he didn't give off a magical signature so he seemed like a normal teenager, he knew his positions would work against him bit then again given they believed he lived in the woods and never left they might still have that edge also but they wouldn't know until they came across the enemy in question.

    He thought back to if it could be classed as a 'necessary' kill due to self defence if they did do such a thing and shook his head a little. "There's no reason to take a life, even self defence is still murder" he reminded himself releasing a slow silent breath, he knew that it would be forgiven but it still took part of a person in doing it. He had to much of his innocence taken by force and wasn't willing to give up what he had left willingly. After the they had come across the first dead teen and studied it a little he closed his eyes and covered his mouth with the flats of his hand, as he did he said something a small faint golden glow came around him briefly while a silver surrounded the dead body before he stood and walked on as if it never happened. What the other wouldn't know is that he just done an ancient prayer known within a certain races culture as a blessed passage, this meant that the spirit of the one dead was purified of anything it had done wrong and would be given a free pass to a peaceful afterlife. This had strained him a little and so now his eyes had begun to glow dimly though he himself wouldn't realise the difference in his health he had started to become sick. He looked back to his companion as she spoke about telling the officials of Clover Town about the bodies when all was said and done with this task, they did deserve proper burials that would allow them to rest in peace finally and give their families some sort of closure allowing them to mourn their loved ones death. Still something about this felt unnatural, were parents really meant to out live their children? It really didn't feel like the normal cycle but then nothing about this place or situation seemed run of the mill if you were to ask him.

    "I agree Miss Ravencrest, it will allow the spirits trapped to move on and their loved ones a chance to mourn their passing giving them the closure they so much need." he said calmly, the image of the last memory of his own loved ones flashed across his mind. It had seemed so long ago he wasn't even sure who they were any longer or what their connection to him was, in truth he had no idea if they were real or just his imagination trying to cope with the horrors he himself went through. In time he knew he would have to find out to get his own closure but that wasn't right now. "I'm sure the first 'incident' that happened here to make it an urban legend was thoroughly investigated and those they could find removed, however, I don't think everyone was." his connection to Oykai had clicked in and he could feel the calling of the restless spirits around him, they felt tortured, angry and revenge ridden and he couldn't really blame them given how they died but his hopes was that they could finally end it once and for all. The whole reason for these murders was because children in the past weren't taught to be understanding of differences in people that led to one child's pain and eventual hatred? He knew first hand as many other people likely had that kids can be cruel to those who are seen as different or special and so targeted it, sure it hurt but it didn't mean that such actions should ever be taken from what he understood these days was that an adult or someone in charge should have been contacted and made aware of the situation so it could have been handled. He could only imagine that the child in question thought that he wouldn't be taken seriously or that those who were meant to protect and help him would also be taking part in the bullying which would only add to the pain and anguish that eventually led to the massacre that had come to pass. The blonde haired youth felt pity for the killer if it was the same man from the passed as this could have all been avoided if someone had just taken the time to sit with him and understand want was going on but no one seemed to realise or even worse cared what he was or could have been going through.

    Once again he had begun to walk down the well lit and maintained dirt path, he was on high alert though he doubted anything around here could really harm him he knew better than to underestimate an opponent as that could lead to some bad situations. The reason he knew this was he himself was often underestimated due to his age, his looks and the fact he seemed like a non magically gifted person making him a trap by all meaning of the word. Still they didn't know if this place was trapped and if it was what kind of traps had been used, that was before taking into consideration that the enemy had home field advantage knowing every crook and cranny so knew all vantage and hiding spots allowing them to watch the two unseen and picked the correct moment to strike. Again he hated the fact this wasn't in their benefit but the enemies but the winds of change could happen at any point and he didn't really worry as the killer would be brought to justice one way or another or at least he would die trying, he couldn't speak for his current job partner but he doubted she would allow this dark stain of her hometown's past to remain any longer than it already had if she had anything to do with it. He couldn't help but admire her for that if this was indeed her way of thinking, as no one would want such a thing hanging over them especially for so long as this had for the town. Hearing her thanks he turned his head to look at her once more he honestly had no idea why he was being thanked, he was only speaking the truth in his mind but then guessed that sometimes this is what was needed to help people feel better about things and situations that often seemed difficult or unclear. "You're most welcome Miss Ravencrest." he said with a warm tone, he wasn't exactly sure if this was the correct reaction or tone but he was trying his best given his own difficulties and the situation they found themselves in.

    He stopped looking to the large broken and worn down arch that mentioned the camps name, he couldn't read the words but he guessed that was what it said after all it would make sense as it allowed those visiting to be welcomed from the moment the entered. This place gave him the creeps as he couldn't understand why parents would want their kids to come to such a place, then again he wasn't to sure what camp was so that put him at a bit of a disadvantage on this whole thing. Walking passed the welcome arch he seen just how big it was and nodded as he was told that his job partner herself wasn't exactly sure as she had never went to a camp as big as this one seemed to be. His eyes went over smaller cabins that seemed to be in bad condition, and larger ones that seemed to be what he could only guess where meeting halls, things for group activities, cabins, councillor offices but he had no idea so could only guess at best. From what he could see only a few of the buildings seemed less than safe even from the outside, others seemed to be in ruins but again this didn't surprise him given there had been no maintenance on the grounds since the first mass murder years before. With the other he decided to move deeper into the camp he could see where the campfire was held but he felt a chill go up his back 'Oykai, why that feeling?' he asked the death god he still had a contract with 'You don't want to know.' he sent back instantly, the tone used allowed Ruvel to know not to push because he really wouldn't like the answer. He knew he could get more information of the place using one of his summons but at the same time he was afraid of placing her in danger but then he knew that when flying she was invisible to the naked eye and so would be in no actual harm "Maera" he whispered after going backwards and forwards over the pro's and con's of what could and couldn't go wrong using her he decided the need for information long outweighed the cons.

    From behind his hair a small ringing bell could be heard, so faint but in the silence of the camp seemed to be so much louder and clearer. "Big sister, we need information on this place and what happened here." he said again whispering to the point even a slayer would find it hard to hear what he said clearly but this was nothing unusual when speaking to the summon in question. "Please be careful, there is a killer around here if you see someone not myself or Miss Ravencrest please call to me and I'll come to you instantly." Once he had finished his words the ringing seemed to fly away though he kept a close eye so to speak on where the sound was coming from so if she was in danger he could quickly make his way to her without issue. He walked towards the area that Sara had but as she went inside a cabin he remained outside to look at another cabin nearby that didn't at all look safe. The cabin itself had lost two of its walls the floor looked rotten and that even taking a step onto the wood would make you go through it and as for how the roof was standing he didn't have a clue but he didn't want t be under it when it eventually gave way. Hearing the ringing of the small bell change direction he looked over briefly before looking within the cabin he was inspecting before noticing the tattered and torn beds and coverings his eyes going to the nearby woods as he once again felt eyes on him. His eyes though continuing to seemingly look forward was tracing the treeline from the corner of his eye as he tried to see if he could find the enemy without alerting him that he was fully aware he was there; watching and waiting to find out the best time to strike the two, part of him even believed he would try and divide the two to make it easier but then that would be foolish if he was wanting a challenge but then again he could be the type of killer that enjoyed the thrill but regardless he was still going to pay for the crimes he had committed here over the years.

    Turning his back he turned his head to look both ways as if checking over the area, he knew that this alone was dangerous as rule number one that he had been taught was never turn your back on an enemy, then again he had quick reflexes so there would be time for him to react if needed so didn't really worry to much. This was also a kind of taunt even if the killer didn't realise it to prove he wasn't scared of him, after a long moment he turned and headed towards the cabin that Sara had headed into all the while keeping an ear open for the small ringing bell in the area so he knew where Maera was and if she was in danger at any point. Opening the door he stepped in to the dimly lit cabin his eyes squinting as he tried to make the shapes out before moving his right hand up to the collar of his top and bringing out a pendant that illuminated the room perfectly as if it was the middle of the day just to see the other find a notebook, he could only guess it was someone's journal from a while ago given the dust cloud that came from it. It was then he was hit with several scents and none of them to kind, there was dust, musty and even as silly as it may have sounded if he voiced it the scent of death in the room but given the darkened blood splatter it was clear to see something non to nice actually happened in this cabin. With added dust in the air he covered his mouth and started to cough taking in the dust and likely mould spores, this place needed a hazmat team that was for sure. He was about to mention perhaps they should read it outside for both of their health's when the other had already started, he tilted his head listening to every word she spoke.

    On hearing her speaking the words he once again couldn't comprehend why parents would force their kids to places like these, he understood at least in part it was so they could socialise and likely do things they couldn't experience at home but still he knew that parents shouldn't be so willing and able to throw their young out of the nest so willingly especially if like the person in the journal seem to be opposed to the idea of coming to somewhere like this. Ruvel couldn't remember if he had ever had parents but liked to believe that he had and that the short memory he had before the killing was what his life once was. That he had a loving mother and father, people that actually cared for him, loved him and would protect him from the evils of the outside world a place like this seemed to within reason take all that away forcing people into situations that they might not be all to comfortable with if they didn't believe they were ready for it. He watched her as she seemed to try and find more within it before saying whom it belonged to and that it seemed old, in his mind the dust should have been a dead giveaway but remained silent. "Perhaps we might be able to find the missing pages and even likely other journals if we look around this place." he said opening the door for them to leave the cabin, in honesty he didn't want to stay in this place any longer than he had to it gave him the creeps which was a tall order given who he knew. Allowing Sara to pass first he would exit only to see her turning her head, he had to admit he himself heard whispers but shook his head "Think nothing of it, this place is old and creaks so it's only natural to hear things." he said moving his had to seemingly run through his hair but tapped his head to indicate for her to think what she wanted to say to him 'Shindara make a link between us please' he said to the elder of the void prince who happily obliged his summoners wish 'You only need to think what you want to say to me and I will pick it up Miss Ravencrest, this way will be safer to pass important information but the mundane stuff we should continue to speak out loud.' he sent into the others mind as he looked around as if deciding where they should head next 'Don't worry you're not going crazy I heard the whispers too.' he added again it going directly into her mind his lips not moving.

    Hearing her say about a building they should go see he turned his gaze towards it, it seemed to be the most central building of the camp so couldn't really argue about heading towards it. "Maybe it will have the camp map." he added as he placed his pendant away finally allowing the darkness to wrap around them once more, given that the place was now dark that gave him an advantage that he could pull out if needed, he just really didn't want to call on the twins if he didn't have to. They had a unique ability that even those within their own kind would have had them killed if it hadn't been for the fact they had royal blood and that was they could see everything of a person, their past, their desires, their deepest secrets to them everything was on show if they were within a certain vicinity and though they had placed a lot of strict rules on themselves so that they wouldn't abuse or make people uncomfortable they had in fact emotionally scarred at least two members of his guild. He trusted and respected the twin brothers as they were some of the first he created a summoners bond with and had asked for nothing in return which had surprised him as every other summon seemed to have asked for something. When he had asked in the past why they would help him for nothing in return they only smiled and told him he would understand in time, that was the one thing he hated about them they were often cryptic about things but he couldn't fault them as he believed that this was just a racial thing. As they walked on Ruvel turned his head trying to hear the bell of Maesha but it seemed to have vanished and this didn't overly sit well with him but given their connection he knew that she was in no way in danger "Big sister, what's going on?" he whispered to himself more than anyone else, he was worried because this wasn't like her that was for sure but then the jingling was heard from her once again and so a silent sigh of relief escaped his lips as he continued walking putting it down to she had found something of interest and so was investigating it.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>



     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 3rd April 2019, 12:20 am

    ~Word count was met for job in last post and so was handed in continuation of job requirements will be done as an S rank free form job post after this one~

    Job Stoof:


     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 15th April 2019, 1:46 pm

    It was now that she was realizing how much she had strayed from everything that Sara had learned from the days she spent training, before she went on the road to become a mage. Almost every day till the coming of night she had trained, the only exceptions were when she was asked to help around the shop that the person that had taken her in after the night of her parents murder. At the start of her journey the only ideal was to bring glory to herself, she had joined a guild soon after that but it hadn't been for long, at that time she had completely forgotten about her dream and instead focused on bonding with new people. The need to break out from her lonely shell was so strong at the time that she didn't even think once for the fame that she wanted. That didn't stay forever, Sara had went on a journey by herself and at somepoint the guild she was apart of had disbanded for reasons unknown to her, after that she had spent quite sometime wandering around and exploring, and at some other point in that time, the drive for fame had been reignited again, but she had never given thought to it again for what reasons that she wanted it.

    And now that she thought about it a little her reasons were quite selfish. She wanted the position only for the fame that it came with, nothing less and nothing more. But now that she thought about it, after everything she had seen around Fiore she couldn't help but strive for another goal. One that was even slightly pushed further into her new ideal about the path she would take after today. Sara gave out a small smile as Ruvel told her that in time she would make a good saint and that she had the spirit to do better in the world. Now she was certain why she wanted to get to the top so to say, a better purpose to follow, then the blind one that she was following till now, just so something could push her forward.  While she wasn't certain what exactly she would do if she became one, she certainly knew it wasn't just so she could get the fame that she wanted, it was going to be an added bonus to it that it would happen.

