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    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺


    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
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    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Dagda 19th December 2019, 1:52 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Winter Solstice
    Post Word Count: 1,244
    Job Word Count: 1,244/1,500
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Home
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda crouched down in the snow, his hulking height reduced exponentially. A large hand reached out and picked up some of the fresh, fluffy snow on the ground. The titan raised his hand closer to his face, dark brown eyes peering at the substance curiously. Snow on Earthland was different than the raging blizzards Dagda was used to on the mountaintops of Tetsukazu. The snowflakes in his homeland were massive, nearly the size of a “golf ball” - a comparison made by someone he had spoken to just a few weeks after his tumbling arrival to Earthland. The man didn’t know what a “golf ball” was, but apparently the size was equivalent.

    Being used to such extreme weather made this most recent winter storm feel like child’s play. It was hardly a blizzard at all and the storm only lasted for one day. As he had stepped outside just that morning, the titan was in awe. The snowflakes were so tiny and they glittered like gemstones! Dagda rose from his crouch and brushed the fine ice crystals from his hand. To others around him, the giant man looked around with a childlike fascination, which was perhaps a little odd. The titan was oblivious to any judgement, though. He was too caught up in exploring the snow and the winter festivities!

    The sheer amount of people and the widespread celebration was incredible. Dagda wasn’t too sure of where exactly he was - directions were never his forte - but he’d overheard a few people say the name Magnolia. The fact that everything was new and confusing on this planet still frustrated Dagda, but he was trying to stay as positive as he could. Word had spread about celebrating the Winter Solstice. The titan had asked a local who, despite seeming scared of the massive man at first, was more than excited to explain what it was about.

    So here Dagda was, towering over most of the other festival-goers. He had already tried out some of the desserts from a bakery’s booth, all of which were too sweet for his taste. Having just recently discovered that sweet foods existed, it was taking a while for the titan to get used to it. He also tried some coffee, which was bitter but not awful. The cup still occupied his hand, and the occasional sip warmed his mouth.

    The titan looked around for something else to do. Food was out of the way for a while, and Dagda wanted to try something fun to lift his spirits a little. He was about to talk to a set of twins he noticed nearby, both with incredibly red hair. There were so many odd hair colors in Earthland, which fascinated Dagda to no end. Before he could approach, a group of kids blew by him, barely missing his legs. “The snowman building contest is this way!” one cheered, and the others let out excited squeals as they ran. Brown eyes followed their trajectory, spying the park to which they were heading. Dagda decided to follow. Snowman building was one thing he did know how to do!

    When he stepped into the park, Dagda noticed it had been fenced off. The people running the contest had had the foresight to preserve the large patch of snow. Ice particles glittered across the untouched field. Along the fence, contestants were lining up to give their name to the attendant, then running out in the field to claim an area to build their snowmen.

    Dagda hopped in the end of the line, getting odd looks from some of the parents. When it was his turn to give the attendant his name, the woman had to tilt her head back to look at his face. She looked shocked, then amused. “Sir, aren’t you a little… old to participate in this?” she teased.

    “You’re never too old to have fun!” Dagda replied with a deep, rumbling laugh. The woman smiled. “My name is Dagda, by the way,” the titan continued, and she scribbled his name down. “Good luck, Dagda,” the attendant called after him with a wink. The man only waved in response.

    In just a few minutes, the contest had started. It took a few tries for Dagda to get used to the consistency of the snow. As soon as he did, the titan was packing and stacking snow with incredible speed. He was building a much smaller replica of his Leviathan form, complete with the arm runes and pebbles for eyes.

    The titan was about to place the head down when he heard a loud sob from behind him. Dagda whirled around to see a little pink-haired boy crying. Next to him was a tiny, misshapen snowman whose head had fallen off and broken to pieces. The boy collapsed to his knees and covered his eyes. Dagda’s heart skipped a beat. This boy reminded him so much of his own son...

    Looking back at his own creation, Dagda made a quick decision. He dropped the head on the ground and kicked his own creation over. Heading over to the boy, he crouched next to him. “Hey, champ, what happened?” Dagda asked gently, hoping his deep voice wouldn’t be too scary. The boy looked up between sobs. “M-my snowman broke,” he said dejectedly. “Well, do you want some help? Maybe we can fix him up!” The boy just nodded, and Dagda got on his hands and knees, collecting snow and packing it onto the little snowman. Eventually the boy’s tears ceased and he helped the giant man, packing tiny handfuls of snow on and adding pebbles and pinecones as decoration. The two worked quickly, finishing their work just as the time ran out.

    “Step away from your creations!” the attendant called out. “The judges will now look over all the snowmen and pick first, second, and third place winners!” As the judges looked over the various snowmen, Dagda and the boy stood near their project, which turned out to look like a tiny but fierce snow dragon. After a few minutes of walking around and discussion, the judges stood at the edge of the field, all the contestants gathered around.

    “In third place… Henry!” An older kid on the edge of the crowd gave a smooth nod and a content smile. “In second place… Dash and John!” A very young boy and his father embraced with excited expressions. “And in first place…”

    “Dagda and Sammy!”

