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    Wine Tasing

    Spectra Vondergeist
    Spectra Vondergeist

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 99
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭4,062.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ghost Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Wine Tasing Empty Wine Tasing

    Post by Spectra Vondergeist 25th July 2019, 5:24 pm

    Wine Tasing Tumblr_p5b7wjkzxt1qa8hrgo1_400

    "Don't dream it, be it."

    Sasha was always a fan favorite, after all of his performances he would receive a standing ovation and a demand for an encore, but on top of all that certain people in the crowd who were just captivated would always ask a favor, this time it was a nice man who had made a new and interesting wine, he described it to be bitter sweet with a unique face-punching flavor. Sasha was opportunistic and wasn't about to turn down a new and exciting opportunity like this. He didn't know who else was going to be there but it seemed like something to do and Sasha was always down for an adventure.

    Arriving to the small wine shop he was welcomed with open arms by the owner. "Ohhh Sasha, so glad you could come!" The owner seemed thrilled that his guest had accepted the invite, but also surprised, in a good way. "Well thank you for inviting me darling." Sasha said, giving the owner an air kiss on each side of his cheek. "Well let's get this party started." Sasha said, walking through the door to see a few other people who were also here for the tasting. They were better dressed for the occasion compared to Sasha who was more scantily clad which of course gained a few stares but Sasha was used to that treatment. "Let's get this started, shall we?" The owner said, raising his glass and hitting it with a tiny spoon creating a slight ding sound. Immediately everyone got to their respective stations and butlers came from the doors with two large bottles of wine, each being a different color with a different label and of course a different name. "First we will be tasting, Pomme cerise." the butlers came over to each taster, filling their glass about half way with the reddish pink liquid. Everyone took a sip, while others struggled to keep it in their mouths Sasha spit it out immediately. "You'd think you were trying to poison us! This is horrid." Everyone else had been to scared to give their real opinion, but the owner was grateful. "Thank you for your honesty, the second one should be better."

    Sasha was doubtful. He questioned if this man even knew how to make wine, but he decided it would be in his best interest to stay. After all he had nothing better to do. "This next taste will be of Paire de citron, a personal favorite of mine." As the glasses were filled once again Sasha could only hope for the best. As the group took a taste they were pleasantly surprised. It was not extremely bitter like the last one, it was sweet but not too sweet and overall had an amazing flavor. Sasha was impressed. "Absolutely divine! More!" He shouted and the butlers listened, filling glass after glass until Sasha just couldn't drink anymore.

    The owner of course was delighted that someone liked it that much, but then he remembered that was the only batch he had made and he didn't remember the recipe! Sasha was on the last glass of the entire bottle, he yelled for his special guest to stop but he didn't listen, drinking every little drop. "Thanks for the drink wine-boy." Sasha said with a wink as he walked out, feeling a little tipsy but not at all guilty!

    WC: 560/500


    Wine Tasing Ghostie1
    Spectra Vondergeist | Ghost Magic | Theme Song | #FF5BAD

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:45 pm