    Sara went back to following Ruvel as she was now again deep in thought about the offer to join his company. She knew little about guilds overall so it was a though decision to make right now on the spot and she would need sometime to think about it. She had completely distanced herself to what was happening in Fiore, the only thing that she knew was that the Rune Knights were back in action and that was only because she was gambling with some drunks that couldn't keep their mouths shut and had irritated Sara. Other then that she had zero idea which guilds were still active and who was the top dog so to say. A lot was coming her way now and she was slightly worried on how she would handle it all, but in the end time would tell if she had made the right decisions. Sara was brought out of her thoughts as Ruvel spoke how joining a guild was a big commitment.  She remembered the first guild that she joined and now that she thought about it she didn't really fit there, it just felt to her that at the time it was the best decision she could take, in no way did she hate the guild, she just felt out of place, but it wasn't as if she wasn't grateful for the time she spent there. It was from there that her carrier actually started, and if they hadn't disbanded she would probably still be amongst them. But as they say sometimes things happen for the greater good, and maybe it was really for the best. It felt good to know that she was welcomed to join the company if she felt it was time to do it. Sara would have told him right now that she was going to join just from the interaction between the two mages, but she knew better then this and  that the right decision would be to double check everything before making the choice of where to go, she was certain that after this job that she would hed to join a guild the only question that lingered was which one to join. "I will and I'll keep it in mind, the first thing that I've decided on doing after this job is getting myself informed about the current state of guilds and things like that." She told him.

    'Keep your head on the current situation, there is a time and place to think about these things' The demon inside her spoke suddenly startling her a bit. He had felt how deep in thought his container was and how her guard was down at such a dangerous place. and while he didn't care what she thought about or what she was doing most of the time, he needed her on guard now. ' Your right, I should think about these things later when we are out of the woods' She told him and for a second she stepped into her mindscape to see if he was still up and not sleeping and ignoring what is happening around her like usual, her question was answered when she looked into the singular slitted red eye that now looked towards her. After a moment of green looking into red Sara spoke up. 'I don't really get you, sometimes you try to bring me down on my decisions and others you protect and warn me of possible dangers, and when I try to talk to you, you either retort with something rude or uncarring to what I do. I read some of the old diary my father had, and in there it said that you two worked together like partners, so why don't you want to work with me!' She had finally let out her frustration on her tenant and patiently waited for an answer all the while keeping her guard up outside her mindscape. While even now when the time was not right for even this type of conversation, she didn't care It was something that needed to be talked out.

    Both of them stared at each other for a while before her tenant had finally spoken up 'I warn and give you a small portion of my power to protect yourself with it because if you die, I die, its that simple kid, and as for working together with you as partners you are going to need to prove yourself and impress me, how you do it is entirely up to you.' The demon said in a normal tone, not even showing the slightest bit of anger towards her for venting her frustration on him, she kinda felt bad now, in no way that she hated the demon and actually wanted to work with him seeing as they were stuck together. And she had gotten used to talk to someone when there was no one else around. And even with all the arguing between them and him trying to take control of her to try make her kill someone, they had their moments that she cherished. She sighed as she let the demon go back to his slumber.

    Back to reality the two mages had stopped at a light that was in perfect condition, it was odd as the whole area around them except the road were in poor condition. As Ruvel went to examine one of the lights Sara moved a bit to the side of the road and tried to look around the dark forest. It was hard to see as the sun was setting faster and faster as moments passed. By the time they would get to the camp it would be dark, which meant even lesser odds of spotting the killer first. Sara looked towards her job partner as he mentioned why did the kids not run when they saw the poor condition of the area and the perfect one of the lights. It was true that If someone with a rational sanse of thinking had seen this he would have probably ran, but with kid s these days most of it was a mistery. "I agree with the light working it was a dead giveaway, but if the kids had come here in the middle of the day when there was more sun light, I doubt that they would have even noticed the light, as they were a group and they were most likely having fun while they were getting there." Sara agreed with Ruvel that it was a dead giveaway that someone was up to something here with the lights and roads being in the state they are, while everything around here was overgrown and not maintained at all.

    Scanning the tree lines, Sara silently cursed under her breath. It was getting harder and harder to see by the minute. She turned again towards Ruvel as he suggested that they don't stay in one place, Sara nodded and followed closely behind him all the while keeping a look out on the surrounding area. Even though it was hard to see far into the woods, the slightest second earlier that they could spot the killer, even for a second they would know at least that he is close. She noticed Ruvel had turned his head slightly to see if she was following her and Sara gave reassuring nod that she was following close. It was for the best as they didn't have the slightest idea of who was the killer and what abilities he had. He may be a simple bandit that uses the urban legend as a disguise to not attract that much attention to himself, or he could be a dangerous mage. At somepoint the road had turned to dirt rather then the stone path that they had traveled on till now. It wasn't as maintained as the stone path but it was to be expected, it was suprising that the killer had ventured some what far away from the camp, maybe he had a camp of his own mid way towards Azure Lake, from which he spotted his next victims. Sara could have probably gotten some information on the killer from the teens that got attacked, the authorities of Clover would have most likely let her talk to them, as most of Clover knew her family and had greatly respected them, but she knew the emotional breakdown that they were going through. Having to know that your friends had died was tough, but seeing your friends or family murdered in front of you was even tougher, so she didn't want to question the broken teens in their state, and even if she had they would have likely been in such a state of shock that  getting answers was going to be nearly impossible from them and it wouldn't do much to make them remember the horrors that they lived through just a day ago.

    Sara had always woundered how people decided that they would just murder someone, it felt unnatural and someone had to not be in his right mind to just decide on something like that, and most of all the killed ones this time were teens, its true that not all teens are good kids and such but they still had a lot of time to change and learn about the world. That didn't mean that they could freely kill someone older and the consequences wouldn't be the same. The death of someone close to you could warp the way you think, some get broken down and get up, some stay broken and others seek revenge. Sara had once thought if she hadn't been taken in by someone what would have happened to her. Would she actively seek out her parents killer to kill him? Or would she had still turned out the same that she was now. This was one of the parts that mage life interesting in Sara's opinion, never knowing what the outcome of your decision would be until it was too late. But if life was predictable it would have been boring, if someone could have seen in the future so much things would be different now, that it was actually funny to her. Life was strange but she loved it, even with all its curve balls, she would fight for it till the end for it.

    Sara's eyes returned to Ruvel's back as he had began to speak as they continued down the dirt path, she agreed with him on the matter, she wasn't sure that she wouldn't hesitate to take someone life if it was to protect something close to her, but even if she doesn't hesitate, it wouldn't mean that it was the right thing to do. "Death is the easy way out, atoning for your sins and realising them was hard, and the right way to bring someone to justice." She said as she continued to listen to him. She was quite the opposite of him, but while she enjoyed the thrill of fighting someone strong, it didn't mean that she would go as far as to murder someone, and she wouldn't go about instigating the fight, and would probably be in her best behaviour if it came to important meetings and such."I love the thrill of fighting someone strong, but I wouldn't go as far as to inflict fatal damage to someone, if I ever do it would mean that It had to happen, not that I'm going to content with It, or atleast that's what I think now, I don't know what it feels like to take the life of someone else." She felt that it was only right to tell him, if he had done the same. There was still a lot that she didn't know and has yet to find out about herself. Blindly giving out statements about things that you a person has yet to experience was ignorance in her opinion. You could have a general idea of how something would go and how you would feel about something, but until it happens you can never be certain, and with a world that's constantly changing, people tend to adapt sometimes to fast without thinking whats the right way to go about the new changes.

    As they had finally gotten close to Azure Lake, they had already stumble upon a body. Sara had called out to Ruvel and after sometime she had turned her back on the body as her partner had crouched near it. The way the teen had been murdered seemed brutal. At somepoint Sara had looked back to see that the body was covered in a small light for a second before it passed. She noticed the glow in his eyes and guessed it had to do something with his magic. "What did you do?" she asked as she got a closer to him but looked onwards into the woods. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, as this was the first time she would see the CEO do something close to magic as she had yet to feel any magical presence and she doubted she would feel any. Sara had even asked her tenant somewhere along the way if he could get a read on what a saint's magic energy was and even he couldn't get a read on Ruvel's magic. Sara was broken out of her thoughts and moved her eyes from the woods towards Ruvel as he began to speak. "Its highly possible that we may stumble upon bodies older then this one" Sara said as her eyes trailed the body that was next to them. "They may even be scattered around the woods if they had tried to run away, like this one." Sara had seen ghosts one time before and believed in their existance ever since. Some spirits couldn't find the peace with which to move on, as their hatred didn't allow it, the hatred towards their murderer. She fairy certain that they would probably encounter a spirit and even if they weren't the murderes, that didn't mean that the spirits wouldn't try do anythig to them.

    It wasn't long before they had reached the camp when they went back on the dirt path. As they entered the camp, Sara had heard a bell ring from behind her. Turning her head around slightly she found that it was actually coming from Ruvel, she didn't quite see from what the ringing was coming but it soon started to move further away from them. She reassured herself that it was something her job partner had done as he didn't seem to be surprised from the sound and had given no reaction to it what so ever. She looked back forward as to not get a sudden surprise from something. Sara looked around the building that they were passing by. Most of them looked run down and unsafe to even be close to them let alone inside them. Finally she had spotted one of the cabins that she guess were used as living quarters when the camp was operational. As she had entered the building she had noticed that Ruvel didn't, she suspected that he had found something else of interest as she went through the cabin belongings. At somepoint through rummaging through the cabin's contents Sara had found a journal. Just as she was about to move toward to exit to show the journal to Ruvel, she heard the creek of the old door and a cough followed through as the room was now illuminated by her partner as he had now also entered the cabin and covered his mouth, from all the dust in the room. sara had hidden most of her face behind her scarf as she had entered and the dust didn't really make any diffarance as her scarf was made from a pretty thick material while at the same time it was quite easy to breath through. It was a gift made for her from her surrogate father and she had no idea from what material it was made, as it was pretty durable.

    It wasn't one of the best ideas to read through the notebook in the dusty cabin but she was curious to who owned the notebook in her hands. It was good that she also had gloves as the notebook itself was old and dusty and it wasn't one of the greatest ideas to touch it bere handed. Sara looked towards Ruvel as he said that they may find more of these around and opened the door for them to leave, Sara nodded as she went out the door first. It wouldn be good to find out about this person's journey in the camp, maybe it would have information on what had happened before the first massacre that gave birth to the urban legends and eventually led to the shutdown of Azure Lake camp. She had turned around just as Ruvel had exited the cabin, hearing something akin to a whisper. For a second she thought that pressure was getting to her and she was getting paranoid, as Ruvel told her that it was likely the cracks from the camp being old and rundown. She noticed how he tapped his forehead and she knew that he also heard something but was keeping it more secretive if the enemy could hear them. She was quite surprised as he spoke in her mind, his lips not even making a single move. Sara nodded towards him as he told her that he heard the whispers as well. 'They felt close and at the same time far, I really don't like this, It doesn't feel natural when it doesn't feel like he has a magical signiture.' She said through the link that they now shared. She hoped  that her tenant wasn't linked and his voice wouldn't be heard through the link if he had tried to intimidate Ruvel or do something else that he can think off.

    The darkness of the night wraped itself around them as Ruvel had put the pendant that acted as a light source in the dark night. They moved towards the center of the camp to what looked like the biggest building from what she could make out in the darkness, and as they moved through the darkness Sara kept her senses on high alert, as the darkness was making things hard to make out, and she knew that she had to keep her cool in this darkness to not hallucinate things. The danger of them getting jumped by the killer was now very high if he had a way to see them in the shroud of darkness that was around them. Sara looked back as she was leading the way towards the central building to make sure they weren't too far away from each other. After making sure that they were close to each other Sara looked ahead to see the cloads parting letting the moon illuminate the build that was their current target. The building was at least three stories high, but it looked like the roof had collapsed on some places in the building.  She looked around the outside of the building looking for a map that they could use to actually see how big the camp actually was. They had no idea where to search for the killer, he had yet to even make a move through the cover of the night, and this was putting her slightly on edge. She was certain that he knew that they were here, and was most likely following them from a distance, the only thing she could gather is that he was very patient and most likely he had let the teens feel like it was just an urban legend ment to scare kids from coming to the camp. They weren't mages that could defends themselves with magic if they needed to, instead they were normal kids that were coming to the camp to explore and probably to find something of interest or to brag to other people how fearless they are for coming here.

    Seeing a map Sara turned back towards Ruvel and mentioned to him to come as she had found what they were searcing for. Going towards the map she noticed how much dust there was on it, but it looked clearer on certain places which ment that either the killer had cleared the dust of some points of interest or it was the teens that had done so. It was highly unlikely for the killer to have done it, seeing as he probably knew every nook and cranny of the camp. "The teens might have been the once to clear the dust, so we might as well check the places as they may have gone there." She said as she started pointing towards the places of the map with no dust on them. One of them was a place with a campfire illustrated on it, another was another large building to left of the campfire, and finally the port of the camp. It was probably there that they played water sports even though there was a river some what close to the second bulding. She moved her hand on the map and cleared a bit more of the dust around the large building. Even though she did it rather gently to not raise any dust, she still hid her face behind her scarf. After clearing out the dust she was able to make out the name of the building. "We're at the lodge and the second bigger building is the dinning hall." She wondered where they should go next. All of the places were points of interest as the teens may have gone there. Then it was the question where they could find more of the pieces of the notebook, that they found in the cabin close to the entrance. "Where should we go next?" She asked and focused on the map again. They could check this building out or go to one of the cleared out points on the map.