    The once-sobbing face of Sammy lit up, and Dagda gave him a high five. “Good job, kiddo!” he said, laughing. “We did it!” the boy squealed in excitement, jumping up and down. Dagda reached down and lifted Sammy to sit on his shoulder. The two paraded around the group of contestants, receiving compliments left and right. Once everything calmed down, Dagda looked over at the boy perched on his muscled shoulder. “So, where are your parents, kid? We should go tell them you won!” The pink-haired child pointed off to the side of the fence, where a man with pink hair stood. Nearby, he noticed the same set of twins with fiery red hair that he had seen earlier! Maybe he would actually get to talk to them this time.

    Dagda made his way over. He realized he probably shouldn’t have lifted the kid up without asking the parents’ permission, so he placed Sammy back on the ground to walk with him. He hoped the father wouldn’t be too mad...
    @"Tii&T" @Danny

    Last edited by Dagda on 29th December 2019, 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,375

    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by TnT 21st December 2019, 8:38 pm

    Tiisha wasn't thinking about her mother for the first time in a long time. No thoughts about the matriarch bothered her. In fact, the only thing on the dragon's mind happened to be food. Specifically, a combination of tacos, pumpkin pie, fries, and hot chocolate - things that she had only just discovered! Tura struggled to keep up with his sister's appetite. The sight of his usually dignified sister stuffing her face caused the twin to lose control. Food sprayed everywhere as he began to laugh. Tii gave Tura such a glare. She swallowed, with difficulty, and wiped the corners of her mouth.

    "You shouldn't waste food like that. Eat it all and don't waste a thing. It's simply delicious! I can't believe there wasn't anything like this back home! I know we're made of energy but we were really missing out." Tiisha said, sneaking a fry from her brother's plate. She managed to avoid the responding slap. Tura scooted his plate away, curling around it to protect his treasure. "I wasn't trying to waste it! You looked ridiculous with your cheeks bulging outward. You looked like a squirrel or that your face had grown its own pair of boobs." Tiisha's cheeks colored lightly. She picked at the threads on the edges of her coat sleeve. "...I couldn't help it...."

    A rather large purple looking bug scurried by. It seemed to be attracted to the food. Tii wrinkled her nose. As the thing got closer to the table, the dragonling hissed. "What is that thing? What does it want?" Tired of its presence already, she attempted to blast the creature. The safe haven of food had caused Tiisha to forget. She no longer possessed magic. What she had once had was ripped away when the twins escaped from the clan. The creature got closer. Tii's right arm lit up with a tattoo design. Tura placed a gentle hand on his sister's arm. "Allow me." The twin stomped on the creature. It gave a wailing cry as it died.

    The twins looked at each other. They knew the significance of such a cry. Together, the dragonlings leaped away from the table. Food forgotten, they raced away from the scene of the crime. It wouldn't save them, of course. The evidence would be on Tura's shoe. Each step left a trail that led directly to the twin. They stopped near a fence. "What are we going to do? We have no magic, and you can't defend yourself without it. At least not without draining us of vitality and potentially knocking one, if not both of us out." Tii put her hands on her hips. "Well excuse me! I didn't realize my brother was an expert in defending himself against others. After all, I had to constantly step in to save him!"

    Tura flinched, hunching inside his overlarge coat. Tii felt bad immediately. "Tura..." He held up a hand, stopping her apology. The twins stood in silence. Their leather attire and their poofy coats stood in contrast. Snow gathered on their heads and shoulders. Tura came out of his hunch a few minutes later. His head fell back. "I'm really starting to hate snow. It gets everywhere. Melts, leaving everything wet..." Tii curled around her brother. The twins hugged tightly, shutting out the world. Right now, the only existences were themselves.

    WC: 559


    Tiisha & Turashi

    Jobs in Progress: 0/3

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Danny 22nd December 2019, 10:25 pm

    Danny had just gotten to Fiore for the first time. He was wanting to have some fun while he traveled around. Arminius was being his usual sour puss self, but this time he decided he was visible to the world for Sammy’s sake. After all, he wanted Sammy to know he was here for him too. Sammy was jumping about as they were at a festival in Magnolia. It was the winter solstice! Danny was even excited himself. “Okay Sammy boy!” He claps his hands as he looked down to the little pink haired kid wearing a blue flannel shirt and jean pants that matched his own. Arminius was wearing a tan shirt with pants and a hooded short sleeved trench coat. “What would you like to do first? Go eat food? Go do a contest? What bud?” Arminius had his hands shoved in his pockets as he looked down to his twin crouched next to the little boy looking excitedly around the festival. It was clear he wanted to do everything he possibly could in one go.

    “I want to go make snowmen!” He cries out after seeing the sign and quickly ran over. Danny laughs brightly and quickly follows after him. “No daddy! I wanna do it on my own! You have to just watch!” He says rather stubbornly. Danny slapped a hand on his chest and looks to the little mini him with a shocked expression. “You don’t want me joining you and helping you?!” He gasped out a bit too exaggeratedly. Arminius snorts at his brothers playfulness with his nephew, but took one of his hands out of his pocket and motioned to the kid. “Go on, go make a snowman for us to watch you do on your own. You’re a big kid now.” He smirks. Sammy excitedly jumps up and quickly turns himself around to race to the snowmen making area. He was saying aloud his plans to make a great snowman on his own and boasting about how he didn’t need any help from anyone.

    Danny bit his lip as he worriedly watched after his little one. Armi placed his hand on his brothers shoulder, and chuckles to him. “He’s going to want to do things on his own eventually… Deal with it and cheer him on. If he loses, just buy him ice cream or play another game to distract him.” Danny just glared at his brother. Since when was he a kid expert? The only kid he’s even known and liked, was only Sammy! He wasn’t stupid when he noticed how nice the ghost was to his son. He takes a deep breath and moves over to the edge of the fence to keep his eyes on his son. He looked around and noticed the hulking man joining in and felt his tongue absentmindedly lick his lips. He looked delicious. “Stop drooling over some fool, and pay attention to your son.” Arminius crossed his arms over his chest as he glared to him. Danny pouts some but he did indeed watch his son as he played in the snow to make his snowman. It wasn’t too pretty, but he was having fun, and that was all that mattered.

    Eventually, Sammy’s snowman started to fall off and Danny stiffened, especially hearing his child start to cry. He couldn’t just stand there idly! He was about to jump the fence when he noticed the big guy next to his kid starting to talk to him after destroying his own snowman. Whatever he said to his son, he seemed to cheer him up after a moment. The sad little face was breaking Danny’s heart, and Arminius’ too, but he would try to pass it off as he had a stern face and wasn’t affected by emotions like others were. The two watched as the boy was making his snowman with this big guy, and couldn’t help but start to smile as he saw his son have such a glowing face again from just making the snowman.

    Danny watched as Sammy was excitedly bouncing in place, looking really small standing next to the tall guy. He really was impatient to see what the judges had to say about his masterpiece. Danny smirked to himself, crossing an arm over his chest while he brought his hand up to cover the smirk. It would take a little bit, but eventually the judges came to a conclusion. Sammy was bouncing once again as they started listing off who got what place. As soon as he heard his name after the judges said first place, Sammy let up an excited scream and was jumping up and down before he looked over to where the viewers were and threw his arms up to his dad. Danny had started cheering along with Arminius, both of them smiling rather brightly to the pink haired kid.

    Sammy gave Dagda a high five before he was picked up and placed on the mans shoulder. He gasped about the height, but then was kicking his feet a bit and laughing happily. Danny was actually starting to blush from seeing that. He couldn’t do that! But that guy could put Danny on his shoulder any day without complaint. After he saw Sammy pointing to him, Danny realized he should probably make his way over to them, and slapped his cheeks. He needed to stop dreaming of the guy real quick. Not in front of the child. “Your fantasies need to get a hold of themselves.” Arminius snorts, making Danny glare before he walks forward a bit. Sammy was running up to him and practically tackled him. “Daddy! Did you see?! I WON! I WON! I WON! And I got this cool token!” He cries out excitedly while holding up the little token to him. “I saw! I saw! I saw! You did so great!” He smiles brightly to the boy while hugging him.

    His purple eyes look up to the tall guy coming over, and he smirked to him. “Thank you for helping him out. I’m Danny, and that’s Armi.” He jabbed his thumb to his blond brother who smiled to the kid. “Uncle Armi! You see I won?!” Sammy noticed his uncle and clapped his hands. “Yeah kid! You made a great dragon! I knew you didn’t need your daddy’s help.” He teased as Danny glared to his brother, but snorts and rolls his eyes while he smiles back at Dagda. Sammy had quickly let go of Danny and ran back over to Dagda, reaching up to grab his hand. “You want to come around the festival with us?! I wanna walk with you!” The kid said and smiled to his father. Danny’s mouth was hanging open. His kid was smooth… Probably smoother than him!

    Arminius looked over his shoulder as he noticed the pair of poofy coated redheads and raised an eyebrow towards them. Something about them made the ghost feel off… and he was a ghost. He knew what that off feeling was like. He gave it to near everyone it seemed! His tanish eyes glance back from where the two had been running from, and blinked. There was a huge freaking GROUP of ice scorpions! Probably about nine total! “Danny!” He cried out as he instantly went to block Sammy from the scorpions and gritted his teeth. The little creatures were starting to go all over the place. “Let me take over your damned body. Sammy, stay back!” He says before he seemed to absorb himself in Danny. Danny’s eyes instantly changed from purple to red, and he held himself much like a punk would. “Time to take care of these things.” He says. Inside of Danny, Arminius was much stronger, even making his brother stronger as well. He never gave Danny a chance to even think about accepting him either, but who cared? Not hm. He had to make sure that Sammy was fine.