    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 4th June 2019, 6:47 am

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 7,446
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest
    Italics are used to show mental conversations

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    The young blonde haired male had no idea what was going through the other's mind, in fact he knew nothing about his current job partner other than that she was a native to Clover town and was currently an unguilded mage who was once a member of a guild that no longer existed. He also knew that she was looking to get her name known throughout Earthland, at first she wanted to do this by becoming a wizard saint, he had quickly corrected her way of thinking by asking her a single questioning and letting her know what would be expected of her. He hadn't once tried to put her dissuade her from that path even saying he would help her reach such a station if she so desired it for the correct reasons, he even said if she asked some of the other wizard saints they to may help her to achieve such a goal. He had made sure to make it clear that he didn't speak for the others but that there was no harm in asking them for pointers or even to take jobs on with them. It seemed like he had given her food for thought as she hadn't thought about the tasks and expectations that came with such a position. In honesty neither did he at the point when the position was offered to him from the magic council, but he had slipped into the position like it was a natural thing for him.

    The reasons she may have wanted her name to be known may have been selfish at first, but then he guessed that was a common thing amongst people, from what he had come to understand everyone wanted to make their mark on history so they would never be forgotten. He didn't care about being forgotten, he didn't care about making a mark within history, he just wanted to help those he could by whatever means he could. He wasn't a warrior like Johann or Cirven, the two elder males he had come to look up to for strength and hope himself, he himself was a diplomat. He didn't want to cause anymore harm to another being, in his mind there was enough pain, suffering and murder in the world, he wasn't looking to fill a need. He would only fight if there was absolutely no other way to deal with the conflict but even then he would try and find another solution, in the end though if none could be found then he would hit non vital points or immobilise them. There was no reason to take a life under any circumstance to him, no one was judge, jury and executioner and no one was beyond redemption in his mind. He knew that many would feel that this was a foolish outlook but if they knew his past they might not believe it so foolish or naive, then again he cared little for what others thought of him and just got on with what needed to be done.

    Seeing her smile he returned it in kind with a warm and charming smile of his own, he had hoped that his words had helped her find the path that she herself wished to follow. He could help he become famous in other ways if that was all she wanted, he had no qualms with that at all. He honestly did believe that she could do some good in this world and would make a good wizard saint if she walked the path required to become one, with the understanding what would come if she gained the mantle. Due to the smile she had given him he had a strong belief that she had made her decision and it was the correct reason to become one of the ten lights that shone through the darkness within their world. He would keep to his word and help her on her path to become a well known and renowned mage, one that would be worthy of being a wizard saint. It was a title of servitude to the people of Earthland, unlike every other time he found himself in servitude or under the foot of another, he himself had accepted this fate of his own free will and had he had no issue with it, well that's not true he wanted to be kept out of the lime light but that wasn't going to happen. As soon as you had a title such as rising star, coming storm and the likes people took notice be it good or bad you had a target on your back as people wanted to make their own name by using yours.

    He himself knew what it was like before he had joined the guild that he currently was in, he was lost, afraid and lonely. Constantly watching his back not sure if he was being hunted by anyone, the first mage he came across he was pretty sure was going to kill him if he didn't do as he was told, and that he was quite certain would have ended with him being in a dark guild. He had managed to get away thanks to the help of his former dragonic warrior summon Barthenz but it kind of left him back at the point where he was alone, without allies and with nowhere to go. The second mage he came across was a man named Cirven, the man he now seen as an adoptive elder brother who had brought him into the guild he himself not took care of thanks to Cirven's vanishing act. He had no idea what a guild mage was meant to do, he had no idea what would be expected of him as a member of a company and there he was being groomed to be his adoptive brother's replacement. It wasn't something he was ready for, for many reasons. One of the main ones being the fact he couldn't read or write any language that was under two thousand years old, all his reports were done by his summons and they done it in their native tongues so it meant translators had to be brought in and the work redone for a second time. It irritated the clerical team of the company but there was nothing they could do about it because of his position.

    He didn't expect her to join right then and there or at all if he was at all honest, if she was going to join he would have wanted her to make an informed decision and that meant for her to do some research before making such a decision. There where many good guilds out there that may fit her ideals better than his own, that would be able to help her achieve her goals better than he could. He wouldn't ever blame her if that was the way her path took her, in fact he wished her only the best in all things in her life. She seemed like a good person deep down who had seen some hardship in her life. What this hardship was he couldn't say one way or the other and he wasn't about to try and get her to open up about them as it would end up opening a can of worms he himself wasn't ready to deal with. As for the hardships he believed she had, well everyone had their hardships so it wasn't exactly a difficult leap to believe she had her own demons. "I'm glad to hear that you will look into joining a guild after you had done some research into which is best for you and your end goal." his voice was as warm as ever, his eyes showing he would support her decision no matter what it was and would still help her if she ever asked for it.

    As the two walked quietly he had no idea that she was having an internal discussion with a second being that lived within her, not that he had room to judge if he had known. Where he didn't know of the arch demon that lay bound and dormant within his own spirit, he did have six summons that he spoke to constantly within his mind thanks to the links they had. He knew if he went radio silent to them they would get worried and who knew what would end up happening given the power some of them had. Last thing he needed was every stone being turned upside down as they tried to find him, it wouldn't look good on him and there would be a lot of angry people to boot, so saved everyone some hassle and just kept in touch. He could tell by looking at her that she was deep in thought, he had to wonder if he had that same kind of look when others seen him "Are you okay Miss Ravencrest?" he finally enquired somewhat worried by the others sudden silence and the expression on her face, he wanted to help her if he could but he knew that he might not be able to. It depended on the problem and if she was willing to share the required information, in any case he thought he should ask and offer if needed.

    When he had examined the lighting he wished he had altered the conditioning of it, it could have ended up with things in their favour perhaps but he wasn't entirely thinking on the long game as he normally did. It still boggled him how they couldn't see the difference in condition in road, lighting and even the camp sign. Only one of the three had been well maintained and it was the one thing that would have logically stood out for someone that was in sound mind, something he guessed teenagers normally weren't. It wasn't like he could use himself as someone to measure up to he wasn't exactly normal by any means of the word and he knew it, on occasion this bothered him, times like this however, not so much he was actually glad he was more perceptive of his surroundings and thus the dangers it could possibly bring him. He listened to his job partner and could understand her way of thinking within reason, still, even in the middle of the day these would stand out like a sore thumb in his opinion. There were no cracks, no dust, no rust no glass or litter around them the forest around the lighting even seemed to be less natural and more like it was being maintained by someone. "I can understand your way of thinking, but look a what is odd with this scene." she invited her to see if she could see the issues he could see "Also I have seen that people also do things as dares or if they believe they have something to prove or on occasion trying to debunk things they have heard as urban legends..." he said in a thoughtful tone "This one just happened to have a cost and it was a very high one for them all." even the one who had escaped hadn't manage to get out unscathed.

    As to why the group came here in the first place they had no clear idea and likely never would unless they could talk to the survivor. Then again would they really want to get her to recount such a horrible tale? It was something he would rather avoid by all means but the questions would eventually be asked over and over again, some of the people wouldn't be caring and just want to get close to the killer without endangering themselves or the people might be groupies of the serial killer. He had heard such a thing was common, he honestly thought such individuals were sick in the head and needed some sort of treatment. He knew he wasn't qualified to make such judgements however but it just seemed sick to him in some way, a way that should be treated by professionals. Just thinking of people being groupies to such dark individuals made him feel at ill ease even dirty but then he guessed some people just seen things in different lights. It did make him wonder if this was the one who apparently killed the first round of people all those years ago or was it a fan that had just fallen to far into a delusion that they were the original killer? Only time would tell he guessed. His eye went from the lighting to the tree line for a moment, he could feel eyes on him and his current job companion but not even he could see where the hunter was hiding. For not it seemed like they had to play the killers game and by their rules but that suited him fine as the person in question would soon pay for their crimes in a court of law.

    He was glad to see that she was remaining close to him as they took the last part of the journey to the camp lands, they didn't know who or what they were against. Abilities and strengths at current where hidden within the shadows of the forest that surrounded them, but everything eventually would come to light and he had no issue about going into the forest and doing it that way. The only issue was that he would be at a disadvantage as he didn't know the layout of the forest, he did have ways to combat that of course via one of his summons but would rather not place them in danger if he didn't have to bit of course when it came to this summon such a worry wasn't a thing as she moves so fast she couldn't be seen by people. The gift of being fae he expected, he loved the faerie dearly and doted on her as such not that she really cared, she loved the dressed that she received. As the path turned from stone to dirt he could tell just how badly maintained this place was, he just wanted to get this sorted so he could do anything but be in this place. It wasn't that he was against helping or being in the area but this place reminded to much of being back in the facility, a place that he didn't want to visit again, in fact he would rather push it out of his mind like a distant memory but so far that didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon. It actually bothered him but that was a problem for later it would seem.

    His thoughts went back to the survivor and if they could get anything from them, he wouldn't want to talk to her personally as he knew drudging up the memories could and likely would cause more harm than good. He had hoped that talking to those who would be talking to them would give insight to what happened only a few short nights ago, the issue he currently seen was that it would likely be sealed records through either the courts or from the therapist they would be forced to see. He would see what he could find out after this was dealt with but until then he believed his mind should be on the job at hand. This mass killing was unneeded in the young blonde male's mind, he had given up a long time to try and figure out the reason such things happened, he just put it down to how some people were evil and had no issue from taking the lives of another. Now after talking to Oykai and Demi he knew it was a balance thing, he still didn't agree on the killing of others and nothing would change his mind on that. All life to the youth was sacred, it was that simple. Then again he knew some people were treated badly, perhaps not as badly as he had been put through but it was enough for the person to snap, when that happened they lashed out and sometimes it ended fatally. He now wondered why people wanted to do such horrible things to one another, that however would likely be a question that would never be answered.

    He knew that sometimes people also killed under the name of 'justice' but that was just wrong, how could anyone do such a thing? Surely in time their judgement would become clouded and corrupted for one another reason or another. Then there was also the fact if you killed someone and it was a mistake there was no way to undo it, it was a permanent thing unlike being incarcerated in prison. Everyone had their own views on such things he guessed, the death penalty wasn't ever allowed on Tolgalen, hell his guild didn't kill unless it was for the greater good and he wanted an explanation on why the person who done it believed that there was no other way. Had he himself killed, he didn't believe so, it went against how he was as a person. The guards that had been killed within the facility, it was had been his body, well kind of. The spiritual demon within his own spirit had taken over to help Ruvel deal with the stress of losing Demi, killing everyone he met along the way. Problem was when he was out, the youth suffered a blackout and so had no recollection, the plus side of this was that his appearance changed so it could never be pinned on the young god of Ishgar. His own thoughts were soon interrupted by Sara's words "You'll find that the correct thing to do is often the most hardest thing to do. That being said, anything worth doing is never easy and it is because of this you can always tell if you're on the right path or not." he informed her, he wasn't the wisest or the best at pep talks but this was his opinion at least, he hoped it would help her in the future in some way if she ever had to deal with something like vengeance. He knew it would be easy to cause them as much pain and suffering as they had been given, but the truly strong wouldn't kill but take them to be dealt real justice. He couldn't blame anyone however if they believed that it was the only way to prevent more pain, suffering and death from happening.

    He nodded to her words "Atoning for a your wrongs is always something that will be difficult, however, there are some who don't wish to atone for what they have done. They don't care about the suffering that they have done to their victims or their loved ones." he said honestly seeing it first hand on several occasions, it never got any easier, but that reminded him that he himself had his humanity in place, something that he was eternally thankful for. He honestly couldn't and didn't want to imagine himself having lost what made him how he was at current, sure he wasn't the strongest physically but he had proven himself on several occasions through other means, he just wished the trials would stop coming, it was wearing the youth down bit by bit. He knew one day he wouldn't be able to cover the cracks he hid underneath his mask, away from the world around him, it would do no good if these things came to light after all, the questions that would be asked he knew he wouldn't want to answer but it would be pushed until the answers were found. "Yes, so lets bring this killer to justice the correct way and show him that there are other ways than taking justice into ones own hands when you are wronged." he said calmly with an approving tone, he knew she didn't need his approval but it showed that she really was on the right path to what she wanted in the long run. He listened to her words and chuckled her words reminded her much of his vice president Johann Von Weiss "You mind me of my senior vice president, he enjoys sparing with strong opponents. I'll have to introduce you to him some time, perhaps he can help you hone your skills." he said in a friendly tone, this was nothing more than a friendly offer that she could refuse if she didn't want to.

    He was glad to hear that were she enjoyed fighting strong opponents that she wouldn't go out of her way to instigate a fight or inflict fatal damage or a last blow. She went on to say that if the final blow ever was dealt then it would be something that had to happen, but it didn't mean that it would sit well with her. This to him truly was a good sign because it meant that she was the good person he believed she was without having to sense anything from her. He paused for a moment hearing the last part "I've never ended a life myself, I don't think I ever could in all honesty, to me there is always a better way that doesn't have to end in bloodshed and if it does it never has to end fatally." he said being completely truthful to the best of his knowledge, the more time she spent with him the more she would come to understand the young wizard saint couldn't lie regardless of what the question was, that of course all came down to wither he would answer the question or not. He could say with all truthfulness that he would never willingly take a life, he would always look for another option before fighting and even then he would still look for a more peaceful solution. He knew that this would be hard for anyone to believe as the world and those within it were always changing but given what he had seen, been through and his natural mannerisms due to what he was these were facts that would never change in him to the best of his knowledge. There was of course one way it would change but even then it wouldn't be permanent, but it could and likely would do permanent damage to his reputation, problem was he didn't know that this problem existed so had no way to fight against it. Luckily he had summons that would deal with that if the need ever arose so he could continue his life as he currently did now.