    People were freaking out about the ice scorpions, and making it difficult on him. But there were a few that were coming after him and Sammy through the crowd. Within an instant, a devilish grin was on his face as he brought his foot down, and the four scorpions were all squished within a matter of minutes. He looked up at the two redheads hugging it out, and sighs. “Hey! There’s a scorpion coming after you!” Actually there were two, but saying that one should be enough to get their attention, right? Arminius looked back to where he saw Sammy last, seeing where the little boy had gone. He seemed to have run back towards a hot chocolate booth with a sign saying that it was a tasting contest going on, and soon too. Most people were trying to hide from the scorpions that were invading their little festival. But here Sammy was, going to hot chocolate! “Damnit, Sammy! Hide! Get away from the scorpions!” He cries out to the kid. Sammy looked back and seemed to just smile to his uncle. Of course he knew his uncle was controlling Daddy’s body, but he also knew he wouldn’t let anything hurt him too.



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
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    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Dagda 1st January 2020, 10:50 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Winter Solstice
    Post Word Count: 587
    Job Word Count: 1,831/1,500
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Home
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    ”Nice meetin’ ya, Danny and Armi! I’m glad I could help Sammy out with his snow dragon,” Dagda greeted politely, observing the two shorter men. They looked fairly similar, so he assumed they were brothers at the least, twins at the most. Armi looked unamused, but more positive when he interacted with Sammy. Danny was a handsome young fellow who seemed a lot more bubbly than his brother. Dagda immediately took a liking to the little family.

    He was about to ask if he could accompany them for the rest of the festival when Sammy bounced up and took the question right out of his mouth. “‘Course I do, kiddo! We should celebrate with some food or somethin’!” He replied in a cheerful rumble.

    Dagda followed Armi’s gaze towards the redheaded twins nearby. He still wanted to meet those two, but it seemed they had more important things to worry about. A wave of icy scorpions seemed to be in pursuit of the fraternal twins! Dagda stiffened, his worried gaze immediately finding Sammy to make sure he was safe. Though the boy wasn’t his own child, the protective instinct never left Dagda from the moment his own son was born. It seemed Armi had the same worry and was working with Danny to prepare for battle. The two suddenly merged into one person, the pink-haired man becoming the body while the blonde made himself known internally. Dagda was surprised. This was a kind of magic he had never encountered before. Curiosity rose inside him, but the titan quelled it for now. He had to focus on keeping people safe.

    While the twins and the two-brothers-in-one dealt with some of the ice scorpions, Dagda stayed near Sammy. The giant made his hands into fists. Skin turned to stone, his fists reformed in a tough blue slate. Dagda raised one hand and made a gun shape with his fingers, pointing it towards a scorpion that was approaching at a fast pace. Slate extended from the tips of his fingers, then broke off with a bang as the pieces were shot towards the enemy. Stone ripped through exoskeleton as the creature was obliterated. Another was slayed with ease.

    Dagda looked up to check on his companions. The twins seemed to be faring okay, as well as Danny/Armi. As soon as he heard Armi’s cry, the titan’s head whipped around to where Sammy was. The boy was running to a hot cocoa booth with a scorpion skittering behind him!

    Adrenaline filled Dagda. He began to run at an angle from Sammy’s trajectory. After a few seconds, the giant found himself at a safe angle to shoot at the scorpion without risking Sammy. Dagda raised his stony fist again and aimed his finger gun, closing one eye to give precision to his aim. With another sharp crack, the slate chunks flew at the creature, piercing its shell and knocking it far away from Sammy.

    Dagda let out a sigh of relief. The boy was safe, and it seemed the wave of scorpions had been defeated or disappeared. Who knew that a lovely festival could become so dangerous? It made Dagda feel nervous and protective of his companions.

    The titan joined Sammy in line for the hot cocoa booth. He crouched down next to the boy as they waited for the rest of the people to join them. “You can’t just run away from your dad like that, bud,” he chastised gently. “Be more careful next time. Now let’s try some hot cocoa!”
    @"Tii&T" @Danny



    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,375

    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by TnT 2nd January 2020, 5:01 pm

    A bit of shouting brought the twins out of their own little world. They immediately spotted more scorpions headed their way. The dragonlings reacted instinctually. "Filthy creatures!" Tii sneered, stretching out her right arm. Tura stretched out his left arm. Magic swirled around the dragons. They could feel it. The air was permeated with it, thanks to two mages defeating some of the scorpions. All of them, dear brother Tii said directly into Tura's mind. Of course, sister dear. The male dragonling stretched out his senses. The scorpions weren't hard to pinpoint. There were many of them hiding within the snow and in the shadows all around them. Tura's lip curled in disgust. He gripped the aether, giving it a simple order. Magic pulsed from the twins. As the pulse touched the scorpions, snow engulfed them. It crushed the life out of the arthropods. Then it reduced their bodies to dust.

    After the magic left them, the twins gasped. Using the magic they were used to had consumed their life energy. With their recovery happening slowly, they didn't have much to spare. Tii crashed into the ground barely conscious. Tura knelt clumsily next to his sister. His head spun. His vision flickered. The dragonling touched his sister. His energy flowed into her. His eyesight failed entirely. Tura lost all feeling of his fingers and toes. The dragonling knew what was happening but he didn't stop sending energy into his sister. She was more important than he was.

    Tii woke up rapidly. A warm feeling filled her chest. It felt like being bathed in love. Pure, untainted love that never faded. The dragonling looked up at her brother, a smile on her face. Her happiness shattered. Tura's face was gaunt. His eyes were completely missing, leaving only empty sockets. When Tii moved, her brother fell over into the snow. She noticed his fingers were missing too while crawling to him. "Tura! Turashi! You damn idiot! What did you do?!" Tii shook her brother. Nothing she did made her brother move. The dragonling struggled to figure out exactly what her brother had done. He'd always been better at their particular brand of magic.

    "Someone help us! Please!" Tii called out. She stroked her brother's hair. Tura coughed. The snow was painted a brilliant blue. The substance froze instantly. It sparkled in the light. Tii's breath caught in her throat. That substance equaled blood for their kind. Whatever Tura had done, it had brought her brother to the brink of death. "Oh, you fool. I'm not worth this." She laid her head upon Tura's shoulder. The dragonling wouldn't be living without her brother. If he was gone... she suspected she wouldn't last long. "Don't leave me, Tura. Please. I can't do this without you." Tii whispered.

    WC: 463


    Tiisha & Turashi

    Jobs in Progress: 0/3

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Danny 7th January 2020, 11:09 pm

    tags: @Dagda @"Tii&T"
    WC: (1298) 1324 (1298+26extra)
    job link/job approval
    Arminius let up a growl as he simply crushed the remaining ice scorpions, not letting them get too far. Of course some had passed him and it seemed that Dagda got them. The twins seemed to get them too. These things were a pest. He takes a deep breath as he stands there he knew Dagda went after Sammy, so at least his nephew should be okay… he hoped. He shook his head and looked over towards the two redheads. They were doing some sort of theatrics it seemed to him. He instantly found himself making his way over to them and investigating. “You don’t have to shout. I’m right here, jeez.” Arminius picked at his ear as he sneered a bit. He made Danny have a completely different aura about him. He looked down at the male and crouched next to him. He put his hand on the others neck, and attempted to listen to his heartbeat.

    He purses his lips a bit, and smirks a little as he nods. “He’s fine. He just needs a Health pill…” He murmurs to himself. He then snapped his fingers and stood up before he reached into his back pocket. Of course Daniel had a little travel first aid kit for Samuel! It was literally the size of the palm of his hand, and could honestly have been mistaken as a wallet if he didn’t move so much. Arminius chuckles as he opened up the little kit and peered in. A moment later, he pulls up a little thin clear package that was vacuum sealed over a red pill. He quickly grabbed near the pill with one hand and ripped open the package with his teeth while his other hand closed the kit and put it back in his back pocket. The ghost looked to the female and held out the pill to her. “I need you to feed this to him if you want him to live. Give him like… five minutes to recover after giving the pill to him. And then something to eat and drink, he’ll need it.” He says as he stands up. He looks around for Sammy, spying him hanging out with the tall guy.

    Sammy had smiled up to Dagda when he had come over to him. He didn’t seem too scared after Dagda had shot at the scorpion that was after him. “It’s okay, I knew either you or uncle Armi would come help!” He piped up rather happily to the tall man. He had pumped up his arm though as he was excited again. “Yes! Hot chocolate!" He looked over to see his uncle in his fathers body coming over to them after slightly making sure the twins were okayish. Everything seemed calm for now, and the child already found himself sipping some of the hot chocolate that was available. The vendor had slowly come out of hiding, hearing only a child's slurping from a cup not too far from him. “Wow! I like this peppermint hot cocoa!” He exclaimed a bit as he sipped it some more. He sipped it till the little taste cup was empty. Then he begun pouting to the cup. He wanted more… the vendor takes a deep breath and grabs a bigger cup before he puts more of the peppermint cocoa in it and hands it to the child with a token under it as a coaster kind of. “Careful… it’s hot.” He warned the kid. Danny giggled as he hands the token to Dagda. “Here! You can have it this time!” He beams happily.

    “You’re not causing any trouble, are you little knucklehead?” Arminius questions as he stuffs a hand in his pocket. He honestly didn’t think that those scorpions were the last of them… Sammy giggles to his uncle and shook his head. “No uncle Armi! Just trying some cocoa!” The boy says all too innocently. The little pink haired boy looks up to Dagda, and grins to him again while his eyes seemed to shine up to him. “Can I stay with you while my uncle runs off?” Arminius blinked as he put a hand to his chest. “Jeez kid! Trying to get rid of your uncle already?! C’mon!” He ruffled the kids head and crouched down near him. He then poked his nose. “Kid… listen here. I know I’m not getting out of your dads body, but I want to make sure you’re safe. Okay? Your daddy needs me to be stronger and to protect you.” He nods to the child. Sammy looked serious for once while looking at him. That was a start. “You can’t be going ahead and taking things into your own hands, like asking people we just met to watch over you, especially since I wasn’t planning to run off. Not with you here. You are mines and your daddy’s responsibility, not someone we just mets responsibility. No offence, but it’s true.” Armi had glanced to Dagda at that last bit while he scolded his nephew.