    When they had came across one of the brutally killed bodies he done his best to keep his fear in check, right now wasn't the time for him to be panicking due to seeing blood. The teenager needed help for their final rest lest they become vengeful and likely kill anyone who passed it due to being envious. While the others back was turned he done a small ritual, one he didn't expect her to see so he was surprised to hear her question as he stood up. "Ancient rites of spiritual release and passing." he explained to the other "If the victim had remained here he would have become vengeful for two reasons." he explained knowing that he would likely have to go into further detail on the reasons "The first being that they died in a brutal manner, those who do not die in peace will seek vengeance in death." he said letting her know the first reason "The second is that the longer the living remain on the plane of the living, the more they become envious and jealous of those that have what they no longer do and so will try and take it from them." his voice was saddened, it wasn't their fault on either point but it was something that had to be taken care of for the safety of those that would end up coming here in the future. "I hope my explanation helped you understand a little." he said with a sad and weak smile. As much as he hated the facility he only knew as 'home' they had helped him learn things that had been forgotten, then again he was only given limited time to learn this kind of thing and that was due the festival of the blood moon, a time were he and some others had been treated better than royalty. To his knowledge, the others that had taken part never made it out alive, he on the other hand never left his normal routine and allowances, so it had him wondering if that was the reason he survived while others had not but that was something he would never know he expected.

    He guessed his eyes where now glowing as he felt a bit light headed and smiled weakly "Please don't worry about my eyes, they will settle when I get home and rest." He said knowing that rest would help so longs he didn't get to bad, if it did well he'd be having more than rest, he'd be having his medicine because he would be beyond sick but that was something he could omit to the other. He still wasn't lying he was just not giving all the information, he didn't want to worry her especially at the moment, if she was worried he would then become the main priority and thus a burden to the other, something the could do without right now as they were having to deal with a serial killer that knew the area better than either of them did. The focus had to be on the task at hand and not on him and his health, justice was needed so everyone affected could feel at peace and that this place could finally be reworked without fear of what was out in the forest or walking between the cabins at night. He was fully aware that the other was likely checking him out for his magical signature, the problem was he didn't have one to speak of, nor would he ever have one. That was due to a fact not even he knew at current, that he didn't use magic in the traditional sense as others did. When he used what others classed as spells he was using his own life force, each spell stripped moments, hours, weeks, months and even years off his life. It was the reason his eyes glowed, it was a warning sign that he was over exerting himself, the brighter his eyes got the more likely he was to be claimed by death. He never got the time he lost back but it allowed his summons to find ways to strengthen his life force he could last that bit longer, still it worried them and those few who knew to no end.

    Hearing the others words made the youth nod, he had also came to the conclusion that they might come across the bodies of the first mass killing that happened in the came so long ago. With the stigma this place held he was sure that those who done the original investigation wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, again this was something he couldn't blame them on. He didn't really want to be their either if he had to be perfectly honest with himself and the world around him, it just made him feel uncomfortable on so many levels. "Possibly, but we should try and avoid going into the forest while it is dark and we are pray for our very own personal hunter." he let the other know of his concern to her statement, he couldn't argue with her theory and it was something that the authorities could deal with when they dealt with the dangerous threat that was no doubt currently stalking them from said forest that pretty much surrounded them on all sides. He could already feel Oykai stirring and if that was happening it meant there was a bunch of spirits that hadn't been taken to their final resting place. He knew that the summon could take care of himself but he really couldn't allow it at the moment in case he himself needed the death god. "One of my companions are becoming active, there are a lot of dead around here that seem trapped and bound to this place. From what I can personally feel a lot more than was reported... that's a little frightening." he let the other know, he was shaken but remained calm, it could mean that they would have more than just the killer to deal with and that was not something he himself signed on for, then again he doubted that either of them had.

    He glanced over his shoulder at to the other knowing she herself could hear the gentle chime of the bell that was going off into the distance, he gave her a smile of reassurance that it was nothing to worry about. "The bell you can hear is from a hairpin a fairy wears, she's so fast when she flies you can't see her. She's not a combatant but she is good at finding out information." he informed the other with a smile "She's my big sister." he finished telling his job partner, he knew it would likely make little sense but it made Maera happy and so he was content to give her that. He recalled the day of their contract she was hurt and so alone, it had turned out that she had been hurt by her own kind because of a nasty rumour. She was the smallest amongst them so was an easy target, he spoke to her and told her that she was far bigger than them because of her heart, that he wished he had a sister like her. A contract was soon struck and he gained his loving big sister who he spoiled with new outfits and accessories that he himself made for it. "Big sister is looking for some information." he said with a happy smile, he believed that an additional set of eyes could be helpful more so because if it required reading she'd be making up for something he couldn't do. As they entered it seemed like a scene from a horror lacrima or a creepy nightmare, it strangely reminded him of that haunted theme park that he always seemed to be drawn to, he had been within it twice thus far and didn't like it. He could see the souls of the countless dead, this place was like that to but more vengeful. The spirits there didn't know they were dead due to the fact they were constantly reliving the last moments and deaths over and over again. He wanted to help them but he had no idea how, he guessed this is why this place also unsettled him.

    For a brief few moments Sara and himself seemed have separated to get a bit more of a feel of the place, she had went inside a cabin where he himself had went to one that looked as if you breathed on it, it would collapse so decided not to go inside. Having made his way back into the cabin Sara was in he found her reading someone's journal as he illuminated the room better with the pendant of his necklace. He seen how the room was originally and could never imagine sleeping in such a way, several people in a small room, likely with a curfew. He imagined there was falling outs, arguments and likely fights, it was something that was bound to happen especially if you were roomed with your class bully or someone who you didn't like for whatever reason. He doubted camps such as this one done checks to make sure such things didn't happen, he could see the reason it would be beneficial to do it this way and wrong to do it his but he also seen the other side of that argument.

    It was something he would need to talk to his vice presidents about when he returned home to Tolgalen to see what they thought about it. Perhaps if his way of thinking was implemented, wasn't forced to come to camp or the poor boy was given the support he needed then the tragedies of the past and present could have been avoided. There was no point in worrying about that now as the poor souls of those who had been killed and so trapped her without knowing their final rests, he couldn't change the past but he could learn from it and try make a better future for the youths of his home and maybe set an example for elsewhere in Earthland by doing so. In that cabin he felt he would suffocate or die of a coughing fit thanks to the amount of dust that was in there, he was thankful when they left the place and now wondered if they would all be like that, he really hoped not. They had both heard the strange noises that seemed to come from nowhere yet everywhere, it seemed to have put them on edge and so decided that he would have Shindara make a temporary mental bond between the two mages so they could talk without alerting those who could and likely were watching them intently. He was also happy to see she understood what he had done and why he had done it without freaking out, that would have caused several issues he was sure and would alert their hunter that they where up to something not normally seen in non magical beings.

    He wasn't sure just how strong of a mage the other was as his own sensory only worked on six magic types, he himself gave off no magical presence what so ever. The only spell he had used if it had been picked up on was a low rank summoning spell but it could have just been a companion that he had travelling with him due to the former fact. So for all their hunter may know was that a low -  mid tier mage was walking around with a non mage making them easy pickings. Nothing could have been further from the truth and it was that underestimation that would cost the killer in the long run. 'Yes, it isn't the most harmonious setting' he sent back to her 'He may have small lacrima dotted around to play such noises that are activated by movement or even by control, though if the latter was true then he would need to be near by.' then again for all they knew this could be a spell but he would have to rely on Sara for that type of information not believing her sensory was off like his was. 'So no magical signature?' he sent to her wanting to double check 'If that is the case then these by be lacrima that are set off by passing them or by remote. What do you think of the theory?' he asked her in their link wanting to know what they thought of his hypothesis or if they themselves had a theory about what could be causing such weird sounds at strange intervals. Ruvel was still stood unaware of the other that seemed to share a bond with Sara, the link was given to her and so like with his own summons, the he would only pick up the demon's words and thoughts if he so wished to be heard as Sara would only pick up the summons thoughts and words through the bond if they wished to be heard.

    Ruvel knew that the pendant he now carried as they walked deeper into the camp held more of a con than a pros. Sure they could see better but it gave shadows so it would be easy for the mind to play tricks, the second was their location was now apparent and due to the limited distance of its range they could easily be sneaked upon and potentially harmed before they knew what was going on. It was then he decided to do something somewhat stupid but he thought the other might just put it down to some strange enchantment or rune he had on his body. Putting his necklace away back under his clothing they once again fell into darkness but he lowered the glamour on his left hand alone knowing it would brighten a larger distance. It wasn't something he liked to do but he didn't want to be dead at current and right now felt like the other mage though very capable from what he believed was under his care. He didn't want this place to claim another victim especially if he could do something like this to help avert the danger, this of course made him more than a little uncomfortable to do but it was something he would have to live with for now. Ruvel followed quietly keeping the area well illuminated as they walked to the centre of the camp, he was hoping that if the killer was near he would think twice about attacking them for the moment, his attack would be seen coming regardless of direction as they had light surrounding them and they were on high alert. Part of him was hoping that he was going to be that stupid but he highly doubted it, if he was then he would have been caught already so it just wasn't on the cards he expected. Even if he wandered off he always made sure he had visual contact with Sara and that she could always see him, then again that was kind of hard not to given all she needed to do was look for the source of the light to find him. That being said they both knew that they would be at a disadvantage if they did get separated for any reason in this place. Even with the clouds parting and the moon shining down Ruvel kept the glamour off his hand, he knew that the clouds could easily cover the moon once more and they would once again be shrouded in darkness while he readjusted his glamour, during that time they would most likely be sitting ducks, again something he would rather afford as he had become accustomed to living.

    As they approached one of the larger buildings of the camp he could see that the roof was rotten and even had collapsed in some places, that done nothing to make him feel safe enough to enter the place. He was pretty sure at this point if the serial killer didn't kill them, the rotten ruins of the camp buildings would by collapsing on them. It was just the 'perks' of the job he supposed and they would be unprofessional if they didn't check everywhere to try and get as much information as possible and return it to the authorities and or the loved ones of those who passed. It wasn't just for the dead they where doing this for but those who had been waiting for years for closure, to know once and for all what had caused these tragedies and why their loved ones had been taken from them. Jobs like these were the reason he had agreed to become a wizard saint. He hoped that Sara herself through this job would come to understand the words he had spoke when he asked about why she had wanted to become a wizard saint and spoke of the responsibilities that came with it. Sometimes all it took was going through something for words in a conversation to have such a deeper meaning, he himself had found that out at least once on his own journey to become stronger than who he once was. On seeing the map at the foot of the building he seen how big this place was it wasn't as small as a hamlet or village but wasn't exactly as large as a town, it was somewhere in between. 'This place is larger than I expected... and there are no breadcrumbs left for us to know where to begin.' he sent to her, it was like looking for a specific needle in a needle stack, this was going to be frustrating, he could feel it already.

    He knew this killer would be patient, wait for a moment of weakness, a moment when they would let their guards down before striking. It was something he likely done to the teenagers that had recently been killed within this place. Then again there was nothing saying he would attempt it in the first night, he had killed recently so knew people would come to investigate, he likely knew those who were sent wouldn't leave without some information of at least where each of the teenagers bodies fell. This place being as big as it was, it could take a few days just to do something like that. He could afford to play the waiting game, but the longer he knew the longer the killer waited the more he and Sara would be on alert, there was no way that the two would be able to sleep at the same time. Well that was a lie as when he slept he was still fully aware to his surroundings, it was a trick he had learned while at 'home' that had kept him and Demi safe on many occasions but again it was something he would rather not reveal about himself if he could help it, so would suggest shifts while they slept which again wasn't exactly the best thing as it gave them limited time to try and find their hunter. As they passed the fire pit he stopped and looked down "Miss Ravencrest." he said to her dusting off ash from a semi chard diary carefully picking it up and holding it out to her, though the outer pages seemed to be scorched it was easy to see that the pink and baby blue notepad was a lot newer than the one that had been found in the cabin "Perhaps from one of the teenagers?" he said hoping she would read it so he didn't have to get one of his summons to do it and him relay it like himself was reading it.

    It was then that he remembered what the other said when they were at the map, it had been dusty in all but a few places, something clicked in his mind as he looked at the journal in his hand "Maybe the owner of this would have wrote where they had visited and where they would be visiting, if it did we could go to the next place on the list. It might even give us some insight of what they had seen or if they themselves had cleared some of the dirt off the map." he said hoping that it would give some answers and not lead into more questions, they had plenty of those it was answers for said questions they were currently lacking in. "I know one of the places on the map that was uncovered was the lake itself but we should remain away from it in the dark, more so because I can't swim." he admitted, he was on ships a good amount of the time when he wasn't at the company or flying on Bennu, so it was mildly ironic that he couldn't swim. In honesty he didn't see the point if he was out in the ocean he was going to drown anyway so what was the point of trying to learn to swim. At least that was his way of thinking, still he knew it was something that his summons would eventually make him do for his own well being and safety. "I would suggest we go to the lodge first, people write letters, do journals and the likes there I would expect so we could likely find the next part of the original journal or find a new one that might give some help from another's point of view." he said to Sara seeing if she agreed with his assessment, his ears still listening to the distant chime of his big sisters bell. It was the way he knew that she was alright and still near to him, if Sara agreed then when he stood he would head towards the lodge, if not then they would have to discuss and choose their next step.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Notes: Hover over header to get word count.