    The young boy frowned and looked around. He felt a bit guilty now, and wanted to look away from his uncle, even though he had a cup of delicious hot cocoa in his hands. As he was looking away, he spotted something shining behind a tent, and blinked a bit. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he could tell it was tall, sort of like Dagda, but it was definitely not as muscular and it shot some ice out at people, chilling them and already starting to cause a commotion. “Uh… uncle Armi…?” Sammy says just as he jumped in front of the boy. “Hide behind the table this time!” He hissed. The ice creature was too close, closer than the scorpions, and wielded a spear in its hands. Armi looked around and noted two others that looked just like the first one that Sammy noticed. “I saw you had a good shot there, why not show off to my brother again and work with me?” Arminius smirked over to Dagda as he held up his fists. If he had a sword, it would be nicer, buuuut he would have to deal without. He glanced over towards the twins again. Was the one feeling better now? They could help out too if they were well, especially since one of the ice creatures was close to them.

    Next thing Arminius knew, he had moved his feet and went after one of the elementals and grabbed it’s wrist just as it was firing at a person rather angrily. “I’m sorry! But you’re ruining my nephews day at the festival! You gotta go!” He growled a bit before he yanked the arm off. The creature looked at the place its arm used to be, and Arminius aimed it at him. “I’ll beat the crap out of you with your own arm. Don’t try me bud.” He hissed. He then almost had a spear struck through his head! With a sigh, Arminius rolled up Danny’s sleeves, and quickly tucked himself in before he went in and landed some strikes to the creature, and they weren’t quiet either. The strikes had literally pounded into the ice creature and echoed a bit. The ice was cracking. And as soon as he landed another punch at the center, the whole chest caved in and the creature let up a shriek from the pain before jabbing it’s spear at Arminius again, who crossed his arms above him to block it just right and make the spear land behind him. He lowered his arms to see the creature laying in pieces next to him. “That’s what I thought, punk.” He snickers to himself and pretends to put on a pair of fake shades and crossed his arms over his chest.



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Dagda 12th January 2020, 9:03 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Winter Solstice
    Post Word Count: 622
    Job Word Count: 2,453/1,500
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Home
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    ”Thank you!” Dagda said with a smile when Sammy handed him the ice token. He wasn’t sure what it was for, but it was a pretty little item. It seemed to never melt. As Sammy sipped on the peppermint cocoa, Dagda looked over the different flavors thoughtfully. Spiced hot cocoa? No, he’d never tried spicy anything before. Peppermint hot cocoa? He looked down at Sammy sipping happily on his cup. Maybe… Dark chocolate orange cocoa? Dagda peered into the cauldron. He desperately wished he could smell the drink to determine if he would like it or not. Anosmia definitely had its downsides. With a shrug, he pointed to the dark chocolate orange one. The booth attendant ladled some into a cup and handed it to the man. He looked intimidated by Dagda, but the titan was blissfully unaware.

    One sip and Dagda was in love with the flavor. It wasn’t as sweet as a lot of Earthland food and drink seemed to be. There was a bitterness to the rich liquid. He let out a sigh of contentment.

    He turned to see Danny - or was it Armi, or both? - had joined them and was talking to Sammy. The little pink-haired boy looked up and asked cheekily if he could stay with the titan while his uncle ran off. Dagda’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He waited to respond as Armi lectured the boy.

    “None taken,” Dagda replied with a slight wave of his hand. He understood that a kid talking to strangers, especially giants like himself, was scary and risky. One could never be sure who is trustworthy and who isn’t.

    The learning moment was interrupted by some screams nearby. Dagda whirled to see a group of three large creatures made of pure ice, nearly as tall as himself. All of them held spears and were shooting icicles at nearby people, freezing them in place. Armi had told Sammy to hide, then Dagda locked eyes with him. The smaller man asked if he would work with him to fight off the ice monsters. “Gladly. Let’s go!”

    Armi darted towards one of the advancing ice people, so Dagda locked onto another. He approached and raised his fists, the skin melting into dark blue-gray slate. The ice elemental wasn’t meeting his eyes, instead locking in on nearby people and shooting ice at them. Each time Dagda tried to move into its field of vision, the creature turned away.

    The titan was growing frustrated. Why wouldn’t this thing look at him? He marched up and got in its face. The ice person attempted to shoot another frosty barrage at a nearby woman, but Dagda reached out and blocked it with his hand. Stone hands grabbed the icy shoulder and whirled the creature around. “Why won’t you fight me?” he growled at it.

    “You are not our target, stone brother,” the high pitched voice hissed in response. Its face was emotionless. “There is not much heat in your center. We strive to end the warm ones,” it motioned to the festival-goers around.

    “What?” Dagda replied, his brow furrowing. “I am nothing like you. I AM YOUR ENEMY,” the stone titan roared, his deep voice echoing loudly around the clearing. Without hesitation he grabbed the elemental’s head with one hand, digging rocky fingers in to get a grip. He rained punches on the creature’s body, shattering the ice until there was just shards. Only the head remained, which he dropped to the ground and promptly crushed beneath his foot.