     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

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    Experience : 663,926

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     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 18th June 2019, 1:57 pm

    It was now that the petite mage realized she hadn't shared anything with her partner, they were both blind to each others abilities and skill set. The only thing she knew about the CEO was that for some odd reason she could not sense his magic. She thought for a second what to tell him, concerning her magic, for a second she thought of telling him just a small amount, afraid of what his views of her would be, but after his words, his encouragement and support towards her even though he didn't know her made her overthink and decide to at least tell him about everything, except her 'tenant'. It was something she wasn't ready to talk to anyone about it, as she herself didn't know much about her own situation about it. Her magic was still a mystery, having explored only a few parts of it, and from the things she learned about it from an old family journey that she was only on the surface of it, and that there was much more about it then she initially thought.

    "The magic I use is a mixture of type, the elements I use are holy and demonic, I can use them seperetly and combine them both to create a.. more special type." She said quite uncertain what the other element would be called. She extended her left hand and showed her palm, even thought the light of the sun was still shining, a small light appeared in her hand and her exposed eye started glowing a soft green, the light itself looked like a small spear, then it changed to a small red aura around her arm, before it changed to a small orb made of purple energy. "This is what it looks like when I combine both elements." She said keeping her hand low so it could be harder to see for someone that would be lurking around in the woods. "I'm more of a short to mid range combat fighter. I figured that it would be good to share at least something about my magic, seeing as we would most likely have to fight whatever is around lurking in these woods, and don't worry about the eye, it glows when I use magic for reasons that I don't know myself." She said, her eye looking through the woods one more time before focusing back on the road. Telling Ruvel about her magic was the least she could do, there was others times in the future that they could potentially talk about if she had questions.

    Usually she wouldn't openly talk like that, rather more reserved and half truths until she was certain that the person wouldn't judge her based. It happened more with civilians then mages but over the years the insecurities grew and now it was quite difficult for her to talk about things like this, but for some reason she trusted the blond CEO more then others. Maybe it was because he offered so much to someone he didn't even know, or maybe it was because he helped her figure out what she wanted to really do with her own goal. But the first the next step was to find a guild, it would make her life far easier, most people would have probably jumped at the offer that Ruvel had given her, however she wanted to look into the guild or rather company, she had no problem in joining an unofficial guild, but she wanted to get informed around the other guilds as well as the West Fiore Trading Company. She hadn't kept track of the guilds and what was happening with them or what most were even about, rumors from her travels were the only things she knew about guilds and you don't really trust those. She looked at Ruvel when he spoke up that he was glad that she would look into the guilds and pick something that suits her and she smiled back to his own kind smile. He was truly unique in her opinion, a kind soul in a wretched world, where darkness and light constantly fought for control, and yet she wondered where she stood between those two. Life was unexpected and something could change someone at a moments notice. From a beacon of light to a bringer of darkness from just one event that could break a person and change him.

    Sara perked up and looked at Ruvel, as he had asked her if she was okay. "Y-yes everything is fine, I was just.. thinking about something." She lied to the blond CEO, it wasn't something that she wanted to share with anyone yet. And the only person that knew of the being in side her was her adoptive father, as he was close to her real father and knew a lot about their family from there. The petite mage wanted to figure some things herself or rather spend more time with the being so that she could know more about him. Currently she didn't even know his name and that irritated her to no end, there was a lot she didn't know about him as well as her magic, knowing well that the two things were tied together. She wasn't going to think much about it, and was going to talk to her tenant only when it was necessary for the rest of the job. The petite girl didn't want to worry Ruvel any more then he should, she was fairly certain after their little interactions that if she ever neeeded to talk to someone about it, he would try to help her or at least listen.

    Sara looked around the road with the working lacrima light. Everything around it was in perfect condition, even the bushes around them were maintained a bit, but it was evident that it was tried to be as subtle as possible and it was still fairly easy to see that someone had tampered with the surrounding area unlike the pure wilderness that was until now, and with the little sun that still shined Sara could see that a bit futher away that same wilderness from earlier on the road was taking over again. Her head turned to Ruvel and she nodded. "The road around here is perfectly maintained also the wilderness around us doesn't look natural at all, I agree that there were tell-tale signs everywhere. The kids either saw the signs and didn't care or didn't see them at all." She said and looked towards the light again. It was teens that they were talking about in the end, they did stupid stuff all the time, from proving themselves to others or the impress a girl, its just that this time it turned out to be a bad move to prove something. "I like exploring so I may have checked something like this out. But unlike the teens, I also have magic to back me up if things go south... and a better mindset then them." They should have left the second they had seen the surrounding area, that is if they have seen the sighns which she doubted they did. "I agree teens would do anything to prove something these days and sometimes it doesn't go as planned."

    Even if they came here on a dare, they shouldn't have ended up like this. Their life was in front of them, they had families, friends and other close ones that would now also suffer from this. She wanted to know more to what they were getting into, but she didn't want to make the survivors suffer anymore then they had, other authorities wouldn't care about that and would make them relive the horror from their memories. The only thing they could do was bring the killer to justice, even though he had murdered the poor teens, Sara hoped that they wouldn't have to kill him, that would be the easy way out for a person like him. She was broken out of her thoughts as Ruvel spoke. "I've never had to make hard choices... and I hope that the day they start coming I would be able to do what I need to do." She said.

    "I believe no one is beyond redemption, there are just people that don't want to walk that path, and want to walk the path that they have set for themselves." Everybody could be saved, most just didn't want to be saved from the path of blood and death and preferred to stay that way. It was mostly to the mindset of the person and if they could see that the thing they were doing was wrong and only brought harm to everything around them. Those were the people that had totally lost their humanity and some had to be killed to prevent more damage from being done. That being said it wasn't like a sane person could just kill them and walk away like nothing happened. It may appear like that at first but most people would definitely suffer from it mentally.

    She nodded when the blond CEO said that they would bring the killer to justice the correct way. It was the least they could do for the family's of the now deceased. It may bring them some comfort to know that their children's killer was captured and brought to justice. Some would call for his head, but it wasn't their place to decide that as well as it wasn't both her and Ruvel's place to call for something like that. Being a god of Ishgar, Ruvel may be able to do something like that and have him executed, but he seemed way to kind for something like that. She chuckled as Ruvel mentioned one of his vice presidents. "I would love to meet him and maybe have a spar and I would also appreciate if he helps me out." She said with a small chuckled before smiling afterwards. From now on Sara had a great respect for the trading company, even if she wasn't going to join it, from her small interactions with the CEO to hearing a bit about the people that worked there. They all seemed to be nice people and probably being surrounded by them would be quite nice. There were a few things pulling her towards it and now she was fairly certain that these things would weight a bit on her decision on who to join.

    She listened to him as he told her that he didn't think he could take a life. "I'm not certain myself that I could take one away, but its something I can't be sure of until it happens..." She said not content with what may happen one day. Things constantly change around people and you never know what could happen, even when she would try to avoid it with all her might. She didn't want to take someones life, it just didn't feel right to her to do something like that, and yet she had witnessed her parents murdered right in front of her, she still didn't know what she would do if she sees the murderer, what her reaction will be and will she want to make him suffer. A deep hatred had been growing for the man ever since, having nightmares from the night and her weakness to change the outcome even in her dreams didn't help with it. She shook her head slightly, clearing her thought, now especially with another killer lurking around wasn't the time to think about something like this.

    Her eye sight moved from the woods to the body of the teen and Ruvel as he began explaining to her what he did. After he told her what the spell that he used initially did, he went into a bit of more detail, easing her mind as she didn't have to figure it out on her own. "Indeed it was, you really are a kind soul." She said with a warm smile. Truly one of the few rare kind souls in her opinion, she didn't know a lot of people or more importantly mages. She had seen most things from the side, and how people would do whatever it took to be on top, above the rest. In Clover her family was hailed for reasons unknown to her, and when the people their showed so much respect and thought highly of her too which she felt uncomfortable, she hadn't done anything to earn that respect, instead she was born under the name of a well known and respected family in the town. It wasn't like she didn't want the respect that was being given to her, the only thing she wanted, is to be earned, rather then because she was born from such a family.

    Sara had noticed the slightly glowing eyes after he had casted his spell, but didn't think much of it. Because like him albeit not from a sickness, rather a side efffect from her magic was the glowing effect. Everytime she used her magic her eyes glowed both in the respective green and red, but the eyepatch over her left eye covered the red glow making it hard to spot if she ever decided to hide it in battle. She could also make them glow at will just by pumping magic through her system, and when it came to intimidations it worked like a charm. She simply nodded to his words, as she thought that it was just something related more to his magic then a sickness. If she found out that it was due to a sickness she would understand why he didn't tell her, the unnecessary worry in their predicament would be bad considering that someone that was killing people roamed around the woods or specifically the camp that they were close to now. And with the setting sun, soon everything would become all that more difficult as they would be playing by his game and most likely he would get the first jump on them. They were walking in blind, with the only knowladge was that there is someone in the camp that is trying to make the urban legend real or that someone may still be the original killer. He was most likely watching the two mages from a distance, waiting for them to get in the perfect spot or get separated and pick them off one by one. Ruvel would most likely handle himself quite well alone considering that he was a god of Ishgar, but the question was if they really did get separated that she would be able to handle herself. She would rather not find out now, even though she loved fighting.

    She looked at him when he mentioned that they shouldn't be going in the forest and she nodded before she spoke up. "Its bad enough that we have to play his game, and if I had to decide from the camp or the woods that's berely going to be any light in, I would choose the camp..." Both choices weren't good, but at least in the camp they would get some moon light, rather then the pitch darkness that was going to be in the forest. Sara was a bit surprised when he said that there were a lot more dead from the actual count that was reported. How many people were actually killed that day? And for their bodies to not be found meant that they were either scattered around the woods if they had ran or something worse happened to them. The teen's body that they found indicated that he had died a gruesome death, and she couldn't even begin to imagine what may have happened to the rest. "We should get this over with quicker then.." She said and looked towards the camp.

    She was wondering from what the ringing was exactly coming and Ruvel spared her from overthinking it as he explained that it was his big sister looking for information. "I was wondering what the sound was exactly and its good to know that we have another set of eyes for the area." She said with a warm smile, she could see the joy from telling her that it was his big sister that was helping them out, and she couldn't help but smile herself. It probably felt good to work with siblings but it also got another layer of worry for them, but if he let her just go around like that, he most likely trusted her to stay safe and if she couldn't be seen when she flies then it meant that he wouldn't have to worry about her that much. "I'm guessing that if she finds something we would hear the bell?" She asked, it was most likely that way, but she could also be very wrong and may not even hear the bell, if it was in a sense to keep it more stealthy and only Ruvel could hear in on longer distances. Unlike Ruvel, she couldn't see the spirits around the area. The place even at first glance looked run down and abandoned a long time ago, some buildings had collapsed walls and roofs others didn't look as bad but their actual condition was questionable. Sara hoped that one of the buildings wouldn't collapse on them, as they would most likely have to enter.  

    Sara nodded as the two of them conversed mentally, due to Ruvel's ability. It was good to have something like this if they had something more special to talk about they could discuss it freely and the serial killer that lurked around wouldn't be able to pick it up, if Ruvel was right about the lacrima that made sound then nothing was stopping him for having lacrimas for hearing the conversation of the people he was stalking. It made it easier for him to set up something if he could learn where they were going to move to next or get important information for like weapons or magic if like Ruvel and Sara they had met for the first time and were giving each other a headsup on their abilities. In Sara's case she revealed her magic to Ruvel a lot sooner and hoped if the killer actually had these lacrima that there wasn't any hidden along the road to here. 'I haven't been able to sense anything. Let me try again.' She said through their link and closed her eye, expanding her senses to the surrounding area, trying to sense for the smallest magical signiture even, but she couldn't find anything, so it made it even harder now. She shaked her head slightly and opened her eye again. 'I can't sense anything, either he can mask his signiture or he doesn't have one.' She said again through the link. It was possible that their enemy didn't have any magic and he wasn't a mage, but something didn't fit, she doubted that he would kill so many people and make a recent killing with so many guilds around. 'I agree with that, they are most likely lacrimas around this area or rather the whole camp. There is a chance that he isn't a mage, but there is also the possibility of him being able to mask his magical pressance. Either way I think he's quite sure of himself that he can deal with mages, he was bound to know that if one of those kids had made it out, mages would be called on the matter to look around the area or rune knights at the least.' She told Ruvel through their link her thoughts on the matter. It was still strange to her if he wasn't a mage to why he would do this, he could well be fucked up in the mind from previous encounters with people and didn't care if in the end mages were going to come for him, he most likely would try to kill them also. The whole area felt strange, it was as if someone was watching them and yet everywhere she looked was pure darkness and she couldn't see anything, so the person that was most certainly was watching them and hunting them had a way to see the two mages. The only thing that they had an advantage on was that he couldn't sense Ruvel's magical pressance and he couldn't determine how strong he was, the only thing he could have seen was the spell the blond CEO had casted on the corpse of one of the teens that had been murdered recently.

    As they walked through the camp, Sara was looking to the side, trying to see something, even the smallest movement but it was hard as the clouds were hiding the moon and the only light source they currently had was the light from the god of Ishgar's pendant. Said light soon started to disappear and when she looked towards him they were completly shrouded in darkness. For a second she thought that they would continue to walk like this as it was potentially going to make it harder for the killer to see them aswell, but that wasn't something she could be certain on, he could also have something that helped him see better at night. Before she could even ask a glamour from his hand illuminated the area around them, even further then the pendant and in a larger area. It made it a lot easier for them. It eased her a bit as they weren't sitting ducks anymore, if their hunter moved on to them to attack, they were going to see him now. She gave a small nod towards Ruvel and looked to the side again in hopes that with the better lighting that she could spot something out.

    Sara was getting frustrated as she looked at the map of the camp area on the building. It was huge and even with the dusted out locaitons that didn't mean that they could find anything there. Who knows where the teens actually went to from these locations. It didn't make it better that they may have to spend the night here seeing as it was better then trecking back through the pitch black forest. 'This doesn't help us at all currently... even with the cleaned out spots we have no idea where the teens actually went, its getting harder and harder to figure things out.' She said through their link, the two were going to be here for sometime, they had no idea where the killer was, or how he even looked like as they couldn't get to the survivors to talk to them and that made their job even harder. She didn't want to make the teens relive what they had just gone through with their memories, but some information would have been good as they weren't going to be walking in as blind as they currently were. The person that was hunting them was patient, he didn't attack in the forest and had waited for the sun to set, he was putting them on edge as they had to be constantly alert for a potential attack. There was a chance he could try to wait until they were exhausted. It was a common tactic to starve the enemy in a way and attack when they were weak. It meant the least casualties and in his position the least chance to get bested if he attacked as they were currently.

    Sara looked at Ruvel as he called her, holding a burned dairy that was in baby blue and pink colors. She scooped it as he held it out to her and carefully went through the pages so something didn't happen and the dairy didn't end up being destroyed before they could get anything from it. Reading through the pages she finally found something that could help them and finally spoke up, reading the lines from the page. "Some of the boys went out to get firewood for the night as we are thinking of camping it out here before going home. I don't really like it here, the whole place is giving me a wierd vibe and there is that urban legends but the others said that it isn't real, but that doesn't help, there was also those wierd sounds that were like footsteps over the wooden floor that we heard from the dinning hall's second floor, but when we checked it out, but there was nothing there. I want to go home but its going to be dark soon and I don't want to walk alone through the woods as Em and Judy were going to stay here. I'm with them currently as well as Charlie around the camp fire waiting for the others to comeback with firewood. We are going to go to the dinner hall later again after we eat and most likely stay there as we didn't really bring any camping equipment. June." She finished and continued moving through the pages again to try and find more. "Some pages are burnt and its hard to read... There is a bit more here on this page. 'Charlie said that he forgot his hunting knife in the dinner hall and everyone else except me and Em went towards the dinning hall with him as we are going to be camping there after all, we are going to put out the fire and then we are going th..." She cut of as she couldn't read any more of the page as it was burnt at the bottom. "The bottom part is burnt so I don't know what it says, but I'm fairy certain from this, that the killer started from here, most likely everyone returned when they went for firewood if she had time to write in her dairy and then they separated..." She said and closed the dairy and saw the name of the owner of the dairy. "Leslie was the name of the girl that was writing this. Lets go to the lodge and after that we can go to the dinning hall." She agreed with Ruvel and took a look around the campfire area. There wasn't a body in sight so it either meant that no one was killed here or the killer cleaned up after himself unlike in the woods. "There is a chance no one was killed here, if they had seen the killer she could have panicked and dropped the dairy, both making a run for it so it ended up in the flames." She said trying to think of something that may have happened but they could never be sure about it. "Lets go, we shouldn't stay here much longer then needed." She said as she closed the dairy and took it with her. It was better that they stayed with them as it was some info they could present afterwards. She could leave these in the lodge when they got there and come back for them later when they finished the job. They were still not getting any answers but at least they knew where to look at now. "We are most likely going to find something in the dining hall and I don't think it will be pretty.." She said and followed Ruvel towards the lodge.

    Post WC:4545
    Group WC: 16064/16000



    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 24th January 2020, 2:21 pm

    ~Word count was met for job in last post and so was handed in continuation of job requirements will be done as an 100y freeform job post after this one~

    Sign up details:


     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Ruvel 26th January 2020, 4:52 pm

    Ruvel || Z-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count: 5,162
    Notes : @Sara Ravencrest
    Italics are used to show mental conversations

    Camp Azure Lake Mystery

    The blonde haired youth walked further into the belly of the beast quietly at currently being quiet worked in their benefit. Ruvel himself didn't know this place, it had been the first time he had ever been to Clover Town let alone this dilapidated camp stalked by a serial killer. This was his hunting grounds and the youth was under no delusions that the pair were his current pray so would need to be careful as they had no idea if there were any traps awaiting them as they continued their investigation on what originally happened here, what happened only a day or two ago but to capture the killer in question thus finally bringing this bloody legend to an end finally while bringing closure to many families who didn't seem to have any yet. To him this was the basics of being a wizard saint, sure everyone knew who you were but there was so much more than that. To take on the mantle of a wizard saint was to sign yourself into a willing servitude for the betterment of Ishgar, whether they liked magic or not. He had a suspicion that the other was trying to find his magic signature, she could have spent years or entire lifetimes trying to find it but still there would be nothing. "I don't have one Miss Ravencrest, it makes going to Bellum a nightmare as you can imagine..." he said stopping to look to her "It does however help in areas that are very untrusting of magic or mages." he said with a small smile "And no I'm not telepathic I just know many get confused when they can't sense magic from me, so thought I'd clarify." he said before she thought that he was reading her their mind. It wasn't the first time that had happened and he had spend hours going around in circles with people until they finally understood it was a common occurrence he had been through so just clarified that he didn't have one so they could stop trying.

    "The company has many mages working for it, all with their own quirks be it via magic or them, themselves." he said shaking his head "Mines is I don't come off as having magic, I have a dragonslayer that is alcohol dependant and a plant mage who has a demon inside of her to name a few." he said with a small chuckle as he thought on Adalinda and Yona, as much as they drove him up the wall he couldn't imagine them not being in the company. He had read her body language as if she had been nervous, he didn't know what it was about of course but thought it might be because of his magic or even if she wondered if her own would be accepted inside the company as he had recently offered her a place within it so wanted to put her mind at peace that everyone was accepted for who they were. "We don't expect people to change that generally happens over time as they become more comfortable in their surroundings naturally." he explained to her, everything would be at her pace if she did in fact agree to join the company nothing would be forced upon her at any point. Of course with any job their were rules, expectations and a chain of command but that was the same for guilds or society in general. Hearing her talk about her magic made him tilt his head a little the the left and smile "My elder adoptive brother Cirven uses holy and demonic magic too, so perhaps you and he could talk..." he looked down for a moment and bit his lip "He left without a word a few months back and since then the running of the company and Tolgalen has fallen to me..." he said looking up smiling weakly "Perhaps when he returns he can give pointers, I don't know if what works for him would work for you." he said trying to be helpful as he could on the subject. "I wouldn't know how to explain my own magic in all honesty." he said scratching his cheek a little.

    He blinked watching what she done, it was a strange feeling he was getting from it. It was calming yet unnerving at the same time and he hadn't even been touched by it "Well if you have holy on one side and unholy on the other what does it leave you when the two touch?" he asked her "Chaos? Unrest? Balance? An equilibrium? I can't answer this for you unfortunately, this is something you will have to find out for yourself but I will happily be with you on that trip of discovery if you wish it of course." he said to her showing irregardless of whether if she joined the company or not he would still be around to do things with if she wanted it. He leaned forward towards the strange magic and studied it briefly "It might be a form of maker magic or even a new type of requip yet to be seen or hasn't been seen in a very long time." he said thoughtfully, in honesty he didn't know which it might be and without studying it neither of them may find out the truth but that would come down to Sara's want to find out what that power was and if she wanted someone there to help her on that journey. He knew some people like himself didn't like people peeking behind their masks and veils but there were others who didn't mind people helping. He wished he could be more open about things but he knew just how bad that might be given his standings and how young he was so would rather just keep the lid on that can of worms closed for as long as he possibly could. He nodded hearing about her magic "I can do a little bit of everything but I prefer support over offence personally." he said sharing something in return about his own magic so it be fair in that regards.

    Ruvel had seen the eyepatch but had thought nothing of it. It could have been an injury that would have been none of his business to ask about, she would have told him if she wanted to him know. On the other hand it could have been a fashion statement and why people dressed a certain way was their right and he wasn't one to say anything about it, the only stipulation to the rule was when it came to the company. The company had a dress code albeit a loose one, people just needed to dress casual smart and it was more often than not employees wore white or pastel colours staying away from darker ones. He himself looked like he could go into a board meeting at a seconds notice and look like he had been ready for it the entire time even if he had been training. He seen this as good business practice and overall it had helped the company and Tolgalen prosper that much more, this was something he was happy about of course. "I know what you mean about glowing eyes, my eyes glow too, just for a different reason I'm sure." he said with a warm voice, he knew when he overdid it, it affected his health. It was only known to a few that the brighter his eyes glowed the worse his health was, he tried his best to rest it off because he didn't like his medication; well he was actually afraid of it because of how it was given and where it was given. He was sure anyone that could see a needle coming would panic and be afraid but of course there was more to it than that when it came it him. The fact it was a needle that went into the nape of his neck or into his pupil was just the tip of a very large iceberg he never wanted to revisit if he could help it.

    "Like people, every magic is different and I don't believe that any magic is innately evil the one wielding it can be, so twist the magic from its original purpose to what they want and thus we get forbidden magics. Thing is even forbidden magics can be used to help people in need if trained the right way, at least that's what I believe." he said warmly as he looked to her, it was clear he was being completely transparent with her about his views on magic. He started to walk again towards their next destination. He had given her an invite to become an employee of the company he currently ran as he had many people, she however was the first that hadn't jamp at the offer which he respected. He understood she wanted to do her due diligence about the company and even see if one of the official guilds would be more suited to her, he would still be there to help her if she ever asked for it regardless of her choice of guild affiliation. As far as he knew he had a good rappor with the legal guilds and the other independent guilds were in an alliance so there was a steady base there. Dark guilds... well there was reasons to work with them but he stayed clear of dark mages as much as possible as it caused more issues than it was worth, more so given his status as a wizard saint. He once again paused and looked to her for a brief moment "Everything is in creation is in flux, something good could end up being the wrong choice due to an outcome that happens later down the line, the same can be said for something that can be deemed a bad action. We can't see the full picture and nor should we try to, we can only work with the information we are given and hope our actions are the best course of action. I know personally that it's hard to let yourself off the hook when things go wrong but remember it's like a game of dominos." he said warmly, he knew it could have come off as a random thing but it was entirely true in his opinion "I am a pacifist, I dislike fighting and have seen to much pain and despair in my life to want to cause more, however, I know on occasion it is needed because if I don't there will be a lot more harm than good at that time." he said looking to the fiery like sky.

    "For example let take our current situation. We could kill this maniac but would that really bring peace to people? Would it inspire copycats? Does he have a family that would want revenge on us for killing him? On the other hand would it bring more peace to those who had lost people to make him answer for his crimes though the justice system? Could the interrogation be studied to help advance police training, psychological training, etc to prevent such things happening in the future? Would his family feel at peace knowing he is alive behind bars for the rest of his life? Would it still inspire copycats to do the same? Would this awful place become a tourist destination or a place of remembrance? There are so many twists and turns for both sides of the argument, not only that but there is so much we don't know until we choose our path and let the dust settle so to speak." his gaze turned to her once more at the end "We do our best with what we know and hope it is the right choice, that is all we can do. Of course that doesn't mean go out and murder mages because they're in a dark guild. We don't know why they are in that guild to begin with but it doesn't mean become best friends with them either. It is all a moderation thing and being that we're humans we are failable so don't be to hard on yourself if you make a mistake." he said to her gently, he had no idea what she was thinking he just knew that he had doubts on actions he took and believed she might feel the same especially when it came to a place like this when it was so close to her hometown so wanted to put her at ease by letting her know she wasn't the only one who may have been doubting themselves at that current moment. Whether he had read the situation right or not he had no idea, he also didn't know if his words would help her find peace anyway but he could hope they did.

    "I would have to say the latter in all honesty." he said thoughtfully thinking about the light lacrima once more. "As mages we need to hone our skills and that means training, focus and observation in case something changes or goes wrong. The ones who were killed and the survivor were normal teenagers. They came here solely for the ghost story and to likely investigate a bit, they wouldn't have been on alert or looking for things out of place as they believed the murderer was nothing more than a folklore." he said his tone showing he was still thinking on this whole thing logically "Afterall, if there hadn't been a murder in a long time even in or around Clover Town or this place they may have believed him to be like an old wives tale that parents tell their children to make them behave." he could only hazard a guess on that one as he didn't even remember his parents all that well. "They may have also believed that given how long ago the original massacre happened he may have left for another place to stalk due to lack of victims, that he may have been locked up in prison or a psych ward or even had died." he said to her wondering if she came to the same conclusion that he had on this. "I wish people realised they didn't have anything to prove to anyone, alas there are still fully grown men and women feeling the need to do such things. I have to deal with this a lot in my work with the echelons of society." he said rubbing his temples remembering the last humble bragging match between a court of nobles in Iceberg "Between you and me, it drives me completely insane while giving me a headache. Next time I have a ball to go to I should invite you as my plus one so you can see what I mean. I'll even design you a dress for the event if you want to take me up on the offer." he said with a bright smile as he brought down his hand, it was clear that the youth enjoyed tailoring with how he was speaking "I actually make my own clothing due to my slight frame" there was more to it than that but he wasn't wanting to go into to much especially right now.