    Looking around, he realized Armi had defeated one of the creatures. He noticed the redheads nearby and hoped they were faring well. Sammy seemed to be hidden, and Dagda hoped he had stayed out of the fray.
    @"Tii&T" @Danny



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    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by TnT 14th January 2020, 3:27 pm

    Tiisha was confused by the stranger that approached to help. Heartbeat? Health pill? What were those going to do for her brother? Food and water was a pleasant sensation for their kind but not necessary. So why had the man said her brother would need them? The dragonling sat by quietly trying to digest the information. Perhaps it had to do with the inner workings of physical beings. The man that had looked at Tura had the touch of the Aether. That might explain why he treated Tura like a human. He wasn't aware of his aetheric presence. Tii rubbed her forehead. That also meant the measures the man had taken were useless. Tura might improve but not enough to live. She debated absorbing Tura into her body. It was something the twins could do having been born as one before being split in two. Tura opened his eyes just long enough to glare at his sister. Tii stuck her tongue out. That was a definitive no then.

    More ice monsters were appearing to attack the crowds. This festival couldn't be typical, could it? Tii pushed to her feet. Whether it was typical didn't matter. Those monsters would provide aetheric energy. The energy needed to heal her brother. Failing that, the dragonling might siphon energy off the passersby. They were peasants after all. Perfect fodder for a dragon. The only issue with that route was the local authorities and potentially alerting their clan. The two of three thin ice elementals were being taken care of by the man who had helped and a tall drink of water. Tii rushed forward. A brushing of her fingers siphoned a small amount of energy from the elemental. The creature ignored her focusing on humans. Fine. Tii set her hands against the creature's leg. Energy started flowing into her. From there it passed out of her back forming a sparkling pale blue river linking to her brother. The color rapidly returned to Tura's cheeks. The fizzing at the edges of his physical form halted. Crisis averted. Tii pulled away from the elemental, shattering the creature with a kick. The idiotic thing had aimed at humans until its dying moments.

    Tii patted the muscular hunk with strange hair on the arm. "Good work, buddy. Way to shatter them!" She beamed before turning toward the man that had helped them earlier. "Thanks for trying to help earlier. It was the kick I needed to get my butt in gear. By the way, what is a heartbeat?" She cocked her head to the side. Tura stumbled up to the group. He didn't look in top shape but at least he wasn't dying. "I hate to break this up, gentleman, dearest sister, but that wasn't the last of them." The dragonling pointed towards a scene of destruction. A thick brute of a snowman savaged a building. "There's also something on the rooftops but I can't pinpoint its location." Tii puffed out her cheeks. Her irritation at her brother leaked through her pores. He'd interrupted a big moment. What was a heartbeat?!

    Tura leaned into his sister. "Shall we deal with the brute, dear sister? I think we can handle it. Leave these fine gentlemen to hunt the creature on the rooftops." The redhead noticed the child. A smile spread across his face. Tura rarely saw any kids. He didn't even know if he had any residing in the clanhome. He squatted down nearly falling over. "Hello there! What's your name? Mine is Turashi." Tii rolled her eyes at her brother. She couldn't care less for children. While Tura fooled around, she would feed him more energy. The dragonling charged her enemy. The creature was slow. Tii's darting movements and brushing touches slowly drained it of energy. Another blue river of energy connected the twins while Tii fought. Once the creature's energy had been fully drained, it collapsed. Tii limped back over to her twin. The snow brute had gotten a few lucky hits in. Tura gestured for Tii to squat as well. "This is my twin, Tiisha. Don't mind if she's rude, she's like that with everybody."

    WC: 689
    TWC: 1711/1500
    (1 normal and 1 strong defeated)


    Tiisha & Turashi

    Jobs in Progress: 0/3

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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    ✺ Winter Wonders ✺ Empty Re: ✺ Winter Wonders ✺

    Post by Danny 15th January 2020, 8:02 pm

    tags: @Dagda @"Tii&T"
    WC: (1481) 2805 (3969 Total Combined Excess WC)
    job link/job approval
    The kid smiled up to the giant as he sipped his hot chocolate more before his uncle came over to them. Arminius was glad that Dagda was okay with him calling him a stranger, technically, even though his brother was head over heels for this guy already after just meeting him. Everything was a slight blur to the ghost after that as he had told Sammy to get behind the table, and he and the giant went to work on a couple of the ice creature things. He had looked over as he finished with his elemental, and heard Danny in the back of his mind. ‘Hot…’ Armi sighs deeply and looks over towards the twins. They were over by Dagda, and Danny had let out a whine inside of his head that made Armi roll his eyes before smacking his temple. Getting his brother to shut up there. When he was addressed by the female, Arminius blinked. “A heart beat. You know, the-” He shook his head as he looked over to the stumbling redheaded twin, and looked to where the guy was pointing. Oh joy.

    He nodded though. “Yeah, I’ll get the other thing. Sammy, stay hidden! I’ll be back quickly.” He tells his nephew as he quickly jumped up to get on a building. Thank goodness for him or his brother wouldn’t of been able to jump up on top of things like so. Sammy had peered out from around the tablecloth to the hot chocolate stand, and looked at Turashi. “I’m Sammy. My uncle just told me not to be with strangers....” He frowns as he peered to Dagda. He seemed to be silent while he sipped his hot chocolate while sitting on the ground. He didn’t particularly care about getting his clothes dirty. Daddy would have them cleaned regardless. When the other girl came over to talk to him, Sammy squinted, especially with how she was introduced. His eyes squinted harder at her before he gave a cheesy smile and stuck his tongue out in her direction. “Rude people aren’t nice.” He tells the other with a pout before he sipped his chocolate again.