    He smiled once more as he continued to walk "Every choice even if we believe them easy is hard for someone else." he explained to her "Even a simple choices such as whether you should go left or right could change events drastically." he said to her, it was easy for him to see this was something that she personally hadn't thought on much but it would likely be easy for her to see he thought everything through before he done something. "There are people beyond redemption in my opinion, however, that being said I do not believe that people are ever so far gone they don't deserve to face proper justice in a courtroom of their peers instead of just being killed outright by vigilantes." he said his voice steady as he spoke. His beliefs were the reason behind the honour code that Onyx Moon followed, the reason that they were a vigilante guild and not a guild of mercenaries. Death of enemies was purely if there was no other option and then they had to explain themselves to Ruvel as to why they believed such an action was needed. On the whole it had been effective with only a few slight bumps, but those bumps Ruvel understood and agreed with the end result so nothing more was ever said about it. "I'm sure he would enjoy the challenge, I will introduce you to him if you decide to join or even if you just come to visit. Our training rooms are created to absorb damage and self repair." he had no doubt if he didn't have such contingencies in place he would be having to more than replace the walls; he would go so far as to believe he would have to up and relocate the entire company with each and every spar or training bout that would happen and he would rather not if he could help it, it was just a headache to think about that mess entirely.

    "The headquarters of the company is on the continent of Tolgalen, the company... well I wouldn't say own or rule it but we definitely govern it." he said his tone clearly uncomfortable with what he was saying. The company did own the continent of Tolgalen and so they did rule it but it was clear he was happier with the term govern than the former two. "The continent is prospering nicely and we're self efficient so don't even have to go out of the continent if we need anything." he said proudly, it wasn't that he was boasting he was just happy that all the hard work and effort the company had put into the place was paying off, when they had found the place on accident it was struggling and it was like between the company and the natives of the place they had seemed to have been able to make both grow but actually thrive. He brought up that piece of information so if she was going to join or even visit she knew normally where she would find him "I don't actually own an ilac so messages are best being sent there in honesty." he said rubbing the back of his head, he really should get one of those ilac things but he was to paranoid about being tracked, then again at this point he was one of the best known mages in Earthland so keeping a low profile kinda went out the window some time ago. He still tried to figure out how the hell that happened as it never really did make sense to him, but then, nothing really made sense to him since he fled the facility that evening so he would just go with it. It was then the conversation went back to one of their many current ones "I've been in that situation several times and have never been able to pull the proverbial trigger, even doing harm... I'm reluctant to do it. I'm a diplomat, my battles are done with words not swords." he said his tone sounding somewhat distressed but it calmed as he took a few breaths "That being said, words can do far more damage if said in the right places to the right people." he warned her having seeing that happen first hand also.

    He blinked as she had told him he was a kind soul after helping the deceased find his way to the realm of spirits. "I wouldn't know if I am kind or not, it is just a natural thing for me to do in such a situation." he explained not understanding really why something he believed everyone done would be seen as kind. He didn't know all that much about how others in the facility were taught and knew even less about those outside of it when it came to lessons and education so all he could go on was his own knowledge. "I'm sure you would have done it if I hadn't done so." he said gently with a tired smile, he was already pushing himself and could feel it but he wouldn't have forgiven himself if he allowed the soul in that body to suffer any longer than it already had been. He was glad they were in agreement about remaining in the dimly lit camp than the darkness of the forest, he knew he would be fine, he was a walking light source after all; he was more worried about the other as he couldn't feel her magic meaning light wasn't one of the elements she used in her magic and if she did it wasn't used enough for him to feel it. "If we go to quick we could end up making mistakes, I prefer we go slower and be safe than going quick and missing something or ending up injured because of something we could have avoided." he said to her, it was true he wanted this over and done with as quickly as possible but he wasn't about to put his or anyone else's safety in harms way due to wanting this done sooner. Slow and steady won the race after all or at least that was the way the saying went anyway, sometimes slow and steady would be quick and dead but on this occasion he was more than happy to do things slowly because they were also looking for information.

    He smiled as she explained she was curious about the bell "I created the outfit my big sister is wearing, she liked the bell hairpins from Midi so I even made her one of those and she's worn it ever since." he said looking back to her. "Maera isn't really my big sister..." he stopped mid step and turned to face Sara "She is a fairy. I made a contract with her around a year ago, one of my first in fact." he explained biting his lip nervously as he held onto his sleeves showing this wasn't exactly an easy topic for him "When I first met her, I didn't have a family... she said she would be my big sister and being lonely I happily accepted. It made her happy too because her forest... it got petrified... she was the only survivor of the blighters attack... so since then I've been her little brother and she my big sister." he said his voice trembling as he fought back tears, after a few long moments he was able to compose himself once more "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have burdened you with such information. Please forgive me." he placed his hands around a half inch in front of his face and bowed forward a little, it was a strange quirk for apologising but it seemed as if he was relying on muscle memory for such things. He straightened after a moment turning his head towards the gentle ringing of the bell. "She flies so fast that human eyes can't keep up so she's perfectly safe and if she does get hurt I can easily heal her." he said knowing that would likely be the next question that would come most likely as it often was. "No, the bell is from the hairpin, when she finds something she usually comes back and hides behind my hair telling me what she's found." he answered to the question given to him by his current partner on this investigation.

    "My companions are all alive, I can't make contracts with spirits or the dead." he informed her, he knew that others who had summon magic normally had it with mythical beasts, spirits, the dead or supernatural beings. His just had to be alive and willing to make a contract with him. 'The bell comes in handy when I need a distraction.' this was sent more as an afterthought as it had been given to her as she had wanted it on her hairpin because she liked the sound of small bells. On seeing the state of many of the buildings he really didn't want to enter them, the thought of falling through a rotten wood floor or having a mouldy ceiling collapsing on him didn't seem to appealing in his opinion but he had the feeling that was exactly where they were going and soon. Hearing Sara through the bond he nodded, for this he would have to rely on her as his own magical senses wouldn't be all that useful due to how the facility had altered it thus limiting it dramatically. 'He might not be a mage or there are things interfering but like you said he might be hiding it completely. We should proceed with caution.' he sent back to her knowing she would likely agree. 'You're right. This means he is likely a mage and has got more than a few tricks up his sleeve. Rune Knights are no walk in the park and it wouldn't be low rank mages called in with how many dead there have been over the years.' he sent her wondering if she agreed with his assessment of the current situation. 'I think he is using magical items to dampen his magical signature, if this is the case then I think we should keep an eye out for the magic given off by items and not a mage first.' he suggested to her allowing her to do the check again if she thought it was a plausible theory they could go with.

    The darkness was getting deeper, so much so that the light of his pendant was getting swallowed by it 'This isn't a natural darkness.' he let her know the glamour that surrounded his hand fell so his hand glowed breaking through it. He knew the truth of what it was, this was the way his hand looked naturally but to the other it would likely look like he cast a basic illumination spell on his hand to help in the current situation. He had no issue with doing this at all but it was a dual edged sword, as much as they could see the serial killer coming towards them it also meant they were clearly visible to the serial killer. On the plus side if he was using anything with night vision with how bright the light was it would have flared on them and thus making them useless at the moment so that was at least some good news. He had to agree that this was becoming frustrating but he remained quiet and kept his cool awaiting Maera's return to him with some information that she may have found. He didn't like the thought that they would be here overnight in all honesty but it made little sense to travel back the way they came just to return the following day. Then there was the thought that came with that. 'He would have likely turned the light lacrima off once we entered the camp, he has two flies in his web he wouldn't want them to escape easily.' he sent to her showing he realised they were there until this whole matter was settled regardless of how long that might actually take. 'I also believe that while we are in here he won't allow any other to enter, it makes things more complicated and there would be more risk to him so if we bump into another person who isn't a teenager then we've likely got our killer.' he said going off the fact he still believed that this was the original killer and not a copycat, then again for all they knew this could be the next generation of the one who done the original killings but until there was proof saying otherwise he would treat it as if it was the original killer and not a wannabe. He could only imagine a wannabe doing this if the real killer was active, it wouldn't be a pretty picture and he wouldn't want to be in the twisted fans shoes if the original killer got a hold of them that was for damned sure.

    It was clear that their hunter was experienced and this was through the patience he showed, he savoured terrorising his victims. He mentally abused them thus making them paranoid, but was it really paranoia if there was indeed a homicidal maniac out to kill you? He thought not. He watched them through lacrima and from his hiding places in the thicket of the dense trees as they explored his play area. It was unnerving and creepy to say the least but he had been doing this long enough he knew exactly which buttons to push on even the most steeled of people it would seem. They needed to be on constant alert because if they weren't he could get the drop on them but to his mind that wouldn't be enough for this kind of predator, it would take the thrill from them. 'He won't attack us yet, we are to strong. He will wait until we are tired, from what I gathered they had been here a few days before he attacked them. he would allow them to sleep only a little before he started to make them to paranoid to sleep most likely. It is the most logical way to kill so many people the way he did. We will be able to sleep peacefully however, I have methods of keeping us safe.' he sent to the other, he had Amuul, Shindara and Oykai their race thrived in the darkness and didn't really require sleep so were perfect to be guards when Sara and himself needed to sleep. For now he would keep what he meant to himself unless she asked for more information. Ruvel allowed the diary to be taken and listened as it was read to him taking in the information that the girl had wrote within its now burnt pages. 'Lodge then mess hall seems like a plan, if you want to keep the diaries we find close and safe let me know. I can give them to one of my companions to keep them safe in their home realm as I fear if we left what we found in one area, it might be destroyed or go missing by the time we returned to retrieve them.' he told the other about his legitimate concern, then again their hunter was bold and likely didn't believe they were going to be leaving but he'd rather be safer than sorry all things be told, but he would listen to what the other wanted to do and follow her lead since she was the one reading them.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Notes: Hover over header to get word count.


     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

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     Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel] Empty Re: Wanted! Kayson Warheez [Job / Ruvel]

    Post by Killua 3rd February 2020, 6:59 am

    The petite mage followed the blond CEO closely as they ventured deeper into the darkness. When Ruvel mentioned that he didn't have something and had stopped walking and so did she, she was a bit surprised at the coincidence that she was thinking about how he didn't have a signature and initially thought it was for something else, but with his latter words she knew that it was for what she was thinking, frankly he was quick to reassure her that he couldn't read minds and that people would usually wounder why he didn't have one. "In all honestly, it sounds quite useful in situations, but now that I think of it it has its minuses." she said. "While you can't be tracked by enemies, you can't be from allies as well, which makes it hard if you are ever in need of assistance or someone has to reach your location for whatever reason." She said, he probably knew all this, it was his signature after all, but she couldn't help herself. "But i still think its more useful then anything else." She said and matched his smile with her own one. Sometimes she would wounder what her signature felt like to others, as every signature had a unique feel, sometimes they could be dark and cold and sometimes they can bright and even feel like a calm river.

    She listened as he started to explain to her a bit about the mages in the company, and she was even more surprised then before when he mentioned that there was some kind of plant mage with a demon. It was a lot like her, though in her case it was more of a beast then a demon, but demon sufficed in many of the cases, for explaining that is, not that she had ever done so before to someone. She could recall only one person before that saw her beast's power and oddly enough it was again in Clover. Sara continued to listen to Ruvel as she told her more about Cirven, how he could use the same aspects of magic as her, but had apparently gone somewhere, so she wouldn't be able to get any pointers towards it. "If I ever meet him, I will no doubt ask him, while true that it may not work for me, there's no harm for attempting to use the pointers." She said. "You said that there was someone with a demon inside them.." She said with a small pause, contemplating if she wanted to continue, but in the end she decided to continuing "I have something like that, more of a beast.. still trying to get him to cooperate more then he wants to currently, but I think I'll get to him one day, he used to get along with the people before me, so I have my hopes up." She told him, and felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders one that was there from a long time, she didn't remember the last time she freely told someone about this without it being shown first, after a life or death situation.

    As she had combined both parts of her magic, Ruvel had asked what happens exactly when the two touched each other, and had started listing some possibilities and she thought about it. "I would say an equilibrium, neither is more then the other, they tend to become unstable if something like that happens. I've sort of figured out the core of it and I've yet to find a ceiling on the capabilities." She said and smiled as Ruvel also mentioned that he would help her find more about her magic in any way he could. "I'll be counting on you then, if I ever need help wit this." She said with a warm smile. "Magic is unpredictable, that's something I like about it, it can be everything until its true form is revealed." It was one of the things she admired in life and was thankful for having it, since not everyone in the population could utilize it, thus why people needed mages to do certain jobs that couldn't be done by the average person, that's why they were here now. "I'm quite thankful for having magic honestly, it seems a lot more fun with it, then without it." She said and tried to look at the sky from all the branches and leafs that were stopping the moon light from lighting even a tiny bit from the dark forest, and sighed when she couldn't, the moon sky was also something that she loved as it was quite peaceful. She nodded when her partner explained to her that he preferred support over offense if they needed to fight in any way.

    Her thoughts lingered towards what her life would be if she didn't have magic, if she had to guess, she would most likely be at the Ramen Shop of her adoptive Father that had taken her in after her parents were killed on that fateful night from that madman of a clown. It was good that he was an old family friend of theirs and had taken her in without a second thought and didn't let the official to take her to an orphanage. Her life had drastically changed after that and she trained even harder then what her parents used to train her, wanting to find the clown though she didn't have a single idea as to what she would do once she did. The red-golden haired mage was brought out herself out from her thoughts as Ruvel mentioned that his eyes also glowed. "Mine glows only when I use magic, I've tried to figure out if there is a another reason for it, but it may just be a side effect of the magic itself." She said, it was something that she had no control over, well she did, but she couldn't stop it from glowing once she started using magic, the only way was to stop completely and after sometime it would just die down on itself with time. "I'll figure it out in time i guess." She said and shrugged, there was time to think about this later, now they had to find a mysterious serial killer that was almost certainly stalking them as his current pray.

    Sara listened with interest and looked at Ruvel as he explained his take on magic, being completely transparent with her on his views about it. "I'm on the same side as you for magic, while there can be some nasty side effects from some magics, that doesn't mean that with enough practice or knowledge that they can't be removed or subdued in order for the magic to not be harmful. To me Magic is a constant flow and we just have to guide it." She said and began to follow behind Ruvel again as they started again to walk through the camp. There was also the need for Sara to decide if she wanted to take up the offer to join the trading company that Ruvel was taking care of currently. It was one of the bigger decisions that she had to make a choice on, but first she had to look up things a bit, it may not be the best place for her, and yet it could also be. It was one of the things she had to do so much research after they finished up with the job at hand. As the blond CEO paused, she mimicked and looked at him as he began to explain to her about making choices and she listened carefully as it was no doubt that he had to make the hard choices that have hardly ever come to her. As he finished Sara sighed with a smile "Why does everything need to be hard, can't it just be easy as eating noodles." She said jokingly, even so she took in his words and thought about it. "Well, then I'll hope that when the time comes to make those decisions, I'll be able to make what I feel is right... from everything that I've pieced from this, you can never be certain of the right decision that would lead to the best possible outcome." She said while looking at the dark road that was ahead of them.

    "I can see it, without the end outcome and doing our decision we can't know what will happen after we deal with the killer, either by killing him or imprisoning him." She said and thought a bit more at what Ruvel had said to her. "We can't know the outcome of something until its too late to change said decision.. I guess today may be the first time I'll be doing such a decision, and it seems that I'll have someone to guide me for the day." She said with a warm smile. "If I ever do something that I end up regretting, I'll try not to be too hard on myself... there is still sometime before I get to something like that I think, I'll have some time to prepare myself for when the time comes then." She said as she had taken his words to heart, she hoped that it didn't put any pressure on him with her saying that would count on him, but then again, he was a wizard saint. There was a fairly big chance that he was used to these things already, and yet there was slight worry, Sara didn't want to bother him with even more things then he could already have on his head.

    "Even in a world of magic, stories and legends, may not be true. Sometimes things can be exaggerated, but every story or legend had to start from somewhere, and by this I mean that they have some truth and should be looked into with caution." She said giving her opinion on what Ruvel had said. "But it is true, they were teens and normal teens tend to do stuff that they shouldn't be doing to prove something to someone." She said as she looked back at Ruvel "I don't think there have been any murders around Clover, I tend to comeback quite a bit here and check in with an old family member that took care of me. I doubt he wouldn't have told me if there was anything recent that has been happening that could result in any harm to the people of Clover." She explained, as she would have known if there was anything like this and no requests had been posted previously by the townsfolk. "There used to be a lot of stories that would be told in order for kids to not venture out, but that would be mostly to keep them by their parents side and they were quite far fetched most teens knew them." She had heard some of the stories when she was a child and when she said that most of them were far fetched it ranged from man eating demons kidnapping children in the forest to great river beasts that could shake the ground around them. None of those stories were true, she had even ventured out once to find out if they were true when she had gotten a bit better with her magic. She looked back at Ruvel as he spoke "If I was still a child or more so a teen I wouldn't have believed that he was still here as well, Azure Camp is quite old and its been quite sometime since it was last used." She said truthfully, but there was one total difference, unlike the other teens she had magic at her disposal and she had a better chance of either dealing with the threat or at least escape with her life.  "Some people put pressure on other people to do things, but then their are still people that don't have any of that pressure on them and are trying to prove something to people that won't care that much about it." She looked at him as he rubbed his templates and offered her to take her on one of the balls. "I wouldn't mind coming, I would like to see what its like, but I doubt I'll like dealing with nobles that much." She said, a slight blush had also made its way as he had invited her and also told her that he would make a dress for her to use. "Its always good to do something besides mage work or something else with the company in your case." She said thinking that it was also one of the reasons he would like tailoring, other then making clothes for his frame that is.

    Sara followed behind again as Ruvel began to walk and explained some more about choices to her again. "When you put it like that, its like every choice can turn into a hard one without one even knowing, or more like even simplest ones can have the biggest of impacts." She said as she put some thought into the words he was saying to her. It was true that she hadn't put much thought to things like this, thus making her a bit oblivious to the bigger world that was out there. She fell silent again as Ruvel spoke about redemption. "This is mostly what I meant it by, I just couldn't explain it, some people could be beyond redemption and won't allow anyone with thoughts like that to them.... Some people can be too far gone by the time you can reach them." She said as she was finally able to explain her words from before, it was one of her more simpler problems that she could fix with more practice and it was explaining what she meant with her words, now that she had heard it from Ruvel, it was easier to explain her thoughts on the subject with his words in mind. "Then I can't wait to meet him and possibly spar with him, and if we are even at the company I won't have to worry about damage that way." She said with slight excitement in her voice, it would be good to just spar and not worry that much about the surrounding area. It was a smart idea to make self repairing walls, especially if you had frequent spars that went out of control.

    "That sounds quite nice, and like a lot more is on your shoulders at the same time, I would love to visit though, if I don't join the company that is." She said, she loved to travel around the world, so it was definitely on her list. "I love traveling around, so I will definitely go and see the place for myself one day." She had a few places already marked that she would visit and now Tolgalen made it on that list, it was good that she had gotten her passport so she would be able to travel outside of Fiore if she ever wished so, and currently she wanted to visit the snowy and icy lands of Iceberg, for some reason she loved the snow and everything that was snowy was on her list to visit. "I don't own one as well, I have never really gotten around those things." It wasn't that she had no expertise with technology, she just didn't go around using them, as she still hasn't found the need to have one. "I still haven't found a use for one, so that's the main reason I haven't gotten around to get one." She said truthfully. "I can see how people could hurt you with words alone and that in some cases, they may hurt more, but I also think they can hurt you through the people you care about." She said as she could think how they may target your closed ones to get to a person or just hurt them without actually doing anything directly to them.

    "It was just a kind thing to do, that's from where I got the assumption." She said, it wasn't something that she would be able to do, as she had no such abilities, or at least didn't know of some currently. "I don't know if I would be able to do the same thing with my magic." She said truthfully to Ruvel, she had never tried any of these things and in honestly, she never really thought about the spirits of people that were deceased and where they went, it was more and more of a realization for her on how little she knew about the bigger world. "I agree on going slow, with the only light source coming from you, its hard to see anything else, so we would be walking in even more blind then we already are... Additionally I feel like we are being watched, but I can't pinpoint from where, its like its from everywhere and nowhere at the same time." She said, with the last point being in a lower tone as she looked to the side and to the wilderness behind the dimly lit camp, the feeling was there ever since they went away from the main building in the camp. The main problem she had with the place, is that it was soundless, there was nothing in the area, just the eerie feeling and the sound of their conversations, other then that there was nothing else that could be heard in the area around them or from the buildings, or at least to get a glimpse of the person that was hunting in the area. It was clear that at some point they would find him or he would find them, the question was when. Was he waiting for them to split up or for them to get tired, it was most likely that they could go quite a while without rest, but currently he could rest without a problem as he knew the area perfectly and they were just following the steps of the teens that were killed in Azure Camp.

    Sara looked back at Ruvel as he started to explain the outfit that was worn by the small fairy that she saw. As her blonde partner stopped and continue, she could see and hear his voice trembling as he spoke. It wasn't an easy topic that they had gotten into. "There is no need to apologize...Its the bond that matters, you don't need to be blood relatives in order to consider each other brother and sister." She said with a small smile as she remembered her adoptive father that took care of her after the massacre of her real father and mother. "My parents were killed when I was young and I can even see the face of the person that did it still, his laughter as he did it, as well.. But I was taken in by an old family friend instead of being sent to an orphanage and the bond we formed is like the one between a father and daughter.. If its something that makes you happy and pulled you out of the pit of loneliness I can only say that its a good thing." She said her smile never leaving her face, even when she spoke about her parents being killed. It wasn't like she had forgiven the clown that had strolled into their home on the hill that night, and went ahead and murdered her parents. For some reason they had lost their magical powers and had little control over them, unlike from the stories that she had heard, and in the end she was the only one standing. "So if she finds something useful for us, she will be able to signal us or more likely you, but still that is quite useful for us as we will at least have a direction for something then just walking in blind." She said, getting tired of them just waiting for something to happen with no direction or a hint of what that thing will be.

    "That's good to keep in mind, that they are not like spiritual beings." She said as Ruvel had informed her that his summons weren't spirits or unholy beings, supernatural creatures and so on. Not everyone's magic let them tame such things to fight for them, and that's just how everything worked, some had more complex magic, and others more simple, but that that didn't make a magic stronger or weaker, it was all dependent on the user. She nodded at the afterthought that Ruvel had sent through their link. 'I tried to sense for everything in the vicinity that could give off even the tiniest magical source, but nothing came up..' She sent through the link, as she tried again expanding her senses to the maximum that she could, after which she went deep in her mindscape and looked back at the slitted red eye that was instantly looking at her. "Can you please help, I can't sense anything in this forest." She asked the giant beast and waited patiently. "I already assisted you and boosted your senses slightly, its either too far for you with the slight boost I can give you, or there is no source at all." He said and closed his eye. Sara exited her mindscape and did a mental sigh. 'I tried a few times as we got here, he's either to far away or without any magic.' She mentioned through their link and agreed as the other mentioned that Rune Knights weren't a walk in the park. 'If anything they would have sent more, I don't think they are the type to let things like this go, they would have most likely sent in their own higher ranked ones so they can secure the Town.' Sara agreed with Ruvel on the situation through the link. 'The other thing I can think of is that the person behind the murders chooses his victims and by this I mean that if he deems the people walking in the woods as a threat he doesn't approach them.' She said as she thought more about the situation, supposedly Azure Camp would have been secured and checked out since the first murdering that happened a while back. As he mentioned that he could be using a device Sara expanded her senses again searching for the faintest signature, if there was an item that dampened magic, it would still have to give off something on its own. She could even feel the slight boost from her companion that resided inside her, and her senses expanded to the forest around them, her eye was closed during the process and it snapped open after a second. 'I could feel something that was outside the camp.. But it was in every direction like it was either at a few places at the same time due to moving too fast or there was multiple things around the forest area as some would disappear from one place and appear at another, also the signature itself was quite faint.' She said as she was finally able to feel something in the area but it was nothing like she expected. The magical source could be felt everywhere and nowhere at the same time and it was quite faint, even with this they were at ground level again as she couldn't pinpoint a location.

    The area around them was getting darker and darker, the red-haired mage looked attempted to look towards the moon sky, but with the leafs of the trees and the darkness around them nothing could be seen. 'It feels like its trying to swallow us.' She mentioned, agreeing with him that it was unnatural to be so dark, even with all the cover. It was good that they had Ruvel's pendant but it also looked like it was trying to swallow the light that was coming from him as well. 'I can help with the lighting a bit, just tell me and I'll flare my own magic.' She offered her assistance, but it could also put some trouble on them as they would be even easier to spot then they currently were. It would also let them change a bit and not force him to expand more magic for lighting the area around them, she was sure that he could do it without a problem and it was most likely taking little to nothing, but she felt bad not helping him with it and letting him take care of everything in terms of them being able to see in the darkness. 'Most likely, he wouldn't want anyone else to find the road here in the night time.' There were pretty much stuck here until they got this over with and that may take sometime. 'I think so too, there is no reason for him to let more people get in here, and if they are mages, its just going to be harder for him.' She agreed again, there was no point in him letting any more people close as currently he had two targets that had no idea from where he could strike. He had the home turf advantage and also most likely a way for him to see in this darkness clearly, it could also very well be an illusion that he could cast and that it just effected them. There was quite a few possibilities around.

    It was slightly unnerving to her, them being the pray to something that they had yet to see, and it saw them perfectly. She knew that he would first play with their minds, it was evident from the journal of that girl that they had found that he would play with them, it didn't start at first, he had let them get accustomed to the area and feel like everything was just stories, it was a plus on their side that they knew the stories were true, the killed teen that they had found at the start was evidence of that, they didn't need much more then that, and the shocked teens that were in medical wards was also enough proof that there was something here, you don't get so shaken up if its not a legitimate threat to your life or someone close to you. It was going to be a while before they found him, unless they found some kind of trigger for him to come at them. 'He has most likely sensed that at least 1 of us is a mage, and with that pendant he may have guessed that you are one as well.' She said through their link, it was a plus that Ruvel's magic couldn't be sensed and there was no way to estimate how strong he actually was. 'Before we rest we should find a place that is suitable. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your methods of keeping us safe?' Sara asked through the link, she wanted to at least know a bit of information on the method, it was safe through the link he had established, and she wanted to know on what she would be counting. 'My tenant will wake me up if something comes up, he sleeps most of the time any way it won't hurt him to stay up while I rest.' She informed her partner that there was at least something additional that will help when they decide to rest. 'I suggest we keep them safe, its a little bit that we know and we can give them to their rightful owners or close relatives. The lodge should be that way.' She mentioned through the link and pointed in the direction of where the lodge was supposedly on the map. 'I hope we find something there, so we can stop being so clueless as there where the killer is.' She said honestly, as she hated the whole idea of them being just pray. Going closer to Ruvel she handed him the diary as he had mentioned that he had a way to keep them safe through his companions and their realms. "I don't want to lose these, so I think keeping them safe is the best way." She said normally and not through their link and waited for her partner to do his thing, before they could start moving towards the Lodge.

    WC: 4726
    Group WC: 9888


      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:46 am