    Arminius hoped he could deal with this quickly. He hated leaving Sammy alone, but this was to keep him safe. He got lucky before with Dagda helping him, but he may not be lucky next time. It didn’t take too long for Arminius to be smacked with a rock followed by a chunk of ice. He groans as he was knocked off the top of the stalls and slowly moved to sit up once again. With a sigh, he looked up at a yeti. Of course it made him take a double take that he was looking at an actual yeti! Oh boy. This was going to be fun… Time to actually test his strength! He grabbed his knuckles and cracked them, one hand at a time. As soon as he felt ready, he quickly jumped up onto the roof again and was aiming himself right at the yeti. Time to put this strength to work!

    The next moment, Arminius had barreled right through the yeti and was working on throwing it off of the roof with himself with it. The yeti might have been better at coordinating things than he thought one would, but it didn’t expect to be tackled off of a roof or anything. It thought it was big and bad and could do what it pleases. Not with Armi’s nephew around would he. He quickly threw back his arm and slammed it down at the yeti’s face a few times. The ghost twin was going to thank himself yet again for the extra strength. But this yeti wasn’t going down so easily. He kneed the creature a few times, not giving it enough time to react. No way was he letting it get anywhere near his nephew. One of the few humans he was okay with. Or more the only one.

    The ghost reeled back a bit as he was nearly chomped at finally by the yeti the moment it found an opening. “Hah! You thought!” The ghost laughs at the other before he quickly kicks at the leg, actually managing to kick it into a ice spike that the yeti had thrown prior to Armi’s arrival. It made the creature stumble a bit and the ghost threw another punch at the yeti’s face, knocking it back and into a rock that wobbled onto it’s head. It made a nasty cracking sound, and Arminius didn’t want to see what exactly had cracked… but he hoped it wasn’t the rock if he was honest. He kicked at the yeti to be sure, and it didn’t seem to move after the beating he had given it and the rock on its head.

    Once he was sure the yeti was no more, Armi removed himself from Danny, giving Danny full control of his body once again. He looked around and saw Armi walking ahead of him with his arms behind his head. “We’re done. I think there’s nothing else here.” The ghost told his living twin before Danny quickly gathered himself back and started running after him. “Lets get to Sammy!” He called out before he ran off ahead of the ghost.

    It took only a few minutes, but Danny came skidding across the dirt and around the corner. “Sammy!” “I’m here daddy!” Sammy jumped out from under the table with his cup of peppermint hot chocolate and ran right to his father, hugging him happily. “You get all of the monsters gone with uncle Armi?” Danny nodded as he picked up his son. Looking around, he saw the damage that was there, and took a deep breath. “Yeah… There are no more monsters, kid.” Arminius says, peering around Danny. “I saw a snowball war on my way back here that your snowdragon is in. Want to go and do it?” Sammy gasped as he instantly jumped and was ready to go and do the contest, nearly jumping out of Danny’s arms. The pink haired guy let his child down and run off with his uncle, following behind, but not before he looked back at Dagda and gave him a smile before giving him a wink and two finger salute while sticking out his tongue to show the tongue ring, that Arminius got him a while ago, to him.

    When the trio had gotten close to the snowball war arena, people were starting to slowly come together again. Sammy was excitedly jumping up and down, Danny holding his mug of peppermint Hot Chocolate, and sipping it slowly so it wouldn’t go to waste. As soon as they were actually at the arena, people were calm enough to want to actually do the war. “Daddy! Are you going to join me this time?!” Sammy asked as he looked up to his father. With a snort, Danny finished off the hot chocolate to toss the cup, then nodded. “Lets get going!” He calls to his son before they went in the area. They were given some snowball guns loaded with snowball pellets, and Danny was handed three heat grenades. Armi stayed back and watched from the outskirts of the arena, honestly looking bored, but was interested in what his little nephew was doing.

    “Alright Sammy, we gotta keep our side clear. Don’t let people come in, alright! Keep our flag here!” He chuckles as he holds up the gun and got ready for the horn to flare off. As soon as it did, all the snow creatures came to life and were going around to others. Danny kept Sammy’s and Dagda’s snow dragon from being hit a few times as he went in and out behind some snow and ice poles. Sammy was just having a good old time over by the snow castle. Danny was glad that the group they were against gave his son a chance to actually shoot at them once they saw the kid there, especially since this was his first time in something like this. At the end of the game, Danny and Sammy were laying in the snow, laughing to one another as they were covered in snow, along with their opponents. Of course they had fun.

    And as soon as they got up, they were given some more of the ice tokens. “Daddy! We got more of the tokens!” Danny hugged Sammy close, and kissed his head. “Yup! You did good today kiddo! You did good…” They had gotten up, and Danny dusted off the snow from them before they walked out of the arena. They didn’t even know who had won. All the snow creations were destroyed, and everyone had snow all over them at least. They all had fun, that was what mattered. Danny only hoped they’d meet Dagda again though… He’d love it.


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:36 